  • Report:  #229825

Complaint Review: Cinular Wireless - Farmer'r Branch Texas

Reported By:
- Dallas, Texas,

Cinular Wireless
1801 Valley View Lane Farmer'r Branch, 75234 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Have you ever called Cingular and noticed that you are "rushed" off of the line when you are calling to either get a question answered or if you need to make changes to your account? The reason you are rushed off of the line by a rep is the rep is only alloted 7 to 9 minutes to take care of your needs. If they go outside of that time frame they get reprimanded. Guess what, it is even worse than this folks. If you get reprimanded too many times for actually taking time to assist a customer you put your job on the line.

In working for this company I have watched managers go to an employee's desk at any given time and either set the rep's phone to where no more calls come into their line. While the rep is wrapping up their call, the manager is cleaning off their desk in preparation to escort out of the door.

I have been told that being on a phone call longer than 7 minutes is "over helping" the customer. How can it be over helping when the issue of the customer does not get resolved and the customer has to continously call the company back.

At the beginning of last year a new company logo rolled out called "The Customer Rules", the customer does not rule at all.

At the start up of service with Cingular you are never told that there is a possibility that you do not get your first months bill in the mail.

You are not told that you get a partial billing for the time your services start plus a month in advance nor are you told when your minutes begin and when evening calling starts.

Get this...A sales rep in the store will sign you up for service and quote a flat rate price to you and not tell you that you have 30 days to cancel service if you do not want it, and if you start up services with multiple lines and don't cancel within the 30 day window you get billed $175.00 per phone line and they will send your account to a 3rd party without letting know about it and you cannot make arrangements to pay the balance off if the account is canceled.

If you think that is great lemme get back to how the employees are treated. There is a union but it does nothing to make conditions in the work place better for the employee.

And Cingular fires their employees if they choose to get an employee account and forget to pay the bill.

Also they are so shadey that if you go off of work to attend a funeral and when you return with documentation to prove that you did indeed attend a funeral, someone will call the funeral home listed on the documentation you have submitted in front of you to confirm that a funeral did take place. In addition to that you must prove how you are related to the deceased and if you cannot prove how you are related to the deceased that is grounds for termination.

Have you ever heard of a company that does not accept valid doctor's excuses from your physician or emergency room? Cingular doesn't. Even if you have valid proof as to why you have taken off from work, you still get placed on a form of disclipline that takes 12 months to fall off the record.

We were told in traing that we can use FMLA but if you don't have enough vacation time saved up, FMLA can be a ticket out of the doors of the multi billion dollar company.

There are employees that have worked in one department for 5 years and they are maxed out a certan pay rate with no chance of seeing any more compensation in pay nor are bonuses given for meeting the unGodly time frame that they want their calls handled in.

They don't care about the customer's and surely don't give a d**n about the employees....if you are wise do not get services through them at all.


