  • Report:  #747264

Complaint Review: Amy Lenhart MA LPC NCC - Plano Texas

Reported By:
anonymous - anonymous, , United States of America

Amy Lenhart MA LPC NCC
2800 E. Spring Creek Parkway Plano, 75074 Texas, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am exercising my first amendment rights in this complaint against Amy Lenhart MA, LPC, NCC. Unfortunately, she practices at Collin College in Plano, Texas. Her insufficient supervisors are Linda Qualia and Barbara Money who are responsible for the extremely putrid and reprehensible customer service, discrimination, glass ceiling, and malpractice committed against me.

The intent of this complaint is to utilize my freedom of speech to educate and help the public make wise decisions. My goal is to improve the lives of minorities, including ethnic men, and those who have suffered oppression at the hands of institutional oppression, malpractice, institutional racism, glass ceiling, and dangerously corrupt leadership. A bibliography is posted at the end. I encourage everyone to read those books. I recommend books by Tim Wise, Chris Hedges, Thom Hartmann, William Lutz, Noam Chomsky, and Michael Parenti. And it's important to take notes.

Minorities who believe they have been treated with hostility because of their protected class status within the Texas
education system may report the discriminating employee or employees to U.S. Department of Education office for civil rights Tel.: (214) 661-9600. Disability, national origin, race, color, sex, and age are all in the protected class.

I believe I was a victim of counseling malpractice, discrimination, institutional-racism, hate, misandry (i.e., male hatred), abuse of power, unfair treatment, abhorrent leadership, fascist feminism, and oppression by Amy Lenhart. I also believe the public has a right to know about my abhorrent experiences. Everybody needs to realize that white supremacy and white privilege are still oppressive forces in our society. And they do their damage in very covert and insidious ways, e.g., color-blind racism, institutional racism, misandry (i.e., male hatred), fascist-authoritarian feminism, homophobia, group-think, astroturf groups (i.e., groups designed to deceive and mislead), withholding information, misinformation, disinformation, indoctrination, provocation, doublespeak, mixed messages, bias, red-tape, code of silence, obscurantism, gaslighting, workplace mobbing, gang-stalking, etc.

Several years ago I attended personal counseling sessions with Amy Lenhart to help me with the anxiety and depression of being a very liberal ethnic minority in a very conservative region. However, during my experiences Amy Lenhart continuously utilized confusing and passive-aggressive innuendo and connotations: Also, she demonstrated a flippant, sarcastic, hostile, incredulous, contemptuous, biased, and rude attitude about all of my serious concerns. I found that to be damaging, offensive, and very hurtful. She used snide blandishments and doublespeak to get me to continue counseling with her although I was dismayed by the lack of results due to her incompetent communications skills and passive-aggressive hatred. When I tried to deliberate on my concerns with her she retorted with innuendo that implied she did not care about customer service. She continuously implied with innuendo and direct retorts that I was a bad person while she was superior to me. She continuously referred to that mode of psychological abuse as "help".

When I attended counseling with Amy Lenhart she had absolutely no compassion or sympathy for what I went through. She had an incredibly callous, insensitive, sarcastic, mocking, belittling, and hateful demeanor. She often stated flippant, and sarcastic comments and connotations instead of using sympathetic psychological methods to help me with the pain of  verbal abuse, glass ceiling, and oppression e.g., "Sticks and stones will break my bones. But words will never hurt me." I later put that to the test to see how she would handle the pain of being degraded by words. She apparently does not take her own advice. And she often had a rude and contemptuous sneer on her face when I talked about my feelings and experiences concerning discrimination. She continuously changed the subject and refused to address my serious concerns of discrimination and oppression. She continuously used doublespeak and obfuscation to confuse and frustrate me. She used a code of silence and the silent treatment on a regular basis when I brought up my concerns. She continuously indoctrinated me to believe that institutional oppression and a bigoted caste system was normal and good. She attempted to get me to internalize shame and blame that was caused with by the dysfunctional college environment and abhorrent leadership not from within me. She showed absolutely no concern for me and exacerbated my anger and depression with her lack of counseling skills and her lack of concern for excellent customer service. She did not use a psychological theory or various psychological skills or sympathetic activities to help me. Nor did she use active listening or open-ended communication to determine if her work was competent and helpful to me. That is why I believe I was a victim of malpractice. She also violated privacy and confidentiality by refusing to hold sessions in one assigned office. She was often forgetting to book an office.

At those times I had to wait in a crowd of students and instructors with Amy Lenhart which was a violation of privacy. When I tried to discuss my concerns with her she snarled out "You don't have to keep coming back here" or she used doublespeak and connotations to confuse and irritate me. At times she seemed so spaced-out, unprepared, moody, and distracted that I thought she was intoxicated. Her flippant and narcissistic response to that concern was: "Counselors haveissues too" said in a snide and condescending manner that did not address the problems with her customer service. Getting Amy Lenhart to sympathize and empathize with me was like pulling teeth. It was extremely aggravating, offensive, and depressing. I often wondered if she had autism or some severe personality disorder like borderline personality disorder. Throughout my entire life I have been treated with contempt. Very few people have seen the good that I have to offer. When I reached out for help from Amy Lenhart I was again treated with contempt and hate. Her methods are profoundly passive-aggressive, spiteful, and boorish. I was not encouraged or motivated in any way to help defeat the glass ceiling that was oppressing me nor was she sincere in her so-called work efforts. She even admitted that she was not sincere several times in her rude insinuations and doublespeak. But I continued to carry forward in an attempt to make a positive difference in my counseling sessions. I had no idea she was going to be so hostile and controlling.

