  • Report:  #183488

Complaint Review: Chidolls Emerald City Chihuahuas Babydollpups Debra Drury Amber Bourassa Fraud Sells Sick Pups - Manteca California

Reported By:
- southport, Connecticut,

Chidolls Emerald City Chihuahuas Babydollpups Debra Drury Amber Bourassa Fraud Sells Sick Pups
874 Woodward Rd Unit 4 Manteca, California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
The reason I am writing this report is to warn all puppy buyers out there what really goes on and how to fight back. Don't let people like this fool, lie, cheat and steal from you!!! It takes a lot of investigative work, patience and time. But you will win if you fight!!!

Remember the CA (or whatever state you buy your pup from) Puppy Lemon Law over-rides any contract you might sign. There are many options to get your money back. But don't let puppy millers get away with it... I had no idea Debra was part of a elaborate puppy mill.. I found out the hard way.. Don't be fooled like me and countless others. I am here to help anyone, just post a rebuttal ;-) My biggest hope is that people will stop buying these pups, Debra will find wonderful homes for her adults and find a career that does not exploit animals.

Here is my story...

I bought a puppy from Debra Drury about 2 months ago. I had problems with Debra from the start. I inquired about Swan, was told she was available and that I could purchase her. I was so happy.. I had just lost a puppy and was still upset. Swan looked a lot like her. She gave me all her info where to send the money order. I check my emails the next morning and I am told that I might not be able to purchase her after all... I had emailed Debra, whom you are told to contact, and I received a email from a Maureen.. I found this to be a little strange... I had a strong feeling Debra and Maureen were the same person.. I called Debra numerous times, she would not answer her phone. I finally called using star 67 and magically she answered the phone. I asked her what was going on?? She had told me that the same time I had emailed, someone else had emailed Maureen... I did not buy into that at all, LIE # 1. I agreed to send the money that afternoon. I don't know why I did not walk away at the point... I had a bad feeling.. But Swan was so cute... Debra has a very sweet voice, when you talk with her, you feel as though she is your mother.. She sounds like a very trusting person.. HA!!!!! Little did I know I had just met the wolf in the sheep's clothing..

Weeks went by and I had only received one set of current photos. She had promised me on the phone photos every week. LOL, that was lie # 2. On her site she metions don't be fooled by breeders who use puppy pics from months before, that is a LAUGH.. Debra constantly uses puppy photos.. I had to beg her to send me updated photos of Swan, all she would send were different poses of the older photos.

After she sent the photos she told me another payment was due.. She emailed me with a complete different name to send the money to; Amber Bourassa. I was very confused why I would have to send the payment to someone else.? Debra owned this dog, it was her dog, the dog was living with her.. Just who is this Amber and why do I have to send my payment to her?? This was lie # 3. Debra told me Swan was her dog, but yet a different "family member" now owns the dog......

I emailed back and asked who is Amber Bourassa is?? She simply replied a family member. I was very uneasy about sending payment to a different name, she had never mentioned that I would need to make it out to a different person...

There has to be a reason why??? My theory behind the Amber name is that either A) Debra does not want to pay taxes or B) Amber is a minor. She would never answer any of my questions regarding Amber. So at this point unless I sent more money to this Amber person, she would resell Swan. I sent the money. She sent me horrible emails, threading to resell Swan unless I sent her the payment, what is one to do, she has you between her greedy little paws... You have to give in or you loose the puppy you fell in love with and loose all the money you have sent to her so far... So dumb me, sent her the money. She told me I had 3 weeks to make my final payment.

Well one week later another email asking for the final payment. Lie #4, a week ago I had 3 weeks to get her the rest of the money, all of the sudden she wants the remaining money with in three days or she will resell the puppy( once again I am threatened) ,So again I would either loose my money and pup if I did not get her the money by the end of the week!!! She proceeds to put a photo of Swan on her website stating she might be for sale, check back.. How DARE this witch post the photo of the dog I now half own!!! She had told me 3 weeks, I have it in emails from her!!! So it went from 3 weeks to 5 days!!!!!! She never ever had a time frame for payments on her site, well that afternoon she did!!!

Debra has a habit of changing her rules and contracts daily...Since Feb, her contract has changed 3 times.. to suit her LIES!!! She will add rules, change them, delete them etc... What ever scam she is upto dictates her current contract and rules.... I have everything printed.. it is amazing how different every thing is week to week...

Getting back to my previous point... She forced me to come up with a large sum of money within 3 days or she was selling the pup to someone else... That was not the time allowance we had discussed. So sent her the final payment. I was forced to send this payment... It was horrible. the emails she sent me.. Her "family" members are demanding the money.. her hands were tied, as she put it.. I could pick a different puppy when I had the money... She blackmailing me to send her the money. We had a verbal agreement, the week the puppy ships, the final payment is due. I followed my end, Debra did not, at this point I did not expect any different from this evil woman. I was mentally preparing myself for the loss of the puppy and money. I was checking her background and my legal rights... WOW>. what I found out about this woman with a few quick calls to the Attorney generals office, tax department, police department and animal control. Boy.. it sure is scary where you get your pups from and who sells them... It doesn't take much to do your own brief background check...

So Debra has all my hard earned money at this point.. She must be so happy.. all that money and all she has to do is sit on her butt all day.. The dogs are the ones doing all the work for her after all... Oh.. yeah... it is tough to poor some food for them and pick up some wee pads... Tough job.... lots of work.... I wonder if Debra knows what it is like to have a baby, nurse the baby, take care of the baby, then have the baby taken away, go back to the puppy mill, get pregnant again ASAP, and the whole process over and over and over again for years and years... Listen to Debra, she will tell you she is such a caring breeder, she loves her dogs, blah blah blah... yeah right... Watch her site and watch how soon the mommas are having babies... Ask Debra how many Chi;s she owns as pets??? All the good breeders I know have a house full of chi's that they love and are not only the breeders, but their pets as well!!! They are not housed at a puppy mill.... Her excuse is she can only have so many dogs... well.... if she truly loved her dogs, wouldn't you MOVE so you could have all your dogs?? I would do anything in the world for my dogs!!! But I forgot.... Debra is such a caring breeder.... such a good breeder.. she just LOVES her dogs... They are her babies... LOL.... Poor babies.. poor poor babies... I wish I could save them all...

Well back to the point..........

2 days after getting that final payment I get a call from Debra, she took Swan to the vet . One leg she had a grade 2 luxating patella, the other leg a grade 3.. We are talking about a pup who is 4 months old!!! Before buying I had asked about her heart, molera, and legs, I was told all was fine.. Debra would to have known their was a problem with her knees if one was a grade 3, grade 4 is crippled!!! I told her I wanted to talk to her vet, which I did, he told me the dog would need surgery for sure!!! Which here would be close to 4000.00..... Plus the fact it is so risky putting the smaller guys under... I called Debra up and asked her if she would give half my money back so I could put that towards her surgery... I would still need to come up with a huge amount of money in the future.. I thought this was a fair option. She flat out refused and got mean and nasty. I then ASKED her for my money back. She went nuts.. She refused. She told me if I wanted Swan there would be no money back, no money towards her surgery. But I could have a credit for another dog in the future.... What in the world would I want another dog for???? I am getting a dog, who has a serious problem and I am offered a 1000.00 towards another future problem to be?? LOL!!!

I refused... She told me she was reselling Swan and I would have a credit with her and had a year to pick a different dog. At the point I had paid in FULL for Swan, she was my dog. I owned her... She put her picture back on her site for sale WITHOUT my permission. I am sitting here in CT she is in CA.. What could I do??. She was reselling my dog with out my permission and I would be out the huge amount I paid for her!!! and the dog I fell in love with!!! I called, emailed, etc.. only to get rude replies and threats!!.. Finally after telling her I was calling animal control, she said I could have my dog if I signed another contract!!! This contract would state I accept the dog the way she is, etc... I said no way... she knew once I got Swan I could sue her under the CA puppy lemon law .... And that's exactly what I was going to do!!!! I refused to sign anything other than the original contract. That is yet another form of blackmail!!! WOW... so far we have blackmail, and mail fraud.... pretty bad Debra... pretty bad....

So she was reselling my dog, the dog that I had paid 100% for since I refused to sign a new contract. The next day I hired a lawyer. I met with my lawyer and was told I could sue Debra for a) the cost of the puppy and b) my legal fees. She also said Debra would have to come here to the east coast for the trial. The sale took place here. that's where the crime was committed. I was also going to have mail fraud charges brought up on her. I sent my payment through the USPS and did not receive what I paid for, that is mail fraud.. and lets not forget that nasty little thing called blackmail....

The emails she sent were horrible, mean nasty and ridiculous. She told me she would sue me for breech of contract... All I had ASKED for was fairness.. Any caring breeder would have given the dog for free.. Lux surgery is a very expensive surgery. We were not talking a minor problem, we are talking a HUGE problem a grade 3 in a four month puppy. grade 4 is cripple....

She will try to defend herself here, post the contract, etc... yes I did sign a contract.. yes I would have honored it.. All I did was ASK for some monetary help.. Asking can never hurt?/ Well in this case it did!!! She was in breech of contract when she REFUSED to sell me the dog unless I signed another brand new contract..... What type of person does that??? Who will you believe??? A honesthard working girl who LOVES chi's or a puppy miller who has tons of complaints.. A woman who outright lies, a woman who would sell someone a hydrocephalous dog ( see previous reports about Debra Drury).. I am prepared for her lies... It will be a good laugh...

After meeting with my lawyer and informing Debra of my course of actions.. She decided to listen to reason, She agreed to give me the money back, but kept 500.00.. A lesson learnt the hard way..A 500.00 lesson.. But hey.. maybe that 500.00 was the best money I ever spent.. who knows maybe enough people will read this, pass it on to their friends, etc.. and it will stop people from buying her pups!!! What a dream that would be!!!!

So as a final review.. here are the reasons to avoid chidolls at all costs..

1. Debra lies, cheats, steals, etc....

2. You are sending your money to a different person, who is this Amber??? My lawyer said it would be tricky since only 500.00 was paid to Debra... Amber could be under 18, you cant sue her then... and would the IRS audit a 18 yr old???? hmmmmmmm???

3. You are sending your payment to a PO box and calling her on a cell phone.. Why does she not want you to have her real phone number or address??

4. Everything she writes on her site, she contradicts. i.e., the puppy pics, the caring breeder crap, etc... you get my point by now...

5. Why only US postal money orders?? why not paypal, what their huge 3% fee??? jeez Debra, when your pups are 3000.00 will that 90.00 fee kill you???? or is it the fact people can fight you so easy once you screw them over???? If you are so honest and have such faith in your pups why would anyone ever want to dispute a charge with you??? If sooooo many people want your dogs and they are so small.. why so greedy with the non refundable payments??

6. Her dogs are referred to as "TEACUPS" YIKES>> I should have known then..... There is no such thing as a TEACUP Debra.... Plus the fact your dogs are a good 8 oz to 1lb over what you say... Why no pics of them on a scale?? You take pics of just about everything else with them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

7.Why does your website rules, contracts change daily??

8. Why cant animal control find your house, oops I mean trailer you live in? Why are you hiding from him, why are you using a different last name on your website???

9. Why do you over breed these dogs?? Why do your dogs have so many health issues? Why are you so shady?

Why debra, why????

