  • Report:  #1098409

Complaint Review: cam4 - Select State/Province

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dc91915 - CHULA VISTA, California,

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This is a draft I was going to send to cam4 management until I realized they are involved as well:  

To: CAM4 Management and Staff

RE: Invasion of Privacy, Cyber-Stalking, Perverse Abuse and Harassment, Unauthorized use of my likeness and participation in broadcasts, Breaking and Entering.

Dear CAM4 Management:

I demand you have your employees, staff and/or associates stop the continued harassment I have endured over the course of several days in a row now.  There are several names I will list for you as to the active participants involved.  The two ringleaders are: Ashley and Mike.  The reason I know these names is they are continually and boldly talking amongst themselves in normal conversation as well as I have approximately 15 hours of recorded dialogue of them doing this.  In addition to this non-stop talking, they have also been recorded deliberately harassing me at all hours of the day and night. They have had several different “associates” rings into my home, call out my name or “Pisces” which is part of my screen name on cam4, in the middle of the night while doing some perverse type of sounds as though I was actively participating in this.  By this I mean, a female called out my name (Pisces) one night over and over and then made sounds as though she were participating in some sort of sex act with me.

The male of the two waited last night until I had just lay down to sleep and repeatedly called out “Pisces, I can see you Pisces”; this goes on for hours. I have shut down my computers at night, went as far as covering up my computer and TV monitors with towels and other means, and they still persist. I first heard them through my computer. Then as I traveled through my home, I would hear them making further comments about what I was wearing, my hairstyle and my tattoos, and on and on.  For your information, my tattoos are located on my lower back and buttocks. There is no was any computer camera was in sight as I changed in my master bedroom closet and bathroom, yet the female was heard saying, “look at his tattoos.” Besides the computer, they know of and are using other means to observe me. 

They have be recorded making fun of me when my elderly dog went missing for a day or two. They would call out his name in the middle of the night and just be down right obnoxious.  The have been recorded chanting about me in a song the female was leading with your staff.  There are numerous voices backing her up and they had a big laugh over it at my expense.  I know they have broadcast me without my knowledge, consent or authorization. They are watching our every move and trying to get, and probably have gotten, our security information such as passwords, accounts numbers, etc. I know this as a fact as I overheard the male say to the female as I typed in a password, “Did you get it?” by which she replied, “No” in a disappointed manner. Yesterday, as I was trying to remember one of my passwords that I recently changed due to this situation, she blurted out one of the words we’ve used in the past.  I was shocked as would anyone upon hearing such blatant comments. Very unsettling.

Whether Ashley and Mike are their real names or not is information I can not confirm. The way I know this is they had a heated discussion one night and he kept whining her name as Ashley and she would bark back her response to a Mike.  One evening they enlisted the help of a “co-worker” named Erica who is well aware of the goings on of these two as I a higher up male manager whose name I did not get. I did hear him ask these two if “they had anything on me” which lends to even further deception and collusion amongst your staff.

This situation was brought to the attention of your technical staff a while ago via your “contact us” form through cam4.  Someone by the name of Brin responded to my initial concerns and dismissed them as my inability to tell the difference from a pop-up advertisement and someone speaking my name aloud. After I refuted her findings, her supervisor, Kim, responded with the same sort of dismissive manner.  First, he said is it impossible to have dialogue between the “performers” and members. He said unless my camera was turned on to broadcast, no one could see me.  You should know as well as I do this is completely false. I have had direct conversations with performers with two-way dialogue. I know this for a fact for numerous reasons, one in particular is when I went into a performers room (no camera on) and he looked directly at me and said, “I remember you. You have the nice smile.” He knew this because…? This Kim then went on to say there is nothing he could do because this is simply not possible.  When I refuted his findings once again, I got no further response.

