  • Report:  #380863

Complaint Review: Chris Hutcherson Gorilla TV Internet Marketing Gorillas The Elevision Network - Draper Florida

Reported By:
- Melbourne, Florida,

Chris Hutcherson Gorilla TV Internet Marketing Gorillas The Elevision Network
1852 Glacier Summit CT Draper, Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
In July 2008, Internet Marketing Gorillas was due to launch a powerful technology to the world internet scene. The Internet Television Network, AKA Gorilla TV was an idea developed by IMG.

I spent five years developing the AUMMB technology, the proprietary Adaptive User Marketing Modeling Behavior, along with many other ideas. Chris Hutcherson came to me because he needed leads for the Network Marketing industry. With my proprietary technology we saw huge potential in lead generation for Network Marketing. So we formed a partnership. The LLC, Internet Marketing Gorillas, was registered and as majority shareholder, I made Chris Hutcherson the CEO. It seemed an obvious choice at the time. It was a mistake.

Robert Henslee is the original founder, Chief Technical Officer, Chairman of the Board and majority shareholder in Internet Marketing Gorillas which was set to offer one of the world's pre-eminent platforms for lead generation for the Network Marketing industry, providing first class training, content and other technologies.

Robert Henslee, who was already an extremely successful SEO, SEM and SEA expert (SEA standing for Search Engine Architecture) in Marketing Gorillas, recalls what he once said about Chris Hutcherson in a reference for him.

Chris Hutcherson is flat out a world class senior executive of the highest caliber. When I was his CTO several years ago, he amazed me in that he was a Sales and Marketing guy, but he had the ability to quickly grasp the underlying software technologies that supported the Loyalty Software Application I wrote for him. He is a specialist at devising, building, and executing business models.

And this:

I have been amazed at how quickly Chris has grasped the underpinnings and knowledge about Search Engine technology. He can assess, digest, and then sell technology concepts faster than anyone I ever met.

As well as this:

I have clearly learned to appreciate the passion, commitment, intelligence, and leadership that Chris brings to any project with which he is associated. This Business Opportunity Social Network and Lead Generating Model fits Search Engine technology so well. I am a partner with Chris because of his incredible communication and sales skills. If he talks to you about the model, I recommend you listen to what he says.

I offered these observations to Chris Hutcherson as a reference and testimonial, because at the time, I didn't know how manipulative and unlawful he could be. Now I do. He uses these qualities I've stated about him for his own greed and personal agenda and he doesn't care whom he steps on along the way. I can honestly say I do not think Chris Hutcherson is a world-class senior executive. I only know now that he is a world-class liar and cheat. He uses his Sales and Marketing skill to sell people on his schemes. It is because of his superior ability to grasp information so quickly and to develop powerful business models that he is able to mislead and cunningly manipulate innocent people into parting with their money.

Like I said in my reference for him, he can assess, digest and then sell technology concepts faster than anyone I ever met - and then he just takes their money and they get nothing. In my case, he hasn't just taken my money. He has stolen my Intellectual Property. I would tell anybody - never listen to him. I did, and I got burned.

Henslee explains:

When Chris and I partnered to sell the AUMMB lead generation technology to the Network Marketing industry, we had an idea at IMG to create an Internet Television Network that would truly empower the industry and augment the process. This proprietary Internet Marketing Gorillas Internet Television Network was a substantial part of the investor-supported enterprise. Chris used his excellent salesman skills to raise significant capital funding for the platform.

Unfortunately, Chris's inability to stay focused on one project was coupled with his self-serving interests. It resulted in him embezzling investor funds and manipulating investors with misleading information about the technology - claiming it to be his own under the name of The Elevision Network.

He dumped IMG from his agenda, leaving our investors without a return on their investment. He doesn't care if they realize a profit or not. He took their money and has swindled them into believing that I am no longer the Chairman of the Board of my own company. After directing the funds to a separate account, freezing me out of access to these funds, Chris dumped the IMG business plan, taking the technology with him.

Leaving behind the original founder of IMG, Robert Henslee, and dumping those investors he didn't agree with, Chris Hutcherson left the company with a half-million dollar debt. He left with the investment capital and intellectual property to start his own company. As CEO, Chris Hutcherson got greedy. It is understood he has a new company selling the IMG intellectual property, fueled by IMG investor funding.

