  • Report:  #234167

Complaint Review: Best Buy Canada - Calgary Alberta

Reported By:
- Calgary, Alberta,

Best Buy Canada
Unit 300-8180 11Street SE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Dear BestBuy Canada,

I am writing you because it seems I don't have any other options because of the poor customer service you have there.

I bought a fax machine (Lexmark X4270) 2.5 months ago. The fax stop working and shows a message that says: Cartridge Unreadable.

I went to the store hopping to have it exchange for other brand but their answer was Please Contact the manufacturer.

I have to tell you, I don't want to have the fax repair because I paid for a New Unit not for a refurbished fax. If I wanted to buy a refurbished fax I would have bought one in the first place for half the money. I don't want to have it exchanged for another Lexmark unit because it is obvious to me at this point that the quality of this brand is poor (I understand, that maximizes your profit). So, all I wanted was my money back.

When I came back home and realized how I am being ripped off here, I called the store, after 20 minutes fighting with the store representative, she told me that the only option I had was to call the 1-866-bestbuy, which I did, but the representative told me that they couldn't do anything because they only support Online Transactions and that I should call the store again, which I did, and spoke to the manager which basically told me a hundred times that he couldn't do anything either.

I find this to be a very unfair business practice; basically you deal with low quality providers, and when a problem arise the customer (ME) have to deal with the manufacturer?????? Let me tell you something, I paid the money to you, not the manufacturer, and if someone has to call the manufacturer, it should be Best Buy, not me.

Well, to finish this letter I just want to tell you that I will do anything in my power to publicize this injustice, so this defective fax probably will be one of the most expensive and damaging to your images you ever sell.


Calgary, Alberta

9 Updates & Rebuttals


British Columbia,
How does this work...

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, September 03, 2008

Let me start by saying I have been in your shoes before! It is unfortunate when you buy something and it stops working, and by NO WAY am a supporter of Best Buy, as they are my competitors, (small retail company, which really can't compete with big box pricing a lot of time). But I have to correct you on a few points. As resellers, we have no authority over certain products in terms of repairs. Also note that Lexmark will not refund our money, if we refund yours, or even repair the unit for us as we are not the original owners there for the warranty is void! Surprised? You shouldn't be. Also the markup on most electronic products are less than 10% then take off all reseller cost we are left with less than 2% profit at best!. Consider the industry you work in and what your markup is! The manufactures is the ones who make 15% to 30% AFTER THEIR COSTS. When you opened the box or opened any materials from the manufacture then you have agreed to all their terms and agreements, which all of them state in case there is any problems at their discretion they may repair, replace with new or refurbished unit. You don't really have a say in the matter but be sure that what you will get your money worth. Did you even call Lexmark? Lexmark is by NO MEANS a low quality provider. Lexmark is one of the largest producers of printers and almost every single office around the world has at least one $1000+ Lexmark in their office. Their inks and toner are a bit $$$$$$ but that is about it. You paid Best Buy, but it is Lexmark who you paid the majority of you money to, so consider the time Best Buy had offered you to be more than generous of a 1% to 5% they made off of you.(as they probably get better pricing than me, duh!?) If you have called Lexmark and still have problems respond to this message and I will give you my email address and I will try to find out what the hell you are going through and help you out. I maybe to get better technical support from Lexmark as I am a authorized reseller. I hope that I may have eased your pain a bit and you have a little more understanding. Good Luck Reinaldo, and God Bless :)


Lake Elsinore,

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, August 27, 2008

It amazes me how consumers get upset at businesses for selling products they desire. The author's complaint is aimed at Best Buy even though Best Buy did not make the product. Best Buy is a business. They are the middle man between the manufacturer, which is really who your complaint is with, and the consumer. The consumer admitted that he did not want the item repaired because he would end up with a refurbished printer/fax, what the manufacturer offers. If you don't like the manufacturer's warranty, don't buy from the manufacturer. The consumer also admits that he wanted a different product 2 1/2 months later or he wants his money back. Why would any company give you your money back for a broken product outside of the return policy? Also why would you be able to switch the item out for a different product from a different manufacturer? The economics come into play by you opting to purchase an inexpensive product. On that same aisle that you chose the cheap Lexmark printer sat $400+ All-In-One printers; printers that were designed for heavy business use: saving both money from higher yielding ink cartridges and also designed for greater longevity. Instead you opted to buy a "cheapie". Best Buy is forced to carry these products to attract consumers... The same consumers who are upset when these units fail two months after purchasing them. As a consumer you should research the specific model that you are purchasing. You should look into the manufacturer's reputation and warranty. You are ultimately responsible for your purchase, not the company that sells the item to you.


