  • Report:  #1289106

Complaint Review: Chantal Benedict - West Hills California

Reported By:
Anonymous - Los Angeles, California, USA

Chantal Benedict
6544 BOBBYBOYAR AVE West Hills, 9137 California, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I visited Chantal at a health expo, where she "treated" me for spinal allignment. I only wanted an evaluation of my spinal issue so I'd know how bad I was and that would determine how many sessions I'd need with her. She said at least 5 for minimum of $800-$1000 cash. WOW! 

As I'm about to leave she tells me I have to pay $90.00 for 5min evaluation, which neither her nor her husband informed me in advance that would be considered a "treatment." At that point she seems so sweet and innocent and her husband so friendly, so I go ahead and paid with credict card.


After the "treatment" I walked immediatly to my car to go home and i started feeling intense pain on my left clavical as well as pulsing sensation on my right shoulder and sharp pain and stiffness on my back. I had to drive for 45mins supporting the steering wheel with my knees, because my arms as well as my back were in great great pain. I barely slept that night, which resulted in a very bad next day, when I went to visit her booth to ask her why I had such level of pain. She was nowhere to be found, nor her husband, nor her assistant and the booth was almost disambled. 


I found Chantal on the next day back at the Expo and politly asked her for logical explanation of the pain, and she kept telling me some nonsense how my spirit is chaotic and her spirit couldn't connect with mine and i need to be focused-pretty much giving me life lessons and coulnd't give me any logical explanation of intense pain i still had two days later. 


We agree on $70 refund back to my credit card after she asked me to donate to her, which I happily agreed on, overall, I waisted her 5-8min even though I was in pain for 2 days at that point. She proceeds to tell me she doesn't know how to issue a refund on "square" device and I kindly offered to help and that same split second she stormed out of the expo pretending she was on the phone with someone and had to greet her friend outside....well her phone was in front of me while I was trying to show her how to do refunds so i saw no one called her. Her husband asked me to come back in 10min when she is back, so i did. He told me he tried everything on that application and there was no option for refunds, which i perfeclty know there are, as i have been refunded before and i explained that i can help him do it. He kept pushing me away and asked to take all my personal information: credit card number, exp date, security code, phone number, name and email, which was completley uneccessary. He promised to give me a call once he issues the refund and it would be by the end of the expo. 

I went to their booth at the end of the expo again, and eagirly and happily said "hey i found how to do it...yayy"" and Chantal started speaking through her teeth very angrily in my face saying she would do it whenver she has time. Wow that sweet little lady turned into a mean and vicious chihuahua ....too much evil in such a tiny person.  I responded that it literally takes 2 steps of total of 15sec and we would have done the refund for the time we talked that day, which was already 3,4 times...it was pointless talking, instead we could issue the refund and she said "it will happen whenver i have 5 seconds not whatever you want" she had no clients at that time, nor near her booth. She wanted to kick me out of her booth and told me to talk to her lawyer pointing at a "magical" reiki healer. The second time she repeated that her hand was milimeters of my face. I didn't want to cause a scene and still respected her for first being a woman, 2nd for being older than me, and third if i did cuase a scene, she would not have seen another client for the rest of the expo. I kept my voice low as I don't argue with people publicly and she starts spitting out offensive adjectives, which upon I left. 


Then i found the General Manager of the Expo and went with her to Chantal's booth. She agreed with my position and said she would gladly show them how to refund me and that she didn't believe them. As soon as we arrived, Chantal's husband started complimenting the Manager and grabbed his phone and texted me pretending he was "square" sending an automatic refund message and reassured the manager that everything was taken care of. The Manager asked me to check my emails, since she knew they were dishonest. I had no email with such a confirmation, which I should havel if he did refund me. However, he misspelled a word on the text message, and that's how I found out that he texted me from his personal phone, instead of actually getting an offical text message from "Square." At this point i was on my way home as I couldn't stand there anymore. 

I texted the husband suggesting him to refund me the full $90 as I obviously no longer want to donate to them after such rude, disrespectful and dishonest treatment. He started texting me offensive words and i told him I will no longer read his messages or receive communication from him. I told him that it is in their best interest to save their practice the right way as they have multiple customers and all I can loose is $90.00. meaning I can leave bad reviews about them and now the Manager of the only Expo in Los Angeles knows what they did. He became very defensive and said he WILL issue me the $70.00 refund (still wanting to take my donation after all of that and offensive words-how greedy!). This was actually a proof that he never refunded me. 


