  • Report:  #570760

Complaint Review: Chris Wise The Creditline Millionaire Wise Point Solutions Windellen Reels - Internet Colorado

Reported By:
RMS Ltd. - Las Vegas, Nevada, United States of America

Chris Wise The Creditline Millionaire Wise Point Solutions Windellen Reels
Internet, Colorado, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Creditline Millionaire (and it's owner Chris Wise) in my opinion is a fraud.I base that statement and opinion on the fact that when I worked with Chris he could not produce a million dollar line of credit for himself or anyone else. 


My consulting firm was contracted by Chris to handle business development but the more I learned about the company, the more problems I discovered.


He doesnt keep his word, he cant pay his bills and he cant follow through on the things he claims. These are factual statements that I can prove. CLM owes my company money and he has refused to pay past employees and contractors. The reason he could not pay me what was owed is due to the fact that he ran out of money- the CreditLine Millionaire didnt have any money or credit to pay his obligations. He cant even qualify for the credit programs he claims to pay his own bills.


 The strategies he uses are borderline illegal and in many cases would be sanctioned if an Attorney General ever found out about them. Chris even acknowledged to me in person that his shell game, using empty corporations and thinly velied business entities to obtain credit from banks would be declined if the banks ever caught on to what he is doing. He will set up a corporation with other peoples credit lines and assets being "lent" to the entity and then you pay huge fees  to "own" the entity to take to a bank for funding. Then all parties involved split the enormous fees you pay them and take a percentage of your funding- if you get it.


 In fact I have put in a request with the Colorado AG to look into the deceptive sales practices, dis-honorable refund policies and ability to actually fulfill the company claims. He has only had a couple of students even complete his course and  his own company doesnt qualify for the credit lines that he claims he can get for you. Most of the students I encountered while working with the company dropped out and asked for refunds because the information was so bad and they realized it was worthless. Chris repeatedly denied refund requests claiming the student had not fulfilled the agreement. Ask Him to produce a list of satisfied refunds he has processed.


Chris will no doubt try to rebutt this and claim this is just sour grapes however, ask him to put his "money" where his mouth is...ask for actual student references where he has gotten them over six figures in actual credit. Better yet- ask him to produce documentation that he has ever done this for himself. Call his "credit references" and see if they hold water.


Check out other posts on the ripoff report.com.  Creditline Millionaire is just another in a long line of seminar companies and "gurus" to claim to have secret information that you can only get through them but in fact they are frauds and push allot of smoke and mirrors to fuel their claims and their sales. In doing so they cause allot of damage and dashed hopes to many good intentioned people.

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