I have read the other reports about you and your buddy Dawn.. What winners you guys sound like.. Tell me, is it fun to rip people off?? Fun to watch people cry over sick dogs? hmmm??? what do you care?? You have the money in your slimy greedy paws... My heart goes out to all the other people they have scammed, all the tears that have been shed over their dogs.. The poor woman with the hydro dog, the other woman with the lux patella's... I feel awful for you.. Debra, you are a monster.. Stop breeding, go work at McDonalds. Get a real job, stop stealing.. Stop making your dogs do all the work... People treat their dogs as their babies.. You are a gross, horrible, greedy ugly person... But you are the one who has too see that reflection everyday... Does it feel good knowing you make kids cry? people cry? give it up Debra... stop hurting people and dogs, you are a puppy mill.. YES a puppymill!!!!


southport, Connecticut

47 Updates & Rebuttals



#2Consumer Suggestion

Thu, July 26, 2007

No such people as EMMA and BELLA A bunch of bs Breeders faking it. Well, this criminal record isnt fake. Fits the character of the breeder and her groupies Record 1 Identification Name: JENNIFER A WARTENA Source: California Address: CA Offense County Charged: Sacramento Case Number: 90F11087 Offense Date 12/20/1990 Offense County Sacramento Offense Description FELONY Record 2 Identification Name: JENNIFER A WARTENA Source: California Address: CA Offense County Charged: Sacramento Case Number: 104448 Offense Date 05/07/1991 Offense County Sacramento Record 3 Identification Name: JENNIFER A WARTENA Source: California Address: CA Offense County Charged: Sacramento Case Number: 92F04356 Offense Date 05/18/1992 Offense County Sacramento Offense Description FELONY Record 4 Identification Name: JENNIFER A WARTENA Source: California Address: CA Offense County Charged: Sacramento Case Number: 93F06962 Offense Date 08/18/1993 Offense County Sacramento Offense Description FELONY


EMMA ME TOO!!! Debra will attack you bigtime now that you have come forward and put a notice on ripoffreport, so get ready for the name calling to start.

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, May 03, 2006

Hello Emma I got a puppy from Debra it took from June till the middle of Feb 06 to get the paper work on my Anikin, Debra was so busy fighting my daughter that she just neglected her duty of sending his papers. But check on the California law she has only 120 days to produce the papers or you can sue her for 75% of the cost of your puppy. Debra will attack you bigtime now that you have come forward and put a notice on ripoffreport, so get ready for the name calling to start. Also she does not really care about your puppy,all she cares for is the MONEY and her CATS. She will now say that my daughter got ahold of you and poisoned your mind against her, and pushed you into putting this on ripoff. You can be assured that Debra doesnot care about your health situation anymore than she cares about your little puppy. She told us that my Anikin would be about 4 pounds, he is 8.5 pounds. I am lucky though as I can and will love him even though he is over double his weight promised. She claimes to know Soooooooooo much about chis but I have proof that she knows notta. When she says your pup will be a certain weight well make sure that you arenot paying like the other woman for a small puppy.I also am on a disability pension she cared not when I bought Anikin she said she gave me 50 dollars off ,well she didnot have to buy a cage to ship him in as Gomez came in the same cage. She also didnot have to pay someone to take him to the airport, there was no extra shipping fees as they were in the same cage.So she saved alot of money and that is all she knows. WATCH OUT for her attact on you now.She is a dirty dirty nasty person when she gets started,you will need a strong shoulder to lean on I hope your son lives near.You will need his support in a big way. I know a couple of others who will back you if you need them. Look for Deborah from Garson and Jen from California they are good people, they will stand behind you for support.I am Deborah"s MOM so take my word for it. The only reason I got my papers from Debra was she paid my daughter 4500 dollars back for Gomez then she MUZZLED my daughter but Debra opened the door when she posted something on line about my Debbie, that was a big mistake on Debras part. As my Debbie is not MUZZLED no more and she has posted in help of others since then. Look on the other reports and see. MY HEART GOES OUT TO YOU BEST OF LUCK WITH YOUR ANDY,mine is my snuggle bug as my hubby passed away 7 years ago, the puppies are supposed to be our Companions when we are alone, am I right or are you lucky like me and live with a family member? Magraret from Canada


I bought a puppy too

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, April 25, 2006

I bought a puppy too. His name is Andy, he was with his sister Anne it was so cute they had pictures together of Raggady Anne and Andy. We decided to keep his name Andy. 6 months after we got him he started to limp and found out it was his knees. The veterinarian sent us to a specialist and he has grades 3 in his knees. We emailed the chidolls and she said it was from him jumping off the couch and it was our fault. I felt so guilty, I called the doctor and he says no that it is hereditary. I called chidolls back and she got real rude with me and said to not call again and insisted it was my fault. We had to pay 3765.67 for his surgery. I am on a fixed income and cannot afford that. I have a copy of the sales contract and warranty. She does not have them displayed anymore so I am glad my son printed everything for me. I will try to get him to somehow put them on here. We had to meet her in a Denny's parking lot. We drove to get him all the way from Fresno which is only 2 hours or so but I was hoping to see him play and thought she was just meeting us there to have us follow her to her house but she had the puppy with her. He was so scared and I felt so sorry for him that we took him. He is 8lbs I told her I wanted a smaller one to go places with me since I am older and need something a bit lighter but he cannot go anyways, he is so mean and bites at people. I have to lock him in the room when company comes. I was also suppose to get registered papers and I asked about that and she said no papers come with him. I know I seen AKC under his name. I hope your puppy is ok Jody, I hope it does not cost you so much as it did me and then the poor baby in pain for the longest time. Thank-You Emma



#5Consumer Comment

Tue, April 25, 2006

I am the mother of Lisa who bought Swan Princess. I want to especially thank Debra Drury for a very healthy, bright, exceptionally beautiful puppy. She is a joy, very friendly and very intelligent. Our vet stated today that she is extremely healthy. She is EVERYTHING a chihuahua should be and then some!!! Debra, you are a wonderful breeder. You were very good to my daughter, and I wish you great success. Lucille (Lisa's mother)



#6REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, April 17, 2006

THis is Debra Drury. I used Deborah Mc Cooeye as a reference to a couple people who wanted to buy puppies from me .I really throught Deborah Mc cooeye and I had made up . Deborah pretended to be friends with me. She sent me friendly emails and led me to beleive we could get back on good terms. I was decieved. Debbie McCooeye poisoned Jodie against me, scaring her to death of me . Jodie freaked out since I hade her money and had not yet sent her the puppy. Debbie Mc Cooeye led Jodie to think the puppy was very ill and I was nothing more then a crook. Debbie Mc Ccooeye played Jodie to the max. Debbie Mccoeey and her friends called animal control on Jodie hoping that Jodie would think I did it.IT WORKED. So Jodie called animal control on me. DEBBIES EVIL PLAN WAS WORKING WELL. TO cut it short, Jodie was used by someone she trusted and all the nasty posts you read above were due to the poisoning that Debbie Mc Cooeye did to her. BEWARE OF DEBBIE MC CEOEOYE> She sent me a letter calling Jodie names and saying NO GREAT LOSS! JODIE DIDNT LISTEN TO ME ANYWAY. LIAR! Jodie followed Debbie Mc Cooeyes instructions to a T. BOTH Jodie and I were used as pawns by this evil woman.She pitted us against each other. She is the one who kept aking Jodie to post a RIPP OFF report on me. Debbie Mc Ccoeoey will dump any of you and say NO GREAT LOSS if you ever turn from her side. I refunded Debbie Mc Cooeye 1000$ over the total she paid and shipping too. A total of 4500$ which is 1000$ OVER WHAT SHE ASKED FOR AND I told her how sorry I was. Her puppy is now 1 year old and alive and who knows , maybe he will be able to go on for a few more years.I hope so. I was sincere in my apology.She wasnt sincere and has used me for months. She has launched attacks against me all the while I was telling people she was my friend. It is better to be the one used then the one using. She is a controlling and evil person. Look at Jodies emails above and see the anger and hate Debbie mc Cooeye caused her to have towards me. Debbie Mc Cooeye is a nasty virus good people need to stay away from. BE WARNED. You are dealing with a mentally ill woman.


I am sorry

#7Author of original report

Tue, April 11, 2006

Hi this is jodie the ome who started it all. I too am sorry. Debra did not steal or theive or lie or cheat from me.I was upste since she sold swan and i missed out on her. I read other reports about Debra and made my comments based om those reports. I wish I had swan. She was a precious darling. I am jealous that I do not have her with me. Please forget all the reports that were written by me.


TRUTH- Permission to post by author Deborah - Garson Ontario

#8REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, April 10, 2006

Truth The comments I sent in today are wrong.I did become frineds with Debra.We do email. I shouldnt comment on this ripoff since an agreement was signed , Debra did mention my name her but she said nothing bad about me.All true words .I have asked ripoff to remove this post but they willnot-I will keep trying. I do not know the people here.I need to mind my own business and Debra did give my money back. Today Debra emialed me for a tiny exotic puppy, she meant me to have. Debra is not a racist , that was unfair and backstabbing. I said Debra is evil and a theif. Not true. I am angry because Debra posted the emial I wrote. I had not told my friends about it and they are angry. My friend has not emailed since, so I wrote mean hateful words about Debra so she can forgive me . I will not be posting here again. Thank-you


