  • Report:  #329157

Complaint Review: black-magic-spells.co.uk - Father Dantalion - Nationwide

Reported By:
- redditch worcs, Other,

black-magic-spells.co.uk - Father Dantalion
Flat 62, Bedford UK MK40 1ZL Nationwide, Europe
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Hi I have used this person I have checked out his website and it all seems OK, address etc. I have had a spell cast with him, I just need to know if anyone else has and is he a fraud. I have been scammed so many times now so find it difficult to trust. I have the feeling he is OK, but I just need some confirmation. Hope someone can help.



redditch worcs

United Kingdom

380 Updates & Rebuttals


New Jersey,
Black Magic Scams

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, August 18, 2017

Please beware psychic scams.  I was the victim of black magic and it ruined my life. You can read my story below.


spot a scam

Freter Dantalion is now parading as Asmodeus

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, June 13, 2010

Check out http://www.asmodeusspells.co.uk/ The scam artist has now changed his name to Asmodeus. His wife is now named Beverly and not Barbara, his "real" name is Garfield Adrian Matthews instead of Oswald Careleton. The only thing the idiot Freter or Oswald or Asmodeus or Garfield or whatever his name is today didn't do was change his picture. (or fake picture) The bio of the website is exactly the same as the previous http://black-magic-spells.co.uk. This guy just wont quit scamming people!!!! Beware!!!

Restless Heart


#4Consumer Comment

Thu, June 18, 2009

I just have to say I need to respond to this garbage one last time and then I am done. I am so fed up with all of this crap. I poured my heart into defending some one I thought was a honest hard working person that was really out to help others, yes we were all duped. The sad thing was I sat by and allowed this BOTTOM-FEEDING CREATIN WITH HORSE BALLS FOR BRAINS to sit by and call all of us liars when he was the liar, the interesting thing is FD or WHATEVER, OR WHOEVER YOU ARE, EXCUSE ME "THE DIAPER WEARING DUCK IN A BIB" when I stood up for you, you could have been a man and said on your website or what ever you created that you made a mistake, that restless heart was actually a client defending you and you could have apologized at least your story would have been more plausable, and people probably would have stuck with you longer, but I guess at that point you were already busted so to heck with whoever you hurt right? Knowing the things that you knew about us, we very well could say oh well money wasted, but some of us, just wanted our lives back. I know one thing is for sure, to all of you, jumping, maggi, and all the other people, this "ONE BRAIN CELL YEAST INFECTION" hurt. Do not worry, he or they will get what is coming to them, the thing is the one person who has kept the lowest profile can be the one that does the most damage. Now of course you can come back here and say I am whoever, we know you can NOT say I am trae because I am registered on trae's site, and my email address can be traced back to you, as well as my credit card statements that can prove I am a paying client. You know who I am, I do not need to disclose personal information to drive my point home to you. But one thing is for sure....I DARE YOU!!!! I DOUBLE DOG DARE YOU!!!! to come back here and say I am a fraud, because one thing is for sure the minute you write anything on this forum that is negative toward me "DIVINITY" WILL WOUP YOUR BEHIND" I refuse to say anything that is un lady like, but one thing is for sure, what you need to do is stop making a "A USED CLAMIDEA INFECTED TAMPON" Of yourself, and blaming Trae, and who ever else you named as the culprit. "YOU" no one but "YOU" is the blame "YOU" took our money, "YOU" told a mountain of lies and "YOU" gave us false hope, and after "YOU" were begining to be found out by "YOUR" clients, "YOU" came back and called all of us liars. "YOU REALLY DO NOT HAVE ANY SHAME"! But what does shame have to do with it when you are a "GONORRHEIC INFECTED BOWEL INCRUSTED HEMRHOIDAL ABSTRACTED TUMOR FROM THE BALLS OF AN ANOREXIC ELEPHANT'S BUTT". The sad thing is some of us truly did defend you, because we thought you were really getting a raw deal. No matter if we were the one getting the raw deal and then when your lies started to pile up on you, you had to add insult to injury. You should really be careful who you mistreat. It was "YOU" that did all of this not Trae or anita or whoever. "YOU YOU YOU" I do not care what any of the others who say this is not real or spells are not real, or pychics are not real. Some of these people have never had a touch of magic in their own lives and there is nothing wrong with that, your points are well taken, trust me we hear you loud and clear, your beliefs are your own and we thank you for letting us know how you feel. I am very open minded and we do live in "AMERICA" so you are free to say or believe what you want. That is what makes the country great. we are all brothers and sisters in this "JIGGY JUNGLE" so I have no hard feelings torward what you say or believe, you just don't have to be so nasty about it all the time, if some one is finding out that they are being scamed and their life is in turmoil because of this, they do not need you to come back and laugh and make snied comments or mean things to them if they are already hurting, that makes you just as bad as Frater or whoever "HORTON PULLS A HULL" OR "WHATEVER IT IS" that did this to them. Think of like this what if your mother past away and during her wake hundreds of people were coming up to you showing you different pictures of your mother giving oral satisfaction to men and some women without being paid and your father had been a struggling preacher who thought his wife was perfect. How do you think you would feel. Enough if is enough. Let it go, it is not your money what do you care? You do not have to be so mean about it. You are pulling a "FRATER DANDYDUMBCROTCH" move, and this site is bad enough without being monitored or regulated and just anyone can write stupid crap. Some times less is more. So, Jumping, Maggi, and whoever else you are not the only one that who have been mislead by the "THIS CREATURE FROM DUMBLAGOON FROM THE PLANET OF PURE STUPIDITY" There are people out there that can help you on a spiritual level and they can help turn your life around, just keep your faith you will be lead to them if it is meant to be. Things will get better for you, pay no more attention to this thread, because it will do nothing but open new wounds, and it is time for all of us to move forward and leave these "HIPPOPATIMUS INFECTED BUTT CRUST" Alone we have got to let go of this and release some of this pain, so we all can move forward with our lives. Remember the more these people lie to us and on us, the more trouble they will get into, and trust me they are all going to get what's coming to them, I hope that you idiots have saved some of the money you stole from us because in the very, very near future you will not even be able to get a drink of dirty water, to cure your thirst. And do not be surprised if you have contracted 5 of the worst skin infections in the world. You will pay for what you have done, trust me, if you do not ever trust another thing in your life. Trust that your world wil crash, very, very soon. I am not particularly caring at this who responds to this thread, but I Needed to move forward and I needed to close this door. I am starting to destroy the progress that I began to make toward repairing my life, and releasing this is important to me. And now I feel like I am going to become a stronger woman for no longer giving this "INFECTIOUS BLOOD CLOT" anymore power over me, and by letting go and forgiving him, Yes Forgiveness, it is a powerful tool! Frater or Carlton what ever your name is "I FORGIVE YOU FOR LYEING, MISLEADING AND TAKING ADVANTAGE OF ME. I FORGIVE YOU FOR THROWING ME UNDER THE BUS WHEN I DEFENDED YOU. I FORGIVE YOU FOR HURTING ME AND MY FAMILY. I FORGIVE YOU FOR ALL THE WRONG AND ALL THE PAIN THAT YOU INFLICTED IN MY LIFE. I WISH NO HARM ON YOU. WHETHER OR NOT THAT HAPPENS IS NOT UP TO ME IT IS UP THE CREATOR AND ITS DIVINITY. I JUST HOPE THAT YOU STOP BLAMEING OTHERS AND TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR WRONG DOING IN THIS SITUATION!!!! THIS IS MY LAST POST I AM NO LONGER PLAYING A PART IN THIS DESTRUCTIVE CYCLE!!!!!!!!!!!! DIVINITY'S SERVANT FOR LIFE!!!! ME!!!!


United Kingdom
black-magic.org.uk Another Frater Dantalion scam! Newcastle Newcastle UK? Arizona

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, June 09, 2009

Hi Guys, I am reporting this site as another scam of Frater Dantalion. They claim they are form Newcastle but yet the bank acoount is from London here is the address: ABBEY NATIONAL PLC Bank Account London E1 8AD Also these guys are not form the uk their website is based in the U.S Arizona. Do not buy form them or any of the sites he has. You will lose your money. Join my facebook group where I post all his scams! I also have proof of his scams! All these scams below are his! http://www.black-magic-spells.co.uk http://www.black-magic-spells.me Frater Dantalion is a Scam Psychic do not buy anything from him is a rip off!!! http://www.love-spell.com http://www.lovespells.org.uk/ Support all the scams and you can see the similarities with Dantalion Do no Trust them!!! http://www.blackmagic.ws/ All this site belong to the same person and address in Arizona! http://www.lovespells.name Another Scam Artist very Clever one too! http://www.love-spells-witch.co.uk another one of his scams!!!! http://www.black-magic.org.uk another one of his scams! Surely we going to hear from him in here claiming I am fake and I run other scams! LOL Claudio London


Walla Walla,
Here's a fact for you

#6Consumer Comment

Thu, May 07, 2009

Making a statement and following it up with FACT written in all caps doesn't make it a fact. You gonna actually prove Trae is tied to all of this? Probably not, you never have. It might even be entertaining to rebut an actual attempt at proof. Instead I get bored to tears with unfounded claims of who he works for, what he does, weird stories about wine and russian brides, but not even one statement attempting to back any of it up.

Frater Dantalion

United Kingdom
CORRECTION from Frater Dantalion, but not an apology

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, May 02, 2009

Trae Dorn does not own the scams, famous celebrity psychic Alinda Bartlett does, Trae Dorn is a puppet of hers, he creates lots of websites for her, and fakes up photos etc. The crazy woman is my stalker, she needs exposing, and sectioning. http://web.archive.org/web/20041014001312/http://www.spells4u.com/ http://web.archive.org/web/20070415155713/http://www.spells4u.com/index.html This entire report is the handiwork of Alinda Bartlett of www.alinda.co.uk Celeb psychic, she is a scammer, and stalks me. She is all these crazy characters on this report, she purchased from me?? I cannot be sued for telling the truth. She owns hundreds of scams, and Trae Dorn is one of her employees - FACT. BTW, I have no problems with Tanith from Healing Spirit, Tanith is another victim of the jealous, mentally unbalanced Alinda Bartlett.



#8Consumer Comment

Thu, November 13, 2008

Wow, you mean people on the internet advertise that they can "cast spells", and you PAY MONEY FOR IT? Holy cow...I've missed my calling. Let me get this straight (as I read on one website)..this person claims to be able to reunite loved ones all for a little cold hard cash. Those odds seem pretty obvious to me. 50/50: 50% chance that you will be reunited, 50% change you wont. And people fall for this crap? Apparently in a day and age where the economy is falling apart, and people take no hesitation to remind us of that, when they are "ripped off", yet they insist on GIVING it away to any crazy on the net. No thanks, I'll keep my hard earned cash.


Holy Cow!

#9Consumer Comment

Mon, November 03, 2008

This thread is STILL active? In the 21st century people are STILL debating the validity of people who say they can work magic and cast spells?? Man, I guess poeple will believe whatever they need to in order to get by. Regardless of whether it's based in reality or not, and it's a d**n shame that there are so many who will take advantage of them. And yet part of me realizes that's just the way it is, the way it's always been, and the way it will always be. So why shouldn't someone be able to make a buck out of it? "A fool and his money are soon parted".


A Bunch of Fake Psychic Hoo-Doo Will NOT replace HARD WORK & INTELLIGENT PLANNING!

#10Consumer Comment

Mon, November 03, 2008

You have to WORK and PLAN for what you want. Dreams and sitting at a computer and paying people who have no idea of your circumstances but SURE WANT AND CAN SPEND YOUR MONEY -- is NOT the way to success... I am sure this guy means well but the proof is in whether or not he succeeds in doing what you paid him to do. IF HE DID NOT, THEN DO NOT USE HIS SERVICES AGAIN. When you hired him to do a job and he did not guarantee his results and signed no contract with you on paper, you have no refund of gripe coming. YOU LEARNED THAT MOST PEOPLE WHO CLAIM THEY WILL WORK SPELLS FOR YOU FOR A PRICE MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE THE ACTUAL POWERS BUT APPARENTLY THEY DON'T WORK FOR YOU SO LEARN HOW TO DO YOUR OWN SPELLS IF YOU MUST ---AND AT LEAST YOU WILL SAVE MONEY. A DECK OF TAROT CARDS WOULD BE CHEAPER.PROBABLY MORE ACCURATE TOO.

Spot A Scam

GoGo - File a grievance with paypal

#11Consumer Suggestion

Mon, November 03, 2008

GoGo - I have concrete proof that Dantalion is a scam. File a report with paypal to get your money returned to you before it is too late. Dantalion is a scam, the worst form of vermin out there. He preys on people's emotions to rob them of their money. His spells don't work at all and never will. His ridiculous spells will not alter your situation at all. He will jerk your chain until it is too late and you can't get a refund from paypal. Stop the charletan in his tracks now - get your money back!!! or find out the hardway like countless others her has ripped off!!!!!!!!!!!! The greedy Dantalion needs to be taught a lesson. S.a.S


Obviously you are not reading this thread!

#12Consumer Comment

Sun, November 02, 2008

Gogomagicgadget if you read this thread from top to bottom than you would understand better but I guess you haven't and by the way on Facebook I created a Group just type Frater Dantalion is a Scam and you can join you can see me there! FRATER DANTALION IS A SCAM!!!!


That One Town,
Jumping i dont understand you.

#13Consumer Comment

Sun, November 02, 2008

first off i am not frater.. second i never said i am getting real results based on the spell.. i said things turned in my favor some, and it could have been the spell or it could have just been dumb luck.. never once did i said the spell is for sure working and frater is 100% godsent! I see your from chicago well good man im on the other side of the state in moline.. and i travel to chicago quite frequently.. care for me to prove to you that I am not frater... or i can add ya on facebook and you can flat out see me on there and where i work and all my friends who are from iowa and illinois!! i really ant stand the fact cause i posted something that makes me out to be a liar or a fraud, or worse yet someone completely different than myself.. so stop calling me anyone but me... if you want me to add ya on facebook post your link and ill find ya and send ya a message on there so you can see for yourself.. ok..


Buy Yourself a Deck or Tarot Cards --AND SAVE!

#14Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 31, 2008

I have some simple advice for you: 1. Go to your nearest Occult Bookstore or some used books store that buys Tarot cards. You can also look in the phone books for stores that sell metaphysical supplies. 2. Buy a deck of Tarot cards. Pay cash. You will see right away it is cheaper than a psychic reading because most of them are fraudulent and they only give you enough information through intuition and telling you what you want to hear with a lot of generalities to get you hooked. Like the heroin pusher who tells you that your first spike of heroin is FREE. 3. Take the cards home. Open them carefully and read the instructions that come with them. 4. Practice telling your own future with the cards. 5. You have just now saved yourself several hundred dollars that some loser con artist who calls himself or herself a psychic would have taken from you and spend on crack or some other kidn of dope. 6. You're welcome.


I won't call you a cheat just a fake!

#15Consumer Comment

Fri, October 31, 2008

Gogomagicgadget Or Actually Dantalion! I smell ya from far away so much that you stink! You come in here and think you can fool us? with your little games? I don't think so mate! So you think you can change the reputation that you got so far and the proof that we got on you! Please spares us your compulsive lies! So out of the many that he scammed you are the only one with results? I mean Danatlion websites claims 95% speedy results and 5% no so fast! So the actual percentage is a bit wrong isn't it? I mean 99% see no results and get dropped and 1% is Luck! Please Gogomagicgadget wipe your mouth s**t is coming out from it! I am a Real genuine client and can prove it I also created a group on Facebook so you can see me there! SCAM! DANTALION IS A SCAM AND NOBODY CAN CHANGE THAT!


I won't call you a cheat just a fake!

#16Consumer Comment

Fri, October 31, 2008

Gogomagicgadget Or Actually Dantalion! I smell ya from far away so much that you stink! You come in here and think you can fool us? with your little games? I don't think so mate! So you think you can change the reputation that you got so far and the proof that we got on you! Please spares us your compulsive lies! So out of the many that he scammed you are the only one with results? I mean Danatlion websites claims 95% speedy results and 5% no so fast! So the actual percentage is a bit wrong isn't it? I mean 99% see no results and get dropped and 1% is Luck! Please Gogomagicgadget wipe your mouth s**t is coming out from it! I am a Real genuine client and can prove it I also created a group on Facebook so you can see me there! SCAM! DANTALION IS A SCAM AND NOBODY CAN CHANGE THAT!


I won't call you a cheat just a fake!

#17Consumer Comment

Fri, October 31, 2008

Gogomagicgadget Or Actually Dantalion! I smell ya from far away so much that you stink! You come in here and think you can fool us? with your little games? I don't think so mate! So you think you can change the reputation that you got so far and the proof that we got on you! Please spares us your compulsive lies! So out of the many that he scammed you are the only one with results? I mean Danatlion websites claims 95% speedy results and 5% no so fast! So the actual percentage is a bit wrong isn't it? I mean 99% see no results and get dropped and 1% is Luck! Please Gogomagicgadget wipe your mouth s**t is coming out from it! I am a Real genuine client and can prove it I also created a group on Facebook so you can see me there! SCAM! DANTALION IS A SCAM AND NOBODY CAN CHANGE THAT!


That One Town,
yup i can see the result of this post now!

#18Consumer Comment

Thu, October 30, 2008

It could be just an occourance or it could been the spell.. but i started to kinda see some results when i woke up this morning. I wont say what cause you arnt supposed to discuss what your spell is for and what and so fourth.. but im starting to see results, but like before ill report more once i have a firm belief that it truely is the spells work. now that i posted this and that something good came so far please call me a cheat a liar or whatnot I totally expect it.. I am a real client and trying to give true answers from my end.


i dunno

#19Consumer Comment

Wed, October 29, 2008

I havent seen results yet but so far hes been quite helpful with emails.


United Kingdom
Dantalion is a scam

#20Consumer Comment

Mon, October 27, 2008

I know Dantalion has stopped commenting on this site - howevver he is a complete scam. I have emails to prove that after a certain period of time he has dropped my case - I am a legitimate client that has paid him money. I too will be filing a complaint with paypal.


Walla Walla,

#21Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 23, 2008

"as I think both sides are just embarassing themselves by posting all over the internet against each other. Slamming the other does not make you appear any more of a hero especially with the means used by both. " Trae hasn't really use any 'means' other than research, basic facts, and his own opinion that spell caster sites are scams (all spellcasters, not just Dantalion). Dantalion offers no reasearch and merely states things as if they are fact. I haven't really used any tactics other than to state that if you watch Dantalion's site it's pretty obvious who is trying to alter reality to fit their statements. The only sites we've taken this to are any RoR claims made against Trae and Trae's site itself. Now there are others that are initiating a claim with PayPal, and as they've been scammed I feel they are right to do so. I don't feel anything done by Trae or myself are questionable in the least. As a further rebuttal of Mandy, it is apparent from the screenshots on Trae's site as well as the timeline of Trae's article and the Consumerist post made on his behalf that Dantalion made all of his changes and attacks after, not before, Trae's first expose. Again, Dantalion quotes facts that don't actually pan out. Trae's info is readily verifiable and always will be. He doesn't need to change his story as it always fits reality.


United Kingdom

#22Consumer Comment

Thu, October 23, 2008

i thought FD was from bedford??? as far as i know bedford it a different from chelmsford no??? can u help me with that plz??


Eau Claire,
Frater Dantalion is a scam artist too.

#23Consumer Comment

Wed, October 22, 2008

Frater Dantalion runs black-magic-spells.co.uk -- he's a scam artist too, and ONE OF THE PEOPLE I'VE WRITTEN ARTICLES ABOUT. You logic says that if I write an article about someone, they must be me apparently. That would mean that I'd have to be Dantalion too. Which I also am not. I'm not Tasha. Tasha is Tasha Palladino, and she's partnered with her boyfriend Steven Hanna -- and they're in New Jersey. Five minutes of research on WitchCraftSpellsNow.com's paypal account ([email protected]) could tell you that. Mandy, you're either Dantalion or someone he's suckered. If the case is the former, shut up. If the case is the latter, do some ACTUAL research.


United Kingdom
I don't want to take sides

#24Consumer Suggestion

Wed, October 22, 2008

as I think both sides are just embarassing themselves by posting all over the internet against each other. Slamming the other does not make you appear any more of a hero especially with the means used by both. But that's not why I'm posting, that is for you to settle. What I wanted to mention was more on the topic of Carmen and Dantalion. From what I've read on their respective websites they do not appear to be the same person. Carmen (I think her real name might be Claire) is based in Grantham, Lincolnshire while Dantalion is from Chelmsford, Essex. Whoever created lovespells.org.uk does not know the British code system as they listed the address as: 2, Thomas Road, Bristol, BR6 8TT. Or maybe it was intented to be wrong. BR6 is the code for Orpington near London and the code for Bristol would be BS. There is a St. Thomas Avenue, Street and Way in Bristol but no St. Thomas Road. There is a St. Thomas Drive in Orpington but again no St. Thomas Street. Just some food for thought!


Mandi the fake!

#25Consumer Comment

Wed, October 22, 2008

Notice how Mandi accuses me just like Dantalion! I mean camon you got to do better than that to convince you are not Frater! And why would you support Frater after you been scammed By another spellcaster??? Don't quite make sense does it? Frater is trying to blame every other scam casters just because of competition, does he make him right??? NO!!!! Trae has exposed both and will expose more not because he is a competitor not at all, he is a wiccan and believes that anyone that charges for casting spells and forcing free will is a scam! Oh Mandi Dantalion you can see me on facebook especially in the new Group Frater Dantalion is a scam www.black-magic-spells.co.uk you will see that me and Trae don't look like twins or brothers or even the same person just in case someone was confused! DO NOT BUY FRATER DANTALIONS SPELLS HE IS A SCAM!!!!!


San Antonio,
It's Obvious that Mandy is Dantalion

#26Consumer Comment

Wed, October 22, 2008

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that Mandy is Frater in disguise. Shame on you Dantalion !!! You clearly gave yourself away. No real individual who reads this report and Trae's webpage would ever believe that he is behind any scam.


New Orleans,
Frater Dantalion is correct.

#27Consumer Comment

Wed, October 22, 2008

I do realise Trae is Tasha, his luck is running out and so he keeps exposing his own websites to make himself look innocent. I studied everything carefully before posting, I just changed my name for this report, you do JUMPING, some other reports here are the exact same syntax as yours. I posted on a Tasha report as she scammed me, I read FD was being blamed and looked at his reports and all of Tashas. I've not been scammed by FD, I was scammed by Tasha, and asked the same question on both reports. It will be interesting to see what happens to FD and all the websites on the so called scam list. FD is correct, two are scams so far, and strange how Trae exposed both, he only attacked FD because FD had exposed him first. That's how it looks to anyone who reads everything and takes notes of the dates. Call me FD, it doesn't matter, what I say is true about Trae.


Yes Mandi Dantalion!

#28Consumer Comment

Wed, October 22, 2008

Yes Frater Dantalion is a fake so is Tasha and Carmen and Desdemona Chapman and Tanith and guess what you are too Mandi or Belly.bolly where you posted on another http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/378/RipOff0378474.htm or should we call you Frater which is most suited at least if you want to fake you might not wanna post similar postings and maybe you wanna change your city and state!! You gave it a bit away there dumb Dantalion! DO NOT BUY DANTALIONS SPELLS HE IS A SCAM!


Eau Claire,
Jeez Louise...

#29Consumer Comment

Wed, October 22, 2008

For Pete's sake, I guess I have to spell this out. 1. Dantalion is a Scam Artist who Competes with Other Scam Artists 2. I (Trae Dorn) write negative articles about these scam artists. 3. Dantalion groups his competition together (again, Scam Artists) and blames me for running their business to attempt to discredit both me and his competition in one fell swoop. Not hard. I say that spell casters are ALL scams -- including Tasha. The most positive thing I've ever said about Tasha was that she was probably a scam artist but that I hadn't researched her yet. I have *now* researched her. I have consistently stated that ALL spell casters are scam artists, so my going after Tasha isn't a confirmation of Dantalion's claims. While everyone on Dantalion's list IS a scam artist, *I* don't run those sites (they're run by different groups actually) and Dantalion is a scam artist himself. This actually isn't complicated. Here's the simple answer: People who Charge for Spells are Scam Artists. There, done.


Eau Claire,
Jeez Louise...

#30Consumer Comment

Wed, October 22, 2008

For Pete's sake, I guess I have to spell this out. 1. Dantalion is a Scam Artist who Competes with Other Scam Artists 2. I (Trae Dorn) write negative articles about these scam artists. 3. Dantalion groups his competition together (again, Scam Artists) and blames me for running their business to attempt to discredit both me and his competition in one fell swoop. Not hard. I say that spell casters are ALL scams -- including Tasha. The most positive thing I've ever said about Tasha was that she was probably a scam artist but that I hadn't researched her yet. I have *now* researched her. I have consistently stated that ALL spell casters are scam artists, so my going after Tasha isn't a confirmation of Dantalion's claims. While everyone on Dantalion's list IS a scam artist, *I* don't run those sites (they're run by different groups actually) and Dantalion is a scam artist himself. This actually isn't complicated. Here's the simple answer: People who Charge for Spells are Scam Artists. There, done.


Eau Claire,
Jeez Louise...

#31Consumer Comment

Wed, October 22, 2008

For Pete's sake, I guess I have to spell this out. 1. Dantalion is a Scam Artist who Competes with Other Scam Artists 2. I (Trae Dorn) write negative articles about these scam artists. 3. Dantalion groups his competition together (again, Scam Artists) and blames me for running their business to attempt to discredit both me and his competition in one fell swoop. Not hard. I say that spell casters are ALL scams -- including Tasha. The most positive thing I've ever said about Tasha was that she was probably a scam artist but that I hadn't researched her yet. I have *now* researched her. I have consistently stated that ALL spell casters are scam artists, so my going after Tasha isn't a confirmation of Dantalion's claims. While everyone on Dantalion's list IS a scam artist, *I* don't run those sites (they're run by different groups actually) and Dantalion is a scam artist himself. This actually isn't complicated. Here's the simple answer: People who Charge for Spells are Scam Artists. There, done.


Eau Claire,
Jeez Louise...

#32Consumer Comment

Wed, October 22, 2008

For Pete's sake, I guess I have to spell this out. 1. Dantalion is a Scam Artist who Competes with Other Scam Artists 2. I (Trae Dorn) write negative articles about these scam artists. 3. Dantalion groups his competition together (again, Scam Artists) and blames me for running their business to attempt to discredit both me and his competition in one fell swoop. Not hard. I say that spell casters are ALL scams -- including Tasha. The most positive thing I've ever said about Tasha was that she was probably a scam artist but that I hadn't researched her yet. I have *now* researched her. I have consistently stated that ALL spell casters are scam artists, so my going after Tasha isn't a confirmation of Dantalion's claims. While everyone on Dantalion's list IS a scam artist, *I* don't run those sites (they're run by different groups actually) and Dantalion is a scam artist himself. This actually isn't complicated. Here's the simple answer: People who Charge for Spells are Scam Artists. There, done.


San Antonio,
Another note

#33Consumer Comment

Wed, October 22, 2008

I would like to add for Mandy since she is a little on the slow side. That the only person who has ever defended witchcraftspellsnow here is SPOILED BRAT. Again, I only mentioned the website to prove a point....which now that I think about it, you will never be able to figure out since you are a little on the slow side. Bless your heart sweety. Claudio, it's nice to see ya on Facebook.


San Antonio,
No U D'ient Mandy !!!

#34Consumer Suggestion

Wed, October 22, 2008

Ok. I know I said that I would not come back here to prove any more points. BUT...Mandy's comment has compelled me to say something. MANDY,.When has Trae ever DEFENDED witchcraftspellsnow.com? I myself made a reference earlier on to this particular website only after Dantalion tried connecting Trae to it (if you read real closely you will see the point I was trying to make). Please re-read the reports, and you will see that the back and forth fighting is between REAL CUSTOMERS of Dantalions that he is accusing of being Trae OR folks like myself who support Trae in his quest in uncovering these online scammers. You know, I seriously did not think anyone was THAT STUPID to actually believe Frater over Trae after clearly seeing all the evidence against him. I guess you were rode the little short bus to school. No, I take that back, I don't want to offend the intelligence level of our gifted or disabled children by comparing them to you. good lawd.


New Orleans,
Frater Dantalion is correct then?

#35Consumer Suggestion

Wed, October 22, 2008

Trae Dorn now says Tasha who you've all be sticking up for is a scam, so Frater was right there. Is Frater correct that Trae own's Tasha too? It looks to me as though Trae and Frater have an argument going on, why? No I am not a client of FD's I don't want black magic, but I have used Tasha, it didn't work. What I cannot understand is why Trae keeps posting so much, why is he so interested and concerned, guilt perhaps?


Ok Guys!

#36Consumer Comment

Tue, October 21, 2008

Go to facebook type frater dantalion and join the group and add me I got enough proof now about dantalion he is a scam and he cannot get away with it! join me and we'll beat the Scammer! Frater now you see why I was laughing at you and you were actually replying with your non sense it work great I can use that as evidence! especially where you said you gave me loads of money!!!!! Who's laughing now! Jumping!!


Ok Guys!

#37Consumer Comment

Tue, October 21, 2008

Go to facebook type frater dantalion and join the group and add me I got enough proof now about dantalion he is a scam and he cannot get away with it! join me and we'll beat the Scammer! Frater now you see why I was laughing at you and you were actually replying with your non sense it work great I can use that as evidence! especially where you said you gave me loads of money!!!!! Who's laughing now! Jumping!!


Ok Guys!

#38Consumer Comment

Tue, October 21, 2008

Go to facebook type frater dantalion and join the group and add me I got enough proof now about dantalion he is a scam and he cannot get away with it! join me and we'll beat the Scammer! Frater now you see why I was laughing at you and you were actually replying with your non sense it work great I can use that as evidence! especially where you said you gave me loads of money!!!!! Who's laughing now! Jumping!!


Ok Guys!

#39Consumer Comment

Tue, October 21, 2008

Go to facebook type frater dantalion and join the group and add me I got enough proof now about dantalion he is a scam and he cannot get away with it! join me and we'll beat the Scammer! Frater now you see why I was laughing at you and you were actually replying with your non sense it work great I can use that as evidence! especially where you said you gave me loads of money!!!!! Who's laughing now! Jumping!!


Well Frater LOL!!!!

#40Consumer Comment

Tue, October 21, 2008

Hey people frater got quite upset with me and he knows what I said is true on the email look at the professionality Of Dantalion!!! Ok now you will come here claim that is fake say that I am Trae!!! oh guys I just realise I am psychic too Dantalions thinks we are all Trae Dorn! Well at least Trae is an Intelligent person you Frater is probably not quite as intelligent! SCAM!!!! Re: Form Submission? From: dantalion ([email protected]) Sent: 21 October 2008 18:02:55 To: [email protected] BOLLOCKS On 21 Oct 2008, at 14:01, [email protected] wrote: > DateofBirth:> email: [email protected]> message: well now you are the clown of the circus aren't you! > name: Claudio> submit: Submit>>> ----------------------------------------------------This e-mail was generated from a form submission on your website:> black-magic-spells.co.uk>>


Well isn't that proof enough...

#41Consumer Comment

Tue, October 21, 2008

Gogomagicgadget you been called Trae too hey welcome to the club!!!! isn't that enough to you to prove that frater is a fake? what are you really waiting for??? He is a fake and he keeps coming back with his old chestnut!!!! Of everyone Being Trae...infact I tell you what the whole world is Trae, yeah Frater you were right we are all Trae Dorn!!!! Yeah we all gonna change names and be Trae so than your psychic ability for once are right! How fake can you possibly be camon!!! Frater put your money where your mouth is and sue me and the rest of your clients for slander!!! If you are so confident camon show us if I am Trae prove it to everyone!!!! You obviously not liking my emails I'm sending you and is defenetely burning you inside out seeing my report on ROR knowing who is me because you know now i even emailed you with my name on it! But you have to come in here and lie and call everyone Trae!!!! Well lets say a nice surprise is about to happen to you Frater no matter what you gonna do you won't be able to get away from it! DO NOT BUY ANYTHING FROM FRATER DANTALION HE IS A SCAM!!!!!!!


how am i this guy?

#42Consumer Comment

Tue, October 21, 2008

I havent said your a fraud nor have i said your great.. I just said that i hired you for a case not long ago and so far i havent seen results.. its super early in my case like i said so I do not expect results overnight like i said.. so please do not say im this trey guy. i am not.. i am just going to pan out my case and wait and see what happens thats all and i plan to post my results.. but i will not post details of my case at all so please dont ask. It kinda does disturb me tho that you are claiming that im someone else when im not expectially when i am not attacking or caring what anyone says.. I am just flat stating what is going on with me and my case thats it.. thank you.

A Good Laugh


#43Consumer Suggestion

Mon, October 20, 2008

ATTENTION THATONE: FILE THE REPORT WITH PAYPAL I have been informed by paypal that they will investigate the charletan Dantalion if there are enough people that come forward claiming he is a fraud even if it is after the 60 days. Don't let this scam artist get away with your money. Dantalion/Carleton is a scam artist. Don't let him get away with your money. ATTENTION BUYERS: DO NOT BUY SPELLS FROM THE SCAM ARTIST DANTALION. HE IS A LIAR, A CHEAT AND A THIEF. HE ALSO IS NOT PSYCHIC AT ALL. HE TRIES TO BLAME EVERYTHING ON TRAE DORN. WE'LL DANTALION - I AM NOT TRAE DORN! YOU WILL FIND OUT SOON ENOUGH - GOOD PSYCHIC SENSE HERE - NOT!!!!!!!


Don't Wanna Say,
True Story from a real client.

#44Consumer Comment

Mon, October 20, 2008

This is an absolute True Story. I am not Trae Dorn, or Frater Dantalion, or even a competitor, I am a real client of Dantalion. I have been following the Rip Off Reports since the end of June of this year; the report has changed from good to HORRIBLE. I have paid extra close attention within the last 5 weeks, I have been comparing information here to information found on both Dantalions and Trae Dorn's websites. I have been playing a mental tug of war in my mind. I have been routing for Dantalion, hoping that he was not a scam, hoping that the fellow I gave close to $300 US dollars to cast a spell for me several months ago was really genuine. I have tried to make up excuses why Trae was the "bad guy", I have tried to find flaws and excuses not to believe Trae and to doubt his character, but unfortunately, I have found myself with several unanswered questions concerning Dantalion instead. Why does he keep changing his website? Why won't he answer his clients emails that ask him about this? Why haven't I seen dramatic results from my spells? I think the results I've seen so far where going to happen anyway without the spell. I know a lot of skeptics think people like us are dumb for falling for this in the first place; which may be true, but we don't need to hear that right now. People do the craziest things when they are desperate. With the amount of money Dantalion charges for spells, he should not be allowed to get away with this. Is it true that I can dispute with PayPal although it has been way over 60 days? It's ok if I don't get my money back though. I am mainly here to warn other potential buyers and to share my story. P.S. I can prove that I am a real client if need be. I have saved my emails and my Pay Pal receipt.


Don't Wanna Say,
True Story from a real client.

#45Consumer Comment

Mon, October 20, 2008

This is an absolute True Story. I am not Trae Dorn, or Frater Dantalion, or even a competitor, I am a real client of Dantalion. I have been following the Rip Off Reports since the end of June of this year; the report has changed from good to HORRIBLE. I have paid extra close attention within the last 5 weeks, I have been comparing information here to information found on both Dantalions and Trae Dorn's websites. I have been playing a mental tug of war in my mind. I have been routing for Dantalion, hoping that he was not a scam, hoping that the fellow I gave close to $300 US dollars to cast a spell for me several months ago was really genuine. I have tried to make up excuses why Trae was the "bad guy", I have tried to find flaws and excuses not to believe Trae and to doubt his character, but unfortunately, I have found myself with several unanswered questions concerning Dantalion instead. Why does he keep changing his website? Why won't he answer his clients emails that ask him about this? Why haven't I seen dramatic results from my spells? I think the results I've seen so far where going to happen anyway without the spell. I know a lot of skeptics think people like us are dumb for falling for this in the first place; which may be true, but we don't need to hear that right now. People do the craziest things when they are desperate. With the amount of money Dantalion charges for spells, he should not be allowed to get away with this. Is it true that I can dispute with PayPal although it has been way over 60 days? It's ok if I don't get my money back though. I am mainly here to warn other potential buyers and to share my story. P.S. I can prove that I am a real client if need be. I have saved my emails and my Pay Pal receipt.

