  • Report:  #289181

Complaint Review: Carisa Sanders Marketing - Superior Telemarketing Services - C. Sanders Ent. - Sand32 - Brooklyn New York

Reported By:
- Naples, Florida,

Carisa Sanders Marketing - Superior Telemarketing Services - C. Sanders Ent. - Sand32
45 Main Street Brooklyn, 11201 New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Carisa Sanders, owner of Superior Telemarketing Services (aka Carisa Sanders Marketing) is, quite simply, one of the worst people I have ever had the displeasure of dealing with. She and her company are the very definition of "ripoff." They will tell you everything you want to hear in order to get your money. Once they do, everything changes.

I needed to outsource a telemarketing campaign as part of the launch of our business. Most of the other firms I looked at were priced considerably higher than Carisa Sanders Marketing. That should have been my first "red flag," but they seemed to be able to justify why their prices are so relatively low. I decided to give them a try, with a 50 hour calling package that included 10 hours of free calling for new customers.

The second "red flag" I should have been concerned about was the fact that they do not take credit cards. But again, they justified it by telling me that is one of the ways they keep their prices lower than other firms'.

When I chose to sign up, I did so under the condition that they would do everything they could in order to expedite the setup of my campaign. "No problem," they said. I was told that waiting for the check to clear is the one thing that usually holds them up, so in order to ensure that I get the fastest start possible, they had me make a deposit directly to their account to cover the cost of the campaign. I complied in good faith, holding up my end of the bargain, and that is when the problems started. Take a look at the below email exchange, and see if you can determine who is being unprofessional:



This is ridiculous! You and I have been discussing a start date since last week. I emailed you, the president of the company, on Tuesday to let you know that we would begin on Monday as opposed to training a caller on Tuesday (this week) for calls to begin. You knew that it is important to me to have input with the caller(s), why did you not let me know early in the week that I needed to schedule time to train??? Now you are telling me that I could have gotten free training, but on Monday the training will come out of my calling hours I bought? You take no responsibility? I am beginning to feel like I made a poor decision.

Her Response:

noone said I was charging you for it! Where did I put that. I SAID it will be when your calls start, during that time. TIME, not charge.! If this is not clarified call me please I can clear it up for you better. Again please let me know. :)

By the way the welcome kit states all these details on call, I really recommend you reading that. I have put vial information in there because I can to read the kit to each client. Again, if you have questions let me know. What time Monday is good on your schedule for this conf call, the calls will start right after the call is over. Best part is, it is fresh in the telemarketers head when they get off the call. GAIN NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CHARGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Thanks



You dont need to communicate with me like I am your child. Thank you for not charging us for that time, we appreciate that. To clarify, in your previous email you said:... Or next Friday for free and I can book that today. I assumed that the alternative to for free was for it to be deducted from our hours. I hope you can see how I might have been confused. I apologize.

By the way, I did read the welcome kit thoroughly when I received it. Again, I was operating under the impression that since I was to have time to train my caller(s) on Tuesday of this week, it was apparent that I needed time on Friday for the same training. In the future I will be sure to request that time well in advance. Thanks for understanding.

Can we do 9:00am EST Monday? Do I call CSM or will someone call me? Thanks again.

Her Response:


I have no kids. However I was asked to review my position and comment as you were yelling at me as you have been since communication began with you, and I simply responded as I am not your child, wife or secretary.

I will be refunding you as I do not have the need or desire to do business in the unprofessional manner in which you have been portraying. I am sure you will find a company to accommodate you since you have a free script and list now. Have a Blessed day

Carisa Sanders of

Carisa Sanders Marketing


Fax 800-303-6027



Do you consider using language like I apologize Thanks for understanding,Thanks again,etc. yelling at you? How can you say I have been unprofessional? Because I asked you to follow through on something that your own employees assured me would be done? Because I ask you to live up to what you yourself told me you would do for me? If anyone has acted unprofessionally here it is you. You and your company have failed to live up to ANYTHING that I was told by your salespeople in order to make the sale.

At any rate, if you are going to refund my money, I expect it to be in the same manner which you collected it, by deposit to my account at Wachovia Bank. If this is not acceptable, please advise how and when I will receive my refund.

Who the F taught this idiot the English Language??? "as I do not have the need or desire to do business in the unprofessional manner in which you have been portraying." WTF??? What does that even mean?

This is just the first half of the story...the worst part was in trying to actually obtain my refund. See below:



It has been over a month since I was told (by you) that a full refund would be mailed to me on Friday 10/19. Over two weeks since it was allegedly mailed finally according to you and Emily (whose story was different on the second phone call, she said first that it had been sent, then that it takes 30 days to process...which is it?). I will restate my position one final time: your failure to refund our money, which was promptly paid to you, has adversely affected our cash position and our ability to obtain replacement telemarketing services.

I am going to do my best to appeal to your senses as a business-person, and as a Christian operating a Christian-based business. Do the right thing, the Christian thing, and live up to your word by sending our refund. Just because we had a disagreement does not make it right for you to hold our funds hostage in order to do us financial harm.

If the appeal to your senses as a Christian does not work, maybe this will: If I do not have a full refund by Friday, November 30, 2007, I will resort to legal action in order to obtain a judgment against Carisa Sanders Marketing/Superior Telemarketing Services for the full amount of my refund as well as all costs associated with bringing a suit. As an astute business-woman, you know that the costs of legal representation in order to defend yourself will far outweigh the $720 you are holding from me. Also, having a judgment on your companys credit record will adversely affect your ability to obtain business credit. Further, it will be public record, which will surely cost you potential business in the future. I dont want to go this route, but I will in order to ensure that we get our money back.

I am not going to play the blame the USPS/the check is in the mail game for another month, or the Its the holidays game. I will gladly pay for a courier to pick up the check at your offices. Or you can deduct $15 to cover the cost of sending me the check via courier or registered mail. Please do not attempt again to send my refund via regular mail.

I am trying very hard to be respectful and rational with regard to obtaining our overdue refund. Please respect the fact that this money is important to us as a startup company. Please respond to let me know if/where I should send a courier to retrieve a check. Thank you.

Her Response:

You refund was sent out. I am not interested in your opinion on the mail system nor am I interested in your Christian sermon, I spoke to you on the phone I know what type of attitude you have you expressed it. So spare me, you need tons of prayer LOL but we all do. If you do not get it in the mail by the 29th call we will stop payment on it and then just do a bank transfer that will be the fastest way and will not cost anything on either part. Have a Blessed Holiday. would have sent a copy to your girl, but no email was included. See ya!

How can somebody like her even pretend to be a professional?

If this posting is not enough to convince you not to do business with Carisa Sanders or her company, Superior Telemarketing Services (aka Carisa Sanders Marketing) just Google "Carisa Sanders WAHM" See what you find out about how she treats her "employees."


Naples, Florida


72 Updates & Rebuttals


You owe me money Angel

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, June 26, 2008

I had worked with carisa at one time. She fired me because, she thought i was a spy. Spying for who? I have no idea!!! I was a good lead provider so, i was surprised i was fired. Anyway... I found Angel and worked with her. She was nice and the people were nice working for her. My mom was diagnosed with bone/lung cancer mid January. If people who worked with carisa remember me, my mom had back problems when working with superior telemarketing. She had a fractured lumbar. It turned out to be cancer. I had to quit working for Angel a bit to take care of my mom. My mom died feb 26th! I never got paid my $360!!! from Angel. A friend of mine was still working for Carisa up until around. february. She mentioned to me that angel posted so, here i am responding. Angel never paid many of her employees. I would email her and email and she promised the check was in the mail etc... My mom just freaking died and i needed the money! How heartless can someone be?? I am out of the telelmarketing business. I now work for the family business and don't have to worried about getting STIFFED on a paycheck! In reference to what's happening with carisa.. All i can say is WOW! It's a terrible situation


Good Idea we all need to get together.

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, June 26, 2008

You are right we all need to stop this quessing and get serious to help each other out. Here is a spot we can all gather at. Hope I can post this in a way not to trip the filter so it will not be removed. Of course it will start with the http then the : and the usual // then there is the SurvivingSuperior then a dotaimoo and then another dotcom. I hope that is not to hard to cipher. Just set it up so bare with me if there are glitches.


Good Idea we all need to get together.

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, June 26, 2008

You are right we all need to stop this quessing and get serious to help each other out. Here is a spot we can all gather at. Hope I can post this in a way not to trip the filter so it will not be removed. Of course it will start with the http then the : and the usual // then there is the SurvivingSuperior then a dotaimoo and then another dotcom. I hope that is not to hard to cipher. Just set it up so bare with me if there are glitches.


Good Idea we all need to get together.

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, June 26, 2008

You are right we all need to stop this quessing and get serious to help each other out. Here is a spot we can all gather at. Hope I can post this in a way not to trip the filter so it will not be removed. Of course it will start with the http then the : and the usual // then there is the SurvivingSuperior then a dotaimoo and then another dotcom. I hope that is not to hard to cipher. Just set it up so bare with me if there are glitches.


Good Idea we all need to get together.

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, June 26, 2008

You are right we all need to stop this quessing and get serious to help each other out. Here is a spot we can all gather at. Hope I can post this in a way not to trip the filter so it will not be removed. Of course it will start with the http then the : and the usual // then there is the SurvivingSuperior then a dotaimoo and then another dotcom. I hope that is not to hard to cipher. Just set it up so bare with me if there are glitches.


