  • Report:  #1222126

Complaint Review: Comcast/Xfinity - Internet

Reported By:
Karen - Jacksonville, Florida, USA

Internet, USA
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This is one "chat" with Comcast. The name showing for me is "David" because the account's in his name. This is about the third chat with them, then there were another 5 following, It's been over a month and nothing's been corrected or credited.                                                                                                                                                                   

Jan: Hello DAVID_, Thank you for contacting Comcast Live Chat Support. My name is Jan. Please give me one moment to review your information.
Jan: Let me extend a warm smile to make your day even brighter! I look forward to helping you today. How's your day so far?
DAVID_: My Issue: Do I have to call and speak to someone in billing about getting a credit on my bill or can chat do it?
Jan: Hi there, David. I am here to help you.
Jan: I understand that you would like to have credit, is that correct?
DAVID_: yes
Jan: I am here to check if it is valid or not.
DAVID_: ok
Jan: Thank you so much. I too would like to make sure that I am being credited correctly.
Jan: Rests assure that you will be guided accordingly.
Jan: May you please verify your last 4 of SSN?
DAVID_: 0130
Jan: Awesome!
Jan: Please wait for 2-3 minutes as I pull your account.
DAVID_: ok
Jan: Thank you.
Jan: What is the credit all about, David?
DAVID_: The credit would be for one month free due to the hours of phone calls, chats, and meeting comcast in my home only to still not have service that completely works. I will not call again since I know by now that Comcast just can't fix my issues and I must live with the half-assed service I get. I am so frustrated with Comcast, I could pull my hair out!
DAVID_: I'd also like to know why my bill is $172.93, too.
Jan: Let me check taht for you.
DAVID_: ok
Jan: I have pulled up your account.
DAVID_: I'm not behind on my bill and yet I have a cut off notice for service I haven't had yet.
Jan: The credit is for $20, let me go ahead and process that and check why your bill is high.
DAVID_: $20??? That's insane. Should I call for a supervisor? Can one take over this chat?
DAVID_: Still there?
Jan: I am still checking.
DAVID_: ok
DAVID_: Don't mean to****** at you, but this is ridiculous.
DAVID_: Let's say I don't mean to "yell" at you.
Jan: I can surely help you, the maximum credit is for $40.
Jan: Shall I go ahead and process the $40 credit?
DAVID_: Can I speak to a supervisor?
Jan: Sure! Please wait for a moment as I look for my supervisor. Thank you so much.
DAVID_: Thanks
Jan: You are most welcome.
Jan: David, I am here, please wait.
Jan: My supervisor is pulling up his tools for you.
Jan: Please wait for a moment.
Jan: Please wait for a moment as I transfer you.
Jan: Please wait, while the problem is escalated to another analyst
DAVID_: My Issue: Do I have to call and speak to someone in billing about getting a credit on my bill or can chat do it?
Waiting for response from Jan
user DAVID has entered room
analyst Manendra has entered room
analyst Jan has left room
Manendra: It's a pleasure to have you on chat. How are you doing today?
DAVID_: So, my time is worth about $2.50 per hour for trying to help you keep me as a customer? That's what a $40 credit amounts to basically. I run a real estate office here and give new homeowners ideas about who to contact for different services. There is nothing about Comcast (at least in the last 7 months I've been here) that would ever make me want to refer Comcast to them. If anything, I'd tell them to choose any other company. I've never had a satisfactory outcome from any technician who's been here (there have been 5!), nor any calls or chats (there have been many). My internet and TV always have the same issues. I don't want to try to fix it anymore. If techs can't fix it when they're here, I can't. I don't have time for this. I just want to feel some sort of satisfaction. $40 is not it.
DAVID_: Not good. Please read the chat above.
Manendra: David, as I can see you want to chat with Billing to get some credit on your bill?
DAVID_: are you not billing?
Manendra: David, you chat has been mistakenly directed to Sales Department where we set up new accounts and upgrade services. However, no worries. if you allow me I can transfer your chat to our Billing department. I will also put a note so that you will not have to repeat your self.
Manendra: Shall I do that for you?
Manendra: I apologize for any inconvenience.
DAVID_: Typical. I have done this before and usually get 3-4 people before the right one. Yes, please transfer me.
Manendra: Sure, please stay online.
DAVID_: ok
Manendra: Please wait, while the problem is escalated to another analyst
user DAVID has entered room
analyst Carissa has entered room
DAVID_: ok
Carissa: You have reached the Billing Department. Allow me to assist you with your concern for today. You can call me Riz, hope you are doing fine.
Waiting for response from Manendra
analyst Manendra has left room
Carissa: Good day, David!
DAVID_: Please read the chat so far.