Dallas, Texas

8 Updates & Rebuttals


Saint Petersburg,
Cingular or AT&T only cares about the company

#2UPDATE Employee

Sat, June 23, 2007

Many people that have responded to this negative report regarding Cingular's treatment of employees have no clue as to what they are speaking about. I am currently an employee of Cingular or AT&T or whoever they are these days. I have personally witnessed sales representatives giving false information to the customer as well as not telling the customer everything that they need to know in order to make a commision and yes safe their jobs. Cingular a a strictly numbers driven, money hungry beast and they could care less about keeping their employees happy, paid, informed and employed. I have never seen such high turnover in one company's call center in my life. I know for a fact that many managershave falsified documents in order to get employees fired because they do nt personally like the employee. I have seen preganant women get fired because they have to go to the doctor's appointments due to being a high risk preganacy and because the vacation day, floating holiday, ewp day or dh day (all pto days at Cingular) are not available for them to utilize, (that have the time but too many people are already out) they can not get off of work without getting an occurence and having it count against them. Cingular would rather see the employee and her unborn child suffer for the sake of their almighty dollar. I have also seen Cingular fire representatives that have 100% quality assurance records but because they take a little longer on the phone assisting the customer they are not meeting the call adherance time and they are going over, therefore they are terminated. Mind you this one particular employee got rave reviews and many letters hand written and email in from customers thanking her for her customer service ad being the best rep they have ever encountered with Cingular Wireless ever. It is to the point that it now counts against the customer service rep if a customer calls back in within 7 days after helping this customer. The company says that the rep obviously did not help the customer fully if they had to call back in within 7 days. Now the customer could and probably is calling back in for something totally unrelated to the 1st or earlier rep, however our memo states that the rep is still held accountable for this repeat call. I am currently seeking other employment and can safely that I have never worked for such an insane, uncaring and selfish company in all of my life; and I have worked for some major companies. When I was first interviewed and hired the recruiting rep told me that if I were attending school or did not hae an extremely flexible schedule or needed to spend a lot of time with my children then this was not the job for me. The bottom line is if you value your health, family and all around well being then this is not the company for you. They do not even pay well enough to be aggravated with all of the foolishness they thrust upon their employees. cingular or AT&T is at the bottom of the barrel on the JD Powers and Associates customer service rankings, as well as several other rankings regarding phone quality and service. Neither Forbes nor Fortune has them listed or even ranked in their top 500 coumpanies to work for in the entire USA. This is so very sad since they are such a larger company. I say to anyone that is looking for quality employmen it can not and will not be found at Cingular Wireless or AT&T or whoever they are these days.


Isn't L a little ray of sunshine

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, April 02, 2007

With "L"'s lovely attitude, lololol, NOT SURPRISED she's a collector now! My, what an employee to have. Freely and proudly admits to bashing a previous employer, without restraint. Yes, L, collections is where you belong. Customer Service surely does not seem to be your strong suit. Remember, you get back what you give out, and that's a cliche' BECAUSE IT'S TRUE.


Forget U,
South Carolina,
call centers

#4Consumer Comment

Sun, April 01, 2007

the above statements from teena and the others are correct. I have worked for several call centers for many years and have enjoyed as a whole the experience however, the real abuser of the system are normally mothers with children. For some reason they feel they are exempted from any rules and any kind of punishment because of that. Well chuckles sorry it does not give you any entitlement. They make excuses why they are late and I have suggested to them to get up earlier to get her on time and they say no sorry cannot do that. Well then you are going to face the music. And then you have the johnny come lately who cannot get in to work in time or rush to log in before the time to start. The call centers like I said are worthwhile and you take the good with the bad. But mostly it is the reps who are just there to do the least for the money and never do anything more.


DANG TEENA!! You really love them folks don't you? They don't love you.

#5Author of original report

Tue, March 06, 2007

You must really love your job...I hated it...and yeah the call center I worked in was full of *&*&. The company as a whole has no regard for family or the consumer. Field reps in the RSOs lie to get commission. I now work for a collection firm who as a lot of Cingular accounts and I do my best to bash the hell out of you guys when I get a consumer on the phone. I can't wait to get to work and tell the consumers I work with about you and how you are defending a multibillion dollar company who only brings in their reps @ 10.00 per hour when ---- bring their reps in @ 13.00 and up. The money that was paid is not worth what we dealt with. To be their 5 year means you are a manager of some sort. To fire and employee for an unpaid cell bill is ludacris! Some folks may be going through something that 10.00 may put them in a bind. I don't get in the habit of placing my lips on someone's buttocks.