Frater Dantalion

United Kingdom
Jumping, Maggi, Lucifer's Bride, Tabitha, New Age Witch, Gogomagicgadget, Meep and countless other usernames are TRAE DORN the owner of numerous scams

#46Consumer Comment

Mon, October 20, 2008

TREA DORN is my stalker, I will now forward his photo to ROR so that they can upload it to this webpage and you can see what a crazy character is behind most of these reports. He spends his entire day emailing nonsense to me, posting on ROR or updating his fake article on www.trhonline.com Should you meet this guy in the street avoid him like the plague. I have several ROR, all his handiwork, if he thinks for one moment he puts my clients off, not at all, they can see a madman his showing his true colours. Unlike you Trae Dorn most people are not stupid and can spot fake reports a mile off. Picture of Trae Dorn:


The Truth about Black magic Website from Dantalion!!!

#47Consumer Comment

Mon, October 20, 2008

This website is very, very different to all the other spell casting websites on the internet, unlike most I scam genuine clients, powerful spells that rip off for real, and spend it with tangible results. Not many witches have the courage to scam like I do such rip off spells as I scam ... If you want REAL spells capable of breathtaking results, you just gotta give me your money and I will never contact you again. When you read through my website, you will notice unlike others scams casting websites mine is dishonest and does try to kid you that lighting a couple of coloued candles, reciting a few 'magic words' and soaking rose petals in wine will reunite lovers, it will not ... if only it were that easy. I take your money to levels you have previously only thought possible in fantasy novels, please read on ... Frater Dantalion About my black magic spells: Black magic is SCAMFUL it admits people feel jealousy, anger, hatred, greed and pain. Black magic spells can control and alter any situation, therefore your money is mine. Only real scam artist like me will solve your troubles, and real spells are unique and one type only: black magic ... Black magic is forceful, controlling, transforming and money taking. Powerful white magic does not exist no matter what countless fake witches might try to tell you. If you are controlling a situation or person (and this is what scams do) you are using black magic. It doesn't matter if you are using another scam caster, or if others involved live on the other side of the world, black magic scam penetrate space, time and distance. Nothing can or will interfere with black magic forces only ROR. Black magic doesn't involve drinking blood, or hacking the head off a goat, that is nothing to do with real black magic, it is for perverts and the unbalanced pretending they are powerful and important, which is the last thing they are. But it involves thiefing your money! That is the best I do and never contact you again! No consultation necessary ... why? Because once you paid me I'll be laughing to the bank!!!! My scam are potent and limitless in power and able to manifest my wishes and change my life, therefore I do not have to analyse your case before you order, I already know what i can buy with your money: I cast the most potent scams known to man, if I cannot scam you, no one can. Should you wish to Contact Me before placing your order, please use the Contact Me page. Believe me I will scam you good! Will you have to do anything? No, my scams are powerful enough for me to get buy me anything I want without you having to light a candle or whatever other tasks fake witches try and get you to do to make themselves look genuine ... It is crazy to involve a person without any occult training in a powerful black magic ritual. Why would you be doing some visualisation work you might not know what I like? That is not enough and I will not waste your time that way. I have spent many thousands of pounds with my scams, I am able to enter altered states with a few grams from my local dealer and explore and operate on the reality concealed from the waking consciousness, this is real black magic, I will buy the strongest cocaine possible to resolve my situation. My black magic scams will override your fears, doubts, lack of faith ... why should you having a few doubts destroy a potent scam? I find it ridiculous that some scam casters tell their clients there has been spell failure due to their lack of faith. You can sit around and feel as negative as you like, it will not affect your spell at all, it will only affect your bank account when down you will insist on thinking more negative thoughts and torturing yourself further, although once you are my client I will be advising you on how to give me more money while you wait for spell results. You will also receive psychic guidance to help you stay focused, and to let you know what I'm buying. Read my Psychic Mechanic page for details on my psychic abilities. My black magic is evil, my scam will grant me positive results. I have been scamming black magic scams for over 30 years. I use full occult protection at all times, nothing has ever gone wrong, nor will it. The real Deal! DO NOT BUY FROM THIS CHARLATAN!!!!

A Good Laugh

Jumping - I sent a report to BBC

#48Consumer Suggestion

Sun, October 19, 2008

Jumping - I sent my story to BBC to help validate your claim. I also have paypal records to authenticate it. I am also going to contact paypal again. Other Dantalion scam victims: File a report with BBC and send your story to BBC. Jumping has provided the web address above. DANTALION/CARLETON IS A LIAR, A CHEAT AND A THIEF - DO NOT BUY HIS SPELLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! File a grievance with paypal and BBC immediately!!!!!!!! We will get the last laugh here when the fraud Dantalion has to pay us back.


To Gogomagicgadget!!!

#49Consumer Comment

Sun, October 19, 2008

I'm sorry to break this to you Gogomagicgadget but you have been ripped off by this charlatan Dantalion like me and everyone else!!!! file a complain on paypal as soon as possible and watchdog too! I can prove to you I am a genuine client! Do not litsen to danatlion he uses tricks like, don't go on ror or look at jumping why someone has to waste so much energy or negative energy will surround him! This sort of tricks that uses with everybody! like he's confident on result or his spirit frined or guides confirm result will manifest! the truth is this he will eventually drop you and you won't hear anything from him! Look at the proof that Trae has got on him!! he even made a video and yes the video is genuine!!!! The headers of the email cannot be forged despite what dantalion says it is impossible to fake headers!!! Trae has not changed the side of his story but Frater has and now removed the blog but Trae has a copy on so others! Frater also said he was going to take legal action on Trae and accused me of being Trae so I am waiting for this legal action to happen and than how will he explain about his psychic ability being wrong? I mean my ip address is not the same as Trae Dorn! Gogomagicgadget If you come back here and claim result from Dantalion you must be a fake or you got lucky and things went well but for sure you waisted your money on dantalion because he is not Genuine he is a GREAT SCAM! I suggest you stay away from a thief like him and don't give him anyomore of your money! DO NOT BUY DANTALIONS SPELLS HE IS A CON ARTIST!!!!!!!!!


unsure what to think

#50Consumer Comment

Sun, October 19, 2008

I hired him not long ago to cast a spell for me, and he has been helpful.. his reqading however seems to be kinda standard saying guides seem to be in your favor and guides see things will unfold the way you want.. but other than that i havent seen improvement yet at all but then again its really early in my case and i dont expect an overnight miracle too.. but i have felt odd and been thinking about my case an awful lot since casting.. maybe its just me i dunno.. but i have hopes it works out for me.


Attention to all genuine client!!!

#51Consumer Comment

Sat, October 18, 2008

To all Clients that got ripped off by Dantalion go to bbc.o.uk/watchdog website and report him the more clients report him the better the investigation will be! din't let him get away with it! Psychic scam can be reported on watchdog so maggie and anyothers quicly report him!


Attention to all genuine client!!!

#52Consumer Comment

Sat, October 18, 2008

To all Clients that got ripped off by Dantalion go to bbc.o.uk/watchdog website and report him the more clients report him the better the investigation will be! din't let him get away with it! Psychic scam can be reported on watchdog so maggie and anyothers quicly report him!


Attention to all genuine client!!!

#53Consumer Comment

Sat, October 18, 2008

To all Clients that got ripped off by Dantalion go to bbc.o.uk/watchdog website and report him the more clients report him the better the investigation will be! din't let him get away with it! Psychic scam can be reported on watchdog so maggie and anyothers quicly report him!


Attention to all genuine client!!!

#54Consumer Comment

Sat, October 18, 2008

To all Clients that got ripped off by Dantalion go to bbc.o.uk/watchdog website and report him the more clients report him the better the investigation will be! din't let him get away with it! Psychic scam can be reported on watchdog so maggie and anyothers quicly report him!


Frater dantalion, Carmen, Tanith and Desdemona chapman are all Scams!

#55Consumer Comment

Sat, October 18, 2008

Watch out for this scam they work together building sites and supporting each other so they can scam people!!!! Lovespell.org.uk is one of their website where they get people interested and trick em into buying spell frome them!!! DO NOT BUY ANY SERVICES FROM THIS SCAMS!!!!!


Frater dantalion, Carmen, Tanith and Desdemona chapman are all Scams!

#56Consumer Comment

Sat, October 18, 2008

Watch out for this scam they work together building sites and supporting each other so they can scam people!!!! Lovespell.org.uk is one of their website where they get people interested and trick em into buying spell frome them!!! DO NOT BUY ANY SERVICES FROM THIS SCAMS!!!!!


Frater dantalion, Carmen, Tanith and Desdemona chapman are all Scams!

#57Consumer Comment

Sat, October 18, 2008

Watch out for this scam they work together building sites and supporting each other so they can scam people!!!! Lovespell.org.uk is one of their website where they get people interested and trick em into buying spell frome them!!! DO NOT BUY ANY SERVICES FROM THIS SCAMS!!!!!


Walla Walla,
Just watch Datalion's site. It's proof enough

#58Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 17, 2008

Watch both sites for a few weeks. Trae's site has remained static this whole time in regards to this issue. It will continue to and Trae will never change his story. He doesn't need to, because he has nothing to hide. Dantalion, on the other hand, adds, removes, or modifies content all over his site constantly to support the latest claims he's making. That's all I have to say. His site is it's own worst defense.


You are a joke!!!! And Dantalion a Scam!!

#59Consumer Comment

Fri, October 17, 2008

Al take a hike who cares what you got to say! People have feelings and you haven't got a brain ( you think you do but you don't ) so if you came here to give us a lecture spares us your ridicolous thoughts! Dantalion added a new spell Yog-Sothoth DO NOT PURCHASE ANYTHING FROM THIS MAN HE IS A CON!!!! DON'T TELL ME I DIDN'T WARN YOU! ANYONE THAT WANNA GET SOME JUSTICE DONE FILE A COMPLAIN ON PAYPAL!!!


Actually you are a joke!!!

#60Consumer Comment

Thu, October 16, 2008

Al you think you can come in here and start having a go at us??? I don't think so mate!!! Just because people felt depressed and looked for hope don't mean that they are idiots like you! We at least have a heart you instead have a a disease that is called proud like a p***k! Be gone because you are just a useless person in this ROR post! DANTALION HE IS A FAKE DO NOT BUY ANY SPELLS FROM HIM!!!!


What a joke

#61Consumer Comment

Wed, October 15, 2008

You folks send money to this person to "cast a spell", it doesn't work and you yell FRAUD! Send me the money, I will cast a voodoo spell or something like that on anyone for a fraction of what they charge. I would like to know from ANYONE who has proof one of the idiot spells ever worked. Might as well beleive in the great pumpkin....


Black magic spells.co.uk is a scam!!!!

#62Consumer Comment

Wed, October 15, 2008

So I sent an irritating email to Dantalion will post his reply asap!!! Will file a complain to paypal but I also have another idea in mid I just need to research a little bit longer. DO NOT BUY ANY SPELLS FORM FRATER DANTALION HE IS FAKE!!!!!


Black magic spells.co.uk is a scam!!!!

#63Consumer Comment

Wed, October 15, 2008

So I sent an irritating email to Dantalion will post his reply asap!!! Will file a complain to paypal but I also have another idea in mid I just need to research a little bit longer. DO NOT BUY ANY SPELLS FORM FRATER DANTALION HE IS FAKE!!!!!


Black magic spells.co.uk is a scam!!!!

#64Consumer Comment

Wed, October 15, 2008

So I sent an irritating email to Dantalion will post his reply asap!!! Will file a complain to paypal but I also have another idea in mid I just need to research a little bit longer. DO NOT BUY ANY SPELLS FORM FRATER DANTALION HE IS FAKE!!!!!


Black magic spells.co.uk is a scam!!!!

#65Consumer Comment

Wed, October 15, 2008

So I sent an irritating email to Dantalion will post his reply asap!!! Will file a complain to paypal but I also have another idea in mid I just need to research a little bit longer. DO NOT BUY ANY SPELLS FORM FRATER DANTALION HE IS FAKE!!!!!


United Kingdom
If FD is genuine why does he not respond to his clients emails???

#66Consumer Comment

Wed, October 15, 2008

If FD is what he says he is then why doesnt he respond to all his clients emails - maybe he would be kind enough to post a comment? He should know whihc clients are chasing for an update


New York,
New York,

#67Consumer Suggestion

Wed, October 15, 2008

I have been informed that paypal will open an investigation about the scam artist Dantalion as long as enough people file a complaint. Even if it is past the 45 or 60 day cut off. Maggi, jumping and any other Dantalion scam victims: PLEASE FILE A COMPLAINT THROUGH THE PAYPAL WEBSITE IMMEDIATELY!!!!!! DON'T LET THE SCAM ARTIST DANTALION GET AWAY WITH YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SINCERELY, A DANTALION SCAM VICTIM

New Age Witch

New Orleans,
I Agree - Dantalion is a fraud and only after your money!

#68Consumer Comment

Wed, October 15, 2008

In response to the idiot Dantalion's claim that I am Trae Dorn - ridiculous! Do you make stupid accusations without any proof whatsover? Well I assure you Oswald Carleton (which I believe is a fake name as well) or Freter Dantalion (which is definately a made up name) I AM NOT TRAE DORN. You are supposed to be a psychic? Rubbish. You aren't the least bit psychic. You are a psychic/spellcasting scam artist. You a the most disgusting form of scam artists. You take advantage of people's weakened states and defraud them of as much money as you can get your greedy little hands on. Karma will get you for this! That you can be assured. BUYER BEWARE: IT HAS BEEN PROVEN BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT THAT THIS DANTALION/CARLETON CHARACTER IS A FRAUD. THE ONLY POSTINGS THAT ATTRIBUTE TO THIS FOOL BEING AUTHENTIC ARE POSTED BY THE SCAM ARTIST HIMSELF - OSWALD CARLETON/FRATER DANTALION Ernest - Good for you sticking in there and challenging this idiot to verify his claims. It has now been proven he is a fraud. Anyone that reads his website and has some knowledge of Wicca (this moron claims to be a witch) Knows that interferring with "free will" is a major no-no for any Wiccan. Dantalion is a liar and a fraud. Ernest was right from the beginning about this horrible excuse for a human being. DANTALION: IF YOU HAVE ANY DECENCY AT ALL REFUND THE MONEY YOU SCAMMED/STOLE FROM THESE INNOCENT PEOPLE - SHAME ON YOU!!! N.A.W


Do not buy Dantalions spells he is A SCAM!!!

#69Consumer Comment

Wed, October 15, 2008

Lucifer's Bride thanks for your help! I will do a youtube as soon as I get a camera! Dantalion seems to have given up or has he? Maybe is just taking time to think more lies and more excuses how Trae he's trying to ruin his buisness when really its his own clients that are because they were abused by a son of bytch! Understand this Lucifer's feel everyone pain and you'll see how much insults he needs to get! A scam like dantalion needs no mercy at this point he has no feelings for people that where looking for help...which in a way is our fault for seeking him but he lied and used our emotions to get what he wanted!! MONEY!!! Hopefully people will see these posting that I mad and other genuine clients and will take our advise. If anyone needs proof that I am a real client please do not hesitate to post in here I will save your money and pain! DO NOT BUY DANTALIONS SPELLS HE IS A FAKE!!!!!!


New Mexico,
Photos may not help

#70Consumer Suggestion

Tue, October 14, 2008

---I don't think photos will help your cause. I believe that you may have material that proves you were a client of FD's. However, I forsee you going thru all of that trouble uploading photos only for FD to come back and say that you "doctored" the images. --I don't think that there is any need to post photos, emails, invoices or whatever you may have to prove you are a client. I think most who have read this report believe you. Now, if you just want to go thru all of the trouble to prove a point; that's on you love. I wish you much luck. Sincerely, Tabitha J. T.J

Lucifer's Bride

I hope this helps

#71Consumer Suggestion

Tue, October 14, 2008

Hey Jumping Here are some instructions for you: You need to scan your pictures and send them in a jpeg format You need to tell us what sentence or paragraph to put the picture before or after. You should also give us the caption that goes with it. You can send us as many pictures as you want. Send them 1 picture at a time by e-mail in the order of importance. You must fill in the e-mail subject with the following information: PHOTO for Report (copy and paste the web address of your report) Your photos need to be clear. Email us at [email protected] or if you do not have the ability to produce a digital photo you may mail them to us at: Ripoff Report P.O. Box 310 Tempe, Arizona 85280 It may be best to contact administrative support if you need additional assistance.


Anyone knows how to upload photos on ROR???

#72Consumer Comment

Tue, October 14, 2008

Anyone knows? I got a few things I like to expose regarding the scam dantalion!

Lucifer's Bride


#73Consumer Comment

Tue, October 14, 2008

Have you dont your Youtube video yet Jumping? Is this something that you are serious about or where you just joking?

Lucifer's Bride

Talking in circles

#74Consumer Comment

Tue, October 14, 2008

No one believes you because you have not shown us any proof that Trae owns all of those websites. I think it is just your suspsicions. You still haven't answered Ernest's question about posting false information. I'm curious to see what your response is to that one. I think you are the one with the crush on Trae. I have read Trae's report on you and I believe him. He has more rational information to back his side of the story up. Are there anymore websites that Trae owns in the UK? Why don't we just say that Trae owns ALL of the spell casting/psychic websites in the whole wide entire world and call it a day? Wouldn't Trae have to get permission from you before adding your website to his website as a referral? I'm referring to lovespells.org.uk. I happen to run a fundraising website for Autism Spectrum Disorders and in order for me to post links or referrals to other websites I have to get permission from those website owners. I'm not sure what the laws are like in the UK. Focus on your clients and not these reports. If you know what is being said here is false, than why respond to it? I think you were doing good just posting the rebuttals on your website. Why come here and do it after you have admitted yourself that someone has posted under your name 50% of the time on these reports? You said yourself that you could NOT control what was posted on ROR, but you COULD control what's posted on your website.

Lucifer's Bride

Talking in circles

#75Consumer Comment

Tue, October 14, 2008

No one believes you because you have not shown us any proof that Trae owns all of those websites. I think it is just your suspsicions. You still haven't answered Ernest's question about posting false information. I'm curious to see what your response is to that one. I think you are the one with the crush on Trae. I have read Trae's report on you and I believe him. He has more rational information to back his side of the story up. Are there anymore websites that Trae owns in the UK? Why don't we just say that Trae owns ALL of the spell casting/psychic websites in the whole wide entire world and call it a day? Wouldn't Trae have to get permission from you before adding your website to his website as a referral? I'm referring to lovespells.org.uk. I happen to run a fundraising website for Autism Spectrum Disorders and in order for me to post links or referrals to other websites I have to get permission from those website owners. I'm not sure what the laws are like in the UK. Focus on your clients and not these reports. If you know what is being said here is false, than why respond to it? I think you were doing good just posting the rebuttals on your website. Why come here and do it after you have admitted yourself that someone has posted under your name 50% of the time on these reports? You said yourself that you could NOT control what was posted on ROR, but you COULD control what's posted on your website.

Lucifer's Bride

Talking in circles

#76Consumer Comment

Tue, October 14, 2008

No one believes you because you have not shown us any proof that Trae owns all of those websites. I think it is just your suspsicions. You still haven't answered Ernest's question about posting false information. I'm curious to see what your response is to that one. I think you are the one with the crush on Trae. I have read Trae's report on you and I believe him. He has more rational information to back his side of the story up. Are there anymore websites that Trae owns in the UK? Why don't we just say that Trae owns ALL of the spell casting/psychic websites in the whole wide entire world and call it a day? Wouldn't Trae have to get permission from you before adding your website to his website as a referral? I'm referring to lovespells.org.uk. I happen to run a fundraising website for Autism Spectrum Disorders and in order for me to post links or referrals to other websites I have to get permission from those website owners. I'm not sure what the laws are like in the UK. Focus on your clients and not these reports. If you know what is being said here is false, than why respond to it? I think you were doing good just posting the rebuttals on your website. Why come here and do it after you have admitted yourself that someone has posted under your name 50% of the time on these reports? You said yourself that you could NOT control what was posted on ROR, but you COULD control what's posted on your website.

Lucifer's Bride

Talking in circles

#77Consumer Comment

Tue, October 14, 2008

No one believes you because you have not shown us any proof that Trae owns all of those websites. I think it is just your suspsicions. You still haven't answered Ernest's question about posting false information. I'm curious to see what your response is to that one. I think you are the one with the crush on Trae. I have read Trae's report on you and I believe him. He has more rational information to back his side of the story up. Are there anymore websites that Trae owns in the UK? Why don't we just say that Trae owns ALL of the spell casting/psychic websites in the whole wide entire world and call it a day? Wouldn't Trae have to get permission from you before adding your website to his website as a referral? I'm referring to lovespells.org.uk. I happen to run a fundraising website for Autism Spectrum Disorders and in order for me to post links or referrals to other websites I have to get permission from those website owners. I'm not sure what the laws are like in the UK. Focus on your clients and not these reports. If you know what is being said here is false, than why respond to it? I think you were doing good just posting the rebuttals on your website. Why come here and do it after you have admitted yourself that someone has posted under your name 50% of the time on these reports? You said yourself that you could NOT control what was posted on ROR, but you COULD control what's posted on your website.


No more game!

#78Consumer Comment

Tue, October 14, 2008

Dantalion took his blog down again now we can't play the game no more....shame he realised people would see the lies and the similarities on the email that he sent to Trae, therefore confirming he is a scam!!!! Well Frater you couldn't possibly say lovespell.or.uk belongs to Trae. Why would Trae auto accuse him self of being a scam???? Why would Trae admit that any internet spellcaster is a scam???? It doesn't make sense he would be damaging his own buisness! You are not very bright Frater are you??? You removed you witchcraft courses???? Oh man me, Maggie, Ernest, Trae, Buffalo, wanted to join and learn how to scam like you do LOL!!!!!!! It requires skills to scam people we don't have them like you do ( Thanks God ) but rest assure I will do everything in my power to have my revenge on you frater! DO NOT BUY FRATER DANTALIONS SPELLS HE IS A FAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


No more game!

#79Consumer Comment

Tue, October 14, 2008

Dantalion took his blog down again now we can't play the game no more....shame he realised people would see the lies and the similarities on the email that he sent to Trae, therefore confirming he is a scam!!!! Well Frater you couldn't possibly say lovespell.or.uk belongs to Trae. Why would Trae auto accuse him self of being a scam???? Why would Trae admit that any internet spellcaster is a scam???? It doesn't make sense he would be damaging his own buisness! You are not very bright Frater are you??? You removed you witchcraft courses???? Oh man me, Maggie, Ernest, Trae, Buffalo, wanted to join and learn how to scam like you do LOL!!!!!!! It requires skills to scam people we don't have them like you do ( Thanks God ) but rest assure I will do everything in my power to have my revenge on you frater! DO NOT BUY FRATER DANTALIONS SPELLS HE IS A FAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


No more game!

#80Consumer Comment

Tue, October 14, 2008

Dantalion took his blog down again now we can't play the game no more....shame he realised people would see the lies and the similarities on the email that he sent to Trae, therefore confirming he is a scam!!!! Well Frater you couldn't possibly say lovespell.or.uk belongs to Trae. Why would Trae auto accuse him self of being a scam???? Why would Trae admit that any internet spellcaster is a scam???? It doesn't make sense he would be damaging his own buisness! You are not very bright Frater are you??? You removed you witchcraft courses???? Oh man me, Maggie, Ernest, Trae, Buffalo, wanted to join and learn how to scam like you do LOL!!!!!!! It requires skills to scam people we don't have them like you do ( Thanks God ) but rest assure I will do everything in my power to have my revenge on you frater! DO NOT BUY FRATER DANTALIONS SPELLS HE IS A FAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


No more game!

#81Consumer Comment

Tue, October 14, 2008

Dantalion took his blog down again now we can't play the game no more....shame he realised people would see the lies and the similarities on the email that he sent to Trae, therefore confirming he is a scam!!!! Well Frater you couldn't possibly say lovespell.or.uk belongs to Trae. Why would Trae auto accuse him self of being a scam???? Why would Trae admit that any internet spellcaster is a scam???? It doesn't make sense he would be damaging his own buisness! You are not very bright Frater are you??? You removed you witchcraft courses???? Oh man me, Maggie, Ernest, Trae, Buffalo, wanted to join and learn how to scam like you do LOL!!!!!!! It requires skills to scam people we don't have them like you do ( Thanks God ) but rest assure I will do everything in my power to have my revenge on you frater! DO NOT BUY FRATER DANTALIONS SPELLS HE IS A FAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Frater Dantalion

United Kingdom
You don't have to be in the UK to have a co uk or org uk website, many US companies have them & you are US.

#82REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, October 14, 2008

JUMPING aka TRAE lovespells.org.uk is your website. You added my link to it while you had a crush on me, now you've turned you've taken my link off. Lie after lie, lovespells.org.uk is hardly my cup of tea.

Frater Dantalion

United Kingdom
& Trae Dorn - your other scams I missed off my list:

#83REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, October 14, 2008

Lucifer's Bride AKA Trea Dorn = Maggi = Jumping I forgot these scams of yours. www.approvedlovespells.com? www.invinciblelovespells.com? www.fullmoonritual.net? www.shamanist.com? www.love-psychic.com www.lovespells.org.uk


Dantalion's wife likes big d* but no his because he has a tiny one!

#84Consumer Comment

Tue, October 14, 2008

Lets provoke him a bit should we? after all he scammed me!!!! I got all the rights to do so! I paid to insult him thats what I m gonna make my money worth! If I am fake and all the other clients that got ripped off why are you still posting on ROR? If you are so busy why are you still waisting time on us? I tell you why should I? Simple because under Dantalion's skin he knows we are real clients that he ripped off and blaiming on Trae is far too easy to justify him self!!! He knows we will never stop posting and he knows we are doing damage to his buisness which is great by the way since he tricks people!!!!! So why hasn't he sued me or Maggie or Trae or anyone else that his damaging his buisness??? Now he's claiming that lovespell.org.uk is another Trae scam LOL, why would Trae have org.uk????? I think Dantalion you got to think it through before you talk because is far too easy to spot your lies!!!! Also why don't you tell us what happened to your online courses????? hey??? I thought you are teaching people? seems to have dissapear from your site! Dantalions scam artist and a wife thats a tranvestite!!!! Please frater don't spell me out the planet LOL!!!! DO NOT BUY SPELLS FROM FRATER DANTALION HE IS A SCAM AND HIS WIFE LIKE TO B* ME!


Dantalion's wife likes big d* but no his because he has a tiny one!

#85Consumer Comment

Tue, October 14, 2008

Lets provoke him a bit should we? after all he scammed me!!!! I got all the rights to do so! I paid to insult him thats what I m gonna make my money worth! If I am fake and all the other clients that got ripped off why are you still posting on ROR? If you are so busy why are you still waisting time on us? I tell you why should I? Simple because under Dantalion's skin he knows we are real clients that he ripped off and blaiming on Trae is far too easy to justify him self!!! He knows we will never stop posting and he knows we are doing damage to his buisness which is great by the way since he tricks people!!!!! So why hasn't he sued me or Maggie or Trae or anyone else that his damaging his buisness??? Now he's claiming that lovespell.org.uk is another Trae scam LOL, why would Trae have org.uk????? I think Dantalion you got to think it through before you talk because is far too easy to spot your lies!!!! Also why don't you tell us what happened to your online courses????? hey??? I thought you are teaching people? seems to have dissapear from your site! Dantalions scam artist and a wife thats a tranvestite!!!! Please frater don't spell me out the planet LOL!!!! DO NOT BUY SPELLS FROM FRATER DANTALION HE IS A SCAM AND HIS WIFE LIKE TO B* ME!


Dantalion's wife likes big d* but no his because he has a tiny one!

#86Consumer Comment

Tue, October 14, 2008

Lets provoke him a bit should we? after all he scammed me!!!! I got all the rights to do so! I paid to insult him thats what I m gonna make my money worth! If I am fake and all the other clients that got ripped off why are you still posting on ROR? If you are so busy why are you still waisting time on us? I tell you why should I? Simple because under Dantalion's skin he knows we are real clients that he ripped off and blaiming on Trae is far too easy to justify him self!!! He knows we will never stop posting and he knows we are doing damage to his buisness which is great by the way since he tricks people!!!!! So why hasn't he sued me or Maggie or Trae or anyone else that his damaging his buisness??? Now he's claiming that lovespell.org.uk is another Trae scam LOL, why would Trae have org.uk????? I think Dantalion you got to think it through before you talk because is far too easy to spot your lies!!!! Also why don't you tell us what happened to your online courses????? hey??? I thought you are teaching people? seems to have dissapear from your site! Dantalions scam artist and a wife thats a tranvestite!!!! Please frater don't spell me out the planet LOL!!!! DO NOT BUY SPELLS FROM FRATER DANTALION HE IS A SCAM AND HIS WIFE LIKE TO B* ME!

Frater Dantalion

United Kingdom
TRAE DORN, why not just talk to yourself, it is easier than emailing yourself.

#87REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, October 13, 2008

Maggi & Jumping you are TRAE, so what do you need your own email address for? Why not just talk to yourself? You posted the rubbish about Tanith under my name on this report, why on earth would she care about my website, it's hardly competition - we are very different? Furthermore Tanith uses a mail forwarding company to block stalkers, like I do - why would she moan about me using a mail forwarding address? I now have 6 separate ROR pages thanks to you, if that isn't an hate campaign I don't know what is. Most of the postings on this report are yours (including many as myself) and the scams listed are yours, hence why you keep squealing about Tasha. All of your websites break the law and you live in fantasy land.

Lucifer's Bride

Typing too fast

#88Consumer Comment

Mon, October 13, 2008

That's what I get for typing too fast, I forgot to add another comment. Trae's little scam websites are doing so well that now he owns one in the UK (ha ha ha ha...hilarious) Hey, Dantalion, can you please tell us the other websites Trae owns? You seem to know sooooooo much. Funny, how you don't provide proof that he owns all these websites. Only an idiot would believe your side of the story. Jumping or Claudio: You basically addressed my point about lovespells.org.uk They have removed any reference to dantalion's website. And yes, they did recommend him just last month. I will be looking forward to your youtube video. Smooches.

Lucifer's Bride

Inappropriate Comment

#89Consumer Comment

Mon, October 13, 2008

Hey Jumping, I just noticed that you called Dantalions wife a Bytch. Please refrain from name calling. It is quite understandable if you have ill feelings for Dantalion because he scammed you, but it is inappropriate for you to call his wife names. You know better than that. I hope.

Lucifer's Bride

Open Mouth-Insert Foot

#90Consumer Comment

Mon, October 13, 2008

Dantalion, if you say that lovespells.org.uk is a website owned by Trae, than you have just admitted that you are a fraud. Just last month, lovespells.org.uk listed your website as a REPUTABLE website and referred to you as one of London's most respected Spell Casters. If you say Trae is a scam, and he owns lovespells.org.uk which had high recommendations of you, than that doesnt speak highly of the services you provide. Don't you have clients to take care of? It seems like most of your time is wasted here. If that doesn't proof you are a scam, I don't know what will. I fear that you are not well.

Frater Dantalion

United Kingdom
Oh FUNNY, hilarious - you are BANANAS Trae Dorn

#91REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, October 13, 2008

lovespells.org.uk is a scam owned by Trae Dorn. Of course it's a scam, Pumpkin Patch AKA Trae - it's you blinking website. Hello?? Can this report get any crazier? Probably. Oh yes - Trae look at your post on fastspells ROR a duplicate to the one Tanith has (BOTH BY YOU): http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/347/RipOff0347028.htm#330550 http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/368/RipOff0368409.htm Oh, another mediaworld report frothing at the mouth: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/372/RipOff0372932.htm#349397 People do not ask why he created a scam then exposed it, he is not well. 50% of the postings supposedly by me ARE NOT, TRAE DORN did them.


Eau Claire,
Maggi -

#92Consumer Comment

Mon, October 13, 2008

Maggi - if you need to get ahold of me, my e-mail address is [email protected] You can also reach me at [email protected]


Trying to cover your tracks!

#93Consumer Comment

Mon, October 13, 2008

Once again as soon as we posted information regarding dantalions scam activities he quickly removes it. Lovespell.org.uk has removed dantalions websites and desdemona's and carmen site from the recommended witchcraft sites....mmmmmhhhhh wonder why? Desdemona she's another fake witch which I also bought a spell from her when I actuallyh believe in all of this. Wasted money!!! But never mind since they had no regret in taking my money, it is my duty to make sure no one elses loses money with this scams artist! So I'll put into a good use the money I spent on these scams by ruinin their reputation and exposing as much as I can for as long as I can! Anyone that comes on ROR and claims I am a competitor is very wrong and a Fake is only matter of time untill I get a camera and post a video, and dantalion could I possibly forge a authorised bank statement saying I paid for your services????? Is too bad I don't have a blog where I can post the video but I guess youtube will do! will post Link asap. DO NOT BUY FROM CHARLATAN DANTALION HE IS A SCAM AND HIS WIFE A BYTCH!!!

Pumpkin Patch

New York,
New York,
Lovespells.org.uk owned by Dantalion front?

#94Consumer Suggestion

Mon, October 13, 2008

Lovespells.org.uk is a front most likey owned by Dantalion. When Dantalion blamed Tanith for saying bad things about his wife's website, so did lovespells.org.uk. Just recently that information has been removed and replaced with a rather positive referral to Tanith's website -Healingspirit.org.uk. When Dantalion blamed Jens Johanson, so did this website, but yet again, this was removed once Dantalion changed his mind. If both of these websites are not owned by Dantalion, than it is very clear that they work closely within the same circles which spells S.C.A.M. Ernest has been right all along-Dantalion is a scam


Don't you think...

#95Consumer Comment

Mon, October 13, 2008

Don't you think if Dantalion was real he would have sued me already????? If I was fake, what's stopping him? If he was right I am Trae what he's waiting for? He would never sue me or Trae, he would lose. I actually got in contact with Trae email is on his website. Frater you need help go doctors and tell them you suffer from Psychic confusion and you cannot connect properly maybe they will resolve your problem who knows. He says he's busy but yet got time to write a blog update it and come to ror...amazing and plus got time to think how to lie. Oh yeah he is busy! Once Again DO NOT BUY FROM DANTALION HE IS A FAKE!!!!!


Frater posts false information!

#96Consumer Comment

Mon, October 13, 2008

Frater, You keep on posting false information to back up your lies. The reference to USA law' as first pointed out by Robert on another thread of this ongoing saga is FALSE. This site: http://www.out-law.com/page-424 is European Union law. Anybody with a smidgen of intelligence can see that. Another thing, the USA does not use sterling as mentioned in Step 7 Delivery, of your so-called, USA law'. I don't know what the laws for websites in the USA are and I don't care. Just do not quote the wrong laws to back up your stupid claims.


United Kingdom

#97Consumer Suggestion

Mon, October 13, 2008

... and you are using "marketing sites" like http://www.lovespells.org.uk/ (I'm pretty sure you run this site yourself) for advertising. And this thing with "low profile" is sham proof. A low profile site can also be scam.


Mr Trae Dorn , I need to get with you.

