  • Report:  #235675

Complaint Review: Caseysplace.org; CPO; Caseys Place - Sedona Arizona

Reported By:
- Mesa, Arizona,

Caseysplace.org; CPO; Caseys Place
caseysplaceorg.homestead.com/ Sedona, Arizona, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This organization is false; stay clear of it and the person who claims to be known as Kathleen Philips. This Christian "non-profit" organization claims to have special events and camps throughout the year, but when you try to sign up for one, they are ALWAYS "sold-out", or they say somebody will "call you back", but NEVER do! The pictures on the website she claims are her, but are of somebody else in from Hollywood.

In the past year, those same pictures were of "Fergie" from Black Eyed Peas, claiming they were her, but were changed to another person all of a sudden. This person is fraudulent and BAD NEWS, and misleading the public into thinking that this website is a non-profit Christian organization.

BEWARE!!- she will take on the roles of other people, and/or make up horror stories of her life so you sympathize with her. She will take you down a bad road, even to the extent of where she starts killing people off in her life, or even she will end up in a hospital with "heart problems, car accidents, ex-boyfriends showing up trying to kill her", etc., etc. She claims to be an ex-model, and even a great friend of Jake Plummer.

The list goes on... She will tell you everything under the sun for you to sympathize with her and keep you in her trap. You will NEVER meet Kathleen Philips in person, only phone, something will always happen. She targets military personnel, so DON'T fall for her, or this website's manipulation!!! Her saga is something that you would read in a fictional book or movie, but it's FOR REAL!!!

Actually, I just saw the movie "The Night Listener" with Robin Williams, and it horrified me how similiar the situation is. I'm keen to believe this person "Kathleen Philips" is actually "Kelly Strickland", a worker at Jack In The Box in the Mesa, AZ area. There are MANY victims from this person, as I know personally of at least 5 of them.


Mesa, Arizona

17 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, August 08, 2012

So, I haven't seen Kathleen Philips' name appear anywhere for a long time.  Was this character finally killed off?  Did somebody finally catch and expose this person?  Is Kathleen in hiding somewhere?  Where is your bed and breakfast?  Did it vanish in thin air?  Wait, it never existed at all!  It's just interesting that for years, for years of manipulating all these guys she finally disappeared.  Has anybody heard from her or found out exactly who she is?  After all these years (I now laugh at the whole situation), I'm still curious as to who she really was.  This has to go down as one of the craziest and manipulative stories of all time.  The stories of all the victims are so exact and true.  We were taken for a ride, that's for sure.  Any new victims out there?

heard it from the horse

nashville tn,
United States of America
She said she was falling for me... LOL !!

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, March 12, 2010

I just found out about Kathleen Philips and her site being on here. I have spoke to Kathleen a few times on the phone. Just enough to know that she is not real.

She claims to be this jet setter that is always on the go, yet she kept telling me that she wanted to get together. Go out for coffee or whatever but she always had an exuse for not meeting me. I figured out pretty fast that there was something rotten in Denmark. So most of the comments here that are in her favor are most likely her trying to make herself look like an angel.If you know how you can find out how full of it she is, or anyone else for that matter.

Then to top it off, a friend on Facebook was talking to me one day and she came up. He had the same story as me. She claims that we went on a couple dates but I have never meet her. If you try to contact her through her orginization they won't talk to you. The site isn't called caseys place anymore it has a new name. It's still a place.org but the name is now after her supposed  son that died.

It's all B.S. though. I have found that out first hand. She isn't real. Probably some obese person sitting at home with nothing better to do but make people as miserable as her.


I have heard alot about her craziness

#4General Comment

Sun, February 07, 2010

I was told about this site recently because the crazy girl was on it. What I can tell you is that several people have come to me or contacted me over the past year saying that Kathleen claims that we were going out together. I have never met her. I spoke with her via email and a few times on the phone. It did'nt take long to figure out that she is just some nut job that has nothing better to do with her time.

