  • Report:  #452679

Complaint Review: Bill Vaughn - Charles 'Chuck' Hall - Intellibiz - Limington Maine

Reported By:
- 33755, Florida,

Bill Vaughn - Charles 'Chuck' Hall - Intellibiz
Limington, Maine, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I ordered the 'Simple mans guide to real estate', what a huge mistake. I immediately couldn't download the tool to download, as this Company's link and Install Software was broken (See email below) I immediately emailed the Company email addy twice, that was listed on my receipt/confirmation page. I waited weeks and I heard absolutely nothing back. Who would pay for something they can't download, then when they try to get help from the listed email adress they just get completely ignored? That is, until the second installment payment is due....for a 'cheesy product' what was never accessed? I'll copy and paste all 'Chuck Halls' emails to me, you can clearly see for yourself what an 'angry little man Chuck Hall is'. I'll make my comments and emails in red so you know my comments versus 'Chuck Halls' comments.

This message has been blocked for your safety. Open message

Thank you for your order Order # 21120449?

From: CustomerService ([email protected]) on behalf of [email protected]

This message may be dangerous. Learn more

Sent: Wed 2/04/09 10:24 AM

To: (((Redacted)))

From: Administration ([email protected])

You may not know this sender.Mark as safe|Mark as junk

Sent: Wed 2/04/09 10:43 AM

To: (((Redacted)))

Please read this entire message - it contains important information.

Your statement will show a charge to INTELLIBIZ

Thank you for your purchase of "The Simple Man's Guide to Real Estate". Now that you have had the opportunity to see the incredible wealth of information in the download, plus all the software, we hope you will spread the news and tell your friends, relatives and associates about www.intellibiz.com - they will thank you for it.

If you have not already downloaded the free book, "Wealth From Thin Air", it is a very helpful book and you can get it free at www.success-by-design.org. And point all your friends to it - it's free to all, as is our blog at www.success-by-design.blogspot.com. You may not always agree with the content, but you will find it entertaining, if not informational and instructive.

SPECIAL NOTE: If you use Earthlink or its associates (netcom, etc.), please use a different email address when contacting us. Earthlink is considered the ISP of spammers, and is blocked by many other ISP's, including ours. If you use an Earthlink account to contact us, do not expect a reply, as your mail will never even reach us.


Chuck Hall



From: Donna (((Redacted)))

Sent: Wed 2/04/09 10:50 AM

To: [email protected]

Dear Sir,

I purchased this program having only an interest in the Notes. I'm copying and pasting the link and the verbage thatled me to do the purchase:


If you are truly interested in really learning how to make money in notes and real estate, pay under $70 and receive the benefit of free, unlimited coaching from in-house members of their own investor group, "The Simple Man's Guide to Real Estate", is worth considering.

I see nothing in the Summary about notes. Let me know where it is please.


Help #2?

From: Donna (((Redacted)))

Sent: Wed 2/04/09 10:52 AM

To: [email protected]


I can't download the "Install Software" either.

RE: ?

From: Administration ([email protected])

Sent: Tue 3/03/09 8:44 PM

To: Donna (((Redacted)))

First - your emails were never received because you did not send them to the correct address. The IBIZ address has not been in effect since last November, and is so stated in our website. Also, every pre-existing customer received an email to that effect.

Second, the program is FULL of material on notes. What do you think second mortgages are? They are NOTES.

Third, I did not threaten you. I simply stated you failed to pay, which is true, and what we will be forced to do if that does not change.

Finally, you are LEGALLY OBLIGATED to pay, and you agreed to the terms and conditions. Neither your bank nor your credit card company has any authority to overrule our policies, or negate the law.

If you choose not to pay, that is your choice. But that choice will have serious consequences, including, but not limited to:

1) Filing a formal complaint with your local authorities ojn charges of THEFT BY DECEPTION AND NON-PAYMENT

2) Post all unpaid amounts PLUS bounce fees ($35 for each payment that bounces) onto all three of your credit reports, which will seriously affect your credit for 7 years

3) Tutn this over to a collection agency

4) file suit against you in small claims court for the outstanding ballance, all bounce fees and court costs.

Chuck Hall


Had no way of knowing what your 'web site' was since the email addy I used was on the payment page. You can't even keep your doorway pages updated with the correct email addy. I guess if you did, you'd be forced to give people back their money. NOTE: After 'Chuck Hall' being informed that his link and software tool was broken, he STILL didn't tell me how to download and didn't even try to fix his problem!

