  • Report:  #400102

Complaint Review: Center Of Forensic Profiling - Ms. Treyce DGabriel - Same As Previous Internet

Reported By:
- Goodyear, Arizona,

Center Of Forensic Profiling - Ms. Treyce DGabriel
13045 W. Rancho Santa Fe Blvd. Suite 103-422 Avondale, Arizona 85392 Same As Previous, 85392 Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I've been having issues with my wife for some time now. She says she does not trust me, and I have been growing very suspicious her as well. I have been attending professional counseling as I apparently need to get "fixed" for what I'm not sure exactly. Following a false allegation my wife decided that she needed some kind of "proof" that I wasn't lying. First she suggested a polygraph, I did not receive this well but also knowing I didn't DO anything wrong, I capitulated just to not have to hear about it for the rest of my natural life.

The polygraph was going to be to expensive, so following a less expensive route she turned to someone she heard speak at a rotary meeting. Ms Treyce d'Gabriel who runs something called "Center of Forensic Profiling". She specializes in something called handwriting analysis. I've never heard of this in anything other than forgery and identity theft cases. I was immediately suspicious as earlier my wife had gone behind my back, stolen some of my paperwork and had a preliminary analysis done which I was TOLD (never saw it) said all kinds of terrible things about me. Again since I didn't DO anything wrong and I didn't feel like hearing about it forever..

So the report comes back. Apparently nobody has informed Ms. d'Gabriel that the types of profiles and reports she generates can't be transmitted via email as it is a direct violation of a person's HIPAA rights. But no matter, Her email starts by describing her billing practices and telling my wife that she will take a few extra days to get the rest of it done as she's working on an international kidnapping case involving a 4yo girl and it's a matter of life and death. Uh, excuse me but what does that have to do with anything? Why do I care or need to know about that? Then she proceeds to FURTHER explain her billing and offer some additional options so my wife can BUY HER PROGRAM because shes done a prelim on me (again) and apparently, I'm a scumbag.

Onto the ACTUAL important part of the email a full large paragraph down now. She specifically uses the terminology "I Believe" that I did what the issue is. Furthermore I am being VERY deceptive in EVERY statement I made (wrote actually). NOT ONE OUNCE of proof. There was no "based on" or "as indicated by" or "with a percentage of probability", NOTHING. Just the statement "I believe". Not very scientific or provable, but apparently that doesn't matter.

Next she gets into a personal profile that looks like it was cut a paste out of a textbook with "I also need to mention" as the tag line. Not one bit of it was even close to accurate, but it sure was nasty. The email ended with "I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this. This is my opinion and I am extremely confident in its results". Certainly smacks of "you're screwed but you can pay me to fix you".

I got kicked out of my home, had to spend the night 40 miles across town, drove back at 5am for school after 4 hours of sleep in a 48 hour period plus a 36 hour raging headache because I was SO angry at the blatant lies, BS and havoc this woman has caused in my life. I resolved to get to the bottom of it, since from the beginning, I haven't done ANYTHING wrong....except for trusting someone apparently.

I spent an hour on the phone with a friend of mine who IS a state licensed and sanctioned psychologist that has known me for the last almost 20 years. I explained the entire situation to her, even read her word for word what Ms. d'Gabriel had emailed. She (psychologist) was appalled at what this woman (handwriting guru) had done. My friend directed me to the Az board of behavioral health, also the state of Az board of psychiatric examiners which are two of the sanctioning bodies in this state to find out what her license number was and how to file a complaint. She (friend) also informed me that she herself has done handwriting analysis and has found through experience as well as colleagues AND textbooks, that it isn't accurate not to mention inadmissible in court as such (as a profiling or lie detection tool). I was also informed that the types of information being generated and how it was transmitted (via email) was a direct violation of my privacy rights, as email IS NOT secure and can be viewed by anyone who knows how. The last little kicker, I had know idea about THIS. My friend (State licensed, sanctioned, PROPERLY trained psychologist) added that NO profile done on me in this manner, would even be taken seriously by a real professional as I have returned to school and am currently a full time student. The reason is, I'm involved in an immersive training environment, learning and applying new information, concepts and habits, and that the underlying subconscious stress created by this learning process, throws ALL of my patterns off, making ANY profile, other than ACTUAL one on one contact, impossible and unusable. Apparently Ms. d'Gabriel didn't read or just forgot about that chapter of the book.

