  • Report:  #930072

Complaint Review: BRAVENET.COM - Internet British Columbia

Reported By:
EOPC - , Internet, United States of America

Internet, British Columbia, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Ever tried to report abuse to Bravenet?  We did and they played word games with us for over a week.  While members of our support site suffered.  They did NOTHING.  Here our exchange with one of their 'customer service' people:

Bravenet Web Services Support [Coal - Support Night Manager]
August 20, 2012 15:30:28
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Dear Eopc,

We have notified our legal department and will take appropriate action per their review.

 Member [EOPC]
August 20, 2012 14:54:03

That's us. We are 3 people from countries OTHER than the USA that help people find closure from internet romance predators, etc.

That is our website. We also have a private support group.

http://toylanders.bravenet.com is offensive - ALL OF IT. It mentions  old members of our support group (who we are writing about) and accuses our site of doing thing we don't and could not in any way do. We will NOT traumatize our members further by involving them in this.

The author of that blog - has been asked MULTIPLE TIMES over a 4+ year period by us & others to remove it. An internet
forensic specialist told him it was all untrue, unproveable and to remove it. Yet it stands - we have given you ALL THE INFORMATION YOU NEED. REMOVE THE WHOLE BLOG IMMEDIATELY

We are done playing games - this is going to our legal representative and our contact at the US FBI for xxxxx relentless defamation & slander and your supporting it.


Bravenet Web Services Support [Coal - Support Night Manager]
August 19, 2012 18:13:22
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Dear Eopc,
Can you elaborate on your identity? We understand that EOPC is Exposing
Online Predators and Cyberpaths. Is the address below your website?


Again, please indicate the specific defamatory material.

We will then refer this issue to our legal department, before taking appropriate action.

 Member [EOPC]
August 19, 2012 17:24:56

WE are the offended party.

WE are doing this on behalf of 2 of OUR members, as is OUR policy.

 Bravenet Web Services Support [Coal - Support Night Manager]
August 19, 2012 10:44:07
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Dear Eopc,

If there is a complaint regarding the material on the Bravenet blog
specifically, please have the offended party contact us if they are
unable to resolve this through contact with the website owner.

Member [EOPC]
August 17, 2012 06:44:32

Are you thick? The blogspot was shown to you to show you what XXXX's been doing for over 4 years!  That is our site.  anyone really HOME at bravenet???

You have had one documentedcomplaint after another from us about XXXX's bravenet blog.

We can't ask XXXX anything - he refuses to speak to us anymore. Stone's email is [email protected]

Since he's blogging his defamatory garbage on your platform - you should have a way to contact him.

We have submitted this thread to IC3 and the Massachusetts Atty General
who are working with us to remove XXXX from the net. We suggest you
remove his entire blog immediately.  He is in violation of your TOS

Nov 16, 2011


To: XXXXXXXXX.gmail.com

Sir, a XXXXXXXXX orXXXXXXXXXXX  or XXXXXXX does not run this site and does not post here and never has. They are old
members. That is all. We are not forwarding any of this to them.

Remove any references to both these people and our website from ALL your blogs immediately. We have told you repeated your problems are not with us. They are with the people who reported you in 2008 as we are legally
held harmless. You are well aware of this and have been for some time.  Stop the harassing blogs and email immediately.

Bravenet Web Services Support [Coal - Support Night Manager]
August 19, 2012 10:43:23

Dear Eopc,

http://cyberpathlinks.blogspot.co.uk/2008/10/gary-stone.html is not
hosted by Bravenet, the host can be found at the address below:

If there is a complaint regarding the material on the Bravenet blog  below, please have the offended party contact us if they are unable to  resolve this through contact with the website owner:


Member [EOPC]
August 16, 2012 07:34:05

bravenet - here's XXXX- these posts were made after a legal binding release was signed with us BY HIS VICTIMS. If he wants them down he has to go through them - not us. We have told him this 100s of times. Above is just
one.  He has decided to take his own brand of 'justice' by defaming and slandaring persons he does not know.  A clear violation of your TOS

the whole blog is defamatory - or can't you read?

Bravenet Web Services Support [Coal - Support Night Manager]
August 17, 2012 17:18:47

Dear Eopc,

There are only two posts in this Blog. If material on this page defames you specifically, please indicate the SPECIFIC problem material on this page, and reply here with a copy of any email sent to the owner requesting the removal of that material.

