  • Report:  #1441601

Complaint Review: Anytime Fitness - Clinton Iowa

Reported By:
anon - United States

Anytime Fitness
Clinton, Iowa, United States
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Signing up for a free pass to test out the gym, a man jumped off one of the elypticals and rushed into the office asking "is everything all right in here?". This gym and many rural areas do not like outsiders and depend on mental entrainment to even their playing field.

Most people here don't speak and attempt to get you to speak first, as they hope to gain an advantage. They think they are controlling you or teaching you a lesson, but they prove themselves as followers (literally) time and time again. Some of the gym members will keep you talking so they can try to use your thoughts and hearing against you.

Some of these gym members will try to make you dislike or blame your family for not being a part of tribalism, to knock down your selfesteem or claim you are wrong (for any reason they can muster). They also want you to be mindlessly angry hoping to guide your frustration to their ends, as they play both sides of a situation. 

Some of these gym members will slime the gym equipment in hopes to control and manipulate (This does happen in other gyms and public places as well). They will attempt to manipulate your thoughts and give you emotions and responses that are not your own. This can get you attacked in the community and it can cause you to scare others unintentionally if they can't control themselves.

A few gym members tried to change their physical presentation in order to cause drama and confusion about who they were. Shoddy body doubles.

Some gym members/drug addicts were there just to harass. Several of them on a few occasions checked in at the hotel next to Kohls and Walmart. None of them that I witnessed stayed at this hotel, but I did recognize several vehicles used for stalking were parked for months at this hotel. Many of the cars were broken down and seemed to be used to make the hotel look busy.

Some of these stalkers drove back to the gym and around Clinton, only to drive over the north bridge into Fulton and then drive 3 to 4 streets ahead and turn left.

People would hide in the bushes at the Pizza Ranch to stalk and do surveilance of the gym and vehicles. Commmunity stalkers would also observe the Anytime Fitness parkinglot from the rear of the bank drive thru near the cash station.

One gym member that stalked me lived near my hometown in a different state (hours away) and is the same age as and lived in the same town as other religiofascist zealots that I have documented and continue to document for over a decade. Looking at his record, he was recently released from jail at the time of the incidents and was probably told to interact with me. At the time he may have lived in or was visiting Iowa (paid/get out of jail stalker), and avoided stalking across state lines.

2 other members did stalk me over state lines as well. I had not been a member of Anytime Fitness for about 2 years and stalkers were sent to me. Since these are small communities/towns with interrelated people, these stalkers could claim they are visiting friends or relatives but the lack of health and coordination in their activities and the activities of their watchers and trailing personal security lend an aire of buffunary. Do these 2 people know the extent they were being used?

After breaching their stalker brigades several times and working out in peace, the community had people stationed miles from the gym to watch for me. After returning to the gym while driving far out of the way to avoid stalkers, I had one car trailing far behind. I was able to pull onto a side street and turn around facing 13th street. As the car passed I followed it and saw the male driver slow down and stick his head out of the window and scan the gym parkinglot as he drove past the intersection the gym is located on. This would have been caught on the Clinton intersection CCTV.

Several times the 13th street and Anytime Fitness Intersection CCTV camera was blocked by larger trucks and Chevy Suburbans (possibly borrowed for the operation) as it allowed close following stalker vehicles to pass while hampering the CCTV cameras view (proof of an illegal operation). The suburban was driven by a taller middle age brunette woman who I have seen with 2 boys of middle school or junior high age, as of this posting. On one of her blocking attempts, I watched the whole process take place. The offending stalker vehicles stops just short of exiting the anytime fitness parking lot. As the stalker car waits, the lights of a larger blocking vehicle near the apartments and retirement home, turn on, and the larger vehicle slowly drives down the street hoping to catch the green light on 13th street and at least block the stalker vehicle's license plate as he followed closely behind and turned right. I followed far behind as this stalker drove all the way to Elvira instead of making a left a couple blocks from the light and returning home (where some of them live). The stalker waited in a driveway for a half hour as he tried to avoid me.

One of my last attempts to go to the Anytime Fitness, I had been followed by people with the same or similar make and color of vehicle for several months. As I watched and waited in the adjacent parking lot next to the cash machine, the woman in the suburban drove past and looked in my vehicle to see If I was inside. I waited for nearly 45 minutes as the stalker vehicle idled with its lights on (Anytime Fitness parking lot)like some cold war or some drab and dismal East Germany movie depiction. I pretended to leave and the stalker driver was immediatley notified and tried to drive off. I tailed him from far away as he led me towards police and I had to turn around as police were late in tailing me as they hid pointed away from the stalker and myself. The police would have never known unless they were part of the stalking.