Orange Park,
Insight into Carisa

#7Consumer Suggestion

Wed, June 25, 2008

As many of you know, Carisa "did" live in a very nice home. Carisa lived beyond her means though. Carisa did in fact have money coming in, but like Bryan said she is charging anywhere from $9.00 to $28.00 for her TM services. It was rare that Carisa actually got a customer that paid the high end amount of $28.00. Therefore, you have to think of it like this - Carisa is not making enough to pay employees! She was able to keep her head above water for a little while, but once Carisa started screwing over the few people who were the back bone of her organization, it started to fall apart. Carisa's house was far to expensive, as was her car. I know a lot about Carisa Sanders and Superior Telemarketing. I can only say so much here though. I am using a fictious name to not get back lash. Bryan, I briefly dealt with you personally at one point. I was mostly behind the scenes though with Superior keeping everything in order. I know your campaign like the back of my hand & many other's. For the rest of us employees, keep your head up! There are a number of great TM companies out there who you can work for virtually. I know it's not an easy task, I am still out of work! I can't seem to find exactly what I am looking for and/or someone knows my name from Superior and they want nothing to do with me. To the lady who was losing her home & everything you will be in my prayers! I truly know where you coming from. As the head of my household, I am barely keeping my head above water & I mean barely. Perhaps there is a message board or someplace we can put together to take some conversation off ripoffreport? Any Ideas? I would love to speak to some of you, tell each other our real names. Keep Strong Everyone, Keep Going After Carisa Sanders & Get What You Deserve!


New Philadelphia,
InstantAccessMarketing.com and Carisa SAnders

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, June 25, 2008

Ok Instant Access Marketing is a website tonight website. Which carisa used. I know her style, as I worked for her along time. Yes Bryan I remember you, when I was a Sales Rep. I even designedne of her websites. I left and was blamed for stealing her leads, and so on. She was very crazy, and did tons of stuff to try hurt a business I started. I do nto have that business now, as I found it was to hard to runa business with 3 kids. So now I work in Sales for a wonderful company. In thier Business Developement, of a company that has actualyl been in Business since 1995. I knew it was going to happen, she was charging to low, even when clients would pay for bulk hours, at the end she was negative in te books. He money she spent on everything. It was a shame she had a nice set up. I averaged 5-10 sales a week for her, brough her in alot of money, Blue Cross even bough a $20.000 package in one conversation. But enver did I think they would not get service. If anyone has any questions you can email me on msn my name is alcarothers on msn. Angel I can not confirm it is her but it will come our sooner or later.


Another Company Burned - take 2

#9Consumer Suggestion

Wed, June 25, 2008

To answer the question, how did Carissa find me, she didn't. I found her web site when looking for a telemarketing firm. I was first in touch with Angel, did the small package. For an established business with real needs, $700 is a relatively small investment. I continued to purchase hours, since I was getting good results. As I read many of you indicating that you are still looking for work. Many of you worked on my account, and I am in the process of setting up a TM team. I setup a gmail account, to reduce spam, if you are interested. (((ROR redacted))) I will contact you. Just to update, I have filed a complaint with the Florida AG, and am now considering civil action. The AG gave me her address and phone on file. (Carissa, if you are reading, you know I have the wherewithall to enforce my will. $30,000.00 is a big number, and takes you out of small claims court, lawyers and such...it is far better for you to contact me and work something out). For those interested, you may want to review a site for instant access marketing all together dot com. I've gotten some spam and a weird phone call from these people. Good Luck, Bryan CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


Ummm Spring Hill??

#10UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, June 25, 2008

I really do not have the time to explain Sarcasm to you. I know she is not wanting for money. Seriously though I do not have the resources to go after her for just 40 bucks. The news in her area has been contacted as well as a few papers. The labor board and the BBB have been called. I did everything I had the resources to do. Yes I have been to her house have you? If so, did you notice it was all an illusion? Most of the decorations were from a freaking dollar store. I was like NO WAY someone living in a house this nice and in the country club no less would have almost everything for decoration from a dollar store? I have nicer stuff than that. I have been in houses that were just as and way more expensive and not one of them had any thing that came from a dollar store to be used in the form of decorations. Get real. And as for the question of how did she keep getting her clients. If, as you say, you were in management then you would know only she handled that and you would also know she had callers calling just for her to generate business and it was kept seperate from the actual telemarketing side. So in answer to your question. No I am not nuts. Sarcastic yes ... nuts no.

X Employee

Spring Hill,
RU NUTS?????

#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, June 24, 2008

Having Carisa keep some of your money is ABSURD!! Do you have any idea what kind of house she lived in??? And you let her keep your money?? Your NUTS! I'm sure you were at her house on Pershire dr in orange park. The heated pool and everything. She's not HURTING for $$$ Read this- AGAIN I started working with Carissa in September 2007. I purchased $720.00 worth of TM hours. Our company got fantastic results. In October 2007, I purchased an additional $15,000.00 worth of TM hours. Again, we got great results. In December 2007 we purchased an additional $7,000 worth of TM hours, and again we got great results. In February we purchased $27,000 worth of TM hours, and then, started to get treated poorly NOW DO U REALLY THINK SHE IS HURTING FOR MONEY??????????????????????????? And the b*tch took away our commsions from $10.00 to $3.00 what a GREEDY b*tch Give us the inside scoop how did she obtain her clients by spamming? How did the clients find her?


The Tragedy (or Comedy) continues...

#12UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, June 24, 2008

It seems the dirty fingers of the aftemath of Carisa's deeds are still far reaching. When I finally figured out what was going on (only after the sister quit and a few weeks later they had no choice but to let me see further into the company) I set things in motion to A) get as much of the money I could that she owed me and B) make her come clean and let the employees know she was not going to pay them and fixing to shut down. I did manage to get most of my pay (Carisa since you need money so bad you can keep the rest of the pay you owe me. It's only a few bucks so enjoy) And when I quit the next day she had no choice but to shut down the company. Now she already had that day earmarked to shut down the company but... she was going to string on the employees a little while longer and that was unacceptable. I figured out on Thursaday what was going on and on Monday after getting as much money as I could that she owed me (and actually getting the check cashed at her back so to make sure it was good) I quit. My only regret is I did not figure it out sooner and put a stop to it before so many got hurt. As for the questions of how could the employees keep working knowing she was scamming and not haveing work. Well to be frank we did not know. Know one really knew how much she was charging the clients we were all busy trying get the clients the leads they were paying for and makeing sure they were quality leads. I want all of the Business owners who Carisa scammed to realise the callers were working hard for you. Just Carisa may not have sent you the results of all of that hard work. Also the callers really had no idea there was no work cause Carisa had them calling accounts that had been closed or pulled. I supected it but could not prove it till that Thursday. Once callers started coming to me with pay issues I started to look at things a little clearer. I found out that Thursday that Carisa had callers calling one account that had been pulled by the Client back in November and that she had never once sent any leads to them and I know for a fact dozens of leads were generated for that company. A few of them in the year 2008 of which it should never have been called. I was never privy to the information of who was an active account and who was not but once I was in the system more I was able to see that the Clients were locked out of the system and could not see any progress. I thought that was odd but when I found out about that one account I knew then she had everyone calling closed accounts. Now why she did not just simply say, "I am having company issues and there is not a lot of work. Please bare with me till we get over this bump" I do not know. Many of the employees would have, if she had of been honest, rode it out with her and helped anyway possible. But, she chose to lie. Now even though I thought I had exscaped the "Carisa Tragedy" seems it has bitten me in the butt anyway. I was able to get a job fairly quick but..... turned out Carisa scammed them pretty bad and if you can't get the big dog go for the puppy. I was the puppy. They said all the right things and I took the job well..... my mistake. They only hired me and made the job sound like a good one to keep me from taking another one. They wanted there pound of flesh and if they could not get Carisa I would do. And got me they did. I now have lost my home, everything but one bed and my computers, and more than likely my car as well. Dispite me losing everything and having no prospects of a job I still say Carisa keep the money you owe me. It is only about 4 or 5 hours worth of pay. Even though I have lost everything you still need it worse than I do. I would say god have mercy on your soul but I don't think either exists. Bad guys 2 Person just trying to do right and survive 0


Another Company burned

#13Consumer Suggestion

Mon, June 23, 2008

Just to add to the list. I started working with Carissa in September 2007. I purchased $720.00 worth of TM hours. Our company got fantastic results. In October 2007, I purchased an additional $15,000.00 worth of TM hours. Again, we got great results. In December 2007 we purchased an additional $7,000 worth of TM hours, and again we got great results. In February we purchased $27,000 worth of TM hours, and then, started to get treated poorly. Up until this point, my company was very satisfied with Superior Telemarketing. After my last payment, we noticed a drop in service levels, and TM calling hours per day dropped. I was a reference for Carissa, and it really doesn't matter to me if someone is in a big call center or has great people working out of their homes. Results mattered, and that is it. I find it very unfortunate that her operation shut down. What could employees/contractors be thinking when she was billing below $9.00 per hour, but paying each of you $10.00 per hour + commissions? How could any entity survive that business model? I have read through this report, and I know many of your names (from your lead sheets to me). After your operation shut down, I sent Carissa an email and asked her to put me in touch with some of the callers. Unfortunately, I never heard back from her. I have recently contacted the Florida Attorney Generals office, and am in the process of filing a complaint. If the AG decides not to pursue her, I would be interested in being part of any potential Class Action Law Suits against her and any cohorts who helped perpetuate this fraud. Bryan from GA

X Employee

Spring Hill,
Many people are waiting on money

#14UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, June 23, 2008

Call the cops in that town tell him about her fraud. Call the labor board. Do an expose on the news about her being a crook. There are things you can do. She isn't going to respond to you. You know her better than that. So she moved out of her house on pershire dr? It's a shame that was a nice house and she always bragged about her "heated pool" She better not start a new business anytime soon because, people will find her and will have to shut down again. I hope she gets what she deserves.. her FAT A** in jail!


Orange Park,
Carisa Sanders - Maximum Ideas her new company!

#15UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, June 21, 2008

Hello Everyone, I am a past employee of Carisa Sanders & Superior Telemarketing. I am trying to find out any information as I am still trying to get paid from Mrs. Sanders. Upon searching I found this link about her as well, thought some of you may find it of interest. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/336/RipOff0336773.htm#319629 I do believe that is Carisal. As many of us know, Carisa had a habit on sitting on her PC on ripoffreport.com - Always monitoring what people were saying about her. She did that even when Superior was in business. Take note on the link above "Connie Bishop" responded right away. That's a very Carisa thing to do. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/335/RipOff0335544.htm#315724 I just want to be paid and wish Carisa would stop her "act". As of right now, Carisa Sanders is still working closely with Heidi Hayn; [email protected] They work together daily, Carisa is also still in very close contact with Emily Sanchez. Emily Sanchez; [email protected] works with Carisa periodically, but is prengnant so for the safety of herself and her baby she has taken a step back. Carisa currently is still living in the Orange Park, FL - Right outside of Jacksonville, FL - She lives in Clay County in the Tanglewood subdivision. To Carisa Sanders: Please make contact with us past employees, we want to be paid! We don't work for free! We know you don't, we just want to be paid. Please contact us! I e-mail you and Emily weekly! So you know who I am! Also, to Emily - I know you were also just a "contractor" with Carisa, but you stuck with her and still do. I will no longer email you for my money, as I know you have nothing to do with it. This is something Carisa has done alone, it was her company.