Member [EOPC]
August 15, 2012 17:40:24

here's a just a sampling:

May 30, 2010


I don't know what your talking about with your aff link or IC3.org... all I know is I took down the profile as requested, updated the profile to be noindex, nofollow, and now you're changing your tune to say the bravenet blog is staying up

I expect the blog down in the next few days.... seriously... I have no idea what your talking about with your conspiracy theories all the time... take the blog down and move on with your life!


May 21, 2011

to XXX

Mr. XXXXXXX is not one of us and never has been.
 We don't even know who XXXX is.


Nov 16, 2011



to XXX

Sir, a XXXX does not run this site and does not post here. She is an old member. That is all. Leave us alone.  And leave her alone.  We do not hack people. We don't know how.

We have told XXXX and everyone else this many times. If they choose to not believe, that is not our problem.
 If XXXX has been hit financially, he does need to report.




We know you won't believe us but it's the truth. Someone is playing games with you - but it is not us. And  you are being purposely misled and played for a fool by someone(s).

Good luck.

 Member [EOPC]
August 15, 2012 17:20:41

Bravenet: There are over 50 emails we have sent to Mr. XXXX

you want them all???

Bravenet Web Services Support [Coal - Support Night Manager]
August 17, 2012 17:18:59

Dear Eopc,

If so, please paste the e-mail and/or post that you have sent to the owner (regarding material currently on the site), as well as any response received including full internet headers. Please also indicate the specific violating material, including the full website address(es).

Member [EOPC]
August 14, 2012 14:52:15

The webmaster, XXXX - has been contacted NUMEROUS time over a 4+ year period for all the harassment and defamation he has on the web. We have many many emails we could send you that have also been sent to his IP to the FBI to the MASS Attorney General.

http://toylanders.bravejournal.com needs to be removed immediately.
Bravenet Web Services Support [Coal - Support Night Manager]
August 17, 2012 17:19:07

Dear Eopc,

The website owner is responsible for moderating their own site. A minimum of 24 hours should be given to the webmaster to remove any inappropriate content.

Have you contacted the webmaster regarding this matter?

If so, please paste the e-mail and/or post that you have sent to them, as well as any response received including full internet headers. Please also indicate the specific violating material, including the full website address(es).

If you receive no reply within 24 hours, or this cannot be resolved with the website owner, we will take action directly under the guidance of our legal department.

Member [EOPC]
August 12, 2012 07:58:16


this blog is inflammatory AND defamatory towards people XXXX . Investigations by Mass. AGO and IC3 are ongoing. Please remove this blog immediately.

Posted From: http://www.bravenet.com/global/abuse.php

BRAVENET needs to hire people who can read and comprehend English.  This constant run-around is ridiculous.  Look out BRAVENET supports defamatory and slanderous bloggers!

12 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
Apologies about Mr. Stone

#2Author of original report

Mon, February 04, 2013

"The cyberpath blog is run by Barbara Camwell Ness, but she's handed control over to Michelle

Comford Jones, Elaine May Smith and Rick Kline in Britain. They use  witchita and Arizona proxie servers to post, hide their identities.

" Ness still runs the smear blog. But there is so much heat on her, she's gone into a dissociative state. In massive denial about

"Ness's husband works for Moody's as a data analyst and doesn't want to be connected  to the blog vis a vie his wife Barbara."

http://garystonepeabody.blogspot.com/2012/08/good-for-bravenet.html "

This is Mr. Stone.  A harasser of our blog and our members for 5 years.
None of these people he names have anything to do with our blog.  A forensic expert confirmed that all the above assertions (and diagnoses of people he doesn't know and has never met) are false and always have been. 

There is something wrong with this man Stone.  It is about time that the platforms he blogs on took action and shut him
down.  But Stone's delusions are so that he makes unsubstantiated claims of 'hacking'.  Hacking is one of his favorite excuses for anything that goes wrong with his blogs or computers.  We don't hack. Ever. And blaming others for every piece of spam, Nigerian scam mail and advertising claiming they are 'brute force emails' is bizarre.  Another term he must have learned and is now using to death.


Free to look at his blog noted above and see if any of it makes sense to you.  It appears the writings of a lunatic with a
computer.  Stone defames, blames and slanders old members of our site with abandon 5 years now.