excuses, excuses....sound like someone needs to grow up

#6Consumer Comment

Fri, March 02, 2007

L, it sound like all of the problems you had could have been alleviated in one way. Your own personal responsibilty. I have worked for Cingular sales for 4 years and you are correct in the punishment, but lets be real, you are not reprimanded for any of these issues unless they have become excessive. 1st) 7-9 minutes is only an average- it is up to you as a rep to maintain control of the call, get to the heart of the customers issues, find a solution and get the customer on his way. This is not only for the company's benefit, but the customers. Some reps drag conversations on chatting with the customer about their own personal ailments and woes.That ISNT acceptable. 2nd)you are absolutely incorrect about a customer not being told about the partially prorated first bill or the 30 day policy. In the sales dept, you are REQUIRED on each calll you read, verbatim, a recapp that clearly states the act fee and porrated bill. AND the custoemr is transfered to a recording that reiterates that. 3rd) Why should Cingular NOT fire and employee that doesn't pay there bill. Hell we get a $10 a month plan, you may go over, but it is not CIngular's responsibilty. It is yours. If you dont pay your bill, in essence you are stealing from the company. 4th)FMLA has nothing at all to do with vacation. FMLA is a FEDERAL ACT with specific guidelines 5th) Last but not least. if a rep has been in pne location and position for 5 years and isnt satisfied, maybe said rep should get up pff his blessed assurance and apply for another job witihn the company so that they can advance instead of drowning and wallowing in a quagmire of excuses, entitlement,and immaturity.


A Slave to the system

#7Author of original report

Tue, February 13, 2007

Well, now since you are AT&T. You won't catch hell. In the call center I worked in I watched several employees get canned while they are finishing up a call. Quit kissing them folks "A" Double "S" I can guarantee if you do something out of their standards such as help a customer they way they need to be helped your job will be on the line and would possibley get tossed out on you rump. That is why I quit.


working at cingular

#8UPDATE Employee

Fri, January 26, 2007

I would like to try an clear up some things. I am sure the person that wrote the original complaint really feels they have been done wrong. Some may agree with what was written and other will not. I work at Cingular and is there problems there, yes but please tell me about a company that does not have problems. When you are dealing with a company of this size, it is impossible to make everyone happy. Rules and policies have to be put into place to protect employees and the company and these rules have to be done to cover every one. It is written that anything over 7 minutes is over helping the customer. That is not the case. Every call center has standards that are required to be met and about every call center in any business will have a certain time limit that they would like to see customers helped. This is to avoid the extra talk that is not necessary. If companies did not do this, employees would spend 30 minutes talking about the weather and anything else while other customers are waiting. Is that fair to other customers. Customer are sent the first months bill and they are told about receiving a partial and a full month. There is even a sticker put on the phone box telling you about this and it is on a check list that the sales rep goes over with the customer. Please think about when you go buy something at walmart or target, when the sales person rings you up and gives you the ticket do they tell you if it does not work or fit bring it back with in a certain time, no. Return policies are posted. When you sign a contract everyone know what a contract is for and know that when one is broken there are consequences and it is written on the back of the contract. Employees are not logged out of there phone and boxes packed up in front of them while they are finishing a call. If an employee does have a phone and does not pay is the job in jeopardy, yes but the company does work with the employee first of getting arrangements first to avoid that situation. Please tell me a company that provides you with something and lets you run up a bill on them and not pay and just lets it go. If you file bereavement, you do need to provide proof and any decent company is going to require that. If not everyone would be coming up with all types of people and lying about it of who passed away and how they knew the person and every company lists who is covered under bereavement. Almost every company does have a minimum and a maximum for each level as to there pay and this company is no different. FMLA, if you are out of vacation or other days you are given you can still use FMLA. You do have to be hired or work so many hours before you gain this time but again I don't know of a company that does not require that. Again, is it a bed of roses. No. No job is.


that bad.

#9Consumer Comment

Fri, January 12, 2007

wow i never knew Cingular was that bad towards there employee's. i Know on tech calls to them it does seem i am Rushed off the phone. i try to avoid the #611 call for service or tech support for fear of my Account! i have heard if you say something wrong Cingular will indefenetly suspend your account... i had a friend who worked at a Cingular call center and she said if the customer gets rude with you or uses Profanity disconnect the acount indefenetly. i say this Cingular needs a class action lawsuit.

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