X Employee

Spring Hill,
Getting another site ready

#16UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, June 08, 2008

I googled superiortelemarketing.com. The site has been down but now look http://www.superiortelemarketing.com/telemarketing_service.html someone is making a new site

X Employee

Spring Hill,
I don't know....

#17UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, June 07, 2008

That company you name has been a round for a while. It has other domain names too that always points to that site when you google so who knows


Now it makes sence!!

#18UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, June 06, 2008

I had gotten wind of Advantel and was trying to find out just how it was connected with Carisa. That company already has complaints about taking clients money and not rendering services right here on RipOff Report. I do not think it has been "bought out" so to speak I think Carisa has more of a hand in it than that. I know she had told a few that Advantel would hire any employees of hers that she let go (yeah right more like left hanging in the wind) That instantly got my attention no company worth its salt would have been talking to her at that point knowing she was not only ripping off clients but her own employees as well. And if you will notice some of the names of ppl with the company sound similar to other names Caris has been known to use. I was trying to find a connection to prove it was her company and she has someone "ghosting" at the owner.


Now it makes sence!!

#19UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, June 06, 2008

I had gotten wind of Advantel and was trying to find out just how it was connected with Carisa. That company already has complaints about taking clients money and not rendering services right here on RipOff Report. I do not think it has been "bought out" so to speak I think Carisa has more of a hand in it than that. I know she had told a few that Advantel would hire any employees of hers that she let go (yeah right more like left hanging in the wind) That instantly got my attention no company worth its salt would have been talking to her at that point knowing she was not only ripping off clients but her own employees as well. And if you will notice some of the names of ppl with the company sound similar to other names Caris has been known to use. I was trying to find a connection to prove it was her company and she has someone "ghosting" at the owner.


Now it makes sence!!

#20UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, June 06, 2008

I had gotten wind of Advantel and was trying to find out just how it was connected with Carisa. That company already has complaints about taking clients money and not rendering services right here on RipOff Report. I do not think it has been "bought out" so to speak I think Carisa has more of a hand in it than that. I know she had told a few that Advantel would hire any employees of hers that she let go (yeah right more like left hanging in the wind) That instantly got my attention no company worth its salt would have been talking to her at that point knowing she was not only ripping off clients but her own employees as well. And if you will notice some of the names of ppl with the company sound similar to other names Caris has been known to use. I was trying to find a connection to prove it was her company and she has someone "ghosting" at the owner.


Now it makes sence!!

#21UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, June 06, 2008

I had gotten wind of Advantel and was trying to find out just how it was connected with Carisa. That company already has complaints about taking clients money and not rendering services right here on RipOff Report. I do not think it has been "bought out" so to speak I think Carisa has more of a hand in it than that. I know she had told a few that Advantel would hire any employees of hers that she let go (yeah right more like left hanging in the wind) That instantly got my attention no company worth its salt would have been talking to her at that point knowing she was not only ripping off clients but her own employees as well. And if you will notice some of the names of ppl with the company sound similar to other names Caris has been known to use. I was trying to find a connection to prove it was her company and she has someone "ghosting" at the owner.


Superior telemarketing owned by carisa sanders was bought out

#22UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, June 06, 2008

If soemone would search right they would see: by looking superiortelemarketing.com on whois.domaintools they would find this: I also typed in several other domains she owned and found this info out. I bet she got bought out, The new company is advanteltelemarketing but Carisa will reappear after her money starts to run out watch. Front Page Information Website Title: www.superiortelemarketing.com Title Relevancy 100% AboutUs: Wiki article on Superiortelemarketing.com SEO Score: 69% Terms: 260 (Unique: 201, Linked: 31) Images: 11 (Alt tags missing: 10) Links: 23 (Internal: 7, Outbound: 16) Indexed Data Alexa Trend/Rank: #4,234,823 2,877,046 ranks over the last three months. Compete Rank: #922,723 with 1,051 U.S. visitors per month Registry Data ICANN Registrar: GODADDY.COM, INC. Created: 2007-11-05 Expires: 2013-11-05 Registrar Status: ok Name Server: NS43.DOMAINCONTROL.COM (has 17,533,179 domains) Name Server: NS44.DOMAINCONTROL.COM Whois Server: whois.godaddy.com Server Data IP Address: IP Location - Arizona - Scottsdale - Godaddy.com Inc Response Code: 200 Blacklist Status: Clear Domain Status: Registered And Active Website DomainTools Exclusive Registrant Search: "advantel" owns about 2 other domains Registrar History: 1 registrar NS History: 9 changes on 7 unique name servers over 6 years. IP History: 6 changes on 6 unique name servers over 1 years. Whois History: 5 records have been archived since 2001-03-19. Reverse IP: 8,603,040 other sites hosted on this server. Monitor Domain: Set Free Alerts on superiortelemarketing.com Free Tool: Whois Record Registrant: advantel 700 west center st west bridgewater, Massachusetts 02379 United States Domain Name: SUPERIORTELEMARKETING.COM Created on: 05-Nov-07 Expires on: 05-Nov-13 Last Updated on: 04-Jun-08 Administrative Contact: advantel, advantel advantel 700 west center st west bridgewater, Massachusetts 02379 United States 5085597300 Fax -- Technical Contact: advantel, advantel advantel 700 west center st west bridgewater, Massachusetts 02379 United States 5085597300 Fax -- Domain servers in listed order: NS43.DOMAINCONTROL.COM NS44.DOMAINCONTROL.COM


North Carolina,
How Are You In Bankrupcy one Week and the Week Befor Hiring Like Crazy?????

#23UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, June 01, 2008

Look I was a newer employee who was told of this by a good friend who at the time was working for Carisa and I am assuming that she is still employed by her as well as she calls me asking if I have received my check and to tell me where to cash it at so I do not know what all to say I mean no one was ever rude or a b***h to me just one day I had a job and the next I had no way to contact any one but I just want my money from Ms. Carisa and if needed I will make a trip to Flordia to find her my previous ocupation befor trying to work from home I was employed by a private investigator but due to me being pregnant I had to stay home so Ms Carisa where ever you are you can not hide for ever and I want my money I did not even get a bounced check I got nothing an e-mail from Emily!!! Talking about the company is no longer in business but if that is the case why is a freind of mine still getting paid by you and your company??????????? So if there is any one out here that is willing to work for or thinking of having her do any work for you please think again!!!!!!!


Free from Care

#24UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, May 24, 2008

Carisa currently owes me over $500! I'm pissed and angry at how everything has turned out. This whole sham has left me extremely angry and I don't care about anything anymore. I thought "Spring Hill" was "the married one" who was supposedly fired but still working for the company after "Carisa's sister" was fired and outed everybody. My only other guess is HS.


Why the Games?

#25UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, May 24, 2008

I am courious Spring Hill. Who are you? The people known to be from that area would know exactly who is still working for Carisa. The main one is still working for her. I have a good idea what the new company's name is but will research it further to make sure before I put it up here. I do not want to put the wrong information up here and it not be her at all. As for the home not being found that is because there is no realtor it is just a generic for sale by owner sign. I would be curious to know if you have been promoted to manager now (again). As there are no managers left they all QUIT!!! If you are not really from Spring Hill then that would only mean one thing. You are Carisa making up names and trying to deflect blame. The above business owner has a legit inquery but you however, seem to sit on the fence and fan the flames a bit. It is not going to work who ever you are. And if you truly are from Spring Hill well then apparently Carisa was not the only one not to be trusted. I am not going to put names on this yet as I would rather have proof first than spout off half truths. Unlike you Spring Hill I want to make sure before I post someones name online.

X Employee

Spring Hill,
How does she do it?

#26UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, May 23, 2008

She can run BUT, can't hide! Never using her name again might be a bit tricky but, we know her pricing and the services she offers. It shouldn't be too difficult to track her fat a*s down. Ok, inside people- how did she get her clients? I was thinking about starting a telemarketing company. I know she had a lot of clients. I was wondering how she obtained them. Was it picking a company and finding a website and cold calling or did she spam mail different companies? I would like the scoop on how she ran the back end of her business She had a good client base and i would like to know how she got them. I looked houses for sale online and didn't find hers for sale. With her address. How can she move without selling her house? It takes money. Believe me, she will be found again when she starts a new company. Emily is preggers? I guess Pamela Floyd still works there. She was nice but emily, was a b***h. She works in carissa's home with her so, i guess the bitchyness rubbed off on her


My Home,
More Information as I am getting it.

#27Consumer Comment

Thu, May 22, 2008

Hi Everyone, As a past client of Carisa's......... someone who got a lot of money taken from, I know how you all feel. Carisa has no remorse either and never will. I have been attempting to get my money LOTS of my money for a while now, lawsuit is still pending. Ask Carisa's poor Mother - She has been dragged through the mud and from what I understand her Mom is not paid either. Carisa screwed her own sisters as well and they have not been with Superior Telemarketing since then. I do know this though, I am like I said before working on getting Carisa's new address as soon as she moves and will post it here for anyone to have and file claims against. Carisa's answering machine now does say she is filing bankruptcy, but ladies keep in mind that generally you can't include "bad checks" as part of that and you can still file a claim against her. I do want to keep this thread on Carisa and the few people I am almost positive are still working for her. I am getting my info. from one of Carisa Sanders loyal employees. Shame on all these people sticking with her! Do you have no morals? Emily, Lily, Stacy any of you? Emily is pregnant as well - Emily get out before the stress of this mess hurts the pregnancy! Please! Emily, Stacy ?, Heidi ?, Sabrina, possible Pamela ? and possible Valda ? and Lily definite. I will let you all know more as I know more. I do have a law suit against Carisa, my goal is to have her in jail soon, very soon! With all your help this could happen. File suits! Find out what you can do to get what you are owed and to STOP MRS. CARISA SANDERS IN HER TRACKS!!!!!