Everytime we would arrange to meet she would hurt herself or someone close to her would die. I have heard this same story from a couple different guys that contacted me. She is nothing but a liar and can't back up anything she says. I believe anything posted on here that defends her is written by her. I found out fast but it seems there are others that are not smart enough to catch on to her little games.

Don't waste your time. She is a fraud and thats a fact !


United States of America
Objectionable and Vindictive

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, December 19, 2009

I am ashamed to say that I was the married man of whom the previous post was written. I had confided my one sided feelings in a person when I should have kept to myself.
I am confessing this public declaration not because I feel the need to explain myself nor seek the public's forgiveness, but because this evil thread has continued to harm a truly magical woman, Kathleen, who was not the reason for my divorce at all.
My infidelity was with another woman who shall remain nameless, and as I have in the past of my own selfish and ugly weakness for sex, fallen into yet again.
Kathleen was not my lover, and it was clear to me that my feelings were not mutually met by her. She is a friends friend and an Angel if anything.
Kathleen was never a part of the dismantling of my home.
I had initially withheld the circumstances of my former marriage with her.
Unlike the hatred and jealousy evident in the previous postings, I have learned much about the error of my own ways from her and have become a better Christian for my friendship with her.
I would be a fool to assume that I deserved such a woman, and find the above opinions most objectionable and vindictive.
She was indeed my fantasy, but only that, specially since I admitted to her early on as we spoke of faith in God, that I was a married cheat.

This carnage of someone so very special must stop, and those who feel the awful compulsion to trash an innocent woman simply for being true to herself and her convictions for being a good friend and having the misfortune of being beyond beautiful. She's not a lover in the carnal sense, but a true lover of people, her smiles are all too often misinterpreted by the wolves among us. just as the dog that I was, before this woman opened my eyes.
May God forgive me, I certainly don't need men's absolution.


United States of America
Help my Friend!!!

#6General Comment

Mon, December 14, 2009

Wow this is a very sad sick tale of one twisted woman. I have been hearing about Kathleen from a good friend of mine for a long time, and from day one I knew she was a fraud. The stories are straight from a soap opera script, no one has a life like this, one death after another, an enlarged heart? Leukemia? A plastic bubble? Rape? Murder? This is a case for Sherlock Holmes!

 Now what really saddens me is that my friend has left his wife for this woman, and his poor children are heart broken over the break up of their family home. I saw it happening before my eyes, and no matter how many warnings I gave, how many times I said "Don't be stupid, this is so fake, she's not real, this is a lie" Nothing worked, but it seems now, the truth is coming out, and my words are haunting my good friend. What is it about this "Kathleen" that all these men fall for? Why do you go on talking to her just over email or the telephone? Why not ask to see her on webcam? Why have a year long "fantasy" relationship? What is the point? If this person was REAL trust me she wouldn't have time to talk to you, she'd be too busy in the ICU, or helping poor children, or going to funerals.

Enough is enough, my purpose for being on this site is to ask all the victims of "Kathleen" to come back and reply to this post, I have shown this to my friend, and he still makes excuses for her. I need you all to tell him things she has told you, name places, name people she talked about, just to prove that he is not the only one. This is a very sick and sadistic person, not a loving Christian! I want this nonsence to stop! I just don't understand how she pulls you in. I bet if you saw the real "Kathleen" you wouldn't be so interested.


I look forward to all the responses! I really hope Kathleen will be the first, I dare you, you FRAUD!!!!!


Perfect example She is a sicko!!

#7REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, November 04, 2009

Kathleen, Or Samantha, whatever your name is today.I am not broken up about you..I never met you, just like all the others that never met you. I won't bother with this site anymore. I have better things to do.All I can say is that if you were rea you'd be all over the internet but your not. Yet everyone else in the world can be found online..not you..and your photos always are some one else. What.. do you get plastic surgery once a month?

