  • Report:  #649656

Complaint Review: Clint Wandel Entertainment - McKeesport Pennsylvania

Reported By:
Rebecca - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America

Clint Wandel Entertainment
3508 Orchard Street McKeesport, 15132 Pennsylvania, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
We contacted Mr. Wandel in February 2010 in hopes of hiring 2 performers that looked like Gilligan and the Skipper for our Gilligan's Island-themed wedding and reception, which was on July 18, 2010. 

Before he would provide any photographs or any references of these performers to us, he demanded that we first pay him a $250 deposit. We paid it in February 2010. The contract wasn't even written at that point, we signed nothing, and took him on his word, in blind faith, that he would deliver the services we requested in the way that we wanted for our wedding.

He later provided a contract to us that he signed BEFORE he faxed it to us, and later told us that if there were any details he left out, just to write them in and sign it, and fax it back to him. 

So, as we had previously discussed with Mr. Wandel several times, and as he AGREED to our verbal requests, we wrote on the contract that we wanted to meet the performers in June, and that we wanted photos of the performers from him as soon as possible. At the very least, we wanted to make sure they looked like the characters. We signed the changes that were made on the contract and faxed it back to him. We assumed he would then rewrite it to add those requests, but he did not.

After four months of not receiving ANY photos and only two telephone numbers as references (which neither number returned our call, for all we know they were just personal friends of his), and since he refused to let us meet him, or his performers in person, we realized too late that no other options were available to us. 

That is why we decided to cancel.  It was just getting too close to the date of our wedding and we had no idea if these performers would look like the characters we needed, or if they were dependable, or if they would make the whole thing look ridiculous on our very special day. This was not a children's party, it was a WEDDING. We wanted it to look authentic, and be an enjoyable surprise for our guests.

However, we never met Mr. Wandel in person, and during those four months of waiting, he said NOTHING at all about the contract. Furthermore, he did not object to any of our changes that we wrote on the contract, and he only waited until months AFTER we cancelled it to admit HIMSELF, in writing, that the contract was not even VALID.

We cancelled the whole contract in June 2010 with Mr. Wandel, after he once again refused to provide photos of the performers, only 2 short weeks before our wedding date, which caused us to rearrange and re-think our ceremony at the last minute, causing emotional stress and upset. 

He also called my telephone many times AFTER we cancelled, to harass me with intimidating messages such as "we'll still go ahead as planned," "we're not canceling anything," "the performers will still show up as scheduled," and "you will owe me $100 for providing this service." I still have several voice mails on my telephone from him, to prove that he was harassing me.

We demanded a full refund and told him to stop contacting me, but he claimed he never refunded money to anybody for any reason. We told him we would take him to court after our wedding was over, and upon our threat, he suddenly faxed us a form which was titled "request for refund."  If he "never" gave refunds, why then would he have a FORM for us to fill out? 

We've since learned that this guy has been cheating many other people for years in similar ways, but we did not know it at the time. We filled out the request for a refund as he requested, and after several weeks of waiting, we then received his REJECTION of our request. 

He even wrote himself in this very same rejection letter, that the contract was NOT VALID, and that "this is not Hollywood" so he would NOT provide us with "an audition" of the performers of any kind, and he also claims (in a FORM LETTER) that he sent us "dozens" of references, which is absolutely untrue. 

Mr. Wandel had already verbally agreed in February when we PAID him that he would let us meet the performers, and would provide photos of them, BEFORE any contract was even written. But, during those four months of our correspondence and phone calls, he never provided us with ANY of these services whatsoever.

We've been told by a lawyer that since he ADMITTED the contract was NOT agreed upon by both parties from day one, then it has absolutely no legal standing whatsoever. The time to object to what we wrote in was THEN, not after the fact. Therefore, he should refund our $250 immediately. 

