  • Report:  #1041805

Complaint Review: Chris Paris "Quality" Resources - Tampa Florida

Reported By:
Richard Kennedy - Atlanta, Georgia,

Chris Paris "Quality" Resources
1503 South US Highway 301 Suite 36 Tampa, 33619 Florida, United States of America
(863) 651-3750
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Editor’s Comment:  10/22/2019 -.  Ripoff Report believes in transparency and the more information the better.  In this instance, there has been court action regarding this subject Report.  We believe it important to note that not all Court Orders are alike.  Many court orders are absolutely legitimate and we make no representations about this court order situation However, we want our users to be aware that sometimes courts enter orders based upon default which typically means that the defendant didn’t show up.  Sometimes a defendant won’t show up because they didn’t even get notice of the case proceedings in the first place and other times defendants may not show up because they don’t necessarily have the knowledge and/or the financial resources to fight.  Still, in other instances, a defendant may simply appear only to stipulate (settle) the case by agreeing to stipulate to a court order because they are being bullied by the plaintiff and whether what they said was true or not, they just want the matter to go away so they can move on with life and make the plaintiff go away.  Again, we make no representations about this particular court order situation.  We are simply providing you with additional information so that you may be more informed and, coupled with any additional research you feel is necessary, may make your own informed decision regarding the validity of this Report.  As always, we encourage our readers to do their homework and not just rely on one single source for information.  Google, through the Lumen Database, has provided the following document relating to this subject Report:


Paris v. Levinson - Order o... by Ripoff Report on Scribd





Oxebridge Quality Resources, International in Tampa, FL is a SCAM! Their so-called Rapid ISO 9001 and AS9100 Implementation is a joke and RIPOFF!!. I thought these clowns went away 9 years ago but apparently they are back once again pushing their useless service to businesses. This company was exposed back in 2004 by the Web's leading quality systems management forum at http://elsmar.com/Forums/showthread.php?t=8692 Unfortunately, it looks like Oxebridge is at it again trying to scam companies to pay for its bogus ISO service.  Click the previous link to see the complaints about Oxebridge Quality Resources. Better yet, here is a example of the complaints against Christopher Paris, owner of Oxebridge published in the above forum, among other sites all over the Web...

"My first reaction is "Oh God, what an idiot". Obviously he (Chris Paris / Oxebridge) doesn't have enough to do, and is bored and trying to stir up something from nothing. He wins first prize for DA of the month"

"Wow! Just imagine if you had urinated on Chris's shoe! I think he'd probably want you up for capital punishment. I'm surprised old legal eagle Chris hasn't quite figured out the difference between slander and libel. "Religious slurs"? I do note you have been particularly bigoted toward us Huguenots. (Nothing new - we  survived St Bartholomew's Day Massacre; we can take anything.)"

"I was briefly lost for words there... when I saw Christopher Paris Registered 4 Days Ago. I found this yesterday, and wondered why on earth he registered. Obviously not to take part in the contest. I didn't think he wanted to have anything to do with us? Now I realize what he was up to.... I have little knowledge of U.S. law, but I know one thing: I know a personal vendetta when I see one. Tragic....

"I am at a complete loss. Does he (Chris Paris of Oxebridge Quality) think we are some covert terrorism sponsor??? Does he think that people from other countries ...Maybe he just does not think he could write a good enough article. The next thing you know he will say that people are soliciting when they tell us about their fund raising for cancer or other causes. Surely the power that be in Ohio have far better things to occupy their time. Does Mr Paris live in Ohio?? I hope he puts the same efforts into trying to close down the Pornography and Spams sites around America."

"Chris Paris, in his complaint, states "...many individuals..." are banned. Mr. Paris himself registered in the forums recently and Mr. Paris - Oxebridge - knows no one is banned from the site. Mr. Paris is

aware that Jim Wade can register again and participate if he apologises and explains why he did what he did. Mr. Paris is outright lying and knowingly gave false testimony to the Ohio Attorney General's office in his complaint."

