  • Report:  #3594

Complaint Review: Applebees - El Paso Texas

Reported By:
- FL,

El Paso, Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
We visited our local restaurant on Sunday evening, hoping for a light dinner in a casual atmosphere. The service is usually slow but we weren't in a hurry and decided we were relaxed enough to deal with it. Well, we were seated near two men who were obviously intoxicated and who were still drinking. The noise and disruption were incredible, banging on the table, constant loud complaining about everything, plus our waitress was distracted by them every time she came in our direction.

After twenty minutes, we had our drinks and that was it - hadn't even been able to order dinner or speak to a waitperson again after the initial seating. We finally couldn't take it anymore and moved ourselves to another table. It didn't make any difference - these guys were horribly loud and rude.

We decided to leave but first, we actually went to the host to pay for our drinks - a grand total of $5. He referred us to the bar, where we ran into the manager. We related our story and said we just wanted to pay & get out.

We refused their offer of another table because quite frankly, we were tired of the whole place by this time. The manager apologized, said it wasn't usually this way at the restaurant, said they had done everything correctly as far as serving alcohol (which is hard to believe since the guys were still drinking & getting louder by the minute), etc - but he still let us pay our $5 for drinks!

This didn't really hit us until we were back home later that evening (after a very nice quiet dinner at a competing restaurant) because we were so upset & anxious to leave the restaurant at the time. I've been in customer service for fifteen years, five years in the restaurant business, and I can't believe that they actually let us stand there at the bar & pay $5 for an absolutely horrible experience, which also cost us over half an hour of our time by the time we were going out the door!! We will definitely hesitate MUCH more before going there again.

16 Updates & Rebuttals


Baxter Springs,
It's all good If there's a problem talk to the manager

#2Consumer Suggestion

Wed, May 25, 2005

My husband and I eat at Applebees quite frequetly there have been times that it has been very busy and we had to wait, but we knew it at the time as the hostess has always told us an approximate wait time. And I must admit that sometimes our food hasn't been what we ordered but we simply talked to the waitress and it was always corrected. Most of the time the manager has come over to our table and made an appoligy and lowered the check. We love Applebees, you can find bad in any resturant, but when you dine out you have to relize that other people will be in the resturant with you. If there's a problem talk to the manager, they always try to remedy the situation.


Baxter Springs,
It's all good If there's a problem talk to the manager

#3Consumer Suggestion

Wed, May 25, 2005

My husband and I eat at Applebees quite frequetly there have been times that it has been very busy and we had to wait, but we knew it at the time as the hostess has always told us an approximate wait time. And I must admit that sometimes our food hasn't been what we ordered but we simply talked to the waitress and it was always corrected. Most of the time the manager has come over to our table and made an appoligy and lowered the check. We love Applebees, you can find bad in any resturant, but when you dine out you have to relize that other people will be in the resturant with you. If there's a problem talk to the manager, they always try to remedy the situation.


Baxter Springs,
It's all good If there's a problem talk to the manager

#4Consumer Suggestion

Wed, May 25, 2005

My husband and I eat at Applebees quite frequetly there have been times that it has been very busy and we had to wait, but we knew it at the time as the hostess has always told us an approximate wait time. And I must admit that sometimes our food hasn't been what we ordered but we simply talked to the waitress and it was always corrected. Most of the time the manager has come over to our table and made an appoligy and lowered the check. We love Applebees, you can find bad in any resturant, but when you dine out you have to relize that other people will be in the resturant with you. If there's a problem talk to the manager, they always try to remedy the situation.


South Hadley,
Call the Main Office

#5UPDATE Employee

Fri, January 31, 2003

Instead of slamming the entire chain for one incedent that was poorly handled, why don't you call the Corparate Office in Kansas? The manager will supply you with the phone number of customer service, or you can contact them on-line thru their web-site.


Comping Drinks

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, December 23, 2002

It actually is illegal in Texas to comp drinks so the manager had no choice but to charge you for the drinks.