Following her (my friends) advice I did some digging and here's what I found. Ms. Treyce d'Gabriel does in fact have 1 license........that would be a real estate license. Handwriting analysis is apparently not monitored (licensed) by the state. She belongs to no sanctioning bodies in the state. That means she's not REALLY accountable to anyone or any group when she makes an egregious error and destroys someone's life. Since what she is doing goes FAR beyond simple handwriting analysis she is in effect practicing behavioral medicine without a license. She offers full psychological profiles and therapy programs all based on handwriting. She has also apparently accomplished something no single ANYTHING in the history of behavioral medicine since the dawn of time has been able to accomplish, a PROVEN 100% success rate with HER therapy program. Why do I find myself seeing SCAM in big flashing red letters?

But wait there's more, she's certified to get you to stop smoking. She owns and runs a metaphysical healing center. She's done writing profiles of Scott Peterson and Michael Jackson.......somehow I doubt it had anything to do those guys actual cases, but she still did profiles on them AND others. She does her profiles based on copies NOT originals. I don't claim to know much about this stuff, but it seems to me the ACTUAL pen strokes are necessary and a digitized copy REPRESENTING the pen strokes are somehow less than adequate.

So what I can see here is someone who's invented a niche for themselves as a slick, tabloid style, poorly trained, jack of all trades with no formal licenses and a lot of good sales pitches and empty promises guaranteed to solve all your problems by creating new ones. She's even wrote books I'm not going to waste my time looking at since I've seen first hand how she conducts herself in a "professional" capacity.

Back to the first paragraph of her email, it all makes perfect sense now. The ONLY reason to include the "international kidnapping case" was she felt a need to legitimize herself to my wife. Which tells me that she OBVIOUSLY KNOWS that there is some question about her legitimacy. Fortunately for myself, I had the wherewithal, capacity, and support group of friends necessary to uncover this sham. Something I should be incapable of based on Ms. d'Gabriels assessment. I have filed a complaint against her with the Az board of behavioral health, the Arizona AG's office and am currently looking at the potential for legal action against her personally. I certainly welcome any inquiry from any interested attorneys.

Using her own analysis, Ms Treyce d'Gabriel is professionally unprofessional. She's reckless and has little to no regard for the havoc and damage she reeks upon unsuspecting people looking for help. The really scary part is, I think that she believes she IS helping.

If your looking for someone to help you with a behavioral health issue, do the right thing, call a licensed professional, check them out with a sanctioning body, all this stuff is online nowadays, and don't believe made up hype and slick packaging, promising you cheap solutions and alternatives. You just might end up with an even bigger mess on your hands.

Beyond angry

Goodyear, Arizona


5 Updates & Rebuttals

Kelly Angel

United States of America
False Allegations Regarding Treyce Montoya

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, November 20, 2012

I would like to address the allegations of Treyce Montoya (her name has changed since this false report was made to the "Ripoff Report).  The allegations of her not being a legitimate practitioner of forensic science are ridiculous.

First, I would like to address why the accuser was told her science is not admissible into court.  This science is new to Arizona, and simply has not been put to test in this state.  Other states have accepted this science as proof beyond reasonable doubt.  The FBI has employed Treyce to complete forensic profiling cases in some very high profiled cases.

In regards to the above paragraph, the accusing author of the complaint I am filing this rebuttal against - the polygraph he mentions is not admissible in any courts.  Before he writes this type of complaint again, I would recommend he do research into the court system before he makes a fool of himself in the future.