More LIES Debra

#9Consumer Suggestion

Sun, April 09, 2006

E-mail below from the fouder of Rip-off Report.. Read from bottom to top! otherwise it will be hard to get! ------------------------ Jodie, You may quote me, as Founder of Rip-off Report, that we do not give out that info and that is a lie.!!!! Many times a reported business will make up what ever stories they can to scare people they think might have posted a Rip-off Report about them. Rip-off Report works with both the Media and the Authorities so they can help those victims that filed Reports with us. We would NEVER EVER give anything out to a Reported business. Many times a Reported business contacts us because they want to make things right with their customers. In those cases we contact the consumer who filed the Report and get them to contact the Reported business. Even in those cases, we do not give out any author info. Any other questions, feel free to contact us. ED Magedson - Founder [email protected] badbusinessbureau.com www.ripoffreport.com We are not lawyers. We are not a collection agency. We are Consumer Advocates. ...the victims' advocate WE are Civil and Human Rights Activists We are a Worldwide Consumer Reporting News Agency ..by consumers, for consumers DONATIONS may be sent to & Victims & Volunteers ONLY may respond to: badbusinessbureau.com PO Box 310, Tempe, Arizona 85280 FAX: 425-799-9729 You may also DONATE by Paypal, ..click on the donate ad ?Help keep this site Free? at the top left of every Rip-off Report?, OR Click on the ad at the very bottom of every Rip-off Report?. Remember. Don't let them get away with it!? Make sure they make the Rip-off Report? ---------------------------- From: Jodie OBrien [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Saturday, April 08, 2006 5:38 PM To: [email protected] Cc: Debbie Subject: Re: reports Hi, If you would look at this report http://ripoffreport.com/reports/ripoff183488.htm Secomd from last rebutal titled Jodie OBriem james Obriem The womam I wrote about said I was writimg fake reports, which is mot true. She lied amd said she has the ip address ;-) Could you guys write somethimg that is mot true? Thks for such a great service! Jodie ----- Original Message ----- From: [email protected] To: 'Jodie OBrien' Sent: Saturday, April 08, 2006 8:12 PM Subject: RE: reports NO WAY!!!!!! Now or in the future, if your ever the victim of a Rip-off, ... here is what we tell consumers..... So we can better understand the situation to possibly try to help you... If you've been the victim of a Rip-off, you should first file your own detailed Rip-of Report. Your report will be looked at by other consumers interested with your situation may post informative information on your Rip-off Report, so you and others may benefit by the rip-off you experienced.. The more Rip-off Reports on a company, the more educated other consumers will be when dealing with the reported company or individual. This will also help create a better working history on the company or individual that Ripped you off and give us the information needed if a lawsuit is filed. Go to www.ripoffreport.com to file your Report Those interested in joining a possible class action lawsuit should first file a detailed Rip-off Report; ..using your contact information, Rip-off Report Consumer Advocates will e-mail you once there are attorneys interested in working on a class action lawsuit against this company or individual, never costing you any money, or a lawyer might be interested in your particular case individually. That's why it is important to file a detailed Rip-off Report explaining exactly what happened also what you think you are owed. Once lawyers are interested, we contact you to contact them. FTC, Attorney Generals, FBI, Secrete Service, Homeland Security, US Postal Inspectors, Justice Department, local & State Police all look at Rip-off Report, ... the more Reports that are put out in the open like this, the better. Rip-off Report was told by one Attorney Generals office that Rip-off Report embarrasses the authorities to take action and businesses into doing the right thing! ... those reports you file with Attorney General and the BBB, you never get to see. We are told by most authorities and the media, that they come to Rip-off Report to see how consumers are being taken advantage of, and your filed Report also immediately warns innocent unsuspecting consumers, so it is all out in the open. All other agencies just suck in all the information and never let you, the consumer see a thing! Businesses now realize the Internet is not going away, and a force to be reckoned with. Rip-off Report also puts you in contact with the Authorities when they are looking to prosecute and we put you in contact with TV News producers and News Paper Reporters when they are exposing consumer rip-offs.. Every day, Rip-off Report is involved with exposing consumer rip-offs.. Don't let them get away with it!? Make sure they make the Rip-off Report? Go to www.ripoffreport.com to file your Report Once your situation is rectified, you can always come back and add an UPDATE on how they did or did not take care of you. ED Magedson - Founder [email protected] badbusinessbureau.com www.ripoffreport.com We are not lawyers. We are not a collection agency. We are Consumer Advocates. ...the victims' advocate WE are Civil and Human Rights Activists We are a Worldwide Consumer Reporting News Agency ..by consumers, for consumers DONATIONS may be sent to & Victims & Volunteers ONLY may respond to: badbusinessbureau.com PO Box 310, Tempe, Arizona 85280 FAX: 425-799-9729 You may also DONATE by Paypal, ..click on the donate ad ?Help keep this site Free? at the top left of every Rip-off Report?, OR Click on the ad at the very bottom of every Rip-off Report?. Remember. Don't let them get away with it!? Make sure they make the Rip-off Report? ------------------------------- From: Jodie OBrien [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Saturday, April 08, 2006 4:23 PM To: [email protected] Subject: reports hey do you guys give the ip address of the authors of reports? thks! jodie


I am sorry. Debbie and Gomez

#10Consumer Comment

Sat, April 08, 2006

Hello everyone. First off let me apologise for taking so long to come forward. I have been following very closely. I am not going to go over my story again. It is all here to read. But here is an update. April: You are perfectly correct when you say I have been 'muzzled'. Debra and I signed a mutual agreement in January. One of the clauses said I am not allowed to post anything online with regard to Chidolls, Debra Drury and all other names and associates involved. For some reason Sugar N Spice was also part of that contract. I am not sure why Dawn was included in that release but I agreed. In return, Debra and associates were bound to the same terms. There were to be no comments about me online. Debra is in breach of contract since she posted an email here on ripoff this past week. As well, she has written other comments about me here. When Debra and I came to our agreement, we agreed that it was due to 'missing emails'. I agreed to go along with that. It did not matter to me one way or another how it was explained so long as I received a refund. I paid $3500.00USD plus $365.00USD for shipping. Then about another $1000.00CDN on medical bills. NOT $3000.00USD as she stated here in this report. I was (and am) content with our agreement. Debra also went 'above and beyond' and offered me a FREE little female puppy that I really wanted. I immediately declined her offer. I felt a refund of purchase price and medical bills was fair enough. I thanked her profusely for her offer. Since then, Debra offered me a $1500.00USD credit then dropped it to $1200.00USD credit. Currently, I have a $1000.00USD credit for a puppy. The amount kept dropping as weeks went by. Over the past 3 months, I have inquired on 5-7 puppies. Either the puppy was sold, not hers but a family members, or she was keeping it. One that she was keeping, was sold the next week. Can you believe she emailed me and told me she had sold her? I was very unhappy. This past week, Debra offered me Powder. He is a little male on her site. I declined due to his being a boy. Then I inquired on Candace. Not the nicest looking pup. She said I could have her but she didnt really think she was for me. Gonna be too large. Never the less, I sent numerous emails asking questions about her. I have had no response in at least 3 days. So I guess that is her answer. No pup for me. Ladies, please understand that when I agreed to the settlement, I thought mine was an isolated case. I had no idea that there were others. No one (except April) had come forward during my 6 months of hell. April was content to pay for the expenses related to the LUX of her puppy. She had made her decision and I respected that. April used ripoff to warn others about what happened to her and did not want to proceed further. I did establish a relationship with Debra. I am not able to hold a grudge. I had Gomez, I had the money and according to Debra, a puppy as well when I chose one. I think that a buyer must have contact with their breeder. Diet, size, personality, training techniques are critical to a happy household. I would go to Debra with questions. She would respond in kind. Debra told me some personal information that broke my heart. She also advised me she was receiving hate mail and threats from people. She asked me to write her an email to send to these people so they would leave her alone. I did. You can read a portion of it on my report. It was never my intent for people to threaten anyone. I just wanted people to know of my 'difficulties'. Jodie: I saw the contract you signed with Debra. It clearly states that the contract was for SWAN ONLY. Not another pup. As well, there was a clause added that stated you would receive a full refund. I cant rmember the specific details. I think it would be a very good idea to post that contract here on ripoff. I also saw video of Swan. My untrained eye immediately noticed the marked limp on her hind left leg. Clearly, Swan needed some form of medical intervention. As you stated, a 4 month old puppy with Grade 3 LUX is in very bad shape. LUX usually doesn't appear so early. Grade 4 is crippled. How anyone could be expected to purchase a pup for $3500.00USD with a Grade 3 LUX absolutely baffles me. Surgery is very expensive. I wish Lisa the very best of luck with Swan. Same as my situation, you were advised of trouble AFTER she cashed final payment. I am positive Swan didn't start limping 3 days after she cashed the money order. The difference between you and I is that she was honest with you as to the severity of Swan's difficulties. With Gomez, it was all not an outright "He is sick". I eceived an email stating she was watching him closely because he had a dime sized molera. Which of course is normal in a chi pup. I had no idea until I saw him for the first time that he was a very, very ill baby. Once again, it was obvious to the untrained eye that Gomez had/has severe troubles. Bella: You say you were told to go to Mexico to purchase a puppy due to your being Mexican. I believe she said that. Debra told me that she treated me the way she did is because I am Canadian. These racial/geographical comments are not only hurtful, but illegal. Jenn: When your report appeared, I was accused by Debra of being the writer. Can you please add some emails? With the date and time still on them? As with me, you have a credit. However, your credit is different than mine. I have an offer. With no money out of my hands for the aggravation and humiliation at Debra's hands. Debra has your money. So what if the pup you are inquiring about is a friends or relatives? All she needs to do is give the owner the money. Right? Voila. No problem. What you are describing is outright theft. Again, against the law. I am writing today to verify the truth of these reports. I have not seen any documentation from these ladies, but it has all happened to me as well. 1. Racial discrimination. 2. Offer of credit for puppy. Just to be told each and every time a new reason why I cannot have that particular pup. 3. A very unhealthy puppy shipped to me. Now don't get me wrong. I love Gomez with all of my heart. Even with his severe disability, he is perfect in my eyes. As I stated in that email. 4. Months of nasty, hateful emails. After Debra posted the email I wrote on ripoff, I was livid. I wrote her an email and told her I no longer consider our release signed and dated in January 2006 to be a valid document. Debra begged me to not get involved. She sent me numerous emails that she was asking ripoff to remove that post. Once again, my temper cooled and I was wishy, washy. However, since then, she has written about me AGAIN. It has taken me some time to decide what to do. I am opening myself up to more stress and humiliation with this post. I figure I will never see a female puppy from Debra anyway so I guess I don't lose anything there. My conscience has been bothering me since these posts started. I need to live with myself and by staying quiet and allowing you all to go through this by yourselves is unacceptable to me. I need to maintain my integrity and self respect. As do all of you. Stay true to yourself, state your facts and feelings. Try not to fall into the fighting trap here on ripoff. My heart goes out to each and every one of you. I guess I am the fortunate one in the longrun.