North Carolina,
Checks returned for non- sufficient funds!

#28UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, May 22, 2008

Carisa Sanders is a crook, She can not pay her employees, and still owe's 1/2 of her ex-employees back pay from over a month ago... including myself ( she owes me 3 checks.) She has bounced over 3 checks on me. ( As you can see below.) http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll254/Proof_CS/check-Copy.gif She is moving and filing bankruptcy! ::: Beware ::: She will be back up and running a company, in a new name!


North Carolina,
Checks returned for non- sufficient funds!

#29UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, May 22, 2008

Carisa Sanders is a crook, She can not pay her employees, and still owe's 1/2 of her ex-employees back pay from over a month ago... including myself ( she owes me 3 checks.) She has bounced over 3 checks on me. ( As you can see below.) http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll254/Proof_CS/check-Copy.gif She is moving and filing bankruptcy! ::: Beware ::: She will be back up and running a company, in a new name!


North Carolina,
Checks returned for non- sufficient funds!

#30UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, May 22, 2008

Carisa Sanders is a crook, She can not pay her employees, and still owe's 1/2 of her ex-employees back pay from over a month ago... including myself ( she owes me 3 checks.) She has bounced over 3 checks on me. ( As you can see below.) http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll254/Proof_CS/check-Copy.gif She is moving and filing bankruptcy! ::: Beware ::: She will be back up and running a company, in a new name!


Why she didnt tell all of us what was going on with the business??

#31UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, May 22, 2008

Why is she being so shady? Not answering her phone,nothing. Changing IDs. Why did she have us still working if here intentions were not to pay us. She can run but she can't hide. I am very very disappointed in how this all went down. I pray that God will deal with her and she will pay us all the money she owes us. But she can;t keep getting away with this. It has to stop. I have called and called,still no answer, then when I tried to leave a message its just goes dead. Lieing and Lieing to people is just wrong. How can she say she is a christain. She lied to us telling us she wasn't going anywhere and she does pay her employees. God blessed her with this business and she let the devil come in and destroy it. What she has done she cant change,she cant go and start another business. Its not going to work because everything done in the dark will come to light. But I pray for this sister and the people that are standing behind her knowing its wrong I pray for them too. Shame Shame SHame.


My Home,
Carisa Sanders is done, but not for long.

#32Consumer Comment

Thu, May 22, 2008

Carisa Sanders & Superior Telemarketing are in fact closing. Carisa took it upon herself to simply close without notice. She knew Monday she was closing and still took on a new client and took his money. She has no intent to follow thru with this new contract or the several she got last week. Carisa Sanders and Emily Sanchez allowed employees to work over the last few weeks, knowing there was no money to pay anyone. Carisa did pay a few select people and I mean few. The people she chose to pay are the same people she is taking with her to her new company. Yes I said new company. Carisa is starting another company, this time though no one will have anyway of knowing it's Carisa. Not at first anyway, but once her bad attitude and hustling ways show thru we will know. All the people who are going will be using new names for the company. Carisa will be using a new name. Currently many past employees as well as Clients are due money!!!! Please people I ask that you do to the state attorney! If you know of each other keep in contact and file a suit again Carisa Sanders to stop her! All of her phones are cut off or going to a generic answering machine. I have heard that Carisa is moving as well to another house. The address is currently unknown, but there are another select few of us working on obtaining it. Once the address is known, it will be given to everyone on RIPOFFREPORT.COM You can then have a new address to continue to file your claims. I wish you all the best - Again, I was screwed as well.

X Employee

Spring Hill,
Why can't she pay?

#33UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, May 22, 2008

I always got paid never had a problem. I guess she has no money because, business is slow?? How is business in the telemarketing field slow??? Why is she moving and shutting everything down? She put a lot of effort and money into the superior telemarketing. I thought she rented her house not owned it. Maybe someone informed the town's zoning board and she had to shut down. She's a miserable b***h and hope she loses it all. I will be making sure sooner or later that the zoning people in orange park do know about her running a business from home since she is shutting down give us the scoop on how her business was run. How did she obtain clients? cold calling emailing? How.. Give us the scoop on how she decived clients and her employess I bet emily sanchez will still be with her and heidi and her mom and sister

X Employee

Spring Hill,
Why can't she pay?

#34UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, May 22, 2008

I always got paid never had a problem. I guess she has no money because, business is slow?? How is business in the telemarketing field slow??? Why is she moving and shutting everything down? She put a lot of effort and money into the superior telemarketing. I thought she rented her house not owned it. Maybe someone informed the town's zoning board and she had to shut down. She's a miserable b***h and hope she loses it all. I will be making sure sooner or later that the zoning people in orange park do know about her running a business from home since she is shutting down give us the scoop on how her business was run. How did she obtain clients? cold calling emailing? How.. Give us the scoop on how she decived clients and her employess I bet emily sanchez will still be with her and heidi and her mom and sister

X Employee

Spring Hill,
Why can't she pay?

#35UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, May 22, 2008

I always got paid never had a problem. I guess she has no money because, business is slow?? How is business in the telemarketing field slow??? Why is she moving and shutting everything down? She put a lot of effort and money into the superior telemarketing. I thought she rented her house not owned it. Maybe someone informed the town's zoning board and she had to shut down. She's a miserable b***h and hope she loses it all. I will be making sure sooner or later that the zoning people in orange park do know about her running a business from home since she is shutting down give us the scoop on how her business was run. How did she obtain clients? cold calling emailing? How.. Give us the scoop on how she decived clients and her employess I bet emily sanchez will still be with her and heidi and her mom and sister


She is Running underground!!

#36UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, May 21, 2008

It is all mute now pretty much. She is closing down Superior and going to re emerge as something else. She had her Mother of all people call select employees and tell them the company is closeing and they will get paid in 4 weeks. Others were told they could continue to work but their pay would be with held for 4 weeks. The ones told the company was closing were ones who have been complaining about pay. And as I said only a few were called many are just now finding out by word of mouth. They had no idea and the main office number and any other number any one has all go to voice mail they will not answer the phone. They have changed their online identies so there is no way to contact them about anything. Also Carisa is moving if she has not already. She has put her house up for sale by owner. As far as I know she is still staying in the Jacksonville Orange Park area. But then again who knows. Many employees have not been paid for weeks and if asked they were told the check is in the mail. If an employee got to angery they were told if they did not like it they could quit and many did. And unfourtnatly if a check did come often when it was cashed it bounced. She not only scammed her clients she screwed her employees.

X Employee

Spring Hill,
How did u find superior telemarketing

#37UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, May 15, 2008

Did carisa email you or how did u find her? Spamming is against the law. Her spamming your business with emails isn't very nice. I know she did that on ocassions

Mad Mark In Miami

Mad As Hell In Miami

#38Consumer Comment

Wed, May 14, 2008

I am also a victim of this witch. I was promised 50 hours of telemarketing services for $720. Unfortunately I was an idiot and payed by check. Once the check was cashed of course I never heard from again. Repeated requests for a refund have been answered with "the check is in the mail". LIES, LIES and more LIES. These people have to be taken down. I have filed complaints with the following authorities and suggest everyone else who has been harmed by these thieves do the same. Florida Attorney General: http://myfloridalegal.com/ag New York Attorney General: http://www.oag.state.ny.us/complaints/complaints.html US Postal Inspection Service, OSG, 222 S. Riverside Plaza, #1250, Chicago, IL 60606 FTC: https://rn.ftc.gov/pls/dod/wsolcq$.startup?Z_ORG_CODE=PU01

X Employee

Spring Hill,
Not getting paid??

#39UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, May 14, 2008

That's a new one. Most of the people had direct deposit. I never had a problem getting paid. Once in a while they would short me on my monies but i bitched and got all monies. I couldn't see the check it;s way to small. Doe she still have a lot of people working there? If she has people working and no new accounts then, i can see her being short. I have to admit i got paid on time. If your checks are bouncing take it up with the attorney general and BBB in FL and don't forget to call the town of orange park and let them know LOL An illegal run company from her house the town should find interesting

X Employee

Spring Hill,
X employee here - Carisa is a RIP off!

#40UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, May 14, 2008

I worked for her for about a year. I was a caller then worked my way up to supervisor. As a supervisor you see how the back end of the business works. She had us lie about how many hours the company worked on campaigns. People would send in monies and never got what they paid for. If someone sent in $3 grand for a project they maybe... got about $200 worth of calling. There is NO training. If you sound black ( many caller are ) you must try to change your voice to sound more white. Even though she is married to a black man in his 60's and carisa is in her early 30's. She claims to be VERY VERY religious as a CHRISTIAN but, she is not! No Christian with a conscious would run a scam like her business as superior telemarketing. She had us fire people for NO reason all because, she didn't have the guts to do it. I mean for NO reason! If the caller, farted the wrong way .... they were gone! We couldn't argue the point otherwise we would be gone too. The callers would put down false leads and she would be ok with that as long as she had "leads to email her clients. She is nice until you become a client . It will take forever to get your campaign started if.. it ever does after........... she takes your money! She has her mom and sister working for her and they hate the way she treats them but feels obligated to stay even though, what she is doing is illegal! taking monies and that's about it.... she NEVER EVER refunds anybody so BUYER BEWARE!! The website looks professional but, don't let that fool you. 98% of the content on there is all LIES! Carisa changes her business names when too many people complain. She has only been in business for 2 years!! and went through about 100 employees! Because, of her psychotic attitude. She is BIPOLAR! She is the worst person i have ever worked for! PLEASE NEW CLIENTS STAY AWAY!!!!!! There might be a class action lawsuit coming. She is not in BROOKLYN NY!! OR NEVADA she has all fake addresses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He co is in orange park Fl. Right outside jacksonville Fl. She does work out of her beautiful home that YOU as the new client pays for! She has a heated pool and nice large home. She got that by taking your money and NOT working for it! BUYER BEWARE! BUYER BEWARE!!!