RE: ?

From: Administration ([email protected])

Sent: Wed 3/04/09 1:03 PM

To: Donna (((Redacted)))

Do as you wish, but realize that you could not order our materials without legally accepting the terms and conditions. One of those terms is that you authorized us to charge you an additional $35 bounce fee for each wrongful chargeback. Another is that there are NO cancelations allowed for ANY reason.

(BS you idiot, I couldn't access it due to your broken software crap so go blow yourself) Furthermore, there was no 'Meeting of the minds' and without a Meeting of the minds there is no contract therefore you don't have a pathetic leg to stand on! On top of that, adhesion and unilateral contracts never stand up as well.

Furthermore, ANY claims or accusations you make had better include ALL the facts. Otherwise, you will be prosecuted for libel and defamation.

And NOTHING you do can prevent us from taking those legal actions against you if you make the poor decision to not honor your obligation.

Again, bear in mind:

1) You did NOT use our email address when trying to contact us, so we could not be expected to respond

2) You are WRONG in stating there is nothing in our program about notes - there is plenty

3) You legally agreed to the terms and conditions, and are LEGALLY OBLIGATED to follow them

By refusing to make payment for the materials you ordered and received, you are simply a thief. Color it any way you wish, but in the courts, you will lose, big time. The law is 100% on our side.

******In fact, we were recently awarded $40,000 by federal court order from Jan Gaudina in Colorado through a federal court action for his attempt to steal from us.********

All further emails from you are henceforth blocked - we have no further interest in communicating with anyone intent on stealing from us. If full payment is not made within 24 hours, ALL of those actions will be taken. And it is not "harassment" to warn you of impending actions against you. It is simply fair warning.

What part that I couldn't download anything is this pathetic fool missing? And the only email address I had

was on the completed order form. Am I supposed to 'Divine' that that wasn't the correct email address to

send inquiries to? So now I'm wrong for this clown to not have the correct email address for me to query to?

Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2009 07:30:13 -0700

From: [email protected]

Subject: About your bogus chargeback, Donna

To: (((Redacted)))

Received your chargeback attempt for your purchase of "The Simple Man's Guide to Real Estate".

You claim you sent an email, but you did not send any email to our only address at [email protected]. But that is not important. This is:

Upon purchasing, you had to CLICK TO ACCEPT the terms and conditions, which is a LEGAL obligation on your part. In those terms it states

1) if you authorize a chargeback, you also authorize US to charge you a $35 chargeback fee, which is what your card company charges US when you do that. It also states

2) that the customer may NOT cancel because the product is downloaded to your computer, and there is no way for us to retrieve a download. It ALSO states that your failure to pay, for any reason, will result in us taking serious legal actions against you for theft by deception and non-payment. We may also post your failure to pay onto all three of your credit reports where it will damage your credit for 7 years.

Now, I do not know what email address you contacterd, if any. Nor do I care. THIS email address is our only current address.

Note, too, that whereas the mentoring cannot begin until you have paid in full for the program, any mentor email would not get a response, anyway.

We are disputing your chargeback, and those funds will be given back into our account, as you legally agreed to all the terms. Meanwhile, we will not charge the $35 chargeback fee this time, but in the event you push any more chargebacks, or fail to make any of the scheduled payments, we WILL charge the fee for EACH chargeback and/or non-payment. We would also sue you insmall claims court, turn it over to a collection agency, report it to all credit bureaus as a BAD, UNCOLLECTED DEBT, and file a formal criminal complaint with your local authorities, since theft by deception is a crime.

Chuck Hall



There was no way for me to retrieve his stupid 'materials' either, as 'Chuck Halls' download tool was broken!

And how wouldn't you know what email address I used? I already sent the copies to you in another email.

This guy just gets more and more psycho!

About your bogus chargeback, Donna?

From: Administration ([email protected])

Sent: Mon 5/04/09 11:25 AM

To: (((Redacted)))

We have had it with you, attempting to cheat us out of what you owe us.

On Feb. 4 you purchased "The Simple Man's Guide to Real Estate" using our EZ Pay plan,in which YOU LEGALLY AGREED you would get the download ONLY, until your account was paid in full. You NEVER paid anything further on your account, so you simply do NOT get the CD library, as agreed.

