  • Report:  #1243667

Complaint Review: Best Rate Financial and Insurance Services - SCAM!! - Nationwide

Reported By:
DeanMiami - CARROLLTON, Texas, USA

Best Rate Financial and Insurance Services - SCAM!!
Nationwide, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?


This is indeed a scam on a very LARGE scale.  There are multiple "partners", Mark Alan Thompson, Robert James Abbott JR, Robert Jeffery Taylor, and a few other names have been used in the past such as Mark Rogers.  These guys have already used another agent's writing number in the past, unbeknownst to him.  These are probably not their real names, but do a deep enough search and you can find anything you want on the internet.  Look up Etelesure, Avian Online, and Oak Tree Brokerage on google just to start, and read past and present forums.

Yea they can definitely talk a smooth game over the phone, former Marine Corp band, where he met his wife, blah, blah, blah.  They even go as far to make fake accounts on the insurance forum websites to try and defend this company, and their pathetic selves.  They tell you they provide FREE LEADS starting at a 70% contract rate which sounds amazing right?!?  Well, of course you have to give them a "refundable" deposit of $550 upfront, that is to be returned to you once you write $2,500 in AP.  It is actually a very good system, up until you get a hold of those leads.  If they were an honest organization that operated with professionalism and transparency that they claim to possess, why would multiple name changes need to occur?!?  Hmmmmm, i'm stumped.  The first two weeks is your "training" which, in a nutshell, is you mulling over 8 pretty ridiculous webinars.  During that first few weeks, they say they are submitting your contracting to the 3 different carriers that they like to focus on: Transamerica, Mutual of Omaha, and American National.  Fun fact: only one of the partners is contracted with any of those companies and it's "Robert Abbott" with Transamerica.  That's public info, check it out if you don't believe me.

And now, what all the agents have been waiting for, THE LEADS!!  Time to make some money right? WRONG!!  The vast majority of the "internet leads" are disconnected numbers, wrong numbers, and the minuscule amount of people who answer have absolutely no idea what you are talking about!!  Even after building a bit of rapport and doing some discovery questions, none of them even needed any coverage or additional coverage.  Next, the Mortgage Protection leads.  Ah yes, again, wrong numbers, disconnected numbers, and the few who answer vaguely recall filling out a form like this over 2 YEARS AGO!!  This is not BS people, read other forums going back a few years, and multiple agents state the exact same experience.  

So, some might be thinking, "oh great, another whiny agent griping about leads.  How about you go out and find business to write in order to atleast meet the quota."  Been there done that, as well as many others whose stories you can find in other forums.  You write a few apps, and get them submitted to whose ever email your "manager" is.  They say it is submitted, and good to go.  So a week passes, no word from the manager of course after multiple attempts.  Well hell, i'll just call the carrier with my information (contracting purposes), as well as the different customer applications to check the status.  Neither carriers had any contracting paperwork for me, nor did they have any applications submitted for either of my clients.  Both carriers stated something definitely sounded wrong, and to check with the Department of Insurance.  So more weeks go by, and "Mark Thompson" and "Robert Abbott" are nowhere to be found or heard from.  No return calls, no return emails, they just popped up and vanished like a virgin on prom night.  

So now, what about that $550 deposit?  I didn't meet the quota did I?  At this point I can't even get a response back on the status of my 3 submitted applications, let alone my contracting.  I think the $550 is out the window, and shame on me for being a moron and not checking these posts more thoroughly beforehand like hopefully all of you have.  

A few more fun facts:

-there will no doubt be a reply from one of the "partners" or maybe even the CEO trying to justify their actions

-they will leave a number that will go right to a computer generated voicemail after 2 rings saying generic VM crap

-good luck finding an address for the company being that the only ones they ever post on websites are PO Boxes (RED FLAG)

-trust me though, you can find legit addresses if you know where and how to look, as well as cell phones and other juicy data!!

-my experience can be matched atleast 20-30 times based on other posts across the internet, this is not a lie folks

-do as I have done and contact your state Department of Insurance, spend some time and file a complaint, and don't be afraid to report to other "federal agencies" that have jurisdiction over interstate matters because some live in CA and some in TX

Cheers to future success for those truly looking to change lives for the better.  To those who willingly scam agents all across the nation, well, karma is a b***h and your day will come......mark my words.  Good luck everyone!!