I believe social stratification (an oppressive caste system) based on race, skin color, gender, sexual preference, and wealth are problems in the fascist or fascist authoritarian feminist society that she seeks to protect and propagate. Group-think, collectivism, cultural hegemony, fascist authoritarian feminism, male hatred, prejudice against ethnic males, homophobia, institutional racism, and color-blind racism are other severe problems that have caused destruction and it has caused me severe injury. I've also noticed how fascist feminism causes severe problems in our society. Too many people are willing to look the other way or become defensive when a female turns out to be a spiteful, two-faced, and narcissistic bully. These narcissists like Amy Lenhart need to be called out for their deplorable and reprehensible leadership skills and rebuked for causing harm. She is protected by authoritarian feminists and bigoted cronies who actively perpetuate a biased, prejudiced, and bigoted society. They are to blame for their dismal, prejudiced, reprehensible, and putrid leadership abilities. They should be rebuked constantly for the hate-mongering that they committed when I was a student at Collin College in Plano, Texas. Amy Lenhart will never understand just how dangerous the prejudiced and harmful type of society that we live in; however, she defends it and feeds into it and plays damsel in distress when she and her supervisors are the true agents provocateurs. I can directly apply her obfuscated platitudes and insinuations to her style of abhorrent unprofessionalism "It's just an illusion."

I have continued on with my formal education despite the continuous oppression and hate that I faced at all but one of my universities. I also have a master's degree and I have started a campaign against bigotry. I encourage all minorities who have faced institutional oppression to read and to speak out. I have provided citations and a bibliography. I hope minorities and victims of hate rise above this and speak out against corruption, incompetence, and ethnocentrism that causes oppression and harm.

"Our public language has become a language of deception that masquerades as openness, a language that, like an actor, plays a role to achieve an effect on an audience, and once that effect has been achieved, leaves the stage, removes its costume and makeup, and then goes on with its real business. Doublespeak continues to dominate what passes for public discourse in this nation. Indeed, doublespeak has not simply increased in quantity, it has increased in quality. Doublespeak now goes far beyond simple phrases. Doublespeak has become increasingly complex, subtle, and difficult to penetrate. Doublespeak in public discourse does not help use develop, preserve, and advance our culture, our society, our nation. Doublespeak breeds cynicism, distrust, and, ultimately, hostility, the very qualities that undermine and destroy democracy." (William Lutz 1996, x, 3, 25)

"Doublespeak is language that pretends to communicate but really doesn't. It is language that makes the bad seem good, the negative appear positive, the unpleasant appear attractive or at least tolerable. Doublespeak is language that avoids or shifts responsibility, language that is at variance with its real or purported meaning. It is language that conceals or prevents thought; rather than extending thought, doublespeak limits it." (William Lutz 1989, 1)

"Indeed, most doublespeak is the product of clear thinking and is carefully designed and constructed to appear to communicate when in fact it doesn't. It is language designed not to lead but mislead. It is language designed to distort reality and corrupt thought. In the world created by doublespeak, if it's not a tax increase, but rather "revenue enhancement" or "tax base broadening, " how can you complain about higher taxes? Doublespeak has become so common in everyday living that many people fail to notice it. Even worse, when they do notice doublespeak being used on them, they don't react, they don't protest. Doublespeak is insidious because it can infect and eventually destroy the function of language, which is communication between people and social groups. At its worst, doublespeak, like newspeak, is language designed to limit, if not eliminate, thought. (William Lutz 1989, 9, 18-20)

Workplace mobbing behaviors can include "No help, promises are made and not kept, no eye contact is made with you, contact is minimized or avoided with you, you are ignored, gestures that signal humiliation, talking behind your back, communication via email that should be discussed face-to-face, having your work checked by someone unqualified to do so, policies changed or not followed, mixed messages, you are made to look inconsistent, you are set up, those supportive of you are discredited, an environment of paranoia is created, giving you tasks that you have not been adequately prepared to assume, and attacks on your private life"(Davenport, Schwartz, and Elliott, 1999, 46-47).

