  • Report:  #564342

Complaint Review: Birgitta Lindsey - Jeffersonville Indiana

Reported By:
Wedding Day Woes in Louisville, KY - Louisville, Kentucky, United States of America

Birgitta Lindsey
1512 E. 10th St., # 108 Jeffersonville, 47130 Indiana, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I had a wedding in August and had hired Birgitta Lindsey to capture my special day and put a WOW package together for me. The day of the wedding arrives and I am unable to reach her as I hadnt heard from her since placing an up-front deposit. I was, of course, becoming very stressed out and worried that she was not going to show up. However, she did eventually show up with her assistant which turned out to be her daughter so I was able to relax, believing I was in the hands of a professional. Everything was moving along perfectly until about mid-way through the reception. It turns out that Birgitta had brought a laptop with her and had, unbeknownst to me, set up shop in the ladies restroom, of all places, and in between shots she was going into the restroom and downloading photos to the laptop and then deleting them off her camera to create more room.

When she would download the pics, she would then go back out to the reception leaving the laptop and other equipment unattended in the womens restroom. I was approached by one of my nephews who informed me that the laptop had been stolen, along with ALL the pictures from my wedding and the first half of the reception. I was determined not to let this ruin the most important day of my life to date and really was not in a mental state of mind to truly process what had just happened. Birgitta was distraught and crying over what had happened and apologized profusely. I told her that many of my friends and family had taken pictures and asked if she could use those to still put a package together for me and she agreed she would do that for me, in her words it was the least she could do. I spent over $150 printing the CDs and all the prints and placing them all on a disk for Birgitta so she could make a package for me.

But then everything went downhill from there. She would make appointments with me and then stand me up at the last minute or send me an email after Id already left to go meet her for an appointment. Each time she would cancel an appointment with me, she would say she had a migraine and couldnt make it, or she had some other problem. I finally managed to get the disk to her and then the battle began to actually get the completed work from her. I finally wrote her an email and told her that Id been very patient but that she wasnt doing what she had promised me and I was getting frustrated due to the fact that I had used up all my vacation time for my wedding/honeymoon and every time Id go to meet her, I was missing time from work. When I confronted her with this was when all hell broken loose. This was her response to me:

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ill have the CD dropped off at your workplace by the 14th. (I said that Id have it to you within the month, so youll have it within the month.) Ive put in weeks of time, stress & worry into this whold thing already & youre only concerned with your wedding pictures. Great, me too..but what about my daughters laptop?! Were out hundreds of dollars because of this whole mess & wheres the consolation for that? Shouldnt have left it in a public restroom. Not our problem. Pfffft. Yeah. Youre a real class act too. See ya.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Are ANY of you as stunned as I was? Who, in their right mind, leaves their equipment unattended in a public restroom??! It gets even better. When she does finally personally hand deliver the CD to my place of employment, I am out of town on a business trip, so she gives it to our desk person, who promptly opens it and the CD is wrapped in toilet paper with FECES on it! Lovely, eh? When I arrived back in town, I called the police and filed a report but I did not contact her. She apparently kept waiting for me to say something and when I did not, she could stand it no longer and this was the email I received from her:

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So.Im wondering what to do with all of these reception shots. I still have them and am able to put together almost 100 more. Many are of you dancing with the flower girl & ring bearer as well as ther dollar dances and lots of hugs with the family, etc. But, Im tired of working for free, and if you want me to edit them (and even put together a reception DVD with a song of your choice, I can.) But not unless you pay the other $200.00. (And please dont write me back telling me you did pay me. It went to my daughter Ive worked completely for free.) Anyway, If I dont hear back from you, Ill assume not and clear up my hard drive, and we can go our separate ways. If you do want them, then youll need to pay the $200.00 up front first, no ifs, ands or buts, and Ill give you everything I have. (Which is a little over 100 reception images.) If I dont hear from you within the next 48 hours, Im deleting everything and moving on. Remember, I told you before, you get what you pay for! If you dont pay for them, you dont get them.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I think this woman is totally and completely out of her mind. Wait, I thought she had lost all the images? And she had already given me a disk that supposedly contained everything she had? Ive never seen anyone so unprofessional and now she is trying to extort more money from me after ruining EVERYTHING? I did take her to small claims court, and the judge said she was disgusted. She was crying and telling the judge that she couldnt function that she had a migraine and I just looked at the judge and rolled my eyes and told her that Id been dealing with this garbage since August. The judge ruled in my favor but did tell me, off the record, that I ought to get an attorney and go after her.