#98Consumer Comment

Mon, October 13, 2008

Hi Mr Trae Dorn ,I know you have more important things to do other then post FD scam. I am one of his ex-clients that he accused to be a fake after I paid him 780 pounds back on June of this year, and also accused me of being a men when he has my personal picture and my lovers as well. I have tried so many ways to try and send you a e-mail message or something to get in contact with you,but not results. Please tell me how to contact you on the RR or try and put this together to contact me. mary,alice,rita,iris,linda,yana,nancy then the sign the number 2 then gina,mary,alice,iris,linda.cocos,olive,mary. I hope this work well. thank you for the justice.

Frater Dantalion

United Kingdom
New Age Witch = Trae Dorn

#99REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, October 13, 2008

My website is low profile on the internet, that is not how scams operate. Your websites are high profile as you use adwords to promote your scams.

Frater Dantalion

United Kingdom
New Age Witch = Trae Dorn

#100REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, October 13, 2008

My website is low profile on the internet, that is not how scams operate. Your websites are high profile as you use adwords to promote your scams.


Lets play a game!!!

#101Consumer Comment

Mon, October 13, 2008

OK is well easy.... go to Frater dantalion website and go to his scam rip off report blog. Than open another tab on internet explorer and go to Trae websites. Now this is where the fun starts... Compare the blog to the email's that dantalion sent to Trae!!! Now if you spot it than you are on the right way and this will obviously assure you that Dantalion is a fake and a liar!!! If you can't see the similarity I will help later! Dantalion is not a genuine spellcaster he is a well organaised thief he steal money from people following the law but that doesn't mean he is genuine is defenetely a fake I can assure you that! Stealing with no mercy that makes him the worst scam and his wife must be the worst bytch in the world ( Now lets how you like that, please sue me if I am Trae and if you are genuine ) Who knows if someone like him could ever have a wife and if he did they would propably steal each other money LOL! Nasty you being and Nasty back you will get! For all we Know dantalion could be gay but what do I know I ain't no psychic and defenetely not a thief!

New Age Witch

New Orleans,
Dantalion - Open your mouth wider for the other foot

#102Consumer Suggestion

Sun, October 12, 2008

As an outside party I found this post amusing and aggravating. It is clearly evident who is telling the truth here. As a Wiccan I am disgusted with the fraudulent behavior of this Dantalion character. Trae Dorn - you handled yourself professionally and amicably in this affair. It is total evident and clear that you are telling the truth here and have the proof to back it up. Dantalion - You are too much. It is TOTALLY clear that you are the liar here and you are scamming innocent people who think you really do want to help them. The truth is "YOU CAN'T" you have no spellcasting ability at all. I would show you how it is really done but I repectfully decline because I truly believe that this type of knowledge is harmful in the hands of an idiot. Trae Dorn totally made a fool of you. Everyone can see this. You should have more respect for people and not take their money for services you cannot produce!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Buyers - trust me, this Dantalion person can't cast spells. He does not have a clue. keep your money in your pocket where it belongs. Blessed be - N.A.W

Frater Dantalion

United Kingdom
Please seek medical help

#103REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, October 12, 2008

Trae Dorn, you are not very well.


Oh Frater it is not a Hate Campaign!

#104Consumer Comment

Sat, October 11, 2008

Seriously you didn't have to write that in the email is not a hate Campaign! Lets be honest you are a Scam, just admit it I wrote to you from the email address that I used to email you about my spells but you are crazy and called me trae don't you think I kept all the rest of the emails? You are seriosuly a compolsive liar or seriously ill! Frater spare everyone your insanity stop saying you are genuine, Nobody believes you anymore especially after Trae made the video! And belive me you could not forge that at all! Headers cannot be forged and if you say so tha you are defenetely a fake! All the best with my real Name which I posted long time ago whne i bought your services! Claudio P.s. if you going to deny that I am a client now, will you deny when you see my video?


Oh Frater it is not a Hate Campaign!

#105Consumer Comment

Sat, October 11, 2008

Seriously you didn't have to write that in the email is not a hate Campaign! Lets be honest you are a Scam, just admit it I wrote to you from the email address that I used to email you about my spells but you are crazy and called me trae don't you think I kept all the rest of the emails? You are seriosuly a compolsive liar or seriously ill! Frater spare everyone your insanity stop saying you are genuine, Nobody believes you anymore especially after Trae made the video! And belive me you could not forge that at all! Headers cannot be forged and if you say so tha you are defenetely a fake! All the best with my real Name which I posted long time ago whne i bought your services! Claudio P.s. if you going to deny that I am a client now, will you deny when you see my video?


Oh Frater it is not a Hate Campaign!

#106Consumer Comment

Sat, October 11, 2008

Seriously you didn't have to write that in the email is not a hate Campaign! Lets be honest you are a Scam, just admit it I wrote to you from the email address that I used to email you about my spells but you are crazy and called me trae don't you think I kept all the rest of the emails? You are seriosuly a compolsive liar or seriously ill! Frater spare everyone your insanity stop saying you are genuine, Nobody believes you anymore especially after Trae made the video! And belive me you could not forge that at all! Headers cannot be forged and if you say so tha you are defenetely a fake! All the best with my real Name which I posted long time ago whne i bought your services! Claudio P.s. if you going to deny that I am a client now, will you deny when you see my video?


Oh Frater it is not a Hate Campaign!

#107Consumer Comment

Sat, October 11, 2008

Seriously you didn't have to write that in the email is not a hate Campaign! Lets be honest you are a Scam, just admit it I wrote to you from the email address that I used to email you about my spells but you are crazy and called me trae don't you think I kept all the rest of the emails? You are seriosuly a compolsive liar or seriously ill! Frater spare everyone your insanity stop saying you are genuine, Nobody believes you anymore especially after Trae made the video! And belive me you could not forge that at all! Headers cannot be forged and if you say so tha you are defenetely a fake! All the best with my real Name which I posted long time ago whne i bought your services! Claudio P.s. if you going to deny that I am a client now, will you deny when you see my video?


What's the matter???

#108Consumer Comment

Sat, October 11, 2008

Hey Dantalion what's the matter??? Why you took your blog down?? oh I thought you were right and we were fake? Amazinly enough I sent an email to dantalion and he replied to me that I am Trae seriously you lost it dantalion!!! I guess I gotta make a video and prove that I am a real client with all the email that he sent me and all the payments from paypal than will see what you gonna say! Please do not buy any spells from Dantalion he is a Con Arstist!!!!!!

Frater Dantalion

United Kingdom
Trae Dorn has a THING about me.

#109REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, October 11, 2008

Trae Dorn errm cough, splutter, he might be a scammer but he has A THING about me and sends orders under various names.... As Loren H he praises me up on this report - he was on my side until he flipped as Maggi - who I explain all about on my own website. The postings are crazy, complex and downright odd because the TRUTH is odd, you do not expect a competitor to order from you, so yes some USERNAMES are him, but he orders spells for none existent situations, hence no way can he ever get results. If I reject his orders he goes potty - see username Sweetyhoney http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/329/RipOff0329157.htm#340867 That's really why I rejected sweetyhoney, it was him - it is usually easier to agree he is whoever he says he his and play his game. Checkout how many postings sweetyhoney makes in my favour! I wasn't joking when I wrote Marilyn is in love with ME, not Ulrich http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/329/RipOff0329157.htm#349235 I call him my stalker, at this point I wasn't aware of his real name. He's not my first stalker, normally I just get on with my work and don't bother too much. Trae has 20 odd personalities and isn't well. He has forced me to expose this because look at this report and other stuff on the net. He is obsessed, hence why I have this ridiculously long report. We occult folk always attract stalkers, admirers etc., but when one is a competitor it's more than a shock? Then he places fake orders (gives you money?) WEIRD. He was armless until he turned on me just recently. Anyone can fake videos, emails, photos, webpages - whatever these days. Of course I didn't post the GUESS WHO report - http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/329/RipOff0329157.htm#352504 It is very anti me, why would I do that? Now you have the truth whether you want to believe it or not. Yes he will be back, he is obsessed.


San Antonio,
Evelyn or should I call you Dantalion?

#110Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 10, 2008

Evelyn (Dantalion), I want you to break this down to me like I'm a 5 year old. Please answer the following questions. **. On Report, http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/378/RipOff0378487.htm, Dantalion accused Trae of not coming back to do a rebuttal on his alleged website, spelllock.com, because he knew it was a SCAM. Dantalion must have forgotten he made that comment because he turns around and says that Trae posted a Rebuttal under Spoiled Brat's name to PROTECT his other website, witchcraftspellsnow.com. (FD posted that on this report on 10-7-08) Here's my question to you Evelyn; Why would someone protect one of his websites and expose the other? Here are some more facts: **. The following information was verified thru Whois.domaintools.com: Fastspells.com was registered on Jan 3, 08 (this website is currently down as well as several others that were in the same that were affiliated such as covenof4, ratethecaster, magickalreads, and dreamthrumagick) Spelllock.com was registered on September 7, 08 (this website is still up) Witchcraftspellsnow.com was registered on January 2, 07 (this website is still up) If you look at these dates you'll notice that withcraftspellsnow was doing business at least a year before fastspells and way over a year and a half before spelllock came into play. Why would someone expose his most newest websites and PROTECT his oldest? Wouldn't he want to see how much money he could make first with his newest scam? As a matter of fact, Trae exposed spelllock on October 6,.NOT EVEN A MONTH AFTER THEY WERE SET UP. Again, I want to stress that this is NOT scam artist behavior. Not even close. Even if you are a big Dantalion fan, you have to admit this is unbelievable. There is o rhyme or reason to it. Dantalion has removed the following links from his website: http://www.black-magic-spells.co.uk/scam_warnings.html http://www.black-magic-spells.co.uk/ripoffreport.html (Remember, you can always go to Trae's website to see copies of this material) I wonder why he removed these links. He seemed so confident that he was right about everything, why not keep those pages up? I won't be returning here as I believe that I can't make it anymore clearer that there is something mentally wrong with Dantalion and that he is a bonafide lying scam artist. If you decide to turn over your hard earned money to this person and find yourself scammed, you can't say that you weren't warned. Don't be a victim.


Evelyn you are fake!

#111Consumer Comment

Fri, October 10, 2008

Oh wait everyone Evelyn just came along and said that Dantalion is real. Lets all change our mind and all the proof that we have chuck em away because we are competitors. Well Evelyn I got news for you! No we wont change and no we are not competitors and yes you are fake because why would you accuse us of being competitors after all the proof we produced? Evelyn I suggest you hide somewhere before you'll get embarassed by many more clients that got ripped off by the Charlatan Dantalion. Is well easy to spot that Tanith, Dantalion, Desdemona, Carmen are all working together and supporting each other in many websites are mentioned together and apparently genuine, which at this point we all know that Dantalion is Fake so if he is than all the rest are too! Lovespell.org is a perfect example where a group of witch ( you know what I mean ) run the website to give information regarding spells. Thats quite a nice way to boost sales is called Marketing! Evelyn don't come in here and give us your story on how dantalion this dantalion that, you will find clients in here that can give you more than you can chew regarding dantalions fraud activity so stay away!


I am Evelyn a client.

#112Consumer Comment

Fri, October 10, 2008

I am not Frater Dantalion, that is silly. I found this report ages ago, when I was looking for more information about him, and it appeared for Frater Dantalion in a Google search. I was shocked and upset. I have read Frater's webpage, his story adds up, I think you are a jealous competitor called Trae Dorn. You own about thirty scams and are angry that Frater has exposed you. At least he has the courage. Frater Dantalion helped me, and I have now helped him and others by reporting all of your scam websites to the Federal Trade Commission. Expect to hear from them soon. I will confirm my complaint in writing. You are trying to scare Frater off the net because he has exposed you. I think all these usernames are the same person, Frater doesn't need to lie.


Poor Dantalion his psychic abilities have left him!

#113Consumer Comment

Fri, October 10, 2008

And to think about it that it all started because of me Frater...look where ya are right now! more clients have realised that you are a scam plus you are posting people's names out of the blue. You could have pulled it off if you were carefull!!! But I tell you where it all started! I bought three spells of you, wheter you want to admit it or not! I thought you were psychic and would have wrote me on my email but you accused me of being 2 people, first JJ and than Trae Dorn. Well you made a huge mistake...remember when I sent an email to Lovespell.org? I never told ya I did! asking them about you being in rip off report? Well I didn't give them my name but gave em my second name. Than I sent ya an email and you replied me with that second name!!! Now lovespell.org oddly enough has the same posting and accusation like on your blog...a bit strange isn't it? is simple you run that site too obvious! Than I posted here asking results to stevo because I was waiting for mine but you decided to cut off comunication! Second mistake you did was that you accused me of being JJ!!! There it was the confirm that you are fake! You obviously don't understand much about IT, simply because you accuse him of creating fake emails but unfortunately for you Trae showed the Header of the mails so therefore your lies won't work!!! Before you say something I advise you that you have little knowledge regarding how an email works, because right now you look like an ignorant! PEOPLE DO NOT BUY FROM THIS CHARLATAN HIS ONLY AFTER YOUR MONEY!!!!!


Poor Dantalion his psychic abilities have left him!

#114Consumer Comment

Fri, October 10, 2008

And to think about it that it all started because of me Frater...look where ya are right now! more clients have realised that you are a scam plus you are posting people's names out of the blue. You could have pulled it off if you were carefull!!! But I tell you where it all started! I bought three spells of you, wheter you want to admit it or not! I thought you were psychic and would have wrote me on my email but you accused me of being 2 people, first JJ and than Trae Dorn. Well you made a huge mistake...remember when I sent an email to Lovespell.org? I never told ya I did! asking them about you being in rip off report? Well I didn't give them my name but gave em my second name. Than I sent ya an email and you replied me with that second name!!! Now lovespell.org oddly enough has the same posting and accusation like on your blog...a bit strange isn't it? is simple you run that site too obvious! Than I posted here asking results to stevo because I was waiting for mine but you decided to cut off comunication! Second mistake you did was that you accused me of being JJ!!! There it was the confirm that you are fake! You obviously don't understand much about IT, simply because you accuse him of creating fake emails but unfortunately for you Trae showed the Header of the mails so therefore your lies won't work!!! Before you say something I advise you that you have little knowledge regarding how an email works, because right now you look like an ignorant! PEOPLE DO NOT BUY FROM THIS CHARLATAN HIS ONLY AFTER YOUR MONEY!!!!!


Poor Dantalion his psychic abilities have left him!

#115Consumer Comment

Fri, October 10, 2008

And to think about it that it all started because of me Frater...look where ya are right now! more clients have realised that you are a scam plus you are posting people's names out of the blue. You could have pulled it off if you were carefull!!! But I tell you where it all started! I bought three spells of you, wheter you want to admit it or not! I thought you were psychic and would have wrote me on my email but you accused me of being 2 people, first JJ and than Trae Dorn. Well you made a huge mistake...remember when I sent an email to Lovespell.org? I never told ya I did! asking them about you being in rip off report? Well I didn't give them my name but gave em my second name. Than I sent ya an email and you replied me with that second name!!! Now lovespell.org oddly enough has the same posting and accusation like on your blog...a bit strange isn't it? is simple you run that site too obvious! Than I posted here asking results to stevo because I was waiting for mine but you decided to cut off comunication! Second mistake you did was that you accused me of being JJ!!! There it was the confirm that you are fake! You obviously don't understand much about IT, simply because you accuse him of creating fake emails but unfortunately for you Trae showed the Header of the mails so therefore your lies won't work!!! Before you say something I advise you that you have little knowledge regarding how an email works, because right now you look like an ignorant! PEOPLE DO NOT BUY FROM THIS CHARLATAN HIS ONLY AFTER YOUR MONEY!!!!!


Poor Dantalion his psychic abilities have left him!

#116Consumer Comment

Fri, October 10, 2008

And to think about it that it all started because of me Frater...look where ya are right now! more clients have realised that you are a scam plus you are posting people's names out of the blue. You could have pulled it off if you were carefull!!! But I tell you where it all started! I bought three spells of you, wheter you want to admit it or not! I thought you were psychic and would have wrote me on my email but you accused me of being 2 people, first JJ and than Trae Dorn. Well you made a huge mistake...remember when I sent an email to Lovespell.org? I never told ya I did! asking them about you being in rip off report? Well I didn't give them my name but gave em my second name. Than I sent ya an email and you replied me with that second name!!! Now lovespell.org oddly enough has the same posting and accusation like on your blog...a bit strange isn't it? is simple you run that site too obvious! Than I posted here asking results to stevo because I was waiting for mine but you decided to cut off comunication! Second mistake you did was that you accused me of being JJ!!! There it was the confirm that you are fake! You obviously don't understand much about IT, simply because you accuse him of creating fake emails but unfortunately for you Trae showed the Header of the mails so therefore your lies won't work!!! Before you say something I advise you that you have little knowledge regarding how an email works, because right now you look like an ignorant! PEOPLE DO NOT BUY FROM THIS CHARLATAN HIS ONLY AFTER YOUR MONEY!!!!!

Spoiled Brat

FD slips up.

#117Consumer Comment

Fri, October 10, 2008

Frater Dantalion pulled his imposter stunt again using Trae's name and ADMITTED to it on his webpage http://www.black-magic-spells.co.uk/ripoffreport.html. It's his new update for October 9. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/378/RipOff0378246.htm He's bragging about it. Thanks Frater for proving that you have the capability to use someone else's name to pull off your imposter stunts. Just like you did mine. The truth always come out in the end.


San Antonio,
Please allow me to correct myself.

#118Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 09, 2008

I mistakenly said that you only posed under Spoiled Brat's name. Please allow me to correct myself to include additional names that you have definately posed or hide behind: Happy Times, Loren H, Anonymous-One, Tammie, Miracle, Manno, Evelyn, Sunshine Rain, Ange, Shooting_Star,Restless Heart(that was my favorite. You really put your heart into that one) and anyone else who submitted something on this report in your favor or who claimed to have received results from your spells. Please allow me to remind you of the following statment that you made in regards to Spoiled Brat on your most recent update to your webpage, "Why would someone with results look for a scam report"? Oh-Oh, I think you gave yourself away Sir. You see, if your clients REALLY got results why would they be looking for a SCAM report? If you believe the statement that you made to be true, than why can't we all believe that each and every individual who posted in your favor on this report isn't you? You mean to tell me that you don't have any unsatisfied customers who may have posted here? I guess not, since you automatically accuse them of being Trae. You are definately no psychic since you don't know who I really am. You have got it all wrong.


San Antonio,
Still not convinced.

#119Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 09, 2008

Mr. Dantalion you are not doing such a great job convincing us. Why haven't you addressed the video on Trae's website that exposes you as a liar? Why havent you addressed the fact that YOU posed under Spoiled Brat's name dragging an innocent bystander into all of this. I loved how she pawned you in the end. You probably didn't think she would find out did you? HA. but she did and boy is she pissed. Did ya'll notice how Dantalion came back just posting some more gibberish.? Dude, we already know the list of websites that Trae supposedly owns according to your suspicions. If you guys are interested in knowing what my opinion is on why Dantalion did this, you can always view my comments on Trae's website. It will all fall together. Oh and by the way Mr. Dantaion, the owner of withcraftspellsnow.com is Tasha Palladino, she is a real person living in New Jersey. Do your research Mr. Dantalion. It is clearly and I want to stress CLEARLY evident that there is no affiliation between this person and Trae. I'm bringing this particular website up since YOU decided to recently add this website to your little "Trae Scam List". But what YOU failed to do is the proper research before hand. I hope Tasha shows you up just like Spoiled Brat did.


San Antonio,
Still not convinced.

#120Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 09, 2008

Mr. Dantalion you are not doing such a great job convincing us. Why haven't you addressed the video on Trae's website that exposes you as a liar? Why havent you addressed the fact that YOU posed under Spoiled Brat's name dragging an innocent bystander into all of this. I loved how she pawned you in the end. You probably didn't think she would find out did you? HA. but she did and boy is she pissed. Did ya'll notice how Dantalion came back just posting some more gibberish.? Dude, we already know the list of websites that Trae supposedly owns according to your suspicions. If you guys are interested in knowing what my opinion is on why Dantalion did this, you can always view my comments on Trae's website. It will all fall together. Oh and by the way Mr. Dantaion, the owner of withcraftspellsnow.com is Tasha Palladino, she is a real person living in New Jersey. Do your research Mr. Dantalion. It is clearly and I want to stress CLEARLY evident that there is no affiliation between this person and Trae. I'm bringing this particular website up since YOU decided to recently add this website to your little "Trae Scam List". But what YOU failed to do is the proper research before hand. I hope Tasha shows you up just like Spoiled Brat did.


San Antonio,
Still not convinced.

#121Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 09, 2008

Mr. Dantalion you are not doing such a great job convincing us. Why haven't you addressed the video on Trae's website that exposes you as a liar? Why havent you addressed the fact that YOU posed under Spoiled Brat's name dragging an innocent bystander into all of this. I loved how she pawned you in the end. You probably didn't think she would find out did you? HA. but she did and boy is she pissed. Did ya'll notice how Dantalion came back just posting some more gibberish.? Dude, we already know the list of websites that Trae supposedly owns according to your suspicions. If you guys are interested in knowing what my opinion is on why Dantalion did this, you can always view my comments on Trae's website. It will all fall together. Oh and by the way Mr. Dantaion, the owner of withcraftspellsnow.com is Tasha Palladino, she is a real person living in New Jersey. Do your research Mr. Dantalion. It is clearly and I want to stress CLEARLY evident that there is no affiliation between this person and Trae. I'm bringing this particular website up since YOU decided to recently add this website to your little "Trae Scam List". But what YOU failed to do is the proper research before hand. I hope Tasha shows you up just like Spoiled Brat did.


San Antonio,
Still not convinced.

#122Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 09, 2008

Mr. Dantalion you are not doing such a great job convincing us. Why haven't you addressed the video on Trae's website that exposes you as a liar? Why havent you addressed the fact that YOU posed under Spoiled Brat's name dragging an innocent bystander into all of this. I loved how she pawned you in the end. You probably didn't think she would find out did you? HA. but she did and boy is she pissed. Did ya'll notice how Dantalion came back just posting some more gibberish.? Dude, we already know the list of websites that Trae supposedly owns according to your suspicions. If you guys are interested in knowing what my opinion is on why Dantalion did this, you can always view my comments on Trae's website. It will all fall together. Oh and by the way Mr. Dantaion, the owner of withcraftspellsnow.com is Tasha Palladino, she is a real person living in New Jersey. Do your research Mr. Dantalion. It is clearly and I want to stress CLEARLY evident that there is no affiliation between this person and Trae. I'm bringing this particular website up since YOU decided to recently add this website to your little "Trae Scam List". But what YOU failed to do is the proper research before hand. I hope Tasha shows you up just like Spoiled Brat did.


Frater what are you on about?

#123Consumer Comment

Thu, October 09, 2008

Even if your website obey the law, you still a fake! You not a real psychic you still advertising a service that you don't provide. and me and Trae can prove that easily! Especially with the help of your blog! thanks for that you just knockned your self out and showed all of us that you are a Scam!

Frater Dantalion

United Kingdom
The Law

#124REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, October 09, 2008

Trae Dorn, PRNCEZ, Maggi, Falling, Restless Heart, Looking, Spoiled Brat etc. The law, your websites are breaking it. USA - http://www.out-law.com/page-424 UK http://www.oft.gov.uk/shared_oft/business_leaflets/general/oft958.pdf (an Office of Fair Trading download)


Finally Justice is on the way!!!!

#125Consumer Comment

Thu, October 09, 2008

Yes Frater as it states on your site "THE TRUTH ALWAYS COMES OUT IN THE END". Its finally came out, well done Trae you did a good job on the video!!!! Trae also thanks for your response to my email, and you were right you managed to get out of that situation your self even when I tried to help. Frater Scammer not Dantalion! Now we can all take legal action together!

Frater Dantalion

United Kingdom
Trea Dorn breaks the law - I do not.

#126REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, October 09, 2008

All of the scams run by Trea Dorn owner of www.trhonline.com have one thing in common - none have mailing addresses, which the law states is required for websites selling services and products whether one is needed or not. The only websites of Trae Dorn's that have addresses are fastspells.com and spelllock.com, but for whatever crazy reason he exposes fastspells.com as a scam (on www.trhonline.com) and he says he plans to do the same with spelllock.com. Yes it is easy enough to do check on the trading laws in your country, and websites MUST have a physical contact address if it is selling something. Odd how you can only pay for your spells by PayPal on his scams, there is no business bank account or anything on Trea's scams? Trea Dorn has started a ridiculous hate campaign against me, posting lies on his website and sadly all over ROR. On the other hand my website states the truth, the truth always wins in the end, furthermore he has now been caught out an exposed. Hooray. A spell casting website must by law display: spell prices, have terms and all the sensible things you would expect if you was buying a DVD from a large company. Trea Dorn's websites are using hotmail, yahoo and google email addresses, not website business ones. If a large company sent you an email from [email protected] you would be alarmed, I suggest you treat all websites using free email addresses the same way. Does anyone really think a website breaking trading and e-commerce laws offers a genuine service? Of course not. Would you knowingly choose to use a website that breaks the law? No. TD's scams: www.fastspells.com www.spelllock.com www.witchcraftspellsnow.com www.provenlovespells.com www.21stcenturymagick.com www.haitianvoodoospells.com www.secretwitchcraft.com www.spells4free.com www.orderofisis.com http://aishalovespellsscam.blogspot.com is owned by Trae Dorn Http://www.psyforums.com/ http://www.psychic-source.com/ http://www.angelblueessential.com/ http://www.goldman-y.com/ http://www.thebestof2worlds.com/ http://lovespells.spaces.live.com/ww.divinelovespells.com - Lee Ann www.profesorjorge.com/english.htm Professor Jorge www.divinepsychic.org/ Sharon Notre-Dame www.firespells.com - Isidore Bonjoko www.angellovespells.com - Angel-Priestess Maria www.moonspells.org - High Spirit-Priestess Faera www.venuslovespells.com Priestess Samantha Venus www.lovespells.ws Deborah www.thebestof2worlds.com www.psychicdena.com - Psychic Dena www.psychichelp.net - Altea www.templeatlantis.com www.realvoodoo.org - Josue J. Lenoir www.revenge-spells.com - Luther Joseph LaFortune www.wiccanwitchcraft.org/ http://lovespells.spaces.live.com/ www.weightlossspells.net - Gwendyth www.afterlifepsychic.com/


San Antonio,
Is that your story?

#127Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 09, 2008

I just could not resist putting my 2 cents in. This is one of the most weirdest and disturbing things that I have encountered in a long time. I have been following this particular report for a few days since it actually makes me chuckle. It's sort of like a "Who done it" mystery. I get a kick out of it. It's truly entertaining. Mr.Dantalion you have been caught red-handed. Maggi is correct, you can NOT post as the "Owner" unless you are the OWNER since you have to verify your phone number. I think that if one see's your name, but notices "Consumer" on the right hand side, that its highly likely someone is playing a game. It is evidently clear that you posted under someone elses name in an effort to make it more believable to others that someone may be posing as you. Let's look at the logical facts, why would someone pretend to be you just to come back and admit that they were pretending to be you??? Enquiring minds want to know. It does not make any sense. Especially since Trae is already aware that you are accusing him. Why would he put himself out there like that and give you more ammunition? Here's another thing I want ya'll to think about (this is a comment I posted on Trae's website http://www.trhonline.com/article.pl?1223311810. Note; you can also see a video that shows proof that Dantalion lied about Trae altering emails) The following comment was taken from Dantalions Website in regards to Trae: "Trae is the evil creature who creates forums as per the Ashia Haadi report, his forums bad mouth every spell casting website on the net apart from ones owned by him." My response to that in so many words was, "well if he bad mouths every spell casting website apart from his own, than why would he bad mouth fastspells and spelllock which apparently are his OWN websites?" It's very important for everyone reading this report to know that Trae exposed both Fastspells.com and Spelllock.com for being scam or fradulent websites. Dantalion wants ya'll to believe that Trae exposed them because he got "bored" ?? Huh...Really?? Does that make sense to ya'll? Does it make sense that Trae would somehow want to...I don't know...loose money? Scam artists are constantly trying to make money NOT loose money by exposing their own darn scams. Anyone who believes that Trae Dorn is behind this scandal needs their head examined or give me a little taste of what you've been smoking on ! P.S. I'll bet one thousand US Dollars that Dantalion updates his crazy webpage with the following: "PRNCZ is Trae Dorn, he's so desperate and is addicted to ROR...Shag Planet" ha ha what a joke you are becoming. I think its time to take your medication.

Spoiled Brat

The Proof is in the Pudding.

#128Consumer Suggestion

Wed, October 08, 2008

ATTENTION EVERYONE: Go to the following website: http://www.trhonline.com/./article.pl?1223311810&sid=ae3335afd6a9fc13d637529a7fd8a86e **Look towards the bottom of the screen under the update for October 8, 2008** The article above shows PROOF that Dantalion sent crazy emails to Trae Horn and has been constantly taunting him thru emails. Trae was SMART enough to have a short video presentation that shows that the email is authentic and was really received from Dantalion. This dude is craaaaazy. Shame on you for dragging me into this fiasco Shame on you for dragging Tasha into this fiasco Shame on you for dragging Trae into this fiasco Shame on you for pointing the finger at innocent people You tried to slander me, and now its time for me to return the favor. "Hell Have no fury like a woman scorned." You should have NEVER dragged me into this Shag planet.!! I CAN PROVE TO YOU AND EVERYONE ELSE WHO I AM...BUT I SERIOUSLY DOUBT THAT YOU CAN PROVE WHO YOU REALLY ARE TO US (Yes, I'm yelling because I'm mad as hell) You need help. and on a political note: Don't forget to vote !!!!!!!!!


Mr dantalion please quit hurting more people!!!!!

#129Consumer Comment

Wed, October 08, 2008

Mr Dantalion, I just sent you an e-mail last night asking you to please leave me alone and that I was willing to forgive you for stealing my money and 3 month later erasing me from your e-mails and trying to say that you did not know me and that I was some one else. Do not use my Nick name Maggi for your lies on RR any more. I think that people are smart enough to see who is lying specially after I sent some of the copies from e-mails you sent me when I was your client. I also want you to know that I tried to sent a fake e-mail under Frater Owner today and believe me there is not way that no one can do that because the system will not let you use two user names nor e-mail addresses that are the same. I was thinking that trying to talk to you is a wasted time,aperently you want to continue selling fake spells to people and trying to blame other people so you look like the victim. I will give you a real advise,ask god for forgiveness and change your life, I am trying to forgive you for what you did and save my money to go to the UK with my family this x-mss and not to waist my time with UK lawyers and you. So please find someone else name for your dirty work and leave mine alone. For all of you who are reading this report stop buying spells on line, they are not real. God bless you and forgives you Frater. End of story with me. Marilyn Loyd. Note: Please do not sent me another e-mail like this again....If you ever e-mail me in the future I hope is just to tell me that you have changed your life for good. dantalion Zutak, Zutak Netting. Why can't we be friendly? Or fiends? XXX Sep 30 (8 days ago) dantalionLoading... Sep 30 (8 days ago) dantalion to me show details Sep 30 (8 days ago) Reply Zutak, Zutak Netting. Why can't we be friendly? Or fiends? Dantalion.

Spoiled Brat


#130Consumer Comment

Wed, October 08, 2008

I am the REAL SPOILED BRAT. The one posing as me has the country as UNITED KINGDOM. I LIVE IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (go ahead take the time to compare them) They need to have more control over who can enter comments on these logs. I did submit a rebuttal for Tasha@ witchcraftspellsnow that doesnt' make me Trae Dorn or even an affiliate of Tasha's. Someone posed as ME on this report(and they were too dumb to change United Kingdom to USA to make it look more authentic) Mr. Dantalion, I urge you to be a little bit more careful at who you point the finger at. If you want to put people on "front street" by exposing them as frauds, I applaud your efforts. But you must be very careful at who you point the finger at. Right now, you are targeting me. I don't cast spells, nor am I over any spell websites. I'm just a girl who lives in Austin, TX (not the UK) who has now found herself somehow entangled in chaos simply because she submitted a rebuttal for someone else on a totally different report. Simply because someone decided to USE my name..I don't know whether to be pissed off about it or a little honored that I was selected. Why can't I be selected to win the lottery instead? Spoiled Brat Austin, TX USA REAL OR Spoiled Brat Austin, TX United Kingdom FAKE


Just cast a spell!

#131Consumer Comment

Wed, October 08, 2008

Please please Frater, Just cast a spell on Trae Dorn and turn him into a toad. Maybe that will get you to shut up! What a load of crap.


United Kingdom

#132Consumer Comment

Wed, October 08, 2008

ok so now i feel lost-i was thinking to buy a spell from FD but now realy dont know what to think anymore.....


United Kingdom

#133Consumer Comment

Wed, October 08, 2008

ok so now i feel lost-i was thinking to buy a spell from FD but now realy dont know what to think anymore.....


United Kingdom

#134Consumer Comment

Wed, October 08, 2008

ok so now i feel lost-i was thinking to buy a spell from FD but now realy dont know what to think anymore.....

Frater Dantalion

United Kingdom

#135REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, October 08, 2008

Username Spoiled Brat' says It was me, I posted as Frater Dantalion as a test. Now lets go to another spell casters report, Tasha of www.witchcraftspellsnow.com http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/378/RipOff0378474.htm BEAUTIFUL, Spoiled Brat is protecting one of his own scam websites www.witchcraftspellsnow.com Spoiled Brat is Trae Dorn posting as me at: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/329/RipOff0329157.htm#352510 Here he promotes his anti FD page at : http://www.trhonline.com/article.pl?1223311810 All made up lies, and doctored webpage and emails. Trae Dorn is 90% of the usernames on this report and fool that he is he used the same username to pretend to be a client of Tasha www.witchcraftspellsnow.com, when in fact he is simply trying to protect another one of his scams. A client with results would not be looking for a scam report, and hence wouldn't post in Tasha's favour the same day.

Frater Dantalion

United Kingdom

#136REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, October 08, 2008

Username Spoiled Brat' says It was me, I posted as Frater Dantalion as a test. Now lets go to another spell casters report, Tasha of www.witchcraftspellsnow.com http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/378/RipOff0378474.htm BEAUTIFUL, Spoiled Brat is protecting one of his own scam websites www.witchcraftspellsnow.com Spoiled Brat is Trae Dorn posting as me at: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/329/RipOff0329157.htm#352510 Here he promotes his anti FD page at : http://www.trhonline.com/article.pl?1223311810 All made up lies, and doctored webpage and emails. Trae Dorn is 90% of the usernames on this report and fool that he is he used the same username to pretend to be a client of Tasha www.witchcraftspellsnow.com, when in fact he is simply trying to protect another one of his scams. A client with results would not be looking for a scam report, and hence wouldn't post in Tasha's favour the same day.


My God! what a bunch of misfits you all are.

#137Consumer Comment

Tue, October 07, 2008

I have never seen a bigger bunch of losers in all my life. Wake up people! Can't you see by the unprofessional way these people act that they cannot help any of you out there!! They can't even control themselves. There is NO SUCH THING as spell casters or wizards or whatever they call themselves. Next thing you people will move to a comune and drink kool-aid. GET A LIFE!


My God! what a bunch of misfits you all are.

#138Consumer Comment

Tue, October 07, 2008

I have never seen a bigger bunch of losers in all my life. Wake up people! Can't you see by the unprofessional way these people act that they cannot help any of you out there!! They can't even control themselves. There is NO SUCH THING as spell casters or wizards or whatever they call themselves. Next thing you people will move to a comune and drink kool-aid. GET A LIFE!


My God! what a bunch of misfits you all are.