We have since collected all correspondence, voice mails of his harassment after we cancelled our contract with him, and many OTHER complaints from OTHER people who have been cheated by Mr. Wandel, besides ourselves, who have also filed on the Better Business Bureau's web site. 

Mr. Wandel is claiming now that WE are "fraudulent," and that WE have "made up" those other complaints (when ANY ONE with half a brain would know that a computer's IP address can be TRACED to PROVE that they were not all from one person), but we've also learned from others that he writes his OWN "reviews," and posts them to search engine web sites and deletes any BAD reviews that appear. He's now trying to intimidate us by threatening legal action against US for the other $100 he claims we still owe him.

We have since reported him to the Better Business Bureau, and Angie's List. His rebuttal to them both was a form letter, stating that he "would forego the other $100" that he claims we still owe HIM, for canceling the contract! He is being very rude, unprofessional, unethical, has no integrity whatsoever, and cheats people out of money for a living.

We do NOT owe him $100, or even one thin dime, and we demand our $250 back, or we will take legal action and sue him for MORE than $250, including all court costs, emotional stress, and whatever ELSE we can tack on to the charges, and we'll also demand that the court make him put disclaimers on his web site about refunds, OR shut him down for good, so that other people don't fall for his scam in the future.

Report Attachments

4 Updates & Rebuttals



#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, November 05, 2013

Clint is by far one of the most creepy old men I have ever met. I used to work for him and when he and I discussed my job he said it would pay $600 a gig so being a young teenager at the time, I was 16. I said yea of course I'll do it. he told me i would be dressing up in costumes and hanging out with kids at parties. Well I found out that wasn't entirely true, I would not only dress up, but have to do face painting and balloon animals, in which he supplied me with not even satisfactory supplies that even a child could use, I was embarrassed showing up with what he would give me. I also had to collect money for him. He would say he would pay me when I got back. So I did the job as requested. First time I got 60 dollars, then after that each time it went less and less. I started realizing I'm being cheated. He kept telling me id get more money once the contracts were paid in full. That never happened. I saw that the $600 he promised was only to get me to work for him. The costumes were torn and dirty. Most of the time he would send me places that were so ridiculously far away that it took hours to get there. Id spend more in has than I got paid for the job half the time. He told me I would be there for an hour and I'd show up and the host would tell me I'm there for 3 hours. Now the host got to pick one characuter and we pick the other two, and by we I mean Clint. The host would see after the costume part of it that I had face painting and balloon stuff and how it seemed to come from the dollar store and I had no stencil or anything provided and they wouldn't even want it done at the party. I mean I could have bought paint at the craft store and supplied my own stuff but he would never reimburst me for that. He always said I could refuse any job I wanted, well one day he called me, middle of winter to do a job, in the middle of a snow storm wanted me to drive an hour away, in which I couldn't get my car even off my hill Because it was so icy. so I told him I couldn't do it, I wasn't going to risk my life driving there for some party. He then called me repeatedly that day to still go to the party saying if I don't he would lose the client and the contract, trying to blame me, but in which he would never go to these parties anyway, maybe when he first started the business but not now. He tried making me feel bad for him committing to something he shouldn't have in the middle of a storm! He says these contracts are done months in advance, if that's the case why did i find out about the job the night before or day of?? Was I his only employee or something? Well later on, he called me a few weeks later about a job at this club. A guy wanted a female escort. Well last time I check it wasn't an escort service I worked for. clint proceeded to tell me I had to dress up in a bunny costume from playboy. I then asked him if I would have a body guard in case something should happen and he told me no. first off I was 16, second off who the hell does he think he is trying to get a kid to be an escort for some guy!! Get someone of age! Besides that, where's my protection if something should go wrong? I wouldn't have any so I would be subject to being raped, no thanks. I told Clint no way, then he proceeded to tell me he showed this guy a picture of me and how he wanted me to be his date that night. And I was completely creeped out because I wondered how Clint even got a picture of me in the first place and he told me he took it on his phone one day while I was putting costumes in my car that I had to pick up at his house. That right there was creepy and out of line from someone who is suppose to be your boss, but not only your boss but a family friend. I was dating his neighbors sons, girlfriends son. So I knew Clint, well thought I did from going over there. If he's so professional why is all his advertising done on computer paper attached to telephone poles?? Spend money in real advertising! He's too cheap to do that. I mean I know how much people pay for those entertainment packages he offers, it's not like he can't afford it if he has all these happy clients all the time. I had to ask one of the hosts how much they paid him and I was shocked. He would tell me it wasn't very much at all and that's why I was getting such a low pay was because it was bad timing, bad economy, he couldn't get what he used to for a gig. that was a total lie. He's a cheap liar who has a thing for pimping out underage girls! look at his ad on his site, he says he has strips for entertainment, meaning strippers. I wasn't aware of that when I worked for him so what was he trying to pull by having me be some guys "arm candy" as he called it? I might have been young but I wasn't stupid. Growing up and it being several years since I came in contact with him, because after that stunt I never answered another call from him, he would call and call to the point of harassment, I have seen how hated he is in the community, we only live a few blocks away. I mean several people rip down his signs because of the things he pulls and how he is with people. At one time he may have been a lagitament business but guess what, he isn't now. And anyone who would use him or be employeed by him would be stupid. He writes his own reviews! Who does that!? Anyway, stay away from ENDLESS VARIETY ENTERTAINMENT and CLINT WANDEL!!!! Very bad news!!


