  • Report:  #1358020

Complaint Review: Comcast - Nationwide

Reported By:
Sheri - Tamarac, Florida, USA

Nationwide, USA
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The beginning of October, 2016, I moved into a new apartment.  Because of a storm that came through my area, I was unable to get my service with Comcast/Xfinity connected until the middle of the month.  I opted to get the three service package - telephone, cable, and internet for $99.00.  It would cost $10/month for a box, plus taxes - coming to a total of about $120.  I am a senior living on social security.  Every penny is allocated toward a monthly expense. The $120 was within my budget.

I made the first payment and then got a bill that was higher than what I had been told.  I called Customer Service, was told that the bill would be adjusted, and was given an amount to pay - which I immediately paid with my debit card.  A month later, another bill came in - again too much money.  Again, I called Customer Service, was told that the bill would be adjusted, and paid the amount I was told to pay.

When the next bill came in - again too high, I decided to go to the Comcast/Xfinity Office and speak to them personally.  I spoke to a very nice young man who looked over my account.  He stated that I had never been put on  the $99.00 package.  The reason my bill was so high was because I had been billed separately for each service.  It took him about an hour - making adjustments - and he supposedly “fixed” my account.  I then made another payment.

He told me that all I owed was the upcoming month for February, 2017.  I told him that I had to wait until I got my social security on the 3rd.   He said there was no problem as there was a 10 day “Grace Period”.  But, he said that I should come into the office to make the payment.  In this way, he would make sure the payment was posted correctly.  He gave me his email - should there be any other problem.

About a week later, I got a bill from Comcast stating that I owed $495.00!  I immediately emailed “my guy” asking that he straighten it out.  I never got a response. But, I wasn’t worried.  My social security was coming in, I would go back to the office, and would get it rectified.

I decided to go to Comcast on Saturday, February 4th to make my payment.  That morning, I discovered that my service had been disconnected!  I called Customer Service and was immediately transferred over to a Collection Agency!  I was told that I had to come up with $150 right then and in 10 days on February 14th had to come up with an additional $160.00!  I would not get my service reconnected unless I authorized this additional payment.  As I needed to get my service back, I had no choice but to authorize the payment - figuring that I would contact “my guy” and he would fix it.  The problem was, that if the money was taken out, my bank account would get overdrawn.    Again, I emailed “my guy” and did not get a response.  (I found out that he had been on vacation).

I got a notice from my bank that $168.00 was taken out of my account, overdrawing it.  I again contacted “my guy” and this time, he did get back to me.  He stated that he tried getting my account credited but was told by accounting that the most he could authorize was $80.00.   He would have to request an additional $80.00 later.  I told him that I expected the full amount refunded immediately - as I never owed the money.  Also, as it had been sent to a Collection Agency, it potentially would have a negative effect on my Credit Score.

The bank has now charged me a $36.00 overdraft fee. I informed Comcast that I expected this also to be reimbursed.  I have yet to get the money back.


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