  • Report:  #1049868

Complaint Review: Bina Fink - Weston Florida

Reported By:
Shirley - Hollywood, Florida,

Bina Fink
2812 Kinsigton Circle Weston, Fl. 33332 Weston, 33333 Florida, USA
(954) 980-7473
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This woman BINA FINK from Guatemala who lives in Weston, FL. is a  White Collar Thief and Professional Con Artist, Scam Artist, !

Bina Fink scammed me for $5,000.00 in Jan. of 2013.  I hired her as a private investigator to get a background on someone and to file some legal document at the Broward County Court House. I cannot go into all the details at this time but will update detailed information at a later date. 

Once I realized that something was not right, I requested the documents from Bina that I had paid her to get and she made excuses and lies about why she couldn’t give them to me at that time.  I called Bina and left numerous messages and texts on her cell phone to return my money since she did not do what she was paid for, she never returned my call so I went to the Weston Police Department and explained to them what she had done and they asked me if I had a contract, my answer was no, the police told me that she is a white collar thief and unfortunately without a contract they could not take a police report and that I would have to hire a Lawyer and take her to court to get my $5,000.00 back,

Bina knows the law very well and also knows that if she doesn’t sign a contract or leave a paper trail that she can continue to scam people and get away with it Bina Fink not only poses as a Private Detective but she also poses as a PR in Marketing, Ex- News Reporter, Legal Assistant, Record Producer and Modeling Scout, she uses her friends/acquaintances which consist of Judges, State Attorneys, Music Producers, News  Reporters, and a Police Officer that works at her kids school in Weston, FL.  

BINA FINK uses All of these people in high profile positions to scam her victims. Bina attends all these Events and  she has all these photos of her with these people and shows them to her next victims , to convince people that she is someone of importance when in reality she is a thief in disguise, she used her connections with government official  to con her way into going to the Obama Inauguration, she has a photo of her and President Obama , I notified the Secret  Service that she is a thief and a con artist and should not be allowed to be in the same room with the president of the United States, apparently they are not very thorough on doing background checks on people.  

 I did some checking into Binas background and found that she has an extensive criminal history in Miami for writing bad checks, and other Felony charges.  I have also found additional victims that she has ripped off for several thousand dollars.  Here is a list and explanation of the other people Bina Fink has scammed that I have spoken to recently.

1. Bina scammed a woman in Miami for $7,500.00, posing as a record producer

2. Bina Scammed a woman in a Broward office out of money by telling her that she needed money to pay her divorce lawyer so the woman gave Bina her diamond bracelet to pawn to get the money and Bina never got her bracelet or money back to the woman.

3. Bina Scammed a Restaurant Owner in Davie, FL. for $500.00

4.Bina Scammed a woman in Hialeah, FL. For $1,500.00 – The woman paid Bina for a modeling contract for her daughter which did not exist.

5. Bina Scammed a Man and his Son that lives in Weston for $1,500.00 – Bina posed as a legal aid to a Immigration Lawyer and was paid to obtain a green card for the two men.

6. Bina Scammed a Physical Therapist that works at Memorial Hospital on Flamingo Rd. in Broward for a few $2,000.00, Bina told the man that she had connection at the Latin Billboard Awards and for the amount he paid Bina, she would guaranteed to the man that he would be on stage and Present an Awards to the Artist.  Needless to say that man did not go on stage and present any Billboard Awards to anyone. 

Bina Fink has three children that were present during the times I met with her while she was scamming me, I think it is disgusting that this woman can involve and expose her children to such criminal acts. 

I feel it is my duty to expose BINA FINK for the criminal that she is and to help protect other people from being scammed out of their hard earned money.


PS:: I received a email yesterday from a woman that met Bina at a a charity fundraiser for Mental Illness and had she not see the post about bina on the internet she would be another one of Bina Finks victems and she thanked up..


Report Attachments

4 Updates & Rebuttals

Fabian Alexander


#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, June 20, 2014


Hello My name is Fabian Alexander Lengua and I'm here to state truthfully that Bina Fink is a Dangerous, Dangerous , Dangerous!

Thief and white collar scam artist.


She is not to be TRUSTED! 

She pretends to be a wonderful, caring and family oriented women.

When in reality she is a liar and a thief.  If you meet Bina Fink, Call the police or stay away from her

She is a crooked and evil women & deserves to be in jail. DO NOT LET HER INTO YOUR HOME!


4 years ago I had a relationship with Araceli Villanueva, a kind hearted, outgoing and truly respectful women, passionate for the arts. Aside from those qualities Araceli is also a savy business women, but when we met Bina she took us both for FOOLS!


She said to us,

" I can help you! I know everybody there is to know in the music industry.

I can have you recording with top producers and" bla, bla, bla, bla.


Bottom Line is Araceli truly wanting to help me gave Bina a check for $7,500.

which supposedly covered production, videos, photos and media marketing.

We trusted and hoped for the best but we never saw or heard anything from Bina, again.

We contacted a lawyer and I personally called and left messages, with no response.


Bottom Line is that Bina Fink is a Horrible, Horrible, Horrble person and should be ashamed of herself. 

She should be in Jail and locked up for all of the theft and embezzlement she has done to people.





She does not care about anybody.

She doesn't want to help anybody

and her only mission in life is to Steal, Lie, Cheat, Scheme & Play mind games with people.


