  • Report:  #331504

Complaint Review: Authentic Man Program AMP SF AuthenticSF - San Francisco California

Reported By:
- San Francisco, California,

Authentic Man Program AMP SF AuthenticSF
115 10th St San Francisco, 94103 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I took the course in San Francisco and before you decide to take this course, let me save you the $2500 so that you can spend it elsewhere. The seclude you in a room for 8-10 hours continuous and during that process you are emotionally brainwashed into their world that you think you've taken the best workshop since sliced bread.

The weekend basically begins with a bunch of AMP women so to speak, and they only appear on the third day where all you do is stare at them and your suppose to increase your consciousness and be present, both of which would be better done with some coffee and a good sense of social intuition.

The first day they make you sign a waiver for an breathing exercise, in which you breath hard constantly in and out for an hour while playing this loud corny music which is supposed to make you vivid imaginations and during this process the room is dark and everyone is screaming and crying because they're supposed to follow the emotions of the music (presumably due to their tiredness in breathing). This is then followed with a series of exercises where they force you to cry or become angry.

The next day there is an exercise where you basically assume that there is only 1 parachute, and there are 5 members, and they have to choose between them who survives. In this process, the only way your authentic as they call it, is if you take the exercise up to the point where everyone starts crying.

The final day a bunch of men stand in a circle and the AMP girls from earlier are in the middle, the room is dark with no light, and they are howling, screaming, and crying at you, and presumably your suppose to be enlightened so you'll know what to do in this situation.

All in all, this was definitely some feel good ripoff gig to get a bunch of older men to cry together, and it will teach you nothing that they claim on the website such as

How to eliminate neediness and shame, once and for all. (Hint: Your neediness may be destroying your chances with women, and you don't even know it!)

What you need to do to have her her surrender completely in bed - And why she can't be that vulnerable with you, until you get this right.

How to avoid the "Just Friends" category by accessing your masculine, sexual power -- even with the most intimidatingly beautiful women.

How to penetrate her outer facade and connect with her on a deep emotional level.

How to have your dates feel like you're already making love (And have her feeling exhilarated and alive, just by being around you!)

The picture currently on the website, the guy with the beard, is known as Bryan Bayer. I personally saw him along with several others standing around 111 Minna (a club in SF) with his drink and for the WHOLE night he did not talk to a single woman, so if the above claims are so true, he should have been able to use his seduction process to charm the women in that bar? Spend the money instead on improving your life or better yet save it, or if you really want to take a workshop, look elsewhere.


San Francisco, California


5 Updates & Rebuttals


Worthwhile Course

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, October 13, 2010

I took the course and found it worthwhile.  The original poster describes a course whose resemblance to the one I took is at best partial and superficial, and in part wholly distinct.

The longest we were in a room continuously was maybe 2-3 hours (with lunch, dinner, and snack breaks).

As for his descriptions of the exercises, the best I can say is "there's something that's true that has a lot of the same words in it."

Bryan also teaches a course on approaching women, and if he was in a bar with his students, I'd expect him to spend his time observing and talking with those students and not chasing women for himself.




Tue, September 08, 2009

I found this review while thinking about taking the AMP Intensive, and even then several things struck me as odd. Having now taken the course, I can tell you the anonymous writer misrepresents specifics, goes out of his way to misunderstand fundamentals, and, well, misses the scoop, like someone who comes away from Red Sox-Yankees game kvetching about grown men making a fuss over a little ball. 

The AMP Intensive was a big experience in half a dozen ways for me and for all of the other guys in my group, including men from Norway and England. I won't go into it more than that; the Authentic Man Program site seems to cover participants' reactions pretty well. But a few words about this anonymous review... 

First, the writer jumps right in with what he sees as spoilers, presumably to save us our money or prevent us from being brainwashed. But AMP isn't est or Reverend Moon or a Sigma Chi Hell Week, and purporting to reveal its Truth is a disservice to those who can and do get juice out of legit experiential course work. (It's no big secret many exercises work best if participants haven't planned out their responses in advance.) One of the three big foundations of AMP involves integrity, which involves keeping your word to yourself as well as others. The reviewer, who in participating in the AMP Intensive certainly took a verbal oath of confidentiality, seems to have forgotten this point. 

Again, if there was a scam involved here, I'd understand the need to spill the beans. But the program is powerful and sound, and 99% of its grads will tell you that, without a glazed look in their eyes. What I detect is a customer who wasn't the right fit for the program in the first place. He doesn't mention that AMP plainly and emphatically offers a refund if you don't feel you got value. Did the writer ask for his money back? I bet he didn't, and it's for this same reason he now makes his anonymous snarky complaint instead.

One last thing. The writer makes a deal out of spying one of the founders hanging at a bar with his male friends, not talking to any women. I don't know about you, but for me, talking to women, even at its best -- especially at its best -- takes energy and attention. That's why we have guy friends, and that's why we have beer. I truly wish I could buy the writer a beer and find out what's actually bugging him. 

Lucky L

I agree w/ Ripoff Report


Sun, August 30, 2009

I agree w/ this report. I took the AMP Intensive course and a hard time making the initial 2300 dollar investment. These guys have done an excellent job developing a money machine to enable Bryan and Decker to run around and play business owner. Both Bryan and Decker are ONLY interested in making money and steal all of their content/techniques from other teachers w/ real integrity.