I am sorry. Debbie and Gomez

#11Consumer Comment

Sat, April 08, 2006

Hello everyone. First off let me apologise for taking so long to come forward. I have been following very closely. I am not going to go over my story again. It is all here to read. But here is an update. April: You are perfectly correct when you say I have been 'muzzled'. Debra and I signed a mutual agreement in January. One of the clauses said I am not allowed to post anything online with regard to Chidolls, Debra Drury and all other names and associates involved. For some reason Sugar N Spice was also part of that contract. I am not sure why Dawn was included in that release but I agreed. In return, Debra and associates were bound to the same terms. There were to be no comments about me online. Debra is in breach of contract since she posted an email here on ripoff this past week. As well, she has written other comments about me here. When Debra and I came to our agreement, we agreed that it was due to 'missing emails'. I agreed to go along with that. It did not matter to me one way or another how it was explained so long as I received a refund. I paid $3500.00USD plus $365.00USD for shipping. Then about another $1000.00CDN on medical bills. NOT $3000.00USD as she stated here in this report. I was (and am) content with our agreement. Debra also went 'above and beyond' and offered me a FREE little female puppy that I really wanted. I immediately declined her offer. I felt a refund of purchase price and medical bills was fair enough. I thanked her profusely for her offer. Since then, Debra offered me a $1500.00USD credit then dropped it to $1200.00USD credit. Currently, I have a $1000.00USD credit for a puppy. The amount kept dropping as weeks went by. Over the past 3 months, I have inquired on 5-7 puppies. Either the puppy was sold, not hers but a family members, or she was keeping it. One that she was keeping, was sold the next week. Can you believe she emailed me and told me she had sold her? I was very unhappy. This past week, Debra offered me Powder. He is a little male on her site. I declined due to his being a boy. Then I inquired on Candace. Not the nicest looking pup. She said I could have her but she didnt really think she was for me. Gonna be too large. Never the less, I sent numerous emails asking questions about her. I have had no response in at least 3 days. So I guess that is her answer. No pup for me. Ladies, please understand that when I agreed to the settlement, I thought mine was an isolated case. I had no idea that there were others. No one (except April) had come forward during my 6 months of hell. April was content to pay for the expenses related to the LUX of her puppy. She had made her decision and I respected that. April used ripoff to warn others about what happened to her and did not want to proceed further. I did establish a relationship with Debra. I am not able to hold a grudge. I had Gomez, I had the money and according to Debra, a puppy as well when I chose one. I think that a buyer must have contact with their breeder. Diet, size, personality, training techniques are critical to a happy household. I would go to Debra with questions. She would respond in kind. Debra told me some personal information that broke my heart. She also advised me she was receiving hate mail and threats from people. She asked me to write her an email to send to these people so they would leave her alone. I did. You can read a portion of it on my report. It was never my intent for people to threaten anyone. I just wanted people to know of my 'difficulties'. Jodie: I saw the contract you signed with Debra. It clearly states that the contract was for SWAN ONLY. Not another pup. As well, there was a clause added that stated you would receive a full refund. I cant rmember the specific details. I think it would be a very good idea to post that contract here on ripoff. I also saw video of Swan. My untrained eye immediately noticed the marked limp on her hind left leg. Clearly, Swan needed some form of medical intervention. As you stated, a 4 month old puppy with Grade 3 LUX is in very bad shape. LUX usually doesn't appear so early. Grade 4 is crippled. How anyone could be expected to purchase a pup for $3500.00USD with a Grade 3 LUX absolutely baffles me. Surgery is very expensive. I wish Lisa the very best of luck with Swan. Same as my situation, you were advised of trouble AFTER she cashed final payment. I am positive Swan didn't start limping 3 days after she cashed the money order. The difference between you and I is that she was honest with you as to the severity of Swan's difficulties. With Gomez, it was all not an outright "He is sick". I eceived an email stating she was watching him closely because he had a dime sized molera. Which of course is normal in a chi pup. I had no idea until I saw him for the first time that he was a very, very ill baby. Once again, it was obvious to the untrained eye that Gomez had/has severe troubles. Bella: You say you were told to go to Mexico to purchase a puppy due to your being Mexican. I believe she said that. Debra told me that she treated me the way she did is because I am Canadian. These racial/geographical comments are not only hurtful, but illegal. Jenn: When your report appeared, I was accused by Debra of being the writer. Can you please add some emails? With the date and time still on them? As with me, you have a credit. However, your credit is different than mine. I have an offer. With no money out of my hands for the aggravation and humiliation at Debra's hands. Debra has your money. So what if the pup you are inquiring about is a friends or relatives? All she needs to do is give the owner the money. Right? Voila. No problem. What you are describing is outright theft. Again, against the law. I am writing today to verify the truth of these reports. I have not seen any documentation from these ladies, but it has all happened to me as well. 1. Racial discrimination. 2. Offer of credit for puppy. Just to be told each and every time a new reason why I cannot have that particular pup. 3. A very unhealthy puppy shipped to me. Now don't get me wrong. I love Gomez with all of my heart. Even with his severe disability, he is perfect in my eyes. As I stated in that email. 4. Months of nasty, hateful emails. After Debra posted the email I wrote on ripoff, I was livid. I wrote her an email and told her I no longer consider our release signed and dated in January 2006 to be a valid document. Debra begged me to not get involved. She sent me numerous emails that she was asking ripoff to remove that post. Once again, my temper cooled and I was wishy, washy. However, since then, she has written about me AGAIN. It has taken me some time to decide what to do. I am opening myself up to more stress and humiliation with this post. I figure I will never see a female puppy from Debra anyway so I guess I don't lose anything there. My conscience has been bothering me since these posts started. I need to live with myself and by staying quiet and allowing you all to go through this by yourselves is unacceptable to me. I need to maintain my integrity and self respect. As do all of you. Stay true to yourself, state your facts and feelings. Try not to fall into the fighting trap here on ripoff. My heart goes out to each and every one of you. I guess I am the fortunate one in the longrun.


I am sorry. Debbie and Gomez

#12Consumer Comment

Sat, April 08, 2006

Hello everyone. First off let me apologise for taking so long to come forward. I have been following very closely. I am not going to go over my story again. It is all here to read. But here is an update. April: You are perfectly correct when you say I have been 'muzzled'. Debra and I signed a mutual agreement in January. One of the clauses said I am not allowed to post anything online with regard to Chidolls, Debra Drury and all other names and associates involved. For some reason Sugar N Spice was also part of that contract. I am not sure why Dawn was included in that release but I agreed. In return, Debra and associates were bound to the same terms. There were to be no comments about me online. Debra is in breach of contract since she posted an email here on ripoff this past week. As well, she has written other comments about me here. When Debra and I came to our agreement, we agreed that it was due to 'missing emails'. I agreed to go along with that. It did not matter to me one way or another how it was explained so long as I received a refund. I paid $3500.00USD plus $365.00USD for shipping. Then about another $1000.00CDN on medical bills. NOT $3000.00USD as she stated here in this report. I was (and am) content with our agreement. Debra also went 'above and beyond' and offered me a FREE little female puppy that I really wanted. I immediately declined her offer. I felt a refund of purchase price and medical bills was fair enough. I thanked her profusely for her offer. Since then, Debra offered me a $1500.00USD credit then dropped it to $1200.00USD credit. Currently, I have a $1000.00USD credit for a puppy. The amount kept dropping as weeks went by. Over the past 3 months, I have inquired on 5-7 puppies. Either the puppy was sold, not hers but a family members, or she was keeping it. One that she was keeping, was sold the next week. Can you believe she emailed me and told me she had sold her? I was very unhappy. This past week, Debra offered me Powder. He is a little male on her site. I declined due to his being a boy. Then I inquired on Candace. Not the nicest looking pup. She said I could have her but she didnt really think she was for me. Gonna be too large. Never the less, I sent numerous emails asking questions about her. I have had no response in at least 3 days. So I guess that is her answer. No pup for me. Ladies, please understand that when I agreed to the settlement, I thought mine was an isolated case. I had no idea that there were others. No one (except April) had come forward during my 6 months of hell. April was content to pay for the expenses related to the LUX of her puppy. She had made her decision and I respected that. April used ripoff to warn others about what happened to her and did not want to proceed further. I did establish a relationship with Debra. I am not able to hold a grudge. I had Gomez, I had the money and according to Debra, a puppy as well when I chose one. I think that a buyer must have contact with their breeder. Diet, size, personality, training techniques are critical to a happy household. I would go to Debra with questions. She would respond in kind. Debra told me some personal information that broke my heart. She also advised me she was receiving hate mail and threats from people. She asked me to write her an email to send to these people so they would leave her alone. I did. You can read a portion of it on my report. It was never my intent for people to threaten anyone. I just wanted people to know of my 'difficulties'. Jodie: I saw the contract you signed with Debra. It clearly states that the contract was for SWAN ONLY. Not another pup. As well, there was a clause added that stated you would receive a full refund. I cant rmember the specific details. I think it would be a very good idea to post that contract here on ripoff. I also saw video of Swan. My untrained eye immediately noticed the marked limp on her hind left leg. Clearly, Swan needed some form of medical intervention. As you stated, a 4 month old puppy with Grade 3 LUX is in very bad shape. LUX usually doesn't appear so early. Grade 4 is crippled. How anyone could be expected to purchase a pup for $3500.00USD with a Grade 3 LUX absolutely baffles me. Surgery is very expensive. I wish Lisa the very best of luck with Swan. Same as my situation, you were advised of trouble AFTER she cashed final payment. I am positive Swan didn't start limping 3 days after she cashed the money order. The difference between you and I is that she was honest with you as to the severity of Swan's difficulties. With Gomez, it was all not an outright "He is sick". I eceived an email stating she was watching him closely because he had a dime sized molera. Which of course is normal in a chi pup. I had no idea until I saw him for the first time that he was a very, very ill baby. Once again, it was obvious to the untrained eye that Gomez had/has severe troubles. Bella: You say you were told to go to Mexico to purchase a puppy due to your being Mexican. I believe she said that. Debra told me that she treated me the way she did is because I am Canadian. These racial/geographical comments are not only hurtful, but illegal. Jenn: When your report appeared, I was accused by Debra of being the writer. Can you please add some emails? With the date and time still on them? As with me, you have a credit. However, your credit is different than mine. I have an offer. With no money out of my hands for the aggravation and humiliation at Debra's hands. Debra has your money. So what if the pup you are inquiring about is a friends or relatives? All she needs to do is give the owner the money. Right? Voila. No problem. What you are describing is outright theft. Again, against the law. I am writing today to verify the truth of these reports. I have not seen any documentation from these ladies, but it has all happened to me as well. 1. Racial discrimination. 2. Offer of credit for puppy. Just to be told each and every time a new reason why I cannot have that particular pup. 3. A very unhealthy puppy shipped to me. Now don't get me wrong. I love Gomez with all of my heart. Even with his severe disability, he is perfect in my eyes. As I stated in that email. 4. Months of nasty, hateful emails. After Debra posted the email I wrote on ripoff, I was livid. I wrote her an email and told her I no longer consider our release signed and dated in January 2006 to be a valid document. Debra begged me to not get involved. She sent me numerous emails that she was asking ripoff to remove that post. Once again, my temper cooled and I was wishy, washy. However, since then, she has written about me AGAIN. It has taken me some time to decide what to do. I am opening myself up to more stress and humiliation with this post. I figure I will never see a female puppy from Debra anyway so I guess I don't lose anything there. My conscience has been bothering me since these posts started. I need to live with myself and by staying quiet and allowing you all to go through this by yourselves is unacceptable to me. I need to maintain my integrity and self respect. As do all of you. Stay true to yourself, state your facts and feelings. Try not to fall into the fighting trap here on ripoff. My heart goes out to each and every one of you. I guess I am the fortunate one in the longrun.