Your continued attempt to chargeback even after you received the download you paid for is criminal - it is fraud. Since you persist in your criminal bent, please be advised that we will do ALL of the following:

1) report this to your local authorities as THEFT OF PRODUCT BY DECEPTION, a felony

2) Post this to ALL THREE of your credit reports, which will seriously affect your credit for 7 years

3) Turn this over to an aggressive credit collection agency, and

4) sue you in small claims court.

We are NOT going to put up with people stealing from us.

Chuck Hall


Legal action against you, Wray?

From: Administration ([email protected])

Sent: Wed 5/13/09 8:44 PM

To: (((Redacted)))

Since you have chosen to intentionally STEAL our materials (you DID receive the download for "The Simple Man's Guide to Real Estate, and then took your money back - you are a thief), we have decided to make an example of you.

First, we are initiating a lawsuit against you for the full amount, plus chargeback fees, plus all court costs.

Second, we are filing criminal charges against you for theft of product by deception, a felony

Third, we are going to report this as a BAD, UNCOLLECTED DEBT on all three of your credit reports, which will seriously damage your credit for 7 years.

And there is one more thing - but we will surprise you with that. We are going to enjoy this!

To 'Chuck Hall':

You say 'We' are going to enjoy this? Who is 'We'? You and some of your other split personalities? I consider this a TERRORIST THREAT from 'Chuck Hall' and I will proceed as it is such. You will rue the day you picked the wrong person to try to make an 'example' out of! And you can take that to the Bank fella. And no moron, I'm going to make an example out of YOU. And I'm really going to enjoy this. I'm enjoying it right now! lol P.S. I think it's real convenient how 'Chuck Hall' says posters complaints on here don't count if they weren't a customer yet I don't see 'Chuck Hall' denouncing toad-kissers comment when toad-kisser wasn't a customer either yet backs this scam artist 'Chuck Hall'. Do you still back 'Chuck Hall' toad-kisser? After seeing his unconscionable emails? Yeah, didn't think so!

From: (((Redacted)))

To: [email protected]

Subject: RE: Legal action against you, Wray

Date: Thu, 14 May 2009 11:35:47 -0400

Wow, you sound so desperate over a product you advertise that doesn't have what you claim it does. And how would I know, I couldn't even access your download crap which I said in 2 emails to you which I got no response back from.

I filed an FTC report against you a month ago, for harassment. And I'll be forwarding your new threatening email to the FTC as well.

But I'll play this game with you because I'm bored. I require the following items from you within 10 days. If I do not receive each item listed below within 10 days, Game over:

1. Send me the contract with my wet ink signature on it.

2. Do you have a collection Bond for your collection attempts? If so, I need a copy of it.

3. Proof of the existence of an account or contract in the actual flesh and blood name of DONNA LEE REDACTED, duly signed and witnessed by both parties, not a unilateral agreement, not an adhesion contract and upon which signed page there is reference to the entire agreement. Note: DONNA LEE REDACTED is an artificial entity, a limited liability legal fiction trademark which constitutes valuable intellectual property, and all rights, title and interest are reserved.

4. Send me the Law that specifically states a LIVING person must pay for a product when they don't receive the product.

5. To avoid violations under Title 15 USC et seq, I need your Bond/Policy Number, the underwriter of said Bond/Policy, and the agency in which it is registered with in order for me to facilitate a distress against it

6. Send an Invoice signed under your full commercial liability, not a statement, for any amount of money allegedly owing or owed to by DONNA LEE WRAY and I'll be happy to pay it

7. I need your home address so I can bill you for the consideration as my time is worth 10 ounces of pure Gold per hour, every hour, every day. Thats right, I'm going to bill you administratively and when you default I'm going to sell my judgement against you to every bill collector in existence!

P.S. If I do not have these items I requested within the 10 day timeframe, I'm filing a RESTRAINING ORDER AGAINST YOU for the ongoing ridiculous harrassment. Furthermore, I will file every rip off report known to man. Furthermore, as my name is common law copyrighted, I'm billing you $2,000.00 times for every time you type it, say it, put it in a form, email it, file it, shove it lol

P.S.S. And last but not least...I hold the superior lien, first in time, first in line. So if you want to collect anything from me, GREAT, you just have to pay me the $100,000,000,000.00 Lien first. laughing!!!!