After the Judge rendered the verdict in small claims court, the Birgitta sent me an email telling me that I would NEVER get anything from her, despite the Judges orderand then followed it up with another email and told me that my new husband would cheat on me within a year! LOL You have to laugh, you know after all this, you MUST laugh or you might cry! The funny thing is that on these last two emails, after being in court and after she saw that I had copies of EVERYTHING, she sent the last two emails from, Im guessing here, a newly opened account with the name on it that said something like You Suck... yeah, like the day we go to court and YOU lose, it isnt going to be clear who sent the email to me!! LOL I know it sounds crazy, but as God is my witness, I have ALL these emails and I simply cannot believe that she has put these things IN WRITING to me she is certainly a candidate for psychotherapeutic meds!!

I DID contact Judge Judy after receiving the feces covered disc NO JOKE. I thought if nothing else I could shame her into doing the right thing, that just MAYBE she would have an attack of conscience or something. Nope. This is what she wrote to me after being contacted by one of the shows producers:

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ill be tempted to countersue if you try to contine further action. Ive given you your merchandise, your photos, your DVD and we are so finished. How desparate are you to get on TV? Judge Judy, are you serious?! You can forget it. If its a lawsuit you want, we can go there, because Ive got grounds agains you for a countersuit, believe me. But youre absolutely not using me TO GET ON TV. You can forget it. And Im disgusted! If you have anything further youd like to discuss, you can call me personally , (like a big girl), and not have some television producer do it. How tacky. Youve reached an all new LOW. Absolutely disgusted..

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ummmm. yeah, right. Id love to know what grounds she would think she has! Obviously, one judge already disagrees with her. Funny, I really wanted to say, No honey, I dont want to be famous, I want YOU to be famous! Really! You just have NO idea! but I didnt I didnt respond to her via email the next contact she had was a summons to appear in small claims court, where I prevailed based on all the evidence and she stormed out of the courtroom before the judge had completely finished speaking. The judge did speak with me afterwards and told me she was sorry she couldnt throw the book at her. She could only give me back what Id paid the photog so far.

So, this is where things were left. However, on Monday, February 1, I received ANOTHER email from Birgitta:


This is not going to be an easy letter to write, yet I feel the Lord putting it on my heart to do so, and so write it, I must. I think you know that I never, ever, set out to ruin your wedding. You know that, deep inside of your heart. I know youre a good person; I saw it at Starbucks and Ive only ever wanted the best for you and to do the best for you that I could. When two wild goats are on a high mountain, and the road is narrow, one must lower himself, and let the other pass. Without that, they both perish up on that lofty path. So Im going to lower myself, so that we can both try to heal from this. For some strange reason, God brought us together in life; for a weird, and uncomfortable moment, if nothing else, but HE has His reasons. Maybe He thought we have some stuff tucked away in our hearts that needed to be worked out- ugly things; and what better way to work out the ickiness than destroy something so precious as a wedding day! But it wasnt me that destroeyed that day, any more than it was you that stole *s laptop.

If we dwell on this crap, its gonna eat us up alive. Dont let it eat you up. I know youre strong, and you might think: PhhhIm so over it. But when youre pissed off at everything and everybody, youre so not over it. Have a great life, and be happy. If we go through life angry and bitter, weve missed the whole point. So Im going to pay you what you want. You get your money back. Which means that I shot your wedding for free, and spent many, many hours editing the pics as well as making a wedding DVD for you; lots of freebies there for you- but at least youre getting what you want, which is money. I do not want to see you in person; your false allegations in court and your wedding traumatized me and Im wanting nothing more than to put this awful experience behind me. If you set up a Paypal account, you can use your email address & I can send it directly to you online, which will then be transferred over. It will be documented, and Ill be able to keep it for my records that way. I will not mail it to you by mail, etc. If money is really what youre after, then this should be acceptable to you, as many, many, people do their business transactions this way. So, let me know your Paypal email address, and Ill have it to you within the next few weeks.