I am sorry. Debbie and Gomez

#13Consumer Comment

Sat, April 08, 2006

Hello everyone. First off let me apologise for taking so long to come forward. I have been following very closely. I am not going to go over my story again. It is all here to read. But here is an update. April: You are perfectly correct when you say I have been 'muzzled'. Debra and I signed a mutual agreement in January. One of the clauses said I am not allowed to post anything online with regard to Chidolls, Debra Drury and all other names and associates involved. For some reason Sugar N Spice was also part of that contract. I am not sure why Dawn was included in that release but I agreed. In return, Debra and associates were bound to the same terms. There were to be no comments about me online. Debra is in breach of contract since she posted an email here on ripoff this past week. As well, she has written other comments about me here. When Debra and I came to our agreement, we agreed that it was due to 'missing emails'. I agreed to go along with that. It did not matter to me one way or another how it was explained so long as I received a refund. I paid $3500.00USD plus $365.00USD for shipping. Then about another $1000.00CDN on medical bills. NOT $3000.00USD as she stated here in this report. I was (and am) content with our agreement. Debra also went 'above and beyond' and offered me a FREE little female puppy that I really wanted. I immediately declined her offer. I felt a refund of purchase price and medical bills was fair enough. I thanked her profusely for her offer. Since then, Debra offered me a $1500.00USD credit then dropped it to $1200.00USD credit. Currently, I have a $1000.00USD credit for a puppy. The amount kept dropping as weeks went by. Over the past 3 months, I have inquired on 5-7 puppies. Either the puppy was sold, not hers but a family members, or she was keeping it. One that she was keeping, was sold the next week. Can you believe she emailed me and told me she had sold her? I was very unhappy. This past week, Debra offered me Powder. He is a little male on her site. I declined due to his being a boy. Then I inquired on Candace. Not the nicest looking pup. She said I could have her but she didnt really think she was for me. Gonna be too large. Never the less, I sent numerous emails asking questions about her. I have had no response in at least 3 days. So I guess that is her answer. No pup for me. Ladies, please understand that when I agreed to the settlement, I thought mine was an isolated case. I had no idea that there were others. No one (except April) had come forward during my 6 months of hell. April was content to pay for the expenses related to the LUX of her puppy. She had made her decision and I respected that. April used ripoff to warn others about what happened to her and did not want to proceed further. I did establish a relationship with Debra. I am not able to hold a grudge. I had Gomez, I had the money and according to Debra, a puppy as well when I chose one. I think that a buyer must have contact with their breeder. Diet, size, personality, training techniques are critical to a happy household. I would go to Debra with questions. She would respond in kind. Debra told me some personal information that broke my heart. She also advised me she was receiving hate mail and threats from people. She asked me to write her an email to send to these people so they would leave her alone. I did. You can read a portion of it on my report. It was never my intent for people to threaten anyone. I just wanted people to know of my 'difficulties'. Jodie: I saw the contract you signed with Debra. It clearly states that the contract was for SWAN ONLY. Not another pup. As well, there was a clause added that stated you would receive a full refund. I cant rmember the specific details. I think it would be a very good idea to post that contract here on ripoff. I also saw video of Swan. My untrained eye immediately noticed the marked limp on her hind left leg. Clearly, Swan needed some form of medical intervention. As you stated, a 4 month old puppy with Grade 3 LUX is in very bad shape. LUX usually doesn't appear so early. Grade 4 is crippled. How anyone could be expected to purchase a pup for $3500.00USD with a Grade 3 LUX absolutely baffles me. Surgery is very expensive. I wish Lisa the very best of luck with Swan. Same as my situation, you were advised of trouble AFTER she cashed final payment. I am positive Swan didn't start limping 3 days after she cashed the money order. The difference between you and I is that she was honest with you as to the severity of Swan's difficulties. With Gomez, it was all not an outright "He is sick". I eceived an email stating she was watching him closely because he had a dime sized molera. Which of course is normal in a chi pup. I had no idea until I saw him for the first time that he was a very, very ill baby. Once again, it was obvious to the untrained eye that Gomez had/has severe troubles. Bella: You say you were told to go to Mexico to purchase a puppy due to your being Mexican. I believe she said that. Debra told me that she treated me the way she did is because I am Canadian. These racial/geographical comments are not only hurtful, but illegal. Jenn: When your report appeared, I was accused by Debra of being the writer. Can you please add some emails? With the date and time still on them? As with me, you have a credit. However, your credit is different than mine. I have an offer. With no money out of my hands for the aggravation and humiliation at Debra's hands. Debra has your money. So what if the pup you are inquiring about is a friends or relatives? All she needs to do is give the owner the money. Right? Voila. No problem. What you are describing is outright theft. Again, against the law. I am writing today to verify the truth of these reports. I have not seen any documentation from these ladies, but it has all happened to me as well. 1. Racial discrimination. 2. Offer of credit for puppy. Just to be told each and every time a new reason why I cannot have that particular pup. 3. A very unhealthy puppy shipped to me. Now don't get me wrong. I love Gomez with all of my heart. Even with his severe disability, he is perfect in my eyes. As I stated in that email. 4. Months of nasty, hateful emails. After Debra posted the email I wrote on ripoff, I was livid. I wrote her an email and told her I no longer consider our release signed and dated in January 2006 to be a valid document. Debra begged me to not get involved. She sent me numerous emails that she was asking ripoff to remove that post. Once again, my temper cooled and I was wishy, washy. However, since then, she has written about me AGAIN. It has taken me some time to decide what to do. I am opening myself up to more stress and humiliation with this post. I figure I will never see a female puppy from Debra anyway so I guess I don't lose anything there. My conscience has been bothering me since these posts started. I need to live with myself and by staying quiet and allowing you all to go through this by yourselves is unacceptable to me. I need to maintain my integrity and self respect. As do all of you. Stay true to yourself, state your facts and feelings. Try not to fall into the fighting trap here on ripoff. My heart goes out to each and every one of you. I guess I am the fortunate one in the longrun.



#14REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, April 08, 2006

I did online research on Jodie .SHE is listed as the owner of the property in SouthPort Ct. Remember her email in which she says she didnt own anything, not even a car?Jodie is one big fake. Dear Jodie, Do you know what an IP address is? When you wrote the BELLA report it came from your home computer. I have your IP address everytime you visit my website. Within your Bella report you made a racial slur or rather you said that I was responsible for such a hate comment. Who would make up a racial comment except for a racist???? My sons best friend is Mexican and i am sure my son will marry a Mexican woman .My deceased husband was Latino. MRS OBRIEN, I HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING TO YOU All I did was reserve a puppy for you for many many weeks and then vet check the puppy for the flight certificate and as a good breeder I IMMEDIATELY TOLD YOU ABOUT THE luxating knee AND GAVE YOU MY VETS PHONE NUMBER .. You then refused the puppy Swan Princess and asked me to sell her OR to send her to you PLUS A REFUND OF SEVENTY FIVE PERCENT of your money back. I chose to resell Swan to Lisa .I refunded you within just a couple days of your refusal to accept Swan. Refunded you all, minus your deposit which you brought up and told us to keep. AFTER YOU READ LISAS REFERENCES ABOUT SWAN AND HOW HEALTHY SHE WAS, RUNNING AROUND, ACTING FINE... AFTER YOU READ ABOUT HOW LISAS VET SAID SHE PROBABLY WON'T NEED SURGERY..... AFTER YOU READ WHAT LISA SAID ABOUT SWANS PERSONALITY.. AFTER YOU READ ABOUT HOW EVERYONE WHO SEES SWAN LOVES HER AND HOW SPECIAL SHE IS TO THE NEW FAMILY.... Then your Bella letter says it all......" I wanted that white chihuahua so much i cant stand it" ( something like this you said) KICK YOUR SELF, STOP KICKING ME PS. I kept Snow White ( AKA SNOW ANGEL) I HAVE HER.



#15REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, April 07, 2006

Jodie threatened me with animal control for no reason.It is obvious we have healthy happy puppies. Of course I responded back that she had 6 dogs and was probably in violation herself.If she called on me I could call on her too IF I DECDIED TO . A two-way street. Jodie called animal control and gave a FRAUD REPORT saying we hade SICK PUPPIES.Aren't the animal services busy enough without people giving them FAKE REPORTS? FAKE REPORTS are ILLEGAL. Isnt Jodie the one to say I should follow the law and not care for the sick animals who pop up on my porch?FOLLOW THE LAW DEBRA is what she said? So the next time I find an animal suffering I am to walk past it and ignore it because if I bring this pitiful creature into my home I am in violation of the law. I see.


I've seen that wrath before ...

#16Consumer Comment

Fri, April 07, 2006

Well, I guess that about wraps it up. Debra proved what type of character she has. After all these posts, we couldn't do as good of a job as she did herself. Bottom Line: Don't take your chances with this woman and her dogs, folks. Whether you believe her to be a bad breeder, I guess only you can make up your mind. But it has been proven by Debra herself that she isnt morally bound to ethical and decent conduct.



#17REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, April 07, 2006

Jodie, If an animal lay on your porch with a high fever, in pain and a swollen leg dripping green liquid pus, near death and purring his little heart out.WHAT WOULD YOU DO? I do not think I had a choice whether to rescue him or not. I rescue because I must.There is no other choice. It is like pulling a victim out of a burning car.It is like diving into freezing water to save a person drowning.You don't think a whole lot about it. YOU ACT TO SAVE A LIFE.You just do what you have to do. Most of the animals dumped off on my doorstep have been cats.A couple dogs. Mostly cats. I do not breed cats.


My previous reports did not show up!

#18Consumer Suggestion

Fri, April 07, 2006

I will make this very brief. My other reports have not shown up. Debra, you are a horrid person. HOW dare you relate me to a murderer or terroist!!! What is the matter with you? That was the most disgusting thing I have ever read. It just shows your mentality. Apparently everyone else on here knows of your tricks, lie, games and lack of class. You are your own worst enemy, apparently my job is done here.. You truly showed your true colors with that putrid comment. People know what you are, i dont see the point of wasting more time , when you have time and time again proved it.. You made a mockery of anyone who has ever lost a loved one due to murder or terroist activites. To compare this siutation and myself to either one of the above it a sign you are not all there! You broke the law, face the punishment. Stop blaming eveyone else.


Why do you breed??

#19Author of original report

Fri, April 07, 2006

Debra If there are soooooooo many animals that need to be rescued, why on earth do you breed dogs?? Why are you bringing more animals into this world? All die hard rescuers frown upon breeders... But you charge 3000.00 for puppies that have lux pat or water on the brain, how about taking care of your "gifts" that YOU brought into this world??? Do these "gifts" get the care they need?? of course they dont... Do your self a favor and leave the breeding of chi's to the chi lovers.. Go save the strays.. It will be much more rewarding... You dont love chi's!!! Where is your chi? Funny the only chi's you own are at the puppymill... Ohhhh i forgot..once you play god and pregnate your dogs, then they come to your trailer and live with your "rescue" cats who are filled with god knows what diseases.... well obviously mange and ear mties.. Yes then as soon as momma chi nurses her babes it is off to the puppymill for them.. Fix the dogs you bring into this worl first!! did you fix Gomez? did you fix Swan, countless others??? you leave the dirty work to the new owners, you wash your hands clean of these babies... You would spend 3500 to save a stray???? yet a dog you BRED is dying of hydro and you would not send that poor woman a penny until she fouhgt with everything she had?? I am sure most give up after your horrid emails... But guess what Debra, some dont, some will fight until you treat your chi's and customers the same way you treat the cats that just show up at your door!!!! How do I sleep??? pretty darn well!!!!!!! I love my animals and would never exploit them... The true question si, HOW DO YOU SLEEP??? you cause grief to so many...


I have never heard of rescue workers keeping all their rescues

#20Consumer Comment

Thu, April 06, 2006

Rescue work entails taking in sick, hurt, displaced animals and doing what you can to fix, help, and cure them. NOT keep them. If you were are true "Rescue" as you say then you would find loving homes so you can help the next sick, hurt, displaced animal. You say you have some mental cats, does this mean you are the only one educated enough to deal with these cats? If animal control is out at your house then there is a problem. I think it is you. Rescues do not over fill their homes, they do the opposite, they place the animals so to clear room for others who need their assistance. I think it is a selfish act to keep them all thinking you cannot place them. What is worse, is if you are stealing from these ladies and justifying it being ok since you do rescue work. Like robbing Peter to pay Paul, you cannot be a thief and a saint rolled into one. I will tell you this as a rescue worker myself, I am registered with the animal control as a rescue, it does not sound that way for you. IF you were a legal rescue then you would be in close with the animal control. I have a hard time believing you would do so much rescue work but cannot help your own customers with their sick pups. Isn't that the opposite of rescue work? I did go visit your site as you asked, I was kind of appalled to see all them cats on the counter. Plus they all look nice and healthy. I have had rescue cats as well and there is no way I would let my little dog around them. So I am thinking your rescued cats are not as bad off as you lead us to believe. It even sounds as if you are only exploiting and breeding dogs to make enough money to take care of YOUR cats. What does that say for the dogs? just having pups to end up in rescue someday. How about you getting rid of ALL the animals and you will not have this problem.


