  • Report:  #336589

Complaint Review: Clyde Revord Dealership - Everett Washington, Nationwide

Reported By:
- Everett, Washington,

Clyde Revord Dealership
www.revord.com Everett, Washington, Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I just had to send a line while this is all still fresh in my mind.

I went into a well know local car dealership Clyde Revord in Everett, Wa. (this past Memorial Day)

Talked to a young salesman, "Vince" I told him I'd just left a dealership that 'offered me 17 percent interest' to finance and that I was really kind'a disgusted with that....he chuckled and said.."he didn't really want to sell you a car huh?"...then he went on to tell me, he'd "worked there a long time, made a good living on his good reputation, feeling it to be so much easier to be upfront and straight about what he could or could not do for a customer" skipping to about 20 minutes later:

I've now made an offer on a vehicle, provided he can get me financed at a decent interest rate considering my 'minimal' credit score that I'd given him the details on, as earlier that day at another dealership they had run my credit and told me the 'score'.

At that dealership, we just couldn't agree on a price.

He comes back into the room, first telling me no one had checked my score at the other dealership , 'they'd lied to you when they told you they had" he said....I said "yes, they did run it, and I saw it" , he said: "No, they didn't, we just ran it and nothing recent is showing... then he holds the paper towards me, I pointed to the line that had that days date, and he then said..."Oh, I didn't see that"...

Comes back again, tells me the "Lot boy had put the wrong price on the car...but, he would do his best to get it for me at that price"

Then he comes back and says OK, we can do that price, but the best we can do interest rate wise is 14 per cent, but with that we'll need at least $500.00 (they agreed to hold my written check until June 21st) and this will be the payment, showing me his notes"....I said, OK if that is the best that you can do...let's get it done then (I wasn't feeling very well). He leaves for a few moments.

My brother mentions to me he thought "Vince" quoted 13 per cent at first. Vince comes back to the area and invites us towards the 'financing area'

I asked again to be sure about the percentage rate just as we entered "Johns" office (finance) "Now, again Vince, what interest rate have we agreed too...13 percent? ...he replys "No, 14 percent"...." Oh..OK" I said...

"John" has started the paper work, he slides to me one at a time to sign. I look them over, I see 13.99 percent interest, all else seems in order, I sign...finally we are done. .......4 days later I get some bad news about my job....I go out to the car to get the paperwork to check once again my monthly payment...and WOW! I can't believe what I am looking at. Where I thought it had read 13.99 percent interest...it actually was 16.99 percent!!! How did I manage to misread this? This has to be a mistake!

I called them and explained, the salesman "Vince" acts surprised, and asks if "I'd gone back in when he wasn't there for some reason and had other papers written up?" he then wants to convince me "that really the interest rate isn't the MOST important thing" (let me see, 3 points of interest lower, take that amount in the difference and multiply it by 72 months, seems to matter to me!! and it now feels like the amount that they have cunningly taken from me in tricky 'theft' like manner?)....I reply to Vince "the most important thing is that I get the interest rate and price he had quoted me, that he and I had agreed on, when I walked into financing to sign and close the deal"

He tells me what time he will be at work the next day, that I should come by at that time. Admitting he remembered the same agreed percentage rate as I did, and not sure how it happened. Saying that "John" the finance guy would be there as well, and they'll "get it figured out" Next day at appointed time, I get there...No salesman and 'he won't be in until much later".... the same finance guy is there and is now having trouble remembering me, the deal or the vehicle I purchased...from Memorial Day afternoon to June 2nd??

As I start explaining, he say's he doesn't really have anything to do with the paperwork???? But he offers "to look at it and see it he can help" (this IS the SAME guy, that prepared the PAPERS and "CLOSED" the transaction and TOOK my check).... he casually looks over a bunch of papers he's found on the deal, and those I brought with and also his computer then says "I just am not sure what happened....but, the vehicle has already been financed and lisenced and there's nothing they can do, maybe you can go some where else and get it refinanced".

I had to leave, just get out of there, he had no intention of making things right. I was just so furious at the blatant scam that has just occurred and there just wasn't anything I would be able to do about it? Being so sure it was what I saw as 13.99 percent when I'd signed...allowed them to get away with this "con job" ??? ...if I'd felt better that day, been more alert, had my right glasses and had caught the "SCAM" right then, they simply would have said, "whoops..." at which point I would have most likely believed it to just be a mistake.

And to think they've still got my check for $500.00 down! If I stop payment on it, they'll just hold my liscence plates until I'm forced to pay them? There is a real scam quality in all of this type business and the tempation for the fast bigger buck. One can fall prey to being a cheat and thief for the fast buck and convince themselves its 'part of their job" or.....be a "stand up" human, do it faily and above board...and have that real reputation and clientele that makes one an honest success, and puts way better tasting food on their tables.

