I purchased 3 bikes from this store and dealt with the owner Neal Williams. All I got off this guy were headaches, second hand parts, incomplete bikes, parts that were less than the value I ordered and not what I ordered. I would not trust this store for any internet buyers. He ripped me off $1800.00 US and I have a bunch of rubbish to show for it. The 2 frames i did receive were old and dented, the workmanship was pathetic on one bike, the paint was worse than if i had a four year old paint it with the worst spray-paint. Drips everywhere, paint flaking off and dinged guards. told me he painted them candy apple and they were primer powder coated. Then when i got them told me he never painted them and he didnt realise they were done so badly. He kept sending me dribs and drabs of my order with all the excuses under the sun until eventually i was no longer able to have paypals support because the 45 days had lapsed. This guy is nothing more than a hustler and his workmanship is absolute garbage. My kid now has no bike because of this low life. Please don't waste your time or energy on this store as you will only get ripped off. I know I'm not the first but hopefully the last. Go to a reputable lowrider store, don't waste your time with Neal Williams.