  • Report:  #250653

Complaint Review: Camazon - Dublin

Reported By:
- Groton, Connecticut,

.camazon.com Dublin, Ireland
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Please bear with me as I pen my overlong missive; it's from the heart, though, so maybe that will make it worth the read.

You walk into a restaurant, sit down, look at the menu and decide what you want. The place seems nice. It's clean; the aromas of varied dishes tempt your olfactory senses. And you're as hungry as a team of Iditarod Huskies. You order from the rather pleasant, attractive waitress (by the way, you've reluctantly paid up front for your meal). Fifteen minutes later, your dishes are placed in front of you. There's only one problem: Instead of food on your plate, there're photographs of food. You ask your server if this is some kind of joke. She in all earnestness simply says enjoy your cuisine and walks away. You go back to the kitchen to complain and you suddenly realize that the kitchen is a blank wall and the staff has left the building.

Welcome to the dubious experience of Camazon. Or should I say Scamazon?

When I was a kid, many of my friends and I had imaginary companions. Perhaps to us these phantoms were very real. After all, kids throughout history have had rather vivid imaginations and we were no exception.

Little did I know that some Johnny come-lately would cook up a brilliant idea: Why not carry the idea of imaginary friends to a quantum level, AND, make bags of money at the same time?

To wit: The aforementioned adult dating site named Camazon; the name, no doubt, a play on words an oblique reference to that ubiquitous purveyor of records, tapes, CDs and nearly everything but the kitchen sink At least with the other site, though, you get what you pay for. If I send money for a CD of Sousa marches by the Goldman Band, for example, I can at least expect after a week or so - a familiar brown-paper-wrapped package in my mailbox. Or the knock on my front door as the UPS driver drops off a nearly identical package safely ensconced in corrugated cardboard. If theres a back order, I will be notified. I can wait for my CD, or get credit or a refund. With Camazon, the timeless warnings by P.T. Barnum have peculiar poignancy.

I must confess to being initially taken in by this clever sleight-of-hand. Someone said that you can't cheat an honest man. I should take stock. But that discussion can take place at another time.

The carrot: Scores and scores of attractive, available women of every shape, size and color from all over the U.S. and parts of Europe (even Oceania, Africa & Asia!), along with the free membership to establish a profile and receive messages and emails from interested members of the opposite sex. When one attempts to respond to these entreaties one is told (in effect): Sorry, such goodies are reserved for paying members. Naturally, any red-blooded guy will see these messages attached to alluring photos (in most instances). And that is one of the enticements; the girl next door can be as much of a hottie and just as available - as the $300.00-per-hour escort. Now hooked, our guy wants to take the next step and upgrade to full-fledged membership for a price, of course $29.99 for a 30-day membership. After signing up, with Master Card or Visa in hand, it is hoped that the women who messaged can be responded to.

The chase; the dance, the dialogue can begin, right?

Naturally, since they've initially messaged, one would assume they would still be interested and respond after a follow-up email, right? By the way, one may indicate varying levels of interest in a prospect, e.g., one can flirt, add someone to their favorites list, and email.

The stick: I asked myself this question: Since I've sent out close to 50 messages of interest to women including the ones who initially contacted me. I should have received a few replies, right? One would think so anyway, right? Right? Well, I received no responses. Not a single one since making payment.

Now, I may not look like Brad Pitt, but I don't have the visage of Igor, either. I'm what you;d call reasonably intelligent, fairly good-looking and semi-sane. After all, Camazon has sagely advised (I'm paraphrasing here) photo will garner 5 times more responses than a profile with no photo. Fair enough. So I should now get at least one response, right? Also, when I am told that a member is online and available for instant chat, I would be able to chat with that individual, right? Well

Nothing to see there, either. Nothing. Zilch, Zero, Nada. It is important to again stress that since paying for membership, not one message, flirt, email or the like has been received; even from those who had indicated initial interest

What can one conclude from such a situation? I will tell you what I have concluded. This Website is a scam, pure and simple. It is an empty well. It is said that communication goes both ways. The women on this site are apparitions; mirages, cleverly camouflaged as interested parties. Now, if I want to communicate with phantoms I will attend a seance.

This would be comical if it were not such an insult to one's intelligence. I see several possibilities here: Perhaps our good hornswogglers gathered stock photos of porn stars, party animals and the like and attached names and places to them. Sincere people, wanting to know what the hoopla is about, send in their photos and they attempt to communicate with the (few?) other sincere people on the site, but get nowhere. After realizing this hoax I immediately deleted my portrait (plain head shot) from the site and have not seen it there since. Now, wouldn't others remove their photos as well, realizing the game? I would say yes, but there's no way for me to conclusively tell All I know is I'm embarrassed to realize I've been such a sap.

Funny how my membership in this site has suddenly rendered me as ugly as sin, judging by the results I have (not) seen. I will say that there are plenty of alluring and sexy photos on this site. But photos are not what I am paying for. I am paying for actual dialogue with the opposite sex and prospective face-to-face contacts, pure and simple. The only extras I had gained from membership were access to more profile photos. If I want horn pictures I'll go to my local mart and obtain the latest copy of Hustler magazine. It would be lots cheaper than membership at Camazon, and less time-consuming. My suggestion? Stay well away from these charlatans and save your money. If you want to go there for the freebie membership and eye candy, fine. But KEEP it free and don't send these clowns one plugged nickel of your hard-earned money. If my experience can save just one guy from flushing his money down the commode, then this whole exercise will have been somewhat worth it. There are some good adult sites out there that will deliver - Scamazon isn't one of them. You just need to know where to look. And thanks for listening. Caveat Emptor Let the buyer beware".


Groton, Connecticut


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