  • Report:  #605009

Complaint Review: Anthony Bogle/Ronen Investment Group - Toronto Ontario

Reported By:
YouKnowWhoIamThief - YouKnowWhereIamThief, Illinois, United States of America

Anthony Bogle/Ronen Investment Group
3650 Langstaff Road Toronto, Ontario, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

On June 14, 2009, Anthony Bogle solicited investors for the purpose of purchasing D2. He required funds to be deposited into the Bank of America, in Troy MI.  I did just that.  Anthony allowed the transaction between he and seller to expire, and my personal funds were removed from the escrow account.  Nearly everyday since June 15th of last year, Anthony has promised and lied about paying me the investment as well as the profits to be earned from my investment. He currently owes me $2.8million dollars, and that does NOT include interest.

I also have solid and credible sources who have been approached by him as well, in an attempt to solicit funds from them, just as he did me and 9 others. He has approached others throughout the last year, and as recently as March, 2009. Being a Canadian citizen, RCMP states he will get at most a slap on the wrist for this criminal act. I have sought the assistance of the Canadian Ambassador, Interpol and RCMP.  Nearly one year later, still no sight of my investment or profits. The most recent email from him is copied an pasted below:


RE: Funds Transfer

"Anthony Bogle" <http://email05.secureserver.net/webmail.php?folder=INBOX&firstMessage=1#>(Add as Preferred Sender) 
Date:Mon, May 17, 2010 7:55 am

I have your banking.  I will advise you on when the transfer will be sent once it is ready.


Helmet - Gold

Anthony Bogle

President/ CEO

Ronin Investment Group


4 Updates & Rebuttals

In the Know...

enough is enough!

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, May 05, 2011


I have sat by silently ever since you posted this crap on the net.  I really thought that nobody pays attention to anything like this.  But they do, and you have ruined every business opportunity that I have had during that time, costing me, and the people who have work with me irreparable damage to their lives.  This is an issue that could have been resolved in a timely manner and within a concrete group of people, but yet you have made this into some grandiose production.  I have talked with the person whom you took the money from to work with me.  You have cost him serious problems in his life, and now you wont even take his call.  Meanwhile, I have made arrangements to pay back the money he invested with me plus the money you took.  I mean lets face it for a second Renee- that was a wire transfer to your bank account?  How are you going to defend that you did not take that money?  Deals do go south, and that is the nature of business.  However, I have been taken advantage of by too many people like you, and I have stood up to my many accusers over the years, but this is something that I can no longer take.

I would recommend to you to take whatever paperwork you have against me to your attorney as I am going to settle this matter in a professional and legal forum.  As far as I and everybody who has truly worked with me and knows of your dealings with me considers this to be slander.  If you really had any proof right now, it would have been easy for you to proceed legally with your claims against me.  In fact, I personally believe the reason why your investor hasnt investigated what happened to his funds is that I have promised to repay all the funds he lost (which includes the funds you took).  If I didnt, there would be proof that the bank took their funds, and you took 115k.  But lets face it Renee, you have no real way of paying it back yourself now, do you? 

Anyways, there is a right forum for this matter, and I am going to make sure that my name is cleared of all this nonsense. 

For anybody reading this, feel free to call Larry Willis at 519-796-8543 to confirm everything I have mentioned here.  He is the investor that sent $115,000 to Renee's account and the subsequent $100,000 to the bank in troy to complete the deal.  Renee has claimed that those funds are "frozen" in her account due to the fraudulent I check that I received in September of 2009- but the funds were sent to her as of June 2009.  I have never heard of a bank freezing funds in an account for something that happened 3 months after the fact. 

Larry and I both know you needed that money to save yourself, and we both know that is why you took it without any consideration of paying it back.  In fact, we both have deduced that you putting this nonsense on the net is only a ploy to protect yourself from any scrutiny.  Larry has offered to drive to Illinois to see your account where the funds are frozen, but you havent returned his call.  At any rate Renee, like I mentioned before, I have negotiated a peaceful settlement with Larry and this thing will be resolved then.  In the meantime however, I have let this nonsense drag out long enough and I will be working with Larry and others to make sure that my name is cleared and the truth is settled on this matter. 

Finally, for your consideration:



Anthony Bogle
President/ CEO
Ronin Investment Group


United States of America
I have proof

#3Author of original report

Fri, April 29, 2011

Whoever you might be?  She still lives in her house, always has and always will.  Where the money came from is not yours or anyones concern, the fact is, he was contracted with her, and didn't honor that.  Hundreds of emails to prove that.  To this day, NOT ONE PERSON HAS received a dime either, June 14th, 2011 marks year 2.  Urge Tony and anyone else to pursue legal action.  There are plenty of people willing to support his antics, and there are more than enough documents to support the claims, and more importantly did you ever consider the fact that someone could lose everything because of a lying cheating snake like Tony Bogle????  Think about the facts!!! 

In the Know...

All Lies....

#4UPDATE Employee

Fri, April 29, 2011

Renne Downing of daneville,Illinois wrote this report against Mr. Bogle.  Look her up. Her house in in foreclosure and doesnt have a dime to her name.  She has no grounds to write anything like this against this guy as she couldnt afford to do a deal of this magnitude to begin with. She "borrowed" money from her friend to try to deal with mr. bogle.  She took half the money she got from her friend and gave it to the bank that was on the deal, and kept half for herself, and then blamed Mr. Bogle for all of the losses on the deal. 

I personally know that mr. Bogle is now settling her debt on her behalf with the friend that she took money from.  It is a crying shame that people like this take advantage of people who are just trying to do a straight deal.  Mr. Bogle has been a victim of fraud himself losing millions of dollars, so for somebody else to accuse him of these things is nothing but dispicable.  Now, he is losing out on other business dealings for these lies. 

I am personally urging mr. Bogle to pursue all of these claims legally against the person who wrote these claims, and against anybody else that has sought to defame him.

Lastly, we live in a society where to file a lawsuit and pursue criminal claims against anybody for stealing a dime is rather simple to do.  So, for this person to claim that they have contacted interpol, the RCMP and the Canadian Ambassador and yet Mr. Bogle still walks free to this very day without any contact from any legal agency just proves that this story is a bunch of lies.

Dont believe these lies!!!


United States of America
Ronen Investments has a new U.S. Registered Company As well

#5Author of original report

Wed, September 08, 2010

Please be on the look out for not only Anthony Bogle of Ronen Investments - but for Exclusive Armadillo's out of Dallas Texas too.  He is trying the same approach using a new company name.  Don't let him steal from you too!!!!!

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