  • Report:  #1272849

Complaint Review: Bloombex Binary Options - Internet

Reported By:
John - Salinas, California, U.S.A.

Bloombex Binary Options
Internet, USA
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I received an unsolicited call from Danny Morgan, Senior Financial Representative of Bloombex Binary Options promising me that he would teach me how to trade options. He said if I would put up $10,000 he would match it with company funds so my risk would be minimized in learning how to trade.

I put $300 in the account. That's when Danny made the offer to match my deposit if I put in $10,000 which I did. He continued to call me trying to pressure me into putting more money into the account. He even called me on a Sunday in an effort to get me to put more money in.

I asked Danny for three consequitive days to put the matching funds in my account, which he never did. He always went back to try to get me to put more money in.

Finally, after the third consequitive day of him calling me an average of 10 times per day, he agreed to put me in trading after he consulted "the analyst."

From that point, he no longer talked to me on the telephone but sent me text messages on how to trade. I had never traded on their platform before. I didn't know my way around the website. 

He put me in three trades for $3500 each. All three were losing trades and within twenty minutes 3/4 of my account was wiped out. Every one in investing knows that money management is important. You only risk 2 to 3 per cent of your account balance on any one trade. However, he was firing text messages to me so fast, I couldn't keep track of what I was doing.

His "analyst" said the oil market was going to go down, so I bought a put. He told me to do this several times. Of course, right after this, the market shot straight up, wiping out my trades.

My complaints are this: 1) I didn't solicit him. He solicited me. 2) He called me multiple times a day and it was all about high pressure to put more money in.

3) He promised to match funds which he did not do, even after being asked several times. 4) He had plenty of telephone time to talk to me about giving him more money, but couldn't stay on the phone to help me execute the trades on their trading platform. This he did by text.

He is high pressure for money. He doesn't listen to what you want or ask for. He is ignorant of the markets he is trading and shouldn't be giving people investment advice. He lies to get you to commit to give him money and then does not honor his commitment to match funds. He just ran through my account in 20 minutes and tossed me in the waste basket when he figured he wasn't going to get any more money from me.

Since he is a SENIOR representative, he obviously is well thought of by his company, which tells me they are as ignorant of the markets as he is and are as ruthless, lying, conniving since he is their poster boy.

By all means do not do business with this company or with this person. They operate out of the City of London, which is not in the UK, it's a separate country, like the Vatican. You will get NOWHERE trying to prosecute any one in the City of London. Take it from some one who learned the hard way Do not do business with these people. I am not an unsophisticated investor. I am a Certified Public Accountant and manage hundreds of thousand dollars of investments. 

I've never met a person or company more unethical than this one. Oh, by the way, I did have an account with MF Global which is being investigated for investor fraud, but fortunately I closed my account with them before they "struck."

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