  • Report:  #121439


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11061 ROOSEVELT BLVD. ST . PETERSBURG ,, 33716 Florida, U.S.A.
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I just recieved a rude call from a Ms. Diaz from the Courtesy Payment Recovery Services she informed me of my past due balance I informed her that I had just been Diagnosed with an illness and had to stop working for the time being, I had no funds to offer at this time for payment. But that I could pay at the end of the month she then said to me is there anyone I can borrow the money from? I responded to her not at this moment I told her that I can by the end of the month possibly the week I informed her that i can possibly by todays end she said no I need to do it now i said excuse me she said i need to get the money now in a threatening manner I said at that point because of her mannerism you know what I need a manger. She said for what? I said I need a manger your rude and its starting to piss me off she refused FOR THE SECOND TIME and ''said im rude yet your the ones that owes xxx amount to netflix''

I said I need a manger she then said to me again threatening me that shes not the one to mess with I said ''I dont need this s#!t f^(k this'' and hung up . I called back and a guy answered the phone I didnt get his name ( no one informed me of the name of the company or offered there name at ne point the 3 times I called, or even when I finally spoke to a manger she didnt say her name till I asked even when they called me there was no presence of a phone number,) but he took my claim number and I again explained that I cant do it now but I can before the weeks up if time alotted I told him thats what I was trying to do when Ms. Diaz resonded quit rudely sayin i needed to go and borrow the money right now( I asked if there was a Ms. Diaz with there company I dint know because there was no offering up of the companies name so it might of been a differnt company I worked for telemarketing when we call a house we are to reveal our names and the companies name in certain states and also a phone number so the customer knows the legitamacy of the call ) he said there was a Ms. Diaz there I told him the situation he said and what do you want to be done?

I said nothing I just wanted to know if thats the way business is done there he said well she wasnt being rude in informing you to borrow money. I said do you always tell customers how to pay? He said well what can he do I then said can I speak to a manager he said fine ill get a supervisor for you . Ms. Sara Kongquee came on I informed her of how rude the employees were to me and everything I told her that the lady was rude and very belittling to me saying things like ''Im calling her rude yet I owe xxx amount of money'' saying I didnt know you can read off peoples payment to them in such a manner I told her Ms. Diaz even said to me ''shes not the one to mess with'' she says that ''well I can't imagine her saying that'' in turn callin me a liar I said arent your calls recorded so she can listen to the conversation for herself if she didnt believe me. Before I finished she said '' no'' she cotinued to dissmiss me I explained I have an illness I dont have funds available and thats why I cant pay now she then said to me ''it's hard for me to be ''heartfelt'' or to care when im being rude to a lady on the phone'' I said, is that the way that you talk to customers she said very rude your not our customer netflix is our customer, I said well thats rude she didnt respond.

I said well there not your employers she said no they arent I stayed calm because at this point I was very upset and my illness doesnt call for that so I asked her name the companies name and told her thank you and hung up the phone I then contacted the Better Bussiness Beareau and now NETFLIX. COM I dont feel that this is good customer service on the part of your affiliates. And I feel that I was disrespected in every fashion with out using profanities I tried to take every possible avenue of resolving this but in turn was rudely handled by everyone involed I was threatend that legal actin would be taken just in spite that I asked for a manger to resolve the issue and possibly have payment by the end of the day . So I did enjoy using netflix but now wish to cancel my subscrption and will have payment for you by the end of this week if not the day



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