  • Report:  #333172

Complaint Review: Axia College Of University Of Phoenix - Phoenix Arizona

Reported By:
- ashland, Ohio,

Axia College Of University Of Phoenix
Online,,,Phoenix Arizona Phoenix, 85034 Arizona, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I started attending Axia in September of 2006. The first thing to go wrong, was having to wait several months for my financial aid application to even be looked over, there were mistakes upon mistakes. My finance counselor was the most rude and disrespectful counselor I ever had. She took her time getting anything done for me, and was always very short with me. She also waited for weeks to get back to me with any corrections that needed to be made. She could have saved a lot of time, if she would have let me know before it was too late. I was never combative with her, or mean. I expressed to other counselors that I didn't appreciate her "ways", and their reply was, "oh that's J...e, everyone feels that way"...why wasn't something done.

While I was struggling with the financial aid issues, I received my first set of grades. I had an "A" in both classes, but received a "C" in one of them, because I submitted my final in a different format that the instructor couldn't open...they don't even consider checking it after that. They just give you an F as a grade. That was an awful experience because I worked very hard on the final for it to just be thrown out.

Next, I had a horrible instructor there. He would hand out bad grades for no reason. I posted a message in the chat room asking everyone if they felt that the instructor graded too hard, and I received over twenty responses from students... all negative towards him, and agreeing with me. I called him several times asking him to re-grade my work. A couple of times he changed my grades because knew he was wrong. I ended up with a "B-" because he said he was trying to make up for the mistakes he made. I think I should have had an A or B+ in the class. When I spoke to my academic counselor, she said that no one but the instructor could grade papers. How was I to prove that he was wrong? It was a very frustrating experience to say the least.

Then, another issue with financial aid occurred. I talked to the same counselor and let her know that I wanted to quit attending Axia. She transferred me to her supervisor, and her supervisor told me the issues would be fixed quickly, and offered me a credit (money) if I stuck it out, so I agreed.

Next, one day I logged into school and found that I had been auto dropped from one of my classes. I did not understand why this happened, so when I inquired, they told me that I hadn't posted attendance enough. I disagreed and contacted the instructor. The instructor disagreed with their decision as well. I found that I was able to get into the class, so I copied all of my information that in fact proved I was correct. I sent that information to my academic counselor at the time. She in turn sent the information to the "secret" place where they talk about "tickets" and what not. After a very long debate, of course, they decided that they were correct. However, they decided that they would pay for the class, but I had to retake it...(I'll never understand that). In the long run, they didn't end up paying for the class, and it was taken out of my financial aid, and I was given a smaller return than normal. When I called to ask what happened, my (new??? Odd) counselor said that they were correct. I explained that Axia said they would pay that amount, so he contacted J....e and started a long drawn process of getting that taken care of. What he told me was only going to take three weeks ended up taking three months.

In the midst of all of that, I decided I had enough and stopped posting attendance for my classes. I then received a call that if I didn't continue classes, I would owe a lot of money. I agreed to finish my classes, but it was too late for one of them. I withdrew from the class, because I would have received an "F" as a grade. However, the other class was okay. I continued that class until the final day. A few day's later, I looked for my final grade, and saw a big "F". I couldn't believe it, so I called the instructor and asked her to go over the grades with me again. We figured that I should have had a "C" for a grade. She then told me that she would submit a grade change form. I thought that was going to be an easy process, but of course it wasn't. While that was happening, I received a call from the instructor telling me that she miscalculated and I would be receiving a "D" in the course. I just didn't care at that point, I was fed up, and wanted out fast. I still disagree, but I know that I wouldn't win no matter what. It took a couple of months???. I'm not sure why it took so long. I was referred to yet another supervisor to submit a complaint. When I spoke with her, she rushed me off the phone because she had " somethings she needed to take care of". I wasn't able to finish telling her everything I went through, when she said that she would call me back...she never did. I still to this day have not heard from her.

Meanwhile, I was dealing with a counselor trying to resolve the issues with financial aid, and withdrawing from the school. It took so long, but I finally received a check for the money Axia took to pay for the class they agreed to pay for. When everything was said and done, I inquired about the "credit" offered to me for staying with the school. It took them over a month to return a response to my phone calls and emails. When they finally responded to me, they told me that the credit was applied and took care of the dropped course. In my "Account summary", there is no such "credit" listed. He also said that he wasn't ignoring me, it was that my phone was always busy...(I have two way, no one has ever encountered that problem with calling me). Well, aside from that, I emailed him again, and inquired as to why he didn't just respond through email.....I've yet to hear from him with his response to that. I also asked him to send me something showing that the credit was applied to that course, and he hasn't responded to me yet. It's been two months now.

Now, I am now attending a campus college. I started late, but in three weeks time, I have already received my pell refund, and I need no loans to pay for anything extra. I don't qualify for loans at this school, because now I owe 16,000 dollars in loans because of Axia's outrageous prices.

Please be careful of your decision to attend this college. 14 of my credits did not transfer to this new college???? Oh well, lesson learned! I hope you wont make the same mistake.


ashland, Ohio


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