  • Report:  #156591

Complaint Review: Center For Credit Counseling Services - Deerfield Beach Florida

Reported By:
- Everett, Washington,

Center For Credit Counseling Services
1015 West Newport Center Drive Suite 106 Deerfield Beach, 33442-7707 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Okay, I'll join the cause against this company. Actually I did know how to get in contact with the employees of this company by phone. My contact was first Glenda, then Sandy, then it ended up being Margarita.

Before I get to that though, my story is this: I joined in, I believe 2003 sometime. I was on the four year track to pay 4 credit cards off. My payment was $471 a month plus of course the $39.95 for the fees for these crack smokers to process it. My money was taken out on the 17th of every month and paid on time for about 5 or 6 months of the program. I then started getting friendly notes from the credit card companies that if I was delinquent for another month (two total at any given time frame) that I would be dropped from the program. I wondered why they would be sending this. I checked my bank and the money was of course being funded to CfCCS. So they (CfCCS) would answer their phones (at the time) and give some two bit excuse that it was a cyclic error or ordinary time frame mail crossing B.S. or something and next month it would be resolved. Never did.

I was luckier than most that I've read about because by December, 2004 I refinanced my Condo and paid the rest of my credit cards off with some extra equity. That only left me with trying to recoup my initial $471 in the advance payment they required me to pay at the beginning of the program. So in January, 2005 I wrote a letter to CfCCS that I had completed the program and please send the $471 from that initial extra payment.

Of course I already knew by then that they were highly experienced and professional crooks. We all have learned that, right? So back to the part about being able to get in touch with them. You'll like this one. I began a daily campain of (just out of principle) calling every extention at the company three times a day leaving over the months since January, 2005 literally thousands of messages to contact me. They never would of course (they're criminals remember). Then I figured out that if I kept hitting "3" and then the same extention, someone's phone would repeatedly ring until I got sick of it. After about the 12th to 16th cycle, someone usually answered. It was kind of fun. 3

The goat for Glenda in my case was a woman named Margarita at extention 141. She was always nice and pleasant, but probably was told only to try to shut me up until I got sick of doing what I was doing. I've got some stamina though it turns out and they really did get sick enough of me to try and change their strategy. I was told by Margarita in late July, 2005 that the head crooks were going to reimburse my $471 if I'd sign a thing that I wouldn't hassle them or contact any more Florida State Attourney General or BBB offices any more. I needed to go somewhere and get a certified letter and blah, blah blah, etc. and after all that got a signed letter of receipt of the stupid certified reply and signature that I agreed to, signed by none other than the holy sacred secret cow of CfCCS, Glenda M.

That was September 5, and so far no reply or refund. Imagine that! So I thought, I'll just start a new annoying phone campain again, it worked somewhat before. Guess what, no such number any more. Not the toll free nor the local Florida one work anymore. It crossed my mind that it was the hurricane, but I doubt it. So to sum up, I only wrote this as therapy and to add one more name to the potential class action suit.

If anyone has the wherewithall, I'm sure these people will pop up again as another company if they indeed filed bankruptcy or whatever they've learned to do to skirt or fine legal system. We should try to post their new name or at least what the CEO's are up to now. They can't do this forever. We need to follow them and educate other potential victoms. I liked the recent stories from Suzanne and Nagisa about contacting the Broward Sheriff's department. I'm going to do that too tomorrow. Everyone, just keep plugging away. Are we going to let them get away with this?


Everett, Washington

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