  • Report:  #1355922

Complaint Review: City of Tehachapi - Tehachapi California

Reported By:
Glen - Tehachapi, California, USA

City of Tehachapi
115 sOUTH rOBINSON Tehachapi, 93561 California, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

The City has or is attempting to take our home for us useing code violations that had been repaired over 5 years ago and we are loosing the battle. is there anyone or any where we can get some help ?

We have been left close to devistated with no home no good transpo and no access to an attorney. 

We are screwed if anyone knows who or what we can do please help we are going to court on march 15 2017 but I believe its to late the city wouldnt issue us permits and now are saying we failed to abate any violations. Allthough these violations did niot exist they still deniedus the issuance of a permit we have been out on the street sence 07\19\2012

ph. 661 817 4241 email [email protected]   [email protected]


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