  • Report:  #1348375

Complaint Review: Aniceto Barbosa - Sal Internet

Reported By:
Aviator - london, Hawaii, United Kingdom

Aniceto Barbosa
Amilcar Cabral Airport (SID) Sal, Internet, Cape Verde
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Aniceto Barbosa is an air traffic controller at Sal airport. There is not much control at Sal. Aircraft regulalrly deviate from flight paths on approach. South African Airways, which was the largest user of the airport, sent George an expert from Johannesburg to try to improve matters. Most bureaucrats in Cape Verde were recruited for the prowess as Communist youth leaders.  They were trained in Moscow or Easy Berlin.

His name was placed on an Air WayBill. He was nominated Receiver, standard practice, when the Owner cannot be present on arrival.  He summoned us to his huge board room table at the airport, where flanked by a lawyer, he accused us of fraud and illegality. His lawyer demanded an email asserting that the AWB was produced by a computer at London Gatwick Airport. Presumably his superiors had accused him of bribery.  Payments outside of contract are the norm in Cape Verde. 

Neither he nor his lawyer ever responded to request for progress. After 47 days 22 packages worth $1000 appeared. For this we had to pay $1500 duty and $300 storage in an empty shed. Nobody could explain how this outrageous sum - equivsalent to a clerk`s pay for six months was arrived at. It seems that they make it up.

Sea freight gets even worse treatment. A blockage of 18 months is not unusual. The islands until recently Communist relay on European trourists and US aid.  Yet they lock up tourist from Friday to Monday, on trivial or imagined traffic offences. The police will say it is to earn your respect. Sal island swarms with police who stand around idly, but also organise frequent blocks on the one road.

They naively imagine that they can join the European Union.







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