  • Report:  #202458

Complaint Review: Bluegreen - Pigeon Forge Tennessee

Reported By:
- Gastonia, North Carolina,

bluegreenonline.com Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This complaint is long but it is necessary for you to understand the hidden agenda of Timeshare sells. I learned the hard way. please read and save yourself from the "Timeshare Trap".

Bluegreen salesmen are rip off artists and they rip off trusting couples by telling half truths. It has cost me but I have learned alot about the "Timeshare Trap" buisness.

We bought our timeshare about 4 years ago. We were given a high price at first and turned it down because of the price. Another salesman came over to our table and told our salesman that a deal just came in and since they worked together he was going to let him in on it first.

The price was a third of the first price and it included unlimitted bonus nights and weeks. We were told we could get a nonus night for $49.00 a night and a bonus week for $99.00.

It was almost closing time and both the salesman and the closing officer made mention of it but offerred to stay as long as we needed.

This put me under pressure to hurry. I was trying to read the legal jargin that only a lawyer could understand. Therefore I skimmed over the contract.

Feeling under pressure to hurry and finish and not understanding most of what I read plus the fact that I don't rip people off therefore I didn"t suspect to get ripped off, we signed the contract.

The nightmare started. It was three years before we ever got a reservation and only then because one of their sales rep's had to get it for us.

The half truth is you can get reservations anywhere they have resorts. The whole truth is that those that have siler and gold status by buying 18,000 or more points have priority over me because I only have 8000 points.

The half truth is that I can call in and get reservations anytime. In fact the web site says now you have the flexibility to go everywhere anytime.

The whole truth is that it is next to imposible to get a reservation when you call. It takes anywhere from 30 minutes up to three hours just to get a reservation if you are in fact lucky enough to get one.

The half truth is that if you want to sell your time share they will sell it for you. The truth is that they do not sell time shares. They put you in contact with a timeshare sells company by the name of Pinnicle which is another rip off in itself.

The half truth is that we can come and use the facilities at the resort even if we don't have a reservation. The truth is that you can only use the resort facilities if you get permission from the resort and only then if there is space available.

The half truth is that you get bonus nights for $49.00 dollars and bonus weeks for $99.00. The whole truth is that this is not a set price but it depends on the resort as to what the price will be.

The half truth is that they will pay your club dues for you. The whole truth is that they pay them for two years and then you begin to pay them after that in addition to the maintenance fee.

The half truth is that they will teach you how to use your time share. The whole truth is that they want to get you to another 3 day weekend to sell you more points.

We were invited to Charlston, S.C. for a three day weekend to teach us how to use our timeshare. When we got to the meeting the sales pitch began. They wanted us to upgrade and buy more points not teach us how to use it.

After I voiced my dismay with the timeshare and Bluegreen due to the fact that I could never use it the sales person got on the phone with the reservations department and identified herself as my wife. She was requesting a reservation for us. She was on the phone for 45 minutes getting the same run around that we have already experienced.

She did however get us a reservation at Myrtle Beach in Feburary for a week. No sun bathing that week but we didn't mind because this was the first time we had ever had the oportunity to use it after owning it for three years.

She then called in her supervisor and I told him my story. His suggestion to our delima was buy more points. Now get this.

He was going to raise my points from 8000 to 16,000 plus my monthly payment would not increase nor would the original price of the timeshare increase.

How can you do that I asked? He says I can do it. The price of your maintenance fee will go up from $389.00 per year to $1,000.00 per year but if you sign today you will get it for $689.00 per year.

Double points, no increase in payments, no increase in the price of the time share nor the terms of the contract only the maintence fee increase. Then he says you will be happy because you will have priority over other people in getting reservations.

Rip me of one time, then same on you. Rip me off twice, then shame on me. NO DEAL i said. Then the wheels started turning. Their not selling timeshares to make money on the sales of timeshares. They are selling timeshares to make money on maintenance fees and club dues.

Think about it. My maintenance fees are $389.00 per year plus $225.00 dollars in club dues per year. Thats $614.00 per year for the rest of our lives until we are both dead.

Oh! but if you want to sell it we will sell it for you they said. That is a lie. They do not sell timeshares. They turn you over to a timeshare resale company that says they will sell your timeshare for you. Yes they will list it for you at the price you ask. But we were told by Pinnicle Timeshare Reale Co. that if I really wanted to sell it I would have to take .15 cent on the dollar.