Carissa: I understand that you are requesting for a credit on your account. I will be very glad to check this for you, David.
DAVID_: Thanks
Carissa: I too would also like to be on top of my bill.
Carissa: You are most welcome.
Carissa: Please allow me 2-3 minutes to check this for you.
DAVID_: ok
Carissa: Thank you.
Carissa: David , thank you for staying online.
Carissa: Upon reading the notations, the chat is supposed to be forwarded to a supervisor, correct?
DAVID_: yes
DAVID_: a supervisor transferred me to you
DAVID_: are u a supervisor?
Carissa: Oh! I do apologize for that, I am not a supervisor , David. Please do stay online as I request for one.
DAVID_: Oh my God! This is a joke!!!
Carissa: The previous agent transferred you to a wrong department.
DAVID_: You guys must be doing this on purpose.
Carissa: I do apologize for that. I too will also feelthe same if it happens to me.
DAVID_: The last one was a supervisor!
Carissa: David,please do stay online as I process to transfer you.
DAVID_: Don't mean to take it out on you, but really? This is crazy. PLEASE, please transfer me to the right person and ask them to read the entire chat.
Carissa: Please wait, while the problem is escalated to another analyst
user DAVID has entered room
analyst Shiela May has entered room
DAVID_: ok
Waiting for response from Carissa
analyst Carissa has left room
Shiela May: Hi, Im Shiela, a supervisor. How are you doing today?
DAVID_: Not good, Shiela. Please read entire chat.
DAVID_: This entire chat is making my point very clearly.
Shiela May: I'm sorry to hear that. I understand we have some billing issues and you were connected to the wrong line. I'll do my best to assist you.
DAVID_: ok
Shiela May: May I have a minute or two to go over the coversation log to get a better picture of what's going on?
DAVID_: This is typical of every chat or call I've had with Comcast.
Shiela May: Carissa gave me a brief headsup on the issue, but I want to check the one you had with Jan.
DAVID_: ok
Shiela May: I appreciate your patience for this.
DAVID_: ok
Shiela May: I understand that you were requesting for a credit due to the non-service days and incovenience, is that right David?
DAVID_: yes
DAVID_: Mostly inconvenience.
Shiela May: I can help you with this.
DAVID_: ok
Shiela May: May I just get a confirmation first that the services are already up and running?
DAVID_: They are. It's not that they are off, they just don't work properly. It's not something I even want to fix at this point. I'll just live with it.
DAVID_: I don't know if my account shows how many calls, chats and visits we've had, but I know it can't be fixed.
DAVID_: While I typed that, the Pandora app went out.
Shiela May: I see. I would want to make sure that your services should be working satisfactorily. For the meantime I can help you with a credit request.
DAVID_: ok
Shiela May: Just so I can properly document your account, may I ask when these issues started?
DAVID_: The day we got the service.
Shiela May: And you mentioned you had technicaians over already to look at it, right?
Shiela May: *technicians
DAVID_: It's never worked right. I had to beg to get a new DVR. The last guy brought one but assured me it isn't new. The techs always blame the last tech. If one issue gets cleared up, another one starts.
DAVID_: The last guy (a couple of weeks ago) gave me his personal number in case the issue isn't resolved. It took about a week for the DVR to fail, but it did. I can't take off from work and keep dealing with this. I know it just won't be fixed.
DAVID_: I just don't want to pay so much for a service that has caused us so much aggravation.
Shiela May: I understand David and again I apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you. Does it happen only to the internet service?
DAVID_: no, mostly dvr
Shiela May: Oh I see.
DAVID_: The internet goes out about once a week and I have to wait about 1/2 hour.
DAVID_: The Pandora is on my TV
Shiela May: I am going over your account right now to assess the status of your services, as well as if the technician left notes that I can refer to. So I can better calculate the credits that I can process.
Shiela May: Can you stay online for 3-5 mins while I do this?
DAVID_: yes
Shiela May: Thank you David
DAVID_: The last guy who came out said his records showed he was the 2nd tech called out. He was the 5th!
DAVID_: First 2 were here 4 hours and ran cables around my doorways. 2nd guy said how tacky that was, but left them there. He was here about 2 hours. The last techs were here over an hour each.
Shiela May: And just to confirm, the first technicians were from last year, is that right?
DAVID_: Most were from 6-7 months ago when we moved here.
Shiela May: Yes, the notes were mainly focused on installation. But I did notice that the technicians sent out from the start of the year are mainly for trouble calls.
Shiela May: The last one noting that it was for a non-respondent box.
DAVID_: We had given up until the Super Bowl. When we couldn't rewind to see a play without the DVR taking us to the very start of the game, or very end (with no way to see in between).
DAVID_: The "new" dvr he put in is better, but still does this from time to time. The apps don't work well at all.