"I do believe that the issue of the 40 day wonder is moot, and Chrissy has done himself more damage than we could ever do (as if we ever wanted to). Would you let this guy into YOUR plant, to talk to YOUR employees and set up YOUR system? I think not. He ought to provide some mustard

along with this baloney."

"...I was wrong.... Christopher Paris Street Address and telephone number is public information in the complaint. I have removed them from this post. Winter Haven, FL 33881 (Same address as Oxebridge Quality)

"Given he used an Oxebridge email address, his employer is implicated. Is this guy a senior exec at Oxebridge? Can a phone call to the Pres. there resolve the matter, possibly have the individual terminated for this obnoxious behavior?" (Unfortunately these little weasel Chris Paris is the owner of Oxebridge)

"Good point, but I'll leave it to Chris Paris to deal with his employer - if he has one. As far as I know Chris Paris is Oxbridge. I haven't investigated what his position is there. Personally I consider his

complaint silly. I think Chris 'shot himself in the foot' by filing the complaint. I don't particularly want Chris 'terminated' but I do want to ensure the public knows of the complaint and its content. Once I hear back from the Ohio Attorney General's office I will post my reply to them here and in the quality NG."

"This guy Paris is, in my personal opinion, a whiny, cowardly, nut who apparently cannot stand criticism, so he shamelessly wastes vaulable government resources to pursue a baseless and trivial personal vendetta. I'm sure you're reading this, Paris, so let me say this to you directly: Grow up. Grow a spine while you are at it. Complain to Mommy if you want about how unfair you think life is, but stop wasting the taxpayer's money on frivolous things like this. There are people out there with

legitimate and serious claims who are waiting longer to get justice because of idiots like you."

"The "blah"s Chris Paris entered stood out and I looked and lo and behold it was Chris Paris. I went to his user record in the control panel and replaced the "blah"s with what I felt more appropriate. His company is Oxebridge (or Oxbridge?), for example. I put "rival" in that slot because - well, I thought it fit. So I take the blame for changing the entry from "blah" to "rival" - which I did because he thinks he is."

"Why does this guy go out of his way to try to attack anyone whom he considers superior to himself? (One possibility after looking at his photo is he is a little man with small man complex?). You'd think any potential customer/employer who did a Google search and came up with this kinda stuff would put lots of distance between themselves and Chris. And I hope that is exactly what happens."

"Chris Paris [the real and only brain and voice behind Oxebridge] is quite an enigma... On the other hand, he is a Don Quixote personality, picking "fights" with ISO, accrediting bodies, registrars, etc. Somehow, he imagines himself the "defender" of all quality folk everywhere, seeing conspiracies against us quality professionals everywhere. Along the way, he has managed to convince enough companies to pay him money to keep the game going." (READ THAT AGAIN!!!)

"... So if you do business with Oxebridge and Chris Paris, you are a fool."

THERE ARE HUNDREDS OF OTHER COMMENTS ABOUT THE SCAMMER CHRIS PARIS (AKA Chrissy the Sissy) and his bogus company Oxebridge "No-Quality." Google it. Everything posted here has been found on other websites from many different people complaining about Chrissy the Sissy Paris.

5 Updates & Rebuttals


Christopher Paris and Oxebridge were sued for defamation

#2General Comment

Wed, February 22, 2017

I am emphatically not supporting the content of the original report, because I have zero evidence that Oxebridge Quality Resources International LLC and Christopher Mark Paris provide anything but competent ISO 9001 implementation services. From what I have seen of the Oxebridge Web site, the quality of the company's services cannot be honestly challenged.

