  • Report:  #304436

Complaint Review: BODY OF CHANGE - FORT LAUDERDALE Florida

Reported By:
- north miami, Florida,

Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
If I knew then what I know now, I would have never worked for Body of Change. This is a first class fraudulent organization which feeds off the ignorance and innocence of unknowing consumers. This company has an internal cult-like following and if you attempt to leave this organization, I would recommend contacting an attorney to have him/her prepare your resignation letter.

The corporate officers of this organization are lying, deceitful persons. Their only concerns are for profit, profit and more profit. They offer the consumers "free sessions" to entice them to join their personal training programs, focusing on the 12 month commitment.

The trainers working for this organization are, on average, very wet behind the ears trainers with little or no experience. They are a danger to most of their clients, especially those who may have any type of medical history such as arthritis, heart disease, diabetes or hypertension. PLEASE be careful. Most of the trainers are underqualified and prefer to talk on their cell phones and people watch. They are not there to assist the clients.

The managers, and there are alot, offer little or no assistance in customer service issues. Why? Because they are trained to run in circles. They are forbidden to provide the customer with the corporate telephone numbers. Why? What is the deep dark secret? Is there a man hiding behind a curtain like the great Wizard of Oz? If their business practices are legitimate, what is there to fear about giving out the corporate telephone number?

Every Thursday, all managers were required to attend a district meeting. The topic of discussion was "sell more training programs of the 12 month variety." Do not drop the "red ball." The red ball is the profit ball. Don't zero out for the day. NEVER zero out for the day. This is a big no no! If your club does not sell at least one personal training membership every single day, you will be fired. Simple as that! Loyalty is only as far as the last worthless training membership you sell.

If you elect to sign a training membership agreement with Body of Change, prior to doing so, ask for a copy of the agreement so you may have your attorney review it. You are entitled to do so but the manager will refuse you that privilege. Why? What are they hiding? ALOT! This agreement is beyond difficult to get out of early. You will pay, pay, pay to get out. Don't make this mistake.

Their fees miraculously go up and down on a daily basis. Whatever the rates are, subtract at least $10 before you agree on a per session rate. The managers can do that for you. But, whatever you pay is not worth it. Save your money. Use a qualified personal trainer from a small, private training studio. You won't have to pay BS process and enrollment fees of $149.00, which goes directly into the pocket of the owners of Body of Change and into the pockets of the district and regional vice presidents. $40 for a 1/2 hour session is criminal enough! And, you will never even receive a full 1/2 hour training session. If you're lucky, you'll get 20 minutes. And, it's beyond useless.

When I resigned from this company, I was chastised and harassed for weeks. "How could you do this to us? You had such potential. If you only stuck it out another year, you could have been making 6 figures! BS! Lies, lies and more lies.

I feel terrible for all those persons I sold training memberships to. If they want to get out of their agreements early, it will take a letter from their physician stating that they have a permanent disability. And, probably some threatening letters from your attorney and the BBB and your local media outlets.

I apologize to any individuals who were suckered into these training agreements. Call the corporate number, 1-888-889-0984 and press 0 immediately to get a live person. Otherwise, you'll never get to speak to anyone. Call several times, harass them.

Johnny j

north miami, Florida


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