  • Report:  #345206

Complaint Review: Comcast - Boston Massachusetts

Reported By:
- E. Boston, Massachusetts,

www.comcast.net Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I saw a flyer that said "Got cable? Do you need cable?? No matter the issues you had in the past.....call 781-866-1314". I owe Comcast ober $500.00 in past bills and was shut off due to non-payment. I am on SSDI and got behind because rent and food comes first.

I saw this ad and called and spoke to "Nicole" who claimed to be a sub-contractor for Comcast and she could get people Cable, Internet and Phone Service even with bad credit and past bills to Comcast. It sounded good to me so I had given her my address to set up service. She told me she would call me back.

I got a call back from Nicole that evening and then she told me the way this works she said "I make up simple names and fake social security numbers and since I enter the orders in the computer, Comcast does not ask me to verify anyone's identity". I felt very uneasy about the situation but I needed cable television. She said once she completed the order she would call me again.

She called me the following day with this information " You will use the name Kevin Cross and the last four digits of this ss#. You will have service under this name and remember to always use that name and last 4 digits when communicating with Comcast." She gave me a due date.

I waited for the due date, NO COMCAST. I called Comcast and they told me that the name given was not on my mail box and that a disconnected phone number was on the order the got. I told them to cancel the service.

I tried to no avail to call Nicole and told her what happened and she has not returned a phone call to me. Now Comcast will NOT install any services in my apartment because she set this up.

I left Nicole numerous messages including that I would turn her in to the Attorney Generals Office and the police and she is still advertising this to the City of Chelsea and Chelsea is a below average to medium average income city.

Something must be done to stop this woman and make it publically known about this.

Her number is 781-866-1314 ask her about her services.


Comcast fraud!

E. Boston, Massachusetts


7 Updates & Rebuttals


Beverly Hills,
And you are complaining about what ?

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, May 13, 2009

O.K. Others have already made this abundantly clear but let's recap. 1) You NEEDED Cable service so you rationalized Identity Theft. In your mind you didn't because you just went along for the ride, right ? You only did what someone told you to. So if someone told you to put $1,000.00 on a hand of Black Jack and you did .. Then lost, at that point it would be that person's fault you lost the $1,000.00 huh ? It is people with your philosophies on life that destroy the moral fiber of this Country ! 2) You are actually upset at Comcast for not allowing you to get service in another different name there without paying your past due bill ? LMAO ! I know for a FACT, that Comcast still would not deny you service if you paid the back bill. In fact, if you file Bankruptcy you can get service again if you list them as a debt discharged. Bottom line is you commited fraud and now you are upset that Comcast caught on to you and is making you pay your back bill - wow .. you are extremely intelligent ! 3) You are not very bright as it is either because unless you have proof this person told you to do this, like a tape recording, it is your word versus their word and you could be sued now for libel as well as I am sure slander by your general attitude. This person would have a very strong case and all they would have to do is state they didn't do this and you gave them the information - they simply put the order in. This simple post of yours here could destroy their livelihood, their career, and their entire life as well as possibly children's lives in their family. Whether od not they did is not what matters - legally speaking you have put yourself in the proverbial hot seat in so many ways it shows you are one of the most ignorant people I have read in my life. You should be on that show "America's Dumbest Criminals" I would love to see in the news how you lost a couple hundred thousand dollar lawsuit for lost wages etc .... 4) You, again, are a very interesting individual - You don't want to take any responsibility for your own actions which honestly have (at this point) lead to no repercussions amazingly. You could be in jail and bankrupt for venting right here, and you do not even realize this !!



#3Consumer Comment

Tue, August 19, 2008

Does Comcast offer that amnesty program here in Ma.? If so maybe they should let their Direct sales agents use it. I was approached by one of them and had to pay off my entire balance before service could be restored. I am appaled that you as a Comcast employee would speak that way about a direct sales agent . From what I seen in the person he was a hard worker knocking on doors for a living that is a tough job and I would not want to be in his shoes. Anyways I wrote out a check to Comcast for my full amount and my service was restored but I think that the direct sales would have better results with a program like that


New York,
So you condone identity theft and fraud

#4Consumer Suggestion

Mon, August 18, 2008

when it suits your purpose and have the nerve to claim a ripoff! ""I got a call back from Nicole that evening and then she told me the way this works she said 'I make up simple names and fake social security numbers and since I enter the orders in the computer, Comcast does not ask me to verify anyone's identity'. I felt very uneasy about the situation but I needed cable television. She said once she completed the order she would call me again."" You NEEDED cable vision? It's OK to commit fraud and identity theft just so YOU can watch TV? SCUM! ""I waited for the due date, NO COMCAST. I called Comcast and they told me that the name given was not on my mail box and that a disconnected phone number was on the order the got. I told them to cancel the service."" You're lucky you weren't arrested for identity theft and fraud. But, there's hope that maybe you will be prosecuted in the future. Scum! ""I tried to no avail to call Nicole and told her what happened and she has not returned a phone call to me. Now Comcast will NOT install any services in my apartment because she set this up."" You mean because of your attempted identity theft and FRAUD. You should be PROSECUTED. ""I left Nicole numerous messages including that I would turn her in to the Attorney Generals Office and the police and she is still advertising this to the City of Chelsea and Chelsea is a below average to medium average income city. "" ""Something must be done to stop this woman and make it publically known about this."" What does your income level have to do with anything? You willingly and KNOWINGLY participated in identity theft and fraud. I'm amazed you haven't been arrested yet. Do you have any idea about the time and expense HONEST folks go through to clear up their credit and lives after being a victim of identity theft? I do. I work with folks all the time on a volunteer basis to resolve credit issues. Do you even care? Probably not, as getting to watch American Idol, Oprah, and Leave it to Beaver reruns is an absolutely MUST have situation in your world! Your a criminal and now you cry "ripoff!" because the cable company won't give you ANOTHER opportunity to get something for nothing. SCUMBAG!!!


this is unbelievable

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, August 18, 2008

You are mad that someone didn't help you scam Comcast? You admitted to owing over $500 in back payment, yet you expect anyone to help you get service again? As for your statement: "I needed cable television"...as far as I can remember, no one NEEDS cable television to live.



#6UPDATE Employee

Mon, August 11, 2008

The lady that you are referring to is called a "direct sales" agent. They are a dirty word to those of us working in the customer service centers. Basically, they get paid on straight comission and will do just about anything in order to get it. If you really want Comcast cable again ask specifically for the "Amnesty Program". This is a program that was set up for individuals like yourself who owe a large amount to the company and cannot afford to pay it. Comcast will lower your old bill by half and go ahead and install services at your residence. The remaining portion of the bill will be split into six monthly payments and added onto your monthly bill. In order to keep this a manageable amount I would suggest that you get the cheapest service possible (ask for "limited basic") and KEEP IT until you have paid the old bill off. Then you can upgrade your service to what you can afford.


New Jersey,
So how much did 'she' scam you out of

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, July 23, 2008

trying to help you scam Comcast?



#8Consumer Comment

Tue, July 22, 2008

I am happy that Comcast did not give you service. You are at fault just as much as her. If you pay your bill you can get Comcast again. Why not pay some thing on it every month and when you get down to zero bam you can have cable . I am a current happy Comcast customer.

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