People can get annoying at times

#7Consumer Comment

Mon, November 04, 2002

OK first off I think the couple is a couple of losers. Get a life. Your story is lacking in reality. It is obvious you have nothing much better to do. What did you want?? hmm. I think you wanted a free meal, and everyone to be your little slave. You people are the real scum. You know what the manager should have bent you over like the nasty s***k you are and ram you applebee style while your husband tossed the drunk guys salads. Im sure your whole life is ruined now because you didnt get what you want. I have a solution. Its up to you, but you could just blow your brains out and donate them to science. Everyone that reads your words knows that you probably are some dirty $5 cocaine w***e and your husband is in a depressing marriage b/c you complain all the time. Thats why he is screwing applebee staff. They know how to please his 20 minute needs and "service" him. Until those times he is much a moron as you.


I've worked in the food business

#8Consumer Comment

Mon, September 09, 2002

One thing thats missing on the complaint is what city and state are you talking about. The next thing was we're they employed by the restaurant. Steak and Ale as far as I remember you have to wait four hours after a shift. Red Robin cards at age 39.5 yrs old. If you felt it was a distraction then yes immediately move to another surrounding. The last person everything is about money. Depending on the restaurant yes they do care about money. They want to give the best service to the guest. I worked in fast food for 7 yrs. and restaurants for 6.5 to 7 yrs. Thats all I heard about on profit of how much the mgmt cares about is money. And thats part where stealing and greedy comes to play. But back to the experience. I wasn't there so not enough detail inside that night. You said you paid for drinks. If it bothered you ask for a discount next time. If you come back and it continued then call their corporate. You'll get feedback. I know people who work for Applebees or whereever it happened. Just for future reference next time


Applebee's is about "the money" ONLY

#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, August 21, 2002

YOu simpletons, Applebee's is about MONEY. Can you read my lips...MONEY!! We do not giva a rats A** about what you want or think..it's about the money!!!


give them another chance

#10UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, May 26, 2002

As a former employee I can tell you that Applebees is really out to make the customer happy. I truely believe if you go back and explain to them how displeased you were the last time you visited they will offer you some off your next meal. I know by experience that some customers get way to wasted and ruin others time, and I can also assure you managment does all in their power to keep this from happening. I think you should give them another chance and I think you will be pleasently suprised. would also like to add on their behalf, the kitchens there are the cleanist I have ever worked with, all food is prepared fresh and they have extremely strict rules on how long food stays (i.e. salad is 24 hrs or you throw it away no exceptions) take pride at eating at a resturante that follows all health codes and makes great food, there are only a few of them out there!!


Know the law first!

#11Consumer Comment

Tue, February 12, 2002

There is one key factor that I believe everyone is missing here. In most states it is illegal to comp alcohol in resturants. Why do you think many bars will have penny beer nights. Because there has to be a cash transaction. The manager was at fault for at least not asking the gentlemen drinking to please quiet down, but he did offer them another table. As far as the couple being mad for the manager not comping them the drinks or reducing the price. DID THEY ASK????

Ok correction It is the responsability of the patrons visiting a public establishment to be courtious.