9 Updates & Rebuttals

Robert Abbott

I Am Updating My Prior Rebuttal With New Information

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, January 14, 2017

As I stated in my current rebuttal title, I'm writing today to update a prior rebuttal I filed to this report adding additional comments and information. Rather than restate the obvious from my prior rebuttal, simply because you can read it just below, I would like to add some items here. I mentioned earlier that my, like numerous other good and honest agents, name and information has been used in a scheme to which I had absolutely no knowledge whatsoever. I stated earlier that I became aware of this situation from multiple sources, but it was the direct contact from a couple of regulatory agencies, one in particular, that truly gave the real depth of the matter. Understanding whoefully that the wheels of "the powers that be" don't exactly turn very quickly, I saw very early on that I didn't have much choice other than to mostly sit back and let these agencies do their thing, if you will. Looking back on it today and seeing the results, or more so the complete lack of them, I'm not sure that was the best decision. However, being just blindly out here in the woods without much direct substance to really act on on my own, again, there wasn't much of an alternative. With the spattering of information that's been shared with me over the course of the year, here's what I can share with you and have been able to confirm to be true.

First, NONE of the names referenced in this report, including my own of course, had anything to do with any of this. Apparently, the names of the various agents that were used were just "targets of opportunity" and were selected, as best I can tell, just because they happened to be within range of the needs of whomever was actually responsible. Here's why I say that. I am in California. In fact, I'm a "california boy", born and raised, and have lived in and around the same area of Southern California (just outside of Los Angeles) all my life. From an insurance standpoint, the Texas Department of Insurance has been most involved, because whomever was ultimately responsible for this was randomly, or maybe not so randomly, choosing innocent agent names from areas in Texas. Therefore, the overall thought is the schemer was in Texas, obviously. It has been proven that "Mark Thompson", "Jeffrey Taylor", and so on, these are all real, honest, totally blind-sided parties, like myself, who's only sin is that they have an insurance license and number that's public record that anyone can easily just pass off as their own. I have been informed that all of these poor, innocent people have been contacted, spoken to, and it's established that NONE of them had any knowledge and/or part in this. Apparently though, I and my name and information were chosen for an entirely different reason and that reason seems really not to have very much at all to do with me being in California, Texas, New York, Indiana, or anywhere else, for that matter. I was apparently chosen/targeted for a handful of very simple reasons. First, I have owned and operated a relatively well known insurance agency for a good number of years now and I have, or at least I had, an impeccable reputation before all of this craziness. In fact, my insurance career spans more than 2 decades and includes positions in management working for various agencies and carriers, sales management, direct selling, etc. As I said, I have owned my own agency for quite some time now and, by the way, my company is not called any version or combination of "Best Rate", "Sourcepoint" or whatever other names this schemer managed to come up with. The second reason it's believed I was targeted is because it's well known that I have a relationship with several insurance carriers and my name would be recognized by some of the carriers the schemer would be trying to pass off he or she was working with. Finally, the last reason, and ultimately the crux of the whole thing, is that I have created and run for some time a fairly unique program that just so happens to be a model that provided this schemer the perfect opportunity to perpetrate this whole thing. As has been very clearly established, this person, or persons, flat out stole, not only my name and reputation, but took all of my companies materials, altered most of them and then used them for their scheme. And, it wasn't very difficult at all for them to do because... We, my company, had to have provided them to him or her somewhere down the line. All of this makes me, my reputation and altered version of my agency and program the perfect stooge for this schemer to pull this all off. The bottom line is that I, my agency and colleagues, have worked with countless agents over the years and this jerk, or jerks, just happens to be among them. But, "who" is it, you might ask, as I clearly have? "Who the heck knows" is the answer. I guess I and we can just narrow it down to somebody in Texas. Maybe, that is, but that's just everyone's best guess.

So, why am I updating my rebuttal today, now after a little more than a full year? Also, very simple. During the entire course of last year, absolutely NOTHING has been done about any of this. The groups I've been working and cooperating with have produced, again, absolutely nothing. I have been provided intermittent updates and given information that I pretty much could have just assumed all on my own. I have no party to pursue any sort of recourse against and this all just remains a brutal assault on me, my reputation and even my business. And, since this is the outlet that seems to be referenced in the occassional conversation, grasping at straws, all I can do is update my rebuttal with accurate information and whatever additional details I can share and pass along as they become available. Based on what's been told to me, that is, which is again very little.

