  • Report:  #68799

Complaint Review: Antwerpen - Randallstown Maryland

Reported By:
- baltimore, Maryland,

9400 Liberty Rd Randallstown, 21133 Maryland, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My wife's daewoo leganza broke down, and the charged me 1380.82 to replace cover-spark plug, hood cylinder head, one bolt, harness-eng and sensor cam shaft,they broke my head visor and denied that to. The car broke down with in that same day of being fixed.

Tha car sat there for a few months, after we found someone to honor the warranty we got it towed there they said our timer belt was broke and the sensor cam shaft was missing along with a bunch of spark plugs

they told me that antwerpen must have been using my car for parts, which antwerpen acted like they did not know what was going on

i have all my repair reciepts from antwerpen and the other repair shop in lexington park, md that finally fixed my car and it states clearly that they replaced parts that antwerpen repaired before it broke down the same day antwerpen so call fixed my car that lasted 10 hours


baltimore, Maryland

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