  • Report:  #530366

Complaint Review: Cheryl Cowdrey - Fenton Michigan

Reported By:
gp100 - Lapeer, Michigan, United States of America

Cheryl Cowdrey
Fenton, Michigan, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
 First of all I would like to point out that all of this happened within a course of about 6 months!!!
 when I first met Cheryl on myspace she seemed like a down to earth,friendly and loving person. This report is to tell you how wrong I was.
  I had talked to Cheryl online and on the phone before I met her in person. I noticed that all she seemed to talk about was her ex-husband whom she was currently near the end of a divorce from. It was pretty annoying but I had also been through a divorce so I could emphasize with her. I should have known what I was getting into when she planned our first date at her house at the exact same time that her ex was scheduled to drop off child support. It was pretty awkward as you can imagine but Cheryl still seemed like a nice girl.
  Cheryl called me about three times a day and acted slightly obsessed with me. She was constantly e-mailing me about her messy divorce and even made the claim,which I later found out to be untrue,that her ex husband had threatened to kill her with a shotgun. I now know that Cheryl seems starved for attention and often fabricates little stories like these. Cheryl would daily tell me that she loved me,how glad she was she found me and how great it was that I supported her while she was in nursing school. I'm glad she wasn't on a lie detector machine because it probably would have caught fire.
  I often noticed how Cheryl made it a point to show affection to me in front of her children. I now realize that she was using her kids as pawns to relay that information back to her ex to make him jealous and angry.
  Not long after her divorce finalization,Cheryl called me up out of the blue to say that the relationship was over. I was hurt with this but came to accept it. A couple weeks later she wanted to get back together. I gave her the benefit of the doubt and the dating and sex continued for several more weeks. During this time I had given her gifts and money. She once again started telling me how glad we were back together.
  Well,during the second relationship Cheryl had tried to get me to join her friend's multi-level marketing business. After the meeting with her friend Cheryl immediately asked me how it went. I told her that it looked good but I just wasn't interested in it. The next day I received a phone call from her saying she wanted to break up again. I now realize that the reason she got back together with me is to help her friend by getting me to sign up for the business.
  After the second break up Cheryl expressed that she wanted the relationship to continue but just wanted to be "friends". I was exceedingly leery of her at this point but figured whatever.
  While all of the above was going on Cheryl and I had communicated EVERY SINGLE DAY via either e-mail or telephone. One day Cheryl told me that she wanted a night to herself and made it a point to tell me that I wasn't welcomed at her house. I'm sure everyone reading this can figure out what was going on in her house that night. To confirm my suspicions I phoned her house and sure enough her cell phone was turned off and she didn't answer her land line. Obviously she had some very special company over there that night.
 The next morning she called me very angry,obviously upset that I had ruined her romantic evening. Even though we had communicated with each other EVERY SINGLE DAY before this day she acted like it was outrageous that I called her and a couple days later, for the third time wanted a break up.
  I would like to make several points about this third breakup.
1) ONE DAY before she called wanting another break up she invited me to go to church with her,this was a mean trick intended to hurt me and my daughter who was very excited to see Cheryl's kids again.
2) Cheryl made it a point to tell me that she didn't block her blog on Myspace. She often wrote taunting blogs and comments about me just to get me to contact her for attention. The blogs have mysteriously disappeared after my friends told her what they thought of her and then Cheryl put up a status that the blogs weren't about one particular person. HA HA yeah like there was someone else she just broke up with 3 times in a row.
3) Cheryl told me not to contact her but continued to call me just to make it look like I was harassing her.
Cheryl also rips off the church
  Cheryl continues to play the sympathy card and bogus abuse by her ex-husband to receive money and gifts from the church she goes to. So far she has scammed a new set of tires and suspension repair on her van and also has TWO families supplying her gifts for her kids on Christmas. I suppose cheryl feels she's twice as deserving as other families to receive these gifts. I on the other hand disagree. Although I have given her hundreds of dollars in gifts in which she couldn't even spring to buy me a two dollar birthday card on my birthday in return and have seen her take hundreds of dollars of gifts from other people,I have NOT ONCE seen her give anything to anybody. She is the kind of person who walks by the bell ringers with a pocket full of change without even saying HI to them.
  There is much more I would like to write but my blood pressure rises with each keystroke and I fear I may keel over if I do.
 Please consider this post if you ever run into Cheryl Cowdrey. Thank you for reading.

Report Attachments

22 Updates & Rebuttals

Ex number 2

United States of America
Spellchecker, HA , how about thought checker (:

#2General Comment

Wed, January 13, 2010

And as for the comments from people who do not identify themselves- you are cowards.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

w**k may refer to:

So Superwank, which one are you?