You can't sell timeshares. You have to give them away to get rid of them. So I decided I would stop paying on the timeshare the maintence fees and club dues and ride out the bad credit rating I would recieve. I consulted with a lawyer and he informed me I was stuck with it.

He further informed me that not only would they give me a bad credit rating, but they would come after me in court and sue me for all the back fees plus the future fees and could sue for their legal fees as well. He advised me of my three options.

1. Try to sell it. 2. Donate it to an organization that would agree to continue to pay the fees. or 3. Keep it and try to use it.

So I did just that. On July 22, 2006 I was going to try to get a reservation for my daughter and son-in-law at a resort either in Alabama, Florida, or South Carolina.

The half truth is that if you can't get a reservation with Bluegreen you can bank your points with RCI and get one with them for a small adminastration fee.

The whole truth is that the fee is not small and you end up in some cases getting a Bluegreen resort that Bluegreen says is not available.

I was told, as usual, that there was nothing available at those sites for the dates I requested. I was reminded that I could bank my points with RCI and use one of their resorts.

RCI secured me a reservation at Hilton Head beach in South Carolina which is a Bluegreen resort where Bluegreen said there was no availablity.

It cost me $149.00 to transfer my points to RCI to get a reservation at a Bluegreen resort plus an additional $49.00 to get the reservation in my son-in-laws name.

Here is what is happening to inocent couples in every Bluegreen sales office to get them to fall into the "Timeshare Trap". I will try to explain it this way.

When I was in Vietnam I was stationed north of Danang near Marble Mountain. Our compound bordered the South China Sea on one side. Beside us was an Army Helliport and beyond that was the Special Forces camp. Next was Marble Mountain with the Marines.

One Night we began to reveive incoming mortar rounds and small arms fire from the inland villiages and rice patties. We focused our attention on the attack.

While our attention was diverted the Vietcong made an infibuous landing on the beach of the South China Sea. They went through the Special Forces camp up Marble Mountain and captured Marble Mountain from the Marines.

This is what is happening in the Bluegreen sales offices by their sales staff. They show you a beautiful resort. They paint you a picture of all the fun and relaxation you are going to enjoy over the period of your life.

The sales staff fills you mind with promises that are only half true. (by the way, at the end of the contract it states and I qoute, "Nothing the sales person tells you is binding, only what is written in this contract").

They lead you to believe how easy and simple it is to get a reservation while all the time they are diverting you attention away from the club dues and maintenance fees.

Oh yes, they mention them but they don't stress them nor do they want you to realize that you are going to pay these fees for the rest of your entire life.

If by chance you die before your spouce, then your spouse has to pay the fees for the rest of his or her life.

Do you understand why they require you both to be at the presentation and both have to sign the contract.

I doubt this complaint will go anywhere or get any attention from those who could and should do something about this matter.

However I am going to keep on complaining and speaking out to warn everyone I come in contact with that Bluegreen and probably other timeshare companys as well, are not just selling timeshares, they are selling club dues and maintenance fees as well.

In fact the fees are their bread and butter.

Hoping this saves someone from falling into the "Timeshare Trap".


Gastonia, North Carolina

10 Updates & Rebuttals


Timeshare Scam

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, March 21, 2015

Being that timeshares are not an investment, and many financial magazines catalog them as a terrible purchase, timeshares are considered one of the things you should always buy used, and what better than a free timeshare? but nothing in life is free.


The Trap behind the Offer

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, December 02, 2014

Timeshares have been consistently known for different things: some positive, but most of them are very negative, which has created a smokescreen around the whole idea of timeshares. There are many timeshare owners who feel joyful with their purchases, but there are even more who regret having bought a timeshare, and want to get rid of it at all costs.


Pigeon Forge,
Get Real

#4Consumer Comment

Sun, December 21, 2008

Tell the manager that the people want to talk to them about leaving. I guarantee that they will not want to keep the people there any longer.