She can't even pay her employee's... Proof!

#41UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, May 14, 2008

Carisa Sanders can't even pay her employee's. She has written me numerous bad checks.... here is a copy of one. Please don't do business with Superior Telemarketing, AKA Carisa Sanders.. Not only does she treat her employee's bad, she doesn't PAY! http://img530.imageshack.us/img530/5229/checkgm8.th.png


North Carolina,
Very interesting

#42UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, May 12, 2008

She does live in orange park FL and works out of her home. Hmmm. wonder if the town knows she works from home and wonder if.. she has a C/O ( certificate of occupancy ) you need that to work out of your home. Is her home zoned for business??? You need a telemarketing license to have a telemarketing co in the state of florida. It's pretty expensive for that license. It should be pretty easy to let the town know she's probably working illegally out of her home. Do clients come to her or does she solicit clients through email spam?

Carisa Sanders Is Pure Evil

Orange Park,
Carisa Sanders is a liar, deceiver, and thief

#43Consumer Comment

Mon, May 12, 2008

You would do well to not get in business with Superior Telemarketing or Maximum Response. They are both run by a chemically imbalanced, melodramatic, psycho woman with a god complex. Her previous company was Carisa Sanders Marketing, now Superior Telemarketing, she is trying to start up Maximum Response Telemarketing under a fake name so no one will know all of the lawsuits she has. She has stolen thousands of dollars from clients. Good people with great business ideas. Even the Breast Cancer Society. Which all can be found by googling her name. She pays people to post ads on the internet all day to try and cover up the truth about her business. This is the only warning I can give you about this individual. Whether or not you choose to do business with her after knowing this is up to you. These people have made a profession out of lies and deceit in the name of the lord. Carisa Sanders' evil inspired ventures include: deletebadpublicyt.com Delete Bad Publicity maximumtelemarketing.com Maximum Response Telemarketing teleservices.com Tele-Services superiortelemarketing.com Superior Telemarketing carisasandersmarketing.com Carisa Sanders Marketing People who assist her in stealing money from small business and employees include but are not limited to: Emily Sanchez aka Emily-Ann Sanchez (lawsuit pending) 6371 Collins Road Apt 814. Jacksonville, FL 32244-7524 904-228-7698 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Lily Sanchez [email protected] Valda Belzer (lawsuit pending) 20873 NE Ash Avenue, Blountstown, FL 32424 s****. Heidi Hayn [email protected] Carisa Blanche Marie Sanders (Long) aka Carisa Sanders aka Carisa Long 429 Perthshire Drive Orange Park, FL 32073 904-402-5645 904-272-7704 904-298-2941 904-476-7412 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] These are all dishonest people and you would do well to not hire them or have any business with them. Do not do business with: Delete Bad Publicity Maximum Response Telemarketing Superior Telemarketing Carisa Sanders Marketing maximumtelemarketing.com http://www.csmcallcenter.com http://www.callcentertelemarketing.com http://www.b2boutboundb2ctelemarketing.com http://www.brumaniimarketing.biz http://www.carisasandersmarketing.org http://www.getleadsfaster.com http://www.outboundtelemarketingquote.com http://www.telemarketerpay.com http://www.telemarketingphoneleads.com http://www.telesalescompany.com Delete Bad Publicity Emails [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Tag: telemarketing campaign help free telemarketing Sample telemarketing script free telemarketing list telemarketing free script and list telemarketing reseller how to start a telemarketing business out source your sales force start a telemarketing business telemarketing list telemarketing script team lead team leader Canadian Telemarketing Telemarketing for Canada

Just Wondering

I was wondering

#44UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, April 01, 2008

Since carisa is not a nice person. How does she get her business?? Does she just email different companies and hope for a response? I can't imagine her cold calling with her attitude. Some insider info would be nice on how she gets her clients. I know someone from carisa company left so spill it. Give us some carisa insider information. This woman is a crook and needs to be stopped. I too was going to use her for my business and decided against it. She pressured me into sending my 1,800.00. She was too pushy and decided against it. I'm glad i did and went with some other company


She was rude and unprofessional to me as well....

#45Consumer Comment

Mon, February 04, 2008

Long story short, she was rude, unprofessional, threatening, and basically a horrible business person all around. I posted my thoughts on her lovely company on a message board, and she threatened to talk negatively about me to insurance companies. She then proceeded to spam every member of that message board offering her services... You can imagine how well that went over. Everything with her is a threat.... from the moment we talked, she was rude and unprofessional. She doesn't deserve to be in business, and I'm glad to see others posting their negative experiences with her as well. I'm not surprised that her employees are upset. Hopefully this helps put her out of business, as someone who treats her customers as she does doesn't deserve to HAVE customers!

Been There Done That

Myrtle Beach,
South Carolina,
For the Record......Rebuttal To Carisa Sander's Enlightreply Posting

#46UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, January 29, 2008

I did not state that I did not work for the competitor. I did used to work for the competitor until just recently when I took a job outside the home. So what? The website wasn't updated. My last day there was Friday. Who cares? I didn't even post a response on here until after I gave my notice. So you don't know what you think you do and until recently I had no knowledge of this posting. But here is what I do know about you, I know that I had to threaten legal action against you for using my name and an email that was from your csmcallcenter email with my name on it still for 2 weeks after I left your company. I know this to be factual as I still have some of the emails that were copied to me in my possession. I know that you do nothing but harass people who decide to leave you for whatever the reason. I know that you do everything in your power to make companies that may be created after someone leaves you fail. Up to and including putting in false request for quotes, amongst other things that if you continue to push I will make sure comes to the surface. I know you feel that you are the end all and be all business woman. Fact is you have no facts. Fact is you ran away and changed your company's name because the poor publicity got too much and you were trying to hide. Fact is you had callers lie to your clients before you decided to come clean about being a virtual call center. Fact is you created your empire on a website and say that you are based out of Brooklyn NY and you live and breath in Jacksonville Florida. Those are all facts that can be looked up. Fact is that you are grasping at straws as you always are. Typical so very typical. More things change more they stay the same AGAIN I say BUYER BEWARE this is who Superior Telemarketing is. I did not post until I had left the company because I knew she was going to do exactly what she did. Look at my previous post. I told you all that's what she was going to do and SHE DID Surprised? You shouldn't be she is who she is and will never change. Now you all have witnessed it.

Been There Done That

Myrtle Beach,
South Carolina,
For the Record......Rebuttal To Carisa Sander's Enlightreply Posting

#47UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, January 29, 2008

I did not state that I did not work for the competitor. I did used to work for the competitor until just recently when I took a job outside the home. So what? The website wasn't updated. My last day there was Friday. Who cares? I didn't even post a response on here until after I gave my notice. So you don't know what you think you do and until recently I had no knowledge of this posting. But here is what I do know about you, I know that I had to threaten legal action against you for using my name and an email that was from your csmcallcenter email with my name on it still for 2 weeks after I left your company. I know this to be factual as I still have some of the emails that were copied to me in my possession. I know that you do nothing but harass people who decide to leave you for whatever the reason. I know that you do everything in your power to make companies that may be created after someone leaves you fail. Up to and including putting in false request for quotes, amongst other things that if you continue to push I will make sure comes to the surface. I know you feel that you are the end all and be all business woman. Fact is you have no facts. Fact is you ran away and changed your company's name because the poor publicity got too much and you were trying to hide. Fact is you had callers lie to your clients before you decided to come clean about being a virtual call center. Fact is you created your empire on a website and say that you are based out of Brooklyn NY and you live and breath in Jacksonville Florida. Those are all facts that can be looked up. Fact is that you are grasping at straws as you always are. Typical so very typical. More things change more they stay the same AGAIN I say BUYER BEWARE this is who Superior Telemarketing is. I did not post until I had left the company because I knew she was going to do exactly what she did. Look at my previous post. I told you all that's what she was going to do and SHE DID Surprised? You shouldn't be she is who she is and will never change. Now you all have witnessed it.

Been There Done That

Myrtle Beach,
South Carolina,
For the Record......Rebuttal To Carisa Sander's Enlightreply Posting

#48UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, January 29, 2008

I did not state that I did not work for the competitor. I did used to work for the competitor until just recently when I took a job outside the home. So what? The website wasn't updated. My last day there was Friday. Who cares? I didn't even post a response on here until after I gave my notice. So you don't know what you think you do and until recently I had no knowledge of this posting. But here is what I do know about you, I know that I had to threaten legal action against you for using my name and an email that was from your csmcallcenter email with my name on it still for 2 weeks after I left your company. I know this to be factual as I still have some of the emails that were copied to me in my possession. I know that you do nothing but harass people who decide to leave you for whatever the reason. I know that you do everything in your power to make companies that may be created after someone leaves you fail. Up to and including putting in false request for quotes, amongst other things that if you continue to push I will make sure comes to the surface. I know you feel that you are the end all and be all business woman. Fact is you have no facts. Fact is you ran away and changed your company's name because the poor publicity got too much and you were trying to hide. Fact is you had callers lie to your clients before you decided to come clean about being a virtual call center. Fact is you created your empire on a website and say that you are based out of Brooklyn NY and you live and breath in Jacksonville Florida. Those are all facts that can be looked up. Fact is that you are grasping at straws as you always are. Typical so very typical. More things change more they stay the same AGAIN I say BUYER BEWARE this is who Superior Telemarketing is. I did not post until I had left the company because I knew she was going to do exactly what she did. Look at my previous post. I told you all that's what she was going to do and SHE DID Surprised? You shouldn't be she is who she is and will never change. Now you all have witnessed it.

