  • Report:  #46989

Complaint Review: Castle Flooring Inc. - Tucson Arizona

Reported By:
- Tucson, Arizona,

Castle Flooring Inc.
8987 E. Tanque Verde #309-384 Tucson, 85749-9399 Arizona, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Castle Flooring, Inc. sent our company an invoice for $230.87 from December 6th, 2003.

The itemized charges were as follows:

$150.00 Carpet Repair

$70.00 Trip charge

$10.87 Tax

On December 6th, 2003, my co-manager Stacy came into the office 3 1/2 hours before open to meet the carpet repair specialist. They never showed up.

On February 25, 2003, my General Manager, J., called about the invoice he received stating that no one had shown up to do any repairs on any of the carpet. When he spoke to Andreas on the phone, Andreas stated that indeed they had done work and that a "young man" had signed the papers when the job was finished. He also said that the janitors had let them into the building that day to do the work and had also showed them what work needed to be done. The janitors didn't even speak English and had been instructed to never let anyone in and wouldn't have known what repairs to make.

When the gentleman, Paul, showed up he handed J. the invoice, that was made when the job was supposed to be completed, which showed NO signature at all. No one from our theatre had signed for it. J. made a copy of it and asked to be shown where they made the repairs. When shown, the carpet came right up and Paul said that it took up to two weeks for the adhesive to bond.

J. explained that this was supposed to be done in December which is MUCH more than two weeks! When Castle Flooring was called upon their lie and J. called Andreas to make him aware along with Paul next to him, they said to just rip up the invoice. They never apologized for their error. How many companies have just paid the bill and not paid attention that this company has scammed?


Tucson, Arizona

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Beware of a padded bill.

#2Author of original report

Tue, June 17, 2003

Another company that I volunteer for found that Castle flooring padded the bill with "extended" work necessities which never occurred or were necessary. When pointed out, Castle flooring argued the point a few times and then, reluctantly, took the charges off of the bill.

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