"The color-blind racial stratification system will be more effective in maintaining white supremacy. Whites will still be at the top of the social structure but will face fewer race based challenges. And, to avoid confusion about my claim regarding "honorary whites, " let me clarify that I believe their standing and status will be ultimately dependent upon whites wishes and practices. Honorary white means that they will remain secondary, will still face discrimination, and will not receive equal treatment in society. The United States will become a society with more rather than less racial inequality but with a reduced forum for racial contestation. The apparent blessing of "not seeing race" will become a curse for those struggling for racial justice in years to come. We may become "All Americans, " as commercials in recent times suggest, but paraphrasing George Orwell, "some will be more American than others." I will tackle the meaning of the election of President Obama. Although many commentators and analysts believe his election signifies the end of racism or a monumental change in our long racial history, I will argue that it is in line with color-blind racism." (Eduardo Bonilla-Silva
2010, 197-198)

"Positive psychology is to the corporate state what eugenics was to the ***. Positive psychology at least, as applied
so broadly and unquestionably to corporate relations is a quack science. It throws a smokescreen over corporate domination, abuse, and greed. Those who fail to exhibit positive attitudes, no matter the external reality, are in some ways ill. Positive psychology is about banishing criticism and molding a group into a weak and malleable unit that will take orders. Personal values, those nurtured by independent conscience, are gently condemned as antagonistic to harmony and happiness. Those who refuse under group pressure to become harmonious are deemed a drag on the corporate body and, if they cannot be reformed, expunged. This flight into self-delusion is no more helpful in solving real problems
than alchemy. But it is very effective in keeping people from questioning the structures around them that are responsible for their misery. Positive psychology gives an academic patina to fantasy." (Chris Hedges 2009, 117, 119-120, 129)

"Psychotherapy cults tend to arise when legitimate individual or group psychotherapy becomes corrupted. Two colleagues and I studied twenty two psychotherapy cults. The leaders of these groups ranged from college faculty members to a paroled felon. These professionals misused therapeutic techniques and manipulated the professional relationship to their own advantage. Fifteen of the groups were led by trained professionals (psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers;.)" (Margaret Thaler Singer 1995, 172-173)

"The first thing a white person must do in order to effectively fight racism is to learn to listen, and more than that, to believe what people of color say about their lives". This may seem obvious, even trite, but I assure you it is more important than it may appear'. One of the biggest problems with white America is its collective unwillingness to believe that racism is still a real problem for nonwhite peoples, despite their repeated protestations that it is|. Survey after survey for decades has demonstrated the same pattern: whites saying that racial discrimination is pretty much a thing of the past, and people of color saying that it continues regularly and that they have personally experienced it, often several times a month|. That whites refuse to believe what people of color say about racism in their own lives and have refused to believe it in every generation, by the way is itself a form of racism: it amounts to saying, "I know your reality better than you know your reality;." In other words, you are not, as a person of color, smart enough, or rational enough, or objective enough to intuit your own experiences, so let me tell you what your life is like, rather than having you trust
your own lying eyes!." (Tim Wise 2007, 67) 6c790b

3 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

#2General Comment

Fri, October 26, 2012

I was actually laughing out loud before reaching the end of all that drivel.  Picking up buzz words and stringing as many of them as possible together into poorly written sentences makes you sound retarded, not brilliant.  If you don't like your counselor just find someone else.  Problem solved. If you want to be accepted as a part of the community, you should also try NOT being the type of little wuss that needs to go cry about what a victim he is to a counselor.  I bet if you put on your big boy pants and stop playing victim, some of those Texans you are complaining about may end up being your life long friends.  You would find that they are some of the best people on the planet. 


United States of America
I believe every word you said about Amy and the White Supremacy System in Texas...

#3General Comment

Thu, October 18, 2012

Yes. Texas is extremely racist. It was the last state to free the slaves and bigotry and hatred are rampid here. The white people are foolish, bigoted and hateful for the most part. There is an old saying that the white people in Texas are nothing but "Fancied up Rednecks". This is true. On my job I have seen blacks get spoken to in such a demeaning fashion it is unbelievable. The racism in corporate America here is so prevalent that many blacks have just decided not to work in the work force. 

You are absolutely correct in EVERYTHING you stated. There is a system here. There is systemic discrimination and racism and these white folks are use to thinking that black people don't have a voice. But we do have a voice. The internet is equaling the playing field. The internet has done more for the poor and minorities in giving us a platform to tell the world how we were treated than one could ever imagine.

This Amy woman should be ashamed. I hope her business SUFFERS for what she put you through. I believe you because I too have experienced the incredible racism here from white folks. Funny how these white women and men are so racist but will jump at the chance to sleep with a black man when he gets money. It's like they put their racism behind them. This is the devilish nature of whites in Texas.

I say continue putting the word out and sue the heck out of these people. I am leaving Texas soon. I can't stand the system of white supremacy here much longer. Most of these white folks here in Texas are uncultured, ignorant, biased, and nothing more than well dressed trailer trash. You would do better finding minorities to treat you and assist you.


United States of America
Amy Lenhart is Wonderful!

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, October 16, 2012

I too have seen Mrs. Lenhart, and I could not disagree with this report more.  Mrs. Lenhart has always been open and honest with me regarding various issues that I have gone through, and been more  than happy to do everything in her power to help students.

I feel that if this person were that upset with her, than he should have stopped seeing her.  He obviously saw her on multiple occasions, so thgis tainted his opinion.

I would recommend both Amy Lenhart as well as the entire counseling staff at Collin College.

in addition, to show that this boy does not check his facts, in fact Collin College has 3 campuses (he forgot to mention the main and original campus, Central Park, in McKinney.

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