Getting part of the action/kick back from the finance company they get you financed through, for locking you into the highest interest rate you will "fall for" convincing the client they can't get better, or in my case agree to one, and sneak in another and play 'stupid' if they get caught or until it's to late to be changed or "do anything about it" I came home and called the finance company "Wachovia Dealer Services" explained to a "Julie" what had happened, and what they had said about there being nothing now they could do, she told me that they absolutely could have "resended " the loan as it stood, and did it all over at the correct interest rate"...going on to comment, "they apparently just didn't want too" There wasn't anything she could do to help but tell me I could try and refinance with them in six months?

So, there you have it....just wanted to share a disgusting story about this well known dealership...Clyde Revord in Everett, WA, paying top notch 'theives' to use their "Tools" to sell their cars. The car I bought was a 2006 with only 10 thousand miles on it.....I wonder now if it was an odometer turn back as well!! Those 3 points taken from me would have been very helpful to me now.

If I'd been better at math, and perhaps felt better at the time, I'd have known it wasn't correct. But their slick trick theft has been more costly to them, as I'll share this story with anyone who has the time and interest to listen.... Con Jobs in the car sales business is still very much alive and well at Clyde Revord Dealership in Everett Wa. And apparently practiced regularly.

Sad to think, one has to go into to such a place to do business far beyond just being careful but ON GUARD and ready to pounce, never relax or get trusting...expecting to get royaly screwed if they themselves are not mistrusting enough to be one step ahead of the Cons every moment. I for one just can't patronize any kind of business conducted this way, with a constant eagle eye on the slippery hand working to rob me blind. I'll go back to where my thousands of dollars being spent was appreciated and I was treated with respect, and I didn't feel completely screwed and abused and totally disrespected while giving them my business, and money while they steal from me any 'extra' they can!


Everett, Washington


4 Updates & Rebuttals

R garza

Situation resolved by General Manager!!

#2Author of original report

Fri, June 06, 2008

In regards an earlier report to this site in regards to the Clyde Revord Dealership in Everett Wa. I also sent the story to "Steve" the General Manager. It took some time to find an email address for him. (no one at the dealership was willing to give it to me) finally did google, finding someone that had some sort of a connection and emailed them asking for his email address and got it!! "Steve" called me within a day...offering complete resolve of my choice. Correct the contract with the much lower interest rate agreed on, or to resend the loan and return vehicle...it was my choice. He was professional, respectful and understanding. After thinking on it for hours, I decided to stand on principal and return the vehicle. I learned a lesson of great value...Never get too comfortable...even after the 'proverbial handshake' until you've checked the paperwork over and over and over again before signing! Also....everyone's got a boss, find them and run the problem by them...you may just get lucky and be heard and get the help you are asking for!

R garza

Situation resolved by General Manager!!

#3Author of original report

Fri, June 06, 2008

In regards an earlier report to this site in regards to the Clyde Revord Dealership in Everett Wa. I also sent the story to "Steve" the General Manager. It took some time to find an email address for him. (no one at the dealership was willing to give it to me) finally did google, finding someone that had some sort of a connection and emailed them asking for his email address and got it!! "Steve" called me within a day...offering complete resolve of my choice. Correct the contract with the much lower interest rate agreed on, or to resend the loan and return vehicle...it was my choice. He was professional, respectful and understanding. After thinking on it for hours, I decided to stand on principal and return the vehicle. I learned a lesson of great value...Never get too comfortable...even after the 'proverbial handshake' until you've checked the paperwork over and over and over again before signing! Also....everyone's got a boss, find them and run the problem by them...you may just get lucky and be heard and get the help you are asking for!

R garza

Situation resolved by General Manager!!

#4Author of original report

Fri, June 06, 2008

In regards an earlier report to this site in regards to the Clyde Revord Dealership in Everett Wa. I also sent the story to "Steve" the General Manager. It took some time to find an email address for him. (no one at the dealership was willing to give it to me) finally did google, finding someone that had some sort of a connection and emailed them asking for his email address and got it!! "Steve" called me within a day...offering complete resolve of my choice. Correct the contract with the much lower interest rate agreed on, or to resend the loan and return vehicle...it was my choice. He was professional, respectful and understanding. After thinking on it for hours, I decided to stand on principal and return the vehicle. I learned a lesson of great value...Never get too comfortable...even after the 'proverbial handshake' until you've checked the paperwork over and over and over again before signing! Also....everyone's got a boss, find them and run the problem by them...you may just get lucky and be heard and get the help you are asking for!

R garza

Situation resolved by General Manager!!

#5Author of original report

Fri, June 06, 2008

In regards an earlier report to this site in regards to the Clyde Revord Dealership in Everett Wa. I also sent the story to "Steve" the General Manager. It took some time to find an email address for him. (no one at the dealership was willing to give it to me) finally did google, finding someone that had some sort of a connection and emailed them asking for his email address and got it!! "Steve" called me within a day...offering complete resolve of my choice. Correct the contract with the much lower interest rate agreed on, or to resend the loan and return vehicle...it was my choice. He was professional, respectful and understanding. After thinking on it for hours, I decided to stand on principal and return the vehicle. I learned a lesson of great value...Never get too comfortable...even after the 'proverbial handshake' until you've checked the paperwork over and over and over again before signing! Also....everyone's got a boss, find them and run the problem by them...you may just get lucky and be heard and get the help you are asking for!

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