If you are looking to connect with a group of highly dysfunctional men who wallow in their own self-pity - this course is for you. Ask Bryan and Decker to provide some REAL success stories - not testimonials from their "life-coach" buddies.

Bryan is especially full of "it" and makes false claims about a "book" he has in development on men's circles - Bryan claims "integrity" but spends the entire course being pushed around by "Decker".

Decker thinks he is jesus and can't stop talking about how much money he makes from life coaching.

BEWARE: Everything costs money with these guys. At the end of the course - while they have you in their NLP grasp - they look to upsell you on their worthless "integration" program for another $150 dollars.


New York, NY,
New York,
Put simply, Authentic Man Intensive was the best workshop I've been to

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, January 13, 2009

Put simply, Authentic Man Intensive was the best workshop I've been to. I don't know the man who posted this report, but after going through the AMP intensive myself, and then reading his crude description of it, I can see some vague resemblance to what happened there for me and for the others who were there with me. I can even laugh at his rough caricature skills---his description is a mildly funny caricature, and a very misleading one. He makes the workshop sound like a joke, which it wasn't. But it seems to me that this guy was disappointed not because of the quality of the workshop but due to his own lack of sophistication, openness, and curiosity about his own psychology---a fear of his own depth. The AMP intensive that I attended was the best-run, most "on," most focused, most powerful, most effective, and most potentially life-changing workshop I've ever been to, by far. They told us at the beginning to be proactive, to demand that we get what we came here to get, and to give it everything we had in us, and they kept reinforcing that over and over. Those that demanded the most of themselves and of the facilitators got the most out of it. It was more than worth the money and if anyone's on the fence and can kind of afford it or even almost afford it, and really, really, REALLY WANTS to do it, I'd push them to do it. You more often regret the things you didn't do than the things you did. If you have money in savings and want to keep it there because of recession fears just remember a smart investment in yourself keeps growing, if you keep growing. I spent more money on it than the poster of the ripoff report, because I flew in from NYC; I'm not rich, and I have no regrets. Everyone at the workshop I attended came out thrilled at what they'd discovered about themselves, and about their possibilities for the future, each guy for different reasons. There was a lot of individual focus and they had a kickass arsenal of psychological techniques to address every central issue and many of the peripheral issues of each, very different participant. What's more, while we learned things that influenced our relationship skills, I've also noticed obvious improvements in many areas of my life, including my ability to make money by delivering my own kick-a*s product, which has a large human-relations element. Decker Cunov and Brian Bayer, the assistant coaches, and all the guys working in the background, were pushing themselves constantly, to give everything they had every single minute of the workshop to try and open and help us relate in amazing ways with women. Everyone there totally believed in the value of what they were doing and were dedicated to seeing it happen. Even if they were scratching their heads over how to handle something, or getting frustrated, pissed at each other or at us, whatever (which was hard for me to tell but I'm just guessing, as I imagine must happen time to time in running such a tight ship with a fair amount of improvisation based on what came up for each guy) they never stopped bringing it to us for a single moment with intense professionalism and dedication and HEART. The same can be said of the women that came in on the third day. I'm still amazed by what happened there, and I'm still experiencing the benefits, and I'm still learning from the brilliantly thought-out and brilliantly applied principles of relationship that these people have put their hearts into creating and making available.

Amp Graduate

AMP was the best workshop I've ever taken

#6Consumer Comment

Tue, June 10, 2008

I've taken a number of courses on relating with women and the Authentic Man Program was by far the best. A number of my friends have taken this course as well and we all had incredibly powerful, life-transforming experiences there. My experience doesn't match that of whoever wrote this negative report. No one forced me to cry or become angry. In my experience, the work at AMP is all about authenticity and I didn't feel like anyone working there had an agenda about what kind of experience I had, other than that they wanted me to get more in touch with myself and to have more freedom in my life. This was an intense course, and there is a good chance that you will have some emotions come up if you take it. If you don't want to deal with any of that stuff, then this is probably not the course for you. I personally found it to be one of the deepest and most empowering experiences of my life. Before I took this course, the work I was doing to get better with women was like putting sugar coating on the problem. AMP helped me get to the core issues that were in my way and were running my life. I had totally new and exciting ways of connecting with women open up to me as a result. The descriptions given in this report of some of the exercises don't match my experience at all. They are misleading or false and seem to miss the point of the exercises all together. I had a really profound experience doing the breathing exercise, for example. I remember feeling totally alive and ecstatic afterwards, and thinking that this exercise alone made it worth coming to the course, even if I didn't get anything else from it. But I actually got a ton more. The best part was the exercises with the women on Sunday. I couldn't believe how perceptive they were it was like they could see right through me. They were also totally supportive and I really got how much they cared about me even as they pushed me beyond the limits of my comfort zone. In fact, what really struck about the Authentic Man Program was how genuine everyone seemed to be. These guys were not in it for the money they didn't try to pressure us to buy anything else at the end of the course. They obviously really cared about the men taking the program and really believed in their work.

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