  • Report:  #67191

Complaint Review: Better Business Bureau - BBB - Austin Texas

Reported By:
- Phoenix, Arizona,

Better Business Bureau - BBB
2101 S IH 35 Suite 302 Austin, 78741-3854 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My original complaint was with a company called Warranty Gold who is ripping off numerous consumers as you can see by searching this badbusinessbureau site.

The BBB has taken a cowardly stance about this company. Even though Warranty Gold has ripped people off of thousands and probably millions of dollars the BBB has taken the stance of saying they are updating the company info.

Here is what the BBB has to say about this company:

"The bureau's report on this company is being updated, and no report is available at this time"

Here is the website to the BBB: http://www.centraltx.bbb.org/commonreport.html?compid=98013592&national=Y

If someone was to look up this company most people would figure there are no complaints against this company and would figure everything is fine.

My complaints to the BBB have been ignored and unanswered and I consider this cowardly. Numerous elderly people rely on the BBB to see if there are complaints. Most people if they don't see any complaints from the BBB the company should be OK.

Awaiting a responce from the BBB.


Phoenix, Arizona

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