  • Report:  #478425

Complaint Review: Canull Publishing Group - Indianapolis Indiana

Reported By:
- Bloomington, Indiana,

Canull Publishing Group
8425 Woodfield Crossing Blvd Indianapolis, 46240 Indiana, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I found a job on Craigslist.com for a executive position for a company named Canull Publishing Group. The lady that sent me an email did not call me and just set up an interview without me confirming so I contacted her by email and phone to let her know I would not be able to make it with such a short notice. Didn't get anything back, then she emailed me once again and setup another interview without my confirmation.

I called her and spoke with her over the phone where she then explained to me that after looking over my resume she would like to interview me for the Area Manager and that I would receive a salary plus commission. I told her that was fine I just didn't want to waste either one of our time if it was strictly commission. I met with her she was vague about the company, but I was not working full time and I needed a job asap.

I spoke with her and she said that I would be a perfect fit for the company and that I would be receiving a company car and a company cell phone, no time frame of when. So she loaded me with all kinds of material to read and said to be ready to start on Monday and that she would have all my executives there to start on Monday and to look for a place to have our meeting. I then went home and checked out the site, if you go to it you will see that it is not the best looking site,but remember I needed a job really bad at this point so I figured it was better than nothing, actually I thought wow this is a godsend.

Monday morning came and I was at the hotel a half an hour early. She was late and Tom which was my one executive was there on time. Everyone else was late and we all sat down and she started explaining to us what we would be doing and that there was another manager now. Jim was going to be the Senior Manager of the area. I thought that was kind of misleading from what she had told me previously. We then had our books set up to show our clients and we were in such a hurry because she was going to be late for one of her appointments so she had her daughter set them up for her and us.

We asked questions that were really not answered that well and told that she would get the answers to us via email. She explained how we would need to write down the time,business,yes or no and the reason why. She provided us with log sheets for each day. We then later were told that was not the way policy of how to do things and that they needed more info. We would not get paid till we provided them with this info until they called all the businesses and confirmed that we were there. Not what we were told in the meeting either.

She had explained to Jim and I both that we would receive a paycheck the next Friday for our salary, our commissions and our over rides from our executives. We would have our email addresses set up the next day and the executives information would be sent to us along with any resumes to review and meet with potential executives for the area. We were then told to hit the field. Thats right no walk along or any kind of real training just go do it pretty much.

So after my executive Tom and I did some row playing with each other we hit the field together and we walked all the businesses. I didn't think I should just let him go on his own since we were both new to this. So we met with about 20 businesses that day and wrote down question after question to have Debra answer them for us. So when I got home I used excel and made a spreadsheet of our hours and businesses visited. I sent them over to Jim along with some of the questions that we had.

Jim tried to contact Debra multiple times and never got anything back then I tried calling Debra and she called Jim and told Jim that I was to go through him with any questions that needed to be answered. So Jim got a few answers to our questions about 3 days later and quotes that we needed for clients. He then asked for our numbers to turn into Debra on Thurs or Fri. Thurs and Fri both came and Debra never showed up and never even called us to let us know what was going on.

So we then called her multiple times got no answer and no call back. So we called the company and reached Chris which told us she would contact Kevin. She called Jim back and was told that we would need to turn in all our contacts and logs before getting paid. So Jim told her that we had the log sheets which only included the business, time we were there, if it was a yes or no and the reason why. So we then had to contact these businesses and get names that we spoke with and I did so and got a few of their names but not all of them.

I was then told that they would need them all before we would be paid for them. This was not what we were told, the was she made it sound we were going to have these for our own file and to be able to remember our clients and their needs. As I told you the company has been misleading and misinforming us the whole time we worked for them. I will include a few emails that were sent back and forth between myself and Chris which was the lady that was supposed to be helping us get our checks. Notice how nice she is and then how rude she gets when I continue to call her about being paid.

The very first contact with the company through Craigslist

This cover letter can not convey the energy, spirit, and acuity I possess! I would prefer that you look upon this resume as a source of what could be, as I am quick to learn, absorb and have more capability than is currently being utilized.

I am looking for fulfilling a career with responsibility and the opportunity to be social and creative. You could characterize me as tenacious and demanding the best of me at all times. I have a tremendous thirst for knowledge and need to have an opportunity to continue learning as I master an area. I am outgoing and personable yet always maintain an air of professionalism.