You can slander me all you want if that makes you feel better...I have never met you..Stop telling people we went out. I have never seen you in person...Just Cassie.

If there is a place called Caseysplace.org or Andrewsplace.org...they are thieves of the worst kind.I remember you standing up a family of 7 for you pretend Halloween party.Remember that? One of many times we never meet because you broke something.You hurt alot of people and don't care

Kathleen ( Samantha) claims to be a dedicated christian..yet she is on here slandering me...she likes to play games.just like others have stated. I won't waste any more time trying to defend myself against some dingbat I have never meet. Seek help Kathleen...

I have a great life with a real woman that I love. You'll never know love..you are too sick...too far gone!



#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, November 02, 2009

Just listen to yourself David and how stupid you are sounding, I mean really? First lets ask the question why you go by Kane and not Milhorn? Oh that's right, because everyone in Nashville and Arizona know that David Milhorn is a real sick freak who gets off on hurting others and who has about as much talent in his whole body as a flea does in his whole body. Untalented, uneducated and a jack of no trade with not even two cents to rub together. Now, lets get to some facts about your ramblings. You say that Sean and Cassie are scammers and fake, well then how could they have taken money from anyone if they weren't even real? Why would anyone move to the same state as another person to just talk on the phone for 5 years? Yeah that makes a whole lot of sense there doesn't it? You know because you know? What kind of proof is that about anything? Just a whole lot of mumbo jumbo from an ignorant, uneducated person. For someone you say you want nothing to do with , why do you call her constantly? Why do you text her? Oh that's right, you can't stand the fact that she dumped you when she found out what a liar and user you are. Did you enjoy all the money she sent you because you couldn't be a man and support yourself? Oh poor pitiful David. The world did him wrong and everyone in it. Get over Kathleen, she moved on and dumped your butt years ago. You can continue writing your stupid jibberish. The only one who seems to care is just you. I'm done responding to your ignorance and vindictiveness.  


United States of America
Let me clear the air

#9REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, October 30, 2009

My name is David Kane..AKA David Milhorn. It was brought to my attention that my name was on this site so I had to see why. I was amused to see that it had to do with Kathleen Philips. I don't know who she is and never met her, along with many others that she played mind games with. To this date I know of no one that has met her.

She contacted me about playing some shows for some kids camp in Sedona that doesn't exsist. When I found out that she was a sick  weird little girl I stopped talking to her which really upset her. She started making up stories about people dying and getting sick to the point of death...then have new pictures on her site of some benifit she just attended.Samantha is Kathleen..I never played at her "bed and breakfast as was posted on her website in September of 2003. I also read a letter from the health department of Coconino county stating that there was no such place.It's now (((Redacted))). Another lie... where is the proof?

An email response to the health department  from Cassie Peterson..a CPO employee claimed there was no bed and breakfast in Oak creek canyon as described on Kathleens site. No yellow victorian house, no 1500 person stadium, no chapel.

If you contact the fire department for Coconino county Arizona, they will tell you it never exsisted. They may even laugh at you when you bring it up. The reason is that several people have had inquiries about such a place. It's a fairy tale in an ill persons mind..It goes to show that you never know what to believe on the internet.

I am free for questioning about this if anyone ever decides to expose this twisted person for who she really is. I challange one person to contact me with viable proof...just one person.....I am David Kane and this is all I have to say about Kathleen Philips...She is a fictional freak that I want no part of.. and Casey..if you are out there somewhere..or anyone else related to this circus..email me   (((Redacted)))

I'd like to see who else has experienced her weirdness...Samantha...contact me if you are real..Kathleen...you know my number

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


Again Disheartened

#10UPDATE Employee

Sun, October 18, 2009

Its still very sad to see that David Milhorn, David Kane could just never move on and let things go. Instead he has to continue to try and discredit someone simply because he couldn't be with Kathleen. David tried to continue where Casey left off, trying to add more lies and keep this sick report going. Its really sad that someone has nothing better to do than try and hurt others who have been nothing but generous and loving to so many because she wised up and moved on. Shame on you David and Casey. David has a lengthy criminal record that anyone can access and all should stay clear of him. He will use anyone he can and has to try and promote himself as a singer/ songwriter. He has never amounted to anything and never will. Steer clear of him, or you will end up a victim of his as well. Check out his criminal records and see just what kind of person he is.