If you wish to read about Stone please feel free:  It should make clear who and what he is.


Here is the law governing Mr. Stone below as shown to us by law enforcement.  It is obvious from his comments that he stalked EOPC here to RipOffReport thereby confirming he stalks and attacks:


Section 43A. (a) Whoever willfully and  maliciously engages in a knowing pattern of conduct or series of acts  over a period of time directed at a specific person, which seriously alarms that person and would cause a reasonable person to suffer substantial emotional distress, shall be guilty of the crime of criminal harassment and shall be punished by imprisonment in a house of correction for not more than 21/2 years or by a fine of not more than $1,000, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
The conduct or acts described in this paragraph shall include, but not be limited to, conduct or acts conducted by mail or by use of a
telephonic or telecommunication device or electronic communication device including, but not limited to, any device that transfers signs,
signals, writing, images, sounds, data or intelligence of any nature transmitted in whole or in part by a wire, radio, electromagnetic,
photo-electronic or photo-optical system, including, but not limited to, electronic mail, internet communications, instant messages or facsimile communications.

(b) Whoever, after having been convicted of the crime of criminal harassment, commits a second or subsequent such crime, or whoever
commits the crime of criminal harassment having previously been convicted of a violation of section 43, shall be punished by
imprisonment in a house of correction for not more than two and one-half years or by imprisonment in the state prison for not more than
ten years.


EOPC applauds Hubpages and Wordpress for finally reading his writings for themselves and doing the right thing.  Bravenet,
according to RipOffReport - has a record of bad services and we are not surprised to see Stone exploit this.

We stand by what we said about Bravenet.  Be sure Stone will be back to try to garner more attention for his preposterous claims.  Apologies for him using your site as yet another platform.


No Assumptions Barbara

#3General Comment

Sat, February 02, 2013

I don't think you will find this letter sent round to others, very amusing. EOPC is all over.  Your attack on businesses when you don't get your way? Disgusting. And your ingratiating plug of Michael Roberts very suspicious...
Have a read http://garystonepeabody.blogspot.com/2013/02/the-cyberpath-blogs-rip-off-report.html


United States of America
Stone is back with more ridiculous assumptions

#4Author of original report

Thu, October 04, 2012

"Hey Barbara, you've managed a pun, magnificent. Let's don't get coy though, hacking is just what Ricky and you do."


Mr. Stone Mr. Stone Mr. Stone - ha ha ha ha ha!


EOPC Punning now, triffic

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, October 03, 2012

Hey Barbara, you've managed a pun, magnificent. Let's don't get coy though, hacking is just what Ricky and you do. You know your question is answered on this page don't you?

As you know I've copied your page, and it's fairly obvious Bravenet isn't the only site you attacked, you managed to out do yourself in hypocrisy, attacking the rip off report too for the post on Michael Roberts.

It seems eopc also aspires to be an extra legal oganiZation just like Rexxfield


Looks like your hero Roberts is going down in flames. You've already augered in, you just don't know it yet.

There are numerous images on my site depicting malware on your sites and all of Rick and Elaine's sites. Michelle Comford Jone's has also had malware on hers. (check with Betsy Ashyby - on that one) Maybe we ought to provide a full education on what
you really are at EOPC by citing your ex -communication from the cassiopaea forums April or so 2011. I think you last about three pages before Guardian rips off your mask.

Clue Barb: You are Purple Haze. Purple Haze is "fighter" Fighter is Barbara Camwell Ness.


United States of America
Stone = Clueless as a Rock

#6Author of original report

Wed, October 03, 2012

Do you have a letter or documentation from Bravenet proving someone 'HACKED' them?

Or is this more of your inane accusations Mr. Stone?


The EOPC Irony, the hacked Bravenet in 2009

#7General Comment

Mon, September 24, 2012

The real obscenity is, the last speaker here, Rick Kline, before attacking bravenet here over nothing, hacked Bravenet in 2009, This hacker works for Irace.com. Why he hasn't been sacked is beyond me, but, gambling companies only deal with odds. If the odds that he is a liability go up he will be sacked. I intend to increase those odds.

The eopc group are what they report. This time they attacked a business, and violated the business in a criminal act they committed 3 years ago. I think if Bravenet checks it's servers it can verify this information. 


