  • Report:  #186327

Complaint Review: Capital Merchant Services - Denver Colorado

Reported By:
- Breckenridge, Colorado,

Capital Merchant Services
6795 E. Tennessee Ave, Suite 215 Denver, 80224 Colorado, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I called to say I did not want salesman to come to my house because my husband wasn't able to be there. The salesman, Greg White, shows up anyway and acts ignorant to the fact that I called. Makes a pretense of being extremely interested in my product, talks about how his company is a good fit for me because they are taking their company back to the "good old days" where people did business on a handshake, corporate america is too impersonal anymore, on and on. Anything that I seem to be receptive to, he quickly exploits and expounds as the concept of his company.

It all sounded way too good to be true, that they were going to build a web site for me for $109.00/month only and after 48 months there was no further obligation, the only additional charge was for the credit card and check cashing machine rental fee, but that was only $10 a month. Because he liked and saw so much potential in my product, he extended to me the credit card processing fee of 1.99% instead of 2.99% and checks were 25 cents per each, no matter what the amount. No other charges at all... ever... amen.

Inquiring as to why they were "seemingly" so generous, he stated "Hey, if you don't make money, we don't make money. We succeed by helping you succeed." and back to the handshake way of doing business malarkey.

He gave me a spiel that they would develop a site for me, it would be set up for e-commerce. All I would have to do, in his exact words... is wake up in the morning, look at my messages, fill the orders, the money would already be in my bank account.

I didn't sign anything that day. I informed him that I was currently was due to send out 1000 of my tools to a product testing program and that I didn't even have a possiblity of bringing in any money for months. He told me he would not have me have to make a payment until 2 months from signing in that case. I reasoned that allright, maybe people who are testing the tool would be interested in looking at my site. I hashed it over with my husband. What was the hook for me was that I didn't have any web experience, and very little computer experience, but I did need a website, and this was a way I could afford it. I was very up front with Greg White about my inexperience with computers.

He calls me in about 2 days and says "Hey, in my business, I come across a lot of people like you (suckers) who are trades people and I've shown a lot of them your brochure. I've had a lot of positive response... can you let me have some of those so I can hand them out?" and back to the we succeed if you succeed routine. I'm all impressed, as he probably expected, by this and, of course I agree to run some off for him.

He comes by that day and shoves the contract under my nose. Starts talking about how much he and his wife have in common with me and my husband, talks about travel, other "he's a common and good guy" topics. I'm reluctant to sign anything and he goes over everything I'm going to get... the website, e-commerce, no monthly fees except $109 and $10 ONLY, EVER and the $109 is only for 48 months and that is precisely for the web development and the $10 is for the rental of the machines. And... signing is only so he can get them going on the web development, as they can't start without the contract signed, see, they were a sub-contractor of theirs. Don't worry though, nothing is legal or formal until I see the site and give my approval. This he reiterated maybe 4 or 5 times. So, I signed, against my better judgement. Also, he needed a voided check, ONLY so my information could be entered into their system, because, again, nothing happens until I give my approval.

He runs by the next day, installs the machines in my office and that consumated the act. About two weeks later I get the contract in the mail and the percentage on it is filled in as 2.99 percent instead of the 1.99 he said... No problem, just some miscommunications, I'll fix it, no big deal. We go over all the other possible charges on the form and he explains them all away... no you won't be charged that, that charge is only if a check bounces or a credit card is declined after approval, etc. He had an answer to everything. He'll get the corrected paperwork right over to me.

Prior to that event, I could leave a message and he would contact me. After that, I could write a message in the sky and he wouldn't acknowledge it.

Next thing I know, money starts getting taken out of my bank account. And its not the amounts I was led to believe they would be, they are much higher and there are ones that I was told I wouldn't be charged for. Now I call Greg White on numerous occasions and leave messages for him to call me, and I don't hear from him ever. I have a home phone, business line and toll free linem mobil phone and e-mail... and I never get contacted by him ever again.

So, I call the business office. I speak to Chris Royal, manager. He tells me Greg is one of his best men. He's just too busy, but don't worry, he personally will see that I get a credit right away and get that paperwork changed... Do I have a fax #, because he'll fax me a copy of the credit right now, No? I'll drop it in the mail. Guess what...??? It never came.

And neither did the credit. After numerous calls and getting ignored now, my husband calls, and Chris Royal tells him, it takes 6 weeks to get a credit, not the I already have it that he told me over the phone. Further, after numerous communications with the web site developers, Global Response Technologies, and I have submitted reams of information for my site, I get a wiseguy email from one of the techs telling me he didn't know what to do so he just put a "damned" bucket on the page. I still have this email.

So, a heap of money being taken out of my account on a regular basis, being obviously mislead and lied to by the salesman, the manager is swearing to these lies, just to get me off his back, and the web developers just blow me off. After three months, and I've not ran a single credit card or check through this system of theirs, and I get $39 deducted from my account in addition to all the other amounts and this one is for bankcard settlement, a quarterly fee. I call about this and ask why it costs $39 to add zero and zero to come up with zero? I get a smart aleky response that I was the idiot who signed the contract. And Chris Royal will no longer take my calls. Now that's service.

And I can go on, because this is an ongoing issue, but I'm getting sick to my stomach.


Breckenridge, Colorado

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