I have contracted Treyce to provide instruction to employees I supervise.  She also has had the privilege of teaching the science and art of forensic handwriting analysis to persons throughout the State of Arizona during those periods of instruction.

I have witnessed Treyce's work first-hand.  She provided extremely accurate analysis of several handwriting samples before and during her periods of instruction to my business.  There is no doubt in my mind her techniques and practices and the results of those procedures are no less than 98% accurate.  Only a fool would believe any analysis of this type is 100% accurate. 

Treyce is certified internationally to complete these types of analysis.  Her spiritual preferences have nothing to do with the issues the complainant describes in his complaint.  The fact she is licensed in real estate is about as relevant to this situation as the price of tea in China.

What you have here is a person who has the inability to self-examine.  This complainant obviously is not satisfied since Treyce did not tell him what he wanted to hear.  Maybe he should refrain from using her services, because she is 200% honest each and every time she is contracted to do an analysis.  If you can't accept the truth, beware of her.  Treyce will tell exactly what she sees every time.

I would ask this complainant to take a closer look at his psychologist, since that professional obviously loves to sling mud on others in an effort to appease her customers.   An honest professional will not do that without offering some sort of proof.  Based upon the allegations the complainant made here, I do not believe any proof was offered.

I would also recommend the complainant stop blaming others for his failing relationship.  Obviously, there are deeper issues at hand than Treyce in this situation.  It is always easy to blame our short comings on others.

I am willing to provide my personal and professional reference to Treyce Montoya at any time.  I encourage the "Rip Off" report to remove this complaint, since no proof was offered by the complainant.  For every dissatisfied customer Treyce encounters, I can attest there are she has no less than 99 satisfied customers who will vouch for her accuracy and professionalism.

Report Attachments

C.J. Villarreal

Emotional and wrong!

#3UPDATE Employee

Fri, November 02, 2012

I have worked for this company for over 10 years! I started in high school and now, as an adult, am still working here. Therefore, I have spent many years working closely with both Treyce and my coworkers. Whether early mornings on a rush case or late evenings with a client emergency, Treyce has always been 100% honest, extremely helpful, and more dedicated to her clients than anyone I have ever seen in this industry. If there is a problem, she will not run from it, she will confront it respectfully yet head on to help avoid further problems in the future.

Obviously the person who wrote this post was reacting out of emotion. I remember this case and the report because I typed it. The words that he claims she said - making her sound rude and uncaring - are ridiculous and wrong! She has never insulted anyone whether directly or indirectly and even I became offended reading this. As for "kidnapping case". She does work many kidnapping cases which originate in Mexico City. However, I did just pull the file and saw that the client asked why the case report would take an extra day and Treyce responded because she was working a kidnapping case and "time is of the essence". Everyone knows that the first hours on this type of case are critical so Treyce did not state it was a matter of life or death. In fact, I have never heard her use those words even in jest. Clearly this man is again fabricating information.

Regarding confidentiality - if there is anything that Treyce "preaches" it is this topic! In fact, I cannot tell you how much she focuses on this and how strict she is in regard to this very topic. She is very easy to work with and welcomes discussions and ideas on alternative ways to do things. However with the topic of confidentiality, she does not waiver!! 

I have never known someone so focused on making a difference in the lives of others... In fact, I have seen her turn down many cases and a lot of money because she or her opinion could not be "bought". She is not driven by money and does not determine success by one's assets. She determines success by being at inner peace, truly happy and living one's passion. She lives this way every single day. Despite thisI have never seen her try to upsell anyone or sell her therapy program to a forensic client as this man claims. Her therapy clients come to her because of her reputation. In fact you can go and read and view testimonials.

If you were to spend just 5 minutes with Treyce you would see and feel her passion for helping others. People are always very drawn to her! In fact that is one of the reasons why all of her employees have been with her for many years. Clearly the man that wrote this was upset because he was essentially doing something morally, ethically and legally wrong.