My work history has prepared me for the position you are recruiting for and I believe I my experience would make an enormous contribution to your team.

May I have the privilege of interviewing with you? You may reach me anytime at (((redacted))) to schedule and interview. I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for your consideration

Dustin ****

I sent my cover letter to them this is what I received back

Chris Scott

to me

show details Jul 13


Follow up message

You must fill out the job application and submit your resume through the form. We will not accept resumes sent to us via the ad off of craigslist. You must fill out the form on our site fully and agree to our policy before we will consider you.


Job Application Received

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to me

show details Jul 13


Follow up message

This is a automatic response. DO NOT RESPOND! If you respond, your email and resume along with your application WILL BE DELETED. I have received your job application and will review your information. If you have not already, please submit your resume to me at this email address. A resume is required to apply. A decision will be made on your application within 48 business hours. If you do not hear back from us please do not call our email. We will contact all applicates that we feel are the best match for our company. You are welcome to re-apply again in 6 months if you are not contacted within the 48 hour time frame.

The next part I am including is the info sent to her which is what we were supposed to collect for our daily logs which she said to go ahead and email to her

I am not going to include all the business names and contacts that is not info I should share with everyone.

this is what I got back

Chris Scott

to me

show details Aug 4 (6 days ago)


Follow up message


Got it! I will forward it off to Kevin...... I am having problems with my reception and power because of the huge storm we had, so if you are unable to reach me, it is not because I am avoiding you, but because of the power outages and phone issues.

I am using my mother-in-law's computer for now and should be around it for another hour or so. After that I will be back home waiting for IPL and T-Mobile to fix the power/cell outage issues....

Thanks again and I am so sorry for the problems. Also, please forward a formal letter explaining your concerns and issues and I will forward them to Kevin as well.

Thanks again,

Dustin ****

to Chris

show details Aug 4 (6 days ago)


Follow up message

I will try to type out my feelings that I would rather explain to you in person, but this will have to do for now.

I made it very clear to Debra when I talked to her over the phone that I was not able to work unless I was getting paid a salary. She then explained to me that she was going to hire me as a account executive, but then she looked over my resume and said she would like to hire me as a area manager. I then met up with her and she shared info about the company and how I would be paid a salary, commission, and an override from my account executives. Furthermore she explained that I would also get a company car and a company cell phone.

I was also told that I would have account executives working for me and that I would be manager of the area. I then met with everyone on Monday and was told there was another account manager (Senior Account Manager) for the area along with me. I was told that I would have 5 other people working for me and Jim would have about the same amount for himself as well. Tom started work with us that same day as well. We were all sitting in the hotel lobby area when she explained what we would be doing and the incentives that each exec would receive.

We were also told that there were three cars in Indy waiting for us and that we would have a pick of a Ford Focus, or 2 Toyota's, Which again was not what she told me. Not a big deal but she had told me that we would be able to pick out a car at the dealership of our choice of color. We were not taken out to the field for a walk along and Tom and I were told to start that same day. So we did some row playing and then hit the field together. We walked all the businesses together for that day. Then the next day we worked on our own and Tom had some questions that he needed answers to.

Debra did not return my call and later told Jim that I was to report all questions to him. He then was not able to reach Debra and Tom was not getting questions or quotes that he needed. Tom then later resigned his position. Jim and myself continued working leads and was not making our quota. I was never forwarded anything for the info I needed and Debra never called Jim or myself back to schedule a time to turn in our sheets. Oh I almost forgot to mention that we were not told to get the contact name of the person. We were told to write down the business the time and yes or no with a reason. So that is what we filled out on the sheets.

The only reason I put some names on the sheet were for my own review at a later time. I just wrote most of my info on business cards so I would remember later. I was told that I would get paid 300 per week for salary and commission along with a override of my execs, which I never even had but one. I have produced the info you needed and if you have any other questions feel free to contact me and we can talk more. I may have left a few things out. I speak it better than writing it.

I will no longer work for this company. I would just like to receive my paycheck which I was promised and move on to another company. I thank you very much for your consideration and Chris you have been amazing with all the help you have provided. I appreciate your understanding and your patience with me. Thank you for letting me vent and just letting me speak.

Any questions please contact me @

or via email

Thanks again Chris for all your help in resolving this issue.

Dustin ****



Dustin ****

to Chris

show details Aug 5 (6 days ago)


Follow up message

I am up by the office right now. Is there any way I can drop off my materials and see when I will get paid?