Actually it is your job

#4Consumer Suggestion

Fri, August 22, 2008

Actually, after the return period it is YOUR job to contact the manufacturer to get a return or get it fixed. You should have not bought Lexmart. Do not like it, tough luck. Best buy owes you nothing.


due your homework

#5Consumer Suggestion

Fri, August 22, 2008

you say that the laptop was pre loaded with windows vista. why didnt you do the homework on this before buying the laptop? when purchasing a new systems its best to look around and get information before you jump in and buy a brand new operating system. always read up on new things before you buy them. if you want good service then go somewhere they are gearded towards those things. ie you dont go to a baker to have your oil changed just like you dont go to a place where kids work to purchase a computer, which is a big investment. complaning to the managment and head office wont get you anything just more run around due to the fact that the upper mangment will only hear your side of the story. if you go to a place that specialises in computers you will get better service and more experinced people talking to you. heck you might even get a deal like the one that you go there. if at first you had problems with best buy why did you go back to them in the first place? so research before jumping into something new!!!!


BestBuy should contact the manufacturer not the customer.

#6Author of original report

Sun, May 13, 2007

It is BestBuy choice to deal with low quality manufacturers (i.e: Lexmark) I don't see why the customer has to pay the consequences of bestbuy's poor business choices. In the other hand when you go to BB they don't tell you that the fax you are about to buy will stop working 31 days latter.


New Hampshire,
30 day return policy

#7Consumer Comment

Sat, May 12, 2007

After 30 days it's not BB's problem anymore. You said yourself that Lexmark is a very poor brand, so what did you expect to happen? You have to go through the manufacturer, the return period is over. This should be aimed at Lexmark, NOT BB.


De Pere,
Common Business Practices for Best Buy.