South Carolina,
Try telling the truth

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, December 06, 2008

Just a note about the 90 minute presentation. I have many times in the past had buyers that questioned the 90 minute guideline and demanded to be let go only to have my manager tell me to hold them past the 90 minutes because they would usally buy just to get out of the building or make sure I keep them just to inconvienance them and make sure I took my time in getting thier gifts after I was done. Oh and lets don't mention the bs promotions that they use that they do not truly havebut use to try and make the customer feel "special" in order to get them to buy. The one I praticularly liked that they used most often was the so called Red, White and Blugreen promotion that they supposedly gave to veterans, police, teachers and EMS. These specials ended up being the same "extras" that everyone else got. Try and tell me i'm wrong, I sat there and listened to these so called managers do it on a daily basis untill I just could not bring myself to continue to screw people over. I found that I did have morals and this was not the way I wanted to feed my family.


Pigeon Forge,
Ok...Here's Your Response

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, December 01, 2008

You state that people were "FORCED" to stay longer than the 90 minute presentation. How were they forced? You failed to include that in your list. If you complete your 90 minute obligation, you can leave, even if the presentation if not over, with your gifts. You can even leave before the 90 minutes if up; however, you will not receive the gifts, because you have not completed your obligation. You also failed to mention before the people touring being the presentation the sign a paper that states that the presentation will be 90 to 120 minutes of longer. I find it kind of funny that they sign the paper and then complain about the length of the presentation. You also state that people purchased packages that they could not afford. How is this Bluegreen's fault??? People like this are what caused the recession that we are in now. You also state that the contact is misleading. You did not mention that when people are signing their contact, they are read and agree to and Owner Confirmation Interview that states information from how long it takes for the new ownership to be activated to paying it off early. And, IT IS RECORDED. Before the recording ends, the people are asked if the have any questions. As to your statement about the contract not being easy to understand and the timeframe for cancellation being wrong, you are incorrect on both. First, what part of the contract is not easy to understand. Right under the signature lines on the "Owner Beneficary Agreement" it states the timeframe and procedure to cancel. On this same form it states the points purchased, amount of downmayment, and terms of the loan. You must be on of the people you mentioned you could not afford to buy, did not read the contract, and waited too long to cancel, and is now pissed off. If you are going to post a complaint about a company not telling the truth, make sure you are telling the truth too.

Robin Ann

New Castle,
You need to GET A CLUE!!