So this email above was really the final straw for me and now I have decided to put her on RipOffReport as well as let her peers know what she has done and her horrible attitude towards everything.

Birgitta has spoken on many occasions about the Lord. She stated when we first met that she thought that He had brought us together. Birgitta is now stating that she believes God may have destroyed my wedding day in order to work out some 'ugly things'... and I'd really like to address her comments about that.


First, Birgitta, as a Christian, you ought to know what the Bible says about God's character... it says that God is NOT the author of confusion (1 Corinithians 14:33). God says that HIS plans for my life are for GOOD and not for evil (Jeremiah 29:11). I don't see anywhere in my Bible where God uses confusion and strife as a tool to accomplish His goals. I do, however, see where those particular tools are some of Satan's favorites... so, in my estimation, I would wager that the devil walked into my life and into my wedding with a camera! With that thought in mind, I'd appreciate it if you didn't slander God in order to cover for your own ineptitude and unwillingness to fully admit your own mistakes. Got it? Good. What I DO know, Birgitta, is that you made some absolutely horriffic judgment calls. No, I do not believe that you set out to ruin my wedding, but ruin it YOU DID. You, and you ALONE are responsible for what took place at my wedding. I hired YOU, did I not?

I paid YOU -- and YOU were supposed to be a PROFESSIONAL... correct? In light of that, how DARE you try to turn your lack of professionalism, your lack of judgment, and your total lack of understanding about customer service into your own personal sob story where I, as the bride, am supposed to feel sorry for you?! YOUR JOB as a PROFESSIONAL wedding photographer was to ensure that I was happy and that I had awesome memories of the most important day of my life. DID YOU DO THAT??? NO!!!!!!!!!! Have you stopped, for even a second, to THINK Birgitta, about what you ACTUALLY DID? And some of the follow-up comments that you made? You want to know my all-time FAVORITE comment that you made to me? Are you ready...? "...Youre only concerned with your wedding pictures!" Birgitta Lindsey, Tuesday, September 8, 2009 14:37:25 -0700 (PDT) NO KIDDING?! This, Birgitta, shows how UTTERLY out of touch with reality you are!! OF COURSE that was all I was concerned about!!! THAT is what I hired YOU for... you weren't doing me a FAVOR! I PAID YOU MONEY TO DO THE JOB! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO DELIVER!!!

You really ought to know that when you do a GOOD job that your clients will RAVE about you to their friends and family and ANYONE else who they run across who might be getting married. They will give you more exposure and market you more eloquently than you could ever do yourself. Plus, they have the TRUST of their friends, family and acquaintences... and a whole album on which to brag on you. BUT... What about the wedding photographer who is a walking nightmare? Let's just say that an UNHAPPY customer will tell TEN TIMES as many people. They will do things, Birgitta, that you would never DREAM of in a million years... like tell everyone you know... tell half the city. They will tell anyone they can get to listen to them... because they are... ANGRY. HURT. BETRAYED. You just have NO idea, do you? This is SO NOT ABOUT MONEY!!!!!! And I want to make something REALLY clear here... No wedding photographer in their right mind sets up shop in a public restroom and then leaves expensive equipment UNATTENDED... and then feigns shock when it is stolen! And I don't care what your excuse is. The end does NOT justify the means! I don't care what you 'tried' to do... you ended up causing me UNTOLD heartache!! And then to add insult to injury, I'm supposed to feel badly for YOU because you were so foolish to leave your equipment unattended??? What world are you living in?! And NO, this isn't about money.