Shiela May: I see. Now this what we will do.
DAVID_: We have Tivos when we moved in, which we were assured we could use with Comcast. We still pay monthly for them and can't use them.
DAVID_: One tech said "no way". Another said, "He just didn't want to do it".
DAVID_: You might add that into the equation. $20 per month for Tivos we can't use with your service.
DAVID_: I'll gladly scan the bill
Shiela May: I have documented that request as well David.
Shiela May: For the moment I will put in an initial credit of $50.00 on your account. I will process this now, and it will be posted online within 24 hrs.
Shiela May: Most of the time, credits are not processed by agents until the service issue is resolved.
DAVID_: I can't go thru it again.
Shiela May: But I will gladly put this in your account right now.
Shiela May: I will also make sure that there are no charges for technician visits for recurring issue.
Shiela May: I will conduct a full investigation on your account and process additional credits based on the result of the investigation.
Shiela May: This may take some time though, and I don't want to keep you. Whatever the result will be, I will personally document and process on your account.
Shiela May: You can have a representative just check on my notes the next time.
Shiela May: I also strongly encourage you contact the technician who last worked with you, to report or provide a feedback on the services.
DAVID_: Please, also tell me what my bill should be each month, why it's about $25 more this month, why we are threatened for disconnection when we haven't used the service yet, and why the bill in my hand shows a cutoff of Feb 24 (today) and the online account shows Feb 28.
DAVID_: And about how long before I know what credit I'll get?
Shiela May: You can check the account for updates in 2-3 days to be sure, I'll try my best to complete it sooner.
DAVID_: ok
Shiela May: Let me go ahead and get that breakdown of your monthly charges.
DAVID_: ok
Shiela May: Sorry for the wait David
Shiela May: I can see here that youn are paying for a promo rate of $99.99 + $10 wireless gateway rental + $11.96 for the 4 additional outlets (at $2.99 each) + $5 anyroom dvr service + taxes (approx $17.09)
Shiela May: So that is around $144.04 in monthly recurring charges.
DAVID_: ok
DAVID_: Why the extra $30?
Shiela May: I am quickly scanning your ledger and found some 1-time fees in the past. Like Reconnection Fees, Late fees, which I believe are not anticipated when you made your regular payments.
DAVID_: It's almost (almost) laughable that my Pandora keeps going out while we chat.
DAVID_: I've never had a company charge me (and charge reconnect fees) when I'm not really late.
DAVID_: There's no past due balance. You must have to explain this all the time.
DAVID_: Seems like just another way to get more money.
Shiela May: I will include that in my investigation as well David.
DAVID_: Thank You.
Shiela May: I will need some time to go over your history. It is possible that we have missed the timing in payment in referrence to your cutoff period. Rest assured I will include that in mu documentation as well.
DAVID_: ok
Shiela May: So it is possible that eventhough you make payments each month, the charges for the new month would have been posted already, making your running balance higher.
Shiela May: But again I want to confirm this myself as well and will makre recommndations.
DAVID_: I don't know. I really don't mean to be rude or take it out on you, Shiela May. I do appreciate your help.
DAVID_: I have been chatting now for over an hour and a half. And this is only one of the many chats and calls I've made.
Shiela May: I will do my best to get this straightened out for you David. For the meantime I'll process that initial $50 credit. Investigate on your account, make recommendations. And you can contact the technician for the feedback on the work done.
Shiela May: Thank you for your cooperation in making this work out.
Shiela May: Oh I apologize, here in chat support we are not capable of sending emails. But I guarantee that I will be posting everything in your account.
DAVID_: Okay. I'd really hate to have to do this all again.
Shiela May: Its also be convenient in a way, so any representative can access it right away.
Shiela May: No worries, you can refer the representative to supervisor notes on your account.
DAVID_: ok
Shiela May: You will not need to repeat the issue.
DAVID_: ok
DAVID_: So, I just check back in a couple of days and I should see credits in my account?
DAVID_: Am I set to be disconnected, like the bill shows?
Shiela May: Yes you can check back in 2-3 days and no you are not up for disconnection.
DAVID_: ok, thanks
Shiela May: You are welcome David.
DAVID_: I appreciate your help and I'll check back on Friday. Thanks again.
Shiela May: I am happy to do this for you David.
Shiela May: I know you must have been frustrated, so again I appreciate your cooperation, and I appreciate the time you took to chat with me.
DAVID_: Have a nice day.
Shiela May: Is that is all for now then I hope you enjoy the rest of the day as well David.

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