  • Report:  #322183

Complaint Review: Blount County Sheriifs Office And City Of Townsend Police - Townsend Tennessee

Reported By:
- Addison, Illinois,

Blount County Sheriifs Office And City Of Townsend Police
Tiger Drive, Townsend, Court Street, Blount County Townsend, 37882 Tennessee, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
i came across this website while trying to find out who your sheriff and chief of police are in tonsend, tn.

for the last two nights i have been staying in a cabin on boat gunnel road near tuckaleechee rd.

i am leaving today because i have been unable to rest at night because your local fuzz won't do anything about the barking dogs.

i ve had time to research your local ordinances and have found that both your couty and your city have laws in place to keep this from happening. you just dont have the law enforcement that are willing to do what you pay them for.

i had originally planned on staying for a week but i am leaving after only 2 nights. i will never come back to Townsend. it is not worth the price or the hassle.

judging from what i have heard on this blog this is a situation that has been going on for a while. itsounds like youall have a real do nothing for a sheriff and chief of police in townsend. i will not spend my money ever again in a place like that.

i havent spoken with anyone else who has had a problem similar to mine but i hope that they will contact me.

i have already been in touch with my attorney and plan on ltitgation to get my money back for the cabimn. i might sue the city of towsend or maybe just your chief and sheriff.

somebody let me know exactly who these guys are anyways. i'll need an address so that the papers can be served.

in the meantime, i will be spreading the word about townsend. my company actually had a small conferene planned in townsend in august but i have talked them into going somewhere else after my stay on boat gunnel road.

why is it called that anyways.

Jim s.

Addison, Illinois


7 Updates & Rebuttals


Billy Lynn is a Moron

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, February 21, 2011

The latest rumblings comign from the Silly Gay Myers (Jakeleg with the nuisance dogs) camp is that he's building a trailor park...lmao

First of all, you have to own the property of which he doesn't own a square inch on Startton Hill.   

Secondly, you've got to have the proper zoning of which we do not have for a trailor park. 

Thirdly, you've got to go by the ordinances outlined by the city of Townsend which expressly forbids anymore trailor parks or trailors outside the existing trailorparks.  If i were the Skunk Ape, I'd make special note of this ordinance 'cause the first time his trailor gets run down or no longer liveable by WHITE people's standards, it's gone.  You can't haul another one in. 

Fourthly, you have to consider the septic issues involved in building a trailor park of which this half-wit has no clue whatsoever.  Again, a trailor park is not possible whether he thinks he has an inside track intot he health dept or not.  Ain't gonna happen, Skunk Ape.

Fifthly, you've got to be at least smart enough to bring your plans before the planning commission and city council and I can guarantee you that these rich crooks don't want atrailor park in their new project known as Townsend.  Good luck on that one, Sasquatch.

And then lastly, you've got to have the money to do it with of which we know he doesn't have 'cause he's still depending on his momma for a place to live and somebody to feed his wife and kids.  How's those Lincoln payments working out for ya Bill?  lmao

You would think that at some point he'd just keep his mouth shut.  I mean, when everybody you talk to is laughing their asses off at him, you'd think he'd get the jist of it.  It's just unreal that someone can be this cowardly and half-witted.  UNREAL.

Anyways, the story continues....

Mike GL


#3Consumer Suggestion

Sat, February 20, 2010

The sad part is that these fools don't mind being exposed for what they are.  The animal control situation in Blount hasn't gotten any better.


An update concerning Chief Spanky and his laziness/cowardice..........................

#4Consumer Suggestion

Thu, May 08, 2008

One needs to look no further than YOUTUBE if you'd like to see the laziness/cowardice of the City of Townsend Quazi-Police. Chief Ronnie Spanky Suttles is about the most worthless pile of sh**e that I have ever had the misfortune of coming across. Beside proving him wrong on every point that he has ever lied about or made, dealing with him is like trying to hve an intelligent conversation with an orange....................you can talk and talk but the "fruit" won't talk about or make any sense. Then again, an orange isn't known for dishonesty like Spanky so that might have been a bad analogy.LOL Just go to YOUTUBE and do a search for "Townsend TN". You can see my "grainy" videos for yourself. FYI - There's a higher resolution setting on YOUTUBE for you idiots in law enforcement that are just learning to use technology being the inept ignorant cave girls that you are. I would try that before you start whining about video quality or asking for a raise that you don't deserve.LOL You can always "subscribe" to my YOUTUBE channel so you can see things as they are posted. I've got a video that I shot myself about how much the Mayor takes pride in the community with his s**thouses and trashy property that he owns along with how Woodland homes has been allowed to pretty much violate everything in the book. I was also given a video on VHS that I did not make but was given. This video is my ace in the whole. I'm just waiting on a good opportunity to post it on YOUTUBE. Maybe around election time................. IT ALL HAPPENED IN TOWNSEND...........the NOT_SO PEACEFUL SIDE OF THE SMOKIES......................and a bunch of homegrown trash and HALF-BACKS made into the cesspoll that it is now. SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS


Audio evidence of nuisance animals............................