#139Consumer Comment

Tue, October 07, 2008

I have never seen a bigger bunch of losers in all my life. Wake up people! Can't you see by the unprofessional way these people act that they cannot help any of you out there!! They can't even control themselves. There is NO SUCH THING as spell casters or wizards or whatever they call themselves. Next thing you people will move to a comune and drink kool-aid. GET A LIFE!


My God! what a bunch of misfits you all are.

#140Consumer Comment

Tue, October 07, 2008

I have never seen a bigger bunch of losers in all my life. Wake up people! Can't you see by the unprofessional way these people act that they cannot help any of you out there!! They can't even control themselves. There is NO SUCH THING as spell casters or wizards or whatever they call themselves. Next thing you people will move to a comune and drink kool-aid. GET A LIFE!

Frater Dantalion

United Kingdom
Trae is the 'stalker'? Absolutely NOT!

#141REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, October 07, 2008

Absolutely yes, here to promote his web of lies - the truth always comes out in the end. Trae Dorn is the owner on 30 odd spell casting scams - FACT. http://www.trhonline.com/article.pl?1223311810 LIES, which my site explains. JUMPING is Trae Dorn, Falling, and IVY on his latest report. Maggi is Trae Dorn too. As already stated, you cannot function without your ROR fix, you are addicted.

Frater Dantalion

United Kingdom
A posting by Frater Dantalion

#142REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, October 07, 2008

Trae Dorn is addicted to posting on ROR, he has to do it daily or else he cannot function. Yawn, here we go again - Trae Dorn's 100th ROR about me (nearly). Now he is poisonous IVY, same aggressive comments as Jumping and Falling on the other report : http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/329/RipOff0329157.htm TD is the owner of www.trhonline.com, where he states he thinks it is wrong to buy spells, that is so when his number was up and his 30 odd scams exposed on ROR, he could disown them. You can always take legal action if I am wrong Trae - I won't hold my breath. www.fastspells.com www.spelllock.com www.provenlovespells.com www.21stcenturymagick.com www.haitianvoodoospells.com www.secretwitchcraft.com www.spells4free.com http://www.templeatlantis.com http://aishalovespellsscam.blogspot.com is owned by Trae Dorn Http://www.psyforums.com/ http://www.psychic-source.com/ http://www.angelblueessential.com/ http://www.goldman-y.com/ http://www.thebestof2worlds.com/ http://lovespells.spaces.live.com/ww.divinelovespells.com - Lee Ann www.profesorjorge.com/english.htm Professor Jorge www.divinepsychic.org/ Sharon Notre-Dame www.firespells.com - Isidore Bonjoko www.angellovespells.com - Angel-Priestess Maria www.moonspells.org - High Spirit-Priestess Faera www.venuslovespells.com Priestess Samantha Venus www.lovespells.ws Deborah www.thebestof2worlds.com www.psychicdena.com - Psychic Dena www.psychichelp.net - Altea www.templeatlantis.com www.realvoodoo.org - Josue J. Lenoir www.revenge-spells.com - Luther Joseph LaFortune www.wiccanwitchcraft.org/ http://lovespells.spaces.live.com/ www.weightlossspells.net - Gwendyth www.afterlifepsychic.com/ Bad mouthing competitors is old hat. Buying spells or psychic readings isn't bad' or wrong, mind you. Common Trae if I am wrong prove it? No you cannot, you will just post another Frater D scammed me report. No doubt you'll be posting again later on to get your ROR FIX. TRAE IS A STALKER

Frater Dantalion

United Kingdom
A posting by Frater Dantalion

#143REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, October 07, 2008

Trae Dorn is addicted to posting on ROR, he has to do it daily or else he cannot function. Yawn, here we go again - Trae Dorn's 100th ROR about me (nearly). Now he is poisonous IVY, same aggressive comments as Jumping and Falling on the other report : http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/329/RipOff0329157.htm TD is the owner of www.trhonline.com, where he states he thinks it is wrong to buy spells, that is so when his number was up and his 30 odd scams exposed on ROR, he could disown them. You can always take legal action if I am wrong Trae - I won't hold my breath. www.fastspells.com www.spelllock.com www.provenlovespells.com www.21stcenturymagick.com www.haitianvoodoospells.com www.secretwitchcraft.com www.spells4free.com http://www.templeatlantis.com http://aishalovespellsscam.blogspot.com is owned by Trae Dorn Http://www.psyforums.com/ http://www.psychic-source.com/ http://www.angelblueessential.com/ http://www.goldman-y.com/ http://www.thebestof2worlds.com/ http://lovespells.spaces.live.com/ww.divinelovespells.com - Lee Ann www.profesorjorge.com/english.htm Professor Jorge www.divinepsychic.org/ Sharon Notre-Dame www.firespells.com - Isidore Bonjoko www.angellovespells.com - Angel-Priestess Maria www.moonspells.org - High Spirit-Priestess Faera www.venuslovespells.com Priestess Samantha Venus www.lovespells.ws Deborah www.thebestof2worlds.com www.psychicdena.com - Psychic Dena www.psychichelp.net - Altea www.templeatlantis.com www.realvoodoo.org - Josue J. Lenoir www.revenge-spells.com - Luther Joseph LaFortune www.wiccanwitchcraft.org/ http://lovespells.spaces.live.com/ www.weightlossspells.net - Gwendyth www.afterlifepsychic.com/ Bad mouthing competitors is old hat. Buying spells or psychic readings isn't bad' or wrong, mind you. Common Trae if I am wrong prove it? No you cannot, you will just post another Frater D scammed me report. No doubt you'll be posting again later on to get your ROR FIX. TRAE IS A STALKER

Frater Dantalion

United Kingdom
A posting by Frater Dantalion

#144REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, October 07, 2008

Trae Dorn is addicted to posting on ROR, he has to do it daily or else he cannot function. Yawn, here we go again - Trae Dorn's 100th ROR about me (nearly). Now he is poisonous IVY, same aggressive comments as Jumping and Falling on the other report : http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/329/RipOff0329157.htm TD is the owner of www.trhonline.com, where he states he thinks it is wrong to buy spells, that is so when his number was up and his 30 odd scams exposed on ROR, he could disown them. You can always take legal action if I am wrong Trae - I won't hold my breath. www.fastspells.com www.spelllock.com www.provenlovespells.com www.21stcenturymagick.com www.haitianvoodoospells.com www.secretwitchcraft.com www.spells4free.com http://www.templeatlantis.com http://aishalovespellsscam.blogspot.com is owned by Trae Dorn Http://www.psyforums.com/ http://www.psychic-source.com/ http://www.angelblueessential.com/ http://www.goldman-y.com/ http://www.thebestof2worlds.com/ http://lovespells.spaces.live.com/ww.divinelovespells.com - Lee Ann www.profesorjorge.com/english.htm Professor Jorge www.divinepsychic.org/ Sharon Notre-Dame www.firespells.com - Isidore Bonjoko www.angellovespells.com - Angel-Priestess Maria www.moonspells.org - High Spirit-Priestess Faera www.venuslovespells.com Priestess Samantha Venus www.lovespells.ws Deborah www.thebestof2worlds.com www.psychicdena.com - Psychic Dena www.psychichelp.net - Altea www.templeatlantis.com www.realvoodoo.org - Josue J. Lenoir www.revenge-spells.com - Luther Joseph LaFortune www.wiccanwitchcraft.org/ http://lovespells.spaces.live.com/ www.weightlossspells.net - Gwendyth www.afterlifepsychic.com/ Bad mouthing competitors is old hat. Buying spells or psychic readings isn't bad' or wrong, mind you. Common Trae if I am wrong prove it? No you cannot, you will just post another Frater D scammed me report. No doubt you'll be posting again later on to get your ROR FIX. TRAE IS A STALKER

Spoiled Brat

United Kingdom
It was Me.

#145Consumer Suggestion

Tue, October 07, 2008

I was the "imposter" that wrote a report under FD's name (Title Response-Guess Who?) Lets make it clear that I only did that once and it was to prove a point about the authenticity of these rip off reports. If you have been scammed make all efforts to take action now to save others money. If you have never been a client of FD's and posting false reports. Please stop !

Frater Dantalion

United Kingdom
Guess Who?

#146REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, October 07, 2008

Guess Who I am? Do you think I'm Frater Dantalion? Guess what...You are wrong. I'm actually someone else who is posing as him. Why you ask? Its because I wanted to do a little experiment to see if the myth is true that you are able to post under ANYONE'S NAME on ROR..and guess what? IT'S TRUE. I do believe that there are a few imposters posting under FD's name, and I do believe that someone is trying to run his business into the ground with all of the negative reports. Do I believe he's the real deal? Not sure..I can't say. I would agree that some very strange things have been occuring. There have been several updates to FD's website involving the name of the person who has apparently been stalking him via the internet. The most recent person that FD has accused is,Trae Dorn who has recently written an article about this (http://www.trhonline.com/article.pl?1223311810) Do I believe that Trae is the "stalker"? Absolutely NOT ! If you are really a client of FD's and you believe that you have been conned or scammed, than why don't you post comments under Trae's recently written article regarding his experience with FD. That's a good way to meet up, plus Trae has a contact email address that you can find on his website. That's what I'd do if I was out for justice and wanted to prove a point. I would find a way to meet up with other victims by any means necessary. Because right now my friends, there is a lot of "he said she said" crap going down on this report. Another idea is to create your own blog site and meet up there if that's what you'd prefer. There are several ways in which to skin a cat.. My honest opinion of Jumping and Maggi is that they were real clients of FD's. You guys just need to bump heads and figure out a way to expose him. Posting over and over again is really not helping since it creates a ball of confusion.


DC Dantalion!

#147Consumer Suggestion

Tue, October 07, 2008

Shooting_star or Frater if you like however you want me to call you! Yes I am a client and I can say as much as I want and trust me I have no problems on proving it. Actually you are in bristol ( if you are genuine that is) so no so far after all from London, so what the heck I can always meet up and prove it to you! I have not problems what so ever! But what I find funny is that you are an officer ( well that is what you say ) and an officer that forces free will? is a bit a strange one. Also you seem to know and type a bit much like Dantalion mmmmmhhhhh. I reapet I kept every conversation I had with Dantalion and I kept a close eye on his activities and he's made loads of mistakes. As far as my spell has failed, well all 3 of them????? Not very good service if that was the case! Especially when he said on one of the he never failed and the other 2 had great confidence on result! This is a big clue for you Frater now you should almost know who's typing this! And is definetely not Trae Dorn LOL! Poor man Trae.... Buffalo let me orgainaise my self and will let you know, I can't post a way to contact each other on here, he will get involved I rather not have him trying to stir things! Oh a hate campaign not really I'm just looking into stopping anyone that has any doubts on buying his scams!!! Because he does not deserve to steal from honest and suffering people! Officer you should understand that don't you? Police officer LoL what a joke!


Not FAKE, definitely the real DEAL, a fabulous MAN.

#148Consumer Comment

Tue, October 07, 2008

I too used FD and he is not a fake, I believe him, you Jumping are running an hate campaign and posting lies all over the internet. If you was really a client and thought he was useless you only need to say once, it is a sign of guilt to over protest. I am a police officer, and the guilty repeatedly scream I am innocent. A competitor could buy a spell ie have proof, then trash FD. We get a lot of internet crime, I have seen more fake emails and websites than you have had hot dinners. It is true you must be careful what you say, abut I am happy to say I used FD and got exactly what I paid for. I did not post here before because my case was not then resolved, but I researched the occult in depth. The word occult comes from the Latin occultare' which means SECRET. As a police officer it is natural for me to ask questions, and my next task was to discover exactly WHY a spell needs to be keep a secret. It is to do with a spell or wish manifesting, it is related to creative thought': thoughts produce a small change in the substance of the brain, repeated thoughts magnify it - to tell a friend or anyone allows your wish to be contaminated. The spell itself feeds on what you think, your own doubts are not a problem but natural doubts, the very fact you are using a spell is an action stronger than a mere thought, your spell's power keeps repeatedly empowering your wish. If you tell another human being you have a spell, their energy is then affecting the situation, it really must remain a secret between you and your witch. There are variations of this theory, but essentially others knowing add their energy to the mix. Jumping you looked believable initially, now anyone can see you are over protesting, why would anyone be so anti FD? Either you are taking your mood out on him because your spell failed or you are a competitor, either way I think you need to clean up your act. My experience of FD was a fabulous, positive one - end of the story.


New York,
Dantalion is a S-K-U-N-K skunk

#149Consumer Suggestion

Tue, October 07, 2008

Jumping, I have paypal records to verify that I sent that skunk lots of money with nothing in return. I got dropped as well. Let's get him. He deserves what is coming to him. There are others here as well that have been scammed by this charletan. He is the biggest fraud I have ever come across. He has no morals or human decency whatsoever. Let me know how we can get in contact with each other.


Now that is fake!

#150Consumer Suggestion

Mon, October 06, 2008

Ange there is no way that you are genuine! I challenge you too prove it! obviously you going to say no because of secrecy! I am also a frater client and guess what I had no rsult like many others and got dropped! Buffalo you are more than welcome to jump on the wagon. as long you can provide proof that you are a genuine client than not a problem ( payments, emails). The reason why I haven't posted any emails in here is because I want Dantalion to suffer a little bit more, cause a scam like him deserve the worst ever! Hey Frater you are so confident that I am Trae Dorn and that you are taking legal action against me. I invite you to take legal action against me please do that I have nothing to worry about as I said I have proof and we will see if I am Trae Dorn! Get a Lawyer to get my ip address and sue me for slander if you are so confident please I am waiting! You got nothing to worry about as you say I am fake! Will see that one won't we!


United Kingdom
why do you sill fail to respond to clients emails

#151Consumer Comment

Mon, October 06, 2008

Frater if you are not a fraud like you hae posted here - please can you explain why you are not returning any client emails then. Emails that have been sent directly to you and enquiries through your website........you are obvioausly following this ROR so any insight would be good unless of course there is a nother way to contact you. You will have had emails from me over the last month and made a decision not to rspond.


United Kingdom
why do you sill fail to respond to clients emails

#152Consumer Comment

Mon, October 06, 2008

Frater if you are not a fraud like you hae posted here - please can you explain why you are not returning any client emails then. Emails that have been sent directly to you and enquiries through your website........you are obvioausly following this ROR so any insight would be good unless of course there is a nother way to contact you. You will have had emails from me over the last month and made a decision not to rspond.


United Kingdom
why do you sill fail to respond to clients emails

#153Consumer Comment

Mon, October 06, 2008

Frater if you are not a fraud like you hae posted here - please can you explain why you are not returning any client emails then. Emails that have been sent directly to you and enquiries through your website........you are obvioausly following this ROR so any insight would be good unless of course there is a nother way to contact you. You will have had emails from me over the last month and made a decision not to rspond.


United Kingdom
why do you sill fail to respond to clients emails

#154Consumer Comment

Mon, October 06, 2008

Frater if you are not a fraud like you hae posted here - please can you explain why you are not returning any client emails then. Emails that have been sent directly to you and enquiries through your website........you are obvioausly following this ROR so any insight would be good unless of course there is a nother way to contact you. You will have had emails from me over the last month and made a decision not to rspond.


United Kingdom
thank you frater dantalion

#155Consumer Comment

Mon, October 06, 2008

I used frater dantalion in august, it worked very well for me. I cannot tell you the details as secrecy is required, but it worked. I don't believe the person saying it's a scam because I know from personal experience it is real. I would say, people don't be influenced by personal opinions, try it for yourself, then make your decision, when you have personal experience. Would use again. bye now.



#156Consumer Suggestion

Mon, October 06, 2008

Frater you are so hilarious!!!! You can't be serious!!!! HAHAHAHAHA LOL! And if you are, your psychic frequency is a bit off! LOL!!! You are even calling me names on your site! LOL Yes you are right your blog it is controlled not like ROR but your blog is full of lies! If you are so innocent and I am fake why do I bother you so much???? If I am not a client as you say why even bother putting me your blog? Well certainly paypal does not lie and especially your emails that you previously sent me! oh wait a minute actually the emails do lie cause you are a scam we did not forget that! Once again any genuine clients that have been victim of Dantalion if you want to join forces you are more than welcome. Oh by the way frater your psychic ability needs an M.O.T. done cause you are a bit off!


Yeah That Place,

#157Consumer Comment

Mon, October 06, 2008

Black Magic will get you everytime.....

Frater Dantalion

United Kingdom
Jumping & 90% of these postings are by Trae Dorn, he has posted pretending to be myself

#158REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, October 06, 2008

Trae Dorn is the owner of www.trhonline.com & 30 odd scam spell casting websites: Born Eric Thomas Dorn On September 9th, 1980, height 6 foot 3 inches He is from Eau Claire, Wisconsin, United States. He created Kimberly Rose of Fastspells - repeatedly exposed on ROR, then he destroyed her while trying to pretend she is the 22 year old Brittany. Please avoid these scams: www.fastspells.com www.spelllock.com www.provenlovespells.com www.21stcenturymagick.com www.haitianvoodoospells.com www.secretwitchcraft.com www.spells4free.com http://www.templeatlantis.com http://aishalovespellsscam.blogspot.com is owned by Trae Dorn Http://www.psyforums.com/ http://www.psychic-source.com/ http://www.angelblueessential.com/ http://www.goldman-y.com/ http://www.thebestof2worlds.com/ http://lovespells.spaces.live.com/ww.divinelovespells.com - Lee Ann www.profesorjorge.com/english.htm Professor Jorge www.divinepsychic.org/ Sharon Notre-Dame www.firespells.com - Isidore Bonjoko www.angellovespells.com - Angel-Priestess Maria www.moonspells.org - High Spirit-Priestess Faera www.venuslovespells.com Priestess Samantha Venus www.lovespells.ws Deborah www.thebestof2worlds.com www.psychicdena.com - Psychic Dena www.psychichelp.net - Altea www.templeatlantis.com www.realvoodoo.org - Josue J. Lenoir www.revenge-spells.com - Luther Joseph LaFortune www.wiccanwitchcraft.org/ http://lovespells.spaces.live.com/ www.weightlossspells.net - Gwendyth www.afterlifepsychic.com/


New York,
Jumping - I am a legitimate client also

#159Consumer Suggestion

Sun, October 05, 2008

Jumping - I want to jump on the band wagon and expose this fraud also. Can you find a way that I can be included. I really would like my money returned and help people NOT fall for this scam like I did. Let me know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Amazing how fake you can be Frater!

#160Consumer Suggestion

Sun, October 05, 2008

Frater Dantalion is the biggest rip off ever! Want to know how I am so confident he is a Scam! Just do what I did! Buy a basic spell ( although I bought more but never mind) or you don't have too really buy one. Wait a month or so than tell him results are not mianifesting keep updating him. Eventually he will drop you! Open a ROR account like mine! e.g. Jumping, Chicago, Michigan. Post a negative comment, and he will justify as a lie and that you are a competitor! How little does he know that I am closer than he thinks! I said it before you are not so psychic after all! Yes Frater I am from London England UK. You are having a laugh mate! You accused me of being all this different people on your site even posted a picture of a bloke saying he was me. You are the biggest con in History! Maggie if you are a genuine client, I would love to help exposing Dantalion and his scam I have kept all his email's and all his accusations and plus the payments through paypal. Any other genuine client that want legal action taken to this Fake Psychic please post in ROR and we can get in contact and get justice. We suffered enough! I already seeked advise I have friends that they work for the GLA ( Great London Authority ) they are already looking into this. Frater as you said negativity is getting you now! I won't let get away with it! I thought you were performing my spells but acutally you wnet to see Tanith in scotland! YOU SCAM! Now I rest my case! Please do not buy any services from this man he does not care about your situation!

Frater Dantalion AKA Oswald Carlton

I cannot believe this crazy report

#161REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, October 05, 2008

Andrew Bucklin of the fastspells.com scam posted this 100% lie. The truth is very simple: Fact Trae Dorn is a signer with a successful band, and runs the highly respected http://www.trhonline.com. Trae Dorn has exposed fastspells.com, he isn't part of it. There is a big difference. This is typical of today's world, you help others and what thanks do you get - TRAE exposed scammers, he is an hero, not villain. Furthermore, how on earth would he find the time to operate all these websites? How too would I know they are scams? Have I used them? NO. Andrew Bucklin, has used my identity to posts pure fiction more than once on ROR. I am now taking legal action again this scammer. Trae Dorn has furnished me with Andrew Bucklin's details. Trae Dorn has his date of birth etc. on his website because he has nothing to hide, no scams, no nothing. The man is innocent.


you really have not shame!!!!!

#162Consumer Comment

Fri, October 03, 2008

If you are really the victim, why have you not answer my e-mails,and other peoples e-mails?..You know you are a scam artist, you know you never did any spells for me and not one. You know the police is after you in the UK..... I feel sorry for you men.


United Kingdom
Trae Dorn owner of www.trhonline.com has posted most of these messages

#163REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, October 03, 2008

A snip of info from my website: Trae Dorn (born Eric Thomas Dorn) owner of www.trhonline.com, 'singer' with Happy Wednesday, and owner of numerous scam spell casting websites is still posting negatively about me all over the internet, hence I am exposing him! You should never use spells until you have done all you can yourself, this is why I am dealing with Trae Dorn manually - so to speak. You might like to do a net search for 'Trae Dorn' he is a 28 year old CHEAT, operating countless internet scams. Born September 9th, 1980, height 6 foot 3 inches He is from Eau Claire, Wisconsin, United States. He refuses to leave me alone, and is posting all over the internet that I am a scam - I think I have produced enough evidence to prove TD is the only real scam. Now lets list his scam websites: www.fastspells.com www.spelllock.com www.provenlovespells.com www.21stcenturymagick.com www.haitianvoodoospells.com www.secretwitchcraft.com www.spells4free.com http://www.templeatlantis.com http://aishalovespellsscam.blogspot.com is owned by Trae Dorn Http://www.psyforums.com/ http://www.psychic-source.com/ http://www.angelblueessential.com/ http://www.goldman-y.com/ http://www.thebestof2worlds.com/ http://lovespells.spaces.live.com/ww.divinelovespells.com - Lee Ann www.profesorjorge.com/english.htm Professor Jorge www.divinepsychic.org/ Sharon Notre-Dame www.firespells.com - Isidore Bonjoko www.angellovespells.com - Angel-Priestess Maria www.moonspells.org - High Spirit-Priestess Faera www.venuslovespells.com Priestess Samantha Venus www.lovespells.ws Deborah www.thebestof2worlds.com www.psychicdena.com - Psychic Dena www.psychichelp.net - Altea www.templeatlantis.com www.realvoodoo.org - Josue J. Lenoir www.revenge-spells.com - Luther Joseph LaFortune www.wiccanwitchcraft.org/ http://lovespells.spaces.live.com/ www.weightlossspells.net - Gwendyth www.afterlifepsychic.com/ Trae Dorn is nothing but a common scammer - his 12 year old 'blogging' site www.trhonline.com with 6 DMOZ listings (this shows how unreliable DMOZ is) is now exposed - what a buffoon to create www.fastspells.com and then expose it on his own website - he next created www.spelllock.com to replace it, but 'dumped' it when I exposed it here. He sent a threatening email yesterday, another today - while at the same time posting more and more lies about me on the net, and thinks I am going to take my web page down? Think again. For years this 'kid' has been bullying spell casting websites, now he's met his match.


United Kingdom
I am also a client that seems to have been dropped by Frater then

#164Consumer Comment

Fri, October 03, 2008

I have been sending emails to frater for the last month or so - he has also decided not to respond - I have left him various contact details and have received nothing on them. He was very good when he maintained contact and now I do not know what has happended. He knows who I am as I have spent over 2000.


New York,
Oswald a.k.a Dantalion is about as psychic as a kick in the pants!

#165Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 03, 2008

Jumping - I too gave this skunk a pile of money and many months later - got no results and also got ignored! Watch out for this one - he is very good at telling you what you want to hear. Then his magic act works - He disappears after he has your money!!!!!!!!!!!


Frater Dantalion not so psychic after all!

#166Consumer Comment

Fri, October 03, 2008

Well well... I said this before you are not a great psychic after all infact you are not psychic at all, you carry on saying I am Jens in your blog fine with me not a problem.

Go ahead frater expose JJ Scams and photos don't bother me because it ain't got anything to do with me.

As far as threat on email he might well be him, but rest assure it ain't me or you could be lying once again.

Any clients of FD I'm just trying to save you the money and the pain that I am going through, because he will drop you eventually.

You can believe me or not is up to you, but let me tell you I warned you!

Frater can go ahead and expose JJ to cover him self up and still accuse me to be JJ because it is only way to show people that is genuine when is not!

There is a new site called (((Redacted))) and they already listed Frater Dantalion under fraudlent suspect.

Most probably JJ would be in there too and many more spellcaster.

Frater before you carry on accusing me of being JJ, maybe you should check your emails and the one that you haven't answered should be replied with updates.

So maybe this negativity will stop after all. But I reckon is going to be a hard one to answer all the ones you ignore.

Carry on updating your blog, you looking ridicoulous by the minute, posting and removing and reposting LOL.

But I must say you didn't reply my email's but you are taking notice of my ROR posting and plus you have included me on your blog I feel kinda of Famous, not even Ernest managed this far.

Well after all he wasn't a client and hasn't got proof which I have.

You should never ever take people's money like this and block em cause they are depressed and in a situation, maybe people wouldn't go this far!

With loads of negative energy

One of your Client that you blocked!

 CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


Obviously he's reading this!

#167Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 02, 2008

Once again Dantalion removed a one of his comments on his new blog that you find on his webpage! Well he is hiding something? who knows or is it me that has got him? I think he's trying to protect his future clients but the internet does wonders! After reading Maggie email's a few times and comparing them to the ones he sent me, I can recognise his style of writing but I wouldn't quite say I am 100% sure. I think is all very easy for him to blame Jens, he has taken him quite a long time to give this accusations if Jens has been posting 90% of all the comments on ROR. I'm starting to believe that these spellcasters are using ROR as an advestising scheme. Placing negative comments than turning them into positive ones and if a real client comes along complaining they try to confuse the situation! I can quite believe that after all he took my money typed few emails and than cut off comunication thats a bit like stealing from honest working people that need help.


Unhappy Clients!

#168Consumer Suggestion

Wed, October 01, 2008

Before I start I like to say, Harry I have a doubt that you are a genuine client with Hartley in Arizona? Uk Based? if you are a real client sort it out mate! I think is pretty much the story of Dantalion customer service once he got your money and sent you few emails trying to keep you happy, as soon he realises that you are replying to him saying no results are manifesting this is where he cuts off all comunications! He claims that if a customers complains or not being nice in anyway (why are they complaining? Did you ask your self this question? maybe is because they are not happy with you service that you claim you give!) is email blocker will go on. But wait a minute, I am a client I paid my money I got all the right of not being happy if the spellcaster is not producing what is prediction said! so why should he cut clients off. If you run a business you are bound to get complains from your clients and as business you should reply appropriately to the complaint, explaining what is going on, especially when it says he offers psychic guidance! Well his website claims, potent spells, force free will, 1000 time more to work than fail, and only 5% of his clients tends to wait longer than usual! Well Maybe is the 95% that wait longer especially when they are not replied! Well don't worry if I do get result I will come back and take back everything I said. But I doubt this very much!


United Kingdom
Has anyone heard from Frater Dantalion?

#169Consumer Comment

Tue, September 30, 2008

Please can anyone advise if they have heard from Frater Dantalion? I am still waiting some results and have not heard from Frater since Sept 9th - although I have tried to reach him through various ways. Pls can someone confirm if they have heard from him since?


OH He so Quick!

#170Consumer Suggestion

Tue, September 30, 2008

He already took the poster down of Samantha Lipman on londonwitch.com. But its ok you can still find it on the search engines. Frater I think you got caught! Also you are not very good as a psychic if you say that Jen's is lying again, because I am not him LOL! Infact you say that you don't have to justify anything I wonder why.... I think is time you stopped hurting people, I can't believe I gave my money to you! Infact you had it coming and you know why I am so confident that you are lying because I can back it up with your emails! You should really be carefull what you send to your clients! http://aishalovespellsscam.blogspot.com/ check this out


Something strange!

#171Consumer Suggestion

Mon, September 29, 2008

Ok so I am accused of being the same person like the rest of these posting. Oh well don't bother me to be honest I came here asking a question but no one answered so I guess this is not the right place to ask! But something strange about Dantalion going on anyway, He first accuses Tanith of exposing his wife website as a scam and takes her site down... now if you go to londonwitch.com it says: Unfortunately my website has been hacked and abused. Mr Frater Dantalion is NOT a person known to me, I am NOT his wife. I do NOT offer spell casting or psychic services. I am Samantha Lipman, a journalist and witch. Please come back later to read about my new book which will be published in 2009. Souled on Witchcraft - Samantha Lipman well if you do a little search with any search engine about londonwitch.com and click cached you'll see that it was a spellcaster site and has Barbara's name on it. I am so sure that there is a lie somewhere here, I really think Dantalion is not that genuine... mmmmh But who knows apparently Tanith and his wife are best friends... i let you guys judge if he is a scam or not.


Makes sense now. End of Story.

#172Consumer Suggestion

Thu, September 25, 2008

This will be my last post on this report since it is evidently clear that there is an individual with a sick, mentally unstable mind in the midst. I wanted to take back what I said to Tanith, and Restless Heart. Tanith; I apologize for accusing you of being little_sunshine. It is now clear who "little_sunshine" along with other fake names on this report REALLY ARE. Restless Heart; I take back what I said about you having valid points..obviously you were talking to yourself....how crazy and manipulative of you. To all of FD's clients or potential clients: Do not rely on these reports anymore. They are unverified and anyone can post under any name. MY LAST POST.


Grammar and spelling.

#173Consumer Comment

Wed, September 24, 2008

To quote Anonymous-One, If you are an Attorney like you previously claimed, than you would know this, and you'd know how to use better grammar and spelling in your writing'. Maggie is based in Germany. It's quite possible that English is not her first language. Many people posting on ROR have the same problem. English is not their first language. Please continue with the entertainment folks. I get a laugh a day here!


Grammar and spelling.

#174Consumer Comment

Wed, September 24, 2008

To quote Anonymous-One, If you are an Attorney like you previously claimed, than you would know this, and you'd know how to use better grammar and spelling in your writing'. Maggie is based in Germany. It's quite possible that English is not her first language. Many people posting on ROR have the same problem. English is not their first language. Please continue with the entertainment folks. I get a laugh a day here!


Grammar and spelling.

#175Consumer Comment

Wed, September 24, 2008

To quote Anonymous-One, If you are an Attorney like you previously claimed, than you would know this, and you'd know how to use better grammar and spelling in your writing'. Maggie is based in Germany. It's quite possible that English is not her first language. Many people posting on ROR have the same problem. English is not their first language. Please continue with the entertainment folks. I get a laugh a day here!


Grammar and spelling.

#176Consumer Comment

Wed, September 24, 2008

To quote Anonymous-One, If you are an Attorney like you previously claimed, than you would know this, and you'd know how to use better grammar and spelling in your writing'. Maggie is based in Germany. It's quite possible that English is not her first language. Many people posting on ROR have the same problem. English is not their first language. Please continue with the entertainment folks. I get a laugh a day here!


I just have to say...

#177Consumer Suggestion

Wed, September 24, 2008

I made a mental promise to myself recently that I would not post another comment here because this report is starting to get out of hand. We don't know who is who...or what is what...or what to even think. However, I will say this to Maggi, I think you better take another look at what Restless Heart wrote, and let it sink in. It seems like you act first from emotions and you don't learn from the consequences until later. You are a little irrational and obessed with what's goig on with your spell. Now, I'm not going to sit here and accuse you of being a "fruitcake" or not a real client because I have no clue who you really are. However, you have done some questionable things such as posting your love interests and children's name for all to see. That's not a very rational move. You also made another comment about your husband looking at these reports. Why would you want your husband looking at this if you have gotten a spell to lure some other guy (Ulrich) your way? Are we missing something here? Why would FD mention that he was going to complain about a spell not working for himself? My grandma used to say "Something in the milk ain't clean" which means something about this story isn't adding up. As far as legal action is concerned, good luck with that. There is no way you will be able to take any legal action on FD. The law views services purchased for psychic and spell work, etc as "entertainment purposes" only. Basically if you purchase these services its at your own risk. iIn addition to that, FD promises nothing on his website. You have no case. If you are an Attorney like you previously claimed, than you would know this, and you'd know how to use better grammar and spelling in your writing. This is to Restless Heart: I have a feeling that we have both wasted our times trying to get thru to Maggi. I enjoyed reading what you wrote. It was quite long...but still enjoyable nonetheless. You made some very valid points.


I see you are not willing to tell people the truth!!

#178Consumer Comment

Tue, September 23, 2008

Mr Frater=Restless Heart. That was way to wrong, I will legally proceed.


United Kingdom
restless heart

#179Consumer Comment

Tue, September 23, 2008

i think he is right!! for sure it dosent make any sence that FD will apear as anything else but owner of the site and apart from that it just dosent sound like him.wake up maggie!! someone it playing u-just have patience and wait for the real FD to answer u!! we all know how hard that is bc unless u are a screw up individual u dont waste time here just to make fun of people. all of us are here in search of an answer to our problems and we all suffer that we need to wait but that how things are. keep u faith ok?? and stop giving pvt info on internet-it not safe!!!

