  • Report:  #1209880

Complaint Review: Cabo for sale/ Cabo Cribs - Cabo San Lucas Internet

Reported By:
John Jones - San Pedro, California,

Cabo for sale/ Cabo Cribs
Plaza de la Danza Cabo San Lucas, 23410 Internet, USA
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On approx July of 2013, I (representing my friend who inherited the house from the death of his dad) contacted Leeroy Jarvis at Cabo for sale/ cabocribs to sale a house in Pedregal, Cabo San Lucas. Although seeming very slick, it was evident from the start that Mr Jarvis was very inexperienced. He assured me that he was having trouble selling the house because of the economic times and that he would sell it.

He let prospective buyers change documents at will hoping that we would not notice causing my friend to be very skeptical. I assured my friend to stick with Mr Jarvis because I trusted him.

He rented the house out without the owners consent, while pocketing the money himself, only later contacting the owner to help evict tennants. The tennants came back and stole property which he wanted the owner to pay for.

Mr Jarvis asked me numerous times for my assistance in selling the house assuring me that he would "Make it worth my time." Because my friend had no money, I purchased a cell phone for him so that Mr Jarvis could stay in contact. We agreed that he would pay me $3,000, which was later revised to $2,200. I could not get him to give me that in writing but I did take his word for it.

Because of Mr Jarvis inexperience and incompidence the house was on the market for over a year. Unfortunately, the hurricaine hit and did $30,000 damage, which my friend had to drop the house $60,000.

Mr Jarvis waited until the last document was signed before he told me that he would not pay me for my time and effort. I have made several calls to his office and he will not return my calls.

My Jarvis is the reason that many Americans are leary about investing in Mexico.

1 Updates & Rebuttals


cabo san lucas,
All Lies from John Jones.

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, March 19, 2015

John Jones Came to Los Cabos with my client Chris Kefalas and a woman named Lisa around July 0f 2013, looking to sell a home they were not sure that my client Chris Kefalas even owned. Chris Kefalas dad had died 8 months prior to their arrival. They came with a pile of papers all in Spanish and were not sure if the house that Chris’s dad owned here in Cabo was even given or willed to Chris on the death of his father. As a matter of fact Chris’s dad’s total estate in California was worth over 20 million dollars. Which Chris Kefalas, my client, was willed 1 dollar of the total amount of Mr. Eugene Kefalas estate. I felt very bad for Chris as his dad left him nothing. John and his partner Lisa were both hoping that we could somehow fudge the paperwork on the title of the home so that Chris would end up being the beneficiary of the home. They were sure that the home would be found not to be willed to Chris as his dad left him nothing state side of the border. I was not in contention with this idea of changing paperwork to the benefit of Chris and had a small taste of the type of people I was dealing with. After further review of the title I was very relieved to find that Chris Kefalas was the sole beneficiary of the home. 

After several days with these people (John and Lisa) I started getting the feeling that they were not there out of the goodness of their hearts. They told me that they were old friends of Chris’s family and that they just wanted to help Chris get what was rightfully his. After several months of having the home listed on the mls I realized that Chris had no money to keep up the home. The water, electricity and HOA fees were all adding up. I was having a very hard time getting a hold of Chris since john told me he lives in a van most of the time. That Chris was actually homeless and dumpster dives for a living collecting metals and bottles. I thought this to be very strange that a homeless person owned this home which we originally listed for just under a million dollars. I knew nothing of any of these people but started getting a clear idea of what I was dealing with. Several months went by and I had many offers. It was almost impossible to get a hold of Chris as he had no phone or email address but John Jones told me he would be the person that would find Chris for signatures etc. whenever I needed them. Months went by and the offers were getting were lower than we had expected. We were finding that the value of the home was far less than we had originally thought. 

I found out about half way through our listing contract that the deal between John Jones, this Lisa lady and Chris Kefalas was that Chris was supposed to give john and Lisa Half of the proceeds of the sale to them as commissions for helping him. John Jones told me that he was a crystal meth dealer and that he and Lisa were creating a script to make a movie about John Jones gangster crystal meth drug dealing days and that the proceeds were to go to creating a movie. I couldn’t believe what I got myself into. Had I known any of this I would have never taken on this listing. I had already spent thousands of my own dollars keeping up all the bills and keeping the pool looking good and the garden nice. I was into it up to my neck. I told John Jones that I could not spend any more of my money keeping up the home. That they somehow had to come up with money to keep up the home. John suggested that we rent it out short term to pay the bills. He told me that it would be ok with Chris and that he would let him know. So I rented the house out to some people who stopped paying the rent. They stayed for a couple months racking up the bills. I had to pay for everything again. I had to evict them and I was back to square one. Then I got some other renter in who did the same thing. Stopped paying. Evicted him too. The money I received for rent did not even come close to coving all the bills. So upside down I was even further.

Finally we had an accepted offer on the house way less than listing price. Chris Kefalas was not happy about this and I felt that the deal that they all had together was changing as Chris was getting a lot less than what they originally dreamed the home was worth. Which in the very beginning they thought was worth millions. The price we got was what the home was worth. John Jones started not wanting to help me anymore with getting signature from Chris which it was impossible for me to do. I started having to bargain with John Jones to help me get these last signatures we needed to complete the sale. I basically had to beg and barter with him. For someone doing this out of the kindness of his heart he sure was not willing to help any longer considering he was not going to get the half he originally wanted. So I told him I would pay him some money to get a signature. Which he reluctantly agreed too. I needed this sale to go through or I was in the hole for thousands. Finally we had a firm sale. 5 days before the close of the sale we had a huge hurricane and did around 30k damage to the home. Chris did not have the funds to fix the home so the buyers offered him to reduce the price by 60k to cover all damages. If he could not fix himself that was the only thing the buyers were willing to offer. Chris agreed. In the meantime because the windows and doors were all broken some items got stolen from the house. A big screen TV and dvd player. Which we ended up having to pay for. 

Wrapping things up here. After the sale was all firm and we were moving towards closing and transferring ownership to the new owners. John Jones calls me and reminds me of the $2200 dollars that we had agreed I would give him in the conversation 6 months prior. I fought john a little on that because I had lost so much more money on the home since we had made that verbal agreement. I wanted to work with him on that and wanted him to lower it because I had so many more costs after the hurricane. Having to hire a cleanup crew, paying for a new TV, more electrical bills etc. etc. He did not want to negotiate at all period. I was a little upset with that, but still told him that I would keep my word. I wasn’t happy about it because he was being so inconsiderate about it. Not thinking about the nightmare and costs I had come out of pocket with. It took a couple more weeks to finally close. He kept calling the office daily wondering about his money. So much that we stopped answer the phone when he called. I told him that I would call him as soon as it closed and when the money was in the bank. I told him that we could not pay him until we got paid. The very day we finally got confirmation that we were paid he started writing lies about how we stole money from him and his his friend and other complete lies posting them all over various different Facebook pages. With a clear intent of Defamating our character. At that point we then told John Jones that he would not be receiving any money from us and in fact could be looking charges against him for defamation of character and with no proof of any of his claims. We were very willing to pay John Jones his money. If had of expressed a little more patience he would have recieved what we agreed on. He really showed his true colors throughout this very lengthy and difficult sale. The entire thing was a nightmare and we are all so glad that it is over.

John Jones is not an honest person and not a good friend to Chris Kefala.

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