#5Consumer Suggestion

Mon, April 14, 2008

I have started documenting the nuisance animals so that officer Bill Allen and Chief Spanky Suttles cannot lie about it or act like it doesn't exist. YOU CAN BET YOUR BOTTOM DOLLAR IF THIS STUFF WAS GOING ON IN THE CHESNUT HILLS COMMUNITY THERE WOULD BE SOME SERIOUS BITCHIN'. AS A MATTER OF FACT, I'D SAY THE PROBLEM WOULD HAVE ALREADY BEEN TAKEN CARE OF BY CHIEF RON SPANKY SUTTLES. THE YANKEES AND THE FLORIDIANS ARE WELL TAKEN CARE OF THESE DAYS IN TOWNSEND TENNESSEE. THAT'S OK THOUGH................I DON'T MIND A BIT TO HELP THEM SELL SOME CONDOS...........HOPE MY YOUTUBE POSTS ARE WHAT YOU NEED! LMFWAO Just go to YouTube and do a search on "Townsend, TN". There you will find all the cowardice and shortcomings of Spanky and fancy dan Allen. Spanky, it ain't gonna stop. I have nearly 20hrs of audio at this point to show the folks everywhere how sorry you are. I also have a very interesting video that SOMEONE gave me that shows some pretty incriminating behavior on the part of you and fancy dan Allen. I'm just waiting on the right time to show that to the good folks out there. You wanted to play games? Tag! you're it, SPANKY! SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS


Suing them will do no good.

#6Consumer Suggestion

Thu, April 10, 2008

Suing them will do no good. They have all the local judges in their pockets except for one and that will all change in November. The Lambert Hoard just can't have a judge in power that might do the right thing. It's not good for business. I'm sure you've seen some of the other threads concerning the roaming dog issues in Townsend. Not all of the dogs are my neighbor's but he is partly responsible. Last night, I heard a bunch of dogs carrying-on over at the RESERVE condo site. As soon as they sell one and somebody from FL or NY complains then something might get done but I doubt knowing our worthless sheriff and police chief. You should try living on Tuckaleechee Rd. It used to not be this bad but the local law enforcement has turned its back on the residents of Tuckaleechee Rd. In a months time they might drive up the road once or twice. The officer that we have at night is pretty good about patroling Tuckaleechee Rd. but no one else within the Townsend Municipal Police dept. does their jobs concerning Tuckaleechee Rd. the sheriff has already made the statement that they only send a BCSO deputy up here about once a month. That's funny because we are paing higher property taxes than most and half of that money now goes to the BCSO to give away free cars as political favors and employee a bunch of worthless morons. They sit down on 321 all the time and write tickets but I doubt that you can find a ticket on record which was written on Tuckaleechee Rd. I had a friend who is with the BCSO who told me they clocked several people in excess of 65 MPH going down Tuckaleechee RD the one time that they came up here. That's 30 mPH over the limit in a residential area. I'm telling you we have some real embociles driving in this county now. I can't wait until some well-to-do yankee buys one of the condos and gets to hear the loud music of the WANNABE's going up Tuckaleechee Rd. It just amazes me that RON SPANKY SUTTLES is actually referred to as a chief of police. He's just so worthless. Ayways...........................I just wanted to give ya'll a heads up on the Townsend Fuzz and the BCSO. We've been trying to get them off their a$$ for sometime now. They're too interested in doing the bidding of the local development industry. Now get ready to hear a bunch of fruitcakes with connections to the local development industry start blogging on here about nothing. SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS


Lovers Lane,
Sundays in Townsend, Tennessee

#7Consumer Suggestion

Sun, March 30, 2008

-I got to church at Tuckaleechee United Methodist Church on Tuckaleechee Rd. on top of the hill where all these dogs are running wild. -I have seen and heard these animals and am growing very tired of hearing baying hounds all through the church service. -I am assuming that these dogs that I keep hearing are the same dogs that have been reported. I know better than to call the police in Townsend because nothing will be done. -A family member that lives near the church said that at times it sounds like 20 dogs down below the church at the trailor. -Do you think that whoever owns these dogs might be deaf? Judging from some of the comments on the other thread, do you think that he might be mentally impaired? -I am tired of hearing them every Sunday. Somebody who lives that close to two churches should have the decency to keep his dogs quiet at least on Sunday. -Last December, I couldn't enjoy the music at a night service because I could hear was dogs barking. -I just hope that someone will see this that will do something about a problem that the local Townsend Police should have taken care of at least months ago.

Flora Uk

Palm Beach,

#8Consumer Suggestion

Sun, March 30, 2008

It was so nice to talk to Jim at O'hare. Isn't it just wierd that we both had such a horrible in Townsend and then ran into each other in Chicago. I bet there are other people out there too. Thankyou for filing this report.

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