United States of America
disappointed? Are you sure?

#3Author of original report

Wed, January 06, 2010

"I clicked on your post, since I am a fellow Michigander. Boy, was I disappointed"
"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."

  --  Mahatma Gandhi

Report Attachments

Lydia H.

United States of America
I think you missed the "Consumer" aspect of this site

#4General Comment

Mon, January 04, 2010

I clicked on your post, since I am a fellow Michigander. Boy, was I disappointed. You have used this CONSUMER-oriented advocacy site to air your own personal vendettas. This site should be used to warn others of businesses or entrepreneurs that have scammed or otherwise misled you in a business transaction.

By listing a long diatribe on your personal life you have: (a) given out way too much info, (b) created a Jerry Springer-esque tone, (c) presented yourself as a great libel candidate, should Cheryl Cowdrey want to sue you over your accusations.

I have no idea who you or Cheryl Cowdrey are, but I would advise you to settle your differences like grown adults and not 14 year-olds on Facebook and Myspace.

You give Michigan a bad name.



United States of America
superwank confirms my post

#5Author of original report

Mon, January 04, 2010

 If you shift through superwanks childish name calling and dribble you will see that she,unlike Cheryl's other friends,actually commented on one of my points.
 You would think by the vicious nature of Cheryl's so called "Christian" army that they would be trying to find faults in my report but they actually CONFIRMED one of my points. Please read superwanks comment that includes the quote "That was something that was likely very difficult for her to confide in anyone, and you abuse this confidence"
  superwank (stacy) acts concerned that someone will be hurt by what someone else said but then confirms it as truth.
  Wow Christians are just weird weird people.



#6UPDATE Employee

Mon, January 04, 2010

  Once again Cheryl's army further proves my point. These people cannot disclaim me so they must resort to name calling and insults and once again I will provide the facts.
  Cheryl calls herself a Christian but as you have read tells people that she regrets having her children because they held her back in life. Doesn't the Bible say to love your children?
  As you have read,Cheryl thinks of herself as "better then me" but doesn't the Bible say that we are all the same?
 Doesn't the Bible say to turn your cheek and love your enemies? Why does Cheryl have her friends responding to my factual post with name calling and insults?
  so is Cheryl really a Christian or does she go to church to use it like she uses everyone else in her life? Would Cheryl go to church if they didn't provide her with money? I doubt it.
  Why are Cheryl's friends more concerned about my job situation then the points I made in my post. It's because the more they can focus on me then the less they'll have to focus on the truth.
  Dave,Cheryl's other ex happens to be a well respected medical professional. The best in his field in fact. He had the guts to publicly say who he was on here, why don't you w**k? 


United States of America
Birds of a feather...

#7General Comment

Thu, December 31, 2009

First of all it seems to me that Cheryl must be pretty special if these two goons can't possibly find a way to let go of her.

Listen up you two, the best cure for loneliness is to go out and find another woman. Clearly your time could be better spent trolling for skanks in your local watering hole instead of badgering Cheryl and her family. Of course, what else could be expected from an ex-husband with self-esteem so low that he calls his former wife incessantly, screaming and making idle threats in order to puff himself up and make himself feel better about the poor hand he's been dealt in life? Dave-O, you should have been the bigger man and left this site alone. You've no business here, you are just an angry, balding little man piggy-backing off of somebody else's bad idea. You may be a turd, but Cheryl gave you years of her life instead of mere months with Steve-O. As you mentioned before, you made two beautiful children with her. Why drag their mother through the slime of internet infamousy? What respect does that show them? You need to keep this stuff between you and Cheryl for their sake, but you care as little for them as you do for her. This is evident in how you handled something told to you in confidence by Cheryl about how she may or may not have felt about Cassandra's birth. That was something that was likely very difficult for her to confide in anyone, and you abuse this confidence and disrespect her and Cassandra by airing it out here, in the least appropriate of places. What kind of man are you? Can you imagine the heartbreak this will cause Cassandra when she Googles her mother's name for the first time? Does a sleazeball like you even care? Cheryl is a big girl and can handle whatever (threats) you send her way, but you had better leave her children out of it.

Again, you should have left this stupidity to Steve-O but as everyone knows, you are an angry, scorned little boy with low self-esteem and therefore need a friend, a "Brother-In-Arms" if you will to help give you courage. There is something to be said about strength in numbers after all, and one has now become two. You two retards deserve each other.

Speaking of retards, spell checkers are free and come with all word-processors coded in the 21st century. Use them, for the sake of we humble English-speakers. Please.