I am a witness and victim


Tue, September 08, 2009

I know that the statements made by Timmy are true...I have been a victim of Kathleens mind games..I was for over a year when I started investigating her and her friends to find out that she is a major liar with serious issues..However I do think that she exsists on some level..I have not met her but I do know that the company including Sean Laws and Cassie Petterson are nothing but scam artists and game players. Although they are fake, they have taken money from  people.

Nothing about her can be backed up no matter how hard you look. And Timmy is most likely a guy by the name of Mike Fister who, after talking with her for months online and many phone sex conversations, he moved from Oklahoma to Arizona to meet her. After almost 5 years of exuses from her he gave up and moved back to Oklahoma. Never meeting her in person. There is something that she is hiding, or she gets pleasure off of mentally torturing men. I have heard the same story on 3 other accounts, from  3 different people. One even hired a private investigator to look into her and he came up with nothing..Oh yeah..and Jake Plummer has never heard of her!

As for her schedule, you have to have an access code to get into her site to find out anything. I have been where she was suppose to be more than once. She is a liar and can't back up anything. Otherwise the crazy sick woman would come out and show she is real... No, she is a liar. There never was a victorian house, yellow or any other color in Sedona or Oak Creek Canyon. She is not the angel she has made herself out to be...I know, because I know. Thats a l I can say!


Ramblings are unjust! CPO is not fradulent!

#12Consumer Comment

Mon, November 12, 2007

I work for Ford, which has been a sponsor now of CPO's for a few years. I'm proud to say that we are, both on a professional level and on a personal one also. They have shown not only us, but many around the world their level of commitment in all the many wonderful programs they've developed and continue with in improving the lives of those in need. "Timmy" was correct in saying Kathleen's life is "For Real". There is no denying she has had her share of tragedy's. They were documented in a book she released two years ago. She never asked anyone to sympathize with her or to ever feel sorry for her. It is clearly stated in the book that she uses her life's journey to show other's that life is all about choices. Be a victim or be a survivor. It is an inspirational story that I've passed around at my local church. She is an example of strength, courage, and passion. Fighting for what is right! Kathleen is terrific woman, full of love for all. She isn't an ex-model. She is doing more now in the public arena than any other time in her life. She knows many people in the Entertainment/Sports Industry. Many have and continue to support her and CPO. Timmy is obviously an individual who watches too many movies, read too many books (Kathleen's for one) and doesn't have a clear idea about what is real and what isn't. His, if I can't be with her, I'll make up things so other's won't be either or even support CPO is the work of someone immature who can't let go and move on.


Casey's Place Organization is a Blessing!

#13Consumer Comment

Sat, November 03, 2007

Casey's Place is not a Rip-Off!! It is a true blessing to have an Organization around that does so much for today's troubled and hurting youth. That is just a small portion of what they are all about. There are many unsung heros in this world, and the staff at Casey's Place are a few of them. Occassionally you will see Kathleen or Sean on the news stations talking about the Organization, but they don't do it for praise, they do it to help others. A friend of mine took part in a medical trip to Africa last year with a team of others on a mission through CPO. The photos I saw were heartbreaking, and hearing him talk about all they done and the work that continues today is AMAZING! Casey's Place staff truly care, and do something about it instead of pretending it doesn't exsist as so many people do. While I haven't met Kathleen, I feel bad that someone would try and hurt her by saying the crazy things he said, none of which made any sense at all. CPO is Amazing!