From DAY ONE this has been about your complete and utter FAILURE to take responsibility for your actions - and about your complete and utter FAILURE to do what you said you would do. You cancelled appointment after appointment and then got offended with me when I finally had reached my limit with you and pointed out, in my own way, that I needed you to behave like a professional and follow through! All you have done, Birgitta, is make excuses for your behaviour and inconvenience me!! This entire situtation was caused by your carelessness and negligence. You failed to even use ORDINARY CARE for your equipment and the memories of my wedding day, which YOU were HIRED to PRESERVE!!! You inconvenienced me by making me chase you around in order to get things done that YOU should have been spot on about. Do you get that? It means that YOU should have been chasing ME down to do the RIGHT THING, Birgitta. However, it does not appear that you have a clue about what you've done.

So, NO. I'm not going to take your little bait stick. I'm not going to go out of my way to open any kind of special account for you to do the right thing - or for you to do what the judge ordered you to do. You're a big girl, you figure it out. I called Judge Judy in order to SHAME YOU into accepting responsibility. No, I didn't want fame, Birgitta... I wanted YOU to have fame... or is it infamy? But of course, you turned it around and tried to make it look like all I wanted was money. It is apparent that you've never 'gotten it', that you still aren't 'getting it' and I seriously doubt whether you'll EVER 'get it'. And while we are on the subject of God? I would suggest, Birgitta, that you take a good, long, hard look at what you are calling 'false accusations'. I said nothing in that court room that wasn't absolutely and completely 100% true. I can stand and look at myself in the mirror without an ounce of shame... and without getting a migraine... CAN YOU? There are these litte words... honor, honesty, truth, integrity... go look them up and see if maybe you can't find SOME WAY to apply them to your life. I might have put up with your written insults in the past, Birgitta... but I can assure you, your little game is done. You are 100% in the wrong... not only for your actions on my wedding day, but for your subsequent attitude and behavior. You have turned something that could have been salvaged into a public relations NIGHTMARE for yourself. Congratulations.

7 Updates & Rebuttals

Wedding Day Woes in Louisville, KY

Birgitta Lindsey - Poster child for the saying, "He that falls in love with himself will have no rivals."

#2Author of original report

Thu, May 06, 2010

You know what, Birgitta? As far as I'm concerned, YOU'RE the epitome of SATAN. I'm not going to believe ONE WORD you say about anything, let alone trying to drive a wedge between my sisters and I by saying they've said something behind my back - OR your suggestions that my husband will cheat on me because I'm 'fat' in your estimation? Doesn't that sound JUST LIKE the devil? Slinking in to cause division and strife with tawdry suggestions and insinuations?

I will say this about my husband, Birgitta. I HAVE ONE. Apparently, being skinny and horrifically nasty isn't working for YOU? Clearly, you haven't a SHRED of human warmth or DECENCY in your cold, cold body -- evidenced by how you could RUIN my wedding and continue to try to cause me pain by just being yourself - EVIL. Only someone evil would say the things you do. I'm just curious... how does the God you claim to serve fit into your equation of how you treat people?

The fact of the matter is that you've done what you've done and NEVER ONCE have taken responsibility. It's easier to make an accusation against 'Matt's drunk aunt' (as you put it) instead of looking yourself squarely in the mirror and saying, "Okay, wow - I really messed up.... let me make this right." AFTER you ruined my wedding, you took the attitude that you were doing my a FAVOR and took offense when I got tired of all the cancelled and missed appointments by you and finally said something. For whatever reason, your personality type simply doesn't allow you to shoulder the blame - as a professional, WHICH YOU CLEARLY ARE NOT! Instead you attack my figure, my marriage, my husband, my sisters, my entire wedding party, all the guests - you call me a drunk (when I did NOT drink on my wedding day, thank you very much)... all of this throwing of flak in order to cover for your own ineptitude?