Restless Heart


#180Consumer Comment

Mon, September 22, 2008

There is something terribly wrong in this situation. I can almost guarantee you that the responses that you got from "FD" were not posted from him!!! There is a sick and twisted individual among this group that is inflicting serious, serious pain on people who are already racked with fear, uncertainty, and nervousness as they wait on results from someone they have intrusted their hard earned money to help them make their lives a lot better. We know that there are scammers on top of scammers on the internet that are preying on people that are in serious pain. And I believe that someone is doing this now with Maggi!! Come on people PLEASE PLEASE WAKE UP! Maggie, first and foremost you need to calm down and listen very carefully to what I am about to say. PLEASE!! It is Extremly important that you listen, because I FEEL you are in DANGER!!!!!!!!! I have been watching this thread for quite some time and at times things have gotten a little crazy but not out of control, until now!!!! I do not believe that the last couple of postings were from FD, it is absolutly impossible for this to be FD, and POST those comments, It is just not possible! 1) Sept, 20 the only question you asked was that has anyone been in touch with FD? Clearly out of concern for someone whom you have come to think of as a friend and confidant, and that was all. Stevo replied that he got an email from FD there is no emergency. At that point all you had to do was send another email, just asking a simple question. It is very possible that the email went into the spam folder, even with todays technologies, mistakes still happen. Yummy, even stated that she received a email back from FD. 2) Oddly enough the very next post after Yummy is From "Frater Dantalion" right? No, WRONG!! If you have been watching this post carefully just as some of us have been doing, then it should be extremly clear that FD did not make those comments for the following reasons. a)FD does not talk to his clients in that manner and especially calling them names on an open forum. Your spell work is private, why would ANYONE with the reputation of FD talk openly about a client and their spell work on a world wide forum, when he knows the importance of keeping client, practioner confidence. Think about something, for a minute. FD has workshops coming up, why would he openly humiliate someone putting himself and his wife in harms way? And if you are paying attention you will realize how truely devoted and how much FD truely loves "Babs". Did he not just come here and defend her when her website was attacked? HER BRAND NEW WEB SITE? b) In the very next posting you became extremly terrified that you had upset FD and in begging him to remember you, you disclosed your real name. And in doing so you opened a door for this "Sicko" to really cause you more pain and anguish on top of what you were already feeling. and this person began to get enjoyment out of what was at first a very small concern that he turn into a full fledge panic. You began to beg for his forgiveness, and when he saw that you were in an even more weaken and delicate state, he really started to kick you in the head! c)If you will remember, on July 15, July 16, Aug. 23, he posted some comments in his defense and then his very last statement was in defense of "Babs", Look very closely at the top right hand corner of each of his postings. In very large red print it says "OWNER" not Consumer Comment, there is no way in which Frater could have made those comments because the person that posted as owner has to verify his phone number on file, before he can post as owner. Unless FD had been knocked in the head and forgot his phone number and his identity FD did not make those comments. There is no way that this "Sicko" could have that information so the only other way he could have posted was just like everyone else. "CONSUMER"!!! And unless FD had come down with dementia, and a severe mental illness, I don't think that FD would be purchasing his own work, What is he doing? Emailing himself and asking questions about his case, telling himself he is scared, and then he emails himself back to say don't worry everything will be ok? Going to the mail box and mailing himself money? Is he getting mad when he does not get a response from his emails? I mean come on, this is going a little to far. d)On aug 21, Sweety honey was concerned about why FD would not take her case, and then came back and stated she received her answers from FD. he did not come here to this forum and call her a "fruitcake", or any other name for that matter. He dealt with it privately. e)On your next posting after Anon, you were clearly distraught and began to really disclose information, all of your private info, on what spell casters you used, and at this point you are completely open and now this "Bottom feeder" is now kicking you in the stomach with steel toe boots. You continue to expose all the information and details regarding your spell, the people involved in the spell, your private psychic reading that was for no ones eyes but you, and because you are so desperate for FD to Remember you, you exposed even more private information, that only you and FD should discuss behind close doors. And all over his website he states the only one that you should talk about these details with is him. And you continue to try to make him remember who you are. Don't you think that FD would remember someone that spent 750 pounds( roughly 1500.00) with him. Unless "Babs" got mad and whacked him on the noggin or he has started smoking GREEN CRACK? HOW CAN FD FORGET WHO YOU WERE WHEN HE JUST SENT YOU AN EMAIL ON SEPT 6? Sometimes spell casters do not respond to an email because there is no reason to. f)why would FD come to a forum like this to tell us that Maggi is a stalker? What in the world can we do? He is the powerful witch, not us, don't you think that if FD has a problem with a stalker he has the ability to get rid of this person, and why would he tell us about it, what can we do? Become his counselor? If we could fix his problems we would not need to come to him. And I am quite sure FD's attorney would agree. The problem I see with you Maggi is that you are too consumed with what is going on in the other household. You are so wrapped up with what is happening that you can not go on with your day to day life. A lot of times this can cause a problem because you are no longer focused on waiting for your results, you are now becoming obsessed with knowing every little detail of what is happening, when in fact, you don't really need to know about those details. Your spell is doing all the work for you and your job is to stay calm, and continue on in your daily life, your spell knows what it is doing, it doesn't need your help in dealing with your situation. If it did you would have already fixed these problems yourself, because you would be more powerful than the spell itself. Not only did this "ONE BRAIN CELL JERKOFF" get you to expose private details reguarding your spell, he got you to expose personal information about you, so now even more psychos know who you are and where you live, he got you to open up to the point now you are in danger of some psycho finding you and doing harm to you and your family. That is truely how scam artist work. You are very lucky that ROR deleted your email address from one of your posting because this "SICK CREEP" could have written you and because you are desperate for answers try to extort money from you. Because you would have saw this person as a hero, that is saving you from "THE BIG BAD FRATER", and even do more harm. It is now possible that because some "CREATURE FROM THE LAND OF STUPID MORONS", got you to open up about your case causing it not to work at all. This forum has become out of control, and now these "INBREAD SPACE ALIENS" are on here looking for people that are concerned about their case, because they already know that FD is not a scam, he is real, and people do get results, and sometimes it does take longer than normal, and when someone like you post on here, they take the opportunity to find the weakest one of the herd, and put a lot of doubts and panic in their life, all for a sick joke or just because they were bored, which is worst than taking your money and running. What you may not realize is that spell work is not for everyone. And it is possible that you may be one of those people, and this is not a bad thing, but understand that when a person is not right for spell work, it does not mean they will forever, just at this moment it may be difficult for you to just let the spell do its work before you start to panic. And causing more stress on you, causing you to interfere and the people that are involved in the spell are pushed away and as the spell is trying to do its job, your interference is causing the spell to continuesly have to go back and repair the damage that you have just caused and if it constantly having to repair the same thing, don't you think it is going to continue take longer becuse it is not moving forward to fix other aspects it is still stuck in one place. Another sign that spell work might not be for you is that you said that ashra enchantments is a scam, because you bought eight spells in eight months. that is one a month. Lets assume that each one of those spells take three months to work, you do the math, I do not believe that you are giving anything enough time to work and fix things. And to be quite honest with you, Ashra is not a scam, she is just not as powerful as she think she is, and doesn't have the experience that FD or any other spell caster that has been doing this a while does. She quite young and does not have a lot of experience with the way the occult really works. Funny enough she needs to be at one of FD's workshops, she would probably turn her business around 95%. Some of the signs that she is not that experienced is that she offers protection for her spell work seperatly from her spells, why would anyone want to sell a spell and not automatically protect it, that is one reason her spells most oftenly fail. And when you purchase something from her, she actually puts spell enchantments on the invoice. Remember what FD said about keeping everything a secret, that is why on his reciept it only says "SERVICES" no mention of spells anywhere. Sweetheart, I know that it is very difficult to wait for results and especially when you are not sure what is happening, but you don't really need to know the details of how your spell is fixing your situation. Right now you really just need to relax. The other reason FD may not have answered is because at some point you are really becoming obsesive wanting to know detail, after detail and he has already said what he needed to say and you continue to ask the same question that he has aready answered. It actually sounds like your situation is a little complicated and the spell needs to do some serious, serious work, so what that means is to stop thinking about it every second of the day, and sit back and wait for things to happen, it looks like he already told you that you would get what you wanted, but you keep insisting on knowing every little detail of what is going on. As far as I can see FD has not lied to anyone and a lot of the people said he was dead on about his readings, so if that is true, then do you honestly think he would start pulling your leg at this point? What makes you so special that he chooses you out of all of his clients to start yanking your chain. You are very important to him as a client, but just as someone he wants to humilate and toy around with, you are not that important. I am not trying to come down on you, or put you down, I just want you to stop and use "COMMON SENSE". And reading your last emails it seems that at this point you are just panicing for no reason, he never said anything about the spell not working or that you should give up, the one thing I noticed is that he has continuesly told you that you would get your results. This is why this "DYSLEXIC CARTOON CHARACTER" is really doing a number on you. It is quite possible that FD will get in contact with you after one of his clients emails him and tells him about this situation. Obviously he has not seen these post yet or he would have come here and addressed this situation already, like he has done every other time. I honestly think you need to remain calm, but you may want to send him an email and let him know this has happen so that if these posting have done damage to your spell work he can repair the damage. But for future reference to anyone who is reading this, please know that FD is a true, and gifted spell caster with great integrity, and he will do everything he can to make sure you get your results, just as he has promised time after time. I really doubt that he is going to stop doing that now, especially since he just emailed you on Sept 6, and FD will never embarass, or humiliate any of his clients on a forum like "RIP OFF REPORT". Do you honestly think that he would make a complete horse's butt of himself in a place where serious complaints about him can be filed. Before anyone asks whether I am a client or not, it does not matter if I have used FD or not this about using "COMMON SENSE", against a "A GIANT DIAPER WEARING DUCK IN A BIB". Take care of your self I am sure everything will work out well as long as you remain calm, and stop worrying about every little detail that is not important. You should be preparing and getting ready for your results to manafest. You do not want to be caught off guard when things start happening for you. And to the "TINY CELLED BACTERIA" that is causing problems, I hope FD does a spell on you so that you will wake up with pig tail, and a small toddler p**** in the middle of your forehead and that your legs have shrunk to the size a knome. And when you bite into something like scrambled eggs all of your teeth fall out, and all of your hair falls out, and the only thing that grows back a square patch of grass that turns out to be poison ivy. How dare you come here and inflict pain on people that have nothing to do with you, or maybe that because this thread was starting to get boring to you, because FD is not a Fraud, you wanted to stir up crap, to keep the crap going. Either way you are sick, and you seriously need to be careful who you talk about or cause problems for. Because you are obviously as dumb as a "BOX OF HAIR"! Pretending that you are powerful witch like FD, can open the door for a powerful spell to cast on you. Your best bet is to apologize to the people here and to FD, for being a "HERPES INFESTED HEMROID"!!! With much respect, Restless Heart


You are wrong

#181Consumer Comment

Mon, September 22, 2008

Mr Frater, I have had it up to here with you accusing me of being a stalker. If I were a stalker you wouldn't even know it because there are ways to do "stalking" that involve a lot more subtle means than "posting" on a board like this. Now, just to make a point, my husband is on here and is making a valid point that you are wrong and also use a lot of other nicknames on this message board just to "fluff up" your ratings and make people think that you are more than what you really are. Now, I am Marilyn Loyd, and if you need proof you can check your payment records to verify that. What I am, is concerned about is that you are misrepresenting yourself and making yourself out to be the "victim" of this whole thing when you really are not! I paid you for services, you did NOT pay me for services! And like I have said already in previous posts, YOU CAN VERIFY THIS BY CHECKING YOUR PAYMENT RECEIVED IN YOUR ACCOUNT FROM ME, MARILYN LOYD. Now, since you want people to think that you are an honorable person (I hope), I would challenge you to refund my money back to me since I am the "One in a thousand" for whom your spells did not work, according to your website. And since I am a WOMAN of my word, I will come back on here and vouch that you have lived up to this obligation and refunded to me my money. You can very easily find my name and account information in your payments received records in your bank. And just to remind you here's some of that information: Name: Marilyn Loyd E-mail: (((ROR redacted))) Bank Name: DOD Community Bank (aka Bank of America) You already have the account number because it was transferred to you. Now, transfer it back to me (minus transfer fees of course) and I will do as you say above. If you can't do something as easy and honorable as that then I have no recourse but to take it up with the authorities in the UK against you and your business. I will also have no problem about coming in here and replying to people regarding your business and personal ethics. I also firmly believe in Karma and know that you will get what is coming to you if you cannot do something as simple as the above request for a refund. Respectfully, The REAL Marilyn Loyd with daughters Katie & Susie (You at least got something right, almost, because my husband is not an incestuous pedophile, and yes, he is a man and I am a woman) CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


The real deal!!!!

#182Consumer Comment

Mon, September 22, 2008

You know what Mr Dantalion. I really think that the real monkey from this show is you, I would not dout that you are all of those other people that writes here saying OH I got results, and also the ones that all of the sudden come out defending you after some one tells the truth about you.....Face it men your days are counted. Marilyn.


I sent you this e-mail back when I thought you were an honest person.

#183Consumer Comment

Mon, September 22, 2008

Remember this one? Reply Forward Marilyn LoydHello Mr Dantlion, I hope that you and your wife Barbara are doing good this ... Aug 24 dantalion to me show details Aug 26 Reply Thanks for your support Marilyn. Blessed be, Frater Dantalion - Show quoted text - On 24 Aug 2008, at 18:37, Marilyn Loyd wrote: Hello Mr Dantlion, I hope that you and your wife Barbara are doing good this weekend. Please tell her to be strong and not to listen to all of the (Sh) from this people. I hope that she can have her web side up soon, I will be more then glad to use her services in the future. Any ways I am doing what you advise me keep my spell as a secret and live my life as normal until I get the results I want. Have a great day.Marilyn


Recent from previos e-mail

#184Consumer Comment

Mon, September 22, 2008

I wanted to make sure you people read the whole thing. show details Aug 10 Reply Dear Marilyn, Your spells are active - definitely, but Petra is putting up a strong fight, I think she has some kind of protection talisman, I am seeing a silver chain around her neck. However, Ulrich is thinking about you a lot, I know you feel he no longer cares but your spells are stirring up his old feelings. I do see them arguing, I feel over a white car - or I see that image so it has some link. Your spells are working on your situation. Blessed be, Frater Dantalion - Show quoted text - On 9 Aug 2008, at 10:42, Marilyn Loyd wrote: Hi,I hope you are doing Ok at this time. I just wanted to touch up basics with you about my spell. This we are entering week 8 of my spell. I would like to know what is happening to Ulrich and Petra's life at this time to see if the spell is starting to do its work. Can you do one of your psychic follow up on my spell please, I preeciate the work you do. Marilyn Loyd.


Here is another one my e-mail to you.

#185Consumer Comment

Mon, September 22, 2008

Do you people really think that this men (dantalion) is going to take time for over three month to anwser e-mails if he really thought that I was a men? Wait until I post my picture and that is nothing Mr Dantalion wait until I go to the UK and the police read all of your e-mails including your posting about afirming that I am a men, You knoe that by law in the Uk you must follow certain rules to be able to open a web page to sell your kind of services, and much more the minute you decided to eraise me out you e-mails without telling me as a customer, and not honoring your "phychic help".I bet you never thought noone was going to put you in your place once and for all. Here every one, another e-mail sent form me to Dantalion about my case that I thought all of this time he was taking care of, and their is more coming. show details Aug 9 Reply Hi,I hope you are doing Ok at this time. I just wanted to touch up basics with you about my spell. This we are entering week 8 of my spell. I would like to know what is happening to Ulrich and Petra's life at this time to see if the spell is starting to do its work. Can you do one of your psychic follow up on my spell please, I preeciate the work you do. Marilyn Loyd. Reply Forward Marilyn LoydHi,I hope you are doing Ok at this time. I just wanted to touch up basics wit... Aug 9 dantalion to me show details Aug 10 Reply Dear Marilyn, Your spells are active - definitely, but Petra is putting up a strong fight, I think she has some kind of protection talisman, I am seeing a silver chain around her neck. However, Ulrich is thinking about you a lot, I know you feel he no longer cares but your spells are stirring up his old feelings.


Here is another one my e-mail to you.

#186Consumer Comment

Mon, September 22, 2008

Do you people really think that this men (dantalion) is going to take time for over three month to anwser e-mails if he really thought that I was a men? Wait until I post my picture and that is nothing Mr Dantalion wait until I go to the UK and the police read all of your e-mails including your posting about afirming that I am a men, You knoe that by law in the Uk you must follow certain rules to be able to open a web page to sell your kind of services, and much more the minute you decided to eraise me out you e-mails without telling me as a customer, and not honoring your "phychic help".I bet you never thought noone was going to put you in your place once and for all. Here every one, another e-mail sent form me to Dantalion about my case that I thought all of this time he was taking care of, and their is more coming. show details Aug 9 Reply Hi,I hope you are doing Ok at this time. I just wanted to touch up basics with you about my spell. This we are entering week 8 of my spell. I would like to know what is happening to Ulrich and Petra's life at this time to see if the spell is starting to do its work. Can you do one of your psychic follow up on my spell please, I preeciate the work you do. Marilyn Loyd. Reply Forward Marilyn LoydHi,I hope you are doing Ok at this time. I just wanted to touch up basics wit... Aug 9 dantalion to me show details Aug 10 Reply Dear Marilyn, Your spells are active - definitely, but Petra is putting up a strong fight, I think she has some kind of protection talisman, I am seeing a silver chain around her neck. However, Ulrich is thinking about you a lot, I know you feel he no longer cares but your spells are stirring up his old feelings.


You really are a scam.

#187Consumer Comment

Mon, September 22, 2008

Why do you think i will have copy from my banck account deposit to you keep in file and pay almos $1,650.00 for a advance black magic spell? You know I am not a men. This is just what you use to get rid of customers that will never see results. Why did you bother answering to me all of this time since before June 15th of this year? I know why,because you wanted my money and that is all. So which customer are you going to acuse next of being Fruit juice or fruit cup or etc...? I can post all of the e-mail I sent to you and that you sent me back with dates and etc. you know that that can not be fake. I can easily go to UK and I will, and show the police on my computers all of the e-mails I got from you in response to mine. Mr Dantalion you stole my money, you made me think that you were taking care of my case,what a stupit I was to believe in someone like you. Not you are not handsome enouhg to me to like you either, where did you get that from? Oh I know to justify that you eraise a customer without previous notice. This is not the end of these. I will let anyone know that you are not a real spell caster. Now I do have a question? how did you find out the name of my two daughters, because as far as I remember I never told you their names when I sent you the e-mail about my husband trying to divorce me because I am in love with Ulrich?. Remember. if no one has done anything to put you in your place I will. Respectfuly,Marilyn loyd.


My last e-mail sent to you on Sept the 18th.

#188Consumer Comment

Mon, September 22, 2008

here it is the last e-mail I sent to you and that you have not answered yet. all I wanted was for you to be honest and tell me if I was that 5% of your failing spells or not, I don't think I was nasty at any time with you on any of my e-mails. Marilyn Loyd to dantalion show details Sep 18 (4 days ago) Reply Hello Mr Dantalion, I was hoping that everything is Ok. I am feeling kind on down today. I was thinking about all of the previous spell that I had put on Ulrich since a year a go and nothing happens. I was even thinking about Ashra spell enchantment I purchased 8 spells from her in about 8 month and nothing happens. I was thinking that you are my last chance to believe in magic and in honest people and that My spell is not showing any clear results yet. I want to think that my husband wanted to leave me and married a lady that looks totally the opposite then me is a miracle since he only liked petites and beautiful woman. I am so confused about my spell and if I am going to be one of those 5%that will never see results. I wish I had your powers and I could read into Ulrich's mind. Do you really think I should wait for results or just try to forget about him?.... Sincerely,Marilyn Please reply.



#189Consumer Comment

Mon, September 22, 2008

Here is another one of my e-mails Mr Frater. I do not know why you erased me from your files, I do agree with one of the people that post on this web that if you think my spell was not going to work you should just answer my last e-mail on the 15th of this month which I will also post on this web, on that e-mail I asked you if you think that my spell will not work or what do you think will make it fail, and as you see I am a lady and not a men like you say. I need you to please get in touch with me because on your web page you honor phychic help throu out the spell untill you get your results. I am here in Germany not to far from the UK, I also happen to be a lawyer and if I have to flight to the UK and report you to the police over there I will. Here is my e-mail to you asking you for the spell boost right at 8 weeks of it: Marilyn Loyd to dantalion show details Aug 12 Reply Hello Mr,Dantalion. I am getting back with you about my spell. This friday the 15 is the end of the 8th weeks or two month,I know that you say some spells take longer to get results. I was reading your web page about trouble shooting, and you say to keep you inform about any changes. I personaly do not know if any of my wishes are actualy happening beacuse I do not leave with Petra and Ulrich nor I see them. Do you think that at this time you can do a spell boost and to check on those two and give me details of what is happening in their life as a family. are they sleeping together as a men and wife having sex, how is their ralationship right now. I still go hope that full results may happen by the end of this weekend. Thanks so much for your help,Marilyn Reply Forward dantalion to me show details Aug 13 Reply Dear Marilyn, I will give your case a boost on Saturday 15th August. results are slow, there's no real blockage. I do not feel they have a sex life as such, but Ulrich imagines you have moved on. He thinks about you but doesn't realise you still love him, so your spells need to ensure you bump into each other or he calls you. Blessed be, Frater Dantalion sincerely,Marilyn Loyd.

Frater Dantalion

United Kingdom
Marilyn is in love with ME, not Ulrich.

#190Consumer Comment

Mon, September 22, 2008

My stalker is Marilyn the fruit cake = male. I've said half of these postings are him, I was lying, more like 90%. Would any woman in love with Ulrich really post names on here? Marilyn, Petra, Ulrich? None of these people are real. The fruit cake has even posted results reports . Stevo is him. Hilarious, Stevo the psychic with results. Loren H, Sweethoney are him. All in my favour. Thank you. My REAL clients don't post here, or anywhere as they obey my website instructions. Marilyn the fruit cake' with countless personalities, and has been talking to himself on this report - he's even posted as me, and Meela on the other report is him?????? WEIRD. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/370/RipOff0370051.htm Looking, jumping and most of the others are him. Anyone can post anything, fake up emails etc. How can someone get results for a situation that doesn't exist? I shall refrain from posting his real name and details, as he's not well. Of course looking, jumping or whoever will post I AM REAL. Get a life.

Yummy Mummy

United Kingdom
This is getting really strange

#191Consumer Comment

Sun, September 21, 2008

I find some of these comments a bit strange and confusing. I can understand Frater Dantalion getting miffed by clients or non-clients emailing him over and over again wanting an update or asking lots of questions which he may not feel is warrented i.e info already on his website or nothing else to report. However if a client is waiting for a result and they have waited over 2 months (which is the time-frame that Frater has said 95% of his clients get results in and if results haven't appeared in this time you need to contact the spellcaster to give your case a boost). Then it is understandable for clients to contact him after this time and for them to want to reassurance that things are working or will work out for them. Frater has stated that whilst it is a rare powerful black magic spells will fail, that it is a possibility and that results are not guarenteed. I think clients would rather be told it's not working and you are not going to get the result that you after, rather than carry on waiting for months for results which will never manifest. I would respectfully like to make the suggestion that if Frater does have genuine clients who he feels are contacting him too frequently that he tells them not to contact him unless they have any developments to inform him about and/or for a specific time period. He might already do this I don't know, I just think that before blocking Emails that people should be informed first that he considers the amount of contact excessive and that unless they tone it down then he will block their Emails. The obvious exception being if they are were abusive, then you would just block the Email. I am a bit concerned by Frater's response to Maggi posting. It may be a case of mistaken identity or he maybe right that it is some weird nutcase that is stalking him but I think people who are potential clients or clients of his might find all these accusations of people not being who they claim to be a bit too much now. I can understand a competitor or some-one who has not had results posting on here but it seems with more and more frequency that there are claims that some-one is not who they say they are on this thread which makes it very confusing for those thinking about using this services or clients waiting for results. I read this report because I was interested in what clients or past clients had to say on his services and whether they were happy. Which it did in part with the exception of people like Ernest, at the least at the begining, now it is getting more confusing with all these accusations. I don't know what to think or who to belive anymore.


More e-mails

#192Consumer Comment

Sun, September 21, 2008

Mr Dantalion do you remember me now? From: Marilyn Date: Sat, Sep 6, 2008 at 12:22 PM Subject: Re: no subjet To: dantalion thank you so much for your reply back. I just want you to know that Susan is my 8 years old and Katherine is my twelve years old daughters. I will keep you inform if any or not changes are happening. Thanks again,Marilyn On Sat, Sep 6, 2008 at 9:22 AM, dantalion wrote: Dear Marilyn, I don't see your husband causing you any real trouble. Things have gone a bit flat where Ulrich and Petra are concerned, I am not picking up on any fighting, but this can and does happen with other cases. Sometimes a client is about to give up, everything looks bleak, when sudden results appear without warning. This has happened to be personally, I had a small problem that ended up being very time consuming and not worth the bother, I thought my spell was failing (3 months I'd waited), I actually cancelled a complaint I made - I was giving up, when suddenly I got better results than I was aiming for, it worked out great and was amusing in the end - but it wasn't a stressful love problem. Your husband will not take your children away, indeed I think maybe he has his eye on someone. This my guides are telling me this is why uyour case is taking longer, it is part protection, you husband needs to be with someone first. I am getting the name Suzanne or Susan, and then I heard Kathrine/Kathleen - spellings might vary as I am hearing the words, not seeing how they are spelt. This however makes me assume first their will be a Susan, then Kathleen. All my spells have protection in them, so results will only appear when it's safe. Under normal circumstances maybe your husband would turn nasty, but not if he's with someone. My guides say you must not ask about the names, but keep an eye open, you will learn the truth by watching carefully. You will not lose your children. There is nothing wrong with your spell work, Ulrich and his wife have been on holiday or are on holiday - they are with other people and trying not to argue, but their separation is destined, their marriage isn't happy, that's why Ulrich fell for you. He does think of you and the fun you had, of course he does, he's in a loveless marriage, but he's very weak that's why he never left before - he wishes he had. Blessed be, Frater Dantalion


June 21st e-mail

#193Consumer Comment

Sun, September 21, 2008

Here is another e-mail from you regarding to my case, If I have to post them all to make you remember who I am I will,even if my spell does not work after this. Respectfully, Marilyn Dear Marilyn, Everything is going well and my guides confirm your situation will work out as you desire. Full results will manifest. Your spells psychically pick up exactly what you want, and that is how things will turn out. Blessed be, Frater Dantalion



#194Consumer Comment

Sun, September 21, 2008

I don't know if my first e-mail went through but I just want to know Mr Dantalion why are you calling me Fruit cake and a men. It is me Marilyn the lady that wants Ulrich back. Remember on your last e-mail you even told me my two daughters names without me telling you anything before. I have only wrote on this web page about 4times to defend you and to report Ashra love spells and the oderofisis as screamers. Please do not do this to me I spent 750 pounds,money that I did not have on you to cast my spell and a 30pound rust fee back on June 18 of this year. If you do not want me as a customer just say so, I am used the get scam but I do not want you to say that you do not know who I am now, I am in tears I need to know about my spell. I do not know If sending copies of e-mail is Ok on this web page but I will try to send one so you can remember who I am. Respectfully,Marilyn.



#195Consumer Suggestion

Sun, September 21, 2008

I know this is easier said than done, but we must have patience when dealing with spell work. Some spells take 6 months or more to come to light..(read Sweethearts report above. she was the one that first complained that she had not seen results, than came back later to say that she did). There are some instances where you see "small" effects from the spell within the 1st month, and than by the 4th money you see an even bigger result. It's a gradual process..trust me..I know. I have no reason to lie to you. I understand the reason you feel "anxious" about seeing results from the spell...especially sine you have been scammed before in the past. I know how that feels because I too have been scammed (BIG TIME) by another spell caster. If you have been sending an email every 2 weeks since the spell has been cast, than that may explain why you haven't received a response yet since receiving an email from the same person over and over again about the same thing may become a little too much. Alot of clients believe that its ok to check in with the caster on a frequent basis regarding their spell work since they have paid their hard earned money for a service. I agree with that, but only to a certain extent. If you are given a 2 month time frame, and see no results after that time has elapsed, than I do believe that its appropriate to send a polite email to inform FD of this to see if he has any suggestions. good luck.

Frater Dantalion

United Kingdom
Marilyn Loyd = FRUIT CAKE

#196Consumer Comment

Sun, September 21, 2008

You aren't even a woman. At least half these postings are yours under various different username. You might be confused, I am not. You are a man.


Im sorry if I ofended you Mr Dantalion.

#197Consumer Comment

Sun, September 21, 2008

Mr'Dantalion I have to first apologize to you for trying to find you over the Internet, I did it because I (Marilyn Loyd) who is my real name sent you an e-mail last Monday the 15th and you never got back with me like you normally do in 2 days. You know that my spell is now 3 moths and I just e-mail you every other week just to find out how it is developing and not to bother you. I do not know what reason you may have for not answering my last e-mail but I did get consern about you first and then about my spell I still have with you as a customer, it was never my intention to create confusion, but just in case here is my personal e-mail address where we have being talking for the last three month (((ROR redacted))) I hope that you remember me now, and once again I am sorry. CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report. MarilynLoyd Ramstein-Germany

Frater Dantalion

United Kingdom
The REAL Frater Dantalion

#198Consumer Comment

Sun, September 21, 2008

Many of these posting are by the same fruitcake', there is no Maggi for example, it is a guy obsessed with me who lives in fantasy land. Anyone who posts here is either him or hasn't read my website. Why do spell casters use box numbers? To block fruitcakes. What do all website owners do when a net' stalker latches onto them? Block their email address, or email addresses. I am fed up with sweet talking those who are obsessed in any way, so if you want to know what the problem is, it's YOU. I am not wasting time on anyone obsessive, or anyone who emails constantly for no reason - see you doctor. I have sane, respectable clients to deal with, and my time will go on them.

Yummy Mummy

United Kingdom
Response to Maggi

#199Consumer Suggestion

Sat, September 20, 2008

Maggi I received an Email from Frater on the 15th of September which was a response to an Email I sent him on the 13th of September, so like you said it took him a couple of days to respond. It might be that he has been busy and not had time to look into your case to provide you with a response to your questions, or he may have missed your Email or not received it, have you sent him another Email since the earlier one. I hope that you get a response from him soon to put your mind at rest. Hope that things work out for you and you get your results soon. Also to everyone waiting for results I hope that things work out for you. Best Wishes Yummy Mummy.


United Kingdom

#200Consumer Comment

Sat, September 20, 2008

I promised to return with the outcome of my situation. It worked very well for me, I am absolutely delighted, and I will be placing a second order in a couple of weeks time. I will not be reporting back to this forum with new reports, because it has become too gossipy and confusing. There is no emergency, Dantalion responded to my email yesterday within 3 hours.


United Kingdom

#201Consumer Comment

Sat, September 20, 2008

I promised to return with the outcome of my situation. It worked very well for me, I am absolutely delighted, and I will be placing a second order in a couple of weeks time. I will not be reporting back to this forum with new reports, because it has become too gossipy and confusing. There is no emergency, Dantalion responded to my email yesterday within 3 hours.


United Kingdom

#202Consumer Comment

Sat, September 20, 2008

I promised to return with the outcome of my situation. It worked very well for me, I am absolutely delighted, and I will be placing a second order in a couple of weeks time. I will not be reporting back to this forum with new reports, because it has become too gossipy and confusing. There is no emergency, Dantalion responded to my email yesterday within 3 hours.


United Kingdom

#203Consumer Comment

Sat, September 20, 2008

I promised to return with the outcome of my situation. It worked very well for me, I am absolutely delighted, and I will be placing a second order in a couple of weeks time. I will not be reporting back to this forum with new reports, because it has become too gossipy and confusing. There is no emergency, Dantalion responded to my email yesterday within 3 hours.


Emergency.. I think something happen to Mr.Dantalion

#204Consumer Comment

Sat, September 20, 2008

Has anyone gotten e-mails from Mr. Dantalion lately? he normally replies within 2 days and it is been almost a week an nothing. I hope he is OK I need to know about my spells with him>.


Anymore Results?

#205Consumer Comment

Wed, September 17, 2008

I was wondering if Stevo and looking got any results? As I m starting to study the occult I like to find out the best type of magic. Thanx


Garden Grove,
I'm happy for you..

#206Consumer Comment

Sun, September 07, 2008

Hi Stevo, I'm happy for you, I'm glad you have some results kick in at the week three.. I wish I will have my result soon... I'm into week six now.. Thank you for the encouragement for the fellow clients.


United Kingdom
Things are looking very good, but I am not quite there yet.

#207Consumer Comment

Sat, September 06, 2008

You may remember me Stevo? I am now into week three. There has been some very interesting, impressive activity which I can only credit to my spells. My situation has to be solved or I'll go belly up. I am nervous, but hopeful. I am definitely seeing results, but need more success yet.


United Kingdom
Things are looking very good, but I am not quite there yet.

#208Consumer Comment

Sat, September 06, 2008

You may remember me Stevo? I am now into week three. There has been some very interesting, impressive activity which I can only credit to my spells. My situation has to be solved or I'll go belly up. I am nervous, but hopeful. I am definitely seeing results, but need more success yet.


United Kingdom
Things are looking very good, but I am not quite there yet.

#209Consumer Comment

Sat, September 06, 2008

You may remember me Stevo? I am now into week three. There has been some very interesting, impressive activity which I can only credit to my spells. My situation has to be solved or I'll go belly up. I am nervous, but hopeful. I am definitely seeing results, but need more success yet.


United Kingdom
Things are looking very good, but I am not quite there yet.

#210Consumer Comment

Sat, September 06, 2008

You may remember me Stevo? I am now into week three. There has been some very interesting, impressive activity which I can only credit to my spells. My situation has to be solved or I'll go belly up. I am nervous, but hopeful. I am definitely seeing results, but need more success yet.


Garden Grove,
Only customers that got the result can answer

#211Consumer Comment

Sat, September 06, 2008

I don' know how to comment at this moment, since I'm a client that still waiting for the result - I haven't seen any result at all yet. I hope other clients which got the result fast can answer these question. Anyway, in my opinion, black magisc suppose to manifest a lot faster than white magic right? If it's more than 3 months, I don't think it's reasonable anymore because the service itself pretty expensive.

This Little Fishy

United Kingdom
Can offer you my opinion, if it helps

#212Consumer Comment

Thu, September 04, 2008

Hi there. I've thought about your question, and offer this. I think any spell always takes the path of least resistance. Therefore, it matters not so much how strong the energy is, but more how many obstacles there are to overcome. So what I think is that a standard spell may be all that's needed to overcome a more simple situation but that something more potent may be required for more complicated situations. All requests when pledged by someone who knows what they are doing are manifested immediately on the astral level, but can take time for the result to filter to the physical world. This is not a wonderful feeling to those waiting for a result, but unfortunately the way I think it operates. Obviously a spell requiring more rituals will cost more, because of the amount of time it will take your witch to cast them. I do think that from the moment a spell is cast it gets to work immediately. As time does not exist in a lateral sense astrally, everything is now. It depends on the skill of the caster to focus and direct that energy which is what we pay for with a service like this. I know nothing about the type of spell you are asking about, so don't know whether they always work. What I do know however, is that they stand a heck of a lot more chance of succeeding than failing if you have a skilled witch on your side. Perhaps it's prudent to bring two people together initially before upgrading for something permanent. This would make better financial sense. Hope this helps you but as I said, it is only my opinion. You might want to ask Frater for a more definitive answer.


United Kingdom
I have another question

#213Consumer Suggestion

Sat, August 30, 2008

I wonder if all binding spells succeed. From what I see on the website, it seems they are more expensive and more complex. Also somebody mentioned a different timeframe - 1 to 6 months for the spell to manifest its results. For which spell though or does this apply to all different kinds?


United Kingdom
I wonder.....

#214Consumer Comment

Sat, August 30, 2008

Maybe this would help. These questions are for all FD Customers. After he has casted your spell what was FD comment? Was he posivitive or negative of getting result? Was he confident on getting results? And if he was confident has the spell manifested or failed? Has he changed his predictions? Any other comment are welcome. Blessed be Claus


For Inspector

#215Consumer Comment

Sat, August 30, 2008

To Inspector, You'll never find a spell to cure cancer. That's because the claim of a cure would be open to scientific investigation. The occultists don't want that do they? They would rather have their spells appear to work in the imagination of gullible people. You cannot measure imagination with an instrument. So see, you cannot disprove them! Just don't come asking for hard scientific measurable facts.


United Kingdom
Proves nothing

#216Consumer Comment

Sat, August 30, 2008

I do not see how this report proves whether or not FD is the real thing. I assume he has more clients than the few who have posted here. Ann might decide not to tell us what is happening, or not happening as the case may be, and for argument sake, if Ann's case has failed, Gary's,Tammie's and others didn't. I only found this report when I was looking for information on FD. FD's website says 5% of his cases are more difficult, and it tells you to keep him informed, that's on his trouble shooting page. So he admits a case might take longer. I am a new client, and hope to be an ex client with results soon. I don't want to say more and tempt fate. I am a happy client, if that changes I will discuss the situation with the man himself. I don't think it is a scam, or if it is, I am the biggest fool I know.


United Kingdom
Well maybe....

#217Consumer Comment

Fri, August 29, 2008

Well maybe magiko you are right the more expensive they are the more intense the spell must be, after all some of them have many rituals involve....like 14 rituals 10 rituals and so on. So therefore it could be possible..I guess only FD can answer this. Blessed be Claus


New York,
Yes and no

#218Consumer Comment

Fri, August 29, 2008

I agree with you Little Sunshine but there are many many many scummers out there who run such sites and let me tell you, not once have I seen any of those unsuccessful sites with so many unsatisfied clients removed. It is not easy to remove any website and even if by any miracle someone succeeds in doing so, the "spellcaster" can still open up a new site and run it. The truth is anyone can be confirmed by paypal and can open a site, that gives no confidence to anyone i believe and for that reason i thought maybe it would have been the best to find someone and go see them in person, but this is very hard to do. Has anyone seen FD work live? Or any other caster for that matter.