Sioux Falls,
South Dakota,
On a Personal Note

#14Consumer Comment

Fri, November 02, 2007

My family and I had the pleasure of meeting Kathleen and her family a few months ago at the Lifelight Festival here. It is a Christian based music festival. Afterwards, my wife and I became sponsors of CPO because of all the incredible things they are doing to help people global, and because she touched our hearts with her simple smile. A smile that is genuine and sincere. While looking up the site to see what's new, we ran across this report. A report obviously written by someone who appears young with all the meaningless ramblings, and a bad attempt at trying to hurt someone that is very special. Those of us who know CPO and Kathleen know this to be the farce that it is, and probably why she never responded to this nonsense in the first place. Unfortunately it appears her only real mistake with CPO was naming it after someone so undeserving.


This Little Light of Mine

#15UPDATE Employee

Fri, November 02, 2007

I have remained silent now for several months since "Timmys" report, but I can't any longer. Since he brought his laundry here, I guess it will have to addressed here as well. Now if Timmy (Casey) had something true to say, he would have used his real name instead of coming up with "Timmy". Yes, Casey, hence where the name Casey's Place originally came from. Casey and Kathleen (founder of CPO) were in a relationship once upon a time and when Kathleen told him after he returned home from a Naval trip to Japan that he hadn't changed and she wanted nothing more to do with him, he posted his report to try to hurt Kathleen by putting a dark mark on her Organization. While he was with Kathleen, he was the manipulative one and fraudulent, asking her for money several times because he claimed to have no money for food that he never paid back to her. She helped him, even after they were no longer having a relationship, as she has helped many people over the years. This report was the thank you she got back in return for her kindness. Hopefully after all these months now, Casey has watched some inspirational movies dealing with kindness and forgiveness (something he should know about from all the bible reading he claims to have done and studied). The Ultimate Gift, is a wonderful movie!


CPO/Casey's Place is Wonderful!

#16UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, November 01, 2007

I used to be an employee of CPO in Scottsdale. It was when the Org. was just starting out and times were hard because of funding. If I hadn't had to move I would definitely still be working on staff there. I loved it, the best job I ever had. Kathleen was tireless. Getting to the Camp early in the morning, going to school, and then coming back in the afternoon. Working many, many hours trying to make the lives of abused and neglected Kids so much better. She had a vision, and it came to fruition. I'm happy for the success of the Org. and I pray it continues for many years to come!


Casey's is a great Organization!!!!

#17Consumer Comment

Thu, November 01, 2007

Please do not believe the words of someone who has absoultely no idea what Casey's Place is all about. My company, Tom's Shoes, has been a sponsor of CPO's since 2005. That is when I had the extreme pleasure of meeting Kathleen, who founded the Organization. Camps are not held year round, they never have been. A few fundraisers are held throughout the year and are offered to Sponsors first (which is clearly stated on the site itself), and since seating is limited at all venues around the world, sell outs do happen quickly. Sean and Jen who run the Organization do an outstanding job and I will continue to support CPO through personal and business sponsorships. They truly care about making a difference in this less than perfect world we live in today. SOMEONE is doing something to make a difference and Timmy should be ashamed of himself for writing the jibberish that he did. I challange Timmy to prove the things he has said. One last fact here folks. Kathleen is very assessable, her calendar and where she will be is posted, two months in advance for all the world to see. If you want to see her, you can see her. Casey's Place Rocks!!



#18UPDATE Employee

Thu, November 01, 2007

It is very desheartening to read the terrible "story" someone would make up about an Organization that has done nothing but good things for so many people for several years now. I'm very proud to tell everyone I work for such an Organization that treats everyone with respect and love, in a family setting. Casey's Place founder is a beautiful woman who has nothing but love in her heart, as she has shown adopting some of the very children she started the Organization to help. Casey's Place helps people from all walks of life, primarily with children's groups. Casey's Place has many, many sponsors from all over the world and we fully intend to stay around for as long as we can continue to help others! Perhaps we should start with Timmy?

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