Also, I wasn't aware that some VERY NICE people over on Red Bubble are 'low-life's' because in their professional estimation you're a 'nightmare'? These people have more class in their pinkie finger than you have in your whole body. I had people offer to make me a brand new package (which I did NOT take advantage of) - TOTAL STRANGERS - THAT's how much what you've done to me has affected people. YOU DON'T HAVE A STORY other than the one you've been SO KIND to put in email and send to me on a regular basis... and all the emails you sent to me ADMITTING everything I've put here. So good luck to you trying to paint a different picture when YOUR OWN WORDS VILLIFY YOU INSTEAD OF EXONERATE YOU!

No one cares about how talented you are if you're the biggest JERK to walk the planet, Birgitta. You seem to be staking an awful lot on the fact that you were 'published'. And that's supposed to mean what exactly? Does your ability to take photographs make you an outstanding member of the human race? HARDLY. It seems all that has done for you is given you the wrong impression that any talent you possess will give you a free pass in life -- WRONG!  





United States of America

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, May 06, 2010

The fact that you're trailing after me throwing rocks, 9 months after your drunk Aunt stole my daughter's laptop, is an indication in itself that you're a little bit off in the head. 

 It's like you have a sick obsession with me. (You can deny it all you want, but actions speak louder than words-and here you are, STILL going on about it!)
I have SO moved on from "being taken" by you-you need to do the same. 
How many times did you say "I just want this to all end!"  Believe me- SO DO I, but you're the one keeping it going. 

Do you know how many lies I've already caught you in? At another place, you stated that you had given me an up-front  deposit- before your wedding- that is a bold, faced LIE. You never did and you know it. You gave my daughter $200.00 on the day of the wedding, and that's the only money we ever received from you.
I don't "hide behind" migraines. But I certainly don't need to explain myself to you, because you are nothing. Since we're on the subject though, I had a full blown migraine the day of the wedding and I still showed up and shot your wedding-for 6 & 1/2 hours.

Anybody else would have charged you hundreds of dollars for that alone, and the $200.00 you gave me was for shooting the wedding itself. Nothing else.  The fact that filed a lawsuit claiming I "tried to ruin your wedding day", after I shot it for almost 7 hours, and had checked the weather for you days in advance to let you know what the weather would be like is just sick. SHAME ON YOU. 

You were worried about the road block & whether your guests would be able
to get through- I checked with the venue coordinators myself & found out
how the roads would be the day of your wedding & told you that "all was well",
just to make it easier on you. (That wasn't my job!)   
You are the epitome of a Bridezilla, your sisters were right.

And you do not know my peers, by the way.(You are laughable.) Running to the gutters with your twisted stories & when you get a few low-lifes to agree, you say: "Aha!"

It's SO time to move on with your life. I already have.

 *I shot your wedding for 6 & 1/2 hours
*I gave you 35 coloured proofs & 35 B&W ones
*I made you a wedding DVD    
*I refunded your $200.00

*I didn't make one penny from any of it.




Wedding Day Woes in Louisville, KY

My Response To "Nightmare Photog" Birgitta Lindsey

#4Author of original report

Thu, May 06, 2010

Wow Birgitta. Your personal attacks are astounding. I have simply told my story, and I will continue to tell my story.


I continue to be stunned by your refusal to address what youve done. You and I stood before a Judge in a COURT OF LAW and the results? I received a judgment from the Court, IN MY FAVOR, which YOU just recently had to pay. Why? BECAUSE YOU WERE WRONG and the Court SAID you were wrong based on EVIDENCE.


You can sit there and say Im fat and that my husband is going to cheat on me and what does that prove to the reader here, Birgitta, except that you are the nightmare photog that NO ONE would want to hire.


I am going to go ahead and post your most recent email to me so people can continue to see what kind of person you are. There are no words that I can say about you that would even begin to compare to what your actions are ALREADY saying about you.


Email from Nightmare Photog, Birgitta Lindsey:


From: Birgitta Lindsey

Date: Tuesday, April 6, 2010 5:38 pm

Subject: Thank you!