Been There Done That

Myrtle Beach,
South Carolina,
For the Record......Rebuttal To Carisa Sander's Enlightreply Posting

#49UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, January 29, 2008

I did not state that I did not work for the competitor. I did used to work for the competitor until just recently when I took a job outside the home. So what? The website wasn't updated. My last day there was Friday. Who cares? I didn't even post a response on here until after I gave my notice. So you don't know what you think you do and until recently I had no knowledge of this posting. But here is what I do know about you, I know that I had to threaten legal action against you for using my name and an email that was from your csmcallcenter email with my name on it still for 2 weeks after I left your company. I know this to be factual as I still have some of the emails that were copied to me in my possession. I know that you do nothing but harass people who decide to leave you for whatever the reason. I know that you do everything in your power to make companies that may be created after someone leaves you fail. Up to and including putting in false request for quotes, amongst other things that if you continue to push I will make sure comes to the surface. I know you feel that you are the end all and be all business woman. Fact is you have no facts. Fact is you ran away and changed your company's name because the poor publicity got too much and you were trying to hide. Fact is you had callers lie to your clients before you decided to come clean about being a virtual call center. Fact is you created your empire on a website and say that you are based out of Brooklyn NY and you live and breath in Jacksonville Florida. Those are all facts that can be looked up. Fact is that you are grasping at straws as you always are. Typical so very typical. More things change more they stay the same AGAIN I say BUYER BEWARE this is who Superior Telemarketing is. I did not post until I had left the company because I knew she was going to do exactly what she did. Look at my previous post. I told you all that's what she was going to do and SHE DID Surprised? You shouldn't be she is who she is and will never change. Now you all have witnessed it.


New York,
Patti Wallace of Brumaimarketing.com www.brumanimarketing.com

#50UPDATE Employee

Mon, January 28, 2008

Seems to me, you worked for CSM/Superior Whatever. Then you moved on with your (herd) now you work for Brumani Marketing.com Brumani Marketing and your employer has you come on here and bash her competition and now your displayed all over her contact us page and the EOM there, seems like more is fishy here then the company mentioned. Seems Brumani marketing is chasing Superior and you follow the ads (as you know about Craig's list postings). Bottom line is if you had sincere motives you would be working for Brumani since you said you would stand in the un-employment line than work for Nicole Brumfield (nikki). Now your time has come you pushed and pushed. If you worked outside your home you would not be listed HERE on Brumani's contact us page. AS I SAID THIS WHOLE THREAD IS BRUMANI MARKETING DECIDING TO HAVE HER EMPLOYEES SLANDER ANOTHER COMPANY, MAKE YOURO WNDECISION But as you can See Patti Wallace works for Brumani and the truth NOW comes out. Glad you were able to finally give your name. Your Brilliant. God Bless Brumani marketing after this. If your employer DID'nt put you up to this LOL I hope she is PROUD of you now and you don't wind up in the real food stamp line. I hope your "herd" (your words) does'nt work there. Now that this is OVER have a good one oh and LOL "no worries" Brumani's Contact us page for PROOF this is the competitor making ALL THIS UP. Please feel free to contact us by Web or Phone 1-888-233-1646 (Toll Free) 9am-5pm EST Mon-Fri We look forward to hearing from YOU! Email Contacts President Nicole Brumfield [email protected] Vice President Anthony Harrington [email protected] Director of Sales Elaine Marks [email protected] Team Supervisor Patricia Wallace [email protected] Marketing Aaron Ford [email protected] Careers [email protected] Information [email protected]


New York,
Patti Wallace of Brumaimarketing.com www.brumanimarketing.com

#51UPDATE Employee

Mon, January 28, 2008

Seems to me, you worked for CSM/Superior Whatever. Then you moved on with your (herd) now you work for Brumani Marketing.com Brumani Marketing and your employer has you come on here and bash her competition and now your displayed all over her contact us page and the EOM there, seems like more is fishy here then the company mentioned. Seems Brumani marketing is chasing Superior and you follow the ads (as you know about Craig's list postings). Bottom line is if you had sincere motives you would be working for Brumani since you said you would stand in the un-employment line than work for Nicole Brumfield (nikki). Now your time has come you pushed and pushed. If you worked outside your home you would not be listed HERE on Brumani's contact us page. AS I SAID THIS WHOLE THREAD IS BRUMANI MARKETING DECIDING TO HAVE HER EMPLOYEES SLANDER ANOTHER COMPANY, MAKE YOURO WNDECISION But as you can See Patti Wallace works for Brumani and the truth NOW comes out. Glad you were able to finally give your name. Your Brilliant. God Bless Brumani marketing after this. If your employer DID'nt put you up to this LOL I hope she is PROUD of you now and you don't wind up in the real food stamp line. I hope your "herd" (your words) does'nt work there. Now that this is OVER have a good one oh and LOL "no worries" Brumani's Contact us page for PROOF this is the competitor making ALL THIS UP. Please feel free to contact us by Web or Phone 1-888-233-1646 (Toll Free) 9am-5pm EST Mon-Fri We look forward to hearing from YOU! Email Contacts President Nicole Brumfield [email protected] Vice President Anthony Harrington [email protected] Director of Sales Elaine Marks [email protected] Team Supervisor Patricia Wallace [email protected] Marketing Aaron Ford [email protected] Careers [email protected] Information [email protected]


New York,
Patti Wallace of Brumaimarketing.com www.brumanimarketing.com

#52UPDATE Employee

Mon, January 28, 2008

Seems to me, you worked for CSM/Superior Whatever. Then you moved on with your (herd) now you work for Brumani Marketing.com Brumani Marketing and your employer has you come on here and bash her competition and now your displayed all over her contact us page and the EOM there, seems like more is fishy here then the company mentioned. Seems Brumani marketing is chasing Superior and you follow the ads (as you know about Craig's list postings). Bottom line is if you had sincere motives you would be working for Brumani since you said you would stand in the un-employment line than work for Nicole Brumfield (nikki). Now your time has come you pushed and pushed. If you worked outside your home you would not be listed HERE on Brumani's contact us page. AS I SAID THIS WHOLE THREAD IS BRUMANI MARKETING DECIDING TO HAVE HER EMPLOYEES SLANDER ANOTHER COMPANY, MAKE YOURO WNDECISION But as you can See Patti Wallace works for Brumani and the truth NOW comes out. Glad you were able to finally give your name. Your Brilliant. God Bless Brumani marketing after this. If your employer DID'nt put you up to this LOL I hope she is PROUD of you now and you don't wind up in the real food stamp line. I hope your "herd" (your words) does'nt work there. Now that this is OVER have a good one oh and LOL "no worries" Brumani's Contact us page for PROOF this is the competitor making ALL THIS UP. Please feel free to contact us by Web or Phone 1-888-233-1646 (Toll Free) 9am-5pm EST Mon-Fri We look forward to hearing from YOU! Email Contacts President Nicole Brumfield [email protected] Vice President Anthony Harrington [email protected] Director of Sales Elaine Marks [email protected] Team Supervisor Patricia Wallace [email protected] Marketing Aaron Ford [email protected] Careers [email protected] Information [email protected]

Been There Done That

Myrtle Beach,
South Carolina,
For the Record

#53UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, January 28, 2008

Let's get the facts correct shall we? I work outside the home now. I am very happy with my current job. I helped out a friend and worked for the competitor for a short time and this has nothing to do with that company. I do not represent the other company in any way shape or form. So please do not make assumptions that you know who I am. Because you don't. I was at least HONEST enough to put my name in here. I see on Craigs List that there is an add for Superior Telemarketing. Guess that's why all the publicity. HMMMM you never change do you Carisa. People just need to stay away from your company and let it fold in on itself. But that's just my insight. BUYER BEWARE


"Patti Please"

#54UPDATE Employee

Sun, January 27, 2008

Well first off let me start by saying i am neither Carisa nor Emily nor was i in any way put up to this by anyone. im a grown MAN who is expressing my own opinion upon reading some of the crap that you guys are slinging on here. I mean none of you were complaining and posting stuff on here while you were still employed. Patti you did'nt have a complaint while she was hiring all of your family or HERD as you put it. you say you left for professional differences but yet your family was going to stay why would they want to continue to work for such a terrible employer and whats more why would you allow them hmmmmmmm. as the operations manager it would seem to me that at some point you had to wilfully participate in some of the bad things you claim went on. so again I challenge your credibility. it does'nt take a very long time to realize wether or not a person or employer is bad yet you continued to stay and collect a paycheck for how long? and also your HERD stayed and were willing to continue to collect paychecks how long? you currently work for a competitor Patti (Brumani Marketing) who in fact are the first ones who stole ideas and information from C.S.M calling into question again what your real motivation is behind all of this rhetoric. calling you all disgruntled is simply stating what your making very obvious. like you said why wait untill you are an ex employee you should have brought this stuff out while you and your HERD (again your words) were still collecting your weekly paychecks. no job or any amount of money that i may have needed would have led me to continue to work for a company that I have so many issues with. I have been working here for a while now but believe me it would have not taken 5 seconds let alone 5 months or more for me to move on if it was really that bad. paycheck or not . (although im sure it was a pretty good paycheck) speaking as a current employee and on behalf of other current employees please don't try to rescue or save us we don't need to be rescued. as for any current employees who might read these things and agree with any of it step up to the plate be bold enough to make your presence known and move on. again this is my opinion and mine alone I do not need management to put me up to it. in fact i was told by Carisa herself not to even responed to any of this stuff to let you all say what you will it only motivates her to work that much harder. so I will try as difficult as it will be (because you people are sooooo sickening and comical to me) to honor her wishes and not post any more rebuttals on here.

