  • Report:  #322411

Complaint Review: City Of Townsend Deputy Bill "The Coward" Allen - Townsend Tennessee

Reported By:
- Townsend, Tennessee,

City Of Townsend Deputy Bill "The Coward" Allen
Tiger Drive Townsend, 37882 Tennessee, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Evidentally, Townsend Office Bill "the litte girl" Allen has to have several Blount County Officers to be a tough guy.

Bill, anytime that your cowardly A$$ wants to do something like that again, just show up without your county buddies and Ron Dunn.

Isn't he the idiot who pointed his finger at Linda King and said "...look where there from..." but didn't have the sense to point his finger at his boss and say "...look who brought 'em here."

Bill said that his premise was thought I had shot at him. If I had shot "AT" him then he would have been "shot". What a d**n idiot. He saw an apportunity to be a tough guy and show out in front of his buddies with the county. He just sounded even dumber than he looks.

Oh by the way, they questioned me about what kind of weapons that I had and told them that I had "Legal" hunting weapons. The cop closest to me who was "giving courage" to Bill Allen had a nice M-4. But I think mine is nicer.

He's too big of a wussy to say anything like without his buddies around. If I had shot at him, then why didn't he come right on out then? Too afraid? Why didn't he return fire if he thought that I was gunning for him? Was little "biwwy awen" afraid to come out here without some help? I think so. As a matter of fact I know so.

I got all of the conversation on tape this time and will be filing charges through the state attorney general against the Townsend City Deputy Bill "Silly Britches" Allen for being the twinkled toed little girl coward that he is.

What kind of coward waits until his buddies show up to try to pick a fight with somebody?

What kind of "coward" waits until he has backup to try and pick a fight? And he did it right in front of a BC Supervisor and two other deputies.

One of the idiots actually had the nerve to come up to me and shake my hand and tell me that this was my Mom's house not mine. What an idiot! He did so why holding a tactical shotgun. Yeah these guys are real brave.

How ' bout this Bill Allen.............how 'bout I sue you for making false accusations against me. How 'bout I sue you "in person" since carrying on like a fruity little coward doesn't fall under your duties as a police officer.

Don't ever come onto "MY" property again unless you have a warrant, loser.

All the times that I see you in Townsend and you have nothing to say then? Oh yeah, that's right.........your bravery runs through a line of convenience.

How 'bout this..................let's put on some headgear and some boxing gloves, make it a legal sanctioned match and I'll knock you out in the mfirst minute? How does that sound ya coward?

As you can see folks the level of cowardice just keeps right on growing with our local authorities. A situation that Cheif Spanky Suttles knew about months ago still has not been resolved and mushroomed into BILL ALLEN running his cowardly mouth. I guess that he learned that from his county buddies.

Anytime, Bill, anytime..............you truly are a coward and anytime you feel jumpy you just go right on and jump. I will be forwarding the video to the state ethics office.

And I'll keep right on making noise until they do something about BILLY RAY MYERS'S DOGS. Hope that helps those connected to the city sell some


The Townsend City Police are now upholding a KNOWN CRIMINAL and their NUISANCE DOGS. They evidentally don't care anymore about felons in possession of firearms. They tolmy Mom that they considered me to be more of a threat.

You know..............they were right. I have no problem whatsoever calling the hand of their boss and mentor James L. Berrong. This incident was just par for the course when it comes to the ignorant and cowardly law enforcement practices that you will find in Blount County.

If you like this style of Law Enforcment then by all means move to Townsend or anywhere in Blount County.


Bll Allen got caught red-handed on video tape driving his "taxpayer funded" squad car to and from work at speeds of over 85 MPH. This was against the law and he almost ran over my mother and I one night. I filed the complaint and evidentally he still can't get over the fact that he is just a common criminal like the people he harasses all the time.