Thu, January 17, 2002

They filed the following rebuttal to the above Rip-Off Report: Their email: [email protected] Their name: Wes Their relationship to the company: Owner Rebuttal: Ok correction It is the responsability of the patrons visiting a public establishment to be courtious. That is what I ment when I said the customer controls the atmosphere. Now lets look at this case you have 2 individuals that have become intoxicated and a couple walks into the resturant and is seated next to them (only table open at this time). The manager is aware of the situation and has attempted to remove them from the establishment (before this couple that is complaining arrived) but they refused to leave and apear to be violant in nature. The manager in response to thier actions calls the police 15 minutes go by the resturant staff is avoiding this area of the resturant because the individuals that are drunk continue to become aggresive and verble in thier displeasure. The manager is told by the police that he is to avoid contact with these drunks that they will be there as soon as they can. Meanwhile the complaining couple has a bad experience and boom Applebees is at fault. (I made this up as an example of how much we really dont know about this situation) The original complaint should have concentrated on the lack of service not what the other customers were doing. No drinks for 20 minutes, Moving to another table, Tracking down a server for thier tab (why would the server bring the tab only after 15 min? Remember no complaints have been made), these are the real issues that need to be resolved. A company will NEVER be able to meet the needs of every individual on every occasion (Remember we only have one side of the story)I find it hard that a manager would allow this kind of behavior at ANY TIME. But lets say we have all the information and what was said in the original complaint was everything that happened WHY did the couple wait until they were totally dissatisfied that they wanted to leave before contacting a manager. It is the responsability of the manager to correct any problems that may occure but if the customer does not complain then how can they b***h? or better yet how can the manager respond. Give Applebees a break. It appears that you have worked with the public before and if this is true I need not say anymore.

Ok correction It is the responsability of the patrons visiting a public establishment to be courtious.


Thu, January 17, 2002

They filed the following rebuttal to the above Rip-Off Report: Their email: [email protected] Their name: Wes Their relationship to the company: Owner Rebuttal: Ok correction It is the responsability of the patrons visiting a public establishment to be courtious. That is what I ment when I said the customer controls the atmosphere. Now lets look at this case you have 2 individuals that have become intoxicated and a couple walks into the resturant and is seated next to them (only table open at this time). The manager is aware of the situation and has attempted to remove them from the establishment (before this couple that is complaining arrived) but they refused to leave and apear to be violant in nature. The manager in response to thier actions calls the police 15 minutes go by the resturant staff is avoiding this area of the resturant because the individuals that are drunk continue to become aggresive and verble in thier displeasure. The manager is told by the police that he is to avoid contact with these drunks that they will be there as soon as they can. Meanwhile the complaining couple has a bad experience and boom Applebees is at fault. (I made this up as an example of how much we really dont know about this situation) The original complaint should have concentrated on the lack of service not what the other customers were doing. No drinks for 20 minutes, Moving to another table, Tracking down a server for thier tab (why would the server bring the tab only after 15 min? Remember no complaints have been made), these are the real issues that need to be resolved. A company will NEVER be able to meet the needs of every individual on every occasion (Remember we only have one side of the story)I find it hard that a manager would allow this kind of behavior at ANY TIME. But lets say we have all the information and what was said in the original complaint was everything that happened WHY did the couple wait until they were totally dissatisfied that they wanted to leave before contacting a manager. It is the responsability of the manager to correct any problems that may occure but if the customer does not complain then how can they b***h? or better yet how can the manager respond. Give Applebees a break. It appears that you have worked with the public before and if this is true I need not say anymore.

Ok correction It is the responsability of the patrons visiting a public establishment to be courtious.


Thu, January 17, 2002

They filed the following rebuttal to the above Rip-Off Report: Their email: [email protected] Their name: Wes Their relationship to the company: Owner Rebuttal: Ok correction It is the responsability of the patrons visiting a public establishment to be courtious. That is what I ment when I said the customer controls the atmosphere. Now lets look at this case you have 2 individuals that have become intoxicated and a couple walks into the resturant and is seated next to them (only table open at this time). The manager is aware of the situation and has attempted to remove them from the establishment (before this couple that is complaining arrived) but they refused to leave and apear to be violant in nature. The manager in response to thier actions calls the police 15 minutes go by the resturant staff is avoiding this area of the resturant because the individuals that are drunk continue to become aggresive and verble in thier displeasure. The manager is told by the police that he is to avoid contact with these drunks that they will be there as soon as they can. Meanwhile the complaining couple has a bad experience and boom Applebees is at fault. (I made this up as an example of how much we really dont know about this situation) The original complaint should have concentrated on the lack of service not what the other customers were doing. No drinks for 20 minutes, Moving to another table, Tracking down a server for thier tab (why would the server bring the tab only after 15 min? Remember no complaints have been made), these are the real issues that need to be resolved. A company will NEVER be able to meet the needs of every individual on every occasion (Remember we only have one side of the story)I find it hard that a manager would allow this kind of behavior at ANY TIME. But lets say we have all the information and what was said in the original complaint was everything that happened WHY did the couple wait until they were totally dissatisfied that they wanted to leave before contacting a manager. It is the responsability of the manager to correct any problems that may occure but if the customer does not complain then how can they b***h? or better yet how can the manager respond. Give Applebees a break. It appears that you have worked with the public before and if this is true I need not say anymore.