This does not change the fact that Oxebridge and Chris Paris conduct themselves in a grossly unethical and unprofessional manner by posting fake news about individual quality management practitioners, certification bodies (including those of Oxebridge's own clients) and professional societies. This fake news extends to reckless and false accusations of crimes. The bottom line is that somebody who is ethically capable of lying to Web site visitors and to peers on social media is ethically capable of lying to a client or a customer, regardless of his technical qualifications.

 plainsite.org/dockets/download.html?id=167580833&z=9ca38f27 lines 34 and following are a complaint in a lawsuit that accuse Oxebridge of threatening an organization and then damaging a professional conference. This complaint is consistent with what I have seen of his conduct toward me and toward others. The suit was dismissed not for lack of merit but for lack of jurisdiction as shown here. plainsite.org/dockets/2an9k2v36/new-york-southern-district-court/g31000-north-america-inc-et-al-v-paris-et-al/

The only reason I don't sign my real name to this is, by the way, that it would give "legs" to the material Mr. Paris is circulating about me and about others. That is, I am not going to give his garbage any more visibility, in contrast to his idiotic practice of re-posting others' accusations about him on his own company Web site. (Constable Dogberry from Much Ado About Nothing comes to mind here.) I have signed my real name in complaints about him, and added that those to whom I was complaining were free to show him what I said. If I won't say it to his face, I shouldn't say it behind his back (in contrast to him badmouthing me to two people whom he was badmouthing behind their backs on the Oxebridge Web site). In this case, the public document linked above speaks for itself.

Report Attachments


The issue with Oxebridge is not competence but character.

#3General Comment

Thu, February 16, 2017

A company might be able to implement ISO 9001 from scratch in 40 days with competent guidance and enough time and effort by the necessary people. A small shop might be able to implement a system in even less time. From what I can see from the technical material on the Oxebridge web site, it is impossible to honestly challenge Mr. Paris' claim that he can do what he says--implement a functioning ISO 9001 quality system in 40 days.

Oxebridge Quality Resources International LLC also offers under a Creative Commons license an ISO template kit that might make a from-scratch implementation easier. I have looked at only a few of the forms and records but I don't see anything wrong with them. I might even be able to learn some new ideas from Mr. Paris' material myself (and I downloaded it for this express purpose), so it saddens me that he has chosen to make it impossible for his peers to trust him in any kind of professional or collegial relationship. Had he chosen differently, I would have probably enjoyed exchanging ideas with him.

Chris Paris' corporate Web site at Oxebridge Quality Resources International LLC serves as a platform for fake news similar to the kind (yellow journalism) that started the Spanish-American War, and similar to the  Protocols of the Elders of Zion that led to the publication of The International Jew. Recent examples of fake news involve allegations that the Twin Towers were destroyed by the United States, Barack Obama was born in Kenya, and that the United States created the AIDS virus. Christopher Mark Paris' fake news includes reckless accusations of professional misconduct and incompetence, and even implications of crimes, directed at quality management professionals, certification bodies, and major professional organizations.

I am not going to quote the specifics here, not because I haven't downloaded and backed up every single Web page in question in case they are ever needed as evidence, but rather because I don't want to repeat Mr. Paris' irresponsible allegations even for the purpose of condemnation. Anybody who is familiar with his Web site can see plenty of objective evidence.

Oxebridge is even on record as badmouthing the certification bodies of its own clients. Christopher Paris' "journalism" includes the distortion of other people's statements, or even out of context reporting of those statements, to make them look bad. He has also used LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook to propagate his fake news to peers in the quality management profession with total disregard for the possible professional consequences to them for acting on it. Many employers have strict policies about the use of social media when the employer's name is attached to what the employee publishes.

I personally caught Christopher Paris badmouthing me to two other people on Twitter and LinkedIn. I let those people know what Mr. Paris was meanwhile saying about them behind their backs on his Oxebridge Web site. Somebody who is capable of lying about somebody else to your face is ethically capable of lying about you behind your back, which Mr. Paris has been proven to have done.

For all I know, Christopher Paris and Oxebridge may do adequate work, good work, or even outstanding work. The U.S. Military Academy will however expel the cadet at the top of his or her class for lying just as quickly as it will expel the cadet at the bottom of the class for lying. I find it very sad that somebody with Mr. Paris' apparent technical competence found it necessary to disqualify himself from any position of trust or responsibility with this kind of dishonest and dishonorable conduct.