Debra FOLLOW the law!!

#21Consumer Suggestion

Thu, April 06, 2006

What makes you so special that you can have 10 or so cats? The law is the law Debra, follow it.. You obviously believe you can make your own laws and contracts. City law is 3 cats, you have 10, guess what? you broke that law! Your contract vs. CA puppy lemon law, well it is the opposite... There as well you break the law. Try to be a upstanding citizen and follow the LAWS, you wont have probelms then!!


Debra FOLLOW the law!!

#22Consumer Suggestion

Thu, April 06, 2006

What makes you so special that you can have 10 or so cats? The law is the law Debra, follow it.. You obviously believe you can make your own laws and contracts. City law is 3 cats, you have 10, guess what? you broke that law! Your contract vs. CA puppy lemon law, well it is the opposite... There as well you break the law. Try to be a upstanding citizen and follow the LAWS, you wont have probelms then!!


Debra FOLLOW the law!!

#23Consumer Suggestion

Thu, April 06, 2006

What makes you so special that you can have 10 or so cats? The law is the law Debra, follow it.. You obviously believe you can make your own laws and contracts. City law is 3 cats, you have 10, guess what? you broke that law! Your contract vs. CA puppy lemon law, well it is the opposite... There as well you break the law. Try to be a upstanding citizen and follow the LAWS, you wont have probelms then!!


Debra FOLLOW the law!!

#24Consumer Suggestion

Thu, April 06, 2006

What makes you so special that you can have 10 or so cats? The law is the law Debra, follow it.. You obviously believe you can make your own laws and contracts. City law is 3 cats, you have 10, guess what? you broke that law! Your contract vs. CA puppy lemon law, well it is the opposite... There as well you break the law. Try to be a upstanding citizen and follow the LAWS, you wont have probelms then!!



#25Author of original report

Thu, April 06, 2006

I just re read your post... HOW DARE DARE DARE you insinuate me with terroists and murderers. Each and every comment you have made is without merritt. That is the most disgusting, horrid, putrid statement I have ever ever ever read. I rest my case, that statement right there shows what type of person you are. How many people want to buy puppies from someone who could write such a thing. Ohhhhh... thats great you resuce cats, but how healthy is it to have possible diseased cats in the same trailer as puppies??? I have no doubt why that pup you sold Debbie came with mange, scabies, etc..... Doesnt sound to sanitary to me?? You should not be even handling such creautres when there are newborns around.. What type of "breeder" are you?? Or better yet, what type of person are you to write such a sick commnt?


Read this email from Debra

#26Author of original report

Thu, April 06, 2006

Debra, you are a horrible person. How DARE you even come close to comparing me to a TERROIST.. You are 100%%%%horrible.... What do you think people will think of YOU when they read THAT?? You sound like your out of your mind. But thanks for the slander remark, that will come out very handy in the class action suit that will be brought against you. Like I have told you from the begining you are your own worst enemy. It is not my business who and if someone really did call animal control on you. You certainly like to threaten other people with calling them. This is a email from Debra, look at the date, this is when I had requested Swan be taken off her site since I had paid in full for her. She was my dog, Debra was reselling her since I would not sign a different contract, I told her I was calling the police, and pressing crimial charges. this was her reply to me.... From: Chidolls To:Jodie Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2006 1:00 PM Re: you want games and troubles? Your lucky where you live in the city you can have 4 or 5 dogs.How are the rules in your area? Easy going? Can you have a dozen or more? I will check that out for you.Here In the city limits in this area only 3-4 dogs and in country limits only 10 ( without a licnese). I personally dont need a license because my dogs are boarded at gorgeous resort kennel in Merced County,.I am busy enough with the mom and babeis. I will find out how many dogs you have. I hope it is the amount you should have.



#27REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, April 06, 2006

What do you readers feel about adults who use innocent children and animals to strike back at other adults? How about terrorists who strap bombs to children and send them off to blow up others up? How about a parent who will murder his own flesh and blood babies to spite the other parent? What type of character do these kind of people have? Jodie called animal services in my county and lied to get them so they would come to my home. Jodie made up a fake story about OUR DOGS, but her real intention was to hurt me through my rescues of which most are felines, CATS. _______________________ You may skip down to the end of this post to see her threatening emails about these rescues _______________________ SO WHAT DID ANIMAL SERVICES FIND? They found clean and happy dogs, no problem in this area . BUT Just like Jodie prayed and hoped for, animal services says I have too many rescue cats ( UNDER 10) The cats I have rescued are misfits, throw aways, all found near death ..They have missing eyes or limbs, menatl problems, mega-eshopogus, food allergies, etc...The most recent rescue was found ON MY PORCH with 105 fever and a leg the size of a childs baseball bat, PURRING HIS HEART OUT AS HE LAY NEAR DEATH. HOW COULD ANYONE TURN HIM AWAY?????? He required emergency surgery which cost me 375 .I have NEVER EVER taken a dime for a rescue animal.EVER. I guess it is a well known fact around here what I do for sick animals because how did that dying cat with 105 degree fever end up on my porch?????.. I use the money I receive from selling puppies to do surgeries and placement packages on rescued dogs and cats.I am forever in debt due to animals and our good care of them which costs plenty! BECAUSE OF JODIE, YESTERDAY I POSTED A NOTICE ON MY DOOR ASKING PEOPLE NOT TO DROP OFF ANY MORE SICK OR INJURED ANIMALS. I POSTED THE PHONE NUMBERS OF A COUPLE OTHER FAMILIES I KNOW THAT RESCUE, BUT THEY ARE OVERLOADED TOO. THANK-GOD JODIE DOESN'T KNOW WHO THESE RESCUE FOLKS ARE AS DO YOU THINK SHE WOULD TURN THEM IN ALSO? TO SPITE ME? Jodie . Did you know that most people who rescue aniamls are over their limits?? Lets say.... 100% of those who rescue.More people are needed to rescue so the heavy burden doesnt fall on so few of us that do.I know thousands rescue, but in a population of MILLIONS we need so many more! Like I said earlier the rescues I have ( including a few old arthritic dogs) are misfits, throw away pets. One with a missing eye,one amputee, A few have mental problems who would not survive a move from their secure environment. A couple of them need special liquid diets needed to stay alive, or medicenes to stay alive. ALL are spayed, neutered and microchipped . They are not permitted outside to roam so they are not bothering any of my neighbors.We built on a large 30 foot by 15 foot lattaced/screen room for them with toys, furniture.So these rescues cause no one any harm, do not bother my neighbors. LOOKS LIKE THEY REALLY BOTHERED JODIE WHO LIVES ONE THOUSAND MILES FROM ME.. So I will force a few to live outdoors as cats who live outdoors are everyones babies and not counted. I also chose a couple of the misfits who are calmer and stronger then the others . Two that won't die of fear if removed from the security of their surroundings. We will pay someone monthly to care for them on a couple acres with a small shelter I will build. Not in cages. They will have a couple acres and shelter to go into when they please. I will take over some of their things from my home so they feel comforted. Jodie Did you really win here ? By hurting innocent animals who would benefit from my care sicne their own owners wouldnt pay for them and dropped them at my home?? Jodie, How do you sleep at night? I bet you sleep fine. ____________________ JODIES EMAILS ABOUT OUR RESCUES ARE DIRECTLY BELOW THE LINE BELOW. First though read this:(Jodie is lying, saying she spoke to my neighbor.Check out my website www.chidolls.net and look at OUR HOME /OUR FACILITIES page. I have the pictures and information on that page about the enclosure Jodie speaks of.This page on my website is where she got her information. ______________________________________________ NOW FOR JODIES EMAILS PROVING HER INTENTION TO ATTACK RESCUES: _______________________________________________ Date: 4/2/2006 9:50:22 PM Pacific Daylight Time From: jodie@XXXXXXXXXXXXXX Reply To: To: [email protected] ohh amd debra, i lkmow you live there, i spoke with your meighboor, a older mam, he said you have lots of cats amd a screemed im area for them..... domt lie evem more.. i kmow a whole lot about you.. whem you domt work, you have a lot of free time to spemd im fromt of the computer amd look up pups all day.. amd to imvestigate people who screw you out of momey!!! your address is correct!!!!!! ..... HOW MAMY CATS DEBRA??? I KMOW AMIMAL COMTROL SAID YOU COULD OMLY HAVE SO MAMY...... BUT HERE IM SOUTHPORT, WE ARE ALLOWED TO HAVE AS MAMY CTAS, DOGS, AS WE WAMT.... YOU SHOULD LOOK IMTO MOVIMG HERE, BUT THERE ARE MO TRAILER PARKS HERE DARLI'M......


I don't believe Debra

#28Consumer Comment

Thu, April 06, 2006

Debra says that she and Deborah were friends and now trying to patch things up. Yea right. I dont buy that for a minute. Deborah had to jump through hoops to get her money back, and that included getting the authorities involved. We know she got a settlement from Chidolls because he last post was: An agreement between Chidolls and I has been accepted. I have received a full refund and medical bills from Chidolls today. I am satisfied. Deborah - Garson, Ontario Canada Notice how Deborah didn't say anything about a misunderstanding at all there. HHMMMMM. It is obvious that part of the agreement Chidolls made for Deborah to get her money back was to go back on this website to say 'everything is okay now'. Notice too how Deborah said as little as possible, and only said what she had to, to get her money back? Notice how she hasnt posted since then? She is obviously bound by the agreement and now Debra Drury is taking advantage of that by writing whatever she wants, knowing that Deborah is muzzled. Typical behaviour we have all come to know.



#29Author of original report

Wed, April 05, 2006

Debra You are truly repulsive... Missing emails? I read all those reports, she wanted a refund or vet bills paid, what the hell could be missing? Due to your desire for more money this family is stuck with a dog who will die, kids have to watch a young puppy die. Dogs with hydro have symptond very ealry . You did not notice this? right. There should have been no more than one email, it should have read, I will refund all your money, please take good care of him. Instead what does greedy Debra do? She puts this family through hell. Wont refund them. Your messages state karma, sucks to be you!



#30REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, April 05, 2006

Hello Holly The little precious puppy you refer to is alive at 1 year of age and being loved by his owners.He is in the best hands ever ! What a blessed puppy he is indeed! There was a terrible miscommunication between the family and myself I became friends with the family and something went terribly wrong due to from missed emails , so both sides felt betrayed and very hurt.I warred with the buyer on a friend to friend relationship gone bad instead of on a seller to buyer business level .I was hurt and the buyer was hurt.Instead of staying business like, I acted like a friend had turned on me adn I became enranged, as did the buyer.The family felt their breeder and new friend had turned on them .We both felt betrayed and began a war.It was the most stupid thing I have done in my life.A simple phone call from one of us to the other at the beginning would have prevented all. Good Lord, did we fight! We found the missing emails and have made peace and forgave each other. We speak often and are trying to put it behind us and try to re-discover the friendship we once had.The family paid a total of around 3000$ and we refunded them around 4500$ to include any possible medical.Because we were overjoyed to be friends again we are also giving them a free puppy. We hurt each other badly over the last year and perhaps over time we can fully heal.Time will tell. If only humans could be more perfect,catch things gone bad early on , and not make such stupid mistakes.