And Steve-O, as for you, let it go. Please, for your own sake let it go. You didn't measure up for whatever reason and Cheryl dumped you. It happens to all of us (just ask Dave-O), the difference between you and most every other man is that we handle it with dignity and maintain a shred of self-respect. We don't air our embarrassment over the nets for everyone, including our former girlfriend's 12 year old daughter, to see. It's pathetic, but then again, so are you. You gave Cheryl money and gifts, nobody made you do so, and what happens between Cheryl and her church is between Cheryl and her church. It's none of your business, or anyone else's for that matter. Cheryl owes you nothing.

As far as Cheryl changing her mind about dating you is concerned: Have you ever had a girlfriend before in your life before her? All women are like this, ask them yourself and they'll tell you the same. Most can't make up their minds and immediately regret decisions of love. Or in the case of you and her, temporary insanity. Thankfully for Cheryl and her children, she got wise when she got rid of you. You are unstable and obsessed, once you find a job, you should seek therapy.

It seems to me that Cheryl's only real mistake was getting involved with a couple of dopes that weren't good enough for her in the first place.

Nobody's perfect, I suppose. Live and learn.


Ex number 2

United States of America
What a joke.

#8Consumer Suggestion

Thu, December 24, 2009

A couple of points of fact I can clear up.

#1 Cheryl did in fact on more than one occasion told me she regretted haveing Cassandra. Now I wonder if she is also sorry about the two children we had together?
#2 Cheryl has a huge temper problem, not only out of control verbally- yes I am guilty too- but also a physicall control problem when angry.( yep me too)
#3Cheryl is a ripoff.she promises and then does not deliver, thats a ripoff. (Wifely duties)
#4 Cheryl has accused me of threatning her. Not true.  Out of the blue I was contacted by the police, questioned, and was told to have  a nice day. Of course Cheryl did not stop there she filed a request thru the court for action. The court would not even consider it. I was accussed of this during the divorce as a strategy to reduce my visitation time and increase her child support. ( supported by police report and court documents) 
#5 Maybe Cheryl scams the public in that she quit her job. (perhaps not because it took away from her study time ,,, but MAYBE it was because she wanted to devote more time for a relationship.) So much for standing on your own two feet.

#6 Cheryl does have some good qualitys, but she has used the " poor me" ploy many times while we married. In regard to her first marriage, her job, the way her mom ignored her while married to me,.... For all her good qualities she ( yep like me) is FAR from the angel depicted by her supporters.

#7 Quote  


"Let me tell you that asking for help while she is trying to better herself is not shameful.  She does recieve help because she is not too proud to ask for it to be able to care for her family.  She is a single mother going to school and works very hard to better herself and her families life."  
I call BS on that response,  Cheryl is single by choice, Cheryl knew what her income would be when she filed and moved out- she is in trouble because she overextended herself financially- sooo many people in this state need help but ussually do not bring it on themselves. Cheryl  bought a mobile home that comes with lot rent. There are other cheaper ways to live.
Cheryl quit her job- uhhh how many people work and go to school at the same time. While married to Cheryl I worked TWO JOBS and went to school , at night AND weekends. Yeah yeah its tough to go to school and work- so what- Cheryl could earn up to 11,000.00 a year and it would not effect her child support. She CHOSE this life.

Cheryl made a promise to her first husband, perhaps she broke it for behavior and habits he had when she married him. Thats a ripoff. Cheryl made a promise to me when she married me and then AFTER i changed the same habits and behaviors I had when I married her divorced me as well. Thats a ripoff. Some may say- hey the trust was broken- oh OK fine, but people work thru issues all the time.Fact  Cheryl ran away from our problems,perhaps  she ran away from the problems with the first husband , and perhaps she probably ran away from the issues she had with Steve. Who is next on this ever growing list?!!

I do acknowledge that Cheryl had her reasons to , not trust me, and eventually divorce me.
I did get two beautifull kids from her anyway, and have many great memories of our life together.

I have stuck to responding to issues allready brought up but would not be suprised
if posts will now come in attacking me and all the horrible stuff I have done while married. 

And as for the comments from people who do not identify themselves- you are cowards.

Steve as hard as it may be try to forget about her, at least you are not tied to her thru children.

have a nice day
Ex number two dave

Ex number 2

United States of America
What a joke.

#9Consumer Suggestion

Thu, December 24, 2009

A couple of points of fact I can clear up.