Dustin ****

to Chris

show details Aug 5 (6 days ago)


Follow up message

I will be at the office at 3:30. If possible since I am in the area would you be able to cut me a check ?

Chris Scott

to me

show details Aug 5 (5 days ago)


Follow up message


I spoke with Kevin and he is verifying the leads you provided. Once the leads check out, you will be paid for them. Payroll checks are not issued out in the middle of the week. They are issued out every two weeks. If the list was provided last week, you would have been paid last week. Our company's policy states that it is your responsibility to turn these list in to us in order to be paid. You have to turn these list in each week to your manager via in person, email or fax. There will be a delay in your check because this was just provided to us yesterday, however I spoke with Kevin and he stated that he will look at your list over the next few days and verify the contacts. If all is well, he will have a check available for you by our next pay period which is August 14th.

Sorry for any confusion and let me know if you need any more help.

Christal Scott

Webdesign Manager

Dustin ****

to Chris

show details Aug 5 (5 days ago)


Follow up message

Well I know it isn't your fault but we were told she would pick them up and she never did. Never called us or anything. It wasn't our fault we were not provided the right information. I am not happy how things are working but at least they are working I guess. I just am going to be screwed till I have that money. I know that is not your problem but yeah. Well keep me posted on what Kevin decides since he is verifying them. I really don't know how he can verify them with no numbers or anything. I thought they for our use. The leads we accumulated were for us I thought, but whatever he decides I will need to know asap.



Chris Scott

to me

show details Aug 5 (5 days ago)


Follow up message


Kevin is actually looking up the businesses phone numbers and addresses and will be calling to verify. He also wanted me to ask what info you have on the appointments you wrote in. There was not info provided and he wanted to know why?


Christal Scott

Webdesign Manager

Dustin ****

to Chris

show details Aug 5 (5 days ago)


Follow up message

I met with people for job interviews and also for business appointments. I don't have that information. They said no so I didn't write them down. This is getting ridiculous, seriously I was not even told to write contacts or any info and now we are told that was what we were supposed to do. This was Debra not us and we seem to be the ones getting all the heat from it while she lied to us and gave us false information. What I gave you is all the info I have. I have no more. For all the BS we are having to deal with and not getting help in the first place and people not following through on what they said they were going to do, 600 dollars is starting to look like nothing. I drove my car all around town and walked from business to business for nothing it seems. If anything maybe this should come out of Debra's pay. Seriously we were fed a dream and in the end it just became a big nightmare.

I understand this is not your fault and I am not trying to get upset with you but I starting to think ripoffreport.com is looking pretty good right now. She needs to be fired for misleading employees or clients. I am done with all this s**t seriously I just want my money so I can never hear about this company or that deceiving woman again. Please make this happen and let me know when he has came to a decision so I can just move on and leave this in my past as a lesson learned. She didn't even email me back my paperwork so she never even gave me a copy of what I signed. I am way to trustworthy and I will learn to not be after this situation.

Thank you for the expedient response




Chris Scott

to me

show details Aug 5 (5 days ago)


Follow up message


I will express your concerns to Kevin when I speak with him tomorrow and see what he says. I know there is nothing that can be done to cut a check until pay day which will be the 14th. I will inform him of your concerns and issues with Deborah and assure you that the issues have been addressed with her, however I am not sure what was done/said as I am not privileged to that information.

All I am doing is being the mediator here and trying to help. Please do not include me in any complaints or reports you file as I really have done everything possible to help you and I am not an employee of this company but rather a subcontractor. I will talk to him again tomorrow and see if maybe if I can get this process moving faster for you.

Please, if there is anything I can do, please let me know..... I really wish you the best and if you need anything else, I should be up for a while longer.

Dustin ****

to Chris

show details Aug 5 (5 days ago)


Follow up message

Thank you for all your help. I am just really stressed because after tomorrow I will be sleeping out of my car and have no idea what I am going to do for the next two weeks. You have done nothing but help me so I appreciate that and I will not include you in any of my complaints I promise.

Chris Scott

to me

show details Aug 6 (5 days ago)


Follow up message


Thank you and again, I really wish there was more that I could do for you. I do know that Kevin had mentioned that we needed a address for you to send the check out and I am not sure if you gave that info to Deborah or not? Given the situation, do you have an address we can send the check to when he does cut it?

