  • Report:  #1235641


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gotdestroyed - na, Alabama, United Kingdom

07515 644352
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I came across this from many readers who have done a £4000 course with Beckster PUA in London. This is just to warn anybody thinking of doing a course with this fraudster. I think it's a good example how ruthlessly PUAs take advantage of vulnerable men, and furthermore highlights their shady business practice. It must be shame, paired with insecurity, that keeps the victims of PUAs from getting legal counsel.

"Beckster charges £4000 for his residential fraud. Beckster knew I was depressed and told me him and his instructors would help me get results. Instead the course made things so much worst and I regret doing the course everyday and now suffer from ptsd plus increased depression after dealing with this fraudster who has financially and emotionally ruined me. Before I started these are some of the things beckster said ‘we are and honest honourable company’, ‘I will teach you how to get threesomes’. What a lie that turned out to be as there was nothing honourable about him and didn't teach me anything of the sort about getting threesomes. Beckster said that his instructors were all booked and he will personally teach me for most of the residential. He also lied saying height and looks don’t matter to women. I was so stupid at the time that I believed him. He also bad mouthed other people such as kingy, Richard la ruina, kezia noble saying that they stole his methods and said they were s**t.

Beckster claims that he teaches he teaches to combine routines and talking natural. This is nothing further from the truth. All him and his crew of instructors do, is give you routines that are already on the net and tells you to go up and use them and ‘then somehow your mind will figure out what to say’ according to beckster. My mind didn’t figure out anything to say, nor did his routines work on the 100s of women I approached.

Beckster also gave me instructors that were approach coaches that were not trained at all. Few of them were doing their first residential and were not experienced. He lied to me from the beginning saying that his instructors had amazing game. His instructors were consistently rejected and had no success which brought down my confidence aswell.

One of his instructors called JJ told me that the money would have been better spent on going to the redlight district and getting prostitutes. He then actually told the truth and said that he fails 99% of time and that videos he has up are those 1 in 100 times that it goes well. beckster told him it’s bad for marketing to show 99 failures. He also said that only a very small percentage of students succeed on the course and they were good looking guys. It was becoming clear that game and beckster were a fraud. He even talked about looks being important and a good looking guy can say anything and get away with it. This was later confirmed to me when I was shown okcupid experiments with male models cleaning up. This totally redpilled me about women being attracted to only the top tier men. JJ was only telling me this cause beckster was making him work for free while promising to pay him later but beckster never did.

Beckster also lied to me and told me I shouldn’t worry and that he would teach me for most of the residential. That was another lie because he only taught me for 4 hours out of 75 f**king hours. He actually tried to get more money out of me saying that £8500 course he offers will give me more hours with him. Before the course I had asked him if all he would teach me was routines and he said no he goes way beyond that. What a total liar he turned out to be. Also in his 4 hours he didn’t approach anyone and told me it was my job to do so. On occasions he wasn't even looking when I did approach. His routines didn't work no matter how many women I tried them on. He also said that wingirls would be on the course to give me preselection. This was again a lie as they did not show up at all through the whole course

The worst thing was that his instructors said that beckster didn’t pay them. So they didn’t show up at least 5 different occasions. He even sent me away during the middle of the course. On 2 occasions his instructor joe said he was on the way, made me wait for several hours and then in the end he didn’t show up. I complained to beckster about this but he didn’t give a f**k and stopped replying to me. When I did eventually meet joe he said beckster didn’t pay him and beckster told him just to fill in for him as beckster couldn’t be bothered to show up. He also said beckster is scared of failing and doesn’t approach women in front of him. Joe was constantly getting rejected trying to ‘game’ and told me I shouldn’t worry about it and that its a numbers game. He also got drunk and tried to get me drunk to numb the pain of constant rejections. Joe even got slapped once while he walked up to 2 women.

Beckster also said he takes his students out to high end nightclubs in london. This I nothing further from the truth because his instructors took me to places like tiger tiger were wanabe puas hang out and other shitty low end places. These places have women that have no class about them at all.

I had to call beckster several times just to get a hold of him a week later because his instructors weren’t showing up. He lied that he would refund me something. So then I had asked when I could come round to collect the cash. He over several months told me to come round him house many times and then at the last minute he would give me an excuse as to why he can’t pay me. This happened on many occasions and it was so frustrating and depressed me. Then beckster after several month of saying he was gona pay me back said he won’t pay me and wanted me to finish the days of. I felt so helpless and depressed and there was nothing I could do. He then claimed his new instructors were awesome too. Which was another lie.

So I met rizwan and Martinez to finish the days off after months of being lied to by beckster. They basically told me to just go up to girls and say ‘hi I had to meet you’. This went really badly with all the girls I approached and got rejected. Rizwan and Martinez are apparently master nlp practitioners. They wanted me to use my imagination and surrounded by beautiful women (no joke this is apparently nlp). Riswan was very rude to me aswell after I corrected him on how long we had left. Riswan didn’t even approach and kept showing me hot models on his phone but he said they were his friends (probably friendzoned him). I don’t get why rizwan would show me girls that have friendzoned him but it’s pretty stupid of him to do so.

Rizwan and Martinez just wanted to get the days done with because beckster didn’t pay them either.  After the course riswan said that I should continue approaching. Also beckster said he gives aftercare before starting the course. I asked riswan and he said its only if they chose to give it then they want to which was a complete lie cause beckster said he would give after care regardless. I then tried calling and they ignored me so then I emailed them and they were giving excuses as to why they won’t do it.

In conclusion I wish I wasn’t so vulnerable and stupid that I fell for this scam. Beckster turned out deceptive and fraudulent liar. He is a timewaster and he will ruin you emotionally, financially and give you nothing but the worst residential possible. Everyone should avoid this fraudster at all cost."

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