  • Report:  #257725

Complaint Review: Aramark - Philadelphia Pennsylvania

Reported By:
- phila, Pennsylvania,

1101 Market STreet Philadelphia, 19107 Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
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Service Giant Aramark reached an all time low Tuesday, when their top brass Vice President, Stephen Mallozzi, phoned police for the return of keys from an ex-Aramark worker whom they are trying to silence for knowing all the terrible secrets the company is hiding.

Emails sent to Mr. Ahern asking for the return of keys after his departure from Aramark as the Maintenance Manager at the William Penn Facility were answered with the response that the keys were in fact returned, and a return receipt and numbers were given to Stephen Mallozzi. Mr. Mallozzi did not believe Mr. Ahern. The next day when police came and asked if they could have the keys back, a good laugh was had by all when Mr. Ahern produced a certified mailing receipt stating that such keys were in fact sent back.

No doubt this was a Rich Ulmer move said one unidentified person who could not stop laughing, Rich isn't the smartest piece of bread in the pantry! He's a true bozo.

Mr. Ahern has many more pictures to show, and lots of stories to share.It's funny, Mr. Ahern stated, I was in charge of keys when I was there, and people never turned in their keys when they left. I would have known if they did. Tim Hopkins, who worked in the IT department had keys to everything when he left about three months ago, and Rich Ulmer said we didn't need to worry about his keys.

In fact, I know of about ten other people that quit, and their keys were never returned, Mr. Ahern said shaking his head, That's not very safe now is it? They could walk in the building at any time and grab anyone's kid. Boy, I'm glad I returned my keys.

I think every key on every door should be replaced for safety reasons, said Mr. Ahern, but that's just my opinion. I wouldn't want my child going to that school knowing that there are so many MASTER keys out on the street.

Aramark attempted to keep Mr. Ahern tight lipped about many dangers at the William Penn School District in Darby Pennsylvania, and when Mr. Ahern continued to bring up the dangers and ask when they would be corrected, he was quickly transferred to an account a hundred miles away.

Items such as alarm calls being placed on test, school alarms being disconnected, rat infested warehouses, locked escape doors, classroom doors that do not lock, panic bars broken, keys lost, high mold at a storage warehouse that houses all paper products, asbestos in floor tiles, leaks that are covered by ceiling tiles and a superintendent that is hell bent on getting out are just some of the corrections Mr. Ahern brought up.

Joe Otto the COO of William Penn doesn't care, and Dana Bedden the Superintendent has applied for three other jobs in the past year, said another unidentified source, Who do you think cares at this time. Otto is a year or two away from retirement.

In the past six months, a lot has happened that made it even worse for Mr. Ahern to stick around. A trailer belonging to the William Penn School District was stolen, and was later determined that it was stolen by a relative of a school board member.

The second floor asbestos tiles at the Bell Avenue school were suppose to be replaced this summer, but those plans were scratched after the budget was found to be overspent.

The Quarry Street location, which was flooded by Hurricane Floyd and left to mold out was supposed to be vacated and the workers moved, but that plan fell through also due to overspending. The Quarry Street location is a condemned building, covered with mold and pigeons, which inhabit three floors.

Board Member President McKelligott was informed of the many problems, but refused to respond to emails. The divider partition in many of the bathrooms are broken, or gone, but the school district refuses to replace them.

The ballasts at Bell Ave all need replacing but they won't do that either. Much of the wiring in the schools is against code. A metal railing outside of Aldan school on the dock broke last year and Rich Ulmer said they weren't getting it replaced. The hill at Park Lane School is a total disgrace, at times the grass reaching a whopping four feet high. Many of the school aren't hooked up to any alarm system, and most are hooked up to an old VCR type camera system that no one replaces the tape in.

Aramark managers are paid in the range of $45,000 and up to simply tell school District employees what to do. The School District contracts Aramark because they didn't want to be involved in the daily operations of the maintenance department, but they are anyway. Nothing happens without approval from Joe Otto or Dane Bedden, so it's a question of, Why is Aramark in the middle?

In a world where safety is a major issue, Aramark acted correctly on having the manager return his keys, but now what? Do they allow all the other keys that are out there to be forgotten? What if someone is planning on using these keys? Are the children in jeopardy?

I believe Aramark should now act accordingly and finish the job. Every school should have their locks replaced for safety reasons. Why take any chances? Then again, its not Aramark's children that attend these schools now is it?


Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


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