Been There Done That

Myrtle Beach,
South Carolina,
Stop The Madness What A Joke

#55UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, January 27, 2008

I see it never stops. I see that dear Emily or Carisa are at it again. The fact of the matter is my dears that you miscounted the number of people that were fired and the number of people that left on their own accord. REMEMBER the HERD....Yes people you see it right. I was her former employee operations manager. My family and I worked for this company and worked hard. I decided due to professional differences to leave the company but my family was going to stay. So what happened. I get an email from Carisa saying that I am taking my HERD with me. She didn't even fire them herself. She advised me that they were fired. When asked why by my family members she didn't even bother to respond to them. She advised me that it was harassment and that I should tell my HERD to stop or she would be filing charges. Charges mind you that never came about. She accused me of hacking into her database, of contacting former employees by stealing private employee information from her database when her former employees contacted me after they had quit themselves. Emily how about the time that she went into your Skype account and looked at all of your past messages and almost fired both of us? Yes again people you are seeing that correctly. She being as paranoid as she is went into an employee's Skype account and read all the history between myself and her Assistant. Then proceeded to threaten our jobs should we ever speak about her like we did in instant messages again. She went so far as to request the password of MY Skype account and didn't realize that it was not attached to her company's email address. When I saw the request for password come through I had Skype check into it. Low and behold the request came from an ISP in Jacksonville Florida. What a surprise. Skype instant messaging service as you all know is set up by the individual unless the company that you work for pays to have a virtual call center set up. Carisa didn't do that. So each of the Skype ID's that were set up were all the callers and her assistant's individual accounts. My account had been active for 2 years prior to her starting to use the service. My account is a paid account and she tried to access it. I could have and should have at the time pressed this issue and gotten some recourse from it but I did not. I was too concerned at the time for my job and needed the money so I tolerated it. Good news is that my HERD and I have all moved on to different companies and have left this behind us. The only reason I am commenting to this is because it was brought to my attention that Carisa was at it again and perhaps I could provide some insight with my family's dealings with her. I am sure that either Carisa or Emily will come on here and provide a rebuttal to everything that I have said in here. I am sure they will say that they were going to fire me anyway and that the only reason that I am on here saying all this is because I am trying to make myself and my HERD look good and that if I had truly moved on and not thought about them anymore I would not be in here posting this right now. Can you tell I know this woman? She will do anything she can to make herself look better. She will do anything she can to turn the tables and make herself look blameless. If she truly were blameless then why did she have to change her company's name? If she truly weren't everything that has been stated in this forum why would she be making sure that her current employees were posting in here to offer rebuttal to things that are being said about her? If she were truly blameless then instead of lying about where she is located she would be honest about everything. It took her a year to come clean to her clients about the fact that she was a virtual call center. She lied to each of them and advised her callers to do the same if they had a conference call with the client. When people would not lie she would get rid of them. I could offer Skype Messages, over 200 emails that she would send telling me what a horrible person I am. Emails to my PARENTS that she wrote advising them what a horrible non Christian woman I am and that I was damned to Hell. But what good would it do? She is who she is the only thing that is going to change who she is and who she has become is people calling her out on each and every thing she has done. AS she does it. You can't wait until after you have left the company because she will turn everything around and say that you are a disgruntled employee or that you were fired because of this or that. It's the people who are having issues with her NOW that will make the difference. I am happy to put my name on this. I am Patti. I was her Employee Operations Manager I am glad to be out of there. And glad to have moved on. BUYER BEWARE and Good luck to one and all


Stop the madness people

#56UPDATE Employee

Sun, January 27, 2008

Upon reading some of the things said here I can hardly contain my laughter. it just sounds to me like a bunch of disgruntled hateful ex-employees who have absolutly nothing better to do with their time. the key word here being EX-EMPLOYEES. I mean seriously. I have had quite a few jobs in my life and have been fired for various reasons. been mad angry pissed off and down right incensed about it as most adults have at some point. it's a part of life. but at some point you get over it and you move on. I can only compare this to someone going postal only with words instead of a gun. so you got fired GET OVER IT MOVE ON GET A LIFE IT HAPPENS. and look at it. out of all the ex employees on here who are saying this and that. ANGEL, REBBECA, SANDRA, ect. all of you except one were fired. and the one I see who actually quit it took you 5 months to do it. there is even one person who had the nerve to say and I quote ( I WILL BE LEAVING THE COMPANY IN A FEW MONTHS) that's the funniest thing ive ever heard. I mean cmon ive heard of slaves who have risked their lives to run away from their masters for less crap than yall say yall had to endure in this company and yet all but one of you stayed long enough to get fired and again the one person who quit it took you 5 months to figure out it was soooooooooo bad BULL. those of you who are telling all of these lies and making all of this stuff up you are saying on here especially those of you who were in management positions (and you know who you are) obviously took part in it as well. so what does that say about your own credibility and charactor as people. be foreal you guys are not posting all of these negative (LIES) and crap on here because you want to warn the world or because of some high moral fiber you have. it is plainly obvious you are angry because you were fired. you all say you are working for better companies or run your own companies.(competition yet another reason to hate) I have a few words of advice for all of you. I repeat GET OVER IT MOVE ON GET A LIFE. you are only succeeding in making yourselves look like insecure disgruntled babies. you can try and try to crucify with your lies and rhetoric but you will never win.


Stop the madness people

#57UPDATE Employee

Sun, January 27, 2008

Upon reading some of the things said here I can hardly contain my laughter. it just sounds to me like a bunch of disgruntled hateful ex-employees who have absolutly nothing better to do with their time. the key word here being EX-EMPLOYEES. I mean seriously. I have had quite a few jobs in my life and have been fired for various reasons. been mad angry pissed off and down right incensed about it as most adults have at some point. it's a part of life. but at some point you get over it and you move on. I can only compare this to someone going postal only with words instead of a gun. so you got fired GET OVER IT MOVE ON GET A LIFE IT HAPPENS. and look at it. out of all the ex employees on here who are saying this and that. ANGEL, REBBECA, SANDRA, ect. all of you except one were fired. and the one I see who actually quit it took you 5 months to do it. there is even one person who had the nerve to say and I quote ( I WILL BE LEAVING THE COMPANY IN A FEW MONTHS) that's the funniest thing ive ever heard. I mean cmon ive heard of slaves who have risked their lives to run away from their masters for less crap than yall say yall had to endure in this company and yet all but one of you stayed long enough to get fired and again the one person who quit it took you 5 months to figure out it was soooooooooo bad BULLSHIT. those of you who are telling all of these lies and making all of this stuff up you are saying on here especially those of you who were in management positions (and you know who you are) obviously took part in it as well. so what does that say about your own credibility and charactor as people. be foreal you guys are not posting all of these negative (LIES) and crap on here because you want to warn the world or because of some high moral fiber you have. it is plainly obvious you are angry because you were fired. you all say you are working for better companies or run your own companies.(competition yet another reason to hate) I have a few words of advice for all of you. I repeat GET OVER IT MOVE ON GET A LIFE. you are only succeeding in making yourselves look like insecure disgruntled babies. you can try and try to crucify with your lies and rhetoric but you will never win.


North Carolina,
So let people know!!

#58UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, January 26, 2008

Let people know about her treatment towards clients and employees!! Let potential clients here about Carisa's negativity! LET PEOPLE KNOW to stay away from her company!!! That is what this forum is for is to, INFORM people!!! We need to put a STOP sign up before people decide to use her for business!! So, spill it. How does she treat clients? Does she take the money and run? How is she dishonest to potential clients?? Let PEOPLE know! Otherwise, post somewhere else. This is an informative forum. If you can't help people who want to do business with her then, there is NO need to post here

Been There Done That

Myrtle Beach,
South Carolina,
Other Former Employees Bad Mouthed

#59UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, January 25, 2008

I have been watching this thread continue to grow. I have been watching it start with the same mud slinging that has happened in the forums for work at home people. I could sit on here and offer pages upon pages of different things that I have personally witnessed this woman do to her employees as well as her clients. Legal action could be taken but to what avail? All it will do is give her more and more publicity and make people want to go to her and see if it is really all that bad. When I was working for her she used to say you should see the applications I am getting in because of all of this. Is that what people want? The best thing to do is to warn people that she is not who or what she claims to be. BUYER BEWARE. If people decide to try her anyway after reading the warning. They will find out. They always do. This site is not to sling mud in. It is to provide insight. I could provide insight but I will not do it in a public forum. For if you do that she has won again. Just the way I see it. Don't let her win again. Move on and again BUYER BEWARE Should anyone including YOU Carisa wish to discuss this with me outside of this forum please feel free to.



#60UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, January 23, 2008

Rebbeca, I would love for you to post the names of companies of past employees or the past employee's names you have witnessed or heard her bad-mouth. i can actually do something about this. This is something I can not go into detail about but I can Guarantee something can and will be done about it. Any insight you can provide would be appreciated. if you could also give me a time-line of when these events occurred would be a big help as well. I am one of these companies and by her choice I can do something legally about it. Thank You in advance.

Angel Abner

New Philadlephia,
To response of Carisa Sanders

#61UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, January 15, 2008

I am Angel Abner of TandemTeleprospecting. First of all, I have no clue what you are stating. I have never replied to this board. You have made statements that only in your mind is true. I never stole databases, I started from scratch, purhcased my leads. I never got into anything of yours. You have said this about everyone who has left your company. And if an employee leaves one company is goes to nother one and applies than how is that stealing. I never went to anyone and told them to leave your ocmpany and come with them. They left on their own and cme to me and asked if I would hire them. I have no lcue who you have working for you now, nor do I care. You have been the one who worries baout what everyone does. If you type (((redacted))) and many other competitors you will see links to blogs, your blogs. Why try to get your companies name on search engines when they look up us? I know businesses do this and I do not care. My business is doing very good. And I hope you can stop being paranoid one day, you need tow orry about your own company or companies.... www.superiortelemarketing.com, www.outboundb2btelemarketing.com or which ever one you are using this month. I will not claim however YOU have not been telemarketing for years, but to say you have a business for over 13 years, you your self have been doing telemarketing, just like myself I have done telemarketing, and managed a call center for many years. But the thing I a straight forward. I tell my clients up front, Our callers work from home, I am a small company that is growing everyday. I have less than 50 callers. I am honest when my business started. But for you to acuse everything on me is worng. I do not bother you, nor do I plan too. You have many people against you, for which I am not against Iwish you the best with your company. I just haved asked you leave mine alone.


North Carolina,
13 years?

#62UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, January 13, 2008

You have been in business for 2 years!!!!!!!! You come off all clean and polished on your response but look at your EMAIL SPAMMING link!!!!!!! You are totally NUTS! I have no idea who angel is but, it's not me. Your fire people because it gives you "power"! I know many people who worked for you who, never deserved to be fired for NO reason. If you were such i nice person people would respect you and NOT "steal" your database. I was not in management. I just made calls. People kiss your a*s ( workers ) because they are scared if they fart wrong they will get fired. It's NOT respect it's FEAR! There's a DIFFERENCE! I have plenty of emails and skype messages i can post here to show people what kind of a person you really are and how mentally unstable you really are! They are from August. Carisa, i don't think you wrote that response. With your spelling and typing skills you make a error in every 3 words you type.