#8Consumer Suggestion

Tue, March 27, 2007

I would love to tell you of our experience my wife and I add with the Big Blue Box (Best Buy) in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Trust me if I would have know of your Web site I would have heeded the warnings and advice of others that have had just horrible experience with Best Buy. Well here goes: My wife and I decided to take some of our Tax Return to buy us a new Washer, and Dryer. Well as usual we went to BB as we have done for in the last (9) years to buy all of our Big Price appliance items, as we have bought our (3) Desktop Computers, (2) Refrigerator, (1) Dishwasher, (2) TV's (3) DVD Player's, (2) VCR's, (3) Surround Sound Systems. etcwell you get the picture, close to $10,000.00 over those (9) years. Things seem to go smoothly with the purchase of both of them till the arraigning of the FREE delivery that was with the package deal. But the sales person worked out the glitches an made the delivery on Wed's the 14th of February in the late afternoon. I informed the sales person that we had some serious plans made, and could they arraign it before or after the 14th. No was the reply that it was the only day they could make the delivery. Well ok I said, but let's make sure it happens. No problem was the reply; a they would call us the night before to confirm the time in the afternoon. Great, I said, let's do it. The night of the 13th we waited till around 9pm for their call. Nothing, no call. So I called the store a talked to the sale person that sold us the Washer/Dryer, and asked when they would be delivered. I waited on hold for over 20 minutes. Finally I called back and asked for the Manager on Duty. Waited other 10 minutes till he came on the line. I explained the situation to him; he stated he would check into this. After other 10 minutes he game back on the line. He stated that the Order for delivery was CANCELLED and that there was not going to be a delivery. Well my jaw dropped to the floor. What the Hell was going on, I asked, I know we didn't cancel the order for delivery. I informed him of this and said this was not acceptable and that they would need to make the delivery as promised and that we would not be available for any other day. And why the Hell had this had happen. After waiting for other 15 minutes on the phone he finally came back on with it will be delivered tomorrow between 4pm an 6pm OK I said great. As I was about to thank him he hung up, without an apology of any kind, or any explanation of what was going on? Well this should have clued me into Best Buy's customer service policy of SCREW'EM AN LOSES'EM. Well as promise they did deliver the machines on time, but not with out some hassles there too. Where comes the good part: The following week my wife an I decided to buy a new laptop computer, and of course BB was having a Package Deal on a Toshiba laptop with Windows Vista installed and also with Mini mouse, and carrying case. This sounded great, and in our price arrange too. So we went into the Store and as usual we had to hunt down someone in the computer department to help us with the purchase. After finding a fresh Snot Nose Narcissistic Kid barely out of high school to help us, we decided to ask a few questions about the New Windows Vista system. We wanted to know if this laptop would be able to communicate with the other (3) computers we have in our home running Windows XP? And would it work with our Linksys Network Router System? And will we be able to share files, and to use our Lexmark Printer with this new Windows Vista, and our Network? Well of course it wouldwas his reply, with no problems. Well with that, and the blind trust I put in people we bought the laptop, and the extended service plan. And back home with our new toy. Well we got it home and started to set it up, and everything was going as smooth as silk till we tried to set up the Network to share files/folders with the other computers, and the printer. Now I am not illiterate when it comes to computers, nor am I an expert, but I knew something was a miss, and something was not right. Well it was late and we decided to wait till the morning to finish the setup. The following day was the Worst Frkin Nightmare I have had in 35 years (showing my age of 55) of dealing with any big business, and of course the worst day I ever had with Best Buy. I kept trying to make the Laptop communicate with the Network, and my other (3) computers. I would keep getting a Microsoft Windows Error of not finding a Network. After spending an hour on their web site I could find nothing, so I called them. I spent over 45 minutes waiting; finally I spoke to someone about the problem (because I thought since it was a Windows Error the would be able to help) no such luck. They said I would need to contact Toshiba about this since this was an OEM (original equipment manufacture) problem, and not theirs. Great Called Toshiba, nothing, this were their service person informs me that the new Windows Vista program will not work with the network, router, a printer if my other (3) computers are running Windows XP. HOLY COW POOP. This was Frkin Peachy. Toshiba suggested to call Best Buy to see what they can do for me, buy asking someone there if they could help set up the network to communicate with the other computers. Sounded like sense. So I did. So I called the Big Blue Box (BB) and spoke to same manager I had dealt with on the delivery problem. Wow that was the most stupid mistake I ever made. This manager was the biggest d**k I ever spoke to. I calmly explained the problem to him, an how I was led to believe that there would be no problem with this Laptop running Windows Vista to work with my computers, network, and printer. He told me point blank told me that his sales person would have never would have told me such a thing. God I was outraged, not only was He calling me a Lair but also it was quite clear that this worthless manager was not going to help me at all. I asked to speak to his Boss, (the store manager) SHE was not there. Then I asked how to get in contact with his District manager. guess whatthat's right, he refused to give me that info also stating he did not know how, an even if he did he would not give me that info, because all customer concerns, and problems are handled at the store level, and that this problem did not warrant any further attention. What a worthless piece of human waste. I asked what was the name of his store manager, at first he was very hesent, and then he gave me her name. Well for the next (4) days I spent calling the Best Buy customer service line, (what a *&*& joke this is), calling their Corp Office, calling their District office, trying to get someone to listen and care about my problem. Again No-one gave a Royal flying Rats *&* about what was going on. Only to inform me that all the customer relation problems needs are handle at the Store Level. My God, don't they understand that here in lies the problem the Store Management and the rotten little peckerhead that sold me the Laptop. NO>>>HELL NO. So after nearly going to the Hospital because on my Blood Pressure I decided to give it up. Knowing that Best Buy had SCREWED ME IN THE *&* AN NEVER USED ANY TYPE OF LUB TO EASE THE PAIN. Then out of the Blue the lousy Store Manager called an gave me the lamest apology I ever heard but still would not help me with my problem only offering to send out the GEEK Squad to make my Laptop work with my other computers, an network. But of course this would cost me other $200.00 for their service. God what kind of sick joke these folks live under, what kind of CON-Game they are playing on the costumer, what kind of people believe they would have me come BEST BUY GO TO HELL YOU ROTTEN *&*&. back an waste my money in their store after this kind of *&*&. God I pray, and beg anyone reading this not to buy your need's at Best Buy, they will Lie, Cheat, an screw you up the behind so hard, that you will see stars. If any one reading this and still believes they will get good service from BB, all you will get is a Stroke.


De Pere,
Common Business Practices for Best Buy.