#1 Cheryl did in fact on more than one occasion told me she regretted haveing Cassandra. Now I wonder if she is also sorry about the two children we had together?
#2 Cheryl has a huge temper problem, not only out of control verbally- yes I am guilty too- but also a physicall control problem when angry.( yep me too)
#3Cheryl is a ripoff.she promises and then does not deliver, thats a ripoff. (Wifely duties)
#4 Cheryl has accused me of threatning her. Not true.  Out of the blue I was contacted by the police, questioned, and was told to have  a nice day. Of course Cheryl did not stop there she filed a request thru the court for action. The court would not even consider it. I was accussed of this during the divorce as a strategy to reduce my visitation time and increase her child support. ( supported by police report and court documents) 
#5 Fact Cheryl scams the public in that she quit her job. (perhaps not because it took away from her study time ,,, but MAYBE it was because she wanted to devote more time for a relationship.) So much for standing on your own two feet.

#6 Cheryl does have some good qualitys, but she has used the " poor me" ploy many times while we married. In regard to her first marriage, her job, the way her mom ignored her while married to me,.... For all her good qualities she ( yep like me) is FAR from the angel depicted by her supporters.

#7 Quote  


"Let me tell you that asking for help while she is trying to better herself is not shameful.  She does recieve help because she is not too proud to ask for it to be able to care for her family.  She is a single mother going to school and works very hard to better herself and her families life."  
I call BS on that response,  Cheryl is single ny choose, Cheryl knew what her income would be when she filed and moved out- she is in trouble because she overextended herself financially- sooo many people in this state need help but ussually do not bring it on themselves. Cheryl  bought a mobile home that comes with lot rent. There are other cheaper ways to live.
Cheryl quit her job- uhhh how many people work and go to school at the same time. While married to Cheryl I worked TWO JOBS and went to school , at night AND weekends. Yeah yeah its tough to go to school and work- so what- Cheryl could earn up to 11,000.00 a year and it would not effect her child support. She CHOSE this life.

Cheryl made a promise to her first husband, then broke it for behavior and habits he had when she married him. Thats a ripoff. Cheryl made a promise to me when she married me and then AFTER i changed the same habits and behaviors I had when I married her divorced me as well. Thats a ripoff. Some may say- hey the trust was broken- oh OK fine, but people work thru issues all the time.Fact  Cheryl ran away from our problems,perhaps  she ran away from the problems with the first husband , and perhaps she probably ran away from the issues she had with Steve.

I do acknowledge that Cheryl had reasons to , not trust me, and eventually divorce me.
I did get two beautifull kids from her anyway.

I have stuck to responding to issues allready brought up but would not be suprised
ift posts will now come in attacking me and all the horrible stuff I have done while married. 

And as for the comments from people who do not identify themselves- you are cowards.

Steve as hard as it may be try to forget about her, at least you are not tied to her thru children.

have a nice day
Ex number two dave


No surprise

#10Consumer Comment

Sun, December 13, 2009

 Not surprisingly the only person in Cheryl's army that cannot find anything to say is Cheryl herself. I can think of no bigger proof to validate my report.


New York,
SO what

#11Consumer Comment

Sun, December 06, 2009

So you were used by a woman, big deal, it happens,


This website is not for broken hearts, no one could use you unless you let them use you.


Get over it and move on





#12Consumer Suggestion

Sat, December 05, 2009

shes not even cute... you ripped yourself off... 

also, I went to school at Hill Valley High and there were lots Cheryl there. they love the attention and are willing to take whatever measures to get it. I love Batman and his awesomely positive nature. 

that should solve your problem Steve-O!!


the truth

#13Consumer Comment

Sat, December 05, 2009

 Once again Tiffany,you haven't a clue of what you're talking about. You say I have a short temper but the only time I've lost my temper around Cheryl was at the Apache round-up. I apologized profusely and all was forgiven. The facts were very much exaggerated too as the person in question is as much of a story teller as Cheryl is.  In fact the relationship went on for months after this without it ever being mentioned. In fact Cheryl herself lost her temper for the same reason regarding the same issue.
  These "police reports" you are talking about was nothing more then an officer calling me to see what the problem was. He told me that Cheryl has severe issues and it would be best to stay away from her. It was nothing more then that as much as you'd like it to be.
 You say that I had no right yelling at her child and you are right. I lost my temper and apologized. I have heard Cheryl herself threaten violence against her same child. Cheryl Threatening to smack a child is wrong but I've noticed how you left that part out. Cheryl also told me that for many years she resented this child even being born because it held her back in life.
  I think if Cheryl really cared about her children the way you say she does then she would quit school and get a job to support them then return to school when she has enough money saved up for tuition. What she is doing right now is foolish. She is living off student loans and will be paying them back most of her life. She'll be no further ahead then she is now.
  You say I am a loser because I have no job. well, my response to that is that I'm not in any kind of danger. I saved an emergency fund while I was working (and I've been working since I was 16 years old) for emergencies just like this bad economy.
  I'm sure you don't have anything intelligent to say about any of this and will just be responding with more name calling and threats. It's ok though. You are just helping me strengthen my point that the whole church thing is more about freebies then worship to you people. 