He makes Treyce sound money-hungry or someone who power-trips. Nothing could be further from the truth. Each year she works 10 pro bono cases to give back to society. In addition, she never says, "(employee name) works for me" because she always says, "(employee name) works with me". Clearly that is not the sign of a power-tripper!

Call her references - they will tell you the same thing so feel free to download a reference packet.

Thank you

Report Attachments


Farmington Hills,
United States of America
Excellent Service

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, November 02, 2012

I have hired Treyce for numerous reasons.  Each time she was honest, confidential, and professional.  I will continue using her for these reasons. 



#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, November 18, 2009

Here is an email from the CLIENT regarding MY FINDINGS of this man... it is copied / pasted in its entirety and I can produce the email and more proof as needed...
To: Treyce DGabriel
From: (deleted for protection)
Date / Time: November 18, 2009 @ 9:41 AM
Subject: Update

FYI, they found child porn on his ZIP drive.  Since he destroyed the hard drive there is not real way to link it back to him so they are not charging him. However I am hopeful that the custody evaluator will take it seriously. Her report is due out this week. We still have the order of protection until January. He is just trying to make my life miserable. I am sorry that he did that on RipOff Report but he has quite a temper. You were spot on with him! 


This is rediculous !

#6REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, January 30, 2009

(1) I did NOT violate any laws - including HIPAA because NO identifying information was exchanged via email or any other avenue. All documents were completely, 100% anonymous. (2) I was asked for my professional opinion which is what I gave AND - according to this "complaint" his personality is revealing itself EXACTLY how I described it in my professional opinion. Why didn't this man call me directly ? Instead he draws negative attention to himself. I would be MORE than happy to prove to anyone how my results of his personality MATCH the content of his complaint. I need to thank him for the GREAT advertising he just did for me! (3) To make my client more at ease, I also had OTHER PROFESSIONALS in the field, located in various states, look at it ANONYMOUSLY. I did NOT provide them with any information before OR after. EACH professionals reports MATCHED mine - apparently my client failed to tell him about their reports (which I did forward to her!) She also failed to tell him, aparently, that I stated there were extenuating circumstances that needed to be considered and that I would WORK THINGS OUT WITH HIM (this is the thanks I get for advocating for their marriage?) (4) I have NEVER had a real estate license but I am a credentialed Clinical Liaison with a major behavioral health authority in the state... his friends don't dig well. (5) Handwriting Analysis is NOT the same as traditional psychology and he is correct - there are NO licensing boards for the field. I, for one, feel there should be and have pushed for it to no avail. Traditional psychology to-date is only at an 18th Century level per a licensed psychologist / former professor of mine. Additionally his "licensed psychologist friend" was clearly involved in a CONFLICT of interest within this situation. Not good judgment. (6) Of course his friends and support systems agree with him - that's what friends do. I have MANY emails from someone who knows him well stating that my results MATCHED exactly what they suspected "for quite a long time". Perhaps his friends don't know him as well as they think (also mentioned in my professional opinion) and of course (per my professional opinion) he will work on public image - surrounding himself with "powerful people" in case he needs them (as indicated in his complaint). When people only care about public image (although his complaint shows his impulsive side (also mentioned in my opinion) people can get "snowed". Examples of this would be famous cases such as Ted Bundy, Charles Manson, and the Columbine kids - their support systems were "snowed" too! I believe I used the words "sociopathic tendencies" in my professional opinion. (7) My final suggestion is that if you have a complaint against someone or a company you go to THEM instead of attempting defamation of character (cyber-libel)! It is not very mature of someone to resort to this. When I have a problem - I go directly to the source because there is usually information that was not provided such as (3) above.. I don't see him mentioning those people on here! (8) My reputation speaks for itself. Period. Check my references yourself at www.Treyce.com Thank you for the opportunity to clarify this situation; I sincerely hope this obviously disturbed individual finds some peace in his life.

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