United States of America
at it again

#8General Comment

Tue, August 28, 2012

Gary Stone Gary Stone Gary Stone
at it again
post isn't even about him but about Bravenet but here he is making it all about poor martyred Gary Stone

like a monkey in a zoo flinging his own feces here is Gary Stone flinging his wild acusations and paranoid conspiracy theories
pay no attention to the little man behind the keyboard people
fired from his nursing job for insubordanation now a full time wacko blogger


As for Bravenet they did take Stoney's blog down
it was unreadable anyway


More Crackers from EOPC

#9REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, August 28, 2012

There was one article removed by the hub, censored by you. Now, you say they were "very good" about it. Post the full exhchange cover to cover with full headers. Let's "see" what you said. Also, you say they were very good about removing my writings, intimating my account was shut down. That is false. I shut my own account down. You've been attacking the hub articles since 2010. Also my music in three separate locations, You were saying such things as
    "gary stone only writes to inflate his ego"
    "alleged nurse"
    etc. Leaving wry little comments
    as the "demonic proofer. October 2010 etc. While you were posting "fairy stories" soundclick.
    All you prove is you can "say" anying, and use histronics to good effect, to get an emotional reaction from staff. You did this all of 2008 - 2009. But here's the rub. While directing the rip off report to your site. What they should immediately see, as the rest of us can see it is this:
    anonymous victims 2
    anonymous writers 4
    anonymous FBI agents
    Anonymous Police
    Anonymous psychologists Anonymous forensics experts, etc,  Ficticious brain tumors. and a host of unsubstantiated
    preposterous lies.  Statements that were disproved in 2008 -2009. Reviewed again in 2010    2011, and again this year.
In fact that blog was "Ordered down" by Scott Powers your own PI in 2009.  What iVe learned form you is, we can ask for your real Ip, your real ISP and your real name and hear nothing but the sounds of silence. Meanwhile you flood the Internet with anonymous propaganda, as if by lying often enough, you can make a lie true. You can continue your flood if wish. When you're in a hole, it's your perogative to keep digging. All of your legal stuff, is total crap. Think about the logistics you admit you are in a foreign country. Where is the juristication In fact, I challenge you to sue me. But be prepared for the counter suit when you lose. Do something real. And good luck, because the scenario I see is a bunch of hooded accusers and hooded victims making in an imaginary court saying "he thinks we're us, but we're not us...and they are victims" I think I read something like it in Frantz Kafka, The Trial. Let me put it to you bluntly, you're nuts.
Powers arguing with one of your more insane and intractable idiots. He looks brilliant by comparisson.  


United States of America
Mr Stone - At His Nonsense Again - 5 years and running

#10Author of original report

Tue, August 28, 2012

"The cyberpath blog is run by Barbara Camwell Ness, but she's handed control over to Michelle
Comford Jones, Elaine May Smith and Rick Kline in Britain. They use  witchita and Arizona proxie servers to post, hide their identities.

" Ness still runs the smear blog. But there is so much heat on her, she's gone into a dissociative state. In massive denial about everything.

"Ness's husband works for Moody's as a data analyst and doesn't want to be connected  to the blog vis a vie his wife Barbara."


This is Mr. Stone.  A harasser of our blog and our members for 5 years. None of these people he names have anything to do with our blog.  A forensic expert confirmed that all the above assertions are false and always have been.  There is something wrong with this man Stone.  It is about time that the platforms he blogs on took action and shut him down.  But Stone's delusions are so that he makes unsubstantiated claims of hacking.  Free to look at his blog noted above and see if any of it makes sense to you.  It appears the writings of a lunatic with a computer.  Stone defames, blames and slanders old members of our site and people he does not know who do not and have never run our blog.

If you wish to read about Stone please feel free:  It should make clear who and what he is.


Here is the law governing Mr. Stone below as shown to us by law enforcement.  It is obvious from his comments that he stalked EOPC here to RipOffReport thereby confirming it:


Section 43A. (a) Whoever willfully and  maliciously engages in a knowing pattern of conduct or series of acts  over a period of time directed at a specific person, which seriously alarms that person and would cause a reasonable person to suffer substantial emotional distress, shall be guilty of the crime of criminal harassment and shall be punished by imprisonment in a house of correction for not more than 21/2 years or by a fine of not more than $1,000, or by both such fine and imprisonment. The conduct or acts described in this paragraph shall include, but not be limited to, conduct or acts conducted by mail or by use of a telephonic or telecommunication device or electronic communication device including, but not limited to, any device that transfers signs, signals, writing, images, sounds, data or intelligence of any nature transmitted in whole or in part by a wire, radio, electromagnetic, photo-electronic or photo-optical system, including, but not limited to, electronic mail, internet communications, instant messages or facsimile communications.

