  • Report:  #186195

Complaint Review: AmeriplanUSA - Nationwide

Reported By:
- North las vegas, Nevada,

5700 Democracy Drive Nationwide, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Hello All!

I was a National Sales Director with Ameriplan USA.I hit the top of the payplan within 4 months,I recieved every bonus they had between $500-$2000 each and i was a major player and producer.I was all over the brochures,on the training site and ran Team Training Calls for the Freedom At Home and Get It Done Right Team.

Ameriplan decided to do the broker specials and we would only get $10 for each broker we signed.I decided it would be best for me to get another business going to provide for my family.I am a natural recruiter with MLM experience.

My boyfriend at the time started a networkmarketing business called Gold Calling.ITs a business opportunity and a lead generation system that provided us with 25k leads a week.I approached my upline and the corporate office about this product and gave them the website to look over. I recieved verbal okay to do the system.In my opinion i shouldnt have had to ask because it was in my fiance name and his business.

Well, We started making really good money with the system.Gold Calling was paying our bills while after all the hard work Ameriplan wasnt providing what i needed.

My upline called me and was furious...claimed she was looking out for me and in the same sentence said that i had to stop doing the other business or else.She also verbally threaten to have my business taken away from me.Her upline called be an hour before that and stated that i was a leader and everyone was looking at the fact that i was doing another business.She told me i couldnt do it anymore or i would lose my business.She said i wasnt setting a good example for the team.

within 1 hour of speaking with her i was locked out my back office.I couldnt contact anyone from my team. They shut my websites down Took my pictures off the training sites Tried to erase me totally... They knew they were trying to have me terminated.

I was going to get a direct deposit for $2500 two days later and they took it back.

I recieved a $7000 bonus for reaching 25,000 presidents club and fast tracking through everything.

They took that too .

Everything is gone and they have everything i worked hard for...

I never recieved a fax,email or letter and the corporate office wouldnt take my phone calls.

I was wrongfully terminated with AmeriplanUSA

When i was going to do the other business..my upline who i trusted said..No its okay they would never terminate you because you are a producer and i dont see that your breaking the rules.Everything was fine.

I was done very wrong with Ameriplan USA and i caution anyone joining this company.I lost my shirt to this company. I recieved a letter weeks after the fact... The letter stated i was terminated for using the Gold Calling auto-dialer system to contact Ameriplan Reps and recruit them.

The only problem with this is... I didnt use the Gold Calling System when i recieved it..I only sold it.I have proof of this because i couldnt get my system to work for the first two months.My upline also sent out daily emails to my team stating my income earnings and this is illigal...spoke very badly about me and nothing but slandar.

I recieved a threat from one of the broker's with AP that they were going to ride to Nevada with a white sheet on the heads and show me and my family a real good time.

As far as i know they have been terminated after i sent that to corporate.

I also had a notice i posted very bold on the Gold Calling Site(other business) that clearly stated we couldnt sell to Ameriplan Broker's.When AP broker's called and asked me for the program i told them i couldnt sell it to them.I wasnt even the one selling it. My fiance was the one who the program was in his name and he sold it so we could pay our bills.

I knew they were planning this against me so lucky i had money put aside to take care of my bills.I used my whole savings getting to the top of Ameriplan chasing their DREAM they pitch...Between Leads,purchsing ads,solo ads,newspaper ads,advertising on monster.com and giving leads to my team to build them.

Dont believe them ..Whatever you do dont join the Get It Done Right Team or the Freedom At Home Team if you are looking for multiple streams of income or ever doing another business because they will let you build and build and then they will have you terminated so they can keep your volume.

Its not a business its a false hope There is way more investment and the reason people dont make it to RSD that much is because you gotta call in favors',chase after family and friends.

The truth is ..to have success with AP you have to spend over $2k in leads,advertising and email marketing per a month to get anywhere and your only making it back if you are in the bonus program. The only real ones making money in Ameriplan USA are the bloom brothers and the ones that came in with the bonus program.

I called 100-200 leads a day including sunday for almost a year,lost time with my family,my fiance and i have gotten in many fights over my business...

My excuse was it would be worth it..when i could live off the residual.

Everytime i complained about money to my upline or it not being worth it ..they came with another excuse. They even offered me $100 a broker to help them move up to NVP. YES i have proof!!!

BEWARE OF AP or you will lose your freedom of choice,and you will never be able to run another business.They will cut you off.