#9Consumer Suggestion

Tue, March 27, 2007

I would love to tell you of our experience my wife and I add with the Big Blue Box (Best Buy) in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Trust me if I would have know of your Web site I would have heeded the warnings and advice of others that have had just horrible experience with Best Buy. Well here goes: My wife and I decided to take some of our Tax Return to buy us a new Washer, and Dryer. Well as usual we went to BB as we have done for in the last (9) years to buy all of our Big Price appliance items, as we have bought our (3) Desktop Computers, (2) Refrigerator, (1) Dishwasher, (2) TV's (3) DVD Player's, (2) VCR's, (3) Surround Sound Systems. etcwell you get the picture, close to $10,000.00 over those (9) years. Things seem to go smoothly with the purchase of both of them till the arraigning of the FREE delivery that was with the package deal. But the sales person worked out the glitches an made the delivery on Wed's the 14th of February in the late afternoon. I informed the sales person that we had some serious plans made, and could they arraign it before or after the 14th. No was the reply that it was the only day they could make the delivery. Well ok I said, but let's make sure it happens. No problem was the reply; a they would call us the night before to confirm the time in the afternoon. Great, I said, let's do it. The night of the 13th we waited till around 9pm for their call. Nothing, no call. So I called the store a talked to the sale person that sold us the Washer/Dryer, and asked when they would be delivered. I waited on hold for over 20 minutes. Finally I called back and asked for the Manager on Duty. Waited other 10 minutes till he came on the line. I explained the situation to him; he stated he would check into this. After other 10 minutes he game back on the line. He stated that the Order for delivery was CANCELLED and that there was not going to be a delivery. Well my jaw dropped to the floor. What the Hell was going on, I asked, I know we didn't cancel the order for delivery. I informed him of this and said this was not acceptable and that they would need to make the delivery as promised and that we would not be available for any other day. And why the Hell had this had happen. After waiting for other 15 minutes on the phone he finally came back on with it will be delivered tomorrow between 4pm an 6pm OK I said great. As I was about to thank him he hung up, without an apology of any kind, or any explanation of what was going on? Well this should have clued me into Best Buy's customer service policy of SCREW'EM AN LOSES'EM. Well as promise they did deliver the machines on time, but not with out some hassles there too. Where comes the good part: The following week my wife an I decided to buy a new laptop computer, and of course BB was having a Package Deal on a Toshiba laptop with Windows Vista installed and also with Mini mouse, and carrying case. This sounded great, and in our price arrange too. So we went into the Store and as usual we had to hunt down someone in the computer department to help us with the purchase. After finding a fresh Snot Nose Narcissistic Kid barely out of high school to help us, we decided to ask a few questions about the New Windows Vista system. We wanted to know if this laptop would be able to communicate with the other (3) computers we have in our home running Windows XP? And would it work with our Linksys Network Router System? And will we be able to share files, and to use our Lexmark Printer with this new Windows Vista, and our Network? Well of course it wouldwas his reply, with no problems. Well with that, and the blind trust I put in people we bought the laptop, and the extended service plan. And back home with our new toy. Well we got it home and started to set it up, and everything was going as smooth as silk till we tried to set up the Network to share files/folders with the other computers, and the printer. Now I am not illiterate when it comes to computers, nor am I an expert, but I knew something was a miss, and something was not right. Well it was late and we decided to wait till the morning to finish the setup. The following day was the Worst Frkin Nightmare I have had in 35 years (showing my age of 55) of dealing with any big business, and of course the worst day I ever had with Best Buy. I kept trying to make the Laptop communicate with the Network, and my other (3) computers. I would keep getting a Microsoft Windows Error of not finding a Network. After spending an hour on their web site I could find nothing, so I called them. I spent over 45 minutes waiting; finally I spoke to someone about the problem (because I thought since it was a Windows Error the would be able to help) no such luck. They said I would need to contact Toshiba about this since this was an OEM (original equipment manufacture) problem, and not theirs. Great Called Toshiba, nothing, this were their service person informs me that the new Windows Vista program will not work with the network, router, a printer if my other (3) computers are running Windows XP. HOLY COW POOP. This was Frkin Peachy. Toshiba suggested to call Best Buy to see what they can do for me, buy asking someone there if they could help set up the network to communicate with the other computers. Sounded like sense. So I did. So I called the Big Blue Box (BB) and spoke to same manager I had dealt with on the delivery problem. Wow that was the most stupid mistake I ever made. This manager was the biggest d**k I ever spoke to. I calmly explained the problem to him, an how I was led to believe that there would be no problem with this Laptop running Windows Vista to work with my computers, network, and printer. He told me point blank told me that his sales person would have never would have told me such a thing. God I was outraged, not only was He calling me a Lair but also it was quite clear that this worthless manager was not going to help me at all. I asked to speak to his Boss, (the store manager) SHE was not there. Then I asked how to get in contact with his District manager. guess whatthat's right, he refused to give me that info also stating he did not know how, an even if he did he would not give me that info, because all customer concerns, and problems are handled at the store level, and that this problem did not warrant any further attention. What a worthless piece of human waste. I asked what was the name of his store manager, at first he was very hesent, and then he gave me her name. Well for the next (4) days I spent calling the Best Buy customer service line, (what a *&*& joke this is), calling their Corp Office, calling their District office, trying to get someone to listen and care about my problem. Again No-one gave a Royal flying Rats *&* about what was going on. Only to inform me that all the customer relation problems needs are handle at the Store Level. My God, don't they understand that here in lies the problem the Store Management and the rotten little peckerhead that sold me the Laptop. NO>>>HELL NO. So after nearly going to the Hospital because on my Blood Pressure I decided to give it up. Knowing that Best Buy had SCREWED ME IN THE *&* AN NEVER USED ANY TYPE OF LUB TO EASE THE PAIN. Then out of the Blue the lousy Store Manager called an gave me the lamest apology I ever heard but still would not help me with my problem only offering to send out the GEEK Squad to make my Laptop work with my other computers, an network. But of course this would cost me other $200.00 for their service. God what kind of sick joke these folks live under, what kind of CON-Game they are playing on the costumer, what kind of people believe they would have me come BEST BUY GO TO HELL YOU ROTTEN *&*&. back an waste my money in their store after this kind of *&*&. God I pray, and beg anyone reading this not to buy your need's at Best Buy, they will Lie, Cheat, an screw you up the behind so hard, that you will see stars. If any one reading this and still believes they will get good service from BB, all you will get is a Stroke.