Townsend, Tennessee


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14 Updates & Rebuttals


Situation ended with an assault

#2Author of original report

Sun, July 20, 2008

Just wanted to let everyone know that this is the incident that started the chain of events that led the coward Bill Allen to coming back and assaulting me. I got it all on videotape from two different angles, one of which is IR. I have reatined an attorney and will be filing suit against Ron "Spanky" Suttles, Bill "Slacker" Allen and the BCSO. SPECIAL NOTE TO TONY (THE NEW COP): you shouldn't have lied to me concerning your retirement from the BCSO. That's not a very good way to start off by being dishonest the very first time that we meet. I know what happened..............all of it. I guess it's true about Chief Spanky hiring all the losers who couldn't make it anywhere else. Well, at least now you are STILL among dishonest friends in the Townsend Police Department. Thanks for not doing JACK SHITE concerning the dogs. Glad to see my taxdollars have hired another deralict. NOT!



#3Author of original report

Wed, April 16, 2008

Was that really necessary? While I apprecite all your comments, judging by the URL that was left, Townsend Deputy Bill "The Coward" Allen is the one who filed that post. His poor spelling ability is justa reflection of the ignorance that has become acceptable in the law enforcement community of Townsend and Blount County. The dumber, the better. Nobody is going to be "hired in" that is any smarter than Chief Spanky or the Sheriff of Blount County. It just wouldn't be good for business. Rest assured, I will continue to give these underhanded deralicts HELL. I have no problem feeding them all the rope that they need to hang themselves. SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS



#4Author of original report

Wed, April 16, 2008

Was that really necessary? While I apprecite all your comments, judging by the URL that was left, Townsend Deputy Bill "The Coward" Allen is the one who filed that post. His poor spelling ability is justa reflection of the ignorance that has become acceptable in the law enforcement community of Townsend and Blount County. The dumber, the better. Nobody is going to be "hired in" that is any smarter than Chief Spanky or the Sheriff of Blount County. It just wouldn't be good for business. Rest assured, I will continue to give these underhanded deralicts HELL. I have no problem feeding them all the rope that they need to hang themselves. SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS



#5Author of original report

Wed, April 16, 2008

Was that really necessary? While I apprecite all your comments, judging by the URL that was left, Townsend Deputy Bill "The Coward" Allen is the one who filed that post. His poor spelling ability is justa reflection of the ignorance that has become acceptable in the law enforcement community of Townsend and Blount County. The dumber, the better. Nobody is going to be "hired in" that is any smarter than Chief Spanky or the Sheriff of Blount County. It just wouldn't be good for business. Rest assured, I will continue to give these underhanded deralicts HELL. I have no problem feeding them all the rope that they need to hang themselves. SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS



#6Author of original report

Wed, April 16, 2008

Was that really necessary? While I apprecite all your comments, judging by the URL that was left, Townsend Deputy Bill "The Coward" Allen is the one who filed that post. His poor spelling ability is justa reflection of the ignorance that has become acceptable in the law enforcement community of Townsend and Blount County. The dumber, the better. Nobody is going to be "hired in" that is any smarter than Chief Spanky or the Sheriff of Blount County. It just wouldn't be good for business. Rest assured, I will continue to give these underhanded deralicts HELL. I have no problem feeding them all the rope that they need to hang themselves. SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS



#7Consumer Suggestion

Wed, April 16, 2008

Obviously the person who wrote that type of garbage is a loyal member of the NEW Camp Ground/Delmar Caylor club. Judging by the spelling and grammar and intelligent person can only assume that they are illiterate just like Delmar Caylor. Have you taken a look at your spelling? And we're supposed to believe YOUR credibility? Here's list - compromised, becouse, proccess, decendant, moma, wipping, embarresments, relashonships, obease, becouse, nowbody, jelous, becouse, chucklle and actualy. There is a distinct difference in a missed key stroke and blatent stupidity. Most definitely a Caylor trait. I am assuming that some sort of retardation or lack of education exists within the tiny self-righteous brain of the individual who was stupid enough to show their ignorance. It is very obvious that the individual who wrote these defamatory comments doesn't know AP at all. The list that was provided doesn't contain a single truth. I have known AP for almost 25 years now and have seen him doing very good job lately of showing the criminality of Blount and Townsend governments. The only shortfall that exists is that of your District Attorney, not AP. He has proven every point that he has made. The good people in Blount County just can't depend on the criminals in government and local industry to be held to the same standard of conduct. I am also assuming that you have not seen the video tape of what went on down at the NEW Camp Ground Church when AP was attacked by some drunks that you call church members. The NEW Camp Ground Church's sign and gazebo was in violation and should not have been built to begin with. I do not live in Townsend anymore, but absolutely appalled at what the city of Townsend allowed to happen at the NEW Camp Ground Church. AP was CORRECT stating the facts about Delmar Caylor. He DID NOT GO THROUGH THE PROPER and LEGAL CHANNELS to construct the monstrousities that he did. I was told years ago to stay away from hiring the caylor bros. I have urged AP to post that video on YOUTUBE but he won't do it because he says that it makes the church look even worse than the people who "hide behind the church pews" down there every Sunday. The sign is terrible. You just can't read it from the road and yes, it only has 39 stars on the American flag. Some of the other comments aren't even worth addressing because they are so false and defamatoy. Only someone with a yellow streak down their back would make anonymous comments like that. That is to be expected from the Delmar caylor crowd. I will close in saying something that I think AP will totally agree with. I have known the Strattons for the better part of my life. The best ones have gone on to a happier place. The Strattons are very much AP's family and even he will tell you that some of the Strattons are complete fools. This family has Scotch and Cherokee blood flowing through their veins. Before you make another broad statement about being adopted, I would urge you to educate yourself on the adoption practices of these two groups. He is as much blood as anybody else in the Tuckaeechee Cove area. While AP imprinted upon the good things like self-sufficiency and hard work of his family, the people left today in Townsend would rather follow the development-tourist industry around with their hands out and mouths open screaming feed me, feed me. These people forgot where they came from; AP didn't. Just for your information, I saw AP break a guy's jaw down at Ceramaspeed in Maryville. I also saw him cash a large check from PIZZA H after all that incident was over. No he wasn't fired. I'm not sure that you are capable of READING, but would urge you to read that thread. AP put ADF in its place. AP is one of the bravest people that Iknow to have spoken out like he has done. He is no embarrassment; he sets the bar for what we should all aspire to be and is heads above anybody living in Townsend or down in the walland area. Please get you facts straight and learn how to spell before you post again. There are adult reading programs out there for people like yourself and Delmar Caylor. Now go run your little URL checks because AP is asleep in the other room. Yopu just keep right on giving them hell, AP.


I re-posted the video/audio on YouTube of City of Townsend Officer Bill Allen doing what he does best

#8Author of original report

Mon, April 14, 2008

Just go to YouTube and do a search for "Townsend TN". I re-posted the video/audio on YouTube of City of Townsend Officer Bill Allen doing what he does best: BEING A LIABILITY JUST LIKE HIS BOSS CHIEF RON SPANKY SUTTLES. I was sent a video from an undisclosed source that includes some pretty incriminating behavior on the part of Spanky Suttles,Fancy Dan Allen and an officer from the BCSO which I think could be the same pansy that had something to say after the Coward Bill Allen came up to pick a fight with backup. I'm not real sure but it sounds like Farmer's ignorant a$$. I am in the process of making several copies to pass out in the community before I post the video on YouTube. I also rode around alittle today and made some pictures and video of how local businessmen are allowed to do whatever they want. Evidentally, the common folks are the only ones expected to live by the law in the city of Townsend and the county of Blount. SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS



#9Author of original report

Tue, April 08, 2008

And AP is still on your crooked a$$es! You should see the NEW video tape that I handed to me concerning Spanky and fancy dan Allen. You can only cover for youselves for so long before your connections run out. You can't deny video tape. It speaks for itself which is unlike cowards like Chief Spanky and the little girl Bill Allen. They have to have BACKUP to pick a fight. I still can't get over the level of cowardice that now goes hand in hand with the badge in Blount County. Out of all the cops that I've known, I can count the good ones on one hand and none of them work for the BCSO or the City of Townsend. We're trying to decide how to post the new video. Seems the BCSO's IT unit figured out how to hack into YouTube. That's right, just more cover-ups and cowardice from the men in black with the BCSO. I guess somebody got a new car out of the deal. Kee up the good work morons and I'll keep putting your cowardice on the web for the world to see.



#10Author of original report

Tue, April 08, 2008

And AP is still on your crooked a$$es! You should see the NEW video tape that I handed to me concerning Spanky and fancy dan Allen. You can only cover for youselves for so long before your connections run out. You can't deny video tape. It speaks for itself which is unlike cowards like Chief Spanky and the little girl Bill Allen. They have to have BACKUP to pick a fight. I still can't get over the level of cowardice that now goes hand in hand with the badge in Blount County. Out of all the cops that I've known, I can count the good ones on one hand and none of them work for the BCSO or the City of Townsend. We're trying to decide how to post the new video. Seems the BCSO's IT unit figured out how to hack into YouTube. That's right, just more cover-ups and cowardice from the men in black with the BCSO. I guess somebody got a new car out of the deal. Kee up the good work morons and I'll keep putting your cowardice on the web for the world to see.



#11Author of original report

Tue, April 08, 2008

And AP is still on your crooked a$$es! You should see the NEW video tape that I handed to me concerning Spanky and fancy dan Allen. You can only cover for youselves for so long before your connections run out. You can't deny video tape. It speaks for itself which is unlike cowards like Chief Spanky and the little girl Bill Allen. They have to have BACKUP to pick a fight. I still can't get over the level of cowardice that now goes hand in hand with the badge in Blount County. Out of all the cops that I've known, I can count the good ones on one hand and none of them work for the BCSO or the City of Townsend. We're trying to decide how to post the new video. Seems the BCSO's IT unit figured out how to hack into YouTube. That's right, just more cover-ups and cowardice from the men in black with the BCSO. I guess somebody got a new car out of the deal. Kee up the good work morons and I'll keep putting your cowardice on the web for the world to see.



#12Author of original report

Tue, April 08, 2008

And AP is still on your crooked a$$es! You should see the NEW video tape that I handed to me concerning Spanky and fancy dan Allen. You can only cover for youselves for so long before your connections run out. You can't deny video tape. It speaks for itself which is unlike cowards like Chief Spanky and the little girl Bill Allen. They have to have BACKUP to pick a fight. I still can't get over the level of cowardice that now goes hand in hand with the badge in Blount County. Out of all the cops that I've known, I can count the good ones on one hand and none of them work for the BCSO or the City of Townsend. We're trying to decide how to post the new video. Seems the BCSO's IT unit figured out how to hack into YouTube. That's right, just more cover-ups and cowardice from the men in black with the BCSO. I guess somebody got a new car out of the deal. Kee up the good work morons and I'll keep putting your cowardice on the web for the world to see.


YES! Please consider the source!

#13Author of original report

Sat, April 05, 2008

Yeah, looke at the source. It's the same guy who always has the balls the speak out about corrupt local government. Thanks for speaking for your side. We needed an example of lunacy to base our opinion on. Smoke-screens will do your buddy Bill Allen no good at this point and we know who you are what your connections to local corruption is. Thanks for the comments though. You can't discredit the video even though you're trying your best. Bill Allen is a bad seed just like most in local law enforcmement. They just do the bidding of the local MONEY crowd. Justice has nothing to do with it. You'll have to rely on me for that. Bill Allen broke the law and has done so on many occassions before. All of which are documented. He's been trying for years to get back at me for beating him in courst so many times over bogus traffic charges. i just wonder how many people got screwed over by him who didn't fight him in townsend traffic court. Oh by the way, I DID file a complaint against him while he was with Rockford that was fouind to be credible. Spanky Suttles did break the law when he revised a state forestry policy. We DO have a city council of people who are in violation of the new ethics legislation. None have filed disclosure statements. The list goes on, and on, and on..................government no longer polices itself, just poeple talking about corrupt local government on line. YES! Please consider the source! their might be some credibility to it since it's not more propaganda from our local corrupt government.