They have alot in their policy and contracts that doesnt protect you as an affiliate for them. Their contract protects AmeriplanUSA only.

Read the contract before you sign... click on the disclaimer

only .05% ever make it to ESD


Before you join ask them ..how many people does it take me enrolling to make $10k a month???


They tell you to pass out flyers,chase after family and friends,have a garage sell to get to their conventions...

Why would a leader tell you to do what they wouldnt do themself?? Leader's dont pass out flyers and you shouldnt either...

You want to know more about me just type my name into google... first and last read my blog and you will know the truth

Ameriplan being listed with BBB means nothing when they terminate you...

Katherine North las vegas, Nevada

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10 Updates & Rebuttals


Katherine, why do you call anyone here that posts a POSITIVE report a "Shill"

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, June 13, 2007

Hi Katherine. You're talkng like you're trying to give just the honest facts, but EVERYBODY here that posts a POSITIVE report about AmeriPlan, you call them a company "Shill". Is it possible that AmeriPlan really DOES work for many people? Maybe AmeriPlan doesn't work well in YOUR area, but most people that have success stories in here are NOT company plants! Here's some truth for you whether you can accept it as truth or not. I sincerely hope that you can. I can assure you I am NOT a company "Shill". I am a National Director. I used to punch a clock for a living earning VERY LITTLE income, but I built my AmeriPlan residual income to over $104,000 per year. I read one post in here that stated that passing out flyers doesn't work. When I first started with AmeriPlan, I didn't know how to turn a computer on. I passed out flyers only for my first 2 years. My residual income from this effort climbed to over $40,000 per year. Of course you have to understand how flyers work. If you're in an area with no providers, flyers won't work for you because you're trying to work your local market. Also, to make flyers work big time, you have to pass out hundreds each week, AND GET THEM IN THE RIGHT PLACES. I built up a very happy "Member Base" (not IBO's I'm talking about now) that were saving lots of money with these flyers. Many of them were so happy that they called me with referrals of people they knew and asked if I could help THEM too. I can't speak for the situatuion YOU were in, as I am NOT in Janie Jones' organization. As far as upline support that I got, several of them traveled great distances on a regular basis to meet and train me and my group. Now I DO work the internet almost exclusively, and yes, it does take SOME money and effort to make that work. I can't think of ANY business that doesn't take money and effort? And you're right when you say that most people don't make it to ESD, but there is more to the story than what you stated. The reason that most people don't make it to ESD is that MOST people that come into the business put no effort at all into the business, so there is no way it CAN work for them. They never get off "square one". The good news is, you only need a couple of people to come in and take the business serious and go to work for your business to grow. Is AmeriPlan perfect. NO! No company is. But you can type in Wal-Mart, the U.S. Government, Goodwill, or any business and do an internet search and find unhappy people and BBB reports on many of them. Microsoft got sued by the federal govenment but that doesn't mean it's not a service that people are still using everyday and are happy about it! I'm not trying to be critical of YOU, just wanted to add my experience and the way AmeriPlan has worked for me. Gary


To "K - Carlsbad, California"....Liar?...I think not.

#3Consumer Suggestion

Fri, July 14, 2006

"K", Thanks for the reminder to take my pill. Nothing like a strong narcotic with my first cup of coffe! As far as being a Liar..I don't think so. Why would I lie? And how would you know if I worked AmeriPlan or not? You have absolutely no way of knowing, but I can tell you that I got in very early. I started in Florida in 1994, and I moved to Las Vegas in 1995. I marketed in Las Vegas when it was not even in NV yet! The terminology "IBO" did not even exist yet. I cancelled my account with them in 1999. Try that and then talk to me. I built a huge organization. Those two inbred homo brothers from Utah are pretty slick, I will give them that. I can attest to the fact that Ameriplan will rip you off any way they can. You cannot even dispute anything with them. They automatically respond with a letter that says " We are sorry to see that you have cancelled your account with AmeriPlan....". WHAT??????????? I never cancelled anything! But according to them, if you correct them and dispute an "error" of any kind..They cancel you. Then when they "re-instate" you, most of your downline is gone. Where did it go? Too many games with AmeriPlan. And they are all about selling everything to their reps. That is where they make their money!