Yummy Mummy

United Kingdom
Question for Sunshine Rain - or anyone else who might be able to answer

#219Consumer Comment

Thu, August 28, 2008

Sunshine rain I have read your comments but I haven't read that you have purchased any of his services apart from expressing an interest in attending one of his workshops. Correct me if I am wrong. I just wanted to know whether your confidence is from your own personal experiences or from reviewing these reports and his website. I am interested in using Dantalions services, my problems isn't an easy one I don't think. The postive reports of him from those who have purchased his services give me hope that he could help me. The thing that concerns me at the moment is that it seems that the amount of time it takes for people varies quite a lot from a month to 6 months. On the FAQs on his website it says that most clients get results in 1 to 2 months and that results are usually speedy but not always. Gary said his results were timely, Tammie said that the results for her first spell were fast but she is still waiting for results from another spell which is taking longer. Ann still hasn't got results and she has had 2 spells cast. I wondered if anyone could shed any light on this, Dantalion states that clients that stick with him will see results in the end which seems to be born out by the comments on here people say its a scam because they haven't seem results and then they post back to say that they have results. Does anyone know whether these time scales are on average right for all this type of work?. It's just that 6 to 8 months in some cases seems to be quite a long time for results to manifest when the spells are meant to be so potent. Its just I've been there in the past waiting and hoping and nothing getting any better and it is very painful to go through because you are always hoping that things are going to start to change and go in your favour and when nothing changes or just gets worse it brings you further down. I'm sure that people who had a long wait for results can relate to this and they had doubts about whether they were going to get results and then it happened out of the blue. For those of you who have had results did they just happen suddenly out of the blue or did the results happen gradually over time. Thanks to you all


United Kingdom
I think they must have

#220Consumer Suggestion

Thu, August 28, 2008

gotten results by now and that's why they are not taking part in the discussion any more. One of them mentioned that her spell was cast in Feb so i would assume she must have received results. What's interesting is to see whether the success rate depends on the individual situation (more complex vs easier) or more on the type of spell. Afterall some are more expensive than others so maybe they tend to work faster


What is wrong with you people?

#221Consumer Comment

Thu, August 28, 2008

I think we may be on to something here. How about a spell for world peace, or to end starvation? Or a spell to cure cancer? Or maybe just cancer in children? That one I would be glad to chip in for. Come on guys, lets all chip in and see if a more altruistic desire will please whatever gods that rule the occult netherworld and maybe be granted. Maybe the gods are bored with selfish desires and will grant us this one wish. How about it? PLEASE!!! Charles


What is wrong with you people?

#222Consumer Comment

Thu, August 28, 2008

I think we may be on to something here. How about a spell for world peace, or to end starvation? Or a spell to cure cancer? Or maybe just cancer in children? That one I would be glad to chip in for. Come on guys, lets all chip in and see if a more altruistic desire will please whatever gods that rule the occult netherworld and maybe be granted. Maybe the gods are bored with selfish desires and will grant us this one wish. How about it? PLEASE!!! Charles


What is wrong with you people?

#223Consumer Comment

Thu, August 28, 2008

I think we may be on to something here. How about a spell for world peace, or to end starvation? Or a spell to cure cancer? Or maybe just cancer in children? That one I would be glad to chip in for. Come on guys, lets all chip in and see if a more altruistic desire will please whatever gods that rule the occult netherworld and maybe be granted. Maybe the gods are bored with selfish desires and will grant us this one wish. How about it? PLEASE!!! Charles


What is wrong with you people?

#224Consumer Comment

Thu, August 28, 2008

I think we may be on to something here. How about a spell for world peace, or to end starvation? Or a spell to cure cancer? Or maybe just cancer in children? That one I would be glad to chip in for. Come on guys, lets all chip in and see if a more altruistic desire will please whatever gods that rule the occult netherworld and maybe be granted. Maybe the gods are bored with selfish desires and will grant us this one wish. How about it? PLEASE!!! Charles

This Little Fishy

United Kingdom
My advice....

#225Consumer Comment

Thu, August 28, 2008

Hello diisel. If you wanted this type of service, I guess you would have to look locally. But I agree with some of the other comments here. It is highly unlikely a scammer would run workshops, having to maybe face dozens of disgruntled, unsatisfied and furious people. Look at this thread. People that have had success whilst filing here or have had success in the past include Happy times, Tammie, Miracle, Gary, Evelyn, Manno and Sweetheart. It's the timing of success which seems to vary so much, anything from 4 weeks to 6 months. We are unsure of what happened with Anns case, and Maggi and Looking are still waiting. Not one verified failure. Watch this space if you are unsure for a little while longer, but at some point you must decide whether an occult remedy is for you because in many ways it is a blind step. The very, very best to you.

This Little Fishy

United Kingdom
My advice....

#226Consumer Comment

Thu, August 28, 2008

Hello diisel. If you wanted this type of service, I guess you would have to look locally. But I agree with some of the other comments here. It is highly unlikely a scammer would run workshops, having to maybe face dozens of disgruntled, unsatisfied and furious people. Look at this thread. People that have had success whilst filing here or have had success in the past include Happy times, Tammie, Miracle, Gary, Evelyn, Manno and Sweetheart. It's the timing of success which seems to vary so much, anything from 4 weeks to 6 months. We are unsure of what happened with Anns case, and Maggi and Looking are still waiting. Not one verified failure. Watch this space if you are unsure for a little while longer, but at some point you must decide whether an occult remedy is for you because in many ways it is a blind step. The very, very best to you.

This Little Fishy

United Kingdom
My advice....

#227Consumer Comment

Thu, August 28, 2008

Hello diisel. If you wanted this type of service, I guess you would have to look locally. But I agree with some of the other comments here. It is highly unlikely a scammer would run workshops, having to maybe face dozens of disgruntled, unsatisfied and furious people. Look at this thread. People that have had success whilst filing here or have had success in the past include Happy times, Tammie, Miracle, Gary, Evelyn, Manno and Sweetheart. It's the timing of success which seems to vary so much, anything from 4 weeks to 6 months. We are unsure of what happened with Anns case, and Maggi and Looking are still waiting. Not one verified failure. Watch this space if you are unsure for a little while longer, but at some point you must decide whether an occult remedy is for you because in many ways it is a blind step. The very, very best to you.

This Little Fishy

United Kingdom
My advice....

#228Consumer Comment

Thu, August 28, 2008

Hello diisel. If you wanted this type of service, I guess you would have to look locally. But I agree with some of the other comments here. It is highly unlikely a scammer would run workshops, having to maybe face dozens of disgruntled, unsatisfied and furious people. Look at this thread. People that have had success whilst filing here or have had success in the past include Happy times, Tammie, Miracle, Gary, Evelyn, Manno and Sweetheart. It's the timing of success which seems to vary so much, anything from 4 weeks to 6 months. We are unsure of what happened with Anns case, and Maggi and Looking are still waiting. Not one verified failure. Watch this space if you are unsure for a little while longer, but at some point you must decide whether an occult remedy is for you because in many ways it is a blind step. The very, very best to you.


New York,
Can anyone help

#229Consumer Comment

Thu, August 28, 2008

Does anyoen here know any spell caster that we can go to in person and have a spell cast in front of us?


I find it Funny!

#230Consumer Comment

Wed, August 27, 2008

I find it really funny....how people insult each other without even meeting on the first place. If you disagree on something than that is fair enough....you can have your own opinion. However you can't really judge someone or a service without trying the product and see it for your self. So the comments of the ones that have not purchased FD product shouldn't be here on the first place....I suggest you go and find something else to talk about, something that you might have bought and did not work the way you wanted. So calling someone a Scammer without trying his products is a bit out of order! So all FD customers comments are welcome negative or positive! The rest of you take a Hike! lol Bless be Claus


I find it Funny!

#231Consumer Comment

Wed, August 27, 2008

I find it really funny....how people insult each other without even meeting on the first place. If you disagree on something than that is fair enough....you can have your own opinion. However you can't really judge someone or a service without trying the product and see it for your self. So the comments of the ones that have not purchased FD product shouldn't be here on the first place....I suggest you go and find something else to talk about, something that you might have bought and did not work the way you wanted. So calling someone a Scammer without trying his products is a bit out of order! So all FD customers comments are welcome negative or positive! The rest of you take a Hike! lol Bless be Claus


I find it Funny!

#232Consumer Comment

Wed, August 27, 2008

I find it really funny....how people insult each other without even meeting on the first place. If you disagree on something than that is fair enough....you can have your own opinion. However you can't really judge someone or a service without trying the product and see it for your self. So the comments of the ones that have not purchased FD product shouldn't be here on the first place....I suggest you go and find something else to talk about, something that you might have bought and did not work the way you wanted. So calling someone a Scammer without trying his products is a bit out of order! So all FD customers comments are welcome negative or positive! The rest of you take a Hike! lol Bless be Claus


I find it Funny!

#233Consumer Comment

Wed, August 27, 2008

I find it really funny....how people insult each other without even meeting on the first place. If you disagree on something than that is fair enough....you can have your own opinion. However you can't really judge someone or a service without trying the product and see it for your self. So the comments of the ones that have not purchased FD product shouldn't be here on the first place....I suggest you go and find something else to talk about, something that you might have bought and did not work the way you wanted. So calling someone a Scammer without trying his products is a bit out of order! So all FD customers comments are welcome negative or positive! The rest of you take a Hike! lol Bless be Claus


New York,

#234Consumer Comment

Wed, August 27, 2008

Very well said Stevo!

This Little Fishy

United Kingdom
A lot of this is not helping....

#235Consumer Comment

Tue, August 26, 2008

In truth, there should only be four types of consumer posting on this thread. Those who are honestly researching this site ie prospective clients, those who have seen results, those who have not, and those who are waiting for a result. These are the kind of postings which are helpful as it enables people to see what the odds are of success. It seems to have turned into a debate, with a lot of unneccessary comments from people that have not used this service, yet trash this mans reputation without a second thought and even that of his wife, whilst having no personal experience at all. Its unfair and causes panic and confusion amongst those who have decided to use him. What people want to read is how many people are happy with what they have paid for as opposed to how many are not. It is that which enables others to make up their minds about his abilities. I don't see much evidence of failure, although I do hope that those who have admitted to waiting for results let us all know. Please, if you have no dealings with Mr Dantalion, keep your comments to yourself.

This Little Fishy

United Kingdom
A lot of this is not helping....

#236Consumer Comment

Tue, August 26, 2008

In truth, there should only be four types of consumer posting on this thread. Those who are honestly researching this site ie prospective clients, those who have seen results, those who have not, and those who are waiting for a result. These are the kind of postings which are helpful as it enables people to see what the odds are of success. It seems to have turned into a debate, with a lot of unneccessary comments from people that have not used this service, yet trash this mans reputation without a second thought and even that of his wife, whilst having no personal experience at all. Its unfair and causes panic and confusion amongst those who have decided to use him. What people want to read is how many people are happy with what they have paid for as opposed to how many are not. It is that which enables others to make up their minds about his abilities. I don't see much evidence of failure, although I do hope that those who have admitted to waiting for results let us all know. Please, if you have no dealings with Mr Dantalion, keep your comments to yourself.

This Little Fishy

United Kingdom
A lot of this is not helping....

#237Consumer Comment

Tue, August 26, 2008

In truth, there should only be four types of consumer posting on this thread. Those who are honestly researching this site ie prospective clients, those who have seen results, those who have not, and those who are waiting for a result. These are the kind of postings which are helpful as it enables people to see what the odds are of success. It seems to have turned into a debate, with a lot of unneccessary comments from people that have not used this service, yet trash this mans reputation without a second thought and even that of his wife, whilst having no personal experience at all. Its unfair and causes panic and confusion amongst those who have decided to use him. What people want to read is how many people are happy with what they have paid for as opposed to how many are not. It is that which enables others to make up their minds about his abilities. I don't see much evidence of failure, although I do hope that those who have admitted to waiting for results let us all know. Please, if you have no dealings with Mr Dantalion, keep your comments to yourself.

This Little Fishy

United Kingdom
A lot of this is not helping....

#238Consumer Comment

Tue, August 26, 2008

In truth, there should only be four types of consumer posting on this thread. Those who are honestly researching this site ie prospective clients, those who have seen results, those who have not, and those who are waiting for a result. These are the kind of postings which are helpful as it enables people to see what the odds are of success. It seems to have turned into a debate, with a lot of unneccessary comments from people that have not used this service, yet trash this mans reputation without a second thought and even that of his wife, whilst having no personal experience at all. Its unfair and causes panic and confusion amongst those who have decided to use him. What people want to read is how many people are happy with what they have paid for as opposed to how many are not. It is that which enables others to make up their minds about his abilities. I don't see much evidence of failure, although I do hope that those who have admitted to waiting for results let us all know. Please, if you have no dealings with Mr Dantalion, keep your comments to yourself.


United Kingdom
We all have our own views.

#239Consumer Comment

Tue, August 26, 2008

Sorry to hear about your experience Yummy Mummy. Little_sunshine has made spelling errors and used hot language by design, to fox us into believing she is not Tanith. If you are pretending to be several different people on this report you will try to alter your style. Why doesn't Little_sunshine say she has been scammed before? Who by? Why not be honest? A competitor has to pretend they are looking for spells, not that they have used FD as he might take legal action against them for lying, saying you have done research is not a crime, a competitor could research you and not like what they find, this is what Tanith as Cautious Buyer has done. Tanith only indicates something is not right about FD, she invites us to draw our own conclusions.' Tanith has concerns' and finds things a little strange', she is careful what she writes. It is my belief Little_sunshine and Cautious Buyer are the same person. We will never know for sure, unless Tanith comes back and tells us it was her which is somewhat unlikely. Let all of us using FD send positive thoughts to each other. I wish you all the best and hope you get the results you are after.


New York,

#240Consumer Comment

Tue, August 26, 2008

After reading this entire page from the begnning to the end, i actually did get more trust in FD. For those who don't believe him or who do not feel right about him, do not order anything because i have done the same with other spell casters in whom i did not believe, and it got me nowhere. If you feel he is right, then go for it. He cannot guarantee anything 100% and this is simply normal. I haven't used him yet and before visiting this site i had doubts about him, but soon enough i will try him and let people know how it went. HOPEFULLY things will work. As to the rest of the people who are in the state of confusion, if you are happy with FD, then you are very lucky, so never lose faith. For others who do not believe in him, don't comment unless you have ALREADY tried his services and he failed you because then and only then, you have room to talk, but for now just chill out and stop lowering others' confidence.


If the shoe fits wear it Part II

#241Consumer Suggestion

Tue, August 26, 2008

Something just struck me about little-sunshine AKA Cautious Buyer AKA Tanith AKA Competitor after my last posting. She claims that she is just being very "cautious" and wants to pick a good spell caster. HOWEVER, as I stated before, the information she posted is not typical of someone trying to see whether or not someone is a scam. If you guys read this report, you will see posts from SweetyHoney, and Diisel (there are a few others, but I forgot their names) it is clear that these particular individuals are REAL potential clients based on the questions they asked. Usually people who are trying to research a spell caster will ask the following questions: * How long did it take for you to get results? * How did your spell manifest? * What spell did you have done? * Did you get results? *Is he/se the real deal? *Was your pyschic reading accurate? *If you've never used FD how are you so confident that he's not a scam (I personally thought this was the best question asked on this post..it was asked by sweetyhoney) etc. etc. etc. THOSE ARE THE TYPE OF QUESTIONS PEOPLE ASK WHEN THEY ARE TRYING TO FIND OUT ABOUT A SPELL CASTER. Little-Sunshine you did not EVEN ask questions, you just came back here "knit picking" at irrelevant stuff that did not even matter.

Yummy Mummy

United Kingdom
I don't think Little_sunshine is Tanith

#242Consumer Comment

Mon, August 25, 2008

I was a customer of Tanith's of Healing spirt and I don't think Little_Sunshine is Tanith. Tanith is a fraud and if you read the reports on ROR then you will realise that she has had various websites and is completely fake. The photos on her website are not even her. I think that Dantalion is the real think from reading the comments posted on this thread. I think that if you are looking at this thread to make your decisions then all you need to see is the number of people who are I just think that Little_Sunshine is a person who has maybe in the past been ripped off by the numerous scammers on the net and therefore is very cautious about trusting anyone again. I hope that you find some-one that you do trust Little_Sunshine and that your problems get sorted.


United Kingdom

#243Consumer Comment

Mon, August 25, 2008

I work as a professional psychic, I cast my own spells with varying degrees of success. I have a situation that requires the help of a professional spell caster, and I am using FD. So far, so good. I have been studying this report carefully and Cautious Buyer/Tanith has registered as living in the US, this is interesting because the posting refers to a website promoting Dantalion and lookalike sites on the first page of Google, yes but only in the UK, not Google worldwide. Now you don't have to be psychic LOL to work out Cautious Buyer is from the UK. Why I ask myself would anyone need to lie about their country of residence? I believe it is Tanith because I do not think anyone looking for a spell caster needs to hide where they are writing from, but someone meddling might want to hide out of guilt. The websites aren't the same at all anyway, they are very different. Little_sunshine why do you feel the need to comment on FD if you've not used him? Why attack FD when there are so many REAL spell casting scams reported on ROR, such as Tanith's, have you added your comments to the reports about her? If not, why not? Why pick on FD? You say you have not been anti him, but all your postings indicate there is something fishy about him, for example you start off by indicating he did something crooked with his course dates, others say they were posted when he says. Have you found anyone to suit you? Shouldn't you be searching instead of posting erroneous messages on this report? I think you are Tanith, it is predictable that you will deny it. You came back very aggressively, a sure sign of guilt my dear. You've been caught out and have flown into a rage. I will return and let you know if I get results, although if I do not, it is my belief FD is genuine, and his work appears valid.


If the shoe fits.......WEAR IT.

#244Consumer Comment

Mon, August 25, 2008

You claim that you are not Tanith, however, the comments you posted here show otherwise. The 1st comment you posted was titled "Strange Update" on Aug 10th in this posting you tried to somehow insinuate that something fishy was going on with the date entered for the overbooked witchcraft course. Two individuals basically debunked your accusation by indicating that the overbooked course information had been up way before the time you indicated. However, you never once came back to this board and recanted your statement or indicated that you may have been wrong. The 2nd comment you entered was titled "Someone is Missing" on Aug 18th this was an effort to try to debunk what Loren H was stating about most individuals getting results from FD's spells. Loren H was nice enough to come back in admit she made an error...SOMETHING YOU DID NOT DO!!!!!!!! The 3rd was titled, "DOUBTS" on Aug 22nd. This is the one you should be the most EMBARRASED about my dear. You sit up here and tried to make us believe that all of those websites are somehow similar. The town idiot can cleary see that there are several differences between all the websites you listed. You say that you are not a competitor, but your actions shows you are. If the shoe fits, wear it. You have tried your best to spread doubts to any potential customers. YOU HAVE FAILED...YOU HAVE ACCOMPLISHED NOTHING. You know something, I am very dissapointed in you. I can understand the motives behind skeptics posting information that spreads doubt, but, what really "chaps my hide" is when COMPETITORS use these Rip Off Reports to try to steer away business from competition. If for some odd reason you are really not Tanith or any other competitor (which I seriously doubt), than I will say this to you: Ma'am, you will NEVER find anyone as good as Dantalion. I understand having doubts, but you are not using common sense in your research. I think the biggest evidence that Dantalion is not a scam is the fact that he is having a workshop where individuals will come meet him personally. Why would he do that if he had something to hide?? Doesn't sound like a scammer to me.


United Kingdom

#245Consumer Comment

Mon, August 25, 2008

So some people here think I'm TANITH. I can ensure - I'm not! For anyone who still believe this: pls read my postings in this report again? I NEVER wrote that FD is scam, fake or anything like that. I just checked out his website very exactly and looked for possibly indications of fraud. And because Magicko wrote "People are just trying to 'find' something". Yes, thats true. But I don't do this because I don't like him or something like that. I do this because there are so many wan**rs on the internet. They don't want to help, they are just nasty and want the money of people who are frustrated cause of some reasons. I never said FD is one of them, but if somebody is working in a buisness with such an high fraud rate it's ok to ask critical questions. So one again I never said FDs service is scam, I really hope it is not. But an exact check of such a service should be quite natural and not should lead to things like happend here for example in accusation being a competitor.


United Kingdom
This is wrong

#246Consumer Comment

Mon, August 25, 2008

Hi I know i was here trying to fugure it out what i done wrong and got my answers but this is wrong to lye about someone doing there profession honestly. Who ever this is lying about FD is not right. A person like me who is new to all this cannot trust anyone caz all the time in your mind you have doubts. So please dont do this, this website is to help peeople not to upset or cause competition. If you cannot say anything nice or be honest lets just keep ourselves to ourselves. I cannot speak from FD as i have nothing to do with him but some people need help and are desperate for FD help please let him help then. By posting comments about him and his wife you are stressing them out they can spend that time in helping someone case. At the end of the day if they were there for money they would not bother posting comments. A person who needs help dont mess their heads up please.


To 'Babs' AKA Barbara:

#247Consumer Suggestion

Mon, August 25, 2008

Hey Babs, I hope you have the opportunity to read this statement. Please put your website back up. Don't let anyone get you down. The best revenge for an enemy or a coniving competitor such as TANITH is success. You did exactly what she wanted you to do by shutting down your website. DON'T LET HER WIN BABS!!! I knew that l"ittle_sunshine" and "cautious buyer" were the same individual as well....I mean, its obvious. I'm glad Dantalion caught on to it as well. . GOOD TRY TANITH. !!!!!!!!! But, you didn't get away with it!. Please reinstate your website Babs...I know how it is to be sensitive, since I am a very sensitive individual myself, but please don't let her win. Much love and respect goes out to you. You Go Girl !!!!!! NOTE: This is to all the people posting questions in regards to whether or not Dantalion is a fraud: People, read this report from TOP to BOTTOM. If you do that, than you will clearly see that this man is the real deal. It is starting to become a "pet peeve" of mine to see what I refer to as "silly questions" posted on this report. No one should have to PROVE to you that he is not a scam...you just know it....if you don't know it by now, than you don't deserve the pleasure of working with Mr. Dantalion..


United Kingdom
People are just trying to "find" something

#248Consumer Suggestion

Sun, August 24, 2008

In order to make FD look bad, some people go to really great lengths. Bringing his wife's website into the conversation was unneccessary. It must have been intentional though if she put it on the web on Friday and it immediately appeared on ROR. Frater, we have placed all our trust in you! Please continue doing what you're doing and don't mind the haters.


New York,

#249Consumer Comment

Sun, August 24, 2008

hi i am also considering about using him, i liked his website but because there are so many people out there who lie, you never know who to trust. Have you already ordered a spell? Has it worked? Did he rip you off?

Frater Dantalion

United Kingdom
TANITH of HEALINGSPIRIT - scammer & bitter, nasty person.

#250REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, August 23, 2008

Clearly a competitor is trying to stir things, I know who you are: TANITH from www.healingspirit.org.uk Tanith is the biggest fake that ever appeared on the Internet, glad to expose you madam. My wife Barbara only added her website to the net on Friday 22nd Aug 2008 and Tanith has exposed her as a rat, Barbara has no clients - eeeeeeeeer, a new site - no clients - but accused of scamming? My wife is in tears, she wanted to help people, she is a sweetie. Lets expose TANITH'S ROR reports: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/347/RipOff0347028.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/345/RipOff0345705.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/345/RipOff0345705.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/123/RipOff0123658.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/078/RipOff0078140.htm My wife is very upset and has taken her website down - Fridays are supposed to be a bad day to start something new, we should've known better - we are only human. Sorry everyone. Yes, I use a mail forwarding company, UK Trading Standards insist all co.uk sites must display a physical contact address, it doesn't have to be your home address. Good grief, individuals register their company using mail forwarding addresses, they may appear to have an office in Knightsbridge, LONDON, while operating from a spare bedroom anywhere in the UK, that is not a crime, it just makes your business look good. UK Trading Standards and e-commerce laws state UK websites must display certain things to their buyers, so yes the ordering pages look similar on several UK websites e.g. a website contact form is not enough, we must by law display our email address too. Our prices must be displayed in Pounds, Sterling. Having the correct information on my ordering page does not make me a scam TANITH. Most spell casting websites are breaking the law, and you can bet US laws are similar to UK ones - both protect the consumer. Half this report is made up mumbo jumbo, Little_sunshine and Cautious Buyer are the same person i.e. the bitter competitor, the notorious TANITH. Why are you bitter competitor? We both know why. Hopefully my wife will put her site www.londonwitch.com back on the net - she has a heart of gold, and wouldn't hurt a fly, but is a lady and so sensitive. Barbara (my wife) is a medium and talks to those in spirit, she knows you must never deceive anyone. Clients, please know I will stick with you, I am not bothered if some chooses not to use me, but I care about those who have and placed their trust in me - we well get there, continue writing to me please. Thank you, Frater Dantalion


New Haven,
Not as sketchy as it seems

#251Consumer Comment

Sat, August 23, 2008

I've been reading through this thread every so often and have checked out Dantalion's site a few times. As far as his address being a P.O. Box, this does not seem all that odd. If I was running a business that many may feel strongly for or against, I would most likely utilize a P.O. Box over my home address. Perhaps using "Flat" rather than P.O. Box serves to pacify concerned clients, I am not sure. If you trust this man, and it seems as at least 1 or 2 people on this site plan on attending one of his workshops, then I would imagine there is a good chance he exists and is not necessarily a fraud. There are spellcasters, witches, voodooisants that are open to teaching others. I have met several who enjoy teaching their practices to willing students. Many obvious frauds would never entertain such an idea. But I decided to comment about this because I just checked those 3 sites. I do not see as many similarities on the 3rd one listed, although there are statements that are similar, but the obvious explanation for the 2nd site is fairly simple if you have read Dantalion's bio page. He clearly states that his wife is named Babs and that she also practices witchcraft. After examining that page, I would guess that it is Dantalion's wife and she is also in the business. This does not seem uncommon to me, as many witches and occultists marry one another. So I would guess that this is Dantalion's wife and she runs a similar business. I know couples who are both lawyers, both engineers, et al...it is basically the same thing. I think people have doubts when doing any sort of spellwork or dabbling in the occult because is it outside of modern, mainstream beliefs. Like many things, if you believe that something will work for you, then so be it. What I have gathered about each of these sites is that they provides an abundance of information that, despite involving occult practices, is presented intelligently. The majority of other [spell] sites I have seen do not prevent the information as coherently as the three listed above. England has a storied history of occult practices and what not, from John Dee to Alister Crowley. I firmly believe that many Britons are more open minded to such practices than most Americans. Sure, Crowley was addicted to opiates by the time he died, but his writings and beliefs have contributed to western culture in many ways, regardless of what you believe. As far as John Dee is concerned, he was an adviser to Elizabeth I. In the U.S., many presidents consulted Edgar Cayce or others with alleged clairvoyant, psychic or medium abilities. Most of these people were met with skepticism, yet people, even powerful leaders, have consulted with these people throughout history (The Reagans had Jeanne Dixon, and I recall a controversy about Cherie & Tony Blair's close friendship with a psychic/personal adviser towards the end of his term). In any case, consulting a psychic or dabbling with the paranormal to help obtain a particular goal is not uncommon and people from all walks of life have participated in such activities. And if you think about it, in many ways, it is no different from prayer. In conclusion, businesses do link up to each other and may have some affiliation, even if it is loose and informal. Maybe this is simply a case of people helping one another out? I do not know. In one of Dantalion's posts on this posting, he mentioned he does not use Google AdWords and this is somewhat reassuring. Just do a Google search for spells and see how many paid links come up. And then look at the quality of those sites. I tend to believe in what is tangible and what I can see, but I am open minded enough to consider such practices. It is interesting to read what people have to say about results, not getting results, and so on. If this man's work has been successful for you, then that is wonderful. If other people need more "evidence" or have doubts, that, too, is human. From what I can see, it seems those sites are much more legitimate than the majority of the spellcaster sites out there. I think its up to the individual to decide for themselves, but it seems like a much better option than wandering into a gypsy psychic storefront and being told you have a curse that can only be rid by a lot of money and them "meditating" or "praying" for you.


United Kingdom
Not sure you're exactly right

#252Consumer Suggestion

Sat, August 23, 2008

I hadn't come across http://www.londonwitch.com before. It does look similar to FD's website. If you read FD's website carefully you will see that his wife of 19 years is called Barbara (Babs) and that she is a witch too. I presume this is his wife's spell casting website and I see nothing wrong with it as long as they don't discuss their different cases between themselves, which I'm sure both are professional enough not too. Not sure why you think Carmen's site is similar to those two. She's been on the internet much longer and has a very detailed site about spells. The style of writting is also very different. To the person commenting on the address of FD being a post box - that's how all spellcasters operate. No one would give their real address and have people coming to their front door. Moreover, FD mentioned here that he's been threatened physically in the past, so clearly he would use a redirection service for his mail.


United Kingdom

#253Consumer Comment

Fri, August 22, 2008

As probably the most visitors of this site I'm still looking for a "real deal" spellcaster. For a while i thought FD could be this "real deal". But after some aditional research I doubt this. I will tell you why. Visit this three websites: http://www.black-magic-spells.co.uk/ http://www.londonwitch.com/ http://www.love-spells-witch.co.uk One the first look this three websites look totaly different. But if you take a closer look, you will see that these pages are built up very similar. You can see it best at the "order page". Yes, there are different names, differnt bank accounts and so on but if I compare the construction with other sides, I get great doubts whether these similarities are a coincidence! After reading the texts on this 3 websites you will also find a lot of things which are very similar. All this could be a coincidence but I don't really belive that. I'm pretty sure this three websites are somehow connected. And yes, I checked WHOIS for domainholders, they are different but this does not have really big importance. Don't catch me wrong, I still hope FD is a "real deal" but I'm careful and don't want to lose my money. I would be pleased about it if somebody can prove, that he is real. I do not believe it at the moment.


United Kingdom
probaly i am wrong

#254Consumer Comment

Fri, August 22, 2008

No I am not hiding anything, I sent him two emails before that. But I guess it probably is my fault to ask for an answer. It is just that you come across so many spell casters that say the same and you don't know who to believe. But I probably am not the only one who is asking all these questions. I am just confused and never had this stuff done previously. All i wanted to know wil it be 28 days or more, just so i know. But thanks for a detailed answer.

Cautious Buyer

Address doesn't seem all it reports to be

#255Consumer Comment

Fri, August 22, 2008

I have been doing some research with regards to this website, as I must admit I was looking for help a while ago, now alot of the feed back on this site from users does seem positive, however I have a couple of concerns. Firstly this site is advertised on a website offering impartial advise, (which lists in the first page of Google search) All of the sites recommended are of very similair format, little strange! Two of the other sites recommended are part of the same after careful investigation. Secondly, this so called impartial site gives advise with regards to spell casting sites need to offer contact address, name@domain email address and so on, which I must say they all do, but after carefully searching the web, using these addresses you find that. Dantalion Flat 62 St Loyes House 20 St Loyes Street Bedford MK40 1ZL UK is in fact Mailboxes etc St Loyes House 20 St Loyes Street Bedford MK40 1ZL UK So its not flat no 62 but box no 62 Draw your own conclusions, I myself do believe, but feel that they are far to many people explotting the needy, if anyone has a recommendations with regards to someone who can truely help and be trusted please provide details. Make sure you do alot of research before hand. You'd also think that someone who claims to have Psychic powers would offer an insit into prospective clients situations before asking them to part with any money wouldn't you, rather than not offering anything until money is paid over, speically considering he warns of scams artists being out there.


Garden Grove,
He tried to say the truth

#256Consumer Comment

Thu, August 21, 2008

Hey Sweetyhoney, I think Frater tried to say the truth about your case. You know what I hate, some psychic just want to say something that you want to hear/ sugar coat - that's not good. I have a friend that really put a high hope about her ex because the spellcaster/psychic ready always said something that she wants to hear. She was waiting just for the result for long time, but zero result... that so sad. I'd rather hear the truth now, instead of wasting my money and time for the result that never manifest. That's a cruel things that fake psychic can do, false hope, mentally effect the customer too.. I also mentioned about this rip off forum to Frater - but I said a lot of people got the result so I want his help too.. There's a return lover/reconciliation spell that you can do first. After your spell had manifest, you can do binding too..or ask him what kind of spell that will support the first one. I don't even talk with people that I know/ friends about this spell. Probably you can ask him to consider take your case, but be more patient if he said your case is harder... probably more than 28 days to get a visible result. I hope FD will read this forum and will consider to help you...

Jesyca Ochoa

San Antonio,
Mystery Solved or Unsolved??

#257Consumer Suggestion

Thu, August 21, 2008

Here is my assumption on why Dantalion decided that he did not want to take your case. In your email to him, you utilized the phrase "bombarding with so many emails".. That makes me assume that you have sent numerous emails to him. On a prior entry Dantalion stated the following, "And yet, I won't lie, if you are nasty, abusive, or twisting facts AND writing countless times a day-yes my email blocker will go on." I assume that statement to mean, that he has the right to refuse service to anyone he believes may have a difficult working relationship with. Another thing that I noticed in your email to him was that you asked about a specific time frame of 28 days for the spell to work.This may have caused him to assume that you have unrealistic expectations. You have to ask yourself what is it that he has to gain by turning away your case? The truth of the matter is that he has absolutely nothing to gain turning you away. If he were a con artist, or a fraud, he would certainly tell you that the spell will work in 28 days. Of course you could never contact him for a refund once you realize after 28 days that the spell did not work since he doesn't offer one...he'd be laughing all the way to the bank with your money. Thats how scam artists operate. I practice magick myself, but I do it locally and not online because I prefer to have face to face contact with my clients. If I ever have a client that tells me that they want something done in a specific time frame, than I will usually advise them to go explore other spell casters because there is no way you can accurately predict when a spell decides to manifest itself. I provide my clients with general time frames..but never specific dates. A rule of thumb is to never trust anyone who gives you specific dates for spell work. In addition to that, none of us are really sure what type of correspondence went on between Dantalion and yourself. I know that you provided an example of what you sent, but I'm sure there are other emails that you have not posted here just from your own comments. Many Blessings, Jesyca Ochoa


United Kingdom
What have i done wrong

#258Consumer Comment

Thu, August 21, 2008

Well I am not sure I have done something wrong or not but please do correct me everyone. I contacted FD for a love spell and I had a few genuine questions FD said my case is harder, fair enough but when things seem impossible that is when you get black magic done. On his website he states this as well that you are at a right place for harder things. My first email was to him that I was with my ex for three months and it has been more than six months since we are apart, he advised me for the reuniting spell (but if he states he is powerful then this should be not hard for him). I did send him two emails in three hours but just to clarify a situation then I sent him an email asking these questions, honestly I have no changed this: Hi Frater Sorry to bombarded you with emails, i have had a detailed look through the website just have a couple of questions if you can answer them i will number them. 1. The reuniting spell, that will reunite us together but then does that mean that we could break up later on or so and then i have to cast a binding spell please advise me. 2. Then they is a binding spell which reunites and bindes you together am I correct. 3. I know you have said my situation is harder than before which i completely understand but will this still take 28 days or so. 4. Finally i have a friend who i have forwarded your details on to his English writing is not that good but like you said you should keep a spell a secret please advice. Thank you for your help, I just want to be a bit clearer I have spent a lot of time on your website but these questions were on my mind. Could you please be a bit more precise as well your previous email confused me a bit. Then he replied back saying that he no longer wants to take my case on. I know I mentioned to him about the rip off report in my previous email. I dont know whether he knows i will put a comment here and state that he is not a rip off (belive me i am not accusing him but all these questions are coming in my mind now). I don't understand what I did so wrong. I don't know to consider this as I certainly did not swear send him abusive emails or anything like that, he said that ask me nicely he will answer your questions.