De Pere,
Common Business Practices for Best Buy.

#10Consumer Suggestion

Tue, March 27, 2007

I would love to tell you of our experience my wife and I add with the Big Blue Box (Best Buy) in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Trust me if I would have know of your Web site I would have heeded the warnings and advice of others that have had just horrible experience with Best Buy. Well here goes: My wife and I decided to take some of our Tax Return to buy us a new Washer, and Dryer. Well as usual we went to BB as we have done for in the last (9) years to buy all of our Big Price appliance items, as we have bought our (3) Desktop Computers, (2) Refrigerator, (1) Dishwasher, (2) TV's (3) DVD Player's, (2) VCR's, (3) Surround Sound Systems. etcwell you get the picture, close to $10,000.00 over those (9) years. Things seem to go smoothly with the purchase of both of them till the arraigning of the FREE delivery that was with the package deal. But the sales person worked out the glitches an made the delivery on Wed's the 14th of February in the late afternoon. I informed the sales person that we had some serious plans made, and could they arraign it before or after the 14th. No was the reply that it was the only day they could make the delivery. Well ok I said, but let's make sure it happens. No problem was the reply; a they would call us the night before to confirm the time in the afternoon. Great, I said, let's do it. The night of the 13th we waited till around 9pm for their call. Nothing, no call. So I called the store a talked to the sale person that sold us the Washer/Dryer, and asked when they would be delivered. I waited on hold for over 20 minutes. Finally I called back and asked for the Manager on Duty. Waited other 10 minutes till he came on the line. I explained the situation to him; he stated he would check into this. After other 10 minutes he game back on the line. He stated that the Order for delivery was CANCELLED and that there was not going to be a delivery. Well my jaw dropped to the floor. What the Hell was going on, I asked, I know we didn't cancel the order for delivery. I informed him of this and said this was not acceptable and that they would need to make the delivery as promised and that we would not be available for any other day. And why the Hell had this had happen. After waiting for other 15 minutes on the phone he finally came back on with it will be delivered tomorrow between 4pm an 6pm OK I said great. As I was about to thank him he hung up, without an apology of any kind, or any explanation of what was going on? Well this should have clued me into Best Buy's customer service policy of SCREW'EM AN LOSES'EM. Well as promise they did deliver the machines on time, but not with out some hassles there too. Where comes the good part: The following week my wife an I decided to buy a new laptop computer, and of course BB was having a Package Deal on a Toshiba laptop with Windows Vista installed and also with Mini mouse, and carrying case. This sounded great, and in our price arrange too. So we went into the Store and as usual we had to hunt down someone in the computer department to help us with the purchase. After finding a fresh Snot Nose Narcissistic Kid barely out of high school to help us, we decided to ask a few questions about the New Windows Vista system. We wanted to know if this laptop would be able to communicate with the other (3) computers we have in our home running Windows XP? And would it work with our Linksys Network Router System? And will we be able to share files, and to use our Lexmark Printer with this new Windows Vista, and our Network? Well of course it wouldwas his reply, with no problems. Well with that, and the blind trust I put in people we bought the laptop, and the extended service plan. And back home with our new toy. Well we got it home and started to set it up, and everything was going as smooth as silk till we tried to set up the Network to share files/folders with the other computers, and the printer. Now I am not illiterate when it comes to computers, nor am I an expert, but I knew something was a miss, and something was not right. Well it was late and we decided to wait till the morning to finish the setup. The following day was the Worst Frkin Nightmare I have had in 35 years (showing my age of 55) of dealing with any big business, and of course the worst day I ever had with Best Buy. I kept trying to make the Laptop communicate with the Network, and my other (3) computers. I would keep getting a Microsoft Windows Error of not finding a Network. After spending an hour on their web site I could find nothing, so I called them. I spent over 45 minutes waiting; finally I spoke to someone about the problem (because I thought since it was a Windows Error the would be able to help) no such luck. They said I would need to contact Toshiba about this since this was an OEM (original equipment manufacture) problem, and not theirs. Great Called Toshiba, nothing, this were their service person informs me that the new Windows Vista program will not work with the network, router, a printer if my other (3) computers are running Windows XP. HOLY COW POOP. This was Frkin Peachy. Toshiba suggested to call Best Buy to see what they can do for me, buy asking someone there if they could help set up the network to communicate with the other computers. Sounded like sense. So I did. So I called the Big Blue Box (BB) and spoke to same manager I had dealt with on the delivery problem. Wow that was the most stupid mistake I ever made. This manager was the biggest d**k I ever spoke to. I calmly explained the problem to him, an how I was led to believe that there would be no problem with this Laptop running Windows Vista to work with my computers, network, and printer. He told me point blank told me that his sales person would have never would have told me such a thing. God I was outraged, not only was He calling me a Lair but also it was quite clear that this worthless manager was not going to help me at all. I asked to speak to his Boss, (the store manager) SHE was not there. Then I asked how to get in contact with his District manager. guess whatthat's right, he refused to give me that info also stating he did not know how, an even if he did he would not give me that info, because all customer concerns, and problems are handled at the store level, and that this problem did not warrant any further attention. What a worthless piece of human waste. I asked what was the name of his store manager, at first he was very hesent, and then he gave me her name. Well for the next (4) days I spent calling the Best Buy customer service line, (what a *&*& joke this is), calling their Corp Office, calling their District office, trying to get someone to listen and care about my problem. Again No-one gave a Royal flying Rats *&* about what was going on. Only to inform me that all the customer relation problems needs are handle at the Store Level. My God, don't they understand that here in lies the problem the Store Management and the rotten little peckerhead that sold me the Laptop. NO>>>HELL NO. So after nearly going to the Hospital because on my Blood Pressure I decided to give it up. Knowing that Best Buy had SCREWED ME IN THE *&* AN NEVER USED ANY TYPE OF LUB TO EASE THE PAIN. Then out of the Blue the lousy Store Manager called an gave me the lamest apology I ever heard but still would not help me with my problem only offering to send out the GEEK Squad to make my Laptop work with my other computers, an network. But of course this would cost me other $200.00 for their service. God what kind of sick joke these folks live under, what kind of CON-Game they are playing on the costumer, what kind of people believe they would have me come BEST BUY GO TO HELL YOU ROTTEN *&*&. back an waste my money in their store after this kind of *&*&. God I pray, and beg anyone reading this not to buy your need's at Best Buy, they will Lie, Cheat, an screw you up the behind so hard, that you will see stars. If any one reading this and still believes they will get good service from BB, all you will get is a Stroke.

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