United States of America
C.W.E. HAS CONSTANTLY PROVIDED EXCELLENT 5 STAR SERVICES Always Going Above & Beyond The Contracts With Many Extra Free Effects & Services

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, August 02, 2011

We are  a wedding & party planning Company. We supply & provide everything for events

We have successfully worked with C.W.E. for may years, over 100 events & also hired them for many personal parties

The guest & clients have always had great things to say about Clint & company. we completely agree we have always enjoyed working with them. They always have presented wonderful , high quality services

A couple of times a year my co. & others will have a client that will try every dishonest ploy to get out of paying for services. This Pete Hoch fits right into that short list of deceptive people

After reading his very excessive, very long complaint it proves how he kept adding & adding more falsehoods to convince the public with his deception. He fraudgelantly states no photos,

 photos of Gilligan & Skipper are on C.W.E. web-site

The most important article of proof is purposley missing the signed contract. He never included it because it would prove his fraud & false comments

He states canceling 2 short weeks before the event. Proves he morally & legally had no regard to cheating Mr. Wandel's entertainers

When dishonest people like Pete Hoch, go to such Obvious, Dishonest , Excessive Lengths to commit fraud. It intrigues people to want to hire that company even more. They feel that Co. must be great, for someone to go to all the effort due to their jealous or deceptive agenda

Pete Hoch is the type of person who makes it hard on the general public. Pete Hoch is why every Co.  has to do contracts, advanced deposit, due to his dishonest actions

According to his comment C. W. E. remained honorable. Yet he DID NOT remain honorable

Marion & Fred Danielson


United States of America
STAFF & MANAGEMENT @ UPMC Have always been VERY HAPPY with all the contracts & services provided

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, February 10, 2011

Management & staff members at UPMC we have always been very happy with all the different entertainers & rentals from Clint Wandel & Co. - They have always been great with all the diiferent contracts & services provided. Over 10 years they have given us great talents & more

Daniel  M @ UPMC


United States of America

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, February 06, 2011

We have hired Clint Wandel Enteretainers for Years & Years - They have always been great. We have had M. Jackson, Sonny & Cher, Elvis, Frank Sinatra, Gilligan & Skipper & the whole gang, Robin Williams Impersonators , DJs , Magicians & more. Everytime Great . We have Entertainment 1 a month we are always very happy, with Clint & Co.

Cindy Berkshire

Senior Citizen Club #21 Chairwomen

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

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