Debra the Liar part 3

#31Consumer Suggestion

Tue, April 04, 2006

Debra GROW up... you are a liar, cheater, thief ( YES YOU STEEL people money!!!!) and just a beast... I lie, hahhaahhaaaaa.. right... I look forward to our day in court.. You are accusing me of having people put up posts about you, get real... you have done all this yourself.. LIAR... thats you Debra... I paid for a healthy dog, what did I end up with?? LOL, if you believe im karma you are in for a HUGE shock when you come back.. You will come back as your breeding females, you will live the horrid life they do. In a run, no human contact, pregnant most of your life. Crap Debra, you are in for it.. I would hate to be you!!! My karma.. well thats simple.. I domt cheat lie , steal or fraud people... I do not exploit my dogs. they are treated better than any dog in the world, how are your dogs treated??? karma debra, good luck!!!!! Thanks again for my daily laugh!!!


Debra the Liar part 3

#32Consumer Suggestion

Tue, April 04, 2006

Debra GROW up... you are a liar, cheater, thief ( YES YOU STEEL people money!!!!) and just a beast... I lie, hahhaahhaaaaa.. right... I look forward to our day in court.. You are accusing me of having people put up posts about you, get real... you have done all this yourself.. LIAR... thats you Debra... I paid for a healthy dog, what did I end up with?? LOL, if you believe im karma you are in for a HUGE shock when you come back.. You will come back as your breeding females, you will live the horrid life they do. In a run, no human contact, pregnant most of your life. Crap Debra, you are in for it.. I would hate to be you!!! My karma.. well thats simple.. I domt cheat lie , steal or fraud people... I do not exploit my dogs. they are treated better than any dog in the world, how are your dogs treated??? karma debra, good luck!!!!! Thanks again for my daily laugh!!!


Debra the Liar part 3

#33Consumer Suggestion

Tue, April 04, 2006

Debra GROW up... you are a liar, cheater, thief ( YES YOU STEEL people money!!!!) and just a beast... I lie, hahhaahhaaaaa.. right... I look forward to our day in court.. You are accusing me of having people put up posts about you, get real... you have done all this yourself.. LIAR... thats you Debra... I paid for a healthy dog, what did I end up with?? LOL, if you believe im karma you are in for a HUGE shock when you come back.. You will come back as your breeding females, you will live the horrid life they do. In a run, no human contact, pregnant most of your life. Crap Debra, you are in for it.. I would hate to be you!!! My karma.. well thats simple.. I domt cheat lie , steal or fraud people... I do not exploit my dogs. they are treated better than any dog in the world, how are your dogs treated??? karma debra, good luck!!!!! Thanks again for my daily laugh!!!


Debra the Liar part 3

#34Consumer Suggestion

Tue, April 04, 2006

Debra GROW up... you are a liar, cheater, thief ( YES YOU STEEL people money!!!!) and just a beast... I lie, hahhaahhaaaaa.. right... I look forward to our day in court.. You are accusing me of having people put up posts about you, get real... you have done all this yourself.. LIAR... thats you Debra... I paid for a healthy dog, what did I end up with?? LOL, if you believe im karma you are in for a HUGE shock when you come back.. You will come back as your breeding females, you will live the horrid life they do. In a run, no human contact, pregnant most of your life. Crap Debra, you are in for it.. I would hate to be you!!! My karma.. well thats simple.. I domt cheat lie , steal or fraud people... I do not exploit my dogs. they are treated better than any dog in the world, how are your dogs treated??? karma debra, good luck!!!!! Thanks again for my daily laugh!!!


Debra Is a Liar and a Thief

#35Consumer Comment

Tue, April 04, 2006

Debra, What about Wayne from Ontario who purchased Gomez? I just read his report today and there seems to be a pattern here. What is wrong with you? Why are you such a liar? I hope you get arrested you thief. All the reports about you on this site just prove how big of a con artist you are. I highly doubt all these people have it out for you. No one here believes anything you say. Got it? Quit posting your lies, quit selling or reselling sick puppies, and for god's sake, quit breeding these poor dogs!!!



#36REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, April 04, 2006

Jodie, People read your posts and then see the emails I have posted with your own words contradicting yourself, prooving who is lying here. So you would lead any readers to beleive that Swans owner , Lisa, isn't real? Because Lisa lives in Wisconsin and we flew her puppy Swan to OHara airport in Chicago? Jodie, Did it ever occur to you that a customer may decide to drive a couple hundred miles to an airport in another State if it meant a DIRECT FLIGHT for their precious puppy? Did it ever occur to you that to send Swan to the Wisconsin airport meant a tranfer and much longer flight ? Your posts are filled with libel easy to disprove(and I will prove them false in a CT law of court. Those that speak out without first consulting their brains have nothing to offer but the nonsence ramblings of a fool. I am finished replying since you have now extended your lies to the point of total fabrications and I see you have friends of yours posting fake reports now . Life gives back what you put into it Jodie.I believe that bad karma and evil that is thrown in the world does eventually find its way back home to the one who hurled.


Debra you are crazy

#37Author of original report

Mon, April 03, 2006

Debra You are 100% crazy......... Grow up!!! Stop your lies, stop cheating, stop stealing.... Refund the money you owe me and Jen. You are so BUSY going thru past emails, why dont you answer the questions I asked??? I sure want to hear your replies!!! Stop wastimg time, answer why you scam people!!!!


SPOILED BRATS ARE NOT JUST CHILDREN ! Read how Jodie describes herself

#38REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, April 03, 2006

Read the two emails sent to use from Jodie Obrien when she was informed we would file a suit against her for libel. EMAIL ONE Date: 4/2/2006 9:34:34 PM Pacific Daylight Time From: Reply To: To: [email protected] LOL, what are goimg to sue me for?? amd when you wim what will you get?? lol my parents house?? yes debra, the house i live im is owned by my parents, what the car that is owmed by my father as well? or lol my 50k of credit card debt, sure you cam sue me for that.. it is a shame that i domt owm a thing,, you would thimk at 33 i would.. but guess my paremts are too mice to me!!! EMAIL TWO-I cut out some of Jodies email referring to my daughter and I, our home et...If anyone wants the full email,just email me and ask for it. Date: 4/2/2006 9:48:11 PM Pacific Daylight Time From: Reply To: To: [email protected] lol debra.. why do you thik i am im debt, i told you im numeours emails i dont work!!!!!!!!!!! my boyfriemd pays the bills.... one day i will get a job to pay of my debt... it is nice to have a wealthy boyfriend debra..... very nice on the other hamd my house is im the mames of Robert amd Jodie OBriem, my mom amd dad.. who reside im the maim house om the proerty.;... i domt own a thimg.. mothimg... i take care of my dads horses im exchange for remt.... i also help him out wiht his bookeepimg im my free time in exhcange for dinners with them... so i am a lucky girl.. my boyfriemd works for my a imvestmemt bankimg comapy so he treats me to all of lifes little pleasures... so all i have to worry about is ome day gettimg a payimg job amd paying my cc debt off or maybe whem i marry steve we will get emough weddimg momey to pay my cc;s off... thats my story debra... whats yours? CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


SPOILED BRATS ARE NOT JUST CHILDREN ! Read how Jodie describes herself

#39REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, April 03, 2006

Read the two emails sent to use from Jodie Obrien when she was informed we would file a suit against her for libel. EMAIL ONE Date: 4/2/2006 9:34:34 PM Pacific Daylight Time From: Reply To: To: [email protected] LOL, what are goimg to sue me for?? amd when you wim what will you get?? lol my parents house?? yes debra, the house i live im is owned by my parents, what the car that is owmed by my father as well? or lol my 50k of credit card debt, sure you cam sue me for that.. it is a shame that i domt owm a thing,, you would thimk at 33 i would.. but guess my paremts are too mice to me!!! EMAIL TWO-I cut out some of Jodies email referring to my daughter and I, our home et...If anyone wants the full email,just email me and ask for it. Date: 4/2/2006 9:48:11 PM Pacific Daylight Time From: Reply To: To: [email protected] lol debra.. why do you thik i am im debt, i told you im numeours emails i dont work!!!!!!!!!!! my boyfriemd pays the bills.... one day i will get a job to pay of my debt... it is nice to have a wealthy boyfriend debra..... very nice on the other hamd my house is im the mames of Robert amd Jodie OBriem, my mom amd dad.. who reside im the maim house om the proerty.;... i domt own a thimg.. mothimg... i take care of my dads horses im exchange for remt.... i also help him out wiht his bookeepimg im my free time in exhcange for dinners with them... so i am a lucky girl.. my boyfriemd works for my a imvestmemt bankimg comapy so he treats me to all of lifes little pleasures... so all i have to worry about is ome day gettimg a payimg job amd paying my cc debt off or maybe whem i marry steve we will get emough weddimg momey to pay my cc;s off... thats my story debra... whats yours? CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


SPOILED BRATS ARE NOT JUST CHILDREN ! Read how Jodie describes herself

#40REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, April 03, 2006

Read the two emails sent to use from Jodie Obrien when she was informed we would file a suit against her for libel. EMAIL ONE Date: 4/2/2006 9:34:34 PM Pacific Daylight Time From: Reply To: To: [email protected] LOL, what are goimg to sue me for?? amd when you wim what will you get?? lol my parents house?? yes debra, the house i live im is owned by my parents, what the car that is owmed by my father as well? or lol my 50k of credit card debt, sure you cam sue me for that.. it is a shame that i domt owm a thing,, you would thimk at 33 i would.. but guess my paremts are too mice to me!!! EMAIL TWO-I cut out some of Jodies email referring to my daughter and I, our home et...If anyone wants the full email,just email me and ask for it. Date: 4/2/2006 9:48:11 PM Pacific Daylight Time From: Reply To: To: [email protected] lol debra.. why do you thik i am im debt, i told you im numeours emails i dont work!!!!!!!!!!! my boyfriemd pays the bills.... one day i will get a job to pay of my debt... it is nice to have a wealthy boyfriend debra..... very nice on the other hamd my house is im the mames of Robert amd Jodie OBriem, my mom amd dad.. who reside im the maim house om the proerty.;... i domt own a thimg.. mothimg... i take care of my dads horses im exchange for remt.... i also help him out wiht his bookeepimg im my free time in exhcange for dinners with them... so i am a lucky girl.. my boyfriemd works for my a imvestmemt bankimg comapy so he treats me to all of lifes little pleasures... so all i have to worry about is ome day gettimg a payimg job amd paying my cc debt off or maybe whem i marry steve we will get emough weddimg momey to pay my cc;s off... thats my story debra... whats yours? CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


SPOILED BRATS ARE NOT JUST CHILDREN ! Read how Jodie describes herself

#41REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, April 03, 2006

Read the two emails sent to use from Jodie Obrien when she was informed we would file a suit against her for libel. EMAIL ONE Date: 4/2/2006 9:34:34 PM Pacific Daylight Time From: Reply To: To: [email protected] LOL, what are goimg to sue me for?? amd when you wim what will you get?? lol my parents house?? yes debra, the house i live im is owned by my parents, what the car that is owmed by my father as well? or lol my 50k of credit card debt, sure you cam sue me for that.. it is a shame that i domt owm a thing,, you would thimk at 33 i would.. but guess my paremts are too mice to me!!! EMAIL TWO-I cut out some of Jodies email referring to my daughter and I, our home et...If anyone wants the full email,just email me and ask for it. Date: 4/2/2006 9:48:11 PM Pacific Daylight Time From: Reply To: To: [email protected] lol debra.. why do you thik i am im debt, i told you im numeours emails i dont work!!!!!!!!!!! my boyfriemd pays the bills.... one day i will get a job to pay of my debt... it is nice to have a wealthy boyfriend debra..... very nice on the other hamd my house is im the mames of Robert amd Jodie OBriem, my mom amd dad.. who reside im the maim house om the proerty.;... i domt own a thimg.. mothimg... i take care of my dads horses im exchange for remt.... i also help him out wiht his bookeepimg im my free time in exhcange for dinners with them... so i am a lucky girl.. my boyfriemd works for my a imvestmemt bankimg comapy so he treats me to all of lifes little pleasures... so all i have to worry about is ome day gettimg a payimg job amd paying my cc debt off or maybe whem i marry steve we will get emough weddimg momey to pay my cc;s off... thats my story debra... whats yours? CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


Debras Mess.........