Ok so this freak Chuck Hall and his cronies lie, say that it's 'Other people' that are liars and have their 'Facts wrong', what do you have to say about this one Chuck Hall? You can't weasel your way out of this one. Chuck Hall is like Drew Peterson, it's always 'Someone else's fault', not his. It's not Chuck Halls fault that his cheesy software download was broken, OF COURSE it's his stupid customers fault. What a joke, what a major RIPOFF. You now have 7 more days to provide me with all the information I demand you sick creep Chuck Hall.


33755, Florida


3 Updates & Rebuttals

White Knight

Avon Park,

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, June 12, 2009

I am doing research on this business, I purchased it years ago and it was quite informative and compared it to other online investment business. And it is quite superior for the price your paying. I have read consumers bad mouth the website, because of other responsibilities I did not use the program for several years, With the economy being as it is. I have been looking to see if this is something I wish to pursue now. I have contacted the website and the information they have is PRETTY WELL MARKED and if you do take the time to read the material. It is pretty straight forward and does not require a law degree to understand. I compared what this website offers with other products and in a 36 month cycle this product had only 12 complaints, 3 of those were resolved and the other 9 were closed by the BBB because after the company trying to find a resolution, the customer's were still not satisfied and the BBB felt they could not be made happy. If you compare this product and the company against say "Russ Dalbey" & Winning in the Cash Flow Business. In the same time frame he had nearly 300 complaints for a similiar product. So all I can say is that this is a very small amount of complaints and so to anyone reading this, please consider this and also go to the BBB online website and do your own research rather than complain. I am not taking sides, but I do research to before I make a purchase and this is what I found about the company, staff and product in question


Donna is still not being honest

#3UPDATE Employee

Fri, June 12, 2009

I will not respond to all of Donna's insane rants, because the best way to deal with an insane person is to walk away. But I will say this: We provide the best, most up-to-date and complete real estate program available. We have had an "A" rating with the Better Business Bureau for nearly 20 years. You do not get that by being a scam. You get that by being the best. But no matter how good a product or company is, there will always be those that simply cannot be pleased no matter what you do. Donna is all of that, and in addition, never even paid for the materials she ordered and received. 1) She says we did not provide her with the download; that the "tool was broken". Yet, she later states she looked through the material and found no mention of notes. How could she look through a download she never received??? She seems to be dishonest, to say the least. 2) Her early emails to us were to an address we do not have, so she could not expect a response. In fact, the FIRST EMAIL from us, the confirmation sent to her within an hour of her purchase which she reprinted for you was from [email protected], yet HER first email BACK to us was to a different address. Perhaps she should have used our address if she wanted a response. 3) The fact remains she took our materials and never paid for them. We have every right to threaten legal recourse. And we have every right to refuse service to someone who never paid, ans scammed us out of our product. 4) If you read her latest emails, you, too, will see that Donna is unhinged. It is unfortunate that some people such as Donna will go to great lengths to justify stealing products. Chuck Hall Administrator


Donna is still not being honest

#4UPDATE Employee

Fri, June 12, 2009

I will not respond to all of Donna's insane rants, because the best way to deal with an insane person is to walk away. But I will say this: We provide the best, most up-to-date and complete real estate program available. We have had an "A" rating with the Better Business Bureau for nearly 20 years. You do not get that by being a scam. You get that by being the best. But no matter how good a product or company is, there will always be those that simply cannot be pleased no matter what you do. Donna is all of that, and in addition, never even paid for the materials she ordered and received. 1) She says we did not provide her with the download; that the "tool was broken". Yet, she later states she looked through the material and found no mention of notes. How could she look through a download she never received??? She seems to be dishonest, to say the least. 2) Her early emails to us were to an address we do not have, so she could not expect a response. In fact, the FIRST EMAIL from us, the confirmation sent to her within an hour of her purchase which she reprinted for you was from [email protected], yet HER first email BACK to us was to a different address. Perhaps she should have used our address if she wanted a response. 3) The fact remains she took our materials and never paid for them. We have every right to threaten legal recourse. And we have every right to refuse service to someone who never paid, ans scammed us out of our product. 4) If you read her latest emails, you, too, will see that Donna is unhinged. It is unfortunate that some people such as Donna will go to great lengths to justify stealing products. Chuck Hall Administrator

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