To Steve,

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, July 14, 2006

To SteveYour comments are worthless as you are. Go pop another pill liar! I heard you never worked AP. You were bought to promote the gimmick. To Katherine, I sincerely feel bad for what happened to you. AP has done you wrong. That is why I got out awhile ago. I saw red flags everywhere I turned. I wish you the best of luck in your fight. I agree, what goes around comes around threefold.


Katherine...The word you are looking for here..

#5Consumer Suggestion

Mon, July 03, 2006

You had the permission to SELL it. You put something up for SALE, you do not SALE it. Image is everything in business, as is literacy.


North las vegas,
I had verbal permission to sale it people!

#6Author of original report

Sat, July 01, 2006

Anyone who doesn't see what is going on with that and that sorry team Freedom at home team are crazy! I had verbal permission to sale it. As far as cross promotion.. I can send you a copy of the termination letter i got way after the fact! Is it me or is it not America! If we want to have another source of income ..we should have that right. When i was first recruited into the company,I was told it was okay for me to have another business.It was all good. You get in and then little by little you find out all the rules..etc When you get your bonus checks and make another level of management you get another contract in the mail each time. I bet you never read the contracts..you just signed the checks and put the contract in the desk like me. READ THE SMALL PRINT! I was threaten from Janie Jones. She called me and gave me a choice. Pennie Berk Called me at the same time..and said "never make Janie Jones Mad, she will have your business taken away." Well, she never lied about that one! They said i was a leader and if we were doing another business then we were setting a bad example for the team. I refused to make my husband take the Gold Calling Website down. At the time we werent even married. Different last names! If i was doing such a bad thing... why would i have personally called Tod and told him the link and info to the gold calling site? I recieved verbal permission to sale GC. Then when i wouldnt do what you wanted you flipped out on me..Threaten me and had my business taken away! Now for those who said i was cross promoting? My fiance at the time and husband now..was doing solo ads etc You can not control where the solo ads go when they go out to over 80,000 subscribers from a Work At Home Moms Site,Can you? I had a big notice on my website WE CAN NOT SELL TO AMERIPLAN BROKERS! I personally think they were trying to set me up. JANIE i see you have you husband posting on here for you.. Michael since you want to step up to the plate for your wife.. Your wife told me.. If i got in trouble i would just get a small warning.. they would never terminate me because i was a producer! It was a personal attack because i wouldnt bend over and take it up the you know what for Janie Jones after Myself and my business partner had helped her and Pennie Berk move up.. If your smart you will look at the record. I made National in 4 1/2 months My business partner made it in 5 months Janie Jones saw that we had networkmarketing skills and used us to help her make NVP and then dumped us to the wind because we had to work another business to pay the bills. I am not stating i never made money with Ameriplan.I did. I had to spend my way to the top! I paid my way to the top! Oh..Janie and Michael.. you know what really happen.. Remember when you said" Katherine dont worry about it, anything happens i will have your back." Oh this is the famous one... " its not stacking, its referring brokers!" Oh and dont think i dont have copies of every conversation and email we ever had...including with MRS Pennie BERK... Sit on that one! No worries... When wrong happens to someone who is good it comes back worse to the person who created the storm. P.S i still have copies of all the PRE-PAID CREDIT CARDS that you bought for us to place people on your team to make you NVP Janie and Michal JOnes! (i thought i should keep them just incase something happen.. I knew i couldnt trust you as far as we threw you!) You guys are a joke! You like to throw that story out there that you can work AP with just handing out flyers! Why dont you tell the truth! Tell people how much you were spending in ads... HOw many people on your team you had working leads for you! Oh this is the real one.. i love it when you say.. " Its your business,Its willable and sellable." You do not own the business when you get with Ameriplan. You are an affiliate and at any time they can terminate you. There were two more Nationals terminated in the last month! That is really sad. check the disclaimer with Ameriplan... ONLY .05% ever make it to ESD! That is SAD! You want the truth about Ameriplan and what it takes to be successful ...email me ..I will tell you all about the GOOD,THE BAD and the UGLY! READ THE POLICY AND PROCEDURES! THATS THE BIGGEST TIP I CAN GIVE YOU! HOW DO YOU MAKE THE BIG BUCKS WITH AMERIPLAN! STACKING TELLING LIES WRONGFUL TERMINATION TO STEAL SOMEONE ELSE'S TEAM! HAHA! 1/2 of them QUIT because they didnt get the same leadership,or team support! THE ONLY ONE AT THE TOP OF THE FAHT is JANIE JONES & if she has it her way...it will stay that way!