Ok correction It is the responsability of the patrons visiting a public establishment to be courtious.


Thu, January 17, 2002

They filed the following rebuttal to the above Rip-Off Report: Their email: [email protected] Their name: Wes Their relationship to the company: Owner Rebuttal: Ok correction It is the responsability of the patrons visiting a public establishment to be courtious. That is what I ment when I said the customer controls the atmosphere. Now lets look at this case you have 2 individuals that have become intoxicated and a couple walks into the resturant and is seated next to them (only table open at this time). The manager is aware of the situation and has attempted to remove them from the establishment (before this couple that is complaining arrived) but they refused to leave and apear to be violant in nature. The manager in response to thier actions calls the police 15 minutes go by the resturant staff is avoiding this area of the resturant because the individuals that are drunk continue to become aggresive and verble in thier displeasure. The manager is told by the police that he is to avoid contact with these drunks that they will be there as soon as they can. Meanwhile the complaining couple has a bad experience and boom Applebees is at fault. (I made this up as an example of how much we really dont know about this situation) The original complaint should have concentrated on the lack of service not what the other customers were doing. No drinks for 20 minutes, Moving to another table, Tracking down a server for thier tab (why would the server bring the tab only after 15 min? Remember no complaints have been made), these are the real issues that need to be resolved. A company will NEVER be able to meet the needs of every individual on every occasion (Remember we only have one side of the story)I find it hard that a manager would allow this kind of behavior at ANY TIME. But lets say we have all the information and what was said in the original complaint was everything that happened WHY did the couple wait until they were totally dissatisfied that they wanted to leave before contacting a manager. It is the responsability of the manager to correct any problems that may occure but if the customer does not complain then how can they b***h? or better yet how can the manager respond. Give Applebees a break. It appears that you have worked with the public before and if this is true I need not say anymore.

no intelligent manager would EVER allow the client to control the atmosphere in his restaurant


Wed, January 02, 2002

They filed the following rebuttal to the above Rip-Off Report:

Their email: [email protected]
Their name: Ben Juker

Their relationship to the company: Owner

"The customer controls the atmosphere"? This is a recipe for disaster- no intelligent manager would EVER allow the client to control the atmosphere in his restaurant. If he doesn't have the guts to tell rude, drunken boors to leave, he isn't managing anything. This 'non-management' will eventually lose control of the restaurant and clients. 7-11 learned about this years ago when they allowed kids to run wild and party in parking
lots around the building. Real live PAYING customers stopped coming, and they had to wise up FAST. Hope this manger learns this lesson fast before the neighborhood loses a nice restaurant...

There is always too sides to every story ..


Tue, January 01, 2002

They filed the following rebuttal to the above Rip-Off Report:

Their email: [email protected]
Their name: Wes McGlothlin

Their relationship to the company: Advocate

There is always too sides to every story and the other side is missing here. I was not there but I would like to make reference to the fact that the Manager tried to correct the problem. It was the choice of the customer to not accept this offer. I am amazed that this couple believes the only way customer service should be offered is by offering to cover
thier tab. Applebees is an outstanding resturant but please understand the atmosphere is controlled by you the customer and it only takes one table of rude people to ruien what was supposed to be a quite casual dinner. If the Manager would have kicked the people that were being rude out of the resturant who's to say they wouldnt post a comment on this web-site bashing Applebees for not providing customer service to them?

Just my opinion.


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