Garden Grove,
I really hope that everybody got the result soon

#259Consumer Comment

Thu, August 21, 2008

Hey Sweetyhoney, I know your feeling, I've been there tried to find a genuine spellcaster. It's hard and a lot of people a 'fake spellcaster trying to get advantage from the desperate and people in need"..Shame on them! I believe FD is a genuine spellcaster, I'm still waiting for my result too.. - it's been a month now. I believe my wish will be manifest soon.. I will post my great news later and I swear I want to be his repeat customer if everything will manifest fast!

Loren H,

Lets agree to disagree

#260Consumer Suggestion

Thu, August 21, 2008

Ernest, I respect your opinion......but I dont agree with it. I dont think that the laws in the US (not sure about other countries) refusal to recognize black magic as a weapon is clear evidence that its fake. I tend to take it as evidence that as humans we have a difficult time beleiving in things that we have never experienced or seen with our own eyes. Thats all... Remember, mankind used to believe in this kind of stuff back in the "good ole" days when witches were burned at the stake. Now, the tables have turned the other way around, and most don't believe unless they have seen it for themselves. It's ok to believe in the supernatural, psychics, spell casters, etc. AND its ok NOT to believe in them as long as you are not hurting anyone in the process. Thanks for your input. Take Care.



#261Consumer Comment

Wed, August 20, 2008

Loren H Thanks. In other words the effect of so-called black magic spells are so irrelevant in society that the law does not even bother about it. That says a lot about the effectiveness of these spells.

Loren H,

Yet Another good question

#262Consumer Comment

Wed, August 20, 2008

Hi Ernest ! You asked a very good question, as a matter of fact I had that same question myself. After some research I did find that laws do not recognize black magic as a "direct cause and effect" weapon beause it is an overall belief (amongst a large majority of individuals) that it does not exist. Take Care.


Mind boggling!

#263Consumer Comment

Wed, August 20, 2008

Loren H, For those who adamantly believe that spells work. A simple question. What if the victim in the case you mentioned found out who had cast the spell and sued the spell caster for damages? Now remember, the spell caster insists his work is genuine. So that leaves him open to law suits resulting from negative spells cast on victims. I think a very interesting court case would result. The mind boggles!

Loren H,

Good Question....I'm glad you asked.

#264Consumer Comment

Wed, August 20, 2008

Well, I'm not the only individual who has posted more than one time on here in favor of Dantalion who does not admit to ever using his services. Anyway, speaking for myself, I know someone who had a spell done by Dantalion, and she got the results she wanted....well let her tell it, it was more than she expected..might I say that this spell was truly wicked..and I'd rather not get into specific details...All I have to say is "men, please don't do anything that may piss off a woman who is interested in black magic" Ok back to the point: Of course now she is a repeat client of Dantalion's and swears up and down that he is the best thing since peanut butter and jelly. To make a long story short, after hearing about her story, I started looking up information on this fellow, and of course I found the Rip Off Reports and his website. I agree with the other individuals who have posted in his favor that stated that his website seems to be the most genuine from other spell casting websites. Now, I'm going to be honest with you and let you know that I have mixed feelings about whether I should personally use his services in the future, not because I think he's a flake, but the whole "black magic" thing kind of freaks me out. I'm an old fashioned southern girl who scares easy (ha ha) However, I have been told by a few that the white magic I purchased earlier this year, is the equivalent of black magic because there is no such thing as white magic...its all black in some people's opinions. There was a part on Dantalion's website where it mentioned that white magic is weaker and does not have the power that black magic has which leads me to believe that had I used him in the first place instead of the other spell caster, I may have seen quicker results...but who knows right?. Remember, don't do anything that you are not comfortable with. I don't care what anyone says, or how many people claim to have seen results or not seen results Go with your instincts. Take care and good luck with your search.


United Kingdom
sorry it was suppose to be Loren not maggie

#265Consumer Comment

Tue, August 19, 2008

what makes you belive in Frater Dantalion. You have read his website just like me i have read the reviews as well. Why do you favour him so much. You have taken some time out to talk in his favour.


United Kingdom
Maggie this is for you,

#266Consumer Comment

Tue, August 19, 2008

what makes you belive in Frater Dantalion. You have read his website just like me i have read the reviews as well. Why do you favour him so much. You have taken some time out to talk in his favour.


United Kingdom
Maggie this is for you,

#267Consumer Comment

Tue, August 19, 2008

what makes you belive in Frater Dantalion. You have read his website just like me i have read the reviews as well. Why do you favour him so much. You have taken some time out to talk in his favour.


United Kingdom
Maggie this is for you,

#268Consumer Comment

Tue, August 19, 2008

what makes you belive in Frater Dantalion. You have read his website just like me i have read the reviews as well. Why do you favour him so much. You have taken some time out to talk in his favour.


United Kingdom
Maggie this is for you,

#269Consumer Comment

Tue, August 19, 2008

what makes you belive in Frater Dantalion. You have read his website just like me i have read the reviews as well. Why do you favour him so much. You have taken some time out to talk in his favour.

Loren H,


#270Consumer Comment

Tue, August 19, 2008

You are right..I did forget someone. Sorry about that. Ann did post that her psychic reading was dead on, but she had not yet seen any results from the spells cast back in Feburary. So, we have to count her as the only 1 without results yet. Have you found a spell caster yet little_sunshine? I think I read before that you were looking. Thanks for catching my error. I appreciate it.


United Kingdom
Thanx you

#271Consumer Comment

Tue, August 19, 2008

Well thanks for your comment and taking some time to write this for me. I belive we can do our best and leave it to Destiny.


United Kingdom
someone is missing...

#272Consumer Comment

Tue, August 19, 2008

You have forgotten Ann (Ann, London, Europe, United Kingdom, Submitted: 5/14/2008 11:48:55 AM). She have not yet seen any results from the spell casted by FD.

Loren H,

My bad...

#273Consumer Comment

Tue, August 19, 2008

Correction to my previous comments: Happy Times, Miracle, and Sweetheart are the only 3 that initially posted that they had not seen results, but later recanted their stories. The other individuals that were listed had already seen results from their spells before even posting here. Nonetheless, all have reported to have seen results. If you still don't feel comfortable, than you can always select another spell caster. Perhaps, one a little bit cheaper...I'm pretty sure Dantalion is the real deal, but if you are on a budget, you may have a stroke after looking at what he charges for his work....its expensive...no doubt. Here's what you should do (if you haven't done so already) 1. Read this entire post from start to finish 2. Read Dantalions entire web site 3. Contact Dantalion for any questions/concerns that you have before purchasing a spell. 4. If you still don't feel comfortable after following these steps, than you should not purchase anything from him. I know how it feels trying to find a genuine spell caster on the internet. I actually found one (I won't post her website here because I think it may be against the rules). Anyway, she is rather cheap and her spells work. The only bad thing is that it took a while for the spell to kick in. After finding information on Dantalion, I could just kick myself for not using him instead. !!!!

Loren H,

My bad...

#274Consumer Comment

Tue, August 19, 2008

Correction to my previous comments: Happy Times, Miracle, and Sweetheart are the only 3 that initially posted that they had not seen results, but later recanted their stories. The other individuals that were listed had already seen results from their spells before even posting here. Nonetheless, all have reported to have seen results. If you still don't feel comfortable, than you can always select another spell caster. Perhaps, one a little bit cheaper...I'm pretty sure Dantalion is the real deal, but if you are on a budget, you may have a stroke after looking at what he charges for his work....its expensive...no doubt. Here's what you should do (if you haven't done so already) 1. Read this entire post from start to finish 2. Read Dantalions entire web site 3. Contact Dantalion for any questions/concerns that you have before purchasing a spell. 4. If you still don't feel comfortable after following these steps, than you should not purchase anything from him. I know how it feels trying to find a genuine spell caster on the internet. I actually found one (I won't post her website here because I think it may be against the rules). Anyway, she is rather cheap and her spells work. The only bad thing is that it took a while for the spell to kick in. After finding information on Dantalion, I could just kick myself for not using him instead. !!!!

Loren H,

My bad...

#275Consumer Comment

Tue, August 19, 2008

Correction to my previous comments: Happy Times, Miracle, and Sweetheart are the only 3 that initially posted that they had not seen results, but later recanted their stories. The other individuals that were listed had already seen results from their spells before even posting here. Nonetheless, all have reported to have seen results. If you still don't feel comfortable, than you can always select another spell caster. Perhaps, one a little bit cheaper...I'm pretty sure Dantalion is the real deal, but if you are on a budget, you may have a stroke after looking at what he charges for his work....its expensive...no doubt. Here's what you should do (if you haven't done so already) 1. Read this entire post from start to finish 2. Read Dantalions entire web site 3. Contact Dantalion for any questions/concerns that you have before purchasing a spell. 4. If you still don't feel comfortable after following these steps, than you should not purchase anything from him. I know how it feels trying to find a genuine spell caster on the internet. I actually found one (I won't post her website here because I think it may be against the rules). Anyway, she is rather cheap and her spells work. The only bad thing is that it took a while for the spell to kick in. After finding information on Dantalion, I could just kick myself for not using him instead. !!!!

Loren H,

My bad...

#276Consumer Comment

Tue, August 19, 2008

Correction to my previous comments: Happy Times, Miracle, and Sweetheart are the only 3 that initially posted that they had not seen results, but later recanted their stories. The other individuals that were listed had already seen results from their spells before even posting here. Nonetheless, all have reported to have seen results. If you still don't feel comfortable, than you can always select another spell caster. Perhaps, one a little bit cheaper...I'm pretty sure Dantalion is the real deal, but if you are on a budget, you may have a stroke after looking at what he charges for his work....its expensive...no doubt. Here's what you should do (if you haven't done so already) 1. Read this entire post from start to finish 2. Read Dantalions entire web site 3. Contact Dantalion for any questions/concerns that you have before purchasing a spell. 4. If you still don't feel comfortable after following these steps, than you should not purchase anything from him. I know how it feels trying to find a genuine spell caster on the internet. I actually found one (I won't post her website here because I think it may be against the rules). Anyway, she is rather cheap and her spells work. The only bad thing is that it took a while for the spell to kick in. After finding information on Dantalion, I could just kick myself for not using him instead. !!!!

Loren H,

Seems like Everyone

#277Consumer Comment

Tue, August 19, 2008

Hello Sweetyhoney: I just wanted to "jump in" and answer the question you posted. I have sat here and read this entire post. It seems as if everyone listed so far has gotten the results that they desired from their spells. It also appears like some of the individuals originally posted that they had not seen results, but recanted their stories later indicating that they had in fact seen results. They are as follows: Happy Times Miracle Sweetheart Evelyn Manno The rest are just people who probably havent used Dantalion, but just wanted to post comments to their disbelief or belief in his services. At this current time, there are no messages on this report stating that they have not seen results. I would take that as a pretty good sign that he is probably genuine.


United Kingdom
Does he really work

#278Consumer Comment

Mon, August 18, 2008


Sunshine Rain

Shhhhhhh, it's a secret.

#279Consumer Suggestion

Thu, August 14, 2008

Psssst....Hey, guys don't forget the rule of the occult which is your spells must be kept a secret. The reason for this is telling others about your spell can introduce outside negative energy that may destroy the effects of your spelll. Please review Dantalion's website for further information regarding this. Best wishes.


Hello there....

#280Consumer Comment

Thu, August 14, 2008

Hi This Little Fishy. I am so glad that I sent a second e-mail to confirm that I was not talking about Mr,Dantalion. He is still working on a spell for me,I have not gotten results yet,but I got the feeling that I will happen soon. I will keep you post it.

This Little Fishy

United Kingdom
glad that it is sunshine for you all the way!

#281Consumer Comment

Wed, August 13, 2008

I was wondering about to whom these comments were aimed at, which is why i was not accusatory. I feel desperately sorry for anyone who has been ripped off in this way, it is a heinous thing to do. I am not a client of Mr Dantalions as yet, although I am considering it. I am so glad you got results and it would seem most do, albeit expensive! I don't know your story, but I am where you used to be and know how desperate you were for a solution. I just wanted to let you know that I am thrilled you got your results, be happy, I hope I will be soon! Will let you know!

Sunshine Rain

Response to a little fish.

#282Consumer Suggestion

Wed, August 13, 2008

A little fishy, I don' think Maggi was trying to say that Dantalion was a fraud, I think she was indicating that Ashra Enchantments was a fraud because she sent them $700 and did not get results. It sounds like she is currently using Dantalions services right not, but doesnt have any complaints thus far on him. I can understand the confusion since Maggi did post 3 seperate comments and it was a tad bit difficult to understand whom she was referring to at first when she indicated not to send money because the website was a fraud. It's good that Maggi has finally found Dantalion after being ripped off by other spell casters. I am pretty sure she will be satisfied with the results as will others who decide to use his services. Best wishes to everyone........even the skeptics who are scowling right now in disbelief, or laughing, etc.

This Little Fishy

United Kingdom
Are'nt you being a little unfair, Maggi?

#283Consumer Comment

Wed, August 13, 2008

You dont say exactly when your spell was cast, but it sounds to me as though it was a month or so ago. Spells don't work the same way as a catalogue does with delivery in so many days or weeks. I can understand why the lady who had to wait eight months got angry and frustrated, that is quite a long time, I would be upset too by this stage. But honestly, four weeks? I do hope that if your spell works you have the decency to post back here and take back your comments. Frater sounds like the real deal to me, and I hope he does manage to make your wishes come true. Please let us know if this happens, it is only fair after all.


A big mistake!!!!

#284Consumer Comment

Wed, August 13, 2008

I want to make sure that I correct the who I sent the $700.00. It was to the web side (orderofoisis.com) they are big time scam. they will take your money and after that will not keep in touch with you. I did not mean Mr Dantalion web side.


Canada fake spell caster.

#285Consumer Comment

Tue, August 12, 2008

Ashra Enchantment, people do not send money to this fake canadian spell caster, she lies to get your maney, she will tell you that you need a stronger spell to keep stilling your money.


A big mistake!!!

#286Consumer Comment

Tue, August 12, 2008

people do not send money to this company, I send them $700.00 for a spell to bring back my lover, thay said to me it will take 4 weeks to see results. it never happend, I e-mail them and they never answer my e-mails back. Please do not buy anything from them.


It is not always the case!

#287Consumer Comment

Tue, August 12, 2008

Hello Dani, I do believe in god, but I aslo believe that some people needs a spell to help them make up their mind or to help them get out of a situation in which they don't know what to do. I am also a client of Mr Dantalion here in Germany.

Sunshine Rain

Whatcha talkin bout Willis?

#288Consumer Suggestion

Tue, August 12, 2008

Dani: I slightly agree with what you are saying about love spells. I would never ever personally purchase a love spell for the very same reasons that you listed. My belief is if someone is meant to be with you romantically than they will be with you without the controlling energies from a spell. However, we should not judge those who feel the need to resort to the use of that particular spell although we may not agree with it...Especially someone who claims to be a caster themselves. Think about it...I'm pretty sure you get ridiculed for what you do even if the spells you perform are done only with good intentions without controlling the minds of others. A lot of "bible beaters" believe that anyone who fools around in anyway with magick, spells, or psychics are going to hell with gasonline drawers on. You also mentioned something about people who purchased spells are not Christian...I'm sorry, but I don't recall anyone on this board claiming to be a Christian....I'm not sure where you were going with that one. With Warm Regards, Sunshine Rain.

Sunshine Rain

What a surprise !!!

#289Consumer Suggestion

Mon, August 11, 2008

Sweetheart: First off, please allow me to apologize to you for accusing you of being Ernest or Clifford. I am woman enought to admit that I made a mistake. It is now obvious that you were just a frustrated client who had not seen results as quickly as you would have liked. Thanks so much for coming back to this board and admitting that you have now seen results from your spell. Don't let anyone tell you that the results you have seen are just a coincedence or would have happened anyway....they are just being skeptical. Spells can be quite tricky...sometimes people see the results from spells immediately while others may take a tad bit longer. Manno: I'm pretty sure that the message was posted to the website in June 2008. I'm not sure what point little sunshine was trying to make by saying the page had only been on the website for a week. We may end up taking the same course....who knows...maybe I will see you there. As ya'll can probably already tell...I am a huge Dantalion fan. I don't waste my time defending someone unless I really believe in their abilities. Let me re phrase that....I don't just believe in his abilities, I AM CONFIDENT OF THEM !

Sunshine Rain

What a surprise !!!

#290Consumer Suggestion

Mon, August 11, 2008

Sweetheart: First off, please allow me to apologize to you for accusing you of being Ernest or Clifford. I am woman enought to admit that I made a mistake. It is now obvious that you were just a frustrated client who had not seen results as quickly as you would have liked. Thanks so much for coming back to this board and admitting that you have now seen results from your spell. Don't let anyone tell you that the results you have seen are just a coincedence or would have happened anyway....they are just being skeptical. Spells can be quite tricky...sometimes people see the results from spells immediately while others may take a tad bit longer. Manno: I'm pretty sure that the message was posted to the website in June 2008. I'm not sure what point little sunshine was trying to make by saying the page had only been on the website for a week. We may end up taking the same course....who knows...maybe I will see you there. As ya'll can probably already tell...I am a huge Dantalion fan. I don't waste my time defending someone unless I really believe in their abilities. Let me re phrase that....I don't just believe in his abilities, I AM CONFIDENT OF THEM !

Sunshine Rain

What a surprise !!!

#291Consumer Suggestion

Mon, August 11, 2008

Sweetheart: First off, please allow me to apologize to you for accusing you of being Ernest or Clifford. I am woman enought to admit that I made a mistake. It is now obvious that you were just a frustrated client who had not seen results as quickly as you would have liked. Thanks so much for coming back to this board and admitting that you have now seen results from your spell. Don't let anyone tell you that the results you have seen are just a coincedence or would have happened anyway....they are just being skeptical. Spells can be quite tricky...sometimes people see the results from spells immediately while others may take a tad bit longer. Manno: I'm pretty sure that the message was posted to the website in June 2008. I'm not sure what point little sunshine was trying to make by saying the page had only been on the website for a week. We may end up taking the same course....who knows...maybe I will see you there. As ya'll can probably already tell...I am a huge Dantalion fan. I don't waste my time defending someone unless I really believe in their abilities. Let me re phrase that....I don't just believe in his abilities, I AM CONFIDENT OF THEM !



#292Consumer Comment

Mon, August 11, 2008

None of you, who buy spells, are Christain. Last I checked, they believe in miracles and freewill not spells and force.


Ask yourself this...

#293Consumer Comment

Mon, August 11, 2008

Do any of these spells mess with freewill? Sweetheart paid for a love spell and says the person it was intended to be cast on called her. So it worked, YAY. One problem. How would you like it if someone cast a spell on you that took away your ability to think for yourself and make your own decision about the situation? Most people wanting spells cast are very selfish and don't understand the consequences of their actions. I am a caster, but I refuse to profit on my ability or mess with peoples heads. I don't beleive in screwing with anyone's free will. When you have a love spell cast on someone you take away the ability for them to make a decision on their own. If the spell works, you basically force them to love you rather then letting them love you on their own. Anyone who would force anyone else to do anything should not have the right to walk freely.


Not a SCAM after all, it works!!!!!!

#294Consumer Comment

Mon, August 11, 2008

I posted two messages earlier because I was so frustrated because my spell wasn't happening. I was full of doubt about it, didn't think it would happen. But, this weekend, I had full results! I got a phone call from the person that I wanted to get a phone call from! It really does work, I am amazed!!!!! Thank you FRATER DANTALION! It works, it works, it works!


Garden Grove,
Thank's for the response

#295Consumer Comment

Mon, August 11, 2008

Hey Manno thank's for your response, give me more confident lol.. About the Witchcraft Course - Sunshine Rain, I remember I saw the announcement that 'December 2008 course was fully booked, and incoming course will be February 2009', I think I read that around June 2008 on his website.. A few weeks after - probably less than 2 weeks, a new announcement came out mentioned that February 2009 course already full. Because he only can take not too many student and I believe so many people interested. I want to go also in the future after my case and everything is 'settled' lol...

Sunshine Rain


#296Consumer Suggestion

Sun, August 10, 2008

The message that states that as of June 24, 2009 all places for workshop have been booked has been posted on the website for more than a week. As a matter of fact, I know for a fact that it has been posted since the middle of July since thats when I started reviewing Dantalion's website. I hope to be attending one of the online workshops in the future. I don't understand your point. Please let me know if I am misunderstanding something.


Questions Answered

#297Consumer Comment

Sun, August 10, 2008

Looking - My case took just over 4 weeks, hope that helps. Little_sunshine - Not sure what you are trying to say, but I saw the witchcraft course page back in June 08 and asked Frater questions about it, you must have missed it, it was defo there. Ernest - Yep, I agree with you, Frater has a spell for 125.00, glad to hear we amaze you.


United Kingdom
Strange "update"

#298Consumer Comment

Sun, August 10, 2008

I'm looking for a real spell caster since a couple of weeks. During this time I also visited black-magic-spells.co.uk many times. This week there was an interessting update on the website. The page got a new category called "Witchcraft Workshops and Online Courses ". Inside this site you can read this: Update 24th June, all the places for Feb 2009 workshop are now fully book. Please wait for further information on new workshops before emailing me as there are no places left currently. That looks quite strange. How can there be an update of 24th June when this page is online since this week???

Sunshine Rain

I stand corrected.

#299Consumer Suggestion

Sun, August 10, 2008

I stand corrected...After additional research on the website, I did find a spell for 125 british pounds that can easily convert to 250 US dollars depending on the exchange rate. However, that proves absolutely nothing on Sweetheart's credibility. I still beleive the report posted to be false. Dantalions work speaks for itself. Dantalion is not a charltan, a fraud, or scammer.


Garden Grove,
I'm sure he is not a scam

#300Consumer Comment

Sat, August 09, 2008

Hi Manno, I'm glad you also happy with your result with Frater Dantalion. I know you're not suppose to tell to anybody about whatever service you got. Anyway, just for my guidance, if you don't mind could you tell me how long do you get the result after his service? Do you get a full manifest or still on going? Thank you if you can answer it. I'm happy for this great news..


This is amazing!

#301Consumer Comment

Sat, August 09, 2008

Frater's prices are in British pounds. His love spell costs 125 British pounds. Convert 125 pounds to dollars and, depending on the exchange rate for that day, you could easily come up with $250. You people amaze me.


Garden Grove,
Yeah there's a basic spell from FD for 125 pounds

#302Consumer Comment

Sat, August 09, 2008

Yeah everybody, Frater Dantalion has the basic spell for return lover for 125 British Pounds which is about $230. Honestly, I feel he is an honest person and talk to the point, but my gut said he seriously done his job. Anyway, I don't know which people here that said the lie or true, without any original email conversation between them we never know. I also agree we have to stand on the trueness for the sake of every clients of future clients. Please.. please people that always think every paranormal are fake, no need to put further comment - because it's not helping the customers and looks 'funny' (nothing else to do, retired etc), please get a life!


Garden Grove,
Yeah there's a basic spell from FD for 125 pounds

#303Consumer Comment

Sat, August 09, 2008

Yeah everybody, Frater Dantalion has the basic spell for return lover for 125 British Pounds which is about $230. Honestly, I feel he is an honest person and talk to the point, but my gut said he seriously done his job. Anyway, I don't know which people here that said the lie or true, without any original email conversation between them we never know. I also agree we have to stand on the trueness for the sake of every clients of future clients. Please.. please people that always think every paranormal are fake, no need to put further comment - because it's not helping the customers and looks 'funny' (nothing else to do, retired etc), please get a life!


Garden Grove,
Yeah there's a basic spell from FD for 125 pounds

#304Consumer Comment

Sat, August 09, 2008

Yeah everybody, Frater Dantalion has the basic spell for return lover for 125 British Pounds which is about $230. Honestly, I feel he is an honest person and talk to the point, but my gut said he seriously done his job. Anyway, I don't know which people here that said the lie or true, without any original email conversation between them we never know. I also agree we have to stand on the trueness for the sake of every clients of future clients. Please.. please people that always think every paranormal are fake, no need to put further comment - because it's not helping the customers and looks 'funny' (nothing else to do, retired etc), please get a life!


Garden Grove,
Yeah there's a basic spell from FD for 125 pounds

#305Consumer Comment

Sat, August 09, 2008

Yeah everybody, Frater Dantalion has the basic spell for return lover for 125 British Pounds which is about $230. Honestly, I feel he is an honest person and talk to the point, but my gut said he seriously done his job. Anyway, I don't know which people here that said the lie or true, without any original email conversation between them we never know. I also agree we have to stand on the trueness for the sake of every clients of future clients. Please.. please people that always think every paranormal are fake, no need to put further comment - because it's not helping the customers and looks 'funny' (nothing else to do, retired etc), please get a life!


It works.

#306Consumer Comment

Sat, August 09, 2008

Frater is not a scam, he is no such thing. I have used his services and I got my results. His predictions for me were helpful and on the ball. Sweetheart you are not one of Frater's clients, that is not how he is. I think you might be a competitor or one of the anti psychic parade. Clifford is Ernest as well, I agree with you Sunshine Rain. Evelyn, who has posted here, I would like to get in touch with you?

Sunshine Rain

Gotcha again...

#307Consumer Suggestion

Sat, August 09, 2008

In a statement dated July 14, 2008, Sweetheart indicated that Dantalion stopped contacting her after a refund was requested. Mmmmmmmm.......*scratching head*......BUT. Sweetheart claims on August 8, 08 in a much more recent statement that Dantalion stopped contacting her after realizing that he had "messed" up on a pyschic reading that was done for her, and that despite doing what Dantalion asked her to do, nothing still changed, Dantalion told her that he was not going to be talking to her about this anymore. HE WAS DONE... Do you remember the statement SWEETHEART.?? Which is it.? Did he stop talking to you after you requested a refund, or after the horrible pyschic reading? Funny.... Dantalions is being accused of being the lying scam artist, but, it is you that is lying on him. Quote from Sparkle: "All the lies need to stop"

Sunshine Rain


#308Consumer Suggestion

Sat, August 09, 2008

I do not believe one word Ms. Sweetheart has said. She automatically discredited herself when she indicated that she paid $250 for a spell. Dantalions spells are quite expensive; I did not find one spell for $250..I did find talismans for that amount..but not a freakin spell. She also claims that Dantalion referred her to someone else AND wont respond to her emails although she was supposedly nice to him. Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury don't you think that if that statement were true that this young lady (Sweetheart) would have shown us proof of the email correspondence?? That would have been my first move to discredit Mr. Dantalion since he responded on this board that he will work with his clients until they get results and never made any mention of referring them to someone else should he not be able to help them. I've seen several Rip Off Reports where individuals have utilized email correspondence from the spell caster to debunk any claims the spell caster made such as refund policies, time frames for spells to manifest, etc.etc..etc...It's actually a smart technique and shows others what lengths some of the scam artists out there are willing to take just to make a buck. I also want to refer back to a valid point Anonymous-One made. Which was, Dantalion has been on the Internet for over a year, if he were a scam there would be more bad reports on him...NOT JUST ONE....which I think is a fake report anyways. I do believe that Sweetheart is Clifford or Ernest in disquise....for all we know they are all the same person.

Damian X.

Fort Hood,
Tsk Tsk Tsk

#309Consumer Suggestion

Fri, August 08, 2008

Sweetheart, why do you think that you are entitled to a refund just because your spell did not work? I read the man's website and it clearly does not promise a refund if the spell does not work. Therefore, its your lost. Just suck it up and move on.


Lies Need To stop

#310Consumer Comment

Fri, August 08, 2008

You sad you paid $250.00 i have researched this website and there is not a spell that cost $250.00. You could very well be the same person trashing this man as the ones above go get a life and stop spreading the lies.


My spell did not work

#311Consumer Comment

Fri, August 08, 2008

I ordered a spell for 250.00 and it DID NOT WORK. It has been 6 months since the "casting" of this spell, and I have seen ZERO results. I did everything right. I was positive it would work. I told no one. I asked FD what I should do via email,and he said nothing. Then, he hedged and said I should call this person. I did, and nothing had changed. Then, he gave me a psychic reading that was wrong in every way imaginable. I was very kind and professional toward FD, but when he realized that he had messed up on the psychic reading, and that I had done as he asked and nothing had changed, he told me that he was not going to be talking to me about this anymore. He was done. Above, FD says that he only refuses to talk to those who are rude to him. I was not rude to him in any way. But he refused to help me after he realized that i was onto his scam. HE preys on gullible people. Those of you who have had results, you are either lying, or the results would have happend without this spell. This service simply does not work. I requested a refund, and did not recieve one. FD should give refunds for the spells that don't work. It is simply unethical not to.


South Haven,

#312Consumer Comment

Tue, August 05, 2008

You poor fools probably don't realize that all the psychics and all the other paranormal folks are laughing at you all the way to the bank. A fool and his money are soon parted. I don't find them entertaining but I do find people who pathetically try to defend these charlatans entertaining. Amazing!


What is your goal?

#313Consumer Suggestion

Tue, August 05, 2008

My question to all the individuals who have posted negative comments about Frater Dantalion is what is your goal? Is your goal to alert other customers that he his a fraud and to be aware? If so, than you are not doing such a great job at it. Your posts come off sounding negative, and close minded. On this entire post, I have only read ONE person who claims that she has not received results from the spell she had cast by Dantalion....ONLY ONE. Frater Dantalion has come to this board and indicated that sometimes spells don't work.....doesn't sound like a fraud to me. I have reviewed his website as well as countless others. Out of all the websites I have reviewed, his is the most legitimate sounding...and yes, I am a skeptical person so don't put me in the category of those who are "easy to believe anything they read". I KNOW THAT SPELLS EXIST, I've known since I was 15 years old and had the displeasure of seeing one manifest on my step sister. When I say that I am skeptical, I'm not saying that I am skeptical in the fact that I don't think magick exists, but skeptical as far as believing that online spell casters are genuine and authentic. I am confident to say that over 95% (maybe more) of them are full of "you know what". Dantalion's website has been up for way over a year now, I would assume that if he's such a big fraud that there will be more reports from unsatisfied customers than there is now. Your negative comments will not prevent others from seeking services from Dantalion. Most consumers who review Rip Off Reports before purchasing a spell online look for the amount of clients who claim to have had no results, and not necessarily the amount of individuals who try to ridicule others for believing in such things. You have to understand that you CAN NOT push your beliefs off on other people. It just won't work no matter how hard you try. If Dantalion is a scam artist, than people will eventually learn by themselves, they don't need your help.


Rhode Island,
Parrot Ernest, continues to live out his life on Rip Off Report.

#314Consumer Comment

Tue, August 05, 2008

Crowley was admittedly more interested in drugs than his court case in the end. Unfortunately many geniuses turn to drugs, Crowley did not care about the court case or money in the end. What happened to Nina Hamnett after she won the case? Check it out. British law calls psychics entertainers, so? It does not say psychic powers do not exist, and all business websites carry a disclaimer anyway, website terms are always in a website's favor. Ernest is a self opinionated moaner, who must have wet himself with excitement when Clifford a creature equally as self opinionated posted. You have not studied the work of Crowley, you come here with half baked theories quoted from another website. Ernest your life is empty, you have nothing more to do than post on this report, and you always say the same thing. You are are narrow minded bore.


Good old British justice.

#315Consumer Comment

Tue, August 05, 2008

In recent months, the UK government introduced laws affecting clairvoyants, palm-readers, fortune-tellers, astrologists, etc. The law states that, as they can prove none of their claims, they must always advertise as "entertainers," rather than claiming supernatural powers. For those who think Aleister Crowley is the greatest, see above, I won't mention names. In 1934 Crowley was declared bankrupt after losing a court case in which he sued the artist Nina Hamnett for calling him a Black Magician in her 1932 book, Laughing Torso. The evidence against him must have been overwhelming, and it is difficult to see why he ever took the case to court. In addressing the jury, Mr. Justice Swift said: "I have been over forty years engaged in the administration of the law in one capacity or another. I thought that I knew of every conceivable form of wickedness. I thought that everything which was vicious and bad had been produced at one time or another before me. I have learnt in this case that we can always learn something more if we live long enough. I have never heard such dreadful, horrible, blasphemous and abominable stuff as that which has been produced by the man (Crowley) who describes himself to you as the greatest living poet Not even Crowley's so-called supernatural powers could save him from bankruptcy. I hope all the on-line psychics from England are now conforming to the law and stating on their sites, FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. It is time the USA passed such laws!


Good old British justice.

#316Consumer Comment

Tue, August 05, 2008

In recent months, the UK government introduced laws affecting clairvoyants, palm-readers, fortune-tellers, astrologists, etc. The law states that, as they can prove none of their claims, they must always advertise as "entertainers," rather than claiming supernatural powers. For those who think Aleister Crowley is the greatest, see above, I won't mention names. In 1934 Crowley was declared bankrupt after losing a court case in which he sued the artist Nina Hamnett for calling him a Black Magician in her 1932 book, Laughing Torso. The evidence against him must have been overwhelming, and it is difficult to see why he ever took the case to court. In addressing the jury, Mr. Justice Swift said: "I have been over forty years engaged in the administration of the law in one capacity or another. I thought that I knew of every conceivable form of wickedness. I thought that everything which was vicious and bad had been produced at one time or another before me. I have learnt in this case that we can always learn something more if we live long enough. I have never heard such dreadful, horrible, blasphemous and abominable stuff as that which has been produced by the man (Crowley) who describes himself to you as the greatest living poet Not even Crowley's so-called supernatural powers could save him from bankruptcy. I hope all the on-line psychics from England are now conforming to the law and stating on their sites, FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. It is time the USA passed such laws!


Good old British justice.

#317Consumer Comment

Tue, August 05, 2008

In recent months, the UK government introduced laws affecting clairvoyants, palm-readers, fortune-tellers, astrologists, etc. The law states that, as they can prove none of their claims, they must always advertise as "entertainers," rather than claiming supernatural powers. For those who think Aleister Crowley is the greatest, see above, I won't mention names. In 1934 Crowley was declared bankrupt after losing a court case in which he sued the artist Nina Hamnett for calling him a Black Magician in her 1932 book, Laughing Torso. The evidence against him must have been overwhelming, and it is difficult to see why he ever took the case to court. In addressing the jury, Mr. Justice Swift said: "I have been over forty years engaged in the administration of the law in one capacity or another. I thought that I knew of every conceivable form of wickedness. I thought that everything which was vicious and bad had been produced at one time or another before me. I have learnt in this case that we can always learn something more if we live long enough. I have never heard such dreadful, horrible, blasphemous and abominable stuff as that which has been produced by the man (Crowley) who describes himself to you as the greatest living poet Not even Crowley's so-called supernatural powers could save him from bankruptcy. I hope all the on-line psychics from England are now conforming to the law and stating on their sites, FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. It is time the USA passed such laws!


South Haven,
Thanx you Ernest!!

#318Consumer Comment

Mon, August 04, 2008

It is so refreshing to know there are more people willing to challenge the ignorance of people who are so gullible that they actually believe in all this paranormal crap, and make no mistake about it, it is indeed crap. The paranormal does not exist outside the imagination. All they can come up with are the same old tired excuses and statements. I can assure you Randi's money is completely safe for 2 simple reasons. First of all, the people making the claims are completely aware that they are disgusting frauds preying on the gullible so they will come up with every excuse in the book to avoid having to prove their ability. Second, if one of them does actually try to accept the very reasonable challenge, they WILL fail. Actually the ones who actually believe they can do these things ( I expect there are a very few) are not nearly as bad as the arrogant dishonest majority who are out for nothing but stealing money from poor desperate people. You would think that in 2008 it would not be possible for people to be this stupid but here they are. Pathetic!!


United Kingdom
I think they mentioned

#319Consumer Comment

Mon, August 04, 2008

it took 3 months. Check her comment but I think she said she started getting results in May, so about 3 months. It probably varies from situation to situation.


Garden Grove,
Happy Times & Ann; How long did you get the result?