Ya know, since you posted that awful garbage on Ripoff Artist (pah!) my sales have gone up by 85%. My friends have all gotten together and have rallied around me, showing their support. Your evil little plan backfired! Not only that, but I'm now doing book signings and have since been published in yet another magazine. Digital SLR Photography magazine; one of the most popular photography magazines in the world. Ya might wanna go to a bookstore and pick one up! (Seeing how you make "my life" your business.) Thought I'd keep you posted on my latest success. And by all means, keep yapping. You're only helping me. p.s. How long do you think you have before your husband "steps out on you?" I mean, come on Casey. You're not exactly thin, and he's already got a wandering eye. Matter of fact, he's going to cheat on you before the year is over. Have a nice life.


United States of America

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, May 06, 2010


If you go around telling people 85% of twisted lies mixed with 15% truth, well of course they're gonna agree with you, because it's tainted. You're a stalker, Casey. Period. And you're mentally unstable. You're stewing in a revolting pool of your own vomit and I won't be any part of it. You're sick. I would suggest getting some help (such as therapy) or even anger management, while you still can. You're mentally unstable and the fact that you're following me around wherever I go is proof.


You need help. 


I would suggest starting here: 



 If that doesn't help, perhaps extensive therapy.
(Diet & exercise can contribute to your overall well being..)


Wedding Day Woes in Louisville, KY

Your peers do NOT agree with you EITHER!!

#6Author of original report

Mon, March 15, 2010


All your claims that Matt's aunt (drunk or not) stole your laptop, that all the wedding guests were drunk (even if it WERE true, what does that have to do with anything?!), that I'M unprofessional (WHAT?? I'm sorry, you must have me confused with YOU) all of these things aside, IT DOES NOT CHANGE YOUR CHOICES ON MY WEDDING DAY!!

 You made HORRIBLE choices for which you CLEARLY refuse to take responsibility! And for this reason ALONE, you have been CRUCIFIED in the court of public opinion... NOT TO MENTION IN SMALL CLAIMS COURT.

As for me being a 'Glory Hound' have you seen ME post MY name here or anywhere else? NOPE. I HAVE, however, posted your name here. Exactly HOW does that make me a 'glory hound'? You think because you throw words around that have NO substance that it makes it true? If manure were music, Birgitta, you'd be a one woman brass band!

I posted YOUR name here because you need to take responsibility. I think I CLEARLY outlined why I went to Judge Judy... I wanted America to see your face... and I wanted America to hear your demented ravings about why this is not your fault. Maybe if you paid attention you'd understand that.

So... I will now post what your peers have said about you... you may read it for yourself over on RED BUBBLE!! Enjoy ;)


"d**n that has to be the most f*cked-up,dodgy photog story I've ever heard!"

"This person is obviously not a professional in attitude or service delivery"

"Any serious 'tog would never leave their equipment unattended. Ever. I employed a person to do nothing more than look after my equipment."

"Unfortunately, the world is full of morons who think they can grab a camera and claim to be a pro 'tog - and they turn out to be less than reliable."

"Tell everyone you know about her bad service."

"Some people just don't know when to quit. To put all that stuff in writing to you is just nuts."

"Wow. Just wow. This lady is crazy... what a wench..."

"What a horror story. IMO, this is one mentally disturbed individual..."

"This woman needs to be fired..."

"Wow, what a read. I'm in shock. Stunned is too small a word."

"Why don't you let us know who this wedding photographer is? The damage is done why not damage their reputation?..."

One of the members over on Red Bubble is Byron - with wickedly clever humor - and he had some things to say to Birgitta's response:

Birgitta to me: "For some strange reason, God brought us together in life"

Byron's Response: "So as the business owner and operator she is not responsible. Its gods fault. Way to dodge personal responsibility."   (Yes Byron, she is VERY good at that!)

Birgitta to me: "So Im going to pay you what you want. You get your money back"

Byron's Response: "Excellent, she has said in writing that you will get your money back. She cant back out of that now."

Birgitta to me: "as well as making a wedding DVD for you."

Byron's Response: "Yeah with SH$T on it!"  (Yes indeed! The entire package was given to the police department!)