I will mention your situation to him tomorrow and see if that may help. But I can not promise that it will help or get the check out any sooner, because of the company's policy. I will mention it though and I do wish you the very best. I regret that things did not work out for you with our company and wish you the very best.

Dustin ****

to Chris

show details Aug 8 (3 days ago)


Follow up message

I am so sorry I haven't got back to you. Please let Kevin know that I am not able to get online or check my voicemail at the moment I am using other peoples connections to send emails. I found one that is working pretty well. I figured I should touch base with you and see what he has decided. Thank you for all your help. I should have a address to send my check or if I have to I may just have to come pick it up when he has it ready. I hope you received all the materials that I left at the front desk.

Please let me know if you need anything else from me. I will try to check this here in a couple days and see what you have found out.

Thank you


Okay well this is where I decided to put Chris in the middle of this situation. She was okay with me talking to her late at night and then I tried calling the company multiple times and left messages and got nothing back so of course I resorted to calling her cell phone to get answers. I never received anything back then she sends me this letter. Very rude!! letter I just want my money nothing more and nothing less. She didn't want me to call her cell but that is the number she left everytime at the end of the email message.

Chris Scott

to me

show details 10:34 AM (2 hours ago)


Follow up message


PLEASE do not call me. email me or bother me about this issue again. I have already told you everything that I was told and calling me is not going to get anything done faster and is only causing suspicions over the list you provided and has become harassing. I already told you that Kevin has your list and is reviewing it. That's it. Once he is done and if everything checks out okay, he will mail a check to the address the company has for you on file on August 14, 2009. I also told you previously that he would mail the check out to you if your list checks out okay.

I will let you know that there are still serious concerns over the list you provided as you failed to provide info about the appointments and "job interviews" you provided on the list as I previously informed you. The biggest concern is over why you failed to keep accurate records not only for the company, but for yourself. You should have kept records of the people you interviewed even if they said no to the job and since you can not verify this, you will not be paid for that time.

You also indicated on the list that you were asked to "come back" and "follow up" with people but you did not provide any details on what happened with those, who you spoke with, etc. Unless you can provide this information, you will not be paid for them. The way you follow up with us and call on a daily basis has us wondering why you did not do this with some of the people on your list?

Again, I consider this matter closed and resolved. There is nothing more that I can do to assist you and I am not able to accept your calls or respond to you after this email is sent. Calling and emailing about this matter will only delay the verification process and could result in a longer delay in verifying your list and getting a payment (if applicable) to you. If you continue to call thinking this will speed the process up, it will not. Instead it will further delay the process for an additional two weeks. So please stop. I can not continue to take my time and deal with this matter. It was resolved last week and is still at the same place it was the day you provided the list. There are not updates to give you or any reason for you to continue to call.

While I have tried to be nice and help you with this matter, I do not appreciate being woken up by my cell phone going off at the crack of dawn. I work odd hours and do not take calls before 10AM and am telling you now to not call my personal cell phone again. You should only be calling our office number of 888-800-4304. Again, do not call my cell phone again.

I will advise you that if you call or email about this issue again, it will be considered harassment and advise you to seek legal council to resolve the issues.

So what do you think ? This company has been around for 7 years they say but I have never heard of anything at all about this company. There is barely anything at all on them on the net except jobs and their one website.

Please do not work for this company you will not get paid and you will just be sold a dream and given a nightmare.

Any questions please feel free to contact me

Thank you


Bloomington, Indiana


CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Dustin Buyer's verision of events are a bit exaggerated and misleading