#7Consumer Comment

Mon, November 03, 2008

I recently went to the discussion boards on Yahoo! to find that many of the people are just as pissed off at Bluegreen as the above ( except smithiekid ). They post that the CEO of Bluesh*t is taking 1.6 MILLION dollars of these idiots money and that is fine with them. They will pay the outrageous fees and never complain, they must think he is wonderful providing such a fantastic service?? NOT!! Pick up the clue phone people. All of these consumers can't be full of it. They are telling of their experiences in hopes of keeping others from making the same mistakes. I think it is a nice gesture. However, all you supposed "satisfied" customers just tell them that they are stupid,etc.. YOU ARE THE STUPID ONES! I read on Yahoo! that not only is the CEO taking 1.6 MILLION $$$ of your money, but, he's running Bluesh*t right into the ground. The stocks are dropping. Diamond resorts can't secure the financing necessary to buy-out Bluesh*t. Not to mention all of law suits filed against them and all of the lawsuits that have yet to be filed in the courts. WHY HASN'T ANY OF THE HAPPY OWNERS COMMENTED ON THE LAWSUIT FILED BY THE ATTORNEY GENERAL IN PENNSYLVANIA?? I would LOVE to hear your response? Will you actually have the stupidity to defend even ONE of the charges brought against Bluesh*t?? Go ahead read the suit and tell US ALL what you think. Put it here- in black and white for all to read. Folks- this should be entertaining- to say the least! Attorney General Corbett announces lawsuits against Florida timeshare & vacation companies accused of advertising, real estate, and telemarketing violations HARRISBURG - Attorney General Tom Corbett today announced lawsuits today against four Florida-based companies accused of illegally marketing vacation packages, using 'free' airline ticket offers and other worthless prizes to lure consumers into aggressive and deceptive timeshare presentations. Corbett said consumer protection lawsuits were filed against Bluegreen Corporation, Bluegreen Resorts, Bluegreen Vacations Unlimited, Inc. and Great Vacations Destinations, Inc., all of Boca Raton, Florida. Bluegreen contacted consumers by phone and through kiosks at shopping malls, fairs, and festivals throughout Pennsylvania, and also operates full-time sales facilities in Hershey and King of Prussia. 'Virtually any consumer with a checkbook and a pulse allegedly qualified as a 'winner' in these promotions,' Corbett said. 'Unsuspecting consumers who believed they were contest winners were actually drawn into a high pressure bait-and-switch campaign designed to push timeshare vacation packages costing thousands of dollars.' Corbett said more than 5,700 Pennsylvania residents purchased Bluegreen timeshares, with many paying $20,000 to $40,000 or more for packages that violated Pennsylvania's Consumer Protection Law, the Real Estate Licensing and Registration Act, the Telemarketer Registration Act and other consumer regulations. Phony Prizes Corbett said that Bluegreen representatives allegedly called consumers who believed they were entering contests and other promotions promising cars, cash and vacations. According to the lawsuit, consumers were told that they had not won the 'grand prize,' but had been selected to receive other items, like free airline tickets. Consumers were also promised free gasoline and meals when they collected their prize, if they attended a 90 minute timeshare presentation. Corbett said the lawsuit alleges that consumers who were contacted by Bluegreen were not actually randomly selected prize winners. Instead, virtually everyone who entered the contests was contacted and falsely told that they were a prize winner. In one case, Corbett said a consumer informed a Bluegreen representative that the person they were trying to reach did not live at that address. The consumer was told that it wasn't a problem - they would give her a prize too. High Pressure Sales and False Advertising Corbett said that in order to collect their 'prizes,' consumers were required to schedule an appointment with a Bluegreen sales representative. In some cases, consumers who believed they would be attending a 90 minute timeshare presentation were actually subjected to relentless marketing pitches that lasted five hours or more. According to the lawsuit, numerous deceptive statements were made to consumers during these presentations in an effort to get them to sign contracts immediately, including phony claims that prices would increase the next day, misrepresentations about when and where consumers could travel if they made a purchase and false statements about certain fees being waived. Corbett said that some consumers bought vacation programs because they were told they were entitled to a one-week stay in Hawaii, only to learn afterward that the program they purchased could not be used in Hawaii. According to the lawsuit, consumers who sat through the timeshare presentations received 'prizes' that were nothing like what they had been promised. The 'four free airline tickets' were actually booklets that offered two airline tickets with each hotel room reserved, at high prices, in a limited number of cities. In some situations, consumers were required to commit to a 10 night stay at overpriced hotel rates before being able to select a local airport for their flight. Corbett said 'free' gasoline and meals that consumers were promised turned out to be coupons or certificates with lengthy terms and conditions. For instance, consumers who were promised $40 in free gas were required to submit written requests to obtain a series of gas coupons. The coupons required consumers to pay for their gas first and then mail a receipt for reimbursement, with each coupon limited to a $5 purchase, with no more than one purchase per month. Illegal Contracts Corbett's said contracts used by Bluegreen failed to properly inform consumers of their right to cancel their purchase. Pennsylvania law requires that consumers have five days to cancel any timeshare or campground purchase. Bluegreen is also accused of violating a state law that requires all consumer contracts to be written in easy-to-understand terms. Do Not Call Violations According to the lawsuit, Bluegreen made numerous calls to consumers who were on Pennsylvania's Do Not Call list, allegedly basing those calls on referrals from other customers. Additionally, the companies are accused of making repeated calls to consumers who clearly told them not to call again. 'Bluegreen took advantage of hardworking Pennsylvania residents eager to find an affordable getaway,' Corbett said. 'Using deceptive contests, relentless sales presentations and misleading contracts, consumers were pressured into paying thousands of dollars for vacation packages that don't meet their needs or their budgets.' Corbett said the lawsuits seek restitution for consumers who suffered financial losses because of these deceptive or illegal practices. Additionally, Corbett says the lawsuit asks the court to void all illegal consumer contracts and give consumers the right to cancel any agreement that did not include the state-required notice of cancellation. The lawsuit also seeks up to $1,000 in civil penalties for each violation of the Consumer Protection Law, or up to $3,000 for each violation involving a senior citizen. The lawsuits were filed in Commonwealth Court, in Harrisburg, by Senior Deputy Attorney General David Sumner of the Attorney General's Bureau of Consumer Protection. Corbett says the investigation began after consumers contacted his office to report these practices. He encouraged other consumers who have problems with Bluegreen to file a complaint by calling the Attorney General's Consumer Protection Hotline at 1-800-441-2555 or submit an online consumer complaint. This just validates what these ripped-off consumers have been saying ALL ALONG. If PA is not your home state, you may contact the ATTY.GENERAL in your state and file a formal complaint. (either online or they will send you a form in the mail) All of the AG's offices have a toll-free phone number also. I wish you the best and I hope that you can recover some if not ALL of the money that was practically stolen from you. Comments anyone?? Yeah- I didn't think so!! #