Birgitta to me:  "lots of freebies there for you"

Byron's Response: "like FREE sh$t! Who knew you could get s**+$t for free nowadays!"  (LOL!!!)

Birgitta to me:  "Which means that I shot your wedding for free"

Byron's Response:  "She runs a business, was contracted to do a job, and failed to do so. What do you care if she did it for free? Why should you pay anything for something you didnt get."

Birgitta to me:  "your false allegations in court and your wedding traumatized me"

Byron's Response:  "So, now its your fault? Gee, I thought she said it was Gods fault. Frankly, this is fruit of the poisoned tree none of this would have happend if she had delivered on her contractual obligations. The consequences are a result of her actions. Too bad if she feels traumatised how the hell does she think you feel having your one special day, the most important day of your life, ruined by HER?"

Birgitta to me:  "If you set up a Paypal account, you can use your email address & I can send it directly to you online"

Byron's Response:  "Oh, so now she gets to set the rules? No f#$%ing way. Why does she want this? Do not agree to this. She owes you the money, you decide how you get paid. I am very concerned that she wants you to set up a PayPal Account. This is very suspicious. She could claim that she paid it via PayPal, yet you didnt get the money, then she will say your problem is with PayPal. Dont do this."

Birgitta to me:  "I will not mail it to you by mail, etc"

Byron's Response:  "Oh, Why not? She cant send you a cheque? She cant do the right thing and drop the cash around to your house? B-U-L-L-S-H-$-T! Dont fall for this. Dont let her control this."

Birgitta to me:  "and Ill be able to keep it for my records that way"

Byron's Response:  "She can keep her records just fine if she send you cash or a cheque. AND why should you give a toss about her ability to keep business records?"

Birgitta to me:  "many people do their business transactions this way"

Byron's Response:  "And many more do NOT."

Another member says:   "as Byron says, tell her to send cheque by recorded delivery, I have to pay charges on any money received via Paypal as I have a business account, maybe you do too so would get a lot less than she sends via PP. Huh did the Good Lord tell her to send the CD as she did, I think not. For her to even use Gods name in this way is disgusting."

"A clear example of why owning a camera does not necessarily qualify someone as a professional photographer."

Here is Byron again:   "hehehe YOU contacted her. YOU paid her money to supply a service and do a job that you needed done/ It was your wedding day. And you were only concerned with YOUR wedding pix? You heartless b$tch! ;-) What a tool that person is. What the hell else were you supposed to give a good god d@mn about? If she lost her equipment (because she is an idiot, and she probaly didnt have it ensured), then why the hell should you give a crap? ITS NOT YOUR PROBLEM!!! She should have had back-up cameras, lenses, and computer equipment. And heaps of brand new fresh, fully charged batteries.... I always took 2x SLRs, 4x lenses, about 20 brand new batteries [bought new ones for every job], and an Assistant/2nd Photog."

Wow, amazing, eh? He hit the nail on the head - because she's an IDIOT she didn't have it insured! LOL   Yes, Birgitta... go ahead and try to do MORE harm to the person you've ALREADY harmed by your actions. You know, I wasn't going to put you out here... but all your emails have been so caustic and you've still refused to take responsibility... and, according to you, the FACT that you left your laptop in a public restoom, the fact that NOTHING you did smacked of professionalism (up to and including downloading and then deleting photographs without having BACKED THEM UP)... all of this was MY fault in your little world??? Riiiiiight...

I can assure you of one thing, I have EVERY email you've ever sent me and EVERY claim I'm making can be substantiated BY YOUR OWN EMAILS!! You were so 'clever' that you put eveything you did in writing. HOW can I be lying when you've totally torpedoed yourself with your own admissions in your emails? You wanna explain THAT, Einstein? You want to address the fact that you NEVER have answered my accusations against you? Why is it that I have PAINSTAKINGLY laid out in GREAT DETAIL my accusations against you... and yet every time you respond, you don't EVER address the charges against you. Nope... all you do is use the 'broad brushstroke" approach and say that I'm exaggerating the claim or I'm lying... OR you just start throwing mud... I'm drunk, unprofessional, unethical, a liar... well, PROVE IT!! I have PROOF of what I'm saying here. The JUDGE agreed with me based on PROOF, not exaggerations. Do you have proof of what you're saying? Of course you don't.

