  • Report:  #518245

Complaint Review: Cojeco - New York New York

Reported By:
user 3533 - , , United States of America

100 Church Street New York, 10003 New York, United States of America
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This report pertains to the aforementioned website Cultureshook.org  run by Gojeco. This website has violated numerous social, legal, and ethical standards in its actions, speech, and activities. There were several examples of each violation, both directly targeted at me and also discovered through discussions with other members, and I will attempt to categorize each violation into broader categories below.

Numerous members of the website Cultureshook.org  have been the victims of racially-bigoted remarks and verbal assaults on this website. Whether it be blatantly and publicly on display in other members' profiles, or directly at victims in private emails or by phone, these racist attacks by other members occur to the degree that some members now accept them as a "given" with regards to this website, and most have stopped complaining to the Cultureshook.org  website's owner due to the owner's inaction against the perpetrators, and the owner's own retaliatory actions against the complaining individuals especially when the complaining individuals protest the unfair treatment by the owner. The Cultureshook.org website refuses to remove openly racist remarks and racist jokes on the website, and refuses to even address or discipline the members who made them. There are a number of examples, which I and other members have been involved in or witness to, in which the website owner and other members not only blatantly violated the rules set forth in the Cojeco website's User Contract, but also violated our basic civil rights as consumers and individuals. The owner of Cultureshook.org not only consistently refused to denounce or confront such behavior when it is brought to his attention, he condoned it.

The aforementioned website Cultureshook.org  is also involved in the illegal activity of promoting prostitution and illegal drug use, despite the website's User Contract clearly stating its intolerance of such activity. This website has specialized areas, devoted to the advertisement of the services of escorts and prostitutes to the site's members. This Cojeco website also promotes illegal drug use, and actually has a question in members' profiles which asks if they "party" and use drugs, as an overall means for the facilitation of illicit drug-using members to find and connect with others that do as well. This website glorifies the contraction of HIV/AIDS, and openly encourages members to advertise and engage in "conversion" parties, in which HIV+ men will attempt to convert HIV- men to HIV+ status.  During these parties, the victim (or victims) may be either a willing participant, or completely ignorant as to what is really going on. Closely tied to these parties is the "party" culture (having sex while under the influence of drugs). In these parties, the victim is drugged and/or encouraged to partake in the use of illicit drugs, both of which facilitate the infection and seroconversion of the victim. The website Cultureshook.org actually has a specialized area for members to advertise such parties, and also made special attempts to forewarn its members to be more discrete about their advertisements, searches, and communications related to partying and playing ("pnp"), as the website was apparently coming under increasing scrutiny for its condonement and encouragement of these activities. All of the above continues to the present, and this website apparently serves as a conduit for numerous illegal activities, including the sale and distribution of illegal substances, in addition to those mentioned above.

The aforementioned website, Cultureshook.org  as stated above, arbitrarily terminated the memberships of non-white members, even when these members had never violated any contractual agreements or legal statutes. This Cojeco  website also engaged in deceitful and illegal tactics targeted at its complaining consumers, both to mislead and discourage the consumer from successfully filing a report, and also to retain monetary payments from the consumer even after the consumer had unfairly been terminated from the website. There are multiple reports in which a non-white member simply lodged a complaint with the owner regarding written and verbal bigotry and harassment by another member (who happened to be white). In these cases, the complaining member was purposefully given false and misleading information regarding who to complain to, i.e. "You'll have to call back in a few days since the owner is out of town, when the owner was actually in the office, and "You need to file a complaint with the police and not with us," when the complaint was clearly one arising from the website and not one of judicial legality.

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