The Real History Of Ap

Look at the source!!!!!

#14Consumer Comment

Fri, April 04, 2008

Look at the source!! AP has named so many people in various statements that he has compromised his credibility. He has also filed numerous complaints against public officials that never go anywhere becouse they lack substance. He has never provided credible evidence to support his claims. This includes his low quality video recently posted on youtube. He has NEVER been able to get anyone in any sort of trouble. He will claim it, but as usual he cannot prove it. AP you can only cry wolf so many times. The time has come that nobody will take notice. AP answers most of his own comments. It is a simple proccess to track him through his IP, and ISP address. Now the truth! 1. AP claims to be a Townsend decendant. Actualy he is adopted and has no blood line in Townsend. 2. AP still lives with his moma at the age of 36 years. 3. AP has no job and is unable to function in an adult world due to his poor attitude. 4. AP has never been able to back up his claims of bravery. He has never actualy been in a fight, other than the time a few senior citizens gave him a well deserved wipping at a local church that he continues to harrass. 5. AP was even fired from Pizza H becouse of his poor attitude, and job performance. 6. AP recently was defeated in city elections due to his personal embarresments. 7. AP is not able to support himself due to his lack of ambition. 8. AP is not able to have healthy relashonships due to his actions. 9. AP is terribly obease becouse he sits at the computer all day spreading teenage gossip while eating food that he himself is unable to purchase. 10. AP will claim to have all kinds of help on the way, but the truth is nowbody can stand him and could care even less. Readers, I ask, are you now getting the picture about this individual? The numerous people he defames are your everyday hard working people. He is jelous of their personal success becouse of own shortcomings. They make medications for these type of people. AP the help you need is out there. Until you seek it, I expect you to remain your sorry lonely self. I also expect you to continue with your self induced embarrasments. We will continue to chucklle...while at the same time being grateful that we actualy have a life.


Just remembered another runin with Bill Allen..................

#15Author of original report

Fri, April 04, 2008

I just happened to think of another time several years ago when I had a run-in with Bill Allen. It was around 2000 or 2001 and I was headed home on 321. At this time they were just starting the Sudquist fourlane road project through Townsend and there were orange barrels and barricades everywhere. I was in right hand lane in the sunshine area. Just as the road merged baked to two a woman in a GEO Tracker or whatever pulled right out in front of me. If I had slammed on my brakes I would have hit her so i swerved arooud her to avoid a collision. Evidentally all that Bill Allen heard was the screeching tires being the ever observant public servant that he is. He quickly pulled me over and proceded to tongue lash me about reckless driving that never happened. During this episode he actually threatened to pull me from the car which I believe is somewhat against the law. After all this was over, he forgot to give me my license back after he told me to "get the hell home and stay there." I didn't know what to do so I called BC dispatch. I didn't want to deal with Bill Allen again so I told them to just meet me at Chief Straw's house. he pulled the same stuff with his mouth and the chief actually climbed his hump a few times over his mouth. He should have been fired then. Two weeks later t judge threw it out saying that Bill was out of his jurisdiction. What a waste of taxpayer's dollars. This is just the typical crap that Bill Allen has pulled throuhg the years. Keep in mind that I have never done anything for the law to consider me threat other than to the people who pull their strings in the local development industry. I have an extremely clean record and a personal history that is much more upstanding than any retarded deralict hiding behind a badge in this county or the city of Townsend.

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