(Possible retaliation target),
Oxebridge's unprofessional Web site

#4General Comment

Fri, January 27, 2017

I know nothing, whether good or bad, about the quality of Christopher Mark Paris' consulting services. All I know is that he operates a grossly unprofessional Web site that includes:

(1) Unauthorized display of other business' trademarks and logos, including derisive and scatalogical photomanipulations of same, along with screenshots of brochures that do not belong to him.

(2) Disparaging and almost certainly defamatory statements about individual quality professionals, businesses, and organizations.

(3) Unauthorized use of photographs of other people (not public figures), generally lifted from other Web sites that are authorized to use them.

I have NEVER seen a Web site this juvenile, immature, and defamatory for any other quality-related consulting firm, business, or organization, or indeed any business at all. Mr. Paris has also indulged this behavior on Twitter and LinkedIn, which doubtlessly alienates countless potential customers and clients on first sight.

Christopher Paris

40-Day ISO 9001 is Proven; Critics, Not So Much

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, April 29, 2013

The reports herein come on the heels of reporting by Oxebridge on the unaccredited ISO 9001 registrars, or "certificate mills." Oxebridge is a running a series of articles on these organizations, which print fake ISO 9001 certificates in contradiction to international accreditation rules. Client companies using such fake certificates are later shocked to discover that their customers, such as those in automotive or aerospace, do not recognize the certificate, and they are then forced to obtain a new certificate with an accredited registrar.

The reporting can be found here.

Oxebridge has offered Rapid 40-Day ISO 9001 Implementation for over a decade, and does so by adopting a compressing traditional consulting techniques into a shorter time period, and utilizing new approaches to offload typical client work back to the Implementation Specialist. Traditional consultants instead rely on long-term contracts, with many month-long pauses built into the contract, often in order to extend the contract length, and thus the fee. Oxebridge eliminates these pauses and reduces the overall contract length.

For example, Oxebridge also does not waste time on training clients how to write documents, but instead writes custom procedures and manuals based on in depth interviews. No "boilerplate" documents are used. Even graphics and illustrations are custom-made.  Traditional consultants train clients on how to write, and then come back over and over, over a period of months, to advise the client on how to edit the document. We view this as wasteful.

Next, we "live" at the company for the 40-day period, often working 10 - 12 hour days. 

There are 400 hours available in a 40-day (2 month) period of time. One must ask why a consulting firm cannot implement ISO 9001 with 400 man-hours available to them.

The program has been confirmed over and over by actual clients. For example, Tech Source achieved ISO 9001 in the 40-day period. As did OakTree Solutions. Another firm, SaiTech, underwent a dramatic 30-day program, requiring Oxebridge to stress its implementation methods even further.

All cases may be confirmed directly with the client organizations themselves.

In all cases, the clients were registered by accredited ISO 9001 certification bodies who, themselves, are accredited by an IAF signatory, according to official ISO standards and rules. Oxebridge does not partner with any certification body, and makes no recommendations to clients as to which registrar to use. It does, however, refuse to work with any client that uses an unaccredited "certificate mill" printing service.

40-Day implementation requires, however, 40-day payment of fees. And so often clients will elect, at their own discretion, to expand the 

Controversy over Oxebridge is nothing new. Since the 1990's a handful of traditional consultants have complained against the company, and the quotes given are mostly from such companies. There are no complaints issued by actual clients of Oxebridge, and none of the quotes are from any present or former client. Simply clicking on the links of the complaints will show that they are, instead, from a handful of individuals who see themselves as competitors.