Result: I disputed the charge and had to change my credit card, because I had no idea what they could do with all my confidential information. If Chantal Benedict and her husband try to fight the disputed charged, I'll take further legal actions to take her license away so she won't continue to scam people and/or cause physical and emotional pain and stress to others. I can combine this with a lawsuit for malpractice, and if that happens, I'll update this report. 




5 Updates & Rebuttals


North Carolina,
United States
I remember that! I was there too!

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, August 08, 2018

 I walked up to the booth at the Expo and there was a woman fussing at Chantal and I was trying to wait patiently to see her. You might remember me too...had really really long blonde hair kind of stands out. Anyways I interrupted and got the husband's attention who then got her over to me quickly. It was urgent to me at that time I had to get going as I had a flight to catch back to North Carolina. I arrived at the Expo after a series of flights being brought by wheelchair from gate to gate because I could not walk without severe pain in by lower back and hips like I was out of alignment badly and having severe muscle spasms. I had been planning on the trip to L.A. for months but 2 days before leaving I picked my baby boy up quickly with bad footing in the sand at the beach when he fell after a rogue wave. I was coming to see my Reiki master and receive my second attunement but had signed up for the Expo tickets for the lectures too since I was there and already a huge fan of Nassim Haramein and David Wilcock. So imagine me arriving day one. I was so exhausted from not being able to sleep from the pain plus the traveling now add walking while unable to stand upright extra distances while going all over the hotel. I quit early and went back to the hotel. Day two, my best friend met me for dinner she drove to L.A. from Las Vegas and brought me a gift. She knew what was happening and was so thoughtful. She brought me a walking stick to help. I went back to the Expo and went to a lecture. After that session ended I was dreading having to go far so rather than look at the itinerary I looked at the signs outside the next door. That's when I saw it! QUANTUM SKELETAL ALLIGNMENT. I did a double take and read it again like say what!? I hobbled right in that door with a knowing that I had to be in the right place. It was a nice lecture with her story and connection to John of God. Lots of before and after pictures. At the end she offered to help a volunteer and she quickly selected one. I thought that was it I missed my chance but she generously offered to help another guest and I was holding my stick holding my arm up as high as I could and she picked me! She mentioned my walking stick with a pitty joke. The whole crowd chuckled and clapped as I went up. She worked on me and my hips just started moving. They were small fluid movements back and forth. This lasted for just a minute or two and she invited me to walk down the isle. I did! I walked upright in fluid easy motion without my stick and without pain. I cried like a baby right in front of everyone. I had been suffering for days and it was instant relief. I was blessed for sure to have gotten a free session so I wanted to visit her booth before I left for my flight to personally thank her. I interrupted that tiff between you and her on the floor that day to give her a bracelet that I made as a token of my appreciation and tell her how I was feeling. Chantal Benedict is legit! I have pictures from the trip, before and after, still have her business card, and she still has the bracelet.


#3Author of original report

Thu, March 17, 2016

In reply to the previous consumer report that was just published. First, in order to post something here you have to have the owner's username and password and log in from the owner's email so clearly Chantal asked this person to write such a "true and beautiful" testimony OR SHE wrote it herself. Second, let's pretend that was a real patient...stil Chantal asked her/him to write it. Oh now she is defening her reputation, but she clearly didn't think of that when she caused ME PHYSICAL PAIN, nor did she think of that when she lied to me for 2 days in a row for issuing me a refund (which was partial) after my request for a full refund and after i rectracted my donation, which she asked for. Third, good for you now healed patient, but no one asked for your story or oppinion...you just make Chantal look even more desparete by trying so badly to defend her "skills." Even if you did feel well under her program that doesn't mean that I did...I had the exact opposite result and I'm entitiled to my oppinion and reaction, and I had a friendly agreement with her to refund me everything, which she did not hold to...so your story has nothing to do with us and it's unneccesary and should not be even published. This is not yelp to write a review of someone. Speakiing of yelp...oh how wonderful is that she has no establishment there...i wonder why? Maybe she is afraid of the negative reviews but she surely has ONLY the positive ones on her website......Fourth: I could care less how many people benefited from her or how many people she asked to write those positive reviews about her and how many she gets to publish here....the bottom like is that she caused me pain, she agreed to refund me the money, she asked me to donate her money, which i initally agreed, she and her husband then lied to me for 2 days that they gave me the refund, which they didn't, because i have recorded conversations with my credit card company asking them if there was a refund/credit in the process and perhaps i didn't see it yet on my online profile, but the credit card said there was no credit issued at all...nothing was started. Then her husband admitted to me via text messages that he never issued the refund and called me names, after Chantal yelled at me at a health expo.....great healing process ....very positive one....if that's how she treats customers by lying to them, causig them pain, not withholding on her promises, manipulating people, putting her hand in patients' faces while refusing to have an intelligent discussion or to receive help from me for the refund process, lying to the Manager of the Expo in her eyes, and then desperatly defeing her reputation post facto by writing testimonilas herself....to me that's not a great healer who is reliable and honest.