Most of my dealings with the local police has been okay and I view them as more positive than negative.

Going to Anytime Fitness to deal with useful idiots, many who don't workout is not worth the membership or assosciations. Dealing with people who want to silence you by repeating something you said in a class or church years ago shows the desperation of institutions and organizations, not to mention the gulabilty and cowardice of the stasi Ra slave network. These are many of the promoted community leaders. As in other towns, cultures, businesses, and institutions in Iowa and other states or regions, If manipulation and illusion is their way of life, then there isn't much substance to much of the people and communities that participate in these mass Rico Act crimes. There are other ways to achieve harmony, but harmony is just an excuse for the actions of "leadership" and their willing pawns who have been kept stupid. I truly do have pity for these people.

Some gym members use Facebook as a way to send messages through what movie or book they are reading. "To Kill A Mockingbird" seems to be a crowd favorite for their and others operations. rape, scandal, slavery, accusations, and corruption are just a few important points that are brought about in the short novel.

Evoking mental illness and confussion is what some of the people associated with this gym and the local communities use as a staple of their warfare.

If you had to workout and needed a quick workout once a year, this gym could suffice.

If you need to urinate here or in other stores or establishments in this area, you are better off doing it outside where there is no door or stall for them to breakdown.

This took place in over half of the gym visits for a year and a half. Around 150 different people were used at the gym in conjunction with traffic and community stalking. many of the people were only seen once and did not workout. I even witnessed drug addicts being used to come around my vehicle as I waited inside, unbeknownst to them. They came from Caseys gas station on 13th street.  Caseys gas station has worked with other harassers at this gym, as I had watched them with binoculars talk with the cashiers and look towards the gym parkinglot in unison.

I did not contact or discuss these issues and RICO ACT crimes because some of the Anytime Fitness employees are involved and they have visual tangible proof through video cameras which I have tested, and I saw responses/changes in the environment the next day. These people push safety and family as a form of social and economic control. If you don't agree to some of the gym members extraciricular requests or antics, they will stalk and harass. Many times the gym, through their voyeurs, want to see if you are aware of things around you. If they can't move you to make a decision they will up the ante and even have cars in the parking lot act as if they will hit you as you walk on foot or as you drive out of the parkinglot. The hair salon that used to be next door also participated in small ways such as car alarms and panick buttons being pushed.

I suggest not playing ball with this gym and its associates. If you can't speak (outloud) about what you do or what you want from people then it is probably something you should stop doing. As a man, my advice for newcomers to this area and gym would be to avoid being alone with the women they push your way and just hope that the CCTV is really in use. Attempts to pin you with crimes or cause you to act out will only boost your culpability in legal matters, while building group cohesion and boosting social status of the perpetrators. Though there are many quality women in the area, being too close with them can easily cause a rape charge or being raped, and possibly a home invasion as you are mentally and physically occupied.  Rural areas and ghettos seem to be rife with these tactics.

Several times I went to get food after the gym. As I was in a parkinglot on the phone in my vehicle, a woman pulled up several spaces away and waited. She went in and I eventually went in behind her. She had identified me to some workers. Next time I went in the store, they were afraid of me. The emotions of the locals can be easily triggered or alerted and cause mindless zombie harassment.

There was only one time where I was subject to assault and battery, but in general it was not a big deal, as the person wanted an angry response and may have been trying to warn me about the area. There are many cameras in the gym, but considering what goes on here, the video recorder may have been turned off during the day of the incident.

A few times while in the Clinton community, I was aproached by seemingly friendly stalkers who told me of job opportunities. This was fine, although after dealing with this for many years, I would never participate in activities I described in the complaint to keep employment or to make someone happy and I never have. If this is the only way these people can try to have authority, then everything else about them is out the window, literally.

These people will also go to your appointments and try to seduce you, befriend you or put a scare in you so the staff of the location can feel.

Some of these stalkers and manipulators promote this gym on Facebook or other website reviews. 

Walls have been taken down and rooms taken away since these events took place.  Now  people cannot hide in the rooms doing their mischief.   

After over 2 decades of being forcefully radicalized with negativity enhanced by religious groups, organizational mediums, and false friends and aquanitances.  Anytime Fitness In Clinton Iowa is also a participant. Although some of these events may seem fake or embelished, these are just some of the events that took place and are recorded here to the best of my ability and factuality for time in memorium, knowing these words can be used to attack and harass me in public or private, so help me God.


This posting is not meant to degrade the people involved or the local community.  

This posting is here to warn others who do not belong to this community or group.

This posting is a public record for myself and others.


I do not contact, look for, or communicate with the groups and people mentioned above and have not been a member of this gym or around these people for 2 and a half years as of  7-27-2018.

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