#42Author of original report

Mon, April 03, 2006

Debra/ Maureen/ Lisa.. whatever name you go by ... Lisa is a LIE, there is not a Lisa... First you put on your site Swans kennel to go to Lisa im Chicago, IL now she is from WI?? PLEASE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what are you goimg to use Swan for breeding.... Lisa, why dont you email a photo of Swan behind a WI newspaper??? let me guess, you dont have a camera or it has broke?? right??? Debra stop your LIES... Come clean!!!!! Answer my questions from the first post i did about you!!!!! Why do people have to send their payments to differemt people?? Why only money orders? why a po box , cell phone?? You semd me emails saying you are going to sue me due to the fact I used the word STEAL.. that is admitting that you agree to my report, YOU DID steal from me, 500.00 why didnt you add that to your rebuttal?? huh??? LOL, this is what she writes to me.. "Re: I and my daughter are not thieves..We do not steal. Libel is serious" LOL LOL LOL..... thats all she could say she was goimg to sue me for?? they are mot theives LOL.. Yes they are!!!! they stole 500.00 from me, 200.00 from jemm, etc.. who else does she owe $$ to!!!!!


Debras Mess.........

#43Author of original report

Mon, April 03, 2006

Debra/ Maureen/ Lisa.. whatever name you go by ... Lisa is a LIE, there is not a Lisa... First you put on your site Swans kennel to go to Lisa im Chicago, IL now she is from WI?? PLEASE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what are you goimg to use Swan for breeding.... Lisa, why dont you email a photo of Swan behind a WI newspaper??? let me guess, you dont have a camera or it has broke?? right??? Debra stop your LIES... Come clean!!!!! Answer my questions from the first post i did about you!!!!! Why do people have to send their payments to differemt people?? Why only money orders? why a po box , cell phone?? You semd me emails saying you are going to sue me due to the fact I used the word STEAL.. that is admitting that you agree to my report, YOU DID steal from me, 500.00 why didnt you add that to your rebuttal?? huh??? LOL, this is what she writes to me.. "Re: I and my daughter are not thieves..We do not steal. Libel is serious" LOL LOL LOL..... thats all she could say she was goimg to sue me for?? they are mot theives LOL.. Yes they are!!!! they stole 500.00 from me, 200.00 from jemm, etc.. who else does she owe $$ to!!!!!


Debras Mess.........

#44Author of original report

Mon, April 03, 2006

Debra/ Maureen/ Lisa.. whatever name you go by ... Lisa is a LIE, there is not a Lisa... First you put on your site Swans kennel to go to Lisa im Chicago, IL now she is from WI?? PLEASE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what are you goimg to use Swan for breeding.... Lisa, why dont you email a photo of Swan behind a WI newspaper??? let me guess, you dont have a camera or it has broke?? right??? Debra stop your LIES... Come clean!!!!! Answer my questions from the first post i did about you!!!!! Why do people have to send their payments to differemt people?? Why only money orders? why a po box , cell phone?? You semd me emails saying you are going to sue me due to the fact I used the word STEAL.. that is admitting that you agree to my report, YOU DID steal from me, 500.00 why didnt you add that to your rebuttal?? huh??? LOL, this is what she writes to me.. "Re: I and my daughter are not thieves..We do not steal. Libel is serious" LOL LOL LOL..... thats all she could say she was goimg to sue me for?? they are mot theives LOL.. Yes they are!!!! they stole 500.00 from me, 200.00 from jemm, etc.. who else does she owe $$ to!!!!!


Debras Mess.........

#45Author of original report

Mon, April 03, 2006

Debra/ Maureen/ Lisa.. whatever name you go by ... Lisa is a LIE, there is not a Lisa... First you put on your site Swans kennel to go to Lisa im Chicago, IL now she is from WI?? PLEASE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what are you goimg to use Swan for breeding.... Lisa, why dont you email a photo of Swan behind a WI newspaper??? let me guess, you dont have a camera or it has broke?? right??? Debra stop your LIES... Come clean!!!!! Answer my questions from the first post i did about you!!!!! Why do people have to send their payments to differemt people?? Why only money orders? why a po box , cell phone?? You semd me emails saying you are going to sue me due to the fact I used the word STEAL.. that is admitting that you agree to my report, YOU DID steal from me, 500.00 why didnt you add that to your rebuttal?? huh??? LOL, this is what she writes to me.. "Re: I and my daughter are not thieves..We do not steal. Libel is serious" LOL LOL LOL..... thats all she could say she was goimg to sue me for?? they are mot theives LOL.. Yes they are!!!! they stole 500.00 from me, 200.00 from jemm, etc.. who else does she owe $$ to!!!!!


Debra Drury is now threatning me, ALL ripped off by her come forward PLEASE, Class action suit!!!

#46Author of original report

Mon, April 03, 2006

Debra just found out about my report, this is what she emailed me "If you don't show up in court I will win by default. I have your Contract and your threats .I have your Libel on Ripp off. I can prove malicious intention to defame us .You need to read Libel laws.There is a certain statute of limitations involved so I will need to finish this up quickly. . I know how to legally serve you so you don't have to actually accept the forms in order for the suit to proceed. Debra " Is this a woman who you would want to buy a puppy from?? Instead of doing the right thing, she threatens me with a lawsuit for the truth LOL... She broke the contract herself when she put the pup up for resale, without my permession, i had her add a clause to the contract that death would be the only way SHE could back out of the sale, Debra put the contract on here for all to read ..... I also sigmed it stating it was for Swan only.. Debra, I also have printed out your mean comments that were on your website about me... Please... give it up Debra, refund all the people you ripped off.. One already came out.. I am sure the rest will be coming.... You are a puppymill A PUPPYMILL.... PUPPYMILLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am begging for all past customers, no matter how long ago to come out!!!! please share how Debra ripped you off also!!!!!!! Think of the next innocent family she makes cry!!!!!!!



#47REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, April 03, 2006

BELOW ARE CUTS AND PASTE EMAILS. We held the puppy for Jodie for many weeks. She signed a contract that if for some reason she didnt want the puppy or the puppy developed a health issue that she would accept a replacement puppy from us , NOT A REFUND. Jodie not only signed our contract and agreed to this but she even wrote a paragraph on the contract stating to abide by the terms.Anyone that wishes to can email me for a copy of the contract she signed and SHE WROTE AN ADDITIONAL PARAGRAH TO MAKE US FEEL MORE SECURE THAT SHE WOULD ABIDE BY OUR TERMS. We rarely have 3000$ puppies! We wanted to make sure she would abide by our terms for a replacement only if anything would go wrong and she wrote the extra paragraph to make us feel certain that she would abide... We believed her! _Re: Contracts mean something Date: 3/2/2006 From: Chidolls Reply To: To: jodie Jody Per our contract we owe you a healthy beautiful puppy.Let us know when you are ready and we will be happy to fulfill our part of the contract with you. It is clearly stated that we do not refund but offer credits and replacements and this was made clear before you ever commited.You read the seller/buyer contract and even asked us to add on something for you which we did. We agree to uphold our side of the contract and expect our customers to uphold their side of the contract. Contracts are binding and mean something. If Contracts didnt mean anything then why would we have one? Why would you have asked for us to add on to our contract ? Debra JODIE TRYING TO BREECH CONTRACT Date: 3/2/2006 10:23:12 AM Pacific Standard Time From: jodi To: Chidolls Debra The california puppy lemon law overrides your contract. The contract bewteen you and I was for Swan, not another dog.. JODIE THREATENING US TO REFUND HER Date: 3/2/2006 1:24:31 PM Pacific Standard Time From: jodi Reply To: To: Chidolls Debra I am not one to send a lot of emails or waste time on nonsense. So this will be the last email. Please send the money order to Jodie Southport, CT I expect it within a weeks time. I have done a little research on you.. and boy it doesnt look too good for you... lots of problems, huh?? Do the right thing and we will be fine.... Your choice Debra.. I am not messing around.. Just the 30 min I have spent on the phone and online ... Dont make this turn into something nasty, I am asking nicely, thanks jodie ________________ THE BUYER DECIDES SHE DOESNT WANT TO ABIDE BY THE CONTRACT AND THREATENS THE BREEDER TO FORCE THE BREEDER TO COMPLY WITH HER DEMANDS.IS THIS FAIR? IS THE BREEDER THE EVIL ONE HERE? BABYDOLLPUPS REFUNDS JODIE 3000$ refund on the way! 3/7/06 Date: 3/7/2006 From: Chido Reply To: To: jodi God what a mess.they dont know what they are doing,I decided to wait 1 hour for the main clerk to come in so no mistake would be made. Was 1 1/2 hours in that place. three 1,000$ money orders sent EXPRESS .Tracking number EQ 45XXXXXXXXX Money orders 090XXXXXXXXXX 090941xxxxxxxxx 090941xxxxxxxxxx It would be so much more easier to have people pick another puppy.I hope to goodness this never happens again. Debra ________


Swan Princess

#48Consumer Suggestion

Mon, April 03, 2006

I received an e-mail from Debra today about this report. I am the owner of Swan Princess. I just want to say that Swan did go to the Veterinarian and he said she is very healthy. She does have the luxating patellas, but my doctor said we will wait and see. The left knee especially is loose. However, she may never even need the surgery. You cannot tell her knees have any problem by looking at her. She runs, jumps in my lap and plays with her toys without any signs at all. I had been wishing for Swan so much. I called Debra and was told she was promised to someone else. I checked two or three times a day for about five weeks hoping to find her, but she was not available. Then I saw her ad in February, and Debra told me she probably was not available but to check back. I then saw the new ad where Debra disclosed the luxating patellas and she was available. I stayed up all night as I was too excited to sleep. :) In the morning when I called, Debra said I could have her. It was a dream come true. I do not regret for one moment having this beautiful little girl in my life. She is even more gorgeous in person than in her pictures on Chidolls. She is extremely loving, brave, playful, soooo pretty, a lap puppy :) and more than I ever expected. Debra said she deserves to be loved unconditionally, and she is. Debra is very sweet, honest and caring, and Swan was shipped with a lot of love and thought. She is very careful of whom she selects to have one of her babies. Debra also does animal rescues, something I have done and that is a very important to me. My whole family adores Swan and we would do it again. I am only speaking from my own experience, and I have nothing but the best and highest recommendations for Debra and Chidolls. Thank you Debra for bringing this precious girl to us.

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