For the Mormon Church leader, and once-respected salesman, this certainly is illegal and he can expect law enforcement to take the appropriate action.

Chris Hutcherson wants investors to believe that I have been removed from Internet Marketing Gorillas and that he is the owner so that he can do whatever he wants with my Intellectual Property - the Gorilla Internet TV, that he calls Elevision Network. He so far has convinced the likes of Frank Maguire, and other well known entrepreneurs that Elevision Network is his enterprise, his idea and his technology.

Chris Hutcherson has misappropriated funds from Internet Marketing Gorillas after freezing IMG out of the accounts and he is now using those funds to promote Elevision Network - correctly known as Internet Marketing Gorillas Internet Television Network, or Gorilla Internet TV - so that he can illegally reap the financial rewards for himself through the new company he started with our property. Who knows what he will do once the investors have handed over their funds for what they think will be a legitimate piece of the action. I know already that clients are using the multi-million dollar state of the art television-recording studio IMG paid for, and because of what Chris Hutcherson has done to illegally gain control of Internet Marketing Gorillas we have no means for tracking what he's doing with the investor funds.

The Founder, and the CTO and Chairman of the Board of IMG issues this warning:

Any companies or investors that participate with Chris Hutcherson in selling IMG's technology are advised that they are dealing with stolen property and may be an accessory in several different crimes. They therefore must realize they have a liability in this matter, of Gorilla TV or its renamed entities specifically The Elevision Network, Elevision TV. Be advised: If you are using IMG's intellectual property without permission of Robert Henslee of IMG, you are committing a serious crime. You do have a huge liability and you will be hearing from the company's attorneys along with law enforcement. You can be assured of this.

We have reported Mr. Hutcherson to State and Federal organizations such as; FBI and SEC; Attorney General's Offices of Florida, Utah and California; The Bar Associations of Utah and Florida; the State Attorney's Offices of Florida, California, and Utah, and lastly the Department of Homeland Security. Many of the actions of Chris Hutcherson and his collaborators meet criteria for crimes such as terrorist attacks since we are dealing with international organizations here. The response from these agencies and departments has been good and many have started their investigations. It's just a matter of time before Mr. Hutcherson will hear from them.

Hutcherson has lured in more victims to participate in his illegal use of the Gorilla TV technology. Clearly, he believes that he has the right to promote The Elevision Network technology and claim the financial profits from it, while the real owner, Chief Technology Officer and majority shareholder Robert Henslee who developed the idea and the technology at Internet Marketing Gorillas is deprived of any income, and investors in Internet Marketing Gorillas have their ROI entitlements stolen from them.

This is IMG technology, and an IMG idea - something I discussed with Chris Hutcherson when I believed he was my trusted CEO at Internet Marketing Gorillas. He and his accomplices will feel the full weight of the law at both State and Federal levels, in particular the FBI and SEC. I will not rest until this crime is punished and the perpetrators are dealt with by law enforcement. The damage their manipulative and deceitful actions have caused to the reputation of Internet Marketing Gorillas as a corporation and to me, the Chairman of the Board, Chief Technology Officer, and majority shareholder, is almost immeasurable.

Chris Hutcherson has stolen IMG Intellectual Property; he has used illegal documentation to shut IMG out of accessing banking accounts so that we can not produce any results for investors, and left IMG with not a dime to its name. Do not participate in The Elevision Network with Mr. Hutcherson - it is stolen intellectual property and you will be committing a crime if you participate in it. Law enforcement agencies including the FBI and SEC are being advised of Chris Hutcherson's activities and all his accomplices may also be held accountable.

Mr Henslee has this special notice for practicing attorneys:

If you're an attorney and or firm specializing in the prosecution and recovery of stolen intellectual property, the senior management of IMG would like to hear from you. IMG has a number of cases available for recovery and prosecution. We're building a network of firms to protect our intellectual property from the likes of Mr. Hutcherson.

Lastly there are a number of Rip-Off Reports about Mr. Chris Hutcherson's Pump and Dump activities. To find them, search for his name Chris Hutcherson" in the search box on Ripoff Report's home page.

Chief Content Officer

Melbourne, Florida


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