United States of America
Look at yourself.

#14General Comment

Sat, December 05, 2009

If everyone around you is crazy, maybe it's time to check the mirror. No matter what a child says or does, it does not justify screaming obscenities at that child. I think everyone's family is probably somewhat dysfunctional, but you are off the charts. Leave things alone, mmmkay? Stop calling her, and stop contacting her family.


still a loser..

#15Consumer Comment

Sat, December 05, 2009

You got it Steve and keep that in mind:  "Cheryls Army".  You started this.  You obviously did not respond to the fact that you have called friends and family of hers and the police reports that have had to be filed on you. 

#2 Let me tell you that asking for help while she is trying to better herself is not shameful.  She does recieve help because she is not too proud to ask for it to be able to care for her family.  She is a single mother going to school and works very hard to better herself and her families life.  What are you doing?  Point made.  There is no point in this, she broke it off with you because you are a disturbed individual who adds nothing to her life.  Get over it.

#3, And yes-the flowers were from me, if it were the case I was the one she was seeing:  thats pretty sad for you.


United States of America
Chery's army

#16Author of original report

Sat, December 05, 2009

 The responses to my report is only proof on how crazy these people really are. Although Cheryl claims to be a loving and forgiving Christian, her army of friends and family just go to prove my point on their true colors.
  Unable to disprove the points in my report,they resort to name calling and attacking my character. It is all they have.
  Yes I am laid off from work but so is 3/4 of the rest of Michigan. Cheryl also doesn't have a job. I have given much to Cheryl and her children even though I could barely afford it. The difference is that Cheryl needs to rely on handouts from the church and friends. I on the other hand am doing just fine fending for myself. so who is the real loser?


Save your time.

#17General Comment

Sat, December 05, 2009

This website is here to provide people with a place to warn other poeple about being ripped off.  In my opinion, you were not ripped off.  What you are is angry that Cheryl treated you the way she did.  I agree with you in the fact that she treated you unfairly but it certainly wasn't a rip off.  You may have given her gifts and money (which would also be considered gifts) but still there is no rip off here.  I wish you the best of luck and I hope you find someone you can trust.



#18Consumer Comment

Sat, December 05, 2009

Can I ask why it is that you are contacting members of her family and her friends then?  I'm also wondering how you supported her when you don't even have a job.  You need psychological help if you think that if someone writes a blog about you that it is asking for your attention.  Why is it that you won't leave her alone?  I am glad that you wrote this report though, if anything happens for the bad for Cheryl-we have proof of a stalker, slanderer and harassment all right here on one page.  Thanks for that.


United States of America

#19Author of original report

Sat, December 05, 2009

 You bought her flowers when she dumped me? So you were the one she was seeing besides me?


United States of America

#20Author of original report

Fri, December 04, 2009

 Cowardice seems a big word for someone who posts anonymously. I have only been camping with her kids once and besides a bullying incident with my own child that had to be cleared up, everything went good. We all had fun actually.



#21REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, December 04, 2009

You will be very lucky if she does not press slander and harassment charges #1.  And #2, YOU were the problem.  Nobody in her family even liked you and I bought her flowers when she dumped you the first time.  Doesn't that tell you something?  Take your loser life and go worsen someone elses who deserves you,,not Cheryl-she is and was always way above you.


United States of America

#22Author of original report

Fri, December 04, 2009

 Cowardice is a big word for someone who posts anonymously.
  You don't know what you talk about anyway.You say "some" of our camping trips but I was only on one camping trip with her children in which my own child was bullied and intimidated. I will protect my child even if it does mean using "foul" language.


United States of America

#23General Comment

Fri, December 04, 2009

I happen to know, Steve, that Cheryl was, in fact, threatened with death. I received her phone call shortly after she was threatened. She was bawling. I also know how you conducted yourself around her children on some of the camping trips the two of you took together. If I had been there, the situation would have been diffused, and you would not have been a happy person. Your continued contacts with certain members of Cheryl's family just shows your cowardice. You seem to pick on the young, and female members of her family. Your use of foul language and shows of force via your short temper speaks volumes about the person you are. If you truly want to be done with the relationship, stop contacting her and her family.

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