United Kingdom
just to put things right

#8Consumer Comment

Wed, August 20, 2008

You ask why, I work a lot of night shifts and I have to admit that some of these complaints are better than comic cuts. Most of these complaints are because people do not read what they sign and when they try to use the points then they find it difficult You think that you have it all sorted but you dont In the above you say buy more points and the club fees increase well that is a complete lie You pay the same club fee only once a year and it does not matter if you have 6000 points or 60000 its the same If my comments get only 1 or 2 of these people to join the group on Yahoo and understand how to use the points then its all worth it. What you seem to forget is that people have spent money and bought something they think they can't use but by sitting down asking question many find how to use it and DO go onto buy more points on the resale market from people like you who only want to hear what they want to hear and by the way spelling does not come into it only hard facts and the truth something you seem to shy away from


I'm with Gary

#9Consumer Comment

Sat, August 16, 2008

If you read the full article mentioned above, you will see that most everything Gary said is in fact true. The author of the article says so himself, although he enforces it with a little backward logic just to (attempt to) prove his point. Gary may have a few spelling errors in his complaint, but what he said is absolutely true - Bluegreen makes all of their money on the maintenance fees and club dues that you pay EVERY YEAR for the rest of your life. The fact that they pick up the tab for the first few years is just so that you almost forget that you're responsible for these outrageous fees. And when they pressure you on EVERY SINGLE vacation you take, they're not trying to "show you how to use the program in a way that would benefit you and your family better". What a load of crap. They're trying to get you to buy more points so your maintenance fees will increase. Here's what it really is in a nutshell....when you purchase your initial package, you get screwed. Then you finally go on vacation, go to your little "owner update", complain that you've had difficulties scheduling anything, and they suggest that you purchase more points so that you can "better use your membership". So you do, thinking that will solve the problem. Only it doesn't. And now you've got even more maintenance fees and club dues and still can't schedule a dang vacation. I seriously doubt that all 125 or so complaints on this website are the "ramblings of complete idiots", as the author of the above article states (again, WTF are you doing on this website if you think we're all morons? Welcome to the club). They're the honest stories of people who were pressured into situations that they didn't have the time or the resources to fully research, and most of them admit that they did the wrong thing because they felt pressured. I consider myself a pretty intelligent person - I own a business, teach, and am largely successful by many standards. Hardly a rambling idiot. Yet I am one of the many unhappy Bluegreen owners. I find it hilarious that people who are so happy with their Bluegreen membership actually spend time surfing around this website reading about those of us who feel we got screwed. Something smells fishy to me. Anyway Gary, I'm with you!


United Kingdom
some of you figs do not add up

#10Consumer Comment

Fri, August 15, 2008

I am sorry to have to say that sum of your figs. do not add up the club dues are infact $125 and have been for around the last 9 yrs Bonus time rates do not depend on the resort they depend on the size of unit you have $49 will give you a nice studio at Lodge Ally Inn in Charleston (I had one 2 weekends ago) $59 for a 1 bed and $69 for a 2 bed You can get a nice one bed unit at Harbour Lights in Myrtle Beach for 7000 points in July/Aug and you can make your reservation at 11 months out (I have made this kind of reservation 8 or 9 months out so there is plenty of availability) BG only have very limited number of units at Hilton head thats is the reason you could not get a unit ( it is not a club resort since it is not owned or managed by BG) So as the first comment states not all you read on the internet is true


Don't Believe Everything You Read On The Internet

#11Consumer Comment

Wed, July 23, 2008

Be careful...Just because you read a negative comment about a company on the internet doesn't mean it is even close to being true. I have extensively commented on this post on PlanetTimeshare.com. You can check out the post here: http://planettimeshare.com/blog/2008/07/18/hidden-agenda-or-visible-idiot/

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