In closing, I want to just say categorically, again, that I had absolutely no knowledge or dealings in this. This situation is NOT a reflection of working directly with me and/or my agency. None of the parties affected have obviously had any actual dealings with me or MY actual agency and staff. Instead, they apparently have just been hoodwinked by this idiot, just as I have in one form or another, as well as the other poor soul agents referenced in this report. Once again, I and my agency are located in Southern California just outside of Los Angeles. We play absolutely no games and transparency is, and has always been, our goal. My and our names, license numbers, business addresses, corporate filings, websites, review sites and information... all are out there and easily available for anyone to see and access. Simply ask and they will be provided. To the parties affected by this schemer, I'm not sure it's worth very much to you, or even if it's really my place to give it, but I'm sorry you had this experience. I offer that apology only because my name was used. But, again though, your unfortunate experience was not with me, my staff and colleagues, my agency, our carriers and resources, and so on. And, we sure didn't provide whatever "leads" you were given. Finally, there's also a reason why any insurance business and/or insurance carrier contracts you might have sent were never processed and put through. The reason for that is this schemer might have been able to throw my name around out there, but they certainly don't have the ability to process any business under me or even through our channel, for that matter. My suspicion, and I think it's a pretty safe one, is those contracts and cases never were sent anywhere. Frustating beyond belief? Absolutely and completely and I do share your pain right along with you.

Thank you for your review of my comments, for whatever it's worth.  

Sourcepoint Financial & Insurance Services Inc.

#3Author of original report

Wed, December 02, 2015

That's right folks, same person, same scam, different name.  Read all that is included in this thread to get caught up to speed on this guy.  He is an unbelievable con-artist, DO NOT BELIEVE A WORD HE SAYS!

Robert Abbott

I Am The REAL Robert Abbott And My Name Has Been Used Fraudulently & My Reputation Is Being Damaged - This Is An Identity Theft Case

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, November 21, 2015

My name is Robert Abbott and I am the REAL Robert Abbott and my name and reputation is apparently being used in some scheme of which I have NO knowledge or involvement. I was contacted by multiple parties and informed of this situation. I have since directly reached out to various agencies and filed reports both on a state and federal level and am providing full cooperation to those investigating agencies. As an initial result of that contact and cooperation, I have been informed that I am only one of "many" names of insurance agents being used fraudulently, including seemingly all of the additional names listed in this report. I am adding this rebuttal to this report I would hope for very obvious reasons, to clear my name and salvage what's remaining of a very hard earned, solid personal and industry reputation. And, I am asking that no further damage, attack, allegation and so on be made against me, my name and reputation through this or any other outlet. I am quite simply a very shocked and angry victim of identity theft.

Thank you!

ANOTHER NAME: TBRC Direct Insurance Services, Inc.

#5Author of original report

Sun, November 01, 2015

Just read everything that is posted all over.  This is a one-man scam operation constatntly changing names to scam people out of $550.  Research the following business names (all the same scumbag):


Oak Tree Brokerage

Avion Online 

Etelesure Financial and Insurance Services

Best Rate Financial and Insurance Services

The Best Rate Companies LLC

The Best Rate Corporation

Best Rate Direct Insurance Services

Best Rate America Financial Services

and as of 10/3/15 - Best Rate Life and Annuity Brokerage


***AND NOW - TBRC Direct Insurance Services, Inc.



Best Rate Life and Annuity Brokerage

#6Author of original report

Sun, October 04, 2015

ANOTHER NAME CHANGE!!! Oh my god this guy is dedicated to scamming people.  This makes atleast 5 different company names in 2 months - UNREAL!!  Don't get scammed people, Google all the different company names this piece of s*** has used:


Oak Tree Brokerage

Avion Online 

Etelesure Financial and Insurance Services

Best Rate Financial and Insurance Services

The Best Rate Companies LLC

The Best Rate Corporation

Best Rate Direct Insurance Services

Best Rate America Financial Services

and as of 10/3/15 - Best Rate Life and Annuity Brokerage


Do a secretary of state business filing and Texas and not a single one is registerd.  Look up the Texas License numbers that he uses and call the actual insurance agent whose number that belongs to.  This guy is a fraud!!