New York,
I am the owner of the company mentioned here

#63REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, January 13, 2008

For starters I would like to say I am the owner of the company mentioned here. I would like to make a statement direct to Angela (Angel Abner) owner of Tandem Tele-Prospecting tandem teleprospecting www.tandemteleprospecting.com worked for me. I will not address the clients Enlight Auto situation as I already issued him a complete refund. This is directed to you (Angel and your Employee Rebecca) who never worked here. Angel you stole our company material and database and decided to start your own company. Then you began to contact each one of our employees and try to hire them how do we know, they came to us. Yes legal proof is available. Next the fact Angel as a business owner (so called) , that you have so much time instead of "running your company" to come on this pathetic board and down your competition is sad. I would not be caught dead on here talking bad about my competition. But that is just me. Your comments here deserve no recognition what so ever. The fact you would use one of your very own employees to join you here and engage in your charade is even sadder. You would think one would be focused on their own business and life by now. Perhaps being in business longer you will learn that real clients come from hard work not stealing a company's database calling it your own then engaging in criminal acts of breaking into mail servers is beyond belief. You will soon figure that out the hard way. What goes around comes around. Every employee of my company works hard and get's paid weekly. If anyone is mad when they are fired it s because they know they screwed up, if they quit they weren't meant to handle it. This is not an easy business. Clients have expectations and so do I. My expectations are not low and some say are above normal. No we don't play games I don't play games. Games do not generate business. Games do not keep clients happy. Games do notkeep employees paid. We have logs of every call made and account for every second of calling and our clients are given the information daily. Will every client be happy NO, will every employee be happy NO. I suggest you all do a search here for several companies like winn dixie, state farm, aflac. They are all here as well. Fact is someone always has something to say. Truth is we have all legal documents to back up anything on our end for any circumstance posted here. In 13 years of business 1 customer on here reporting is pretty darn good. Am I proud of it, of course not. It taught me to change in ways and improve. For you another telemarketing company a competitor to join in a genuine report from an honest customer like I said sad. But morals are different for each. Again. I suggest you find some way of filling your time. Your company will never grow with the way you are going now. Take some advice work hard; earn your own database, your own employees. Stop copying web sites and you will be able to sleep at night and stop thinking about me. Because bet your bottom dollar. I am happy living in the country club and swimming in my heated pool. Map Quest it! I won't reply to this public charade of childish behavior and downright despicable actions of a "so called" business owner- you need to learn that title has a responsibility behind it as you can see by just this one customer filing this report it taught me criticism is not bad it means here is what needs to improve. I have a God to serve a family to take care of. And employees who have families to feed in which I will not let your games disrupt. God Bless your endeavors.


North Carolina,
Oh also....

#64UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, January 12, 2008

How can you feel sorry for someone that doesn't give a sh** about you and belittles her workers? And who would FIRE you in a blink of an eye and not even feel guilty?


North Carolina,
I agree

#65UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, January 11, 2008

I read your reply Rebecca and it sucks your still working for her. I myself couldn't handle her attitude anymore. I did NOTHING wrong and i got s**t on for it. It's a shame you had to fire someone and she was to much of a coward to do so. Linking her blogs to competitors name is a very dishonest thing to do. I hope the competitors know about that and some how STOP it. It's a cut throat business to get accounts i guess. But still.... Not a professional business practice Did you check out this link in reference to her spamming?? ripoffreport.com/reports/0/282/RipOff0282111.htm I can see her doing this! What a "C......t! and i never use that word! She is a terrible person


The secrest behins carisa sanders marketing AKA superiortelemarkting.com and outboundtelemarketing.com

#66UPDATE Employee

Fri, January 11, 2008

I read everyones replies and I must say you all are right. However, I do work for Carisa Sanders and have been for along time. I will be leaving the company in a few months and feel it is time to come out to express there are shady things that are going on here let me list them for you. Many business names and websites: > CarisaSandersMarketing.com > SuperiorTelemarketing.com >Outboundb2bTelemarketing.com >csmcallcenter.com She runs her business from her home and the address is on the outboundb2btelemarketing website. She uses a company that lets you have virtual office locations to appear to be a big location. We have around 25-20 callers also not thousands. Plus many others. Many other websites. If you look up Carisa sanders Marketing and Superior Telemarketing on BBB you will find very bad results. I have had to lie for her on reports to clients, she states we called for 8 hours when we called for 4 and we fake reports, we have to fake appointments at times, if they wanted emailed and followed we put it as a phone appointment. She has gone as far to start these blogs everywhere and make sure to link to all her competitors, so when you type in thier businessname her blogs show up. A few of her competitors who were in management left this company and started thier own companies which are running smother becuase they do not seem do be talking negative towards us or posting thier business towards hers. She will tell prospective clients lies so they will not use her competitive companies. Everything that has been stated by other is very true. It is sad becuase there have been a lot of clients that had a good product or dservice, but she really does not care, she wants the money and that is it, if run good great if not oh well. And Angela is right, Carisa treats everyone terrible. Fires for no reason, we had to fire a lady the day because Carisa thought she was working as a spy for another company, which was not true and I had to on my own time tell this girl how sorry I am.Carisa is bipolar Angela, so yes she gets crazy at times. She worries so much about competitors that she will go to extremes. She will hire and fire. Her own sister hates working for her, but feels she has too. PLEASE TURN THE OTHER WAY, YES RUN!!! Those of us that stay with her is because at one time she was running fine, but than money and greed got the best of her, but we stay because we feel sorry for her, and try to help keep her circus running as long as possible.


North Carolina,
Little Know secrets of carisa sanders marketing ( superior telemarketing)

#67UPDATE Employee

Wed, January 09, 2008

Carisa is a fake. She says she has been in business for 12 years or so. No, she has only been in business for 2 years! Yes, she runs the business out of her house in jacksonville florida. We all work from home. Not a big deal most telemarketers work from home. The only real address is in Fl the other states are bogus just to look like a bigger company. Our pay is 10.00 an hour. Our commissions used to be 10.00 for a in person appt and 3.00 for phone appt. Now, we ONLY get 3.00 per appointment regardless. Our commissions went down. Us telemarketers were not happy! We do all the calling and make her good money and we lose our commissions! Her turn over rate is HIGH because of her attitude and the way she treats her workers. I have NEVER EVER in my life met such a mean woman and she claims to be "christian" based. I have NO idea what bible she reads but, it's not the bible. She looks down and belittles her workers that's why her turn over is so HIGH. I have never met someone like this she is NOT a nice person at all. She hires anyone that can read a script. You need no experience at all. She had no training she like claims. Only training is for new people to show them how to fill out the proper forms online for clients. There is NO telemarketing or script training at all. I quit 2 months ago after working there for 5 months. I couldn't take her better than now attitude. She makes you feel smaller than a knat. I have more pride in myself then to be belittled from ANYONE! and for NO reason!! Please don't use her service. I've heard her talk to clients on the phone with no respect either. She fires people for no reason. Depending on her mood. Can we say bipolar??? Talk about a nut case. She built her business on lies. RUN don't walk from her business. Their are plenty of great business's out there that are nice to their employees and clients. I work for one now and am So happy Go to WAHM.com ( work at home moms ) and pop in carisa sanders in the message board forum search and see what a b***h this woman i really like before you do business with her


South Carolina,
Superior Telemarketing is not located in Brooklyn Ny her answering service is Ms Sanders operates her company out of her house in Jacksonville FL

#68Consumer Suggestion

Mon, December 17, 2007

Ms Sanders operates her company out of her house in Jacksonville FL


South Carolina,
Superior Telemarketing is not located in Brooklyn Ny her answering service is Ms Sanders operates her company out of her house in Jacksonville FL

#69Consumer Suggestion

Mon, December 17, 2007

Ms Sanders operates her company out of her house in Jacksonville FL


South Carolina,
Superior Telemarketing is not located in Brooklyn Ny her answering service is Ms Sanders operates her company out of her house in Jacksonville FL

#70Consumer Suggestion

Mon, December 17, 2007

Ms Sanders operates her company out of her house in Jacksonville FL


South Carolina,
Superior Telemarketing is not located in Brooklyn Ny her answering service is Ms Sanders operates her company out of her house in Jacksonville FL

#71Consumer Suggestion

Mon, December 17, 2007

Ms Sanders operates her company out of her house in Jacksonville FL


Carisa has her facts mixed up. SuperiorTelemarketing .com is a ripoff

#72Author of original report

Mon, December 10, 2007

Carisa wrote to say that I demanded services they could not provide. The only service I wanted/needed was the service they provide: B2B Telemarketing Services. I made no unreasonable requests, and every request that I did make was met with the response of "no problem." Once Carisa Sanders Marketing (aka Superior Telemarketing Services, superiortelemarketing.com) had my money, which I deposited in good faith, the entire experience changed. Carisa also states in her rebuttal that I became "profane and combative." At no time during my dealings with her or anyone at her "company" (read: home) become profane OR combative. Just read the above email exchange in my original post and it will become apparent that Carisa is as unprofessional a person as you would ever want to deal with. I repeat, stay away from this company at all costs. We have found another outsourced telemarketing firm that has been a pleasure to work with, has produced great results, and whose rates are very comparable to Carisa Sanders Marketing (aka, Superior Telemarketing Services, superiortelemarketing.com).


New York,
Enlight Inc. Tim Morris/ Enlight Auto.com

#73REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, December 09, 2007

We do our best to provide wonderful honest service. We are a christian company. In doing business with Tim Morris Of Enlight or Enlight auto.com was seeking a service we could not offer him, after continuing to try and work with him he continued to insist we offer him the additonal service. I told him I would refund him and perhaps he could find another company to take care of that. He became more verbaly profane and combative in return. It is not odd we found this on this web site as we previousley filed with the BBB in Raleigh , NC against Enlight Auto in regards to his professionalism. Copy of report available. Other filings online are also in progress. I offer no other rebuttle as a refund was cashed by Tim and the account has been canceled and closed and no more time will be wasted on this matter.

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