The female seems to be in charge or holds a supervisory position.  This is my impression based on hearing them speak and her spiteful and vindictive behavior.  They are continually mocking me and causing great levels of anxiety. The male seems rather passive and is told what to do by her. He seems to only “man up” after the lights go out for the night or when I tell them to stop bothering me as I lash out in a heated, insulting way.  I can only stand so much before I lash out.  When the situation seems to merit it, he “comes alive” and starts in.  He probably has more to do with it than I give him credit for, but his passive nature makes me think otherwise.  They have looked up my address and looked at my home on Google Earth or some sort of manner. I know this because he was recording saying, “Look at his house”. Why would they need to be looking at my house? Why are they calling out my dog’s name in the middle of the night? Why are all sorts of various, nefarious people bothering me at all hours? Simple answer would be, they are under her direction. Apparently I offended or did something that she didn’t like and she became a typical woman and went on the attack by being petty and spiteful; some would call it immature and b****y.  I would be one of those people.

I have a heart condition and my partner has a chronic illness.  The anxiety this has produced has given me chest pains all weekend. My partner has been out of the situation until today. I convinced him I wasn’t just “hearing voices” when I played the recordings for him.  We now stand united.

For your information, I have already filled out an on-line complaint with the FBI’s IC3 division regarding Internet abuse and harassment. I have spoken to a local FBI field officer a few days later away of my home.  The Internet service provider, COX Communications, is aware of the situation and assured me that what they are doing is possible and unfortunate.  Our satellite TV company, DirecTV, is also aware of the situation and assured me of the possibility that what these two are doing has happened to other customers before, not necessarily by them, but the point is they are acting criminally with complete and bold disregard to my privacy.  I have asked them several times to stop doing what they are doing. I have researched this topic and have found out how this type of issue should be handled. The first step is to directly tell them to stop. Next is to contact the authorities that has been done and will continue tomorrow when the San Diego District Attorney’s office is contacted. Finally, I have decided to reach out to the cam4 staff in an effort to have your management staff put an end to it.

Have this abusive behavior of these two stop immediately. I am fully prepared to move matters forward in any way I see fit should you not be able to get these two, and all others associated with this matter, to cooperate.

UPDATE: These people have now invaded my every day existence. They are in my home, every room and I do mean every room, my car, and everywhere I go.  The list of names gets even longer the more they are around and it has been about three weeks that I am aware of, I’m sure they’ve been around longer.  They have already broken into our home and continue to disrupt our lives.

I have heard the following names said out loud as part of this disgusting group of low-life people: Matt, Chad, Mike, Ashley, Erica, Brin, Kim, The Staff at CAM4 in the background.  I have recorded over 15 hours of their banter and have come to the conclusion that they are a group of thief’s intent on harassing my family and me and trying to take our livelihood away from us.  They are the lowest form of scum I have ever come in contact with and wish I had told about the CAM4 site.


ON TWITTER SHE IS @ashley506 and he has a business web site, www.erbanphoto.com

Thank you…

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It sad...

#2General Comment

Mon, November 11, 2013

 While I have no idea what type of website this is that you visit, its sad that these ppl feel they can invade your personal life. The only suggestion I can give is a rough one. COMPLETLY DISCONNECT!! NO INTERNET. NO POWER TO YOUR COMPUTERS! Take ANY device that can go online and lock it in a closet. These ppl are obviously thieves and need to be caught. These ppl are also as stupid as a pair of stumps because ANY offsite access is logged in SEVERAL different areas. Since Im sure they dont spoof thier IP EVERYTIME they logged in to harrass you, they have left digital fingerprints all over your computer.

I know the idea of NO INTERNET is a tough one to swallow. But I would suggest that YOU need the vacation away from these ppl. Also, you need to have Law enforcment ACTUALLY WITNESS the acts going on with these ppl. A recording really doesnt do much except show that there were live chats. A Law enforcment officer, or a detective, or maybe someone from ICE will step up and assist you with this.

Push comes to shove, YOU CAN SUE ANYONE FOR ANYTHING. This means you just need a Lawyer with some testicular fortitude and you can slap Civil suits all over that company. Hey, maybe you win and you get to be their boss. How great would that make you feel.

Probably as good as watching them get arrested.

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