#320Consumer Comment

Sat, July 26, 2008

Hi Happy Times and Ann, I'm trying to find a real deal spellcaster here. COuld you tell me how long did you get your result. From all you Guys opinion, Frater Dantalion is a real spellcaster, not a scam artist outthere, right>? Let me know what do you think? Did his psychic prediction also dead on?

N. Lewis

Ernest Ernest Ernest

#321Consumer Suggestion

Sat, July 19, 2008

You have so much negativity, what's really the deal? What has this guy done to you? If you were not a client of his and you did not get scammed, than what's your beef?? I just don't get skeptics like you.


United Kingdom
Ernest, I think you'd better stop

#322Consumer Comment

Fri, July 18, 2008

Frater Dantalion has been nice enough to come here and explain his views, even though he didn't need to. Ernest, you can't keep on claiming he's not a real witch and psychic when you haven't even used his services.



#323Consumer Comment

Thu, July 17, 2008

Wow! Even the witches are pissed off! What's the matter? Is this cutting into your profits. Frater, Telling people that psychic cannot be proven under test conditions is like telling Christians that Jesus could not turn water into wine under test conditions. You say on your website that your spells are so potent that they overcome all negativity. So what's your problem with test conditions? I just knew that you would weasel out of the challenge. And yes, my name and everybody else's name is out on the Internet. I told you the Internet is magic. The difference though is that I am not ripping people off.

Frater Dantalion

United Kingdom
Frater Dantalion

#324REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, July 17, 2008

Ernest, I have no intention of coming here repeatedly to answer your accusations when my time could go on my clients, family, friends or myself. Firstly, all sceptics shout I want jackpot Lotto numbers psychic person, give me them or you are fake. Lotto numbers rely on the laws of chance, which by its very nature is unpredictable. The numbers drawn last week do not affect the numbers drawn this week, there is no relationship, no connection, no vibration and no psychic can predict lotto numbers. A great deal of information is blocked from us psychically, no psychic can find out secrets about famous person X if they intend to use the information negatively against this person. Everything is not knowable. If you read my website properly you will see I say we are all psychic it is just a matter of developing our sixth sense. Psychic' is not switched on and off like a tap, this is to protect the human race, if everything was knowable, life which is essentially for living and learning would not exist, the foundations would be ruined as we would already know everything. James Randi? Fact is you cannot test psychic', it doesn't work how James Randi thinks, but you can prove it to yourself, for example Tarot is a psychic tool that can be used by anyone to produce an accurate reading. The I Ching - The Book of Changes is accurate, as Carl Gustav Jung the influential thinker, publicly declared. If you do your research on the I Ching, you will agree there is something in it. Although if you use the I Ching or Tarot hoping to prove they are useless, they will be for you, psychic energies must be treated respectfully. There's more to it than this, but ROR is not the place. If you want to believe in only what you can see that is your loss, ignorance and arrogance. It's not possible to predict death, the spirit world protects us from knowledge like that and rightly so, our lives would be very painful if this knowledge was readily available. Regarding your moans about Aleister Crowley, yes he is in spirit, and yes he believed he was a reincarnation of John Dee. No it cannot be proven, but that does not mean it is not true. I do not care what misinformation or inaccurate theories are on the internet about him, he's staying on my website. Only you have a problem with him though. You can come back here with new moans, I am not falling for it and will not respond, as my first posting states my clients can contact me and ask questions', and indeed I do discuss various occult theories with them, they are NOT idiots as you keep trying to imply. I have a real job, I am not a scam, if I was I would be advertising day and night and have ludicrous statements such as results within 24 hours' on my website' like the real scams. For your information people are not stupid, and both the psychic world and the internet are notorious for scams, therefore, people do their homework. So do not make out my clients are fools, there is only one fool and that is you for wasting your time on a report that has nothing to do with you. Report readers - put Ernest Bardstown, Kentucky into the search on ROR and you'll see Ernest is addicted to moaning and posts his rude, insulting comments on ROR constantly. I cannot say what I really think of you Ernest as ROR will not publish this report.

Witch 1

Who Do You Think You Are Ernest?

#325Consumer Comment

Wed, July 16, 2008

Ernest: You are quite the no-it-all Who are you to say this person is a rip off? Who are you to say every psychic and spell caster is a fraud? I have read this thread and have noticed people have actually had results from him but that really bugs you because you have never had results of any kind. Jealous Ernest? Just because you never had results you go on this crusade to bash other people who have had results in a field that you claim to have knowledge in. So what you read a few books. you could never make it to the astral plane could you. There are reasons for that. You are not meant to be there. Are you going to say that every Wiccan, Druid, Pagan, Shaman, Hindu, and the list goes on, in the world is a fake? I can introduce you to many people that beg to differ. You should really learn to keep your opinions to yourself because all you have really accomplished here was to make a fool of yourself. Of course a mouth as large as yours is going to have another comment to make after you read this. But guess what? I will ignore it because you don't deserve any more of my time. I suggest you read the James Randall Foundation a little closer no-it-all and look at the guidelines there. They can test a spell caster you zero. They will just dismiss is as coincidence and you know it. Get a life Ernest. You are so jealous that you haven't had any results that you continually go out of your way to insult this Dantalion person. You never even met him. What do you have against this guy? Do you have any proof that he is a rip off besides your own personal failures? Just because you are a total failure in this field doesn't mean every one is. Get some manners Ernest. Don't bother replying to me telling me how successful you are and retired early. I read your previous posts and don't really care. I wont be replying to anything you write because you are a total waste of my time. Who are you to insult another religion, such as Wicca etc,. or faith? This is basically what you are doing in an indirect way by your comments here. Do yourself a favor, stop posting here and embarrassing yourself. Witch 1


More of the same.......

#326Consumer Comment

Wed, July 16, 2008

Frater, Your statements on your website are breathtaking. To quote you my protection spell was channeled to me by Aleister Crowley who himself was a reincarnation of John Dee, Royal magician and astrologer to Queen Elizabeth 1. Aleister Crowley is long dead so his spirit must have been talking to you. Reincarnation of John Dee? Proof..........??? Do you really believe this garbage? You claim your spells are so potent. Why don't you therefore take up the $1000,000 challenge put out by the James Randi Foundation and prove once and for all that you are a psychic. Your website claims that you are psychic. Will you come up with a feeble excuse as to why you would not accept the $1000,000 challenge? When the crunch comes all "psychics" have some excuse. I wait with bated breath. Meanwhile, why don't you go out and get a real job and stop ripping people off. The most potent magic of all is the magic of the Internet. Just remember that Frater. The magic of the Internet will be your undoing.

Frater Dantalion

United Kingdom
Frater Dantalion

#327REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, July 15, 2008

Yes of course as it is my business I have been watching this report with interest. I think the time has come for me to add my feedback. Any reasonable person who isn't getting swift results or who is confused in anyway can always contact me and ask questions, 99% of my clients do. However, no not every spell works first time and if someone wants to send abuse or post nasty comments then that is up to them, my time will always go on respectful clients. If someone chooses to send abuse 24/7 I switch on my email block and reply to nice polite customers who should be put first surely? I do think to a certain extent I need to explain more on my website, so ripoffreport has helped me there - I realise more info is needed, and I will add extra pages as I do not want unhappy clients ever, but abuse, lies, threats, blackmail - no thank you. And yet, I won't lie, if you are nasty, abusive or twisting facts and writing countless times a day - yes my email blocker will go on, if you don't have results please politely ask me what I intend to do, you have every right. Not everyone gets fast results, those who end up having a long wait start doing various internet searches and find this report, and that is why I decided to post my comments, for them. Of course I cannot please everyone, no business can, all humans are different. I don't mind being on ripoffreport.com because I do not mind admitting spells can sometimes fail, as any spell caster would, and anyone who writes asking for guaranteed results does not get a confirmation that results are guaranteed, they are not. However, my website is low profile on the net, I do not use Google adwords, I do not advertise so I don't get overwhelmed with more clients than I can cope with, but those who do order get my fullest attention - unless they are rude, or nasty in someway, then the email blocker goes on as I think nice clients should get my time not nasty folk. Those who stay with me (at no extra cost) always get results in the end. Anyone who post here, Frater Dantalion is a scam is wrong, and I'll carry on with my website, workshops and books - not everyone is interested in witchcraft and I've spent years getting nasty comments, funny looks and I have even been threatened physically. Ernest has an axe to grind, he has not used my services, nor would I ever take on someone like him as a client. Clients like Evelyn make it worthwhile, and Susan another client posted here out of curiosity, she asks me privately fair questions and gives me a chance to explain things - she doesn't accuse. This is what I like - please ask your questions, do not jump to conclusions. All of my clients, I will stick with until they get results, this doesn't mean they have to spend more, not all all, just update me, and ask your questions. I do not want failure. I think 99% of my clients were meant to find me and most end up as friends, and know they can trust me, and place further orders etc. Never ever am I going to get 100% success, I wish I could, but no. Thank you for giving me the chance to post my side of the story. Frater Dantalion


Magical PayPal

#328Consumer Comment

Tue, July 15, 2008

The only occult symbols that work on Frater Dantelion's website are the PayPal icons. Your unlucky number is your credit card number. Avoid it at all cost!


Do not say such unfair things.

#329Consumer Comment

Tue, July 15, 2008

One spell failing does not make him a rip off, how horrible to call him that. There is such a thing as a bad customer, I work in a bank and we get bad customers all the time. I am sorry if it did not work for you, but it did for me and Mr Dantalion is in no way a scam. Maybe he will give his side of the story? I will be attending one of his workshops in December and I have already received some booklets relating to the course, it looks real to me. I am also in touch with someone in the UK who is also going on the course. You can say what you like, but others do not have to agree with you. I do not think every spell cast can work, that is unrealistic, but he is a kind person, and I feel you and others are nasty without good reason. Sorry that happened to you, but I think you are wrong to say a rip off, you should just say it did not work for you, and that you get no reply from him. Mr Dantalion will know who he is not replying to and why, so he will know who you are and he can post here and stick up for himself.


This is a total ripoff

#330Consumer Comment

Mon, July 14, 2008

I spent 250.00 on a spell from Frater Dantalion, and it did not work. He stopped contacting me after I asked for a refund.


To Evelyn

#331Consumer Comment

Tue, June 24, 2008

To quote Evelyn, "You are worst than scam psychics, you state you have seen AIDS victims go to scam Sangomas when you have doctors in your family who you claim could've saved them". Nowhere did I state that AIDS could be cured. Read carefully next time. However, using retro-virals and treating the many infections AIDS patients get with anti-biotics improves and extends the quality of life. Many diseases other than AIDS could have been cured had they been treated with modern medicine in time. My whole point in this thread is that scam artists profit off the misery of others.


Evelyn, You are hilarious................

#332Consumer Comment

Tue, June 24, 2008

Your belief in in the occult has proven nothing. People who choose to go to a "pyschic" will let nothing get in their way. People in Africa are well aware of modern medical treatment but still insist on going to their traditional healers so don't tell me I just stood by and watched. It is their choice. It even happens in America. Children have died because the parents chose to go to faith healers. A child died in Oregan a couple of weeks ago because the parents chose faith healing. A simple catheter could have saved the childs life. So don't tell me what I did and didn't do. You are very presumtuous. So just cool it!


It is you that is wicked Ernest

#333Consumer Suggestion

Tue, June 24, 2008

I have read this report in amazement, Ernest has not used Frater Dantalion's spells but moans, get a life, how can you judge what you haven't tried? I have used Frater Dantalion, I am a repeat client, and will contact him in the future if I need to do so. I have other proof the supernatural is real, earlier this year I visited a psychic medium, she was real and compassionate. If all you have got to do is moan and complain you must be a miserable person, you need to read up on the law of attraction. There is no cure for AIDS, using alternative medicine or treatment such as spiritual healing is certainly worth considering. Do not put people off, it would be advisable to seek both medical doctors help and alternative healing options. Why didn't you try to help the AID victims yourself by getting them to seek conventional medical doctors? You stood back and simply watched despite having doctors in your family, or so you say. You are worst than scam psychics, you state you have seen AIDS victims go to scam Sangomas when you have doctors in your family who you claim could've saved them. I am pleased you've gone away, good bye and good riddance. Hope you don't come back. Evelyn


San Diego,
Ernest I hear you

#334Consumer Comment

Tue, June 24, 2008

Ernest, I think it is deplorable the way people manipulate others in pain for their own financial gain. Very selfish practice yes. I basically am in the same boat you are. I have traveled the world also. Presently I am in the Orient and have been to Africa and am well aware of the diamond scams and more. I do know this. I will never pay anyone to cast a spell for me because there is nothing I really need to change for myself. The thing I do know that I might enlighten you on is "why were you never granted your right to passage?" You seem like a nice man. Very honorable and hard working. Very strange. Trust me when I say I have seen things happen in the paranormal. There is a spirit world out there. It is not about money or scams. It does exist. I've witnessed it myself. As for these internet scams, yes I agree. As for Dantalion - something tells me this person has been granted his right to passage. As for Aleister Crowley, I read his work too. He went insane by the end of his life. Is all his work invalid? I don't believe so, only heaven knows. blessed be anon


Always check before you believe.

#335Consumer Comment

Mon, June 23, 2008

To Anonymus Peruse Frater Dantelion"s web page. Click on the Protection tab. Note Frater Dantelion"s association with Aleister Crowley. Look up Aleister Crowley on Wikipedia. Aleister Crowley was a most unsavory character! I have read most of his writings during my research. Thank goodness for the internet where knowledge is power. By the way, Frater is certainly not cheap. Check his prices. Maybe I should also go into the psychic business. I have enough background crapola to do it. I will get back to you. I must go now. I will be away for a few days.


San Diego,
Ernest: I think its great

#336Consumer Comment

Mon, June 23, 2008

Ernest, I think its great you retired early and have the means to do so also. Myself, I am very self sufficient and way too young to retire ( i am barely 40) It would bore the hell out of me. I have traveled the world and have seen a lot of very interesting things. There is a spirit world Ernest. Trust me. I agree there is more scams than reality. That is a given. You seem like a good man. Very honest and hardworking. Keep an open mind. For sure don't give anyone any money but there is something different about this spell caster. I can feel it. Not like I need a spell because my life if going excellent just like yours is but meditate on it. There definately is something different about this Frater Dantalion. Why bash the guy? He never did anything wrong to anyone from what I have seen here. Sleep on it. Remember it is not always about the money. We odiously are both okay there. Blessed be Ernest would like to talk to u in person if u have time anan


More info.

#337Consumer Comment

Mon, June 23, 2008

To Anonymus. Let me further enlighten you. I have witnessed the devastating effect of misled people turning to healers and others of their ilk. I have spent many years in Africa. I have traveled to many countries within that continent. I have seen sangomas and others who claim to have psychic powers in action. I have seen AIDS victims turn to them in the hope that they will be cured. Almost without exception the victim is assured they will be cured. The victim must of course first pay and then is given some useless herb or told to do some outrages act. I have family in Africa who are medical doctors. They treat the terminal illnesses of these victims who have first consulted a healer. They could have been saved had they first sought proper medical treatment. Superstition and ignorance are not confined to Africa. It is alive and well throughout the western world. Call me all bitter and twisted if you will. I have seen what humans do to each other using superstition and ignorance to achieve their ends.


More info.

#338Consumer Comment

Mon, June 23, 2008

To Anonymus. Let me further enlighten you. I have witnessed the devastating effect of misled people turning to healers and others of their ilk. I have spent many years in Africa. I have traveled to many countries within that continent. I have seen sangomas and others who claim to have psychic powers in action. I have seen AIDS victims turn to them in the hope that they will be cured. Almost without exception the victim is assured they will be cured. The victim must of course first pay and then is given some useless herb or told to do some outrages act. I have family in Africa who are medical doctors. They treat the terminal illnesses of these victims who have first consulted a healer. They could have been saved had they first sought proper medical treatment. Superstition and ignorance are not confined to Africa. It is alive and well throughout the western world. Call me all bitter and twisted if you will. I have seen what humans do to each other using superstition and ignorance to achieve their ends.


More info.

#339Consumer Comment

Mon, June 23, 2008

To Anonymus. Let me further enlighten you. I have witnessed the devastating effect of misled people turning to healers and others of their ilk. I have spent many years in Africa. I have traveled to many countries within that continent. I have seen sangomas and others who claim to have psychic powers in action. I have seen AIDS victims turn to them in the hope that they will be cured. Almost without exception the victim is assured they will be cured. The victim must of course first pay and then is given some useless herb or told to do some outrages act. I have family in Africa who are medical doctors. They treat the terminal illnesses of these victims who have first consulted a healer. They could have been saved had they first sought proper medical treatment. Superstition and ignorance are not confined to Africa. It is alive and well throughout the western world. Call me all bitter and twisted if you will. I have seen what humans do to each other using superstition and ignorance to achieve their ends.


I am more positive than you are......

#340Consumer Comment

Mon, June 23, 2008

Dear Anon. I am a very positive person and have had a lot of success in my personal life. I found out that I do not have to believe in fairys to achieve success. I was able to retire at an early age. I can stand on my own two feet. What I detest are scammers who prey on the weak and the needy. I will say once again without exception, ALL so-called pyschics are scammers. I have done enough research into this matter. I approached my research with an open mind. There were zero results! Not one!


San Diego,
Ernest: Your negativity is outstanding

#341Consumer Comment

Mon, June 23, 2008

Ernest, no wonder why you have never seen tangible results. You so too focussed on being negative. You want to discredit the occult so bad due to your lack of success that you spend your time filing negative claims about people you never met and trying to discredit people that have had results by dismissing it as coincidence. Well, I have seen things happen that can't be dismissed as coincidence and all your rantings cannot prove otherwise. Sorry that whatever effort you have put into studying the occult has proved nothing for you. The only thing I can suggest to you is a guided meditation but you are so negative and bitter about the occult that I don't believe anything will work for you. Wish you the best though and hope your bitterness will end some day. Blessed Be


Yes, and Santa Clause is real!

#342Consumer Comment

Sun, June 22, 2008

Millions of children believe in Santa Clause. He brings them presents. Does that make him real? Because some people believe they have had results from so-called psychics proves nothing. The events that led people to believe Frater Dantelion had answered their requests would have happened without his intervention. They would have also saved a lot of money if they had just waited things out. Only children believe in Santa Clause. When they grow up they believe in psychics.


Yes, and Santa Clause is real!

#343Consumer Comment

Sun, June 22, 2008

Millions of children believe in Santa Clause. He brings them presents. Does that make him real? Because some people believe they have had results from so-called psychics proves nothing. The events that led people to believe Frater Dantelion had answered their requests would have happened without his intervention. They would have also saved a lot of money if they had just waited things out. Only children believe in Santa Clause. When they grow up they believe in psychics.


Yes, and Santa Clause is real!

#344Consumer Comment

Sun, June 22, 2008

Millions of children believe in Santa Clause. He brings them presents. Does that make him real? Because some people believe they have had results from so-called psychics proves nothing. The events that led people to believe Frater Dantelion had answered their requests would have happened without his intervention. They would have also saved a lot of money if they had just waited things out. Only children believe in Santa Clause. When they grow up they believe in psychics.


Yes, and Santa Clause is real!

#345Consumer Comment

Sun, June 22, 2008

Millions of children believe in Santa Clause. He brings them presents. Does that make him real? Because some people believe they have had results from so-called psychics proves nothing. The events that led people to believe Frater Dantelion had answered their requests would have happened without his intervention. They would have also saved a lot of money if they had just waited things out. Only children believe in Santa Clause. When they grow up they believe in psychics.


San Diego,

#346Consumer Comment

Sat, June 21, 2008

I have found this thread very amusing. Not one person can claim 100% that this individual is a scam or a rip off. In fact he produces results. Tells me that this individual is the real thing. Yes, there was a report saying he was a scam and spent 2000 pounds but the very same day recanted their claims. This tells me they had partial results but some how hindered the results by their own actions, such as telling the whole world on rip off report they had a spell cast. Remember the cardinal rule of spells. Keep your mouth shut. It can and will invite outside energy in which causes negative effects. I have never used this spell caster but if I was ever in the need to do so, he would be my first choice just from what I have read here. Blessed be Anon


San Diego,

#347Consumer Comment

Sat, June 21, 2008

I have found this thread very amusing. Not one person can claim 100% that this individual is a scam or a rip off. In fact he produces results. Tells me that this individual is the real thing. Yes, there was a report saying he was a scam and spent 2000 pounds but the very same day recanted their claims. This tells me they had partial results but some how hindered the results by their own actions, such as telling the whole world on rip off report they had a spell cast. Remember the cardinal rule of spells. Keep your mouth shut. It can and will invite outside energy in which causes negative effects. I have never used this spell caster but if I was ever in the need to do so, he would be my first choice just from what I have read here. Blessed be Anon


San Diego,

#348Consumer Comment

Sat, June 21, 2008

I have found this thread very amusing. Not one person can claim 100% that this individual is a scam or a rip off. In fact he produces results. Tells me that this individual is the real thing. Yes, there was a report saying he was a scam and spent 2000 pounds but the very same day recanted their claims. This tells me they had partial results but some how hindered the results by their own actions, such as telling the whole world on rip off report they had a spell cast. Remember the cardinal rule of spells. Keep your mouth shut. It can and will invite outside energy in which causes negative effects. I have never used this spell caster but if I was ever in the need to do so, he would be my first choice just from what I have read here. Blessed be Anon


San Diego,

#349Consumer Comment

Sat, June 21, 2008

I have found this thread very amusing. Not one person can claim 100% that this individual is a scam or a rip off. In fact he produces results. Tells me that this individual is the real thing. Yes, there was a report saying he was a scam and spent 2000 pounds but the very same day recanted their claims. This tells me they had partial results but some how hindered the results by their own actions, such as telling the whole world on rip off report they had a spell cast. Remember the cardinal rule of spells. Keep your mouth shut. It can and will invite outside energy in which causes negative effects. I have never used this spell caster but if I was ever in the need to do so, he would be my first choice just from what I have read here. Blessed be Anon


United Kingdom
Well, at least that sets the record straight

#350Consumer Comment

Fri, June 20, 2008

website does look professional, so what you're saying makes sense. Not sure of the service you ordered but I did see on his site that he provides psychic readings as part of the service, so was wondering if you could also say smth about it. Did it work out exactly as in what he read for the future?


Maybe I can solve the mystery?

#351Consumer Suggestion

Fri, June 20, 2008

After ordering a set of spells from Frater Dantalion, I stumbled across this report and have monitored it for feedback whilst at the same time keeping an open mind. I have found Frater Dantalion to be professional each time I emailed him with the odd query and I am happy with the way he has handled my case. His set of spells have worked and I therefore feel duty bound to say the man is the REAL DEAL. I can only speak for myself, but I got what I paid for in a timely manner. I would use Frater Dantalion's website services again.


United Kingdom
Well, is he the real deal or not?

#352Consumer Comment

Thu, June 19, 2008

Quite surprised by these updates - first people say they've seen no results and then a day later they update their reports saying that they take it back and have seen full results! What's the reason for that and what's the truth? Do his spells work?


United Kingdom
update to my report

#353Consumer Comment

Thu, June 19, 2008

i take back all my previous comments - I have had full results


United Kingdom
This is a total sam

#354Consumer Comment

Wed, June 18, 2008

I have been using frater dantalion since beginning of this year - paid over 2000 and have not seen any results whatsoever. Whilst he can be encouragin most of the time, if you chase him for an update then you only get short and slightly irritated answers............


Paradise Valley,
Any Results Yet?

#355Consumer Comment

Sun, June 15, 2008

Happy.times & Ann, I'm curious to know if you have any results yet? Happy.times, you said things started to do your way...have you gotten the results you hoped for?



#356Consumer Comment

Thu, May 15, 2008

It's called the placebo effect. In a recent medical study a group of people were given placebos for depression. Half were told that they were taking a real drug for depression and the other half were told they were placebos. Guess what? Those that were told they were taking a real drug reported significant improvement in their symptoms. Moral of the story? Humans are just plain stupid!


Seems to offer a good product or service I would say to people interested.

#357Consumer Suggestion

Wed, May 14, 2008

i used frater dantalion in November 2007 and was happy with his service, and got fast results for something others didn't help me with. i am using him again for something else, this time it is taking longer, but the situation is more complicated, he agreed this with me. I have faith still because the first time it really was spell magic that did the trick. i think he offers a good, but slightly expensive service, but batter than losing money on scams. Overall I am happy, he appears to do his best and give you good advise when he writes. Readings are very good because acuratey is there, he said things no one can guess at. why do others think psychic cannot exist? It does but is rare, more scams than real.


United Kingdom
Response to your question Happy Times!!!!

#358Consumer Comment

Wed, May 14, 2008

I have only just come across your question regarding Frater Dantalion. I have had 2 spells cast by him. One was February' 08 and the 2nd about 2 weeks ago. When I first contacted him he did a reading for me and was spot on which encouraged me to use his services. Like you I have been ripped off too...... Have you had any results yet? I, unfortuanately haven't but am hoping I will.... Please let me know how your getting on. Frater is most definitely supportive and is always replies promptly to my e-mails. I hope that you find this encouraging.


It's all a delusion.

#359Consumer Comment

Fri, May 09, 2008

Yeah right... Things would have gone right anyway without paying some "spell caster" to make the sun rise tomorrow. It's all in the mind. I predict earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, and other major disasters will hit the earth soon. Just don't ask me precisely when and where or what the longitude or latitude will be. Don't ask me the exact time. The spirits are a bit vague on this. See, I'm also a psychic!!


San Diego,
Happy Times Guess You Answered Your Own Questions

#360Consumer Comment

Fri, May 09, 2008

Glad to see things work out for you Happy Times. Guess you know now if the person in question is a scam. To the non believers - ye have little faith! Blessed Be


San Diego,
Happy Times Guess You Answered Your Own Questions

#361Consumer Comment

Fri, May 09, 2008

Glad to see things work out for you Happy Times. Guess you know now if the person in question is a scam. To the non believers - ye have little faith! Blessed Be


San Diego,
Happy Times Guess You Answered Your Own Questions

#362Consumer Comment

Fri, May 09, 2008

Glad to see things work out for you Happy Times. Guess you know now if the person in question is a scam. To the non believers - ye have little faith! Blessed Be


San Diego,
Happy Times Guess You Answered Your Own Questions

#363Consumer Comment

Fri, May 09, 2008

Glad to see things work out for you Happy Times. Guess you know now if the person in question is a scam. To the non believers - ye have little faith! Blessed Be


redditch worcs,
United Kingdom

#364Author of original report

Thu, May 08, 2008

Amazingly I was a little hasting, not giving things enough time, things have started going my way afterall.


redditch worcs,
United Kingdom
have not yet seen or heard of any results

#365Author of original report

Thu, May 08, 2008

I have not yet seen or heard of any results from the spell he cast. The spell was done February 2008.


United Kingdom

#366Consumer Comment

Thu, May 08, 2008

Question for the original poster - I'm curious to know, did you see any results yet from the work you had done?


I have tried to see the light.

#367Consumer Comment

Sat, May 03, 2008

Dear Anonymus. The human brain is capable of deceiving itself very easily. I have yet to see or experience any paranormal event. It's not for the lack of trying. I came to this final conclusion after a lifetime of searching. I am not young anymore. I explored all avenues. In my lifetime I have read many books about these subjects. The only people who benefit are the writers of occult books. I have not seen a spirit or a ghost or an angel or a fairy. I've heard and seen no mysterious rapping or table turning. I have not seen or heard a poltergeist. No fortuneteller has ever told me the truth about the future. See, I did try!


San Diego,
ernest FYI

#368Consumer Comment

Sat, May 03, 2008

Ernest I am very in control of my life. I don't pay anyone a thing to find out or change my circumstances. In fact I am a professional person who has studied the occult as a hobby. I have witnessed some strange things. I could explain it it you but it is useless. You have to experience it on your own. Meditation is the first step. It doesn't happen right away either. Check out communing with spirits and introductory meditation. As for spells, not my department. There is a life outside of our waking world. Take a look and see. Wish you the best. Blessed be


Typical excuse for not claiming $1000,000 prize.

#369Consumer Comment

Thu, May 01, 2008

To anon. That is the typical response to the million dollar challenge. So called pyschics say paranormal events cannot work under laboratory conditions. How convenient for the 'psychic'!! The fact of the matter is that paranormal events including the casting of spells and fortune telling DO NOT exist and the whole pyschic industry is one great big RIPOFF! It would be far better if those in need of comfort and advice sought the services of trained professionals. Judging by how much money some people have spent on 'psychics', they should rather have sought out people who are qualified to help them deal with their problems and pay them. My advice to all in need of help - no pyschic in the world is going to improve your lot in life. Don't be controlled by these idiots. Take control of your own life!

Atlanta Guy

What ?

#370Consumer Comment

Thu, May 01, 2008

You didn't read the headline in today's newspaper ?? " Psychic/Witch/Spellcaster/Fortuneteller/etc. wins million dollar lottery AGAIN " !!! Yeah, right. And all those people paying for the "winning numbers" are now filthy rich, too. I absolutely DARE anyone to cast any type of spell on me. Geezzz. Charlatans. Hucksters. Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves.


Wake up!

#371Consumer Comment

Thu, May 01, 2008

The original post makes reference to being "scammed so many times"- I wonder how many times it's actually going to take before they realize what's really going on here....


San Diego,
Just to let you know

#372Consumer Comment

Wed, April 30, 2008

I have read the James Randi Educational Foundation website thoroughly. It is a laboratory controlled environment and does not allow a lot of criteria involving certain aspects of paranormal activity. These include healing or any type, anything that involves personal injury and anything that can not be proven without 100 percent accuracy. This includes SPELL CASTING. There is no way to prove 100 percent in a laboratory environment that a spell worked. So this foundation is non applicable in this case. Also, if you read any occult book, a spell has to be kept a secret. This is impossible under the criteria that is needed with the James Randi Educational Foundation.


One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge

#373Consumer Comment

Mon, April 28, 2008

Please go to the James Randi Educational Foundation website. Anybody who claims and proves to have psychic abilities will be able to get one million dollars!! ALL "psychics" are frauds.


A Magick Trick Makes Money Disappear Real Quick!

#374Consumer Comment

Mon, April 28, 2008

I don't think that spells that people cast for other people for money work. Something is missing... Nobody cares about your situation more than you do so you need to get your own occult supplies from a reliable dealer and CAST YOUR OWN SPELLS. Unless the spell caster promised you differently, most spells will kick in about 30 days. That also depends on the school of Magick he claims to be from. But don't be surprised if NOTHING happens because, like I said, NOBODY cares about YOUR situation more than YOU do. He might have done the usual scamster magical trick -- took your money and it disappears and he will probably do likewise when he has taken enough moneyfrom gullible folks. I hope like everything that you did not send any of your personal identity or financial information online, in writing or otherwise to this guy. these days, you can't tell to whom you are writing to on the Internet! be careful. be Very careful.


New York,
New York,
For Your Information

#375Consumer Comment

Mon, April 28, 2008

FYI John - I do respect your opinion but I strongly disagree with spells being myths. In fact I have seen evidence to the contrary. Spells are in fact energy that can be strongly effective if the energy is harassed properly by an initiated practitioner. Why doesn't everyone "jump on the band wagon" so to speak. It's because of a lot of mis conceptions and of course lack of belief and education about the occult. Like with everything we have the choice to believe or not to believe. Energy does exist and is very real. There is documented proof of successful spells but there are also a lot of frauds and charlatans out there. Spells are definitely not like in the movies. They require a lot of preparation and concentration by the practitioner amongst other things. Happy times- I will tell you this much. I cannot give you any information personally about your spellcaster because I have not tried this persons services but I can tell you this. The cardinal rule of the occult in regards to spell casting is to keep your spell a secret for the sole purpose of not letting outside energies get involved. By openly admitting that you had secured the services of this spell caster you may have indeed shattered the chances of your spells success. Remember that spells are energy and you just invited in energy from outside sources. I do wish you success with your ventures in securing an ethical spell caster. You may or may not have found one here but now you will probably never know the truth because you let in outside energy. A real no-no. Best wishes to you though.


New York,
New York,
For Your Information

#376Consumer Comment

Mon, April 28, 2008

FYI John - I do respect your opinion but I strongly disagree with spells being myths. In fact I have seen evidence to the contrary. Spells are in fact energy that can be strongly effective if the energy is harassed properly by an initiated practitioner. Why doesn't everyone "jump on the band wagon" so to speak. It's because of a lot of mis conceptions and of course lack of belief and education about the occult. Like with everything we have the choice to believe or not to believe. Energy does exist and is very real. There is documented proof of successful spells but there are also a lot of frauds and charlatans out there. Spells are definitely not like in the movies. They require a lot of preparation and concentration by the practitioner amongst other things. Happy times- I will tell you this much. I cannot give you any information personally about your spellcaster because I have not tried this persons services but I can tell you this. The cardinal rule of the occult in regards to spell casting is to keep your spell a secret for the sole purpose of not letting outside energies get involved. By openly admitting that you had secured the services of this spell caster you may have indeed shattered the chances of your spells success. Remember that spells are energy and you just invited in energy from outside sources. I do wish you success with your ventures in securing an ethical spell caster. You may or may not have found one here but now you will probably never know the truth because you let in outside energy. A real no-no. Best wishes to you though.


New York,
New York,
For Your Information

#377Consumer Comment

Mon, April 28, 2008

FYI John - I do respect your opinion but I strongly disagree with spells being myths. In fact I have seen evidence to the contrary. Spells are in fact energy that can be strongly effective if the energy is harassed properly by an initiated practitioner. Why doesn't everyone "jump on the band wagon" so to speak. It's because of a lot of mis conceptions and of course lack of belief and education about the occult. Like with everything we have the choice to believe or not to believe. Energy does exist and is very real. There is documented proof of successful spells but there are also a lot of frauds and charlatans out there. Spells are definitely not like in the movies. They require a lot of preparation and concentration by the practitioner amongst other things. Happy times- I will tell you this much. I cannot give you any information personally about your spellcaster because I have not tried this persons services but I can tell you this. The cardinal rule of the occult in regards to spell casting is to keep your spell a secret for the sole purpose of not letting outside energies get involved. By openly admitting that you had secured the services of this spell caster you may have indeed shattered the chances of your spells success. Remember that spells are energy and you just invited in energy from outside sources. I do wish you success with your ventures in securing an ethical spell caster. You may or may not have found one here but now you will probably never know the truth because you let in outside energy. A real no-no. Best wishes to you though.


That's an easy one...

#378Consumer Comment

Sun, April 27, 2008

Of course he's a fraud- spells are a myth. If they worked, something that powerful would dominate all of our lives all of the time. Every single person all over the world would be on that train. He may have perfomed some absurd ritual or followed some sort of goofy instructions but his primary goal is to seperate you from your money. Hope you didn't lose too much.


That's an easy one...

#379Consumer Comment

Sun, April 27, 2008

Of course he's a fraud- spells are a myth. If they worked, something that powerful would dominate all of our lives all of the time. Every single person all over the world would be on that train. He may have perfomed some absurd ritual or followed some sort of goofy instructions but his primary goal is to seperate you from your money. Hope you didn't lose too much.


That's an easy one...

#380Consumer Comment

Sun, April 27, 2008

Of course he's a fraud- spells are a myth. If they worked, something that powerful would dominate all of our lives all of the time. Every single person all over the world would be on that train. He may have perfomed some absurd ritual or followed some sort of goofy instructions but his primary goal is to seperate you from your money. Hope you didn't lose too much.


That's an easy one...

#381Consumer Comment

Sun, April 27, 2008

Of course he's a fraud- spells are a myth. If they worked, something that powerful would dominate all of our lives all of the time. Every single person all over the world would be on that train. He may have perfomed some absurd ritual or followed some sort of goofy instructions but his primary goal is to seperate you from your money. Hope you didn't lose too much.

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