(b) Whoever, after having been convicted of the crime of criminal harassment, commits a second or subsequent such crime, or whoever commits the crime of criminal harassment having previously been convicted of a violation of section 43, shall be punished by imprisonment in a house of correction for not more than two and one-halfyears or by imprisonment in the state prison for not more than ten years.

EOPC applauds Hubpages and Wordpress for finally reading his writings for themselves and doing the right thing.  Bravenet, according to RipOffReport - has a record of bad services and we are not surprised to see Stone exploit this.

We stand by what we said about Bravenet.  Be sure Stone will be back to garner more attention for his prepousterous claims.  Apologies for him using your site as yet another platform. 


Bravenet is not the Guilty Party

#11REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, August 26, 2012

The EOPC bludgeoned them into submission. While they smeared me all over the internet in 2008 and 2009, Bravenet was the only service other than blogger that allowed me
to refute their smears. But they went to Google and labeled my rebuttal  malware. Bravenet
took to the time to get the false notice removed.  The cyberpath blog is run by Barbara Camwell Ness, but she's handed control over to Michelle Comford Jones, Elaine May Smith and Rick Kline in Britain. They use witchita and Arizona proxie servers to post, hide their identities.

 Ness still runs the smear blog. But there is so much heat on her, she's gone into a dissociative state. In massive denial about everything.

I am not surprised Bravenet caved, but they were threatned with nothing but hot air., and these people use exactly these technigues to censor any criticism. They see it this way. If they can muscle my rebutal down - they can argue that Bravenet saw their so called victim was a victim - but that is not the what really happened. Bravenet was relenetlessly brow beaten, and riddled with empty threats.
I take full responsibility for what I say. I don't use proxies and I don't hide. Nor do I lie Those who attacked
Bravenet engaged in a very sophisticated highly evolved form of censorship. Eopc has developed this technique over many years, and it works very well for them. But they've bene reported to Ic3.gov numerous times. Not just by me, but by many people. Part of the reason for he move to Britain is juristiction. It is problematic. The other reason is, Ness's husband works for Moody's as a data analyst and doesn't want to be connected  to the blog vis a vie his wife Barbara.



EOPC, Bullies Bravenet

#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, August 26, 2012

In 2008 - 2009. EOPC or the cyberpath blog, ran 5 articles in no less than 12 blog hosts: zimbio, Mindsay, Wordpress blog catalog, RSS news feeds, twitter. etc. on and on, massive propagation: 6 pages of negative information filled Google. During that time Bravenet and blogger were the only places I could go to refute their story.

 In other words, they were shutting me down everywhere by using massive amounts of pathos, badgering of blog support, what you have seen here is censorship, the eopc way. They have flooded the Ripoff report, intimidating Bravenet with many pages about how Bravenet is a rip off because EOPC wasn't getting its way. Now it's time to show Bravenet who they are and what they are. Cyberbullies, crackpots, hackers, smear artists and very effective censors. They are 100 percent hot air. They've been reported to Ic3 numerous times
This link will eventually tell the whole story of eopc.
I will show everyone exactly how they operate so that nobody is bullied or intimidated by these anonymous cowards again. I didnt think bravenet would cave. But I don't begrudge them. They were duped


Report Attachments


United States of America
More 'crack' help from BRAVENET's legal turkeys

#13Author of original report

Tue, August 21, 2012

"Bravenet Web Services Support [Coal - Support Night Manager]
August 21, 2012 12:45:05

Dear Eopc,

We have received the following response from our legal department.

"There is insufficient information to support our taking any action at this time. It's unclear what material is objectionable, why it is objectionable, or how the complainant has standing with regard to this matter.


Given the rude and unhelpful communications from the complainant, I suggest that he (or she) have a representative from the Massachusetts Atty General's office contact us with any further requests for removal."


Thanks BRAVENET for being so responsive to our already traumatized members who have been harmed by the author of this defamatory and ridiculous blog. 

Reports & Rebuttal
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