You deserve to be locked up in Jail Bina, where ever you are hiding.

You are a coward with no honor, a sad excuse for a women, a scared run away who can't look in the mirror because you hate others and you hate yourself. 


You are full of lies and there is no truth in you. I hope you go to jail for your crimes.


I aatest that everything i have said is the TRUTH and Nothing but the TRUTH.


- Fabian Alexander Lengua 

Minerva Strum

Bina Fink Kohl

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, August 11, 2013

Bina, I do not know about all this accusasions, but I do know that you scanned my friend Miriam at Weston. You stole hope and money from her. You lied with not compation!! Miriam is the honest person you can only meet in your lifetime and who only wanted to help a poor litter girl in Haiti. I introduced you to her beliving that you could help her bring the litter girl to this country for a better life. However, you took her $5000 dollars and her adopting documents and never answered her phone calls. Miriam begged you to at least give her the documents back, but you never did !! Miriam is letting God take care of you, and trust me, he will! This is just the beginning... of your end!! My name is Minerva Strum and I am a winess on this very sad situation!!

Truth Seeker

Fort Lauderdale,
This Woman put my picture up and call me a scam artist- I will be suing her ASAP

#4UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Wed, May 22, 2013

I may not get scam report, rippoff report to remove my picture but, I am a personality you can post my pic anytime, what you can not do is LIE. I will be suing this person ASAP 

Truth Seeker

Fort Lauderdale,
All Charges Are False and are Slanderous

#5UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Sun, May 19, 2013

 This serves as my rebuttal to all of the negative complaints listed on your website.  I will address each one separately.



Bina Fink scammed me for $5,000.00 in Jan. of 2013.  I hired her as a private investigator to get a background on someone and to file some legal document at the Broward County Court House. I cannot go into all the details at this time but will update detailed information at a later date. 

 She is friends with Fransisco Valdes her name is Shirley Bearden Trabazo and she did aproch me to help her since her two sons where and are in jail. I did introduce her to some police officers, did take her to meet Howard Finkelstein to help her son that has 14 felonies in Broward county and did introduce her to some investigators that did give her information regarding her other sons arrest in WPB. She keeps changing her amount of money she said $4,500, then she email another person saying $2,500 and now she posted $5,000. She never paid me any money.


can you state that you are involved in NAMI and is false


Bina scammeda woman in Miami for $7,500.00, posing as a record producer

This woman’s name is Ariceli Villenueva.  Ms. Villenueva was the girlfriend of Fabian Alexander at the time we entered into an agreement.  For a long time she chased me because of the contacts I had.  The job I was hired to do was completed.  I did my job for what I was hired.  Fabian was the client, not Ariceli, despite the fact that Ms. Villneueva paid my fee. She paid the fee on behalf of her boyfriend.  All this took place in 2009 (4 years ago)    To the best of my knowledge, Fabian dumped her a couple of years ago and became involved with another woman.  Aricli was beside herself that he dumped her.  Fabian has never complained about my services, nor has he asked for a refund on behalf of Aricelli.  If Aricelli wants her money back, she needs to go after her ex-boyfriend.

She is also attempting to do the same work that I do, and apparently is unsuccessful. 


2. Bina Scammed a woman in a Broward office out of money by telling her that she needed money to pay her divorce lawyer so the woman gave Bina her diamond bracelet to pawn to get the money and Bina never got her bracelet or money back to the woman.

This also is false.  Lynn Reich owner of Lang Detective, Inc. asked Bina, as her friend, to take her diamond bracelet to a jeweler for an appraisal.  Bina got the appraisal and returned the bracelet to Lynn. 

3. Bina Scammed a Restaurant Owner in Davie, FL. for $500.00

Debra Nixon from Taste of the City. An event was done.  The normal fee for this event is $3,000.00.  Since the owner did not have the funds to pay, Ms. Fink gave her a break and only charged her $500.00.


4.Bina Scammed a woman in Hialeah, FL. For $1,500.00 – The woman paid Bina for a modeling contract for her daughter which did not exist.

Francisco Valdes (Pancho) girlfriend Sandra Garcel, it was her daughter who wanted a modeling contract.  Bina took her to introduce her to different people; however, she ended up getting pregnant  I have pictures to evidence the event she went to and was introduced to the contacts.  Francisco worked with Bina and had a relationship with Bina for 19 years.  No money was every exchanged.

 5. Bina Scammeda Man and his Son that lives in Weston for $1,500.00 – Bina posed as a legal aid to a Immigration Lawyer and was paid to obtain a green card for the two men.

Pancho needed immigration help himself because he was arrested and had a deportation order.  I referred him and introduced him to Donnette Russell Love who is an immigration attorney.  I have never portrayed or pretended to be a legal aid to an immigration attorney. 

6. Bina Scammeda Physical Therapist that works at Memorial Hospital on Flamingo Rd. in Broward for a few $2,000.00, Bina told the man that she had connection at the Latin Billboard Awards and for the amount he paid Bina, she would guaranteed to the man that he would be on stage and Present an Awards to the Artist.  Needless to say that man did not go on stage and present any Billboard Awards to anyone. 

 Luis perez is a physical therapist to the starts was with Bina at the Latin Billboard. There are numerous pictures to show and he could testify that not only was he there with Bina, but that he never paid her a dime for Billboards.

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