Saint. Louis,
She asked permission to sell it FOOLS

#7Consumer Comment

Sat, July 01, 2006

She got a RAW DEAL anyway you look at it! Katherine, I would sue the company without a doubt!!


Katherine's Tunnel Vision

#8UPDATE Employee

Thu, May 04, 2006

What Katherine CONVIENTLY left out of her diatribe was the actual REASON she was terminated. Katherine was soliciting her downline in her "other business". An action known as "CROSS RECRUITING", and it is CLEARLY stated in the policies and proceedures manual that this action is grounds for immediate termination.


Katherine Kulolo (or however you spell it)

#9Consumer Comment

Sat, April 15, 2006

Katherine has a successful track record in the sense that she enrolls & builds people up into her MLM businesses & JUMPS ship. I feel sorry for those that have followed her. There is no doubt that some people make good money jumping from one MLM to another. The very sad part is that too many are left with a huge loss and broken dreams. Katherine is a selfish, dream stealer. Katherine, CONGRATS on the 3 or more ventures that you have started and quit since AmeriPlan. How do you sleep at night knowing that you have ruined lives in the wake of your personal "success"? AmeriPlan was never for you as it is a company that believes in people & delivers on their promise! Something you know nothing about! Happy trails Katherine...God bless Ameriplan! It's up to God & the goodness of AmeriPlan to clean up after MLM'ers (quiters)like yourself. Your posting just makes us stronger.

Terri Lynn

It appears that you are not really upset with the business opportunity

#10UPDATE Employee

Thu, April 13, 2006

After reading Katherine's post, I felt obliged to respond. I have been with AmeriplanUSA for about a year and am a member of both the Freedom At Home Team and the Get It Done Right Team with AmeriplanUSA. It seems to me that Katherine is not upset about the AmeriplanUSA business opportunity but rather the fact that she was terminated. In her post, Katherine does not complain that her checks bounced or that she was late in receiving them. In fact, she specifically says that she made REALLY good money with the company. So much so that she was able to put some of it aside to help her after she was no longer with the company. And as far as the bonus money, I don't know of any company (including corporate America) where you are awarded bonus money after you are terminated. (To receive the $7,000 bonus Katherine mentioned in her posting, you have to maintain $25K for 3 months and she did not do this so it wasn't earned.) The leaders of both the Freedom At Home Team and the Get It Done Right Team have been wonderful. They are always there for me and my team when ever I need them. They provide support and encourage us. All of the National Sales Directors on the team are approachable. I have gone to several for help and have never had a problem. Katherine is obviously upset about her termination and not the company. She was terminated because AmeriplanUSA had proof that she was cross recruiting (getting current AmeriplanUSA borkers to enroll under her fianc's new business.) This is against not only AmeriplanUSA s policies but every home based business opportunity that I know of. Even corporate America frowns on stealing current employees away to do another business. - Independent Business Owner, AmeriplanUSA


Hmmm...sounds like your upline is a bit overzealous...

#11UPDATE Employee

Thu, April 13, 2006

BTW, I'm an IBO, not an employee of Ameriplan. It sounds to me like individuals in these teams (Freedom At Home and Get It Done Right) overstepped their bounds. In their misguided zeal, they wrongfully had your IBO status terminated. I know this is "closing the barn door after the horse gets out," but I would have kept mum about the other business venture, not so much to be deceitful but, as you said, the Gold Calling venture is your fiance's "baby." It really is none of your upline's business what your fiance is involved in. I realize that it is against Ameriplan policy to recruit others in your upline or downline for other business ventures, but if you did not do so, I don't see the problem. Sadly, there are those in an upline of an MLM operation whose sole agenda is to keep after their downline so they themselves can achieve higher and higher levels. There is nothing wrong with that in and of itself, but when the line is crossed and their agenda takes on the form of too much zeal, then those in said upline give the appearance of not being concerned at all with your well-being, only with theirs. As for the broker with the threat of the "white sheet", I'm happy you reported this to Corporate and said broker was terminated. That type of behavior is unprofessional and should be dealt with immediately. And if your upline was sending out emails to your downline regarding your income and libelous statements, I would try to obtain copies of these emails as proof if any legal action needs to be taken. My upline usually doesn't hound me about this and that; I hear from them every few months and pretty much leave me to it. I'm focusing more on group sales these days than the achievement levels. Anyway, I hope there is some sort of resolution to this and wish you well in all your endeavors.

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