Now Chantal is stlll finding the remaining $20.00.....pathetic!!! If she had that MANY healed patients, when she charges a fortune per treatment, then she shouldn't worry about $20.00.  If she wasn't about every dime and if she knew how to treat patients respectfuly and honestly, and knew how to create repeat customers/patients, who would create constant profit, she wouldn't have had to defend herself here and go through this, but it's her choice and entirely her choice. I only react to how i was treated, and she clearly udnerstimated me. If you weren't guilty of anything you would have given me the full refudn and send me away. My cousin who is a student and not a business owner acts more maturely than she does, but again her choice.  


Respectful entrepreneurs own their mistakes, learn from them, correct them and don't repeat them. Clearly not the case here. 


Studio City,
Chantal Heals The Body, Heart And Soul

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, March 15, 2016

I am a client of Chantal Benedict.  She is a true healer.  I came to her with physical issues.  Gently and surely, she treated all of me: the physical, the emotional and the spiritual.  

My physical issues derive from having been a 67-year-old formerly overweight couch-potato with two titanium knees, a damaged spinal chord and fused discs in my neck.  I had recently begun a paleo-style weight-loss regimen, started an exercise program with a trainer, and committed to walk a 1/2 marathon -- something I had never, ever tried.  In fact, less than six months before my first appointment with Chantal, I could not walk the length of a mall with a cane.  I had lost a lot of weight quickly -- ultimately over 100 lbs. -- and my skeleton and musculature were having a hard time adapting to the new me and the physical requests I was making of my body.  

On the recommendation of my massage therapist and healer, I consulted Chantal.  And, boy, did she deliver!!  In fact, what she has done seems miraculous.  Using the gentlest of touches -- and with great humility about the Source of her gift -- she realigned my skeleton, from the tip of my head to the tips of my fingers and toes, so that I am able to walk correctly and -- most importantly -- without abnormal pain or discomfort.  

As I have continued to lose weight and train harder and walk further on more and more challenging terrain, Chantal has kept my body in shape.  When I had serious problems with my left shoulder and scapula, Chantal gently adjusted them to relieve the cause of the pain.  After an MRI indicated bulging discs in my neck, Chantal gently moved them back into place and I avoided surgery.  

Recently, I spent four days at Disneyland Resort, riding every ride in both Disneyland and California Adventure several times -- even Star Tours, Space Mountain, Indiana Jones, Splash Mountain, Thunder Mountain Railroad, California Screamin' roller coaster and Tower of Terror.  I had no problem with or from any of them!!  Sure, I needed some adjustment after walking 35 miles in four days -- something I didn't know I could do.  But that was all!!

Chantal treats the soul and the heart as well.  Her treatments always begin with a discussion.  Her "how are you" greeting is heartfelt.  She really cares.  But she doesn't force.  I find myself easily unfolding deep and meaningful questions and insights in her loving, reassuring presence.  Then, time on her John of God Crystal Bed -- whether meditating or sleeping -- replenishes my soul and enlivens my heart.  I am much more sensitive, loving, compassionate, mentally, physically and emotionally strong, serene, and spiritually attuned than I was when I first met Chantal.  She has a lot to do with that. 

In short, Chantal is a true healer.  She is humble, gifted, loving and compassionate.  She cares deeply about me on all levels.  I have met several of her clients before and after my appointments and at various social events, and each of them has had nothing but praise for her.  I thank God everyday that He/She brought Chantal into my life.