Why don't you just go hide behind your 'migraine' (is that excuse still working for you? Hmmm... the judge didn't seem to buy it). Be assured if you haven't paid up, Birgitta, I'm taking this right up the proper channels and I will see you in court again... or maybe they'll get you for contempt. Yeah, what a surprise THAT would be (huge eyeroll).


United States of America

#7REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, March 15, 2010



you are the most unethical, unprofessional individual I have ever had the (un) pleasure of dealing with. Your allegations are more than false, they're highly embellished. Your drunk Aunt stole my daughter's laptop, which had 1,400 of your wedding photos on it. Your whole family and the entire wedding party was drunk, for that matter, ( I, however, was not) and you can plop out as many hideous fabrications about me that you want, you're still a liar. Simple as that, you're a liar, Casey Eckenfels Ashcroft. (And I've never met a bigger "glory hound" in my entire life.)

For $400.00, we were hired to come and shoot your wedding.

I shot your wedding for 6 & 1/2 hours, even hired a 2nd shooter to make sure we caught the essential shots, (which we did), spent weeks editing what remained of the pics that we salvaged (again, because your drunk husband's drunk aunt STOLE MY DAUGHTER'S LAPTOP- and even you agreed that you believed it was her) but regardless, YOUR PARTY stole MY PARTY'S laptop- WITH your wedding photos on it.

That changes everything. (As stated in our contract.)

But it does not change the fact that you're a drama queen wanting to ride on the coat tails of someone else's name for her "15 minutes". (Which explains why you called Judge Judy for that "golden ticket" on TV. Again, 15 minutes...)

Don't blame me because your drunk family ruined your wedding day.

I put in my time, believe me. I've had enough of you and your drama-
you got a free wedding DVD out of the deal, and some free wedding pics
too, all because you lied to the judge, your friends, family...and even yourself.

Yep! You got all that free!


I paid your measley $200.00 settlement.
And try as you might, you simply cannot ruin my reputation.
You're a walking trainwreck. (Not to mention, drunk.)

Now go away. (For good)

(And don't act like the "Judge's little pet", huh? Let's not forget that she threatened to throw you in jail when you had only begun speaking.)


United States of America

#8REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, March 15, 2010



you are the most unethical, unprofessional individual I have ever had the (un) pleasure of dealing with. Your allegations are more than false, they're highly embellished. Your drunk Aunt stole my daughter's laptop, which had 1,400 of your wedding photos on it. Your whole family and the entire wedding party was drunk, for that matter, ( I, however, was not) and you can plop out as many hideous fabrications about me that you want, you're still a liar. Simple as that, you're a liar, Casey Eckenfels Ashcroft.

For $200.00, we were hired to come and shoot your wedding.

I shot your wedding for 6 & 1/2 hours, even hired a 2nd shooter to make sure we caught the essential shots, (which we did), spent weeks editing what remained of the pics that we salvaged (again, because your drunk husband's drunk aunt STOLE MY DAUGHTER'S LAPTOP- and even you agreed that you believed it was her) but regardless, YOUR PARTY stole MY PARTY'S laptop- WITH your wedding photos on it.


That chages everything. (As stated in our contract.)


But it does not change the fact that you're a drama queen wanting to ride on the coat tails of someone else's name for her "15 minutes". (Which explains why you called Judge Judy for that "golden ticket" on TV. Again, 15 minutes...)


Don't blame me because your drunk family ruined your wedding day.

I put in my time, believe me. I've had enough of you and your drama-
you got a free wedding DVD out of the deal, and some free wedding pics
too, all because you lied to the judge, your friends, family...and even yourself.

Yep! You got all that free!



You got your measley $200.00 settlement.
And try as you might, you simply cannot ruin my reputation.
You're a walking trainwreck. (Not to mention, drunk.)

Now go away. (For good)

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