The reporting done by Oxebridge on its website seeks to improve ISO 9001 by exposing certificate mills, improper behavior of certification body auditors, problems within ISO itself, and other issues which aim to hurt the value and validity of accredited certifications. As a result, Oxebridge is the frequent target of threats, complaints, nuisance calls, and other forms of intimidation by all sorts of stakeholders within the ISO community, including registrars, auditors, accrediting body representatives, etc. However, there is one group that has never filed a single complaint against Oxebridge in its entire history: the clients of Rapid ISO 9001 Implementation.

Readers are asked to verify Oxebridge's abilities and services with its clients, directly, and to judge the merits of any "complaints" such as this by asking where they come from (whether by anonymous parties, discredited certificate mills, or competitors) to make an informed decision on their own.

For a list of clients with which to verify Oxebridge's marketing, contact [email protected] or call 863-651-3750.

For more about Rapid ISO 9001, including a table that shows the typical implementation times by employee count, click here.

Richard Kennedy

More on Christopher Paris, Owner of Oxebridge Quality Resources, Tampa, FL

#6Author of original report

Mon, April 15, 2013

Here is some more information on Christopher Paris (Chris Paris) owner of the scam ISO consultancy firm known as Oxebridge Quality Resources at http://theautonomist.wordpress.com/2006/08/23/christopher-paris-owner-of-oxebridge-quality-resources-aka-mark-spittle-the-case-of-the-wrecked-mailbox/

Yesterday, struggling ISO consultant, Disney Haunted Mansion afficianado, leftist moonbat and former Communist Party member Christopher Paris (also known as Mark Spittle
and the superhero, Blackstar ) accused me of being responsible for (get this) the destruction of the mailbox in front of his house in  Florida! You cant make this stuff up.

From Pariss Spittle and Ink weblog:

So I guess now it starts. Thanks to Rocco DiPippo posting a bounty for my personal information,
Ive now had the pleasure of having to clean up this mess on my front lawn. It seems some patriotic American good-old boy thought he would send me an appropriate message of terror by tearing up my lawn, smashing apart my mailbox including the wooden post used to anchor it and
demolishing my city garbage container.

Gee, it was Paris who chose to reveal his real identity and list his real address on his Spittle and Ink
siteas if anyone really cares that he did. And perhaps there are other potential suspects in the case of the mysteriously nuked mailbox:

According to a post on his site, Paris recently chased down and harassed the driver of a construction truck who allegedly cut him off while he was driving. Then he wrote a predictably nasty article on the
Florida-based contracting company that owned the vehicle, publishing it on his Spittle and Ink website.

Now I know from experience that men in the construction business dont take kindly to nasty, freaky man-children like the Disney-worshiping Paris. Still, the contractors that Paris abused probably had nothing to do with wrecking the mailboxone of Floridas numerous octagenarian drivers probably did.

Nevertheless, when you delight in tormenting, harrassing and abusing people like Christopher Paris, owner of Oxebridge Quality Resources in Florida (Tel: (863) 651-3750) paranoia must play a large role in your day-to-day existence. No doubt, Christopher Paris a/k/a Mark Spittle has many enemies, most notably his self. (Talk about a rat chewing on its own tail. . .)

As a compassionate Conservative, I hope that Mr. Paris finds inner peaceperhaps hell find comfort from the latest rightwing plot to terrorize him by traveling to Disney World and collapsing into the
warm embraces of Mickey Mouse, Snow White, Goofy and the friendly ghosts at the Haunted Mansion, as he so often does. Well, maybe the not-so-friendly ghosts...

Last year, Paris was injured while playing at his beloved Haunted Mansion when someone dressed up as the Headless Horseman hurled a prop pumpkin at him, striking him in the chest. (I did
not make this up.
) Could the Mossad have been involved? Has it now plotted with neocons in the Bush Administration to wreck Pariss mailbox? Whats next in the rightwing plot to neutralize him?a
night-time raid to salt his front lawn with grubworms?

Christopher Paris a/k/a Mark Spittle, and owner of Oxebridge Quality Resources now joins the illustrious Kurt Nimmo and Justin Raimondo on the list of impotent, semiliterate clowns and crackpots we joyously mock.

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