Reply on the fake "truth" with the real TRUTH

#5Author of original report

Thu, March 10, 2016

1st off, Chantal Benedict has been reported before for not paying her employees after promising she would, and she promised to give me a refund for causing me physical pain, then treating me like a dog infront of hundreds of people at an health expo. She is lucky I didn't cause a scene there and would have scared all "potential" customers away, but I wasn't raised that way and decided to walk away peacefully relying on her and her husband's word to refund me promptly, but that never happened. I had to dispute the charge, and then they decided to issue me a partial refund, NOT FULL. My last conversation with her and her husband was about a full refund. I have multiple saved text messsages proving that. Who is she to decide how much to keep for herself after such an horrible treatment and after 2 days of lying to me that she would refund me the money?!  

2nd: She spent literally no more than 7 minutes with me, which included 3,4 minutes of me giving her a background of my injury and life-style, so her stating she spent "significant" time with me is just another lie. I know exactly when I went to her, because I received a text message from my husband asking when i would be home and I replied right before I started the conversation with Chantal, which requested a basic evaluation of my level of scoliosis and warned her that's all i wanted so i could plan financially if I should and could seek further treatment with her. After that conversation, she examined my back and said you need at least 8 treatments for $800-$1,000 and the lights of the expo went off because it was exactly 10pm and the expo was closing for that day, so i perfeclty know how much time exaclty she spent with me.  

3rd: This dispute is not about the physical pain she caused, which she admited she didn't connect her spirit with mine and that's why it didn't work....and she also admited her techniques don't always work on everyone.....oohhhh how convenient!!!!!!! This case is not even about the $90.00 but it's about how she conducts business and since she had multiple complaints in the past, this report is to WARN PEOPLE becuase obviously she won't change. Causing pain, being rude, disrespectful, dishonest and manipulative person are characters that not only she is a master of, but don't fit a "spiritual healer" and certainly does not deserve to treat people in such way, charge money without being transparant about the charge, then promise you a refund and then lie to you for days. I had to walk on the 5th time with the General Manager of the Expo to talk to her and they still lied to us.

I'm myself a business owner and I'm a top-rated seller worldwide rated monthly by severe criteria and I've NEVER treated nor will i ever treat any of my customers in such a way....I sell products from $1.99 to $699.00 and I've never treated anyone so poorly regardless of the amount of purhase they have made. I have given countless products away just to make my customers happy and I'm never about the money...it's all about the experience becuase if you provide good experience, you would have repeat customers and word of mouth would bring you new ones as well. If my customers are not happy for the smallest reason whatever that reason is....I do my absolute best to make them happy, and Chantal should learn that as a business owner and not be so stubborn on some $20 or $90. I have graduated Graduate School with Executive Business with High Honers, and I know better than anyone that is not about the money; it's about the people and their experience with the according business/service, so her not carying that she caused me pain and i had to drive home supporting my car streering wheel with my knees doens't speak well for her, especially as a "spiritual healer" and her poor attempt to paint me as a greedy person who wants my money back is laughable. I wasn't going to even make this a big deal if she apologized for the inconvenience and tried to help, or if she kept her word to issue me the rufund promptly.  

4th: I never met her assistant...it was the husband who kept telling me he issued me a refund and mimcked an automatic text message from the square applicaiton, but he misspelled a word and texted back so that's how i knew it wasn't the automated system and he texted me some nasty messages. 

5th: I have text messages, credit card statements and witnesses to prove every single word I've written so far....at least I have proof and can back up everything I claim, unlike her.  

The Healing Heart Center

Ms Anonymous and the truth

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, March 09, 2016

I have been doing this type of work that I call Quantum Skeletal Alignment  for 9 years and have treated thousands of clients.  I have worked hard to provide my clients with excellent service and results and have never had any client personally attack me over services that have been provided.  To the contrary, I have received numerous letters and supportive testimonials for the services I have rendered to my clients over the years.

Without delving into the many false accusations that “Ms. Anonymous” has alleged that occurred I would simply respond by saying that this entire claim arises out of “Ms. Anonymous” not wanting to pay for the significant time I spent with her working to re-align her skeletal system.  There was a large sign on the table that clearly described the price for the treatment.  In addition, my assistant verified with Ms. Anonymous that the price of the treatment was $90.00. 

The response by Ms. Anonymous truly provides a window into the type of person who would write such a harsh and personal attack in order to mask her request for a refund for the services rendered.

A refund was provided to Ms. Anonymous the day that she requested it.

With Love and Light,

Chantal The Healing Heart Center


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