*The Best Rate Corporation* PLEASE DON'T BE FOOLED AGENTS! *Best Rate America Financial Services, LLC"

#7Author of original report

Fri, October 02, 2015

Seriously, read this all the way through, and you will save yourself from getting involved with this SCAM ARTIST.  I am going to list bullet points with facts to back it up because there is not a person alive who deserves to lose $500 to this guy. You are drawn to this guy, and his multiple "shell" companies because it is a model that sounds amazing right?  You want to better your standard of living and be an even better provider for those you love right? Right.


Now, this guy is sending out the same BS PDF document outling the job, and he makes it sound great.  Make an average of $6,000-$8,000 a month, blah blah blah, you know what I mean if you are here.  Something new he is starting to do is send out an hour and a half long MP3 for you to listen to in which he tries to defend this "brand" for the first 15 minutes.  It is a huge lie, on which I will elaborate.


He Says:

-he created the "first and one of the best" virtual life insurance sales platforms and that he was bought out by AIG


-in no way is that accurate at all, unfortunately no facts to back this up, just knowledge of the industry and knowing when someone is blowing smoke


He Says:

-in a nutshell, that the reputation of the Best Rate name has been tarnished by AIG, and that in the process of him reaquiring it (LMFAO!!!!), he is struggling to escape all the bad reviews


-He has operated this scam for over 3 years under the following names:  Oak Tree Brokerage, Avion Online, Etelesure Financial and Insurance Services, Best Rate Financial and Insurance Services, the Best Rate Companies LLC, the Best Rate Corporation, and right now (as recent as 10/1/15) is using the name Best Rate America Financial Services, LLC

-PLEASE - if you dont want to believe this review do one thing - Google all of the above company names and do your due diligence. type those company names into google, ripoff report, scam.com, and judge for yourself

-there are not any other "partners" I have come to find out, this is one guy who, according to info I was able to gather from the Texas Department of Insurance investigators, lost his license long ago due to fraud, and has several active investigations pending

-look at the websites for each company listed above and do a license lookup for the insurance license number posted on each individual website.  he has used atleast 6 different insurance agents personal, state issued Insurance Agent # FRAUDULENTLY!!  I called the number listed for 3 different agents and they were all aware, and were all very adament about thanking me, and had filed what was necessary to get this con artist behind bars in the near future



One last little tidbit before I end this, why am I going to this level to write several reviews on this site?  Why am I wasting time like this you may ask?  I lost $500 to this guy, which isn't that much in the grand scheme of things, but I lost it at a time that I could ill afford to do so.  I have spoken either via email or telephone with 7 different agents who fell victim to this same scam I did, and all said that was $500 that was needed at the time too.  This is flat out wrong, and not a way to treat your fellow man or make a living.  Read my first post thoroughly, and it mirrors SEVERAL others going back almost 3 years.  Hell I wrote 3 different lines of business and not a one was ever turned in from his end!!  He upped and vanished, just like he has with several other agents over the years.  Call the Texas Department of Insurance and they will tell you the same thing they told me - they get MULTIPLE calls a week about this guy and his fake IMO (Insurance Mafia Organization).  I hope this has found you before you make a big mistake.  Good luck




P.S. - I know he reads these because an email he sent to someone on Monday had in the signature line "Google Search us as 'Best Rate America Financial Services LLC'" and that is no longer present!!!  Be smarter than I was people.

Report Attachments

*ANOTHER NAME CHANGE* - Best Rate America Financial Services LLC

#8Author of original report

Sun, September 27, 2015

 Yep you read that correct, another name change!! This has got to be some kind of record this d****ebag is going for. I believe that's atleast 5 names in 6 months. This guy is a special type of loser and con artist!! The new website is www.tbrcllc.com Again he is fraudulently using yet another agent's Texas ID number.

Best Rate Direct Insurance Services LLC - New name, same SCAM!!

#9Author of original report

Wed, September 09, 2015

ANOTHER NEW NAME!!! Same scam, same ********!!! Be on the look out prospective agents and customers.  Read all about this goon above and on other forums.


Best Rate Direct Insurance Services LLC

Best Rate Direct Insurance Services LLC

Best Rate Direct Insurance Services LLC

Best Rate Direct Insurance Services LLC

Best Rate Direct Insurance Services LLC

New Name - The Best Rate Companies LLC

#10Author of original report

Tue, August 11, 2015

There is too much to write, so just google the following to get up to speed on this organization:  Etelesure, Avian Online,  Best Rate Financial and Insurance Serices.  This p***k is now using the name Mark Smith with a different Texas License #.  This guy is unbelievable and will get what's coming to him eventually.

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