Sun, August 23, 2009

Dustin contacted me in regards to his position with the company and his pay. I explained to him on several occasions that I do not have the authority to do anything or really to help him but I would try to see what I could do. (Big mistake, I later discovered.) He expressed concerns over not being able to reach our District Manager for a few days and that he was not comfortable working for the company anymore. I explained to Dustin several times that I would pass his concerns on to Kevin and his manager, Deborah but that I am only in charge of the Web Design Department and they were the ones he would need to deal with. I did communicate with Dustin via email and phone as he continued to call up to our office daily. I explained to Dustin that when I started with the company I held the same position as he was holding at that time and I know what is involved in the duties/requirements. He expressed that he was never informed that he needed to keep a record of what contacts he made for the day. Despite my doubts, I listened to his concerns and passed the information along. I did however point out several things to Dustin: 1. How are you to follow up with people if you do not keep log of who you met with. 2. You should always keep records of what you do not only for the company, but for yourself, should there ever be any issues or concerns over your work. He expressed that he felt uneasy with the company after meeting our District manager, Deborah but continued to work for the company for two weeks. I informed Dustin and Jim that they both needed to communicate directly with Kevin and that I was no longer involved in the matter as it was "over my head" and I was told to not be involved any more and to refer them to speak only with Kevin or Deborah. Jim did understand that, however Dustin refused to. Dustin and Jim were both told that they were required to provide a Daily Log record once per week to Deborah by email or fax with the name of the company and the person they spoke to at the time of hire and they signed our company's paperwork which indicates this as well. They both denied they were ever informed of this, despite being told they signed our company policy forms. Once they provided the list, Kevin would verify that they did make contact and if everything was accurate they would be paid. Dustin provided a list that was sent by email to me. I then forwarded it to Kevin. Dustin's list was very questionable from the start. Dustin indicated the name of the businesses and notes about the visit with the company. There were many that said "follow up" and "return at 0:00, but there were no notes regarding the follow ups. Dustin's list also indicated he was "interviewing" but did not keep records of the "interviews" or any applicant's information. Dustin also admitted to me that he had been looking for another job during that time. (I am not sure why he thinks our company owes him for the time he spent looking for a job with another company.) Dustin began calling me at early morning hours on my personal cell phone to inquire about the "status" of his list being verified. I had previously informed him three times that Kevin had his list and was looking into it and that our pay period was not until 8-14-09. I informed him again that I needed to stay out of it and he needed to speak with Kevin or Deborah. Dustin did not listen and continued to call and even called me as early as 6:50 AM. At this point I did have enough of it and sent him a email indicating how upset I was. I will admit I may have been mean, but given the fact Dustin was told numerous times by Kevin and myself to not contact me again, he failed to listen. I expressed my concerns with Kevin over the ways Dustin was acting and handling the situation. Dustin failed to provide a list as required by our company and missed our payroll deadline which delayed the process of him getting paid on 7-31-09. Upon further review, his list revealed that he did not make contact at the locations he indicated on the list and that he also neglected to include businesses that were next to each other that he failed to make contact with. His list indicated that it took business owners/managers up to 1 hour to tell him they were not interested in our company's services when this usually takes 10-15 minutes if the business has not said it within the first 3 minutes of speaking with our reps. The average appointment/consultation takes 20 minutes. The bottom line is that we have many employees that have great success at our company and they all follow the same procedures and policy. Dustin (and Jim) failed to follow the company policy/procedures and the list that Dustin provided was not accurate and was falsified. Dustin expresses concerns in this report about a company vehicle. I did inform Dustin that I was not aware of what agreement was made between him and Deborah and would look into it. Once I spoke with Kevin, I was informed that IF Dustin and Jim met the quota, they would be given a company vehicle and cell phone as stated in their contract. However neither met their quota and in a two week time frame, neither of them had ANY sells or success with their job description/duties. I am not sure why Dustin continues to worry about this particular issues as he did not have any sells and did not qualify for this benefit. Therefore this is irrelevant. Canull Publish Group has serviced the Indianapolis and surrounding cities for over 7 years, providing exceptional service. We have many satisfied and successful employees that have never had any issues or concerns like this. It is my personal belief that Dustin was attempting to take advantage of our company, thinking he could get away with providing a "Fake List" that would not be verified. Once he was informed the list would be verified because he is a new employee and under "probation" he became threatening with using ripoffreport.com and other agencies. I regret that Dustin felt the need to post such horrible, misconstrued statements against our company. Dustin also failed to mention that on 8-13-09 he left Kevin a voice mail indicating that he was still compiling the information that Kevin requested and he appeared to be cooperating. Which makes no sense to us because he filed the complaint against our company during our research period. We believe that Dustin knew his list was not correct and contained falsified information, and this is why he went on this site on 8-11-09. He knew he was not going to be paid on 8-14-09 once Kevin determined the leads were bogus and since he failed to provide the information he indicated on the saved voicemail that he was still working on. To this day, we have still not received the additional information from Dustin that he agreed to provide us in the voicemail he left for Kevin. Canull Publishing Group is a WONDERFUL company to work for and offers great